Before the Holiday Party

By Neil G

Published on Mar 1, 2021



Before the Holiday Party

This is my first submission to Nifty after many, many years of readership - it certainly would not be possible without the guidance and support of the legend himself, Bill Drake. Thank you for all your help and contributions, and for the endless loads you've made me shoot over the years. Here's to hoping that this story does the same for the rest of you all. Feedback, suggestions, thoughts, and more welcome at

Lastly, please take a minute and help support Nifty:

WARNING: The following story is for adults only. It contains depictions of sexual acts between men. If this offends you or is inappropriate for you, please close your browser tab now.

Jake read through his slides one last time, proofreading every line. As a first year analyst at Barnes Williams, one of the most competitive investment banks on Wall Street, he had to make sure every word was perfect, every logo precisely aligned.

As he stared at the figures on the screen, though, it was hard for his mind not to drift. It was another week until Christmas and the saved vacation days that Jake intended to use. He'd go visit his family in the suburbs and after that, he had a distinct intention of returning to the city and getting majorly laid.

His dick throbbed in his Brooks Brothers trousers just thinking about sex. It was just six months ago when Jake moved to New York, and he'd had a real blast for a couple of months - hooking up with guys left and right and exploring his bi side. Hot guys, too. Pretty quickly Jake realized he ticked a lot of boxes for the kind of older men he went for. The 23 year old was young, fresh-faced, a suit-and-tie Street guy, with a fit ex-baseball jock body and a nice round ass that was 50% great genetics, 50% hard work at the gym.

Yeah, he had a lot of fun, but once August was over, work picked up like crazy. Jake was eager to impress his bosses and do well at his job. And the managers at Barnes Williams looked on new hires with a mix of hazing and shit's-gotta-get-done attitude. Jake had hooked up a couple of times in the last few months, and even gone on a couple of dates with women, but most of his life was work, gym, a quick drink or two with work or college buddies to let off steam, then sleep.

The analyst looked around the now mostly empty office. 4:30 and it was already December dark out. Glancing at the stainless steel watch he'd gotten as a graduation present, Jake paused, running his fingers through his dirty blonde hair - the holiday party started in less than an hour. Most of the guys had cut out for an early happy hour, but this presentation had to be done today.

Jake gripped his boner and gave it a playful squeeze. "Later buddy," he said, not having to worry about anyone overhearing him. Hell, maybe he'd log into his favored app later and line up a hot top for some fun after the party.

He was finally convinced his slides were good to go. "Fuck it," he thought as he shot the file off to his team, powered down, and grabbed his navy suit coat, practically skipping to the elevator bank as the anticipation of the open bar and the endless drinks set in. Checking his phone as he entered the elevator, he bumped straight into the man already inside. Looking up, blood rushed to Jake's face, and he quickly tucked his phone into his pocket.

"Sorry Mark, I didn't see you there." Mark Evans had been a partner at Barnes Williams for over a decade. Feared by every analyst at the firm, Mark had built a reputation for being a stern boss, unafraid of working his teams late into the night to win business. He dressed the part too - very nice, tailored suits that were conservative business dress to perfection. Austere even, nothing flashy. Evans was textbook bank-executive in his dress and demeanor.

Today, though, Mark was all smiles - his dark brown eyes glinting as he took Jake in. "What, you got started without me?" he teased, "You're stumbling like a drunk coed." That smile made him look five years younger easily, but Mark wore his age well. In his late 40s, the married father of three was in impressively good shape, a softening waistline complementing his strapping ex-hockey playing build perfectly. Rumor had it he still woke up every morning before dawn to get in a run or a workout and it showed.

And the man wore his clothing well, too. Even beneath the cashmere winter overcoat, Jake could see a Canali charcoal suit impeccably tailored to Evans' well-built frame. A deep blue Hermes tie and a pale yellow scarf set off the handsome man's brown eyes and gray temples.

Jake grinned - this banter felt familiar, and for a moment he was back in his frat house at Dartmouth. "A drunk coed sure wouldn't be the worst thing to bump into tonight."

"Tell me about it," Mark winked. Jake decided he really liked Evans in his rare relaxed, laid-back mood. "I grabbed the penthouse at the Four Seasons tonight. Figured I wouldn't be making it back to Emily and the kids."

Jake's eyes lit up - "No way! The penthouse is legendary - hell, I'd sleep with you just to see the inside of that place."

Quickly realizing he might've crossed the line, he turned red again - but Mark laughed and slapped his hand on Jake's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Look, we've got some time before things get started. Want to come with me while I drop my bag off? We can share a ride downtown."

