Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Aug 23, 2001



I don't know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet boys. This is complete fiction. If you are underage or this is illegal for you to read please leave now.


The Beginning of Something Wonderful Chapter 7 & 8

Nick walked into the room and plopped down on the bed and picked up the remote and turned on the TV. He was still upset from seeing Ryan hug and kiss on Kevin earlier. He heard the lock turn in the door and saw it open and watched as Brian let him self in.

"Hey Nick," he said softly as he walked over to him and sat next to him. "Whacha doin?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. Brian let out a snort of laughter when he saw the home improvement show on the TV. Today's subject was roofing your house. The funniest part was that Nick was actually pretending to watch it. "Hmmmm how to put shingles on a roof," Brian said with just a hint of a smile. "Yep I can see that really helping you out. It is good for every guy to know how to roof a house." He heard a snort and looked over at Nick to see his shoulders shaking with laughter. "Do you mind if I change the channel?" Nick shrugged his shoulders and tossed the remote to Brian. After a few minutes of channel surfing he clicked the TV off. "You want to talk about it?" Brian asked.

"What's there to talk about?" Nick mumbled. "He loves Ryan and not me." Nick got up and went to his back pack and pulled out his hand held Nintendo game and started to play.

"You upset about it?" Brian pressed on. Nick shrugged his shoulders and continued to playing. Brian sighed and took the game from Nick. "Come on Nick, talk to me."

"Why do I have to be so young?" Nick complained with a pout. "Why can't I be older like Kevin than he could love me." Brian could see the tears starting again. Moving quickly he wrapped his arms around Nick.

"Ohh Nicky," he whispered as he kissed the top of his head. "What are we going to do with you?" Nick shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I'm not going to worry about it anymore!" Nick huffed as he snatched his game back and resumed his playing. "I'm going to find me a boyfriend!"

"You're what?" Brian stammered.

"You heard me," Nick replied. "I'm going to find me a boyfriend. There are a lot of cute boys out there that would go with me." Brian grinned and shook his head. "What?" complained Nick. "You don't think I can find a boyfriend?"

"Well, umm well look at what you do," Brian said trying to reason with him. "I'm mean you are in a boy band. The girls might start talking."

"I don't care what the girls say. I don't like them any way," Nick said shuddering. Brian tried real hard not to laugh but failed. Than he stopped quickly when he saw Nick looking at him with hope in his eyes. "Umm do you want to umm help me look?"

"Ummm gee ummm," Brian stuttered.

"You don't have to if don't want to," Nick said looking down. Brian could see the heart break in his face that he couldn't help it.

"Sure Nick!" he said with a smile as he reached over and ruffled his hair. "When do you want to start?" Nick shrugged his shoulders.

"Tonight!" Nick said with a grin. "Let's go the mall, there are always cute guys hanging at the mall!"

"Ok but we will have to leave Kevin a note," Brian said grinning and shaking his head. "This is going to be fun. What are you going to wear?"

"Wear?" Nick asked scrunching up his nose.

"Yea," Brian giggled. "You can't go boy hunting with out looking hot yourself."

"Cool!" Nick said grinning as he headed over to his closets. "What should I wear?"

"You just sit back and let me pick out what you are going to wear," Brian said grinning. In about fifteen minutes he had Nick dressed up and as he put it. Nick was looking "FLY". On the way out they ran into Kevin who had his arm wrapped around Ryan.

"Where are you two headed?" Kevin asked scowling.

"We're going to the mall," Brian said.

"Uh uh," Kevin said pointing back to the hotel room. "We have to be up early in the morning."

"We're not going to be gone long," Brian said. "Nick needs cheering up."

"Ok but don't keep him up to late," Kevin said.

"Thanks Kev," Brian said as he pushed Nick into the elevator. "Quick before he changes his mind."

Later in the mall.

"Quick!" Brian hissed. "Over your left shoulder." Nick looked over his shoulder only to be grabbed by the head and jerked back so that he was looking at Brian. "No not like that!" Brian giggled. "You have to do it casually. Just ease around like your looking for someone. Look at your watch than shake your head. He is sitting to your left. He has blonde hair with spikes in it. He keeps looking at you." Nick casually looked over his shoulder and looked around the food court. Frowning he glanced over at the teen. Wow! He was hot. And he was looking at him. Nick quickly looked at his watch and shook his head in feigned frusturation and turned around to face Brian. "So what do you think?" Brian asked all exited. "Oh shit he is coming over here." Nick quickly grabbed his drink and took a huge drink.

"Ummm hi," mumbled the teen. "Can I join you?"

"Yea umm sure," Brian said point to an empty chair. "So what is your name?"

"Todd," he said looking right at Nick. "Ummm do I know you guys?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. Brian sighed and poked Nick in the shoulder.

"Don't be rude Nick!" he scolded Nick. "Say hi to Tod."

"Hey," Nick said softly.

"Hey I got it now!" Todd said excited. "You are in the same group that I'm dancing for this summer."

"Really?" Nick asked grinning. "Cool maybe we umm can you know like umm hang out?"

"Yea that would be cool," Todd said.

