Before and After

By Tsctv Tsctv

Published on Jun 16, 2010


Before and After "Enough is Enough" Written by Tony ________________________________________________________________________

Last time on Before and After. I was having a good time at my pool party especially when Tyler showed up. But Tyler appearance didn't leave the best impressions on everyone Oliver began to act strange when the contact between Tyler and I began to sizzle and when I tried to talk to him, I was distracted and he ended up leaving. At school Adam tried to throw his relationship with mark in my face . But I had to bring him back to reality when I showed him mark flirting with another guy. I thought the drama was on the maximum .well little did I know the Drama was only beginning.

"Steven!" I turned to face Tyler I was laying in his bed, we looked at each other our legs Intertwined with one another my arm draped over his side and his over mine. Our lips met and I was pulled into one of the most passionate kisses known to man, the heat of his body radiated on my skin if that was even possible. I pulled back to catch my breath he laughed "give me your hand" he held out his hand for mine "for what?" I asked he grabbed my hand and we locked fingers "because I want to hold your hand , silly" looking into his eyes was like looking at the eighth wonder of the world they were mystical as if his eyes held a story (I know that sounds a bit corny but that's the way I felt) "I wish we can stay like this forever " I said "well we can my parents don't get home until next week" I kissed him "but my parents wouldn't go for it" I ran my fingers in his hair pulling him close then we heard the door bell "hold that thought babe" he got up off the bed and left out his room I watched as his muscular ass moved to the rhythm of his walk in his basketball shorts "nice ass" I smirked he turned his head and smacked his ass "its all yours" I laughed he left out , I looked around his room it was simple but nice, he was the total opposite of Mark and Oliver in looks and personality my golden Adonis (hehe) ten minutes passed I decided to see what was taking him so long , I put on my sneakers and I left out his room and went downstairs I heard voices coming from the kitchen I peaked in and saw some blond girl standing there they were talking, he looked angry at her, and she looked as if she was sorry about something she came close and kissed him , I felt stupid. Not another Oliver I thought , why was this happening to me again. I bumped into a table in the foyer they both looked "Steven!, its not what it looks like" he immediately said I turned and left out his house pissed off . I went to my car and drove off I looked in the rear view mirror to see him standing there running his fingers in his hair clearly looking distraught but I didn't care how could I do this again

___________________ The next day at school ___________________

I didn't want to be bothered by anyone not even Josh I avoided him and didn't even show up for science, last period before class I caught Oliver looking at me , and he mouthed the words "are you okay" I just turned my back and kept walking. He was the root of all evil , okay maybe I am over reacting just a little but that's the way it seemed . I wish Life was like a Beyoncé song and I could just say "to the left to the left" and just move on , but it wouldn't matter because meeting screwed up guys was just in the cards for me. Not that I believed in fortune telling ,because I don't. but lets look at the track record Below

________________________________________________________________________ On the left you have the one the only Oliver

*Stats Name:Oliver Greyson Nationality: American Eye color :Gorgeous Brown Hair:Shaggy,Chestnut Brown Type:Jock (sexy)

Screw up: Cheated on me with Amanda , and flaunts his relationship in my face , but I think he secretly still loves me , yeah right , he loves himself

In the middle theres Mark the shark *Stats Name: Mark Delauro Nationality: American Eye Color: Sexy Blue Hair: Cropped, Dark brown looks jet black, Type:Jock (Sexy)

Screw up: pretended to be nice, well mark is nice I guess. But he used it to get into my pants and when he did , he lost interest in me and gain interest in Adam, but he did the same thing to Adam.

      • And on the Right you have Tender Tyler *Stats Tyler Lawrence Nationality:American Eye color :mystical Green Hair: Curly shaggy, Blond Type:Jock(sexy)

Screw up: he was kissing some girl , while I was upstairs in his room

I think I see a recurrence in the type . Maybe that was the problem these sexy Jocks ________________________________________________________________________

"Hello earth to Steven" i snapped out of my trance Megan was looking at me "what?" i asked "i said hows things going with you and Tyler" i turned my head and put it down on the desk "are you okay" she sounded worried about me "just leave me alone Megan"i yelled the class went silent then the teacher went back to teaching.