Jake's pants tightened as his bone hardened instantly. The thought of pregaming the holiday party with one of the hottest, most senior partners at the firm was a fantasy come true. Beaming, the ex-jock responded immediately, "That'd be awesome!"

Mark quietly took Jake's figure in, his gaze settling on the young analyst's powerful ass, watching as it flexed involuntarily as Jake hailed a cab. It had been a while since the older man had done this - step out on his blonde suburban wife and their picture perfect marriage. It wasn't that he was unhappy with how she was treating him, or even that their sex life was all that bad. Unlike a lot of wives his age, Emily put in the effort to stay fit, and it showed.

But no matter how much they fucked, Mark couldn't quite scratch that itch - the itch that he first felt his junior year at Princeton as an SAE pledge on his knees looked up at him in total submission, willing to do whatever it took to rush the fraternity. The itch he first scratched when he pounded his heavy prick down the pledge's throat three times later that night. The itch he scratched again with his roommate Russ in business school or again with the neighbor down the street's kid, Patrick, home from college and looking for advice on breaking into the industry.

No matter how often he scratched the itch, Mark found himself gradually craving the rush again.

Mark could sense Jake's lust for him well before Jake bumped into him in that elevator. He had seen decades of analysts just like him - fresh out of college, anxious about their prospects at Barnes Williams, eager to please. Willing to do whatever it takes to stand out in the fiercely competitive bank. Despite the opportunities, he had never taken advantage - career came first, and he couldn't have HR up his ass if he wanted to make partner.

But now he was a senior partner and truth be told, it'd been a rough few months. A couple of his clients had really turned up the dial, and he'd been pulling long nights, working his team to get the deals across the finish line. And hell, it'd paid off - business had never been better. But he'd had to make sacrifices, and the itch was back. And now that Jake was looking at him with the same puppy eyes that Russ or Patrick or the pledge had, it went straight to the married man's balls. If anything Jake seemed even more eager to please, more admiring, in a way that had Mark's staff throbbing against his wool pants as he got into the cab.

Pulling the door shut, Mark instinctively sprawled out, his manspreading knee bumping up almost immediately against Jake's in the cramped backseat of the cab. He was pleased that Jake didn't pull away, and he smiled as he saw the tent straining in the front of Jake's trousers and the blood rushing to his face. This career-driven young analyst was a live one, all right.

The man knew what was going through Jake's head - that Mark was his boss, and that he had his whole career in front of him, that fucking with Mark could spell trouble for Jake. But he also knew, instinctively, that men like Jake were the sort who get led around by their dicks. Already, the analyst had seemingly been unable to control his lustful stares. And now, all the senior partner had to do was engage Jake with a little friendliness, a little openness, and the young stud was practically putty in his hands.

For every voice telling Jake that this was trouble, there were waves of excitement fighting back, from Mark's leg pressed up against his, from the intense eye contact Mark was making, from being chosen.

Yes, Mark knew exactly where the night was ending up - and his stiff mast leaked in excitement.

Stumbling out of the cab, Jake felt almost drunk, his mind disoriented, foggy with lust. Jake knew this was a bad idea - that fucking with Mark could derail his prospects at building a career at Barnes Williams. But every time Mark pressed his leg up against Jake's on the way over, while casually asking about college or baseball or or where he lived in the city, Jake felt his horniness rush forward, and, dick throbbing, he had to concentrate intensely to answer Mark's simple questions.

He knew deep down that this was exactly what he wanted. Mark embodied everything he had discovered he loved about older men. He was confident, successful, ambitious - and fuck if that waistline and the graying temples didn't light a fire inside him.

But, stepping into the private elevator, on the way up to the penthouse, Jake decided he would try to be careful. Hell, maybe the partner was just being friendly, and Jake was reading too much into it. Or maybe the married man enjoyed the ego boost of flirting but wasn't actually pursuing anything. Taking a deep breath, he tried to reset, ignoring his still leaking prick, ignoring Mark's quiet gaze.

And for a second, when the elevator doors open, Jake forgot about it all. The view from the room was awe-inspiring - the city skyline across Central Park, the lights in the night sky, and the steady rhythm of the city streaming by on the streets below. Nothing could beat New York at Christmas-time. Standing by the window, Jake shook his head. "This is incredible, Mark."

