Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 8, 2001


"The Beginning of Something Wonderful. It starts out when the BSB are forming up with Kevin and Brian. This is going to be a pairing of either Brian and Nick or Kevin and Nick. The readers will have a major say in how the story works out. So I will definitely need input. Due to the fact that in this story Nick is only 13 there will not be any sex for a long time. Sorry folks. If you want sex go somewhere else. There will however be a lot heart ache and heart break and humor in this story. So hang on to your heart strings.

Disclaimor: This is a complete work of fiction. I do not claim to know the Backstreet Boys. I do not know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys. If you are under the age of 18 please leave. This is an adult story for adults. Please honor my request and save us a lot of trouble and leave now. Come back when you are legal.

The Beginning of Something Wonderful

Chapter 5

"AUUGGHHHH," screamed the 13 year old boy as the cold water came cascading down on him. He could also hear Kevin laughing in the room. "I heard that!" Nick shouted at him. "It's your fault that I have to take a cold shower!"

"Oh yea?" Kevin shouted back at him as he opened the bathroom door to brush his teeth.

"Yea it is!" Nick hollered back at him as he quickly got cleaned up. "It is totally your fault you are so good looking and you get me all excited! Ohh God!" Nick moaned. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yes Nick you did," laughed Kevin. "We really have to talk when you get out of the shower." Nick walked out of the bathroom dressed and ready for the day. "You hungry?" Kevin asked. Nick shrugged his shoulders. "That is not an answer."

"Maybe a little,' Nick mumbled. A knocking at the door startled him.

"Don't worry Nick," Kevin said as he walked by him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It is just the rest of the guys." He opened the door and AJ and Howie came strolling in.

"Hey Fag boy!" AJ hurled at Nick.

"I aint no Fag!" Nick shouted back pouncing on AJ and started to pound on him.

"Help!" yelled AJ. "Would someone get this little queer off of me!" Before Kevin could jump in to stop Nick. AJ tossed Nick off of him. Nick went flying across the room landing on his side. Kevin could hear Nick hit hard and he heard the sickening sound of bone cracking.

"Nick!" Kevin shouted as he ran over to him. Kneeling down he gently turned Nick over. Nick was holding his arm. "Where does it hurt!"

"My arm," Nick whimpered. "God it hurts!" Tears flowed down his face.

"We'll get you to the hospital," Kevin said as motioned Brian over. "Keep him calm while I get some transportation for him." Brian nodded and knelt by Nick and took a hold of his good hand.

"Hey Nicky," he smiled trying not to cry from seeing his new found friend in such pain. "If it hurts to much you just go ahead an squeeze my hand as hard as you want ok?" Nick nodded as he tried to stop crying. "And don't worry about crying. You go ahead an cry if you want to." Nick nodded as fresh tears flowed down his face.

"Oh God Nick," AJ said as he came into view. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Get away from him!" Brian hissed at AJ. "This is your fault you know!" AJ looked down and backed off.

"The ambulance is on its way. We need to keep him quiet as possible," Kevin said as he took Brian's place. "Hey Nicky, how you holding up?"

"It hurts real bad Kevin," Nick sobbed out. "Make the pain stop."

"We're working on it buddy," Kevin said as he ran his fingers through Nick's hair. "We still have to have that talk you know?" trying to take Nick's mind off of the injury.

"Do we really have to?" whined Nick. "Man that was so embarrassing!" Kevin chuckled a little. "Well it was!" Nick retorted pouting.

"So you think I'm good looking huh?" Kevin asked softly. Nick nodded blushing. "Well thank you Nicky."

"Umm what do we do now?" he asked looking up at Kevin. "I want to more than friends."

"Umm Nick, you are only 13 years old and I'm 21. We can't be lovers," Kevin said softly.

"But I love you!" Nick sobbed. Kevin looked up at Brian for help. Brian knelt down and reached over and wiped some tears from Nick's face.

"Kevin loves you to Nick," Brian said softly. Nick looked up smiling. "Just not in the same way."

"What way is there?" Nick asked confused.

"You love your brother right?" Brian asked. Nick nodded. "And your brother loves you too." Again Nick nodded. "Well that is the way Kevin loves you. He loves like a brother."

"But what if I get older I mean there is only 8 years difference in our ages?" Nick asked hopefully. Brian looked over at Kevin. Kevin sighed.

"We'll see," Kevin said looking deep into Nick's eyes.

"So there is a chance than!" Nick exclaimed jumping up forgetting about his arm. "Oww," he cried as he grabbed it close.

"Nick You really need to sit still," Kevin said putting his hand on Nick's chest. "And yes, there could be a chance. I'm not promising anything. We'll have to see how things go. Besides you might find someone cuter than me."

"No way!" Nick said grinning. "You are the best looking guy around!" Now it was Kevin's turn to blush. "Well you are!"

"Hey what about me?" asked Brian looking hurt.

"Oh you are good looking too but not the way Kevin is," Nick explained. The door opened and the paramedics came in.

"Nick?" asked Kevin. "They have to put you on the stretcher. Is that ok?"

"Will you be coming with me?" Nick asked.

"Yes I'll be right here beside you, I'm not going anywhere," Kevin smiled.

Later in the hospital Kevin is sitting at Nick's bedside. Nick is sleeping still. They had to set the bone and the put him under. Kevin looked closely at the youth and shook his head. He was cute. But there was no way in hell he could ever get close to him. He was 21 and that was illegal besides it was sick too. Maybe when Nick got older there could be something. He sighed as he ran his fingers through the youth's hair. Nick moaned softly and turned over. Kevin knew what he had to do. Getting up he left the room.

"I don't care!" Kevin spoke into the phone. "I have to do this. I know it will hurt but I have no choice in the matter. It has to be done!" He hung up the phone and turned around to find Brian standing behind him. "Did you hear?" Brian nodded. "I really wish there was another way Brian I really do."

"I know you do Kevin. But this has to be done. I'll be there for him and make sure he has some one to lean on," Brian said sadly. "Make it happen." Kevin nodded sadly and left the hospital to put his plan in action.

So what is Kevin up to? Why do I get the feeling that Nick is going to get his little heart broken? Oh well, stay tuned for the next installment of The Beginning of Something Wonderful.

Next: Chapter 4

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