** When I got home Oliver was standing on the front porch . I drove my car into the garage and got out "Oliver I'm not in the mood for you today" he frowned "I just came to see how you are" he could see something was bothering me "what's wrong" Oliver asked me I leaned into him he wrapped his arms around me I missed his scent and being close to him like this, I backed up we looked at each other , then I went in and kissed him, he kissed me back his heart was beating so fast , so was mine I felt his tongue travel in my mouth his left hand was in the back of my head and his right hand was going up and down my back I pulled away "your with Amanda, this is wrong" I stated " Stop saying I am with Amanda , I know the mistake I made, I'm paying for it everyday , but I still want you Steven, I just wanted to feel normal I didn't think it would cost be the best thing that has happened to me" I put my hand on his shoulder "lets go in for a minute".

he followed me inside , no one was home , we went up to my room he sat down on my bed I sat down next to him ."Oliver what about the next time you want to be so called Normal" I stated " Steven, I wont.." with that my doorbell rung I got up "be right back" I went downstairs . And opened the door Tyler was standing there "she kissed me , not the other way around " he walked past me I closed the door and turned to face him. "Tyler I'm not in the mood for your lame excuses" I said "You better be in the mood because I will not lose the best thing that happened to me, Steven I care so much about you, please don't let a little misunderstanding stop what we can have , we have been seeing each other for a few weeks I'm telling you from the bottom of my heart she kissed me , I was just as surprised as you were , I was trying to tell her to leave I told her I met this amazing guy she bum rushed me with that kiss" I felt my eyes well up he hugged me then kiss me, I kissed him back

"get your hands off of him!" I heard Oliver we both looked in his direction."excuse me!" Tyler said with clearly a angry expression Tyler step towards Oliver they were both in each others face , you could smell the testosterone a mile a way "I said get off of my boyfriend" Oliver said Tyler looked at me "its not what you think" how ironic is that haha "what is he talking about" Tyler asked "Oliver I didn't say we were getting back together, we didn't even finish the conversation we were having" "but we kissed and before he knocked you were going to say something" I put my head down "so this is what you do" Tyler yelled "Tyler shut the fuck up okay, I thought you were getting back together with your ex, now Oliver can we talk, Tyler wait here do not leave" I walked into the kitchen he came close and placed his hand on my face his brown eyes had hope in them, I loved those eyes "tell me , we can get back together , I will end things with Amanda" I hugged him he hugged me back "Oliver , you hurt me , and I don't know if I can ever get over that , over what you did to me, I'll always love you , but seeing you with Amanda everyday after you cheated on me killed me , Oliver I forgave you but I didn't forget" "Steven please don't choose him, I can change" I kissed him softly on his forehead "okay, tell some of your friends how you feel about me" Oliver looked defeated "Steven I cant" I shook my head in the negative "no I cant, Tyler is good for me, he knows me and I over reacted but he wont hurt me like you did, Oliver I really do love you , but I'm ready for something new, I`m ready for someone who isn't ashamed of me or himself. You are pretending. You can have sex with Amanda a million times but you and I know the truth" he put his head down and looked back up at me with tears coming down , I hated this I hated seeing him cry, I wanted so bad to comfort him , but I couldn't because I had to do what was best for me, no I'm not settling for Tyler if that's what your thinking , Tyler is amazing and he isn't hiding who he is , really I wouldn't have a problem with Oliver hiding his sexuality, the problem come in when his other friends question why he isn't dating girls and he succumbs to peer pressure , hence hurting me "I know this is my fault and I will never forgive myself for letting you go , I hope your happy with Tyler" he turned and walked out the door leading to the backyard I watched from the window as he walked around the house and disappeared , I turned back around and went to Tyler I hugged him "you okay" he asked I smiled "yeah now I am, so about that girl" I stated "she is my Ex, I am gay I just dated girls so people wouldn't know but now I don't care because when I am with you , I am complete , I'm not hiding who I am anymore. I just hope I'm not too late" I kissed him "no , your not too late"

