Becoming Whole

By moc.liamtoh@MDJeM

Published on Jul 17, 2000


Send all suggestions, comments, critiques, and flames to Nothing is set in stone until written so please send your ideas. BTW, this is fiction and so on and so on. Any person mentioned in here could or could not be gay, and I probably don't want to know if they are. None of my business. Although you have to admit, JC's James Dean look is just way too sexy. LOL =:o) Enjoy


Previously from CHAPTER TWO

"So what do you all want to do now?" JC looked at us both, waiting.

"You aren't going to leave with them?" I said pointing in the direction the boys went.

"Nah, they have to go and sleep and stuff. You all wanna go catch a movie or something." I was actually pondering saying 'no' just to see Marks face but he answered first.

"Sure we'd love to."

"Cool. Let me just grab my stuff and we'll go. Stay here, okay."

"Okay." Mark answered, practically swooning over JC.

"Dork." Mark didn't even hear me while I laughed.


Hottie. The only way to describe JC. From his caring blue eyes to his well-defined body, you can't help but stare. But I had to control myself. I did not want to creep him out or anything. I didn't even know if he was gay, let alone, interested. I took a soothing breath and awaited his return. After minute, Mark stopped gawking and turned to me.

"I am so going to hurt you." Mark was staring at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Just please assure me you will be tact and behave." I lectured him fully aware that Mark wouldn't do anything TOO stupid.

"Yes father." I pulled Mark into a headlock and started giving him a noogie.

"Take that back."

"No never." Mark grabbed both of my hand. We tried to overpower each other when there was a gasp from the door and then laughter. We both turned to see JC at the door snickering.

"Hey ya'll, is it all right if I ride with ya? I rode with the guys and they are going to leave soon."

"Sure JC."

"Well, then if you ladies are ready to go?" JC smirked and then darted out the door. We quickly followed in pursuit. By the time we reached outside, we lost sight of him.

"Hmm, I wonder where he went?" I jerked my head to the left and Mark turned his head. There was a small part of JC's shoe that stood out from behind the side of the building. Mark smiled and walked passed JC as if he did not notice him. JC reached out his hand to touch Mark's shoulder when I jumped out. JC turned white...r. I fell down laughing.

" scared...the shit out of me." JC was slowly regained his breath as I was losing mine in my fit. "Okay okay you can stop before I get you."

I stopped laughing, stood up, and started to walk away. "Promises promises." I then ran towards my car. I heard foots steps fast behind me. I pulled out my keys, clicked the unlocked. I quickly got inside and locked the doors. JC stopped outside my car, tried the door, and then tapped on the window. I rolled down the window, slightly.


"Can we get inside?"

"What's the magic saying?"


"Nope." I smiled at his ignorance. Mark just sighed and smiled.


"No." I started to laugh.

"It's Abra Cadabra JC." I turned and glared at Mark.

"Abra Cadabra." JC just jumped up and down as if he guessed it.

"Huh, how do you guess?" I clicked the unlock and laughed.

"So what movie do ya'll want to see." I question my passengers and I started the car. Mark started listing off the movies at the nearby cinema. Then there was a battle to sway my vote between scary movie and x-men. Normally I would have gone with x-men, but I was in the mood for scary movie, so JC won.

"Yeah baby." JC was waving his arms in the arms dancing to a ghost rhythm. I cracked up. Mark stuck his tongue out at JC.

"Mark, does your tongue EVER tire?" Marks eyes widened again. I was so on a roll tonight.

"Oh this means war. Hey JC, wanna hear about how me and Joe met?" Mark was playing dirty.

"Tell it, you die."

"Sweet death. Okay, Me and Joe were at this party at my friends house." I was turning red already. "Well he had too much to drink and started to get a little friendly with this straight guy. Well at least everyone thought he was straight. Then the guy pulls Mark into this french kiss. Well Mark just threw his hands around the guy and started grinding. Then Mark started feeling him up and found out that something was missing between the guys legs."

"No way!" JC was now on crack.

"Oh yeah. Then Joe pulls back surprised. THEN the girl asked him if he wanted some nookie."

"Oh my god."

I decided to continue the story from there. "Well then Mark saw my predicament and came to my side, put his arms around me, and told the girl to leave his man alone or else he was going to bitch slap her till tomorrow." By the time JC and Mark had finished laughing, we reached the theater. I was SO going to kill Mark.

The movie was so funny, I was in tears just from the beginning. JC sat between Mark and me. Mark couldn't have tried any more to retrain from making some moves on JC. I smiled at Mark's willpower. But Mark was a little jealous when JC started flirting with me. After the movie I had to drive Mark home because he had work tomorrow.

"Well it was nice meeting you JC." Mark stuck his hand out for JC to shake.

"You too." JC shook his hand and smiled.

"Night ya'll." Mark got out of the car and walk up to the door. He turned, waved, and walked inside.

"So you want to grab something to eat." JC smiled at me awaiting my response. I melted. I mean, who could say no. So JC and I decided to go to this little café nearby.

I woke up wrapped in someone's arms. The warmth enveloped me. But then the realization struck me, what the hell? I turned around and found the owner. JC. Okay, calm down. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. It didn't work. AHHH. I remembered last night. We tried the café but there were too many people there so I drove him back to his hotel. He invited me up to chat. And then after 10 minutes of conversation, we kissed. Oh god he was good. And what he could do with that mouth. So tender and passionate. I shook my head as I realized something else, nature was calling. I slowly tried to take his arms off of me. He felt differently and pulled me closer. Ack, he touched my bruise.

