Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Oct 27, 2001


Ok everyone! Nick is finally with Kevin. I hope you all enjoyed the sex scenes. Now for the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: The fictional Characters in this story are just that! Fictional!! I do not claim to know the actual (Note the Stress on ACTUAL) Backstreet Boys or Nsync. I do not claim to know any of their sexualities. This is fiction. Fiction about a homosexual relationship between two or more consenting adults. If this is illegal for you please leave now. If you are legal than enjoy yourself. And now I present!!

The Beginning of Something Wonderful

Chapter 11

Nick woke up to an empty bed. He looked around and didn't see Kevin anywhere around. He eased out of bed wincing from the pain of the lovemaking from last night. Kevin wasn't lying when he said he planned on showing Nick how to make love. By the time they were done Nick fell asleep exhausted. Kevin had spent the entire night holding the teen in his arms. Nick knew this and slept so peacefully all night long. Now he was awake and the sunlight was pouring through the porthole. He slid on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweat pants and climbed the ladder that led to the main deck. Once up on deck he breathed in the fresh damp sea air. He looked around and spotted Kevin at the bow of the ship sitting with his knees drawn up and his arms crossed over his knees and his chin resting on his forearms looking out over the ocean. Nick stood there looking at his love for the longest time. He took ever curve of Kevin's body and every feature of his face. Nick's eyes filled with tears of happiness as his heart filled with emotion that threatened to spill over. He choked back a sob causing Kevin to jump and look back at him. Kevin's brow furrowed with concern when he saw the tears flowing down Nick's face. Nick couldn't remember the last time he saw Kevin move so fast. In heart beat Kevin was standing beside Nick drying his tears. "What's wrong baby?" he asked in a soothing tone of voice.

"Nothing," Nick said sniffling loudly.

"Nothing?" Kevin asked shocked. "I find you standing there all alone crying and you tell me that nothing is wrong?" Nick smiled at Kevin's concern.

"I crying because you are so beautiful and I can't believe that you are my boyfriend," Nick said as he leaned up and kissed Kevin on the nose. "I woke up and found that you were gone."

"I wanted to watch the sunrise," Kevin said as he nuzzled Nick's neck.

"You could've woke me up and I could've join you," Nick complained.

"You were so tired after last night and you looked so peaceful just lying there sleeping that I didn't have the heart to wake you," Kevin said as he broke into a huge yawn.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Nick asked looking hard at Kevin.

"I'm fine baby," Kevin replied trying to blow it off. "Last night wasn't about me. It was about you and making your first time the most memorable and precious time of you entire life."

"It was Kevin, and I thank you for it. But you are tired and you need sleep," Nick insisted. Kevin was going to argue but Nick's mouth covered his and stopped him from talking. When he broke apart he laughed softly at Kevin's dazed look on his face. "Now no more arguing and be a good boy and let me put you to bed."

"As long as you are holding me," Kevin said as he ran his hand along Nick's face.

"After I make a phone call," Nick said as he swatted Kevin on the but. "Now get below and get to bed." Kevin headed below deck but paused long enough to hear Nick's excited voice. "Hello Brian?" he exclaimed. "Yea yea I know it is only 7:00 but you gotta know about last night!" Kevin shook his head and laughed as he headed into the sleeping quarters.

"Yea Brian!" Nick said grinning. "I can't believe he bought me this boat! You should see it!"

"I already have seen it. I help Kevin pick it out," Brian giggled. "I'm so happy for you Nick. Was he gentle last night?"

"Oh God Brian," Nick sighed as he leaned against the lounge chair. "He was so gentle and loving and kind. It was everything I dreamed it would be and more!"

"Good," Brian said smiling. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

"Well we both knew it would hurt at first. I thought he was going to cry at first when he thought he was hurting me," Nick said with his voice chocking up with tears. "He almost stopped but I wouldn't let him. God Brian! It felt so good!"

"To much information!" Brian shouted making gagging noises. "So when are you coming back?"

"We still have that meeting?" Nick asked.

