Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 22, 2001


Hey ya'all! This is Travis Smith. I'm am working on another story. Yea!!!! I can't believe I'm doing this. This one is called, "The Beginning of Something Wonderful. It starts out when the BSB are forming up with Kevin and Brian. This is going to be a pairing of either Brian and Nick or Kevin and Nick. The readers will have a major say in how the story works out. So I will definitely need input. Due to the fact that in this story Nick is only 13 there will not be any sex for a long time. Sorry folks. If you want sex go somewhere else. There will however be a lot heart ache and heart break and humor in this story. So hang on to your heart strings.

Disclaimor: This is a complete work of fiction. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys. I do not know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys. If you are under the age of 18 please leave. This is an adult story for adults. Please honor my request and save us a lot of trouble and leave now. Come back when you are legal.

Shout out to Andy!!!! (Sparky) I hope you are enjoying yourself.

Shout out to Francis. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shout out to Cartman (Our Cat!) Stop eating my tomatoes:(

So with out further ado I am proud and pleased to present for your reading enjoyment--------- The Beginning of Something Wonderful!

Chapter One

He opened is eyes and looked around his room. He knew that there was a reason for him to be up early but couldn't remember. He also had butterflies in his stomach. He got up and walked out of his room and into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. His almost white blonde hair was a mess. He would have to take a shower to calm it down. He started the water and hopped in. The ice cold water cascaded down his young thirteen year old body causing him to scream. That was when he remembered. Today was the day when they would meet one of the other members. "What was his name?" he thought to himself as he turned on the hot water to warm up the shower. Kent or Kenny or something. Yea it was definitely a K name.

"Nicholas!" shouted his mother from behind the door. "Hurry up or you are going to late for the meeting!"

"Ohh Kay mom!" he whined. "I'll be out in a minute." He quickly finished his shower and dashed into this room and quickly dressed and pounded down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. He looked around to see his little brother sitting in a chair. "Hey AC!" he smiled as he kissed him on the top of his head.

"Nicky!" squealed his little brother as he held up his arms to be picked up.

"Sorry little dude but I have to jet!" he replied as he gulped down a glass of OJ and ran out doors and jumped into the waiting car. "Hey AJ, Hey Howie," he said cheerfully.

"What the fuck are you so happy for?" sneered AJ. Nick lowered his head wondering why AJ hated him so much. He cringed when AJ slammed his fist into Nick's shoulder. "Answer my question Fag Boy!" AJ hit him again only this time it was harder. Tears stung the 13 year old's eyes.

"Come on AJ," barked Howie. "Leave the kid alone!" AJ slumped back in his seat glaring at Nick. Nick shied away from the bully and looked out the window. "So you two ready to meet Kevin?" asked Howie. Nick perked up right away.

"I am!" Nick replied in a perky voice.

"I am!" sneered AJ mocking Nick.

"Fuck you!" yelled Nick.

"Ewwww big words for a little faggot!" snickered AJ.

"I aint no Faggot!" screamed Nick

"Ok you two!" shouted Howie. "Stop fighting!" Nick slumped down in the seat pouting. AJ just grinned happy that he had gotten Nick into trouble. "Besides we're here." The car stopped and they all filed out and into the building. Once inside they headed into the board room where they saw Lou Pearlman and a strange young man. Nick made sure he kept himself in the back and took the seat furthest away from the others.

"Let's get this meeting started," Lou spoke up first. "The first order of business is to introduce your new band member. Everyone I would like you to meet Kevin Richardson. Let's go around the table and introduce ourselves to Kevin." AJ went first than Howie but when it came to Nick he couldn't talk.

"Nick?" asked Lou. "You loose your voice?"

"Umm no," he finally squeaked out. This got a soft rippling of laughter from everyone. For the first time he heard Kevin's soft deep voice ring out in laughter. He looked shyly up at Kevin and smiled. "Umm I'm Nick."

"Nice to meet you Nick," Kevin replied. Nick liked him already. His deep voice was accented with a southern accent. "You live around here?" Nick nodded yes.

"Well we can get to know each other later," Lou cut in. "Right now we need to concentrate on finding another member. We really need a fifth member to make the harmonies richer. So does anyone have any ideals?" Kevin raised his hand. "Go ahead Kevin," Lou prodded.

