Before the Stuy

By Ish Grayson

Published on Aug 13, 2023


CONTENT WARNING: This story is for adults only. You must be of legal age, in your area, in order to read this!

This story depicts adult males having sexual encounters with each other. If it is not legal for you to read this (or if you're offended by it), please close this story!

Please feel free to send me as much feedback as possible, as well as any hot lewds/nudes you think might inspire me at

I'm letting you guys figure out which parts are true, and which are fiction. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent :P

While I love having bareback sex, I also know that STDs and laws exist. Please be sure to be responsible, and caring, towards yourself and others.

Thanks Nifty for providing us all with a resource for being able to spill our nut! Please donate to Nifty if you can! They're doing this for all of us!

------------------------------------------ This story is a spin-off of Back To The Stuy (in Adult Friends), and takes place when the main character, Ish, is learning how to be a proud slut. ------------------------------------------ Before The Stuy Chapter 14

Homecoming week at any university is a wild time. There were themes for the cafeteria menu. Atrocious decorations hung in every building. The football players and cheerleaders were given free range to be problems for everyone around them. Then there was Greek life...

The D-Kaps had the least amount of football players of any of the houses that athletes pledged, only six. However, the house won the spirit week trophy for three years straight. They went overboard with decorating the first floor and the lawn, the parade float was over the top, and the last chapter president always managed to charm the most donors at Alumni Night. That Thursday through Saturday were the most crucial days of the fall season for us. On Thursday Sean and I would be attending the Alumni Gala at the Performing Arts Center in hopes of charming as many rich people as we could; we had an advantage with Dig being a team captain who was mandated, by his coach, to attend. Friday night was the all Greek block party which shut down the street of Fraternity Row. Finally, Saturday was the big game against a school I'd never heard of.

After rushing back to the house from my final class of the day, I called Kal to check in on him. His robotics team had a match on the same day as the game, and were very stressed with making sure that everything went well. It'd been days since we'd seen each other for more than ten minutes at a time, and I was really missing him. He told me that I was required to tell him about every dick I took throughout the week when we'd see each other again on Sunday. I made him make the same promise before we said that we loved each other then hung up.

Dig had me bent over the kitchen island with my pants down to my knees as he was fucking me with strong thrusts that made me jump with each push. I was bracing myself the best that I could as brothers walked through the kitchen getting food and dishes. Everyone was so used to seeing this by now, that no one was phased. We nonchalantly greeted each other and bumped fists in between Dig making me yelp. His deep strokes felt so good as he'd occasionally slap my ass when looking down at his big cock sliding in and out of me. "FUCK! I needed this," my big brother gruffly said into my ear. He asked if he could fuck me before having to get ready for the gala, he needed to calm his nerves; I could never turn him down. Right as he was shooting his load into me, I saw the shocked look on my Dad's face watching me getting pounded in the kitchen of his former frat house. "FUUUUCCCKKKK!" Dig roared as his orgasm started to subside. My Dad's eyes were wide as fuck.

"Uh... Hi Dad," I meekly said to the man who raised me.

"Dad?!" Dig looked to see my father, then quickly pulled out of me and scrambled to pick up his pants. I could feel some of his nut trail out of my hole down my leg.

"Don't let me stop you," Dad chuckled. "Sean said you were fitting in well at the house." Great, now I have to plan to unalive him after pulling up my pants!

"I'm so sorry sir!" Dig rushed to the other side of the island to greet my father. "I didn't mean to... Well, I did. But not for you to see! Ah, fuck!" He was blushing, my Dad burst into laughter.

"Calm down son," he placed his hands on Dig's shoulders. "I already know what my boy gets up to. It's okay." Dig took deep breaths. "What's your name?"

"Dig... Err, Rich. Richard. My name is Richard," he was still a little flustered.

"As in Ish's big brother, Richard?"

"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

"It's alright," Dad reassured him. "It's good to see that he has a very attentive big brother. That's important. And stop calling me "sir". For this weekend I'm just Brother Other."

"Wait! You're Brother Other?! THE Brother Other?!" Dig perked up, then turned to me. "Why didn't you tell me your Dad was Brother Other?! He's a legend!"

"I didn't know," I shrugged, then looked at my Dad who was holding a small duffle bag. "Just like I didn't know that he'd be here this weekend either."

"Both of which are my fault," Dad admitted. "Should've at least warned you. Ya know... Give you enough time to get fucked BEFORE I, or any other alum who might pop up, found you on the kitchen counter."

"Touche old man," I quipped.

