Before the Stuy

By Ish Grayson

Published on Dec 21, 2023


CONTENT WARNING: This story is for adults only. You must be of legal age in your area, in order to read this! This story depicts adult males having sexual encounters with each other. If it is not legal for you to read this (or if you're offended by it), please close this story!

Please feel free to send me as much feedback as possible, as well as any hot lewds/nudes you think might inspire me at

I'm letting you guys figure out which parts are true, and which are fiction. Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent :P

While I love having bareback sex, I also know that STDs and laws exist. Please be sure to be responsible, and caring, towards yourself and others.

Thanks Nifty for providing us all with a resource for being able to spill our nut! Please donate to Nifty if you can! They're doing this for all of us! ------------------------------------------ This story is a spin-off of Back To The Stuy (in Adult Friends), and takes place when the main character, Ish, is learning how to be a proud slut. ------------------------------------------ Before The Stuy Chapter 22 (lite sex)

The next afternoon I was woken up by Dig coming back from practice. We were supposed to be at my parents' house around 2pm for a cookout... It was already after 1pm. We rushed to make sure that our bags were packed before throwing on shorts, shoes, and hoodies. Just as we were about to get into Dig's jeep Tucker walked up the driveway, we all froze as he approached us.

"What do you want?" High's face scowled.

"Just came to thank you," Tucker responded, stopping at a safe distance. "Really appreciate what you did for my brother last night."

"You're welcome," I shrugged. I didn't do much.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, then silently looked between High and Dig for permission.

"I'm right here babe," Dig kissed my cheek while glaring at Tucker.

I walked towards the end of the driveway, leading him to the bus bench in front of our yard. Close enough for the guys to keep an eye, but far enough for them to not hear us. Given the fact that there was a chance of an olive branch being held out, I didn't want anything to fuck it up; having witnesses was smart. Besides, there's no way he'd be allowed further onto the property without a cavity search and a black eye. There was a lot of bad blood between him and my big brothers.

"I heard you were dating Dig," he looked at my boyfriend who was giving him the stink eye as we sat down. "Guess it's true."

"He doesn't care about my `reputation'," I responded, referring to when he tried to poach me from the house during Pledge Week.

"I shouldn't have said that," he looked at me, guilty.

"Especially with your own," I retorted. The rumors of him fucking -or at least trying to- every girl on campus were not a secret.

"You're right," he looked down for a second then back at me. "I'm sorry. I can be an asshole."

"I've heard," I nudged my head towards the house. "So why are you here?"

"I really wanted to thank you," he answered. "Brett and I talked after he got back from practice. I really fucked up, and he made it clear."

"You both fucked up," I clarified. "But now you can fix it."

"You're right," he nodded. "But I've heard you're like the easiest person to talk to about this shit." I gotta stop letting my hookups treat me like their therapist, especially the athletes.

"Who are you hearing this from?" Curiosity got me.

"Around," he shrugged. "That's all I'll say." This man definitely had secrets. "But I was wondering if you and I could call a truce?"

"A truce?" He nodded at my question. "I don't have problems with you or your brother. That's between you guys and my house," I explained. "I can be cool with you, but you've gotta talk to my brothers first." He knew better.

"Loyalty," he responded, knowing the culture.


"I'll uh..." he looked to the jeep where High, Dig, and now Bat were standing, watching us. "I'll be sure to talk to High first."

"Smart idea," I affirmed, knowing that going through High would be the best way for him to get on Dig's good side.

"See you after break?" he questioned as we stood up.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Have a good break."

"You too," he responded, then walked down the block towards the Omega house.

The car ride to my parents' house was full of questions from the guys. Dig wanted to make sure Tucker didn't say anything rude to me. High wanted to know what he wanted. Scooter asked what happened with Brett the night before. I did my best to convince them that all he wanted was to personally thank me for taking care of Brett when he was too drunk, and apologize for any weirdness with us. Given the situation, they were content with my response. I didn't want any of them to overthink, or get upset again, about our house rivalries. I definitely didn't want to trigger Scooter who was moving on from his ex.

The cookout at my parents' house was to be our official kickoff of Spring Break. It also happened to be us celebrating Cory's return from being on tour with his band. A classic old school family day full of food, drinks, potty humor, and loud music. When we reached the house I noticed my Mum's car and my Uncle Darius' SUV parked in the driveway; I guess it was more of a small family reunion. Of course my mother, Sean's Mom Lori, my Aunt Dina, and my Aunt Lisa were all in the kitchen when we walked into the house. It was cute seeing them frantically make drinks and plate some of the food; reminding me of my childhood. The women quickly dropped what they were doing to fawn all over us. Asking about classes, the frat house, and if we'd been eating enough. It was refreshing to receive those maternal bouts of affection after so long. I started to understand why Sean came home so often during his sophomore year; good food and amazing hugs.

It wasn't long until us boys were sent out to the backyard, after dropping our dirty laundry in the washroom. My Aunt Dina demanded that none of us came into the house until all of the food was ready. She knew very well that Sean would've eaten two plates before everyone else could have one.