Jake felt Mark walk up behind him and chuckle. "It's a great view, isn't it?" Captivated, it took Jake a second to register how close Mark was standing to him. The older man's cologne filled his nostrils, and he could feel the heat radiating off Mark's body. Jake swallowed hard, the waves of lust suddenly rushing back as he felt Mark's breath on the back of his neck. Fuck, maybe this was gonna more than an ego boost for Evans.

The married father of three reached his hands out slowly and wrapped it around Jake's waist, still toned from years of college baseball. Jake felt something hard press up against his backside through his suit pants, as Mark's insistent staff throbbed against his ass.

"I held up my end of the bargain..." Mark growled huskily. "Time to hold up yours." Mark spun Jake around and pressed his lips against Jake's mouth, making out with the baseball stud as Jake's hands explored the older man's perfect body. Pulling back, he checked his watch. "We've got 10 minutes."

Mark gripped Jake's ass, pressing the jock tight back against his hard body, reconnecting to Jake's mouth. Jake trembled with pleasure, pushing back, rubbing his hard prick against Mark's thick dick through his wool pants, shuddering at the sensation.

He couldn't believe this was happening - that the man he had admired, one of the most powerful people at the firm, the one who he had jerked off to countless nights over the past four months, was grinding his hard dick up against Jake's. None of the men or women he had hooked up with to this point had given him anything close to the sheer pleasure that was coursing through his body now. Mark Evans was simply perfect in Jake's younger, horny eyes.

Just when he thought he was going to blow, right in his underwear, right in his Brooks Brothers trousers, Jake felt Mark pull back. Hazy with lust, he felt Mark's hand on his shoulder, firmly pushing Jake down. The analyst got the picture. He let his big boss guide him to his knees. Through his horniness, he felt a twinge of nerves. The friendly Mark Evans was gone now. Replaced with the stern taskmaster Jake was familiar with around the office. Steely-eyed, quiet, and intense in his gaze down at Jake. It scared the young analyst a little. And excited him.

Perhaps sensing his nerves, or maybe just impatient with the delay, Mark mashed Jake's face up against his suited crotch, his scent emanating through the wool. The aroma made Jake's head spin, and any doubts he had felt washed away as instinct took over. Everything about that turned Jake on. The nicer fabric of Evans' suit, the firm and large lump of married meat pressed against his cheek, the taboo thrill that this was his boss.

Unzipping, Jake peeled down Mark's underwear and pulled out his dick, the steel hard shaft whacking him in the face as it burst free of its confines. Eagerly, Jake dove down on the shaft. It was huge, bigger than he had ever swallowed before. But Jake was determined to please his boss. He hadn't made his way to Barnes Williams by giving up, he thought with a naughty thrill.

Bobbing up and down, Jake swirled his tongue around the knobbed head as he soaked Mark's shaft in spittle. Mark's dick was a beauty, and Jake could have spent all night with it, tongue-bathing his perfectly trimmed balls, making his way around every ridge on his scepter.

But he could feel Mark's urgency. The man was now thrusting into Jake's mouth and his balls were drawn up tight, bulging with a pent up load. Mark's pre-cum was streaming steadily down Jake's throat now that he took over the facefuck, gripping the back of Jake's blonde head. Jake held on to Mark's pounding hips for support, his own dick rubbing up in pleasure against his tight pants. His eyes started to tear up as Mark's relentless jabs hit against the back of Jake's oral cavity. It was a lot to take, intensely so, as the senior partner used his throat like a pussy. .

With a roar, Mark thrust deep down Jake's throat, firing one shot after another down the jock's gullet. Grabbing his own erect dick as he swallowed every drop of Mark's load, Jake tipped over the edge right after, his thick prick unloading into his suit pants in the hottest orgasm the young jock had ever felt in his lifetime.

"Looks like we both enjoyed that one," Mark chuckled, motioning at Jake's wet crotch as he zipped up his pants. "Better get yourself cleaned up, we're running late."

The two men were quiet in the private car on the way over to the holiday party as both recovered from the intense orgasms from an hour prior. Jake was slightly embarrassed - he'd done his best to clean up his suit before they left the room, and he'd even left his soaked briefs behind in the hotel room, but he could still smell the unmistakable aroma of cum on his clothes.

And truth be told, he was still a bit horny. Mark's groans of pleasure bounced around in his head - pleasure that Jake had given him, his boss. Swirling his tongue around his mouth, he could still taste the residue of Mark's cum, the distinctive slightly sweet, salty flavor that drove Jake wild.

But he couldn't tell if this was a one time thing. Mark had been backed up, and Jake knew they had crossed a line they weren't supposed to cross. Mark was his boss and for fuck's sake, they could both get fired if HR found out.

