Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 8, 2001



I don't know the sexual orientation of the Backstreet boys. This is complete fiction. If you are underage or this is illegal for you to read please leave now.


The Beginning of Something Wonderful

The Chase begins!

Note: This next series takes place 5 years later. Nick is older and wiser and alone. Kevin is alone as well and begins to think that maybe it is time to peruse his true love Nick. What is in store? Romantic evenings. A birthday that Nick will never forget. Oh yea, and sex!!!!

Chapter 9

Nick walked into the room and plopped down in the chair. He was covered in sweat and his body was rock hard from the extra hard work out he had given himself. The door opened and Kevin walked in with a towel wrapped around his neck and he was wiping his face with it. "Come on Nick admit it!" he snickered. "You lost fair and square!" Nick scowled at him.

"Yea yea whatever!" Nick grumbled as he tore his eyes away from Kevin's tight form. After the last five years of convincing himself that nothing could ever come of Kevin and him in a romantic way so he resorted to acting like a typical teenager. "I'm gonna take a shower," he hurled at Kevin as he stormed past Kevin. Kevin shook his head in confusion and stripped down to his skin and followed Nick in. He watched as Nick let the towel drop giving Kevin a complete view of his body. Kevin gulped and looked away. He quickly headed into another stall and quickly busied himself with the shower. "So what time to we have to be ready?" Nick asked over his shoulder.

"If you had been at the meeting this morning you would know," Kevin replied in a scolding tone of voice.

"Yea yea, I needed a few extra hours of sleep," Nick retorted. Kevin had to agree. Nick was exhausted after the last show. He had never seen Nick dance so hard in his life.

"Yea I know, by the way what was that all about?" Kevin asked as he shut off the water and stepped out of the stall in the health clubs locker room. He walked over to the locker and quickly dried himself off and slipped on a clean and fresh pair of boxer briefs and pulled on his jeans as well. Nick came out in all of his naked glory with his huge hung limp cock swinging between his legs. Kevin tore his eyes away.

"You know me," Nick said casually as he dried him self off. "I gotta play the crowd. I am after all their favorite." Kevin looked up at Nick face and saw the mischief all over his face. It was one the things that Kevin loved best about Nick. "You still didn't answer the question Kevin," he smirked at Kevin.

'Oh God!' Kevin thought to himself. 'Does he know the affect he is having on me?

"Hello?" Nick shouted as he waved his hand in front of Kevin's face. Kevin opened his eyes and came face to face with Nick's limp cock. It took all of Kevin's will power not to grab that cock and stuff it in his mouth. "You still here?"

"Yea Nick," Kevin said as he stood up and walked over to the sink and broke out his shaving kit.

"Man what is your problem today?" Nick asked as he walked over to the next sink and started to do his business too. Kevin glanced down at him and winced. Nick was still naked. Kevin quickly got his shaving done and pulled on a shirt and quickly headed out of the locker room. "Hey!" Nick shouted after him. "You still didn't tell me what time I have to be ready." But Kevin had already left the room. Nick sighed and shook his head and finished getting dressed and headed out too. He spotted Kevin sitting in the lobby with his head in his hands. "Kevin?" Nick asked softly.

"5:30," Kevin blurted out. "Sound checks at 5:30." Nick looked at his watch.

"Cool!" Nick chirped. "That is like almost 8 hours away. You want to do something?" Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Ok well let me know if you want to do something."

Later that morning Brian heads out of his room only to be stopped by Kevin. "Brian?" Kevin asked as he walked up behind him. "Um can I talk to you?"

"Sure Kevin," Brian said with his usual cheerfulness and grin. "You want to join me for lunch?" Kevin nodded and fell in step with his cousin. "So what is on your mind?" Like he didn't know. There was only one thing on Kevin's mind. That one thing had have something to do with or about Nick. Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Ok Cousin, I'll make it easy on you. You're thinking of Nick again aren't you?"

"Am I that obvious?" Kevin asked. Brian chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kevin's shoulder.

"Yep," he smiled. "Cousin, you are hopelessly in love with that boy and you are going to have to do something about it."