"Umm I know I am new around here but I do know someone who might be perfect for the position," Kevin said.

"Well how well do you know him?" Lou asked.

"Very well, his name is Brian and he is my cousin," Kevin replied. AJ snorted and glared at Kevin. "You have a problem with that?" Kevin stood up and walked to the where AJ was. "So do you have a problem with it?" It was plain that Kevin was bigger than AJ and could probably take him in a fight.

"Umm no," AJ stuttered looking down. Nick choked back a laugh and Kevin glanced over at him and winked and smiled.

"He knows!" Nick thought to himself. "He knows that AJ is an ass! Yesss!" Nick pictured himself doing a little happy dance. "Maybe he and I could be friends."

"Nick?" asked a voice. Lou was talking to him. He looked up at Lou and blushed. "Can you pay attention here?"

"Umm sorry," Nick mumbled. He saw a shadow beside him and looked up in time to see Kevin sit next to him.

"Don't worry," Kevin said clapping his hand on Nick's shoulders. "I would get bored too if I was your age and had to sit through these meetings."

After the meeting in the car heading to the recording studio.

"So you have a girlfriend?" Kevin asked.

"Hell no he doesn't have a girlfriend!" sneered AJ. "Little faggots don't have girlfriends."

"I aint no faggot!" Nick yelled at AJ. Smack! AJ's hand slapped Nick in the face. Silence reigned supreme in the car. Kevin quietly scotted over to AJ and grabbed his hand and twisted it back.

"You ever hit him again and I will tear your hand off!" Kevin said in a deadly quiet voice. AJ wrenched his hand away and tried to hit Kevin back. But Kevin stopped his fist in mid swing. "Don't try me boy!" he yelled. "I grew up with older brothers. And I have scrapped with the best of them. So if you don't want me to mess you up you had better lay off!"

"Come on you guys," Howie pleaded with Kevin and AJ. Kevin finally let go of AJ's hand and sat back turning his attention to Nick.

"Your face is going to swell," he muttered glaring at AJ. "You really need some ice."

"There is some in the mini fridge," Howie offered as he quickly put together a make shift ice bag. Kevin took it and held it too Nick's face. Nick tried to move his face out of the way but Kevin gently but firmly held it in place.

"I know it is cold but it will keep the swelling down. We don't want that cute face of yours to swell up now do we?" he asked smiling. Nick shook his head and took the ice pack away from Kevin and held it too his face. Kevin turned his attention back to AJ. "Now I know we've only met and all but I've got to tell you, you are an ass! Why do you hate Nick so much?"

"He's queer!" AJ spat out.

"How the hell do you know?" Kevin demanded as he watched Nick glare at AJ.

"I catch him checking all of the guys all the time. It makes me sick!" AJ said. Kevin looked at Nick only to see him looking down not wanting to look up at Kevin.

"Just because he looks at guys doesn't mean he is gay," Kevin replied. "Hell, when I was his age I looked at everything that walked."

"So are you gay too?" AJ demanded. Kevin looked at AJ than he looked at Nick. He opened his mouth to talk.

Chapter two

"That is none of your business AJ, just as it is none of your business if Nick is gay," Kevin replied as he winked at Nick. Nick's mouth popped open and closed it just as fast.

"Ohh fuck!" grumbled AJ. "That is all I need is to be surrounded by a bunch of faggots."

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" demanded Howie. "I mean we are at the studio. I want to lay down some tracks for Kevin to see how his voice is going to work with ours." They finally got settled in the recording booth and started to sing. When Kevin started to sing Nick paid attention to his deep and clear voice. To Nick it was the voice of Angels. When they stopped Nick couldn't help but blurt out.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "What a voice!" Kevin grinned at him.

"Well thank you Nick," he replied. "Your voice is real good too. I get you can really hit the high notes too."

"Yea I can but I'm afraid that when my voice changes that will effect my singing," Nick said worried.

"If anything it will make it better," Kevin complimented him.

"Yea yea," sneered AJ. "Can we go home now?"

"Yea I think we are done for today," Howie said sighing. He wondered about his friend sometimes. He was so moody. One minute him and Nick are best buds the next minute he hated him.