Looking over at Mark, Jake made eye contact with the senior partner, trying to gauge the look on his face. With a smile, Mark reached over and squeezed Jake's thigh, sending electric bolts of pleasure up Jake's leg. Blood rushed back into his dick, and Jake knew one thing for sure - he sure as hell wouldn't be the one to stop.

"Last call," the bartender bellowed over the rowdy crowd of bankers, ignoring the disappointed groans that answered him. Not that it mattered - Mark was down maybe a couple too many drinks for the count, and he knew he should stop before he got too drunk and made a scene. The holiday party was one night of the year when the employees at Barnes Williams let loose a little more than they should, but Mark Evans had to set an example.

Mark had spent the entire night trying to avoid Jake. It wasn't that he regretted the pregame blowjob, but he knew that he was being reckless. Jake was a first year analyst and he was a senior partner. He had been backed up, sure, but at the end of the day, his career was on the line.

But every time he waited at the bar for his next drink, or zoned out as some petite giggling associate grabbed his arm, the eager look on Jake's face as Mark tried to bury his shaft down Jake's throat popped into his head, and he could feel his prick start to harden in his wool pants again.

And every time he looked over at Jake, he saw the young jock beam back at him, face flush from the free drinks just like it was post-orgasm, and he felt the familiar twinge at the base of his nuts.

Still, he thought he was done for the night. That he would go home to his penthouse, sleep off the hangover tomorrow morning, and make his way back to Emily and the kids after a quick lunch in the city. It was all planned out.

But as he downed his last drink, Mark looked across the open lounge one last time. Across the room, leaned over the bar, trying to coax the bartender into giving him one last drink, was Jake. Jake's perfect ass was bulging against the seat of his pants, the fabric working overtime to keep the round muscled cheeks covered in cloth. And something about the way he was bent over - almost supine, stretched out, trying to grab the bartender's attention - made Mark's head spin.

Just as he was about to turn away, Jake turned his head back and locked eyes with Mark. The look back suddenly made the strapping ex-baseball jock look small, submissive even. There was a look of need in Jake's eyes that shot across the room straight to Mark's now fully erect dick, making his already tipsy head spin.

"Fuck it," Mark thought. This analyst wanted this. Needed this, maybe. Making sure Jake was still watching, he gripped his thick shaft through his suit pants and motioned to the door with his head. Jake nodded, and Mark started to make his way out of the still crowded bar, his leaking cock leading the way.

As confident he was, professionally, personally, and sexually, Mark had a moment of doubt. Maybe he was misreading the analyst. Or maybe, for whatever reason, Jake wouldn't follow Mark out the bar.

But as he stepped out into the winter cold, pulling his overcoat shut but enjoying the warmth of his evening's drinks, Mark stood a second then watched the bar door open like clockwork and Jake step out. His cute face flushed from the cold and the drinking, and a big smile on his face.

"You wanted to talk to me about something, Mark?" he asked in a feigned innocence. The little fuck.

"You're coming back to the Penthouse with me," Mark Evans had a smile to match Jake's, but his tone was still certain about what was going to happen. Already he was ordering a car to take him back to Midtown.

"I am?" Jake smirked.

"You fucking cocktease," Mark growled, slipping his phone in his coat pocket. "Come on, let's walk down the block so the others won't see us get in the same car."

It had been an impatient outburst on Mark's part, but the senior partner was pleased to see how much Jake's demeanor changed. Obediently, the 23-year-old walked beside Mark, looking very fine and fuckable in his trim navy suit, the ex-jock build filling it out just right.

This was just like that Patrick kid all over again.

"You cold?" he asked Jake with a hint of his friendliness returning. Just a hint.

Jake nodded, hunching over to instinctively preserve the warmth in his muscular body. "A little, yeah. But I'm OK."

Mark gave a gentle pat between Jake's shoulder blades, feeling the strong back beneath the suit. They were at the intersection Mark had arranged for, so he pulled out his phone again to check on the status. The car was just around the corner.

"The car's almost here," the married man said. Then looking at Jake, he added, "You know I'm going to expect more than a blowjob, right?"

Jake shivered and not from the cold. He nodded, and couldn't help but form a smile. "Yes, sir, I do."

It was Mark's turn to smirk now. "You're not cherry are you?" He still had no read on Jake's story, whether the young man was gay or bi or what. It didn't ultimately matter, all that Mark Evans cared about what how fucking eager the just-out-of-college kid was.