"So Todd," Brian asked wrapping his arm around the teen. "You dating anyone?"

"Brian!" Nick hissed at him.

"Ummmm no," Todd stammered looking down.

"Cool," Brian said with a huge grin. "So you like boys or girls?" Nick glared daggers at Brian. He was so red that he wanted to crawl under the table and die. But he couldn't do that so he resorted in kicking Brian in the shin. "Ouch!" Brian glared back at Nick and Nick just smirked back at him. "So what are you into Todd?"

"Ummm I really don't know," Todd stammered.

"Why don't we go some place where we can talk in private," Brian said. "You staying at the Hilton?" Todd nodded looking up at Nick and smiling at him. Nick smiled back and Todd looked down blushing. "Come on you two," Brian giggled.

Later in the hotel room.

"Yesss!" squealed Nick as he walked into the room doing his happy dance. Brian just shook his head and laughed softly. "I gotta boyfriend!"

"A what?" shouted a voice. They both looked up to see a scowling Kevin standing in the doorway leading to the rest of the suite. "Are you out of your mind?"

Chapter 8

"Did you hear me?" Kevin demanded. "I asked you a question." Nick shied away from Kevin. He had never seen Kevin this mad before. "Answer me!" demanded Kevin.

"Leave him alone Kevin!" Brian demanded. "I took him out and we found him a boyfriend."

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Kevin shouted at Brian. "You can't do that!"

"And why the hell not?" demanded Brian. "You have a boyfriend and you rubbed it in poor Nick's face. You made it very plain that you didn't want anything to do with Nick! So what the hell is Nick supposed to do?"

"He is to young to be dating!" Kevin shouted.

"Leave me alone!" Nick shouted at Kevin. "You're not my mother!" With that said Nick ran off to Brian and his room. Brian could hear him crying.

"You know something Kevin?" Brian asked glaring at Kevin. "You are an ass!"

"Kevin dear?" asked a sleepy voice. Brian looked up to see a naked Ryan standing in the doorway. "Come to bed Kevin," he said grinning as his cock started to swell.

"God!" Brian said with disgust. "Can't you put some clothes on?"

"Why should I?" smirked Ryan. "I'm just going to be taking them off again any way."

"I'll be there in a minute," Kevin said to Ryan. "I gotta go check on Nick."

"Oh no you don't!" Brian said as he stepped in front of Kevin. "You leave him alone. You've done enough damage for now!" Brian turned around and headed into his room slamming the door. He looked around the room and didn't find him. He headed to the bathroom and peeked in. There was Nick sitting on the toilet with the lid down glaring at the wall. "Nick?" he asked softly. "Can I come in?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "Kevin is being a jerk."

"Why can't I be happy?" Nick asked. "I mean is there some rule that I don't know about that says that Nick Carter can't be happy?"

"We just have to get Kevin to calm down is all," Brian said softly as he put his arm around Nick's shoulder. "We should go to bed you know." Nick nodded and walked to the room and stripped out of his clothes. Than he picked up his tooth brush and went to work brushing his teeth. It took longer than normal because of his cast on his arm. Than he climbed into his bed and pulled the covers up around him.

"Night Brian," he mumbled.

"Good night Nicky," Brian said sadly. "I promise, some day you will be happy."

The next morning Nick shuffled out in the living area where the food service cart was set up. He picked up a plate and started to shuffle food on to his plate.

"Morning Nick," Kevin said softly. Nick glared at him before sitting down beside Brian. "Can we talk?" Kevin asked.

"Why?" Nick muttered. "So you can tell me what to do again?"

"Hey don't get smart!" Ryan barked at Nick.

"Ryan," Kevin said glaring at him. "I can handle it."

"Fine!" Ryan muttered as he stood up and left the room in a huff. "I'll be packing if you need me!" Kevin sighed and resumed eating.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you last night," Kevin said looking at Nick. He had a hard time not laughing at him because of the bad case of bed head Nick had. "But you are to young to be dating."

"Why?" Nick asked bluntly. "He is in the group of dancers that are coming with us."

"Really?" Kevin asked shocked. "Well who is he?"

"Todd," Nick said as he shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth.

"He is cute," Kevin said grinning. "Does he like you?"

"He said he does," Nick replied. "I like him too."

"Nick I'm just worried about you is all," Kevin said softly. He was thankful that Brian was letting him talk. "I love you and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I hate being alone," Nick muttered. "Todd makes me feel happy. Plus he is my age and we can do stuff together."

"What kind of stuff?" Kevin asked getting worried. "You're not thinking of having sex are you?

"Ewwwww grosss!" Nick blurted out looking disgusted. "We don't want to do that yet. We just want to hang out. You know hold hands kiss each other, play video games and stuff." He giggled when he saw Kevin cringe at the holding hands and kissing stuff. "We'll be real careful Kevin not to hold hands or kiss in public."

"Well than I guess it is ok," Kevin sighed.

"Well gee Kevin!" Brian hurled at him. "I'm so glad he has your permission."

"Brian," Kevin warned him.