"Nope," Brian replied. "In fact we don't have anything planned for the rest of the week."

"Yipppeee!" shouted Nick.

"Hey!" yelped Brian. "Watch the ears!" He had to laugh when he heard the laughter in Nick's voice. "You go back to your boyfriend and let me get back to sleep."

"OK Brian," Nick said his whole face breaking out in a huge smile. "Oh and Brian?"

"Yea Nicky?" Brian asked yawning.

"Thanks for being such a good friend and a brother," Nick said in a serious tone of voice. "You are a brother to me you know that?"

"Yea Nick, you're a brother to me too," Brian replied. "Now can I please go back to bed?"

"Sure Brian," Nick laughed as he turned off the phone. He climbed down the ladder and headed to the sleeping quarters and stopped at the doorway and looked down at his lover. Kevin was sleeping on his side of the bed hugging his pillow close to him. Nick sighed and slid in beside him and Kevin groaned and wrapped his arms around Nick and pulled him close and buried his head in to Nick's chest and snuggled closer to Nick. Nick closed his eyes and breathed in the musky scent that was Kevin and drifted off to sleep.

Kevin opened is eyes several hours later. He was wrapped in Nick's arms and Nick head was resting on his shoulders. Nick was still sound asleep. Kevin grinned when he felt Nick's rock hard cock pressing up against him. Kevin very gently eased out of his arms and inched his way down to Nick's cock. Taking the head of it in his mouth. Kevin savored the feel and taste of Nick's cock as he slowly slid his mouth down so that Nick's entire cock was in bedded in his throat. He heard Nick's soft whimpers as he begin to suck hard on Nick's shaft. Nick's hips began to thrust in and out of Kevin's mouth. Kevin could tell by Nick's moans and whimpers that he was awake and was getting close to orgasm. Kevin closed his eyes as he enjoyed making love to Nick with his mouth.

Nick couldn't believe what was happening. He woke up to the intense feeling of pleasure at his crotch. He looked down and saw his love sucking him off. He could tell by the fact that Kevin's eyes were closed that Kevin was enjoying himself. "Ohhhh God Kevin," he moaned out. "I'm close Kev," he rasped out. He tried to pull out for Kevin but Kevin wouldn't have any of it. Nick looked down and looked into Kevin's lust glazed eyes and the look that seared out of his lover's eyes sent him over the edge. He arched his back and groaned loudly as his seed spewed out form his cock and into Kevin's mouth. Kevin let out a strangled moan too as he swallowed as quickly as possible. Finally he let Nick's cock slide out of his mouth and he looked up at Nick and grinned.

"Good afternoon sweetie," Kevin giggled.

"Now it is mine turn," Nick grinned at him.

"Umm to late baby," Kevin replied blushing.

"You mean you already came?" Nick asked shocked.

"Ummm yea I guess I did," Kevin said as he cleaned himself up.

"But I didn't even touch you," Nick replied looking shocked.

"Yes you did Nick," Kevin said with a serious look on his face.

"Wow!" Nick exclaimed. "I have that affect on you?" Kevin nodded as he got out of bed and slipped on his boxers.

"Come on baby," Kevin said as he held out his hand. "We need a shower."

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Kevin asked Nick as they sat on the deck wrapped in robes. "Anything you want."

"How about we do something you want for a change?" Nick asked. "I mean you have been great the last couple of days. And It's all been about me. I wanna do something for you." Kevin thought for a couple of seconds and shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Kevin," Nick whined. "There has to be something that you like to do."

"Horse back riding?" Kevin offered.

"Ok than we shall go horse back riding," Nick agreed. "Now where does one find a couple of horses?"

"Leave that to me Nicky," Kevin smiled as he pulled his lover up and into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. Breaking away for a breath he looked hard into Nick's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too Kevin," Nick said as he buried his head into Kevin's neck and nibbled on it. Kevin giggled for a few seconds and than attacked Nick's neck too.

