Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Jul 31, 2001


"The Beginning of Something Wonderful. It starts out when the BSB are forming up with Kevin and Brian. This is going to be a pairing of either Brian and Nick or Kevin and Nick. The readers will have a major say in how the story works out. So I will definitely need input. Due to the fact that in this story Nick is only 13 there will not be any sex for a long time. Sorry folks. If you want sex go somewhere else. There will however be a lot heart ache and heart break and humor in this story. So hang on to your heart strings.

Disclaimor: This is a complete work of fiction. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys. I do not know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys. If you are under the age of 18 please leave. This is an adult story for adults. Please honor my request and save us a lot of trouble and leave now. Come back when you are legal.

Chapter 4

Nick woke up when he heard the hiss of the air brakes. "Nick?" asked Brian. "You awake?" Nick pushed the curtain aside and looked across to see Brian grinning at him. "I think the bus stopped."

"Yea umm that would be why are not moving," Nick giggled as he tried really hard not yawn.

"Come on everyone," Kevin said as he poked his head in the sleeping area of the bus. "Hey Nick, hey Brian, did you two have a good sleep?"

"Yea I did," Nick said as he grinned and hopped down sliding on his pants and t-shirt. "I had a hard time trying to sleep over Brian's snoring," he giggled.

"Hey!" yelled Brian. "I do not snore!"

"Yes you do," Nick giggled as he took off down the hall trying to avoid Brian. But Brian was to fast for him and caught him and started to tickle him again. After a few minutes of tickling he finally took pity on Nick and let him up.

"Come on you two," Kevin chuckled. "We have a party to go to." The five guys walked into the hotel and up to their rooms. Once in Nick begin to look around. Since they were just starting out the room wasn't that great and he had to share with Brian. Brian walked in and plopped his suitcase down and fell onto the bed. "Uh uh you two!" Kevin said sternly as he laid two garmet bags down. "You have to get showered and get ready to go. We meet in the lobby in an hour." Nick walked over to the bed and picked up the smaller Garmet bag and unzipped it.

"Cool!" Nick grinned. "Suits!"

"You want the shower first?" Brian asked as he pulled off his shirt. Nick's eyes got real big when he saw Brian's chest. "Hey Nick?" asked Brian as he waved his hand in front of Nick's eyes. Nick shook his head to clear his thoughts.

"Umm yea," Nick stammered. "Um I'll take a shower first." He quickly grabbed a pair of boxers and t-shirt and slipped into the bathroom. Once there he leaned against the wall. Looking down at his jeans he could see his cock was straining against the fabric. "Ohhh man," he whined. "I'm hard again. Two really hot guys here and I can't do anything with either of them!" Nick pouted as he adjusted the shower water and jumped in. "Oh well at least I can jack off really quick." He reached down and started pulling on his cock. He closed his eyes and fantasized about going down On Kevin's cock. He had never sucked a guys dick before and he wondered what it was like. The more he thought about it the better he felt. His cock felt really hard and tingly. In no time at all he let out a small high pitched moan as he exploded all over his hand. He quickly washed his hands off and the rest of his body. Once clean he dried himself off and decided that he wasn't going to do anything with his hair. You know go for the just got up look. He wondered if he could actually get away with it. He probably could because his mom wasn't here. Stepping out of the bathroom he shivered as the cold air hit him for the air conditioner.

"Hey Nick!" Brian said smiling. "You cold or something?"

"I just need to put some clothes on," he said with his teeth chattering. Brian just laughed and stepped into the bathroom. Nick quickly slipped on his suit pants and shirt. He looked at the tie confused. "How am I supposed to tie this?" He tied it the best way he could and plopped down on the bed and turned on the tv. In a few minutes the door open and out strolled Brian. He was wearing only a towel. "Ohhh man!" whined Nick to himself. "Not again!" His eyes really bugged out as Brian dropped his towel revealing himself to Nick long enough to slip on a pair of boxers. Nick got a good look at Brian's cock. It was huge! Much larger than his. He also had a blonde patch of hair around it too. Nick quickly looked away before Brian saw him looking. "Think about mom naked! Think about mom naked!" he thought to himself. It was at this time that he heard Brian laughing his head off. He looked over at Brian and saw him pointing at his tie. "What?" Nick asked confused.

"Who taught you how to tie a tie?" giggled Brian.

"I taught myself!" Nick grumbled in defense.

"Yea I kinda figured!" giggled Brian. "Here give it to me." Nick sighed and slipped the tie off and tossed it Brian. "Now let me show you how to tie a tie. It is really easy once you get to know how to do it." Nick watched Brian tie his tie but found that he wasn't really watching him tie his tie he was really watching Brian's face. He was so cute. He had the cutest face. Nick wanted to kiss him so bad. "Here!" Brian said as he tossed the tie and it landed on Nick's head. Nick took and slipped it back on and tightened it. "Here let me help." Brian stepped up to him and helped Nick tighten his tie. Nick got a real good look at Brian's stomach and chest.

"Wow he is hot!" Nick said to himself. "Ohh mann here I go again," He closed his eyes really tight. "Mom naked mom naked! Good all better now!" There was a pounding at the door.