Jake shook his head. "No, sir. I... I've done it before." He wasn't sure if the answer disappointed the older man.

Mark smiled. "Good, I don't want to have to break you in."

Just then the car pulled up and the two finance men got in.

Jake knew he'd had a lot to drink, but by the time the elevator opened to the penthouse, he realized he was very drunk. Inwardly, he was glad. It lowered his inhibitions. The sober, career-driven Jake might have said no to Mark Evans. Even after that earlier blow job, the smart thing would have been to maintain a professional boundary. To make sure Mark judged him on his work and his work alone.

But this was his fantasy on a silver platter. Mark fucking Evans. 48 and fine as fuck. Strong ex-hockey playing stud with just the right amount of heft to his body. A real man's body, Jake shivered to realize as the man carefully took off his overcoat and then also hung up his suit jacket.

Jake nervously followed suit. He was proud of his body, inherited from his college ball-playing days and religiously maintained with five days a week at the gym. He knew he looked good.

But in his eyes Mark Evans was even better. The man's broad shoulders and strong arms filling out that starched dress shirt, making the Hermes tie fall neatly to frame two swells of ex-hockey chest muscle. But best off all for Jake was the man's midsection. Evans had a hint of a belly, just the right amount of middle-aged married spread, and it sent Jake off. Real bodies like Mark's were his weakness.

Especially the way the man stood in a commanding stance, legs partly spread, as he casually undid his tie.

"Strip for me," he urged in a quiet stern voice.

Jake laughed nervously. He'd been with tops before, including tops on the dominant side. But he'd never been ordered around like this. "What?" came out involuntarily.

"What part of the English language don't you understand, Jake?" Mark growled. "I said strip for me.

The younger man nodded and quickly began taking off his tie, and undoing his shirt. He looked at Mark's face to gauge the man's reaction. Jake may have been proud of his body but he wanted to know that it pleased Mark Evans.

The senior partner didn't say anything, but a silent smile flitted across his face as the blond ex-jock's bare muscle came into view. Six pack abs, strong upper body muscle, big but lean. If Mark was going to fool around with a Barnes Williams employee then Jake was going to be worth it.

Jake's dick had softened some on the way up to the Penthouse and in his drunkenness, but now he was fully hard again. Reaching down to remove his brown Allen Edmonds before undoing his belt. He wished Evans would say something as he peeled off the navy trousers, folding them over the chair next to him. But the man's steely gaze fed Jake's lust, too, and urged him on. Casually lifting up one foot then the other, he removed his socks, leaving Jake wearing only his steel watch.

Jake didn't know what was in store for the evening, not fully, but he decided then and there this is how sex should be. Attraction, mutual admiration, but power, too.

Mark took a step up, his dress shoes clacking with each step on the wooden floor.

The kiss took Jake by surprise. Not the act itself but the directness of it. Mark's tongue pressing possessively right into Jake's mouth. The man's strong hands gripping Jake's bare ass cheeks, even while Evans remained completely clothed.

Jake reached up to touch the man's strong chest through his white dress shirt. He wasn't sure and didn't know if he had permission. But as his deft fingers fiddled with the top bottom, Mark's moan told him it was OK. He undid one button. Then another. Feeling the scratchy chest hair and the warm middle-aged body beneath the fabric as he gently opened it up and proceeded down to the man's stomach and belt.

He could sense Mark's insistent erection. Fuck, before the night he'd have to measure that beauty, or at least take a good mental reconnaissance of the heft and size of the senior partner's meat, so he could recall it during future jack off sessions. But as incredible as Mark Evans' endowment was, Jake was at that moment more drawn to his torso. Somehow, as he untucked the shirt and pulled it all the way off Mark's shoulders, the man's upper body was even better bared than clothed.

Yes, Jake, the perfect, straight-out-of-college muscle jock, went crazy for builds like Mark - the well-built chests, nipples prominently perched on mounds of muscle, and the softer, hefty dad bods whose curves only added to the power and the dominance of the men carrying them. Something about a dad bod pressing up against his body or pinning him down as an older man lay down a hard fuck made Jake's legs' weak with lust.

Jake brushed his hands up Mark's front, running his fingers through the gray-flecked hair covering his build, feeling Mark flex his pecs underneath his probing hands. Reaching his nipples, Jake gently teased them and was rewarded by Mark's moan into his mouth and by the distinct twitch of the big prick that Jake could feel even through the man's pants.

Mark loved this. The power he knew he had over men like Jake. He hadn't pegged Jake as a cocksucker when he first started at Barnes Williams. The young man was just like so many eager, Ivy-educated cocky ex-jocks that paid their dues with the hope of being in Mark's place one day.