Later that evening we find the two lovers sitting on the beach around a fire and looking out over the ocean. "Thank you for today," Kevin said as he fed Nick a marsh mellow.

"You're welcome sweetie," Nick replied as he licked his fingers clean. Kevin grabbed his hand and sucked his fingers into his mouth. Nick let out a soft moan and closed his eyes. Kevin gazed upon Nick and his heart swelled with love. He was so lucky to have Nick for a lover. He was thankful that Nick didn't find another boyfriend. He knew he was taking a chance by waiting this long. But his gamble had won out.

"Kevin?" Nick asked softly. "What are you thinking about?"

"You," Kevin replied as he laid back and rested his head in Nick's lap. "I almost waited to long you know."

"No you didn't," Nick replied. "I would've waited for you forever." Kevin started to chuckle. "What is so funny pray tell?"

"I'm just thinking about the first time we met," Kevin sighed looking up into Nick's face. "You were so cute."

"Man I was so scared that day," Nick replied. "You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen."

"I was?" Kevin asked grinning.

"Yes you were and you knew it too!" Nick smiled down at Kevin. "You knew the kind of affect you had on me and you enjoyed it!"

"I always enjoyed making you uncomfortable. You were so adorable," Kevin laughed.

"Oh so you like making me uncomfortable?" Nick asked with a naughty glint in his eyes. "Well I don't know what to think of that." Kevin knew that Nick was pouting and he loved it when Nick pouted.

"I love you," he whispered up at Nick. "Say you love me too?"

"I don't know," grumbled Nick looking away. "What do I get if I do?"

"I'll make love to you right here on this beach for the whole world to see," Kevin said as he sat up and gently pushed Nick down on the sand. "Would you like that?" Nick could tell by Kevin's husky voice that Kevin was horny and wanted to make love. Nick swallowed hard and nodded. "Good cause I can think of nothing better to do right now." The full moon shined down on the two young lovers as their bodies danced the ancient art of lovemaking with the stars as their watchers and protectors. Only the sands of the beach and moon and stars could hear their moans and groans and whimpers as the two confessed and sealed their love to each other again.

Brian was sitting in his hotel room thinking about Kevin and Nick. He was so happy for his little brother. Nick deserved to be happy. If Kevin made him happy than he was happy for Kevin too. He heard the door click and he looked up and saw Kevin and Nick walk into the suite. He noticed that Nick was walking a little funny and so was Kevin too. He grinned at them and they blushed and looked down. "Welcome home lovers," Brian giggled. "So tell me all about it."

"Brian!" Kevin scolded. Brian just shrugged his shoulders and patted the seat beside him and Nick plopped down. Kevin rolled his eyes and headed into his room.

"So spill!" Brian prodded.

"He is wonderful, beautiful and gentle and loving!" Nick babbled. "I love him Brian! I want to spend the rest of my life with him!"

"He is being good to you isn't he?" Brian asked.

"You don't have to worry about him. Kevin would never hurt me," Nick replied grinning. "He loves me!"

Chapter 12

Kevin sat down on his bed and picked up his cell phone and dialed up his messages.

(You have one un played message.) the automated phone message informed him. He waited patiently for it to play.

"Hey Kev!" said a hyper voice. "It's me JC! Hey I was wondering if we could get together for coffee or something. I have this idea that I think would be good for both of our groups. Give me a call back at 555-1352." Kevin quickly dialed the number and waited for it to pick up.

"JC here," JC said into the phone.

"JC, this is Kevin," Kevin replied.

"Hey Kev," JC replied. "I'm glad you called me."

"Yea I was curious as to what you wanted," Kevin said as he stood up and walked to the window. "I mean what do you have planned?"

"Well umm I was wondering if maybe you wanted to tour with us," JC stammered. "I mean you could open for us."

"Open for you?" Kevin yelped into the phone. "Why the fuck would we want to open for you! We've been around a lot longer than you have! If anyone should open for anyone it's you that should open for us!"

"Yea yea, we can work all that out later, so do you want to meet for coffee?" JC asked. "Say tomorrow at 10:00 in the morning at Starbucks?"