I led my Dad into my room after leaving the kitchen. Apparently my Mum took the dog for a weekend trip to my aunt's house in Connecticut, so he decided to spend homecoming weekend with me and Sean at the house. As we took turns showering and getting dressed, he explained to me his house name of "Brother Other". He was known to be "the other guy" in everyone's relationships - having fucked every guy and girl who looked his way during his years in undergrad. Apparently everyone loved the "big Black Italian sausage" that was in his pants. For most people this would be a weird conversation to have with their father, and would probably be upset with him for crashing their weekend; but for me it wasn't a big deal. He was one of my friends, and lowkey encouraged me to be the best whore that I could be. "See the world before you buy a house".

At 7:45pm my Dad, Dig, Sean, Scooter, and myself were standing in the foyer giving each other one last look over before we headed to the gala. Dig decided to bring Scooter with him as his plus one because he couldn't find a date. My Dad smiled as he took a picture of the four of us frat brothers before mentioning how proud he was of his boys.

************ "So how are you and Kal?" My Dad asked as he handed me a glass of jack and coke. The group separated after arriving at the gala. Dig and Scooter, in their matching royal blue shirts, khakis, and boat shoes, were talking with one of their coaches; and Sean ran for the buffet spread in his dark red blazer and black pants. My Dad and I were dressed pretty much the same in dark green sports coats and black pants, the only difference was that he could afford a tailor.

"We're doing good," I responded as I took a sip.

"Are you sure? You looked like you were really happy with Dig," Dad dug. "I like the guy."

"Trust me Dad," I squared my eyes. "Kal is the one for me. I just know it."

"You sound like me when I met your mother," he smiled. "She misses you by the way."

"I'll be home next Sunday," I rubbed his back with my free hand. I could tell something was bothering him, but didn't want to press.

"Well," he cleared his throat and adjusted his posture. "Let's get on with the night."

"Time to convince some old folks to give us their money," I rolled my eyes.

"Stick with me kid," my Dad winked. "I'll show you some tricks."

My father amazed me as he worked his way through the crowd, introducing himself while commenting on the school before turning to introduce his "amazing/wonderful/marvelous" sons. He'd remark about the courses Sean and I were taking, followed by our dedications to tradition. "As displayed in our presence as legacies in Delta Kappa Omega." The dude really laid it on thick. It wasn't until we passed a few of Dad's former classmates that I really started to learn a thing or two about him. He went to university as a fluke after he got out of the Marines. No one thought an old jarhead could earn a degree, especially a Black immigrant. He wanted to prove the naysayers wrong, and had a great time doing it. He also made a lot of connections before he started working as a plumber; laying another kind of pipe. Neither Sean, nor I, knew this much about Dad; sure, we were a pretty close family, but we never knew the whole story.

After a while the old man pulled Sean to the side to meet one of his former business connections while I went to find a bathroom. I found myself walking down a long corridor with red velvet colored wallpaper. I made sure to judge the decor before opening the only door in the hallway, assuming that it must lead to a bathroom. I saw a man sitting in a leather armchair in a room with dark green painted walls, multiple shelves full of books, and another empty chair next to his. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked in a deep voice.

I closed the door behind me, managing to tell him that I was looking for a bathroom. He said that I could use the private one in the door behind him. I rushed into the bathroom, peed, then realized that that door was still open as I washed my hands. When I walked out of the doorway, the man was still sitting in the same chair.

"Sorry about that," I said to him.

"Sounds like you really had to go," he crunched his ice.

"My dad had me working the floor, first time I could get away," I told him.

"I understand that," he responded. "I'm hiding from the boss now. I hate these things."

"Then why come?" I walked to the coffee table in front of him, then poured some whiskey into the empty glass that was next to the bottle.

"I don't have a choice," he answered. "Gotta schmooze to get anywhere in this town," he took the bottle from my hand.

"My dad said the same thing earlier," I sat in the chair next to him. "This really isn't my thing, but at least we're spending time together."

"Well what is `your thing'?" He placed his hand on my knee. We both took a gulp of our drinks.

"Fuck it," I shrugged. "I'd rather be in bed with my boyfriend."

"Why aren't you?" He squeezed my knee.

"Gotta take a break from dick some time," I joked before catching myself. I still hadn't grasped thinking before speaking. "I - err-"

"It's okay, I get it," he started to rub my thigh as he cut me off. "I remember what it was like. Constantly fucking when I wasn't doing schoolwork. Good times."

"You're not constantly fucking now?" I looked into his caramel eyes.

"Work and life get in the way," he winked. "You'll understand one day."

"I hope not," I huffed. "I can't imagine not getting fucked."

"Oh, you're a bottom?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm whatever I need to be," I licked my lips.

"Stand up," he instructed. I downed the rest of my whiskey then stood in front of him.

"Does your boyfriend let you take other men's dicks?"