"JC?" I whispered in his ear to wake him up.

"Hmm." He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled. "Hey. Good morning." He seemed to be taking this with more calm.

"Um...I have to um go." His face immediately saddened.

"Oh, you want to leave?" God, he looked like a sad puppy.

"No, I have to go. Nature's phoning me." It took him a second to realize what I was talking about.

"Oh." He unwrapped his arms from me. "Sorry."

"Don't be." I smiled to assure him I wasn't like freaking out. I stood from the back and realized I was naked. I grabbed my boxers from the ground and slipped them on. I walk to the bathroom and relieved myself. I looked in the mirror. I had to smile. And then my mind reeled again. I saw most of the little scrapes had healed but my bruise was still there and my stitches still stuck out. Okay okay. Just don't panic. Breath in, breath out. I quickly washed my hands and sprinkled water on my face. I dried myself and walked back into the room. JC was on the bed in his boxers sitting Indian style on the bed. Damn he was sexy. I walked over to the bed and sat down in front of him. "So..."

"yeah um..." We both tried to think of something to say. Nothing seemed to come to mind. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Josh you up...yet." For some reason, the door wasn't locked and in walked a guy with curly hair. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you had company." He turned his back to us. "Um, we're having breakfast in Chris' room in 30. Okay?"

"Okay, bye curly." Justin quickly left the room, slightly flushed.

"So I guess you should get ready." I was panicking. Does he want me to leave? Does he want to talk? Oh god he was good. Man his arms felt so great around me. No no, just stop. Ugh.

"Um...why don't you come with me. I think the rest of the guys would like to meet you." He looked more nervous then I was.

"Are you sure? I mean um." Complete pandemonium.

"If you don't want to you don't have to."

"No, I guess I should." I don't know I should but I didn't know what else to do.

"Not if you don't want to. But they would like to meet gimpy."

Oh, so that's why, duh. How many people know? "Sure." We sat there in silence. We both leaned forward to stand and hit our heads. "Oh, sorry"

"No that's...fine." Our eyes locked as our heads we only inches away. We leaned forward and out lips locked. At first it was light but then we pushed forward more and our tongue met. Our arms wrapped around each other as he pulled me back on top of him. I couldn't get enough of him and my arms caressed his skin all over. I could feel him doing the same with me. I wanted him. God he was so hot. All the passion elicited a moan from me, which was captured in his throat. Our kiss broke as my lips went for his neck. I lightly bit him.

"Ahh, god." JC tilted his head back as I started to travel further down. I started licking around his left nipple, then his right. His hand started running through my hair. I moved further down, my tongue leaving a trail. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I stopped what I was doing, rolled off to his side and sighed.

"What?!" JC yelled, out of breath.

"Breakfast is here, come on Josh." This time is what Joey.

"OKAY!" He turned to me and we gained eye contact again. Quickly I looked away for I knew what would happen. "You coming?"

"Yeah." We both quickly got dressed and started to head to Chris' room. I was trying to stay calm. I really was. But my I started to be faster as I became more nervous.

"Okay, before we head in, calm down." He took my hand in my hand and looked me in the eyes. "They won't hurt you."

"I know." God those eyes. Again our eyes locked and we started to lean in. Our lips met softly, massaging each other. This time, however, we both pulled back and grin. I felt the blood going to my face again, and somewhere else. My pants seemed to be shrinking.

"Okay, we better go in before we get started again."

"Yeah." I took a deep breath as JC opened the door. Inside was two carts, before filled with food. Joey and Lance sat on a couch to my left while stuff their faces with food. Chris was talking with Justin, apparently making jokes as Justin was laughing. I exhaled as JC and I walked in.

"Hey guy." The guy all stopped what they were doing and noticed my presence. "This is gimpy." JC chuckled as I smacked his arm and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Unlike popular belief, I'm actually Joe." I nervously awaited a response. Instead, they all nodded and then continued what they were doing before.

"Hey, I think they like you." JC went up to the carts and pilled himself a plate. "You gonna eat?" JC held out a plate for me to fill.

"Sure." I put some eggs and bacon my plate and ate in the silence. The guy were just filling themselves with food like they need to store some for later. The first one done and to speak was Joey.

"So Joe, since you don't like gimpy, is there anything else we can call ya because our names sound too much alike."

I laughed a little at that for some reason. "Um, well it doesn't help any but a lot of people call me JD."

Joey chuckled a little. "No it does not."

"How bout...Dan."


"What? It's my middle name."

"Oh, ok...Dan." Joey smiled and sat back in the couch, stretching a little.

The rest of the guys finished and we conversed about little things, and it was obvious no one seemed to want to bring up JC and I. I couldn't tell if they were just uncomfortable with gays or just the situation. Luckily they noticed the time.

"Well," Lance begin, "we better get ready. We have an hour before we have to leave but we all know how long it takes Justin to get ready." A fry hit Lance's forehead. Justin whistled while twiddling his thumbs. Lance smirked and continued. "Fatima will have our heads if we're late again so we are leaving early." All the guys nodded and grumbled, then sat up to get ready. I followed JC out of the room and into his, neither of us uttering a word. I closed the door behind me and made sure to not meet his gaze. Again silence filled the air around us, practically choking. I couldn't take it anymore and looked up. Apparently he was looking down before too, because we both looked up at the same time and met gaze. It was something about him that drove me crazy. I immediately went for his lips as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Let's...take...a shower." JC speaking between kisses as he pulled me back towards the shower. We fumbled with our clothing, shedding it on the way. My mind became blank and emotions filled my thoughts.

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