"Ok I'll be there," Kevin replied as he clicked off the phone. "Ass hole!" he grumbled. "Open for them! Hah! That's a fucking joke!"

"What's a joke Kevin?" asked Nick behind him.

"JC called and wants up to tour with them and get this, they want us to open for them! What a fucking joke!" Kevin ranted. "Who do they think they are! I should call JC back and tell him to stuff it!"

"Don't be so hard on JC," Nick replied as he pressed body up against Kevin's. "I see Justin's hand in this. He always was a show off and I think he is trying to get us to accept the fact that his group is better than ours. And trying to get us to open for them would be a huge ego trip for him."

"Well it aint going to happen!" Kevin grumbled.

"No let's settle this once and for all. Let's agree to do it. We'll let the fans decide who is the best. We'll open and we'll advertise like crazy. You know to let them know that we are opening for them. I bet our Fans will flood the place and they won't want us to leave," Nick said with a grin on his face. "The plan will blow up in their faces. But we have to think of our fans and give them a show of their lives!"

"How did you get so smart?" Kevin asked as he leaned forward and kissed Nick on the lips.

"I got it from you," Nick giggled as he lightly bit down on Kevin's bottom lip. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Yea, let's just hope it works out," Kevin replied as he inched closer to the bed.

"You tired?" Nick asked as he begin to pull on Kevin's shirt. Kevin nodded. "Well than why don't you let me put you to bed."

"You going to join me?" Kevin asked with hope in his eyes.

"You know I will," Nick snickered.

A half an hour later Kevin was lightly snoring and Nick was still awake holding Kevin. He was in heaven. He was happy. But he was also troubled. Could they pull it off? Could they outshine NSYNC? He hoped so. Sighing heavily he got up and headed into the living room and plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. Groaning as he saw a NSYNC video on he turned it off and stretched out on the sofa and closed his eyes. In no time at all Nick Carter fell asleep.

In a house across town in upscale Orlando.

"Sweetie?" asked JC as he approached Justin. Justin looked up and grinned at him. "You coming to bed?"

"We going to make love when we get there?" Justin asked with eagerness in his eyes. JC couldn't help but grin at Justin's eagerness. "Come on JC," he whined. "We haven't done in like forever."

"Umm Justin?" JC asked as he pulled the teen towards him. "We made love this morning."

"Well I'm a growing boy," Justin replied in his deffence. "I gotta have it at least twice a day." JC tried to remember when he was 17 and if he was as horny as Justin was. He was forced to answer that question with a yes.

"Ok sweetie," JC smiled as he gently patted Justin's crotch. "We will take care of Jr here." Justin got up and pulled JC with him. "But when we are done we really have to talk about the upcoming tour."

"Sex first than talk," Justin urged him as he pulled JC up the stairs pulling off his clothes as he went.

"I talked to Kevin," JC said as he bent down and kissed Justin's lips. "He is willing to meet with us tomorrow."

"You mean they are going to open for us?" Justin asked grinning. His plan was coming together. If this went well and as planned than the Backstreet Boys would be taking a Back seat to them.

"I don't think he will agree to open for us," JC replied. He was troubled by Justin's obsession with being number one.

"Oh they will open for us," Justin stressed. "Or they won't sing for anyone ever again."

"You seem so sure of yourself," JC whispered.

"I know a winner when I see one. And JC?" JC looked down at Justin. He was taken back by the evil glint in Justin's eyes. "We are a winner and we will be on top!"

"I hope you are right Justin," JC sighed as he snuggled closer to his lover. "Now let's try to get some sleep.

"Good night JC," Justin replied sleepily.

"Night JU JU," JC whispered in Justin's ear.

The next morning.

"There they are," Nick whispered to Kevin. Kevin nodded and headed over to the table.

"What is he doing here?" Justin demanded pointing at Nick.

"I don't know," JC replied. "Maybe they are seeing eachother."

"Yea maybe that is it. I don't like Nick," Justin snorted.