But now that he knew Jake's nature, and now that the young man stood naked and erect in front of him and more than a little drunk, Mark knew he was going to have one hell of a night with the young stud.

"You gonna take care of Daddy tonight?" he growled.

Jake's eyes widened in surprise. Last summer he hooked up with a top that had dropped the D-word during sex. It was fun, it was hot, and it pushed Jake's buttons. But to hear this from Mark Evans was a mind fuck. To say the least.

Mark chuckled as he saw Jake try to hide his excitement. "It's OK son, Daddy's gonna take real good care of you, too."

He didn't even give Jake a chance to respond. Once again he claimed a kiss off the employee, feeding off Jake's need. Mark walked Jake back to the bed, continuing to make out with him as he gripped Jake's powerful jock ass, his throbbing member pulsating against Jake's equally hard scepter.

Pushing him on to the bed, Mark towered over Jake, keeping his face impassive as he looked down at the young jock steadying himself on the bed. "Unzip me." Jake scrambled over, his eager blue eyes looking up at Mark as he unbuttoned the clasp on Mark's trousers and pulled down the zipper. Free at last, Mark's shaft pushed out and sprung up, pressing up against Jake's face for the second time that night.

Eyes glittering, Jake needed no further instructions - he leaned forward and engulfed Mark's leaking cock, swallowing his rod as far back as he could go. Mark groaned in excitement as the eager employee even choked a little bit on his thick prick, having taken too much in, too fast. But Jake was good at this, real good. Now clearly drunk, the young man sucked with more abandon than earlier in the evening. It still blew Mark's mind how much of a live wire the analyst turned out to be.

The sloppy head gave way to a more concerted servicing on Jake's part, and Mark's posture relaxed while maintaining its stance of superiority in front of Jake - that ex-hockey build bared from the waist up while he still wore his tailored suit trousers from the waist down. The man enjoyed the slower pace of the oral fuck as Jake took his time burying his face deeper and deeper on his prick. Suctioning up and down, the earnest stud gave a warm bath to Mark's manhood, his tongue exploring the length of the man's staff, feeling the pulsing vein running down its length and savoring the taste of the steadily leaking precum dribbling out the front. With each spurt of sap from Mark's prick, Jake felt himself involuntarily arching his well-rounded muscle ass up in the air. The slightly salty taste of the older man was making his head spin, and Mark's moans of pleasure only deepened his desire to do even more, to continue to give the senior partner satisfaction.

Leaning forward, Mark spanked the jock's ass, a hard thwack that shot through Jake's body. Instantly, he felt his dick spurt out another shot of precum, his throat pulling Mark in fully, contracting automatically around Mark's hard as steel shaft as he let out a moan. Nose buried in the soft but scratchy hairs of Mark's crotch, chin pressed against the soft wool of Mark's trousers, Jake's senses were going haywire - no man had ever spanked him before, and maybe if he were sober the smack would have stung more. But the rough tingling sensation almost instantly melted into waves of pleasure that pulsed up from where Mark had spanked him.

Sensing the horny analyst's favorable reaction, Mark slapped Jake's ass again,feeling the fires of lust rising from deep within him. He liked treating another man like this, liked it a little too much. Once again, his palm rained down on Jake's muscular athletic-conditioned ass, harder this time, before Mark possessively gripped the round cheeks and ground his crotch into Jake's face. For a moment, Mark was tempted to repeat his performance earlier that night - to start thrusting harder into the baseball jock's gullet and drop his second load of the night down into his throat. But he had bigger plans for Jake tonight. After another minute of deep throating, he pulled back, giving Jake a second to sit up on the edge of the bed and catch his breath.

Jake involuntarily flinched as Mark's hand approached his face, as he expected a slap to match the spanking he'd just received.

Instead, Mark tenderly ran his hands through Jake's hair, surprising the young man. "You liked that, son?" he asked, his voice gruff with lust. Jake felt the air go out of his lungs again at the older man's touch. Mark's sudden gentle behavior did no favors to his horniness - something about the paternal touch made Jake more eager to please, as if knowing that Mark cared about his pleasure made Jake more determined than ever to serve the senior partner. Looking up at Mark, he answered affirmatively. "Yes..." and with an unsure voice he added, "Daddy."

Mark smiled as he heard the younger analyst step into the role play for the first time. "Turn around," he said firmly, and Jake immediately spun around and lay face down on the mattress.