The backyard was full of the men that I'd come to love, and rely on. My Dad was arguing with Uncle Darius at the grill, while Karsh and Cory sat at the picnic table scrolling through their phones. I spotted Tony playing with my Mum's dog. Mohinder was the first person to see us, when he walked out of the garage with a case of beer. Hugs and greetings were exchanged, small talk was made, and our stomachs were growling. When it was finally time for the food to be served, we all ran into the kitchen to fix our plates before going back outside to eat. It wasn't until Dig offered to get both of us second plates that my Mum said something.

"Did he just call you `babe'?" My mother looked directly at me. My Dad, sitting next to her, looked at me then back down to his plate.

"Yes Mum," I answered.

"I thought you were dating Kal?" She asked.

"I am," I confirmed. "I'm also dating Richie."

"The apple didn't fall far from the tree," Uncle Darius laughed. He wasn't wrong.

"Great!" Aunt Dina interjected. "You've got TWO boyfriends! Meanwhile, my Tony can't even keep one!"

"That's cuz I'm not a whore Ma!" Tony yelled from the table behind me.

"That's not what I heard," Cory huffed, sitting next to Tony who smacked him upside the head.

"Boys!" Lori spoke up. "No fighting at the table!"

"But why are you dating both of them?" My Mum asked me. "I thought things were good with you and Kal?"

"They're great!" I told her. "But he's all the way on the west coast, and we want each other to be happy. Dig makes me happy."

"But dating?!" My Mum questioned, just as Dig returned to his seat next to me.

"Leave it alone," My Dad calmly, almost jovially, interjected. My Mum started to speak again before my Dad stopped her. "He knows what he's doing." He turned to face me and Richie. "Besides, I like Brother Dig for our boy. Between him and Kal, our son is in good hands."

"The best, sir!" Dig looked up from his plate with a hug smile on his face.

After we'd all finally eaten, the guys and I went upstairs to hang out in my room while our parents cleaned up. We offered to help, but were promptly told to "buzz off" by Aunt Dina. Probably so that the adults could gossip about us in peace.

"So you've got two boyfriends now?" Cory asked while the others argued about what game to play.

"Yeah," I shrugged.

"How the fuck do you sit down?" He laughed.

"Usually on Dig's lap," I winked.

"You're so gross."

"Aye, you asked."

"Speaking of..." he pulled me out of the bedroom into the hallway. "I bottomed last night," he whispered.

"For a dude?" I was confused because he'd explicitly told me that he wasn't into guys.

"Yeah. We started talking, drinking some beers, next thing I know we were fucking." He seemed surprised with himself. "I liked it. I liked being with him, but... it's weird now."

"Why?" I asked, still keeping my voice low.

"I don't know how to hang out with him now, it's been weird all day. Do I bring it up? Do I wait for him to bring it up? What if he wants to do it again?!" He rambled.

"All day?" was the main thing that I picked up on. I quickly pushed him into the empty guest bedroom, then closed the door. "Please don't tell me you fucked Tony!"

"Not Tony," he responded. "Does he even fuck with white guys?"

"He's a whore for ass," I shrugged. "Then who was it?"

"Fuckin' Mo!" he whined.

"No!" I was shocked. "How'd that even happen?!"

"Dude! I don't know," he sat on the bed. "One minute I'm showing him pics from the tour, the next thing I know he's sucking my dick then fucking me on couch."

"There you are," Scooter poked his head into the door, before entering and closing it behind him. "The guys are being dumb."

"What else is new?" Cory joked, making us chuckle.

"What's up?" Scooter asked, sitting on the bed next to Cory.

"I uh... I fucked Mo last night," he told him. Scooter's face lit up. "Well, he fucked me. But still..."

"Is anyone around here straight?" Scooter rhetorically asked.

"Details! Now!" I demanded, then reached for my last hidden stash of weed in the night stand.

"He picked me up from the airport last night," Cory started, "then brought me home. My Mom was working a double, so nobody was there. We grabbed some beers out of the fridge, then sat on the couch to listen to the demo the band just recorded. I showed him pics from different venues. It was cool." This sounded pretty normal to me; your friend's dad just being a cool dad.

"After a few beers, we started talking about dating. He asked if I had a girl, I told him I was keeping my options open, then ended up mentioning that I also liked bottoming for them. True shit - girls love talking about pegging, but start to judge you if you like it too much. He told me not to focus too much on them, just do what felt good. Next thing I remember my pants were gone, and he was suckin' my dick! Dude! His mouth was sooo good. Wet as fuck, warm as hell! Every time spit got on my balls, he licked it off. I don't know what he was doing with his tongue, but it was better than any girl I've ever had. When he started fingering me I lost my mind!

I turned over to let him eat my ass, then howled like a bitch! This was the second dude that's eaten my ass and I was BEGGING to get fucked! I don't know how but he slid it in me real easy too! Like that big ass dick just... had no problems. Had me bent over the couch, wanting more, then told me to turn over. My dick stayed hard the whole time he was fucking me! Dude! He made me cum twice before he did! Inside of me! It was crazy!"

"What happened after that?" Scooter asked.

"We hugged, then he left," Cory responded, then looked at me. "Dude! I fucked your boyfriend's dad!"

"Who hasn't?" I joked, his face looked confused before I explained that Mohinder dated both of my parents and fucked me as well. It was slowly becoming a family tradition.

TO BE CONTINUED ------------------------------------------ Let me know what you guys think! I love getting feedback about my writing! And don't forget to donate to Nifty!

Next: Chapter 25

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