"Come on you two!" Kevin shouted. "Open up!" Brian sighed and opened the door for him. Kevin came in wearing his suit. Nick gulped as he looked at Kevin. He looked so good looking in his suit and he smelled good too. Kevin looked at Nick and smiled. "Man you need to do something with that hair young man!"

"No!" Nick exclaimed. "I'm not touching my hair! I like it just like it is!"

"Nick, you are not going to the party with your hair all a mess," Kevin scolded him as he walked into the bathroom and retrieved a comb and bottle of gel and walked up to Nick and started to comb his hair. Only problem was Nick kept moving around so that Kevin couldn't do it right. "Nick!" Kevin said loudly. "Hold still!" Nick cringed at the hard words and held still pouting. "Ohh Nick!" Kevin said. "Stop pouting. You know your face will freeze like that."

"Yea yea, whatever!" grumbled Nick as he looked in the mirror. "Hey not bad!" he smiled as he looked in the mirror.

"Hey!" Kevin said. "I'm not done." He grabbed Nick by the shoulders and set him in front of him and ran his fingers through his hair spreading gel in it. After a few more minutes of messing with it he stood back. "There all done." Nick turned around and looked at it. "Wow you look hot!" Kevin said with a grin. Nick immediately blushed looking down. "You need some cologne now."

"Eww!" Nick said scrunching up his nose. "I'm not wearing stuff that is going to make me smell like a girl!" Now both Kevin and Brian were laughing. Brian handed Kevin a bottle of his cologne.

"Come here Nick!" ordered Kevin.

"No way!" Nick insisted. "You are not spraying any smelly stuff on me. Stay away from me with that."

"Come on Nick!" Kevin said with a pout. "You will smell really nice. See I'm wearing some."

"You are?" Nick asked.

"Yea smell," Kevin said leaning down so that Nick could smell. Nick took a sniff and had to admit that Kevin did smell good.

"What is it called?" Nick asked.

"Gravity," Kevin said.

"I want yours than," Nick said grinning. He was excited to be wearing Kevin's Cologne. Kevin sighed and walked out of the room and returned with a blue bottle and sprayed some on Nick's cheek. Nick sneezed really loud causing Kevin to laugh.

"There!" Kevin said grinning. "Now you are ready to party with the dudes!"

Later that evening Kevin found Nick by the desert tray.

"Hey Nick," Kevin said as he picked up a cookie. "You having fun?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Ok Nicky, what's wrong." Nick shrugged his shoulders again. "Come on Nick, I want to help."

"Nothing's wrong, I just miss mom and AC is all," Nick mumbled looking up at Kevin with tears in his eyes. Kevin looked up at the clock and saw that it was close to 1:00 in the morning.

"Come on Nicky," he said softly. "Let's get you up to bed."

"Can you get Brian?" Nick asked in a soft voice.

"Why do you want Brian?" Kevin asked.

"Umm I don't ohh never mind you will think I'm dumb!" Nick grumbled stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Nick I promise, I will not think you are dumb," Kevin sighed leaning down so that he was eye level with Nick.

"I don't want to be alone," Nick mumbled really quiet.

"Oh I see," Kevin said looking around. "I'll tell you what. Why don't you spend the night with me tonight?"

"Really?" asked Nick suddenly happy. "I mean you really want to spend the night with me?"

"Hey," Kevin said grinning. "I told you we were friends didn't I?"

Soon Kevin and Nick were back up in Kevin's room. Kevin had to really work at getting Nick ready for bed. Once upstairs Nick wanted to talk. After bribing him with a trip to McDonalds tomorrow he finally got Nick under the blankets. In no time at all Nick was sound asleep.

Later that night Kevin was woken to Nick crying in his sleep. Kevin got up and found out that Nick wasn't really asleep. He was laying on his side with tears flowing down the side of his face.

"Hey Nicky," Kevin said in a soft voice. "What's wrong?"

"I wanna go home," Nick sobbed. "I don't wanna be a singer anymore. I wanna go home." Kevin's heart went out to the 13 year old. "Please Kevin, can I go home?"

"Ohhh Nicky," Kevin said as he wiped some of the tears from his face. "You don't want to quit singing now do you?" Nick was really quiet. "I mean I would be really sad if you went home."

"You mean you don't want me go home?" Nick asked. Kevin shook his head no as he moved Nick's hair out of his eyes. "But I don't like AJ. He is mean to me and I'm so confused about Brian and you."

"Ok, so why don't you tell me why you are confused about us?" Kevin asked.

"You are both really good looking," Nick blurted out. Kevin choked back a laugh. "Well it is true!"

"Well thank you I think," Kevin chuckled. "So you think Brian is really cute."

"Yep," Nick said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "I got to see him naked!"

"You did what?" yelped Kevin.

"I saw him naked," Nick grinned. "It was only for a second than I turned away."

"So did you like what you saw?" Kevin asked carefully. Nick nodded his head really fast. "Why don't you go to sleep and we will talk later in the morning?"

"Umm Kevin?" Nick asked in a small voice.

"Yes Nicky?" Kevin answered.

"Umm can I sleep with you?" he asked.

"Sure you can Nicky," Kevin said as he held the covers back to make room for Nick. Nick crawled into Kevin's bed and snuggled close to him. "Good night Nicky."

"Good Night Kevin," Nick sighed as he closed his eyes.


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Next: Chapter 3

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