Leaning down, Mark pulled apart the two globes on Jake's prize-winning muscle butt and swiped his tongue across the already winking knot. "Aw fuck, Daddy," Jake immediately cried out. For all his experience with men, younger or older, over the past few months - no one had ever rimmed him before, let alone anyone he was as hot for as the ex-hockey stud of a senior partner. He could barely process the pleasure Mark was giving him.

Mark pressed his tongue deeper into Jake's hole, his thick oral muscle probing the depths of the jock's ass, wetting the chute for the inevitable entry that he knew both of them were building toward. Jake's groans of pleasure continued, his body writhing uncontrollably as Mark thrust and swirled his tongue in the analyst's ass.

And, truth be told, Mark knew that Jake was not the only one losing control. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that bringing back this stud to his penthouse would be as hot as this. Sure, he had known that the junior analyst had a perfect body. Watching the boy show off his baseball jock glutes in those tight pants at the holiday party had been more than enough proof of that. But he could never have guessed just how submissive Jake would be in the privacy of the hotel room, how entirely focused on Mark's pleasure the stud would be.

After an intense ten minutes of eating out Jake's hole, Mark stood up, his staff quivering with pleasure as he pulled the leather belt off and set it aside. He reached down to unlace one shoe, then the other, pulling them off as he kept his eyes on Jake's amazing backside. "Are you ready to get fucked, son?" Mark asked, his gravelly voice betraying his lust. With a hard tug he pushed his trousers down and stepped out of them.

"Yes," Jake hissed.

Mark stroked his erection to prime it to full engorged stiffness. Second to the physical sensations of the fuck itself, this was his favorite part of sex with men. "Yes, what?" he prompted.

Jake looked back confused. The vision of Evans' body thrilled him from that angle, meaty and powerful, strong, experienced. "Daddy?" he asked.

Mark gave a leer. "Didn't your daddy teach you how to address your elders?"

A lightbulb went off over Jake's head. "Yes, sir. Please fuck me sir." His normally exuberant ex-jock voice now almost meek. But by the second sir Jake tried to put a little more conviction in the word.

Mark nodded. This hot pup had done right. "All right, face forward, get that ass up for me."

As Jake scrambled in position, his heart pounded. He hadn't even dared dream about getting fucked by Mark Evans. Not really, not like this. He lay perfectly still with his hips arched up to show off his asshole to the senior partner. He heard soft steps and realized the man was retrieving some lubricant.

Then he felt it. That large prick pushing gently against the entrance to Jake's chute.

"Oh, Daddy," Jake answered, turning around to lock eyes with Mark over his shoulder, his eyes still glazed with pleasure.

"Eyes forward, son," Mark sternly ordered.

"Yessir," Jake mumbled, swept with the sensations as Mark thrust in, pushing forward in one fell swoop. Jake cried out as he felt Mark's thick scepter sink into him, facing little resistance after the lengthy ass eating. Jake felt the walls of his ass constricting and relaxing around Mark's formidable dick, as Mark paused to let Jake get used to his girth. He leaned forward, his lips connecting with Jake's neck, as his prick pulsed deep inside Jake.

Slowly at first, Mark began to pull out, and Jake instantly felt an intense pleasure course through his body. Unable to hold back, Jake tried to push back against Mark, trying to fuck himself faster. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard," he hissed. God he'd missed a dick in his ass. Missed getting fucked.

Mark let out a lewd chuckle, but grabbed Jake's arms and pinned him down to the bed. Jake cried out in frustration as Mark ground his dick back into Jake slowly, and then pulled back out.

"Steady, son, steady," Mark whispered into Jake's ear. "Daddy's going to go at his own pace." Jake held still for a minute, but then began to thrust back up again, unable to hold back his own urge to get fucked harder and harder.

Pulling up in anger, Mark slapped Jake's ass hard, roaring, "Fine, you fucking slut, I'll fuck you like the whore you are." Mark began to pile drive his thick shaft into Jake's ass, picking up speed, fucking the stud so hard the bed frame began to tremble underneath the two ex-jock's heaving frames.

Tingling tsunamis of pure pleasure washed over Jake, overwhelming every sense in his body. The analyst had never taken such a rough fuck in his life. Mark was pistoning in and out of his ass, slamming his dick into the analyst's chute so hard that he wasn't sure he would be able to walk properly tomorrow, or the day after.

But all Jake could process right now was the sensory overload from Mark's thrusting deeply into his body - Mark's chest hair scratching against his back, the powerful pecs flexing against his body, the formidable dad bod pressing him down into the bed, Mark's hands persistently tweaking his nipples, the steady stream of dirty talk Mark was feeding into his ear as he continued to pound Jake into the mattress.