"Hey Kevin!" asked Nick as they headed towards the car. "You want to come over to my place?"

"No way Nick!" AJ shouted at him as he put his arm around Kevin. Kevin politely removed his arm from his shoulder glaring at AJ. "Kevin is coming with us!"

"No I'm not!" Kevin replied with force. "Nick, I would be honored to come home with you."

"Fine!" grumbled AJ as he stomped off.

"Man what is his problem?" Kevin asked shaking his head.

"He is in one of his moods again," Nick replied. "Come on! There is mom's car." Kevin had to smile at the teen's energy. In about fifteen seconds he was at the doors side talking to his mother. "Hey mom! I want you to meet Kevin," he said exitedly.

"Nice to meet you Kevin," she smiled as she stuck out her hand. "So did Nick kidnap you?"

"Moooom!" whined Nick blushing. Kevin chuckled softly as he took her hand.

"No Mrs. Carter, I assure you Nick did not kidnap me," Kevin said letting go of her hand. "He did extend a very nice invitation to spend the evening at his house if that is all right with you."

"Of course it is all right with me. But I must warn you we are a wild bunch!" Mrs. Carter smiled. "Now let's get into the car and head over to the house. I can tell that Nick is dying to jump in the pool."

"Yea, are going to swim too?" Nick asked nudging Kevin.

"I didn't bring any trunks with me," Kevin said regretfully.

"Mom?" asked Nick. "Can we stop at a store and get Kevin some trunks?"

"You really don't have--," Kevin started to argue.

"Yes Nick," Mrs. Carter said. "We can most certainly stop at Wall Mart and pick Kevin up a pair of trunks. Kevin smiled her his thanks and turned attention back to Nick. He caught him staring at him. Kevin waved his hand in front of the teen. Shaking himself out of his trance Nick blushed and looked down.

Kevin leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "If you want to talk later that is fine." Nick eyes shot wide open with fear in his eyes. "I promise I don't bite," Kevin assured him with a twinkle in his eye.

"Ummm ok," Nick finally managed to stuttered out.

"Ok to what?" Kevin asked with his eyes full of laughter. "Ok we can talk or ok I don't bite." Nick busted up laughing and shrugged his shoulders. "That is not an answer."

"Umm ok, I would like to talk," Nick replied still looking down. Kevin could tell he was scared shitless. He had to figure out a way to calm this kid down. He whished he was alone with Nick so that he could let him know that it was ok for him to be honest. He knew that Nick had a crush on him the minute he laid eyes on him. But Kevin also knew that there was no way he could even think of touching Nick.

"Ok we'll talk later," Kevin smiled as the car stopped and they got out to get him a pair of swimming trunks.


"Cannon ball!" shouted Nick as he jumped into the air and pulled his legs up under him and made himself into a ball and landed into the water making a huge splash. Kevin was standing by the grill helping the adults cook dinner. "Come on in Kev!" Kevin looked over at him and had to smile. Nick was floating in the water on his back grinning up him. "The water is great!"

"Go ahead Kevin," Mrs. Carter said laying a hand on his shoulder. "You guys leave to go on tour tomorrow. You need to play and relax. Being on tour is going to be hard enough."

"How does he do it?" Kevin asked gesturing to Nick who was swimming like a dolphin.

"Well this will be his first official tour. I know he is young and he will get lonely," Kevin face frowned when he heard the lonely part. "We come from a very close family. And we haven't really been apart. So it will be hard on him. But he claims that he really wants this so I'm not going to stand in his way."

"He is a great kid, but I don't like how AJ is always picking on him," Kevin said looking down at Nick. Nick had convinced his little brother to join him and was swimming around the pool with Arron on his back. The little boy was squealing with laughter.

"AJ has some problems he needs to deal with," Mrs. Carter said quietly. "He also has a real problem with homosexuals too." Kevin jerked his head up in shock. Mrs. Carter busted up laughing. "Nick may not be willing to admit it yet but I can tell that he is gay."

"And you are ok with this?" Kevin asked shocked.