"No Kevin," Brian hurled back. "Not this time! Nick has just as much of a right to be happy as you do. And you heard him. They are not having sex so why don't you just back off and leave him alone?" The knocking of the door interrupted them. Kevin sighed and got up and opened it. There stood in all of his glory, Todd. Todd was dressed in baggy jeans and a t-shirt that was way to big. Kevin had to admit that he was a cute little guy.

"Ummm is Nick in?" he asked looking up at Kevin.

"Yea he's here," Kevin said stepping aside so that Todd could come in. "Nick you have company." Nick jumped up and headed over to where Todd was standing. "Be quick about it. We have a meeting than a plane to catch." Nick nodded before turning to Todd.

"umm hi," Nick said grinning.

"Hey," Todd said back. "You want to go somewhere quiet?"

"Yea, we can go in my room," Nick said grabbing Todd's hand and pulling out of the living room. He deliberately ignored the snickers coming from Brian and AJ.

Later on the plane in route to Europe.

"So what did yall talk about?" asked Brian. Nick just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "Did he kiss you?" Brian pressed. Nick turned red as a beat. "Yesss!" squealed Brian. "So how was it? Come on dude tell me the goods."

"It was ok I guess," Nick said shrugging his shoulders. "It was only on the cheek."

"So do you like him?" Brian asked.

"Yea I like him. He is nice. And he likes a lot of the same stuff that I do," Nick said smiling. "He says he couldn't stop thinking of me all night."

"Well that is a good sign," Brian grinned.

"Yea I guess," Nick said frowning.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked looking concern.

"Look what he wrote on my cast," Nick said as he held it up. Brian looked at it and grinned. It said "Yo Nick! Hope your arm gets better. Love Todd." And it was surrounded by a heart.

"Oh boy you know what that means," Brian said teasing Nick. "When he surrounds his notes with hearts that means he loves you." Nick looked up at him with a scared look on his face.

"I never had a guy tell me that before," Nick said looking down. "I mean what do I do now?"

"You go with the flow Nick," Brian said grinning. "You enjoy the dating process. You are going to have so much fun." He noticed that Nick was yawning. He looked outside to see that it was dark out. "Why don't you get some sleep. We're going to be flying most of the night." Nick nodded and laid his seat back and turned over facing the window. Brian flagged down stewardess and got a blanket and pillow for Nick. Soon Nick was snoring very softly. Brian couldn't help but smooth out the teen's wild hair. Nick had gotten away from taming his wild hair today. Kevin wasn't to happy about it but Brian gave him a look that said "Lay off!" So Kevin decided to leave Nick alone for the day.

"Nick?" asked a voice. Nick grunted and turned over and tried to go back to sleep. "Come on Nick," the voice pressed on. "We've landed."

"Go away," grumbled Nick. "I don't have to get up it's Saturday."

Brian laughed as he took Nick's hand and pulled him up in seated position. "Come on Nicky," he giggled. "Time to get up. We're in London!" Nick yawned and stretched as best he could and looked around.

"Did I sleep the whole way?" Nick asked.

"Yep," Brian said helping get Nick's stuff from the overhead compartment. "Come on, the rest of the gang is already off the plane."

"Where is Todd?" Nick asked looking around.

"He is already off the plane. Now come on we don't want to keep the rest of the guys waiting." Brian headed off the plane and Nick followed him. Soon they were in car headed to the hotel. Nick had managed to talk them into letting Todd ride in the car. They were going to have a sleep over in Nick's and Brian's room.

"I really don't think we should allow hired help to ride with the band," Ryan sassed Todd.

"You shut up!" Nick hurled at him.

"Why don't you make me?" Ryan asked.

"Hey leave him alone!" shouted a voice that shocked the hell out of Nick. "He didn't do anything to you and besides he just a kid!" AJ hurled at Nick. Nick chose not to say anything to AJ. He was confused. At first AJ hated his guts. Now he was defending him.

"Why do you care?" Ryan hissed at AJ. "Last I heard you hated his guts."

"Well I don't!" AJ shouted at him. "I won't have you picking on him!"

"All right you two!" Kevin barked. "That is enough!"

Nick turned his attention back to Todd. "So what do you want to do tonight?"

"Watch movies?" Todd said grinning. "You have practice?"

"Dancing but I can't go," Nick said pointing to his cast. "You have dance practice too?" Todd nodded. "Than I can get the room all ready for our sleep over."

"Cool!" Todd said with a huge smile on this face. He leaned over and kissed Nick on the cheek really fast. Everyone in the car was real careful to be really quiet. They didn't want to embarrass Nick. Nick smiled and blushed anyway and slipped his hand into Todd's. He had a feeling that it was going to get better. He looked over at Kevin and Kevin smiled and winked at him. Nick smiled back. Yup it was going to be a good next few months.

"So you think Nick is going to work out?" Brian whispered to Kevin.

"Yea I think he is going to work out just fine," Kevin said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Note: This chapter in Nick's life is over. The next time you meet Nick he will be much older and much wiser. Will he give up his long time crush with Kevin? Probably not. Will he get his wish and have Kevin love him the way that he loves Kevin? Well I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Stay tuned for the next book He turned 16

The End for now.

Next: Chapter 6: Beginning of Something Wonderful 9 10

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