"As if he could stop me," I guffawed.

"Remove your pants and shoes," he swirled his glass around. This man was enchanting. His Indian brown skin, bright sly smile, salt n pepper hair, and cool demeanor had my dick hard. But thankfully he couldn't tell by the long shirt that was covering my jockstrap. I wanted to go commando, but Dad insisted that I "show some decorum" around the room full of stuffy rich white people. "Turn around," the man said to me.

I felt his hand move up my leg starting from my knee. He complimented how smooth I was right as he touched my right cheek.

"How old are you?" He whispered as he squeezed my ass.

"18," I whimpered, feeling my dick twitch.

"Perfect," I heard as he slapped my right cheek. I lifted the back of my shirt to give him a better view. I heard a grunt before being told to turn around again. His hard dick was sticking out of his pants, the flared head looked angry, as it was upset that there was no mouth on it. Looking directly into the man's eyes, I waited and watched as he leaned forward to place his empty glass on the coffee table that was now behind me. The anticipation caused my breath to shorten.

When he leaned back into the chair his first order was for me to remove his pants. I dropped to my knees, removed both of his shoes, then grabbed the waist of his pants to pull them down. Looking into his eyes the entire time. "Suck it," he said to me. The 7 inch cock that was at least three shades darker than the rest of his body, with an intimidating mushroom head, hypnotized me. I wanted to please this man. To place my hands on his thighs while bobbing up and down as he smoked a cigar. When I was told that he ordered me to suck it, not lick it while my tongue grazed the underside, I slapped my face with the beautiful piece before letting it hit my throat. He held head in place as he bucked his hips, grunting around the cigar hanging from his mouth. I felt myself gagging when I tapped his thigh, hoping that he'd let me up for air. Instead this rough mysterious man held me still, his cock logged in my throat, telling me to breathe through my nostrils.

Following his instruction, I moved my hands behind my back before he called me a "good boy". He was brutal as he kept this up. He wanted to own my mouth, to make me his bitch, if just for this moment. And he did; I fully submitted to him for the next few minutes. Tears streaming down my face, spit drooling from my chin to the cushion, letting him use me as he pleased. I knew that he was about to cum when I felt both hands pushing my nose into his graying pubes, his wide mushroom head expanding in my throat. His grunting and bucking were followed by a smooth "fuckin' hell" as he sat back down.

I didn't hear him leave the room while I wiped off my face and readjusted my clothes in the bathroom. The only evidence that either of us were in the room were two empty glasses sitting next to two $100 bills (of course I pocketed them), and a wet spot on the chair that he was sitting in. Who was this man? Did he work for the school? My mind was full of questions as I made my way back to find the others.

They were all sitting at a table having conversations when I found them. Dad ran into one of his former classmates, and Sean was putting the moves on a big breasted ginger. Scooter and Dig immediately asked where I disappeared to. I told them I'd gotten lost trying to find the bathroom, but I knew that Dig saw right through me when he handed me a stick of gum telling me to cover up the smell of cum on my breath. The next hour or so was boring as various big wigs talked on the stage, mostly mentioning their goals for donations to each department.

As we were leaving the arts center to walk back to the house, my Dad stopped to talk to another person. By this point the guys and I were tired and just wanted to be in our beds; my Dad and his friend must've sensed it, because they started walking with us. When I looked back, I realized that the voice sounded familiar. When I saw his face under the street light I realized it was the man who fucked my throat a couple of hours prior. I turned my head forward and continued walking with the guys in the middle of the calm street.

My Dad invited the guy in to have a nightcap before he left to go home. Apparently this meant that the four of us boys were to be respectful, and hang out with them in the parlor as we all nursed a beer. Dad introduced all of us to Mohinder, and apologized for me not being too talkative. He blamed it on me being sleepy, not seeing the anxiety in my eyes as they nonchalantly discussed their time as roommates during freshman year. Of course I'd end up sucking the dick of a HOT 58 year old man that just happened to be my Dad's former roommate! Why would I expect my life to be normal?!

After Mohinder left, the guys went off to their rooms, Scooter knocked out on the couch, and Dad followed me into my room. We were laying on our backs, wearing t-shirts and gym shorts, when I told him not to be mad at me. After he said that he'd love me no matter what I'd done, I told him that I sucked Mohinder's dick at the gala. I wanted to be honest. Dad laughed before telling me that I'm not the first in the family to have done it before idle conversation took over. I'd gone to sleep with my head on my Dad's chest that night for the first time since I was a kid. I really loved the old man.

TO BE CONTINUED ------------------------------------------ Let me know what you guys think! I love getting feedback about my writing! And don't forget to donate to Nifty! ------------------------------------------ Original Story:

Next: Chapter 16

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