"I still love him. He is my little boy. That will never change. But my question is, are you ok with it? I mean you will be working with him almost every day for 24 hours straight." Mrs. Carter asked as she set the down the spatula. Kevin looked back at Nick who was in the process of dunking his little brother in the water. "You know he has a crush on you don't you?" she asked.

"Umm yea I um kinda figured that," Kevin mumbled. "I um don't quite know how to handle that."

"Just don't hurt him," Mrs. Carter said as she headed into the house. Kevin sighed and looked back at the pool.

"How the hell did my life get so complicated so fast?" he mumbled to him self as he walked to the pool and pulled off his shirt.

Nick looked up just in time to see Kevin pull off his t-shirt. He gulped and swallowed hard. He could feel himself getting hard. "Ohhh man please not now!" he pleaded to him self. "I can't let him see me like this." He quickly swam away and jumped out of the pool and ran into the house. Kevin looked confused but decided to jump in the pool any way. The cool water felt good on his half naked body. He settled into a good fast swim and started doing laps. He hadn't worked out yet so he decided that now was a good time as any.

Chapter 3

Nick woke up the next morning and looked over at the bed across from him. Kevin was sleeping in it. Nick couldn't help but stare at him. Kevin was so hot. "How am I supposed to live with him for the next three months?" he whined to himself. He knew that Kevin was way to old for him. He knew he didn't stand a chance with him. The more he thought about it the sadder he got. Before he knew it he was crying softly to himself. Only problem with crying for Nick was that he couldn't stop. It wasn't long before Kevin opened his eyes and found Nick sobbing into his pillow. Kevin sighed and got up and went to Nick's bed. He put his arm on Nick's shoulder only to have the youth pull away.

"I want to help if I can," he said softly.

"You wouldn't understand," Nick mumbled into his pillow.

"How do you know?" Kevin asked smiling. "I've been around a lot longer than you, you know."

"Oh yea here we go with that I'm older than you shit!" Nick hurled at Kevin. Kevin looked hurt for a few seconds than he remembered how he was when he was that age. "Sorry," Nick mumbled. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

"You ready for that talk?" Kevin asked softly rubbing Nick's shoulders.

"I um think I am um gay," Nick blurted out before he lost his nerve. The minute it was out he cringed as if Kevin was going to hit him. When the blows didn't come he looked over at Kevin with confusion. "Why are you still here?" he asked. "Shouldn't you be running away from me? Didn't you hear me? I'm gay!"

"No," Kevin said trying really hard not to laugh. "I believe the words you used was, I um think I am um gay." Nick glared at Kevin for mocking him. "Hey they're your words not mine."

"So you're not going to hit me?" Nick asked. Kevin put his arm around Nick's shoulders and pulled him close.

"No Nick, I'm not going to hit you," Kevin said softly. "You being gay is not a big deal. It is who you are. I can't change that, your mother can't change that and AJ can't change that either. But you are going to have hide it from the public you know." Nick shook his head. Obviously he hadn't of thought of that.

"You mean I have to hide my feelings?" he asked scrunching up his nose.

"While you are in public, yes," Kevin replied flatly. "You are in a boy band and we want to attract girls to listen to us and to like us. They are not going to like us if they know that cutest one is gay."

"You think I'm cute?" Nick squeaked.

"Oh yea," Kevin chuckled. "You are little hottie." Nick was bright red in an instant. "Ohhh made you blush!" Kevin giggled as Nick glared at him hard. Than Nick looked at him for a while and than looked away suddenly shy. "Something on your mind Nicky?"

"Would you be mad if I told you something really important?" Nick asked.

"No, I promise that I won't be mad," Kevin promised holding up his right hand.

"Umm I ummm think you are really um good looking," Nick stammered looking down at his feet.

"Well thank you I think," Kevin replied grinning. "Now I have a question to ask you." Nick looked up at him. "Do you have a crush on me?" Nick's eyes filled with tears as he turned away from him. "I promise I won't get mad Nicky," Kevin said softly. Nick nodded quietly and laid on the pillow crying softly. "Ohhh Nicky," Kevin sighed. "You know we can't do anything right?"

"What is there to do?" Nick asked looking confused as he wiped his nose on his sleeve. "I just like you is all. I was hoping that we could be friends."

"Oh well I guess I can deal with that," Kevin said breathing a sigh of relief.