"You're my personal slut now, son, huh?"

Jake nodded. "Yes, Daddy."

The thrusts came harder now. Not so much faster but it was almost as if Mark was using the bouncing of the mattress as leverage for each deep thrusts. "Every time I ask you to come to my office, you'll shut the door, and get down on your knees?"

"Oh fuck... yes, sir."

"You'll take my prick down your throat every time I stay back in the office late?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Bent over in the fourth floor stall, ready to take a hard fuck whenever I need?"

Jake moaned, unable to form words through the rising pleasure in his body. It was like every nerve in his body was alive.

"Fuck, I should just whore you out to the other partners at Barnes Williams who need to drop their loads in a hungry hole after a long week." Mark's ass clenched with extra power to punctuate his words. He'd not been able to go so deep in dominating a younger man, at least not in a while. A part of him worried Jake would reach the point where it was too much and beg him to ease up. Another part of him didn't care. He leaned down pressing his sweaty back against Jake's muscular, proportioned back to fuck his tongue in and out of Jake's ear. "Fuck, I'll make you put out for our clients, letting them use you like the slut you are... You'll do that, son? Do that for daddy?"

With that, Jake felt himself go over the edge. His mind went wild imagining just what Mark was saying. Being passed around a bunch of horny partners and executives. Fully and completely used. His rod began to spurt uncontrollably, firing his load out hands free repeatedly, soaking the mattress underneath him.

Feeling Jake's ass contract wildly against his shaft, Mark let out a loud "Jesus Christ" and thrust deep into his chute and unloaded right after, load after load spewing out of his dick into the jock's spasming ass.

Mark collapsed on top of Jake, sweaty and panting, exhausted from their intense fuck. He nibbled at Jake's ear, and the younger stud twisted his face and met him in a brief kiss.

As they lay there in the afterglow, Jake felt majorly conflicted. On the one hand, Mark's body was starting to feel heavy on him now that the excitement of their mating was receding. On the other hand, Jake relished the physical contact with the man and wasn't eager to give it up.

His hole didn't want to relinquish that large dong either, but Mark's softening dick eventually cleared the breach, pulling a thick glob of his semen with it. It made Jake feel especially slutty, that load just running down over his balls.

Mark gave another slap to Jake's buns. Not as harsh as before but a sign of his sexual dominance over the analyst. "Go ahead and get cleaned up."

Jake mustered the energy and did that, standing up on sea legs as he saw Mark check his phone. Texts from his wife? Work emails? Who knew, but the man stood in the middle of this penthouse suite casually, fully naked and with a wet dick hanging low beneath his hairy balls. Jake could have stared at this man all night but padded his way to the enormous luxury bathroom and started the shower.

The warm spray felt awesome, and he enjoyed soaping up. A few minutes into it, the door opened and Mark stepped in with a smile. He took some shower gel and started applying it to Jake's body. Slowly, almost lovingly.

"Didn't think I was going to have such a wild evening," the man admitted, his own prick plumping out almost on autopilot at the feel of Jake's hands now returning the favor, sudsing down the chest hair.

"Yeah, that's an understatement," Jake said, stepping back into that familiar tone he'd had with Mark at the start of the evening, back in that fateful elevator ride.

The 23-year old was getting a full-on erection now. He couldn't help it, not with his dream dad bod in his hands. Mark noticed and gave a little smirk but didn't say anything.

"You know those words you said just now?" Jake asked.

"When we were fucking?" Mark prompted. "I can get a little carried away during sex," he explained.

"I meant every word of what I said." Jake said, blushing as the heat of the admission came over him. "You know, about being your slut."

Mark paused for a second, trying to read Jake's face. Holy fuck, this kid was serious. He then chuckled. "Every word?"

"Every word... Daddy." Jake guided Mark's hand down to his crotch, placing it on the baseball jock's still hard cock. Instantly stiffening up again, Mark spun Jake around and pressed him against the shower tile.

The penetration was quick, Mark taking advantage of the lubrication remaining from their previous fuck as well as the opened-up state of Jake's ass. He didn't know if he'd take Jake up on his offer but the idea of having this stud as an on-call release excited the older man to his core. Pulling back, he thrust up inside the hot stud again.

Jake hissed as he felt the man's body press against his. "Fuck me, daddy."

With that, Mark started fucking for real, ready to give the junior analyst the ride of his lifetime.

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