"Well um that is kinda what I wanted to talk to you about," Kevin mumbled looking down. "Umm tomorrow is his birthday and well he is going to be eighteen and I want to do something special for him."

"Well it is about time you decided to do something about it," Brian said with a grin. "Kevin?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Yea Bri?" Kevin asked looking down at his shorter cousin.

"Be careful with him. He is still a virgin and I don't want to get hurt," Brian said frowning. "I know he acts grown up sometimes but he is still just a kid. And he is my friend."

"Don't worry Brian," Kevin said as he squeezed Brian's shoulder. "I would never hurt Nick. I love him to much to do that."

"I have to ask you a question," Brian said as he got into the car. Kevin nodded as he followed Brian in. "Are you planning on having sex with Nick tomorrow?"

"What the hell kind of question is that?" Kevin asked shocked. Although the thought of seducing Nick was an appealing thought. And Kevin knew he could do it. Not to many men had been able to resist his charms. Usually when Kevin Richardson wanted to get laid he usually got his way. But He always made sure that his lovers were fulfilled too. That what was made his pleasure more intense. The thought of bringing another man to orgasm was all part of the lovers game. He shook himself awake remembering that Brian was waiting for an answer. "Brian, I'm not going to lie to you. I would love to Nick's first. But I am not going to pressure him or force him to do anything that he is not ready for. I would die first than ever hurt Nick."

"Good because if you do hurt him you will have me to answer too," Brian said in a deadly serious tone of voice.

Later Kevin heads down the hall towards Nick's room. He had finally gotten up enough nerve to ask Nick out. He heard the door open and out walked the shaggy haired teen. Kevin's heart stood still as he let his eyes feast on the young teen. Nick looked over at him and gave him a half smile and quickly turned back to his hand held Nintendo game he was playing. Kevin couldn't help but smile. Nick was always playing with something. Taking a deep breath Kevin put his plan into action.

"Um Nick?" Kevin asked when he walked up to the teen.

"Yea?" Nick answered back as he tried to concentrate on a game he was playing.

"Um I was wondering sense your birthday is tomorrow and if you weren't doing anything on your Birthday well umm maybe we could um--," Kevin stammered as he ran his hand through his hair. Nick waited patiently for Kevin to finish saying whatever it was he wanted to say. "Well um what I'm trying to say is sense I'm not doing anything and you are not doing anything well ummm Will you go to dinner with me?" He finally blurted out.

"Gee um I don't know what to say," Nick replied floored by the offer from Kevin. In the last year Kevin had been distant with him. He had relied heavily on support from Brian and AJ. AJ had turned a corner and had becomes fast friends with Nick. They even teamed up to play practical jokes on the rest of the guys. But Kevin had remained distant choosing to keep his distance from Nick. It was so hard for Nick because in his mind Kevin had only gotten better looking with age. He loved the way Kevin worked out all the time and loved the way he kept his hair done. He even loved the facial hair that Kevin had chosen to grow. And the eyes, when ever Kevin did meet Nick's glances Nick would force himself to tear away his gaze from those intense green eyes.

"Nick?" Kevin asked softly. Nick shook himself from his daydreaming and looked up at Kevin. Kevin green eyes were gazing into Nick's Nick was shocked to see a hint of hurt and longing in Kevin's eyes. It wasn't something that Nick was prepared to see. He had seen anger and rage, happiness, mischief and a good range of other emotions through Kevin's eyes but never one of intense hurt and longing. Nick swallowed hard and looked down at his feet. "So you um want to go to dinner with me?

"Yea, um that would be great," Nick replied. Kevin's face lit up in a smile of complete happiness and relief. Nick decided at that moment that he wanted to make Kevin smile like that more often. "Question?" he asked Kevin turning serious. Kevin nodded. "Are you trying to date me?" Kevin blushed, as it was now his turn to look down at his feet. Nick grinned as he saw Kevin show a side of himself that he kept to himself.

"Umm maybe," Kevin said looking up at Nick. "What if I was?"

"Why?" Nick asked confused. "I mean last I heard I was to young for you."

"That was five years ago," Kevin whispered. "I've never stopped having feelings for you."

"What changed?" Nick asked. He knew he was putting Kevin in a tight spot but hey he had a right to know. Kevin shrugged his shoulders. "That is not an answer Kevin."

"Um can we get together in my room and talk about it tonight?" Kevin asked in a hopeful tone of voice. Nick Alone with Kevin? Nick wasn't sure if he was ready for that. "I would never do anything to damage our friendship," Kevin said in a kind and gentle voice. Nick smiled at the tone of voice that Kevin used.

"Cool," Nick said grinning. "I'll see you tonight than."

Chapter 10

Two Hearts Combine

Kevin stood up and walked to his door and pulled it open. Nick was standing there with an almost scared look on his face. "Won't you come in?" Kevin asked holding the door open. Nick gulped and walked in. Kevin knew he had to calm him down. "Nick?" he asked softly. Nick looked back his eyes wide and uncertain. "I'm not going to push you into anything that you are not ready for. So you can relax." Nick nodded and sat down in one of the chairs. "You want something to drink?" Kevin asked as he headed to the mini bar.

"A beer?" Nick asked grinning. He of course knew that Kevin would never allow him to drink. "Ok a Pepsi," he said grinning his mischievous grin that he knew drove Kevin wild. Kevin handed him a Pepsi and took one for himself.

"So you want to know what has changed?" Kevin asked as he took a swig from the can. Nick nodded. "Nothing has changed Nick," Kevin said leaning forward.

"But why--?" Nick started.

"Please let me finish what I was trying to say. I said nothing has changed. I've always loved you from the moment I ever laid eyes on you. I just couldn't do anything about it until now," Kevin explained.

"You love me?" Nick squeaked out. "I mean you really realy love me like for real?"

"Yes Nick," Kevin said grinning at Nick's bombardment of questions. "I love you, and I always have loved you."

"Gee umm wow," Nick said as he stood up and walked to the window. Silence reigned supreme in the hotel room as Nick let the words sink in. Kevin loved him! He had waited five long years to hear those words from him. Tears welled up in his eyes. He could feel Kevin gaze on him and he turned and looked at Kevin unashamed of his tears streaming down his face. "You really love me?

"Yes Nick," Kevin said softly as his heart ached at the sight if his love in tears. "I love you and if you still want me--," he stammered.

"Want you?" Nick yelped as he wiped the tears from his face. "Want you!" Kevin thought Nick was angry with him. Nick turned around and looked hard at him. Kevin didn't see hate or anger in his eyes. "God Kevin! Of course I want you! I mean I've been love you for over five years and haven't been able to do anything about it. Now you tell me you are ready for a um relationship?" Nick took a step towards Kevin. Kevin finished the trek and held out his arms. Nick fell into them hugging Kevin for all it was worth. Kevin could feel Nick's shoulders shake with sobs. He held Nick until Nick was done crying. When his sobs subsided he gently took Nick's chin and pulled Nick's head up so that he was looking into his eyes. Nick's eyes were full of longing and want that Kevin couldn't help it. He very slowly leaned down and pressed his lips to Nick's. Nick let out another sob as Kevin's tongue slid into Nick's mouth and explored. Nick pulled Kevin's body closer to him as if trying to get inside of Kevin. Kevin could feel Nick's cock harden and press up against his leg. Kevin very gently pulled away from Nick. He had to smile at Nick's cute little pout.

"Don't worry Nicky," Kevin smiled as his finger traced the side of Nick's face. "We will have plenty of time for kissing." Nick nodded as he swallowed hard his tongue tracing his own lips as if trying to recapture the moment that was lost forever. "You better now?"

"Yea," Nick answered as he laid his head on Kevin's chest. "So um where do we go now?"

"Well I'm really tired after tonight's show so I thought we could just order a movie and have a nice dinner and stay in," Kevin said with a twinkle in his eye.

"No!" giggled Nick. "I meant where do we go from this moment on? I mean do we tell the guys or what?"

"Do you want to tell them?" Kevin asked.

"Well Brian and I have been talking and I think he is going to want to know," Nick said. Kevin grinned as he pulled Nick down beside him.

"So you and Brian have been talking," Kevin said as he wrapped his arms around Nick's shoulder and pulled him close.

"Well we were wondering if you were ever going to ask me out," Nick replied. "Brian was about to give up on you and ask me himself. But I don't love Brian. He is my friend and all but I could never feel the way I feel towards you." He grinned when he felt Kevin's lips lightly touch his neck. Kevin moaned softly as he attached his lips to the side of Nick's neck and sucked hard. Nick moaned too as Kevin continued to suck on his flesh. He looked down and saw that Kevin's eyes were closed shut. Nick shivered, because he was seeing Kevin in an intimate moment. And Kevin in an intimate moment was a beautiful sight indeed. After a few minutes Kevin broke away and looked down at his handiwork.

"There, all done," He giggled as he got up and headed for the kitchenette. Nick frowned and got up and went to the restroom and looked in the mirror. Kevin busted up laughing when he heard Nick give a yelp.

"Kevin!" Nick whined. "You gave me a hickey!"

"Yes dear I did," Kevin said casually. "After all a man has to mark his territory you know." Nick stuck his head around the corner.

"So that is all I am to you?" he asked grinning.

"No sweetie," Kevin replied as he rummaged around the kitchenette for something to eat. After spending a few minutes with luck he growled softly and headed back out into the living area. He plopped down with a pout on his face. Nick sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he played with Kevin's hair.

"I'm hungry and there is nothing to eat in here," Kevin sighed.

"I got something for you to eat," Nick said grinning as he gestured to his crotch.

"Behave your self Nicky," Kevin said as he swatted Nick's arm. "Besides Brian would kill me."

"Brian doesn't have to know," Nick whispered as he leaned forward and kissed Kevin's neck. Kevin knew what was coming next but didn't try and fight it. After a few minutes Nick announced he was done. "Now you have one too." Kevin rolled his eyes and snatched the room service menu and paged through it. After finding what he was looking for he picked up the phone and placed his order.

"You want something?" he asked Nick.

"Just make it a double," Nick said as he laid his head on Kevin's lap. Kevin sighed and leaned back enjoying the fact that Nick was using his lap as a pillow. It wasn't long before Kevin heard the distinct soft even breathing of Nick. Nick had fallen asleep. Kevin spent the next 30 minutes massaging Nick's scalp. He loved running his fingers through Nick's fine hair. He loved the soft little moans that Nick made in his sleep. Kevin hoped beyond hope that Nick would choose to stay here tonight. Kevin would give anything to hold this angle in his arms for an entire night. He remembered the last time he held the young teen. He had gotten into a huge fight with his lover, Ryan and stormed out of his room in time to see Nick dash in to the bathroom and lean over the toilet. It had turned out that Nick had been out with Brian and Brian had allowed Nick to eat his fill of junk food. Kevin had held the sick child throughout the night. Even though the circumstances were the best but it was the best night that Kevin had spent in a very long time. The soft knock at the door roused Kevin from his deep thinking. Very carefully he switched his legs for a pillow. Thankfully Nick didn't wake up. Kevin grabbed the door and showed the bus boy in. After insuring that the meal was correct he signed the bill and tipped him and than set about getting the meal ready.

Nick woke up in time to see Kevin walk towards him. Kevin's face fell in little pout. "Shoot," Kevin pouted. "I wanted to wake you up." Nick yawned and grinned and sat up and looked at the food.

"Looks and smells good," he said as he walked to the table. He raised his eyebrows when Kevin held his chair for him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome Nick," Kevin said as he took his seat. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Nick shrugged his shoulders. "It is your birthday and we have the whole day to ourselves."

"Well the guys are going to want to share at least part of the day with me," Nick said. "Maybe we can have breakfast with them and than we can go somewhere."

"That sounds like a good idea," Kevin said grinning. Outwardly Kevin was a picture of perfect control. But inside he was a wreck. It had been over five years since he had taken a true interest in Nick's hobbies. He had less than 12 hours before he would have to find something enjoyable to do on Nick's birthday. It was his 18th birthday and he was bound and determined to make the most enjoyable and memorable birthday that Nick Carter ever had in his young life. The two finished dinner and to Kevin's disappointment Nick wisely chose to go back to his hotel room. Once Nick was gone Kevin quickly went to Brian's room pounding on the door. A very sleepy and scruffy looking Brian opened the door.

"Kevin!" he whined. "Do you realize what time it is?"

"I need your help," Kevin replied slipping past the sleepy Brian.

"I'm assuming that Nick agreed to go with you?" Brian asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes he did and I have no idea what to do for him," Kevin sighed. "You hang around him more. What does he like to do?"

"Well he likes Comic books," Brian said. "And there is a huge Comic book convention in town. Maybe you could take him there. Oh yea and he likes the water. You might want to take him a moonlit cruise for the evening."

"Ok that takes care of most of the day. But what about tomorrow night?" Kevin asked scrunching up his nose. "Nick obviously wants to do something. I don't want to push him into anything that he is not ready for."

"Kevin," Brian said putting his arm around Kevin's shoulders. "Nick loves you like crazy. He has been ready to jump your bones for the last few years. But if I know Nick he knows he isn't ready for that step yet." Brian let out a huge yawn and tried to look like he was at least half awake. Kevin chuckled and gave his cousin a quick hug.

"Go back to bed Brian," he smiled. "I'm going to hit the hay too." With that said Kevin walked down the hall and into his room and closed his door.

The next morning Nick was woken to the sound of a pounding on the door. "Ok ok!" he shouted at the door. "I'm coming!" He climbed out of bed and walked by the mirror. He glanced up and stopped and stared at himself. There was something different about him. Than it hit him. He was in love! And most importantly he was in love with the love of his life. And that love was Kevin Scott Richardson! He suddenly felt the urge to do something that he hadn't done in years. Doing his happy dance all the way to the door he opened and fell into the arms of his love. He drug a very confused Kevin into the room. Kevin looked down at Nick as he continued to do his happy dance. Kevin busted up laughing when he remembered it.

"Good morning Nicky," he snickered as he watched Nick shake his but and wave his hands in the air and walked like a duck across the room. "You still haven't put that sick duck asleep?"

"Hey!" Nick exclaimed. "Stop making fun of my happy dance!"

"Yea yea," Kevin giggled. "Get dressed because I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise for me?" Nick asked feigning shock. "For little old me?" Kevin busted up laughing at Nick's expression. He was starting to bring the child back out of Nick and it was a beautiful sight indeed. Nick turned serious and walked up to Kevin and wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist and pulled him close and brought Kevin's head down to his and pressed his lips to Kevin's. Kevin let out a soft moan as Nick's tongue slid into Kevin's mouth. "Good morning love," he said softly as he brushed a stray hair from Kevin's forehead.

"Good morning to you too Love," Kevin answered back blushing. "Now go get dressed so you can see your surprise."

Fifteen minutes later after much convincing Kevin led Nick into his room with a blindfold over his eyes. "Can I look now?" Nick asked growing inpatient. Kevin chuckled and made sure that everyone was in place.

"Ok my little inpatient one you may take off the blindfold," Kevin replied as he slipped in front of Nick beside the rest of his brothers in the group. Nick slid off the blindfold and looked around.

"Surprise!" they all shouted. Nick locked eyes with his lover and marveled at he love and laughter that was raging through them. It was like Kevin was alive with a different kind of light. And he was having an affect on the rest of the guys. They were all shining with happiness and love and it was all directed at Nick. "Happy Birthday Nick!" Brian said as he handed Nick a plate and guided him to the breakfast buffet. Kevin watched with happiness as the rest of the guys talked and joked with Nick. It was a great morning. Everyone had gotten Nick gifts for his 18th birthday.

"Wow!" Nick said as he opened up Brian's gift. It was a frame of highly polished wood with a picture of Nick and Arron and Brian in it. "You got me a copy of it!"

"Hey," Brian said grinning. "I knew how much you liked that picture."

"Thanks Brian," Nick said giving him a hug. "I will treasure this for always." AJ and Howie had gotten him nice gifts too. Nick looked up at Kevin.

"Mine will come later," Kevin replied. "Umm can I see you in the hall for a minute?" Once out in the hall Kevin turned to Nick. "Do you still want to tell them?" For the first time that morning Kevin saw a hint of the scared teen he had met five years ago. "I promise I will support you and your decision whatever it is." Nick gulped and nodded.

"Ok," he said locking eyes with Kevin. "Let's do this." He grabbed Kevin's hand and walked back into the room. Brian smiled at Kevin and Nick. Howie frowned and AJ's face was with out expression. "Umm guys," he said looking down. "Umm I have to um tell you something."

"We both have to tell you something," Kevin popped up. He was not going to allow Nick to go through this all alone.

"Yea umm Kevin and I are together," Nick said softly.

"We love each other and we are officially dating," Kevin finished. Silenced reigned supreme for the next few minutes. It was deafening. "Please guys say something."

"Well you all know how I feel about it," Brian said as he walked up to Nick and gave him a hug. "All I can say is this. It is about time!"

"Umm," AJ spoke up looking down at his feet. "Well um I've been a ass when we first met and I know that I have a problem accepting homosexuals but you guys are my brothers and I love you both as brothers. So I'm going to try real hard accept this." He gave Nick and Kevin a hug before excusing himself. Howie stood there looking hard at them.

"Please Howie," Nick pleaded with him. Howie took a couple of steps towards them and than held out his arms. Nick grabbed him and hugged him close. Kevin joined in the hug.

"I'm happy for you guys," Howie said smiling with tears in his eyes. "I really am."

"Come on baby," Kevin said softly to Nick. "Let's get you back to your room and get you ready for a day out on the town."

Later that night.

"Nick?" Kevin asked as he stepped out on the deck of the sailboat. He looked up at the brow and spotted Nick. He was seated Indian style looking out over the water and at the sunset. Kevin sat down beside him. "You ok?" Kevin prodded further. Nick nodded quietly. "It is a nice night out," Kevin said as slid his arm around Nick and pulled him close. Nick laid his head on Kevin's shoulder and Kevin leaned down and kissed the top of Nick's head.

"Thank you Kevin," Nick whispered.

"Your welcome sweetie," Kevin replied. "I hope everything was perfect." Nick turned around and looked up at Kevin desire in his eyes. Kevin swallowed hard and looked bravely into Nick's eyes. Nick stood up on his knees and moved closer to Kevin and leaned in and pressed his lips to Kevin's. Kevin was caught off guard with Nick's forwardness. Nick continued to kiss Kevin with as much passion as he could. Kevin soon found himself being lowered to the deck as Nick inched his way on top of Kevin.

"Please Kevin?" Nick pleaded with him.

"Ummm please what?" Kevin squeaked out. This wasn't exactly how Kevin had planned it although the setting was perfect. The sun was setting and casting the cool evening air with a million colors. Nick was ready and willing and Kevin's cock was rock hard and Nick knew it too.

"Make love to me?" Nick pleaded.

"Are you sure?" Kevin asked gently but firmly taking Nick by the chin and looking into his eyes. "Cause I gotta tell you, once I get started I might not stop."

"I don't want you to stop. Please Kevin, I'm ready for this and I've been waiting for this for like forever," Nick replied giving him a hard and determined look. "Please make love to me?" Kevin sighed and wrapped his strong arms around the teen and pressed his lips to his again, only this time he was in control. Kevin the lover had emerged in full force. Nick marveled at the change. Kevin's eyes were glazed over with passion as he pushed Nick back down on the deck and lowered his body on top of Nick's and pressed his lips to Nick's. Nick arched his back trying to grind his crotch into Kevin's. Kevin wouldn't be rushed though. He was going to take his time. Kevin was never a fast lover. He loved to take his time. He loved to make his love plead and beg for mercy as he tortured him with the art of lovemaking. Soon Kevin's lips found their way to Nick's throat. Nick let out a soft groan as he ran his hands up along Kevin's strong back muscles. He let out a gasp when he felt Kevin's teeth bite down on his nipple. Somehow Kevin had removed his shirt with out him noticing. Kevin looked up at him and smiled as he leaned up and removed his shirt and tossed it to the side. Nick allowed his eyes to roam over Kevin's rock hard chest. He reached out with his hands and touched Kevin's tight chest and closed his eyes as his flesh finally came into contact with Kevin's. He was in heaven. He opened his eyes when he felt Kevin's lips touch his stomach. He moaned again as Kevin's lips and tongue tortured Nick. Nick felt Kevin reach for his belt and in a few minutes he felt the zipper being pulled down. All the while Kevin was undressing him Kevin was kissing his body and whispering soft loving words to Nick. Nick was in a haze as Kevin slowly removed the rest of Nick's clothes. When he was finally nude Kevin leaned back and gazed down at his lover. He took in everything. Nick may not be cut and rock hard as Kevin was he was beautiful. Kevin allowed his eyes to travel down to Nick's cock. He was entranced by it's size. It had to be close to eight inches in length. Kevin had never seen it in an aroused state. Its mushroom tipped head was leaking Precome. Licking his lips he dove down and attacked Nick's cock with a hunger that he had never felt before.

"OOOOH sweet Jesus," moaned Nick as he thrust his hips forward. He looked down at Kevin as Kevin took Nick's cock all the way down his throat. To him it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Kevin's eyes were closed as he continued to suck on Nick's cock. It was obvious that Kevin was in love with Nick. Nick leaned back and enjoyed the new sensations that raged throughout his body. Than it stopped. He looked down to see that Kevin was looking up at him.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly. Nick swallowed hard and nodded. "Good because now you are going to undress me the rest of the way." Nick swallowed hard again and reached for Kevin with a trembling hand. This was the moment he was waiting for. He grabbed a hold of Kevin's thick black leather belt and pulled it free. "Easy baby," Kevin said as he slowed Nick down. "We have all night to do this right." Nick nodded and gently pushed Kevin to the deck. There was no doubt that Kevin was still in control but Nick wanted to be on top so that he could feast his eyes on Kevin's body. He leaned down and took Kevin's nipple in his mouth and sucked on it hard. "OOOh yea baby," Kevin moaned. "That feels so good. Nick continued to play with Kevin's chest and very slowly made his way down to Kevin's rock hard abs. He savored every moan and every whimper that he pulled out of Kevin's mouth. It was like a drug that flowed trough Nick's senses. Kevin finally felt his zipper being lowered and lifted up so that Nick could pull his jeans down. Nick tossed them aside on the pile of clothes beside them. With trembling hands he pulled Kevin's boxer briefs down. He gasped when he finally caught site of Kevin's cock. He reached for it than paused remembering that this was the first time he had ever touched another man like this. "Go ahead Nick," Kevin urged him as he looked down at the 18 year old. "This is your night. Touch it. Feel it. Feel how much I love you." Nick gently wrapped his hand around it and Kevin let out a moan as Nick's hands closed around it.

"Wow!" breathed Nick as he ran his hand up and down the length. "It is so beautiful!" Kevin blushed at the compliment. "Kevin?" Kevin looked down and was struck with the most passionate and longing look in Nick's eyes. He had tears running down his cheek. Kevin reached out and touched Nick's side of his face. "Please make love to me?"

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" Kevin whispered to him. "I don't want to push you into anything you are not ready for."

"I love you and I want you to make love to me. I want you to do it tonight," Nick pleaded. "Please Kevin I want this and I know you do too."

"You know it is going to hurt at first?" Kevin asked as he laid Nick down on the deck and reached for the lube that Nick had brought up. It suddenly dawned on him that Nick was planning this all night. "You came prepared."

"You're not mad?" Nick asked worried.

"I could never be mad at you Nick," Kevin said as he applied some lube to his finger and very gently inserted it up Nick. Nick tensed up and winced from the pain. "It will pass baby," Kevin said as he rubbed Nick's stomach to sooth him. He slowly inserted another finger and another. When he had four inserted he withdrew them and reached for a condom and slid it on and applied more lube and placed the head of his cock at Nick's opening. "OK Nick," he said softly. "I'm going to start now. You have to promise to tell me if you are in any pain." Nick nodded and Kevin slowly pushed in and watched Nick's face. He stopped the instance he saw Nick's face contort with pain. He tried to pull out but Nick wouldn't let him. "I'm hurting you baby," Kevin said with tears in his eyes.

"You said there would be some pain," Nick reminded him. "Please Kevin, I want this." Kevin nodded and continued to push in. Finally after about ten minutes he was all the way in. He looked down at Nick. His face was flushed with desire and his eyes were glazed over with lust.

"How do you feel?" Kevin asked.

"Full and good," Nick smiled. "I'm ready Kevin." Kevin nodded and pulled out slowly and than slid back in. The sound he heard almost caused him to cum right then and there. Nick arched his back and met Kevin's thrust.

"I take it that it felt good," Kevin said with a grin. Nick bit his lip to try and keep from crying out. "Go ahead Nick. There is just you and I out here."

"Please Kevin," he pleaded. Kevin settled into a nice rhythm savoring every moan and every whimper that Nick uttered. Kevin looked down and saw that Nick's cock was rock hard so he bent down and took his cock in his mouth. He could only take the head of it in but it was enough to send Nick into sexual convulsions. "OOOOOOH GOD!" he screamed out. "I'm close Kevin." Kevin picked up his pace for he wanted to cum at the same time. Nick let out another groan and Kevin got his first taste of Nick's cum. It slammed into the back of Kevin's throat. Kevin swallowed as quickly as possible. He didn't want to miss a drop. Nick's tight ass muscles clamped down on Kevin's cock and sent him over the edge too. Kevin screamed Nick's name as he flooded his condom with his seed. His entire body convulsed wildly as his seed shot of his body. He collapsed on top of Nick breathing hard. "WOW!" exclaimed Nick as he wiped the sweat from Kevin's face. "So that is what it feels like!" Kevin couldn't help but giggle. "What?" asked Nick as he looked down at the smiling Kevin.

"You are so cute baby," Kevin said as he pulled out of Nick and rolled the condom off of his cock and tied the end of it and tossed it overboard. He looked down at Nick to see Nick looking up at him. "You ok?" Nick nodded and held his arms out for Kevin.

"Hold me?" Nick Pleaded. Kevin smiled and nodded as he fell into Nick's arms and allowed the 18 year old to snuggle closer to him. "Thank you Kevin."

"For what?" Kevin asked as he stroked Nick's hair.

"For tonight," Nick replied. "For making love to me. It was the best gift I could've ever got."

"Oh shit!" Kevin exclaimed as he got up and took off running.

"Kevin!" shouted Nick. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back baby," He shouted over his shoulder. In a few minutes he came back with an envelope and handed it too him. "My gift for you." Nick looked confused. "Go ahead and open it baby." Nick opened the envelope and pulled out a handful of papers and a set of keys.

"What is this?" Nick asked looking shocked.

"Well read it," Kevin said giggling. Nick read the documents and his eyes got wider.

"You got me this umm boat?" Nick squeaked out.

"Do you like it?" Kevin asked.

"This is to much," Nick started to say but Kevin's hand closed over Nick's mouth.

"No it is not. I love you Nick, and I know you love the water and this is my gift for you. Please say you will accept it," Kevin pleaded with him.

"Only on one condition," Nick replied with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Kevin nodded. "That we make love on this boat as often as possible."

"I think we can arrange that," Kevin said as he stood up and stretched. He held out his hand and led Nick down below deck into the quarters for sleeping. He held open the door and Nick walked in and gasped. It was a small sleeping quarters done up in his favorite colors. Soft green and blues decorated the walls. There were also pictures of dolphins and other sea life.

"Umm wow," Nick breathed. Kevin led him to the bed and pulled back the satin sheets and slid in pulling Nick with him.

"Now I seem to remember you saying something about making love on this boat as much as possible?" Kevin said with a naughty glint in his eyes. Nick gulped and nodded. "Good cause I have a feeling that we are not going to get much sleep tonight."

"Who is steering the boat?" Nick asked.

"We are anchored and the seas are calm and we are still in the harbor so it is safe," Kevin said as he took Nick's limp cock in his hand. "Now you are going to learn what it is like to make love to me now."

"Oh boy," Nick whispered as Kevin's mouth closed on his cock. "This is going to be a long night."


Well it is about time!!! So tell me what did you all think? E-mail me Plllleeeeaaassseee?????????? E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 7: Beginning of Something Wonderful 11 12

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