"You mean we can be friends?" asked Nick grinning.

"Yea Nicky," Kevin smiled. "We can be friends."

"Yippeee!" Nick squealed as he stood in bed and did a little happy dance which involved shaking his but from side to side and waving his hands in the air and walking like a duck. Kevin couldn't help but laugh at him. "Hey!" Nick pouted as he plopped down beside Kevin. "Don't laugh at my happy dance!"

"Oh is that what you call it?" Kevin asked laughing. "I thought you were doing an impression of a duck having a seizure."

"It is not a duck having a seizure!" Nick grumbled.

"Sorry," Kevin giggled. "Umm we should be getting up. We have to meet Brian in about an hour. Than it is off on the tour!"


"Hi yall!" spoke up a very nervous Brian. "How yall doin?" Nick gulped and looked up at the very attractive youth from Kentucky. Kevin chuckled as he watched Nick's reaction. This was going to be a very interesting few months.

Little did they all know but this was the beginning of an adventure that would last for years to come.

Later on the bus.

"So how long have you been in the band?" asked Brian as he sat next to Nick.

"For a while," Nick managed to squeak out. Brian busted up laughing. His laughing made Nick want to laugh too. After a while Kevin looked at them and shook his head. "He started it," Nick giggled pointing at Brian.

"Hey!" Brian replied with mock hurt. "I'll get you for that!" And with that said, started the first of many tickle wars. Of course Nick was at the receiving end of it. By the end of it Nick was flushed and laughing so hard until he had tears running down his face.

"Come on!" he gasped out. "Stop!"

"Say, Brian Littrel is the greatest and best looking guy in the world!" Brian demanded as he continued to tickle him.

"Uh uh no way!" Nick wheezed out trying to get away.

"Oh no you don't!" Brian laughed as he continue to tickle him. "Say it first!"

"Ok ok," Nick gasped out. "Brain Littrel is the greatest and best looking guy in the world!" Brian stopped tickling him and sat back looking very pleased with himself. Nick grabbed a pillow and whapped Brian up side the head with it.

"OH that is it little man," Brian laughed. "You have really had it now." Nick giggled loudly and ran and hid behind Kevin. "He is not going to protect you Nick!" Kevin just looked at his cousin and frowned. "Umm maybe he is," Brian stammered as he gave up chasing him. "Ok little dude you may have won the first one but the next one is mine."

"Yippee!" exclaimed Nick as he did his happy dance again.

"Man you are one weird little dude!" Brian said shaking his head laughing. "I'm going to lay down for a couple of hours. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," Nick replied.

"You should get some rest Nick," Kevin said. "You have a big night ahead of you. You are going to be up past your bedtime as it is. Remember we have that party to go to with the record execs."

"Ohh man do I have too?" whined Nick only proving just how tired he was by breaking into a huge yawn.

"Yes I think you do," chuckled Kevin.

"Come on Nick," Brian said wrapping his arm around Nick and pulling him to that back of the bus. "Um where do I sleep?" he asked Nick.

"Umm I'm sleeping on the top bunk, I like being on top. You can sleep on the top bunk across from me that way we can talk at night," Nick suggested.

"Cool," Brian said as he stripped off his shirt and shorts. He was wearing only a white wife beater and a pair of boxers. Nick very quickly turned away and took off his shirt and climbed up into the bunk and pulled the curtain shut and than took off his pants and sat up and folded them and put them at the end of his bunk.

"PSSST!" hissed Brian. Nick slid the curtain aside and looked over at Brian. "What was that all about?" Nick blushed and looked down. "You shy or something?"

"I'm not used to getting undressed in front of people," Nick mumbled.

"Hey Dude," Brian giggled. "We are going to be together for like forever. So you had better get used to getting dressed and undressed infront of us."

"Including Kevin?" Nick gulped out. He could barely control himself when Kevin was fully clothed. He didn't know what was going to happen when Kevin started to take off his clothes infront of him. And he sure didn't want to find out.

"Yes silly," laughed Brian. "I'm gonna go to sleep." With that the curtain slid shut. Nick plopped down in the bunk and thought about what Brian said.


So what do you think? Huh? Huh? Tell me!!! Plllleaaaasssseeee.

e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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