________________________________________________________________________ A week later Amanda's birthday party ________________________________________________________________________

Amanda Invited Tyler and I to her birthday party at a club her dad rented out for her, I didn't want to go because Oliver would be there and I felt bad about what went down. But I went anyway. I walked in with Tyler, Love Drug by Ke$ha was blasting and people were dancing and grinding on each other "hey Steven , Tyler you made it have fun" Amanda smiled at us then went over to Oliver , I noticed Oliver look at us then whispering something in Amanda ear josh walked over to me "I didn't think you would show" Josh stated We did our handshake "she invited me so why not" I stated "Hey Ty" josh shook his hand I noticed Oliver giving me a ice cold look, as if I was the one who cheated then I turned to meet Tyler's warm green eyes he smiled at me "I'm going to the bar have fun" Josh walked away Tyler kissed me " I was thinking maybe we could take our relationship to the next level" I backed away "whoa I cant , Tyler I cant have sex with you right now" I stated "why not I'm your boyfriend right" I sighed "yeah you are my boyfriend but it's to soon to be doing that." I thought it was too soon , I didn't want to make the same mistake I did with mark "well you didn't wait that long for Mark so." i couldn't believe he said that to me "what?, who told you that?" Tyler looked Nervous "Um, Oliver did I guess he thought by telling me that I would think less of you" I was angry , how dear he talk to Tyler about my past I walked over to Oliver who was now surrounded by his other friends "we need to talk" I said "about what fag, huh" I was getting angry "stay out of my life you bastard" I yelled at him , everyone looked at us "fine by me , like I want to be associated with someone like you, you gave it up to mark easy and your probably giving it to Tyler" I shook my head in disbelief "why are you trying to hurt me" he glared at me as if he hated me "play the victim Steven you do that best" I shook my head "your right , I wont play the victim anymore , me and you are fucking finished I never want to talk to you as long as I live , fuck you, you piece of scum" he stood up and came towards me "what did you just say" he pushed me Tyler and josh came and got between us I felt tears stream down my face I left out the club I heard Tyler, Megan and Josh calling after me, Josh followed "Steven what just happened" I didn't know what just happened" I was as stunned as everyone else Josh hugged me "lets get out of here" I nodded yes, we walked down the street away from the drama.

At the Diner*

"I'll have Banana Pancakes and a coke" Josh stated the waitress looked at me " I'll have the same" she took the Menu and left "Josh why did you bring me Pete's Diner" I asked "because this is what we use to do when we had problems or just was stressed , I half smiled "yeah I remember that , Banana pancakes seem to solve our problems" Josh laughed "yup , so What is Oliver's deal" Josh asked " I don't know , just when I think maybe we can be close he just seems to do something to screw it up, how can he just talk to me like he did and call me a Fag" I put my head down "hey , he is a fucking dick head who smell like goat balls" I laughed so hard when he said that he laughed as well "what? Goat balls?" we both were laughing so hard "I don't know I was only trying to make you smile." "thanks josh you succeeded" my cell began to ring it was Tyler I answered it

"Tyler hey"

" I'm so sorry I didn't mean to start anything"

"its not your fault , but I'm just not ready to have sex with you"

"then I guess we will wait , but I feel responsible for what went down"

":your not , hey I'm with josh , how about I call you tonight"

"okay, I cant wait until we talk", I smiled

" I can`t wait either, talk to you soon" I hung up

The waitress came and sat our plate of pancakes in front of us and then our cokes "Steven you have more Drama then a Soap Opera" josh stuffed some of his pancakes in his mouth "I know, I should ask MTV to send a camera crew, we all would be the next sensation in Reality T.V" Josh nodded in agreement. I began eating my pancakes . Tomorrow would be the start of something new , Oliver wouldn't exist to me

________________________________________________________________________ Okay , wow this was a great Episode! so much happened all the Drama and Oliver seem to be at the center of it all. Thanks for reading . I had a blast writing this part. Let me know what you thought of the latest that went down on B&A ________________________________________________________________________

Next: Chapter 10

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