"Promise you will behave," JC scolded a pouting Justin. "Justin?"

"Ok Ok," Justin whined. "I promise!"

"Ok JC," Kevin spoke up as he pulled up a chair. "We're here so what do you want?"

"We want you guys to join our tour," JC offered.

"Yea we want you to open for us," Justin shot out.

"I think we can do that," Kevin spoke up.

"But you said last night--," JC stuttered.

"Yea, about last night," Kevin stammered looking down. Nick almost choked back a laugh. His lover was a good actor. "I was in a bad mood. I'm thinking with a clearer head this morning. I think that this tour could be very profitable for both of our groups."

"Oh gee um wow," JC stammered. It was clear that he wasn't ready for Kevin's quick change of heart. Nick caught Justin giving Kevin a wink and suddenly felt possessive of Kevin and slid his hand in Kevin's and laid his head on Kevin's shoulder glaring at Justin. Justin glared at Nick and slid his hand into JC's and snuggled closer to him. Kevin and JC caught their lover's action and looked at them with disapproval.

"It would seem that our Boyfriends don't want the other to get a hold of either of us," Kevin chuckled as he kissed Nick on the cheek. "Behave Nick and play nice with Justin."

"Yea and that goes for you too Justin," JC scolded Justin. Both Nick and Justin just glared at each other while Kevin and JC discussed the plans. After the meeting Kevin took Nick back to the hotel room.

"You are a bad boy," Kevin scolded Nick. "What was that all about?"

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you!" grumbled Nick as he looked down.

"How was he looking at me?" Kevin asked confused but flattered that Nick was so possessive.

"Yea he winked at me!," Nick shot out. "No one looks at my boyfriend like that."

"You are cute, you know that?" Kevin asked as he wrapped his arms around Nick and pulled him close to him and kissed Nick on the lips. He pushed his crotch into Nicks and moaned softly. Nick could feel Kevin's cock press up against his and he broke away from Kevin's lips and knelt down in front of Kevin and reached for his belt. "Just what do you think you are doing?" Kevin grinned down at Nick. But Nick didn't answer. He just pulled Kevin's belt free and eagerly pulled his pants down revealing Kevin's cock. Nick wasted no time in engulfing Kevin's cock down his throat. Kevin threw back his head groaning loudly. He looked down at his lover and was surprised that he was deep throating him and the while he was sucking his cock Nick was making these small groaning noises. In the mean time Kevin was getting closer to orgasm. He started to pump his hips in time with Nick's bobbing. "Ooooohhh baby," he moaned out. "God Nick that feels so good." Nick just kept right on sucking and bobbing his head up and down. His eyes were closed as he concentrated on giving his lover as much pleasure as possible. "Shit baby," Kevin hissed out. "Ohhh God, I'm close Nick!" Nick withdrew Kevin's cock from his mouth and jerked it with only the head resting on his tongue. He looked up at Kevin and winked. Kevin let out a scream as he erupted into Nick's mouth. Nick quickly swallowed the load that was given to him. After he was done cleaning up Kevin's cock he stepped back and slipped off his pants and boxers. Kevin's eyes fell on Nick's cock and he licked his lips and reached for it.

"Uh uh," Nick scolded him. "Turn around sweetie," he asked as he rubbed his erection up against Kevin's back. "I want to fuck you." Kevin felt his blood run hot and could feel his cock begin to swell again. "Would you like that?" Nick asked as he bit down on Kevin's ear. Kevin let out a soft whimper. "I want ride you so fucking hard. Will you let me?"

"Ohhh fuck!" Kevin rasped as he reared back and tried to catch Nick's lips with his own.

"Uh uh!" commanded Nick. "I'm calling the shots baby. Now get on your hands an knees!" Kevin quickly obeyed his 18 year old slave master. "Here it comes!" With one hard thrust Nick rammed his cock into Kevin's tight ass. Kevin let out a grunt and bit down on his bottom lip. "You like that?" Nick rasped in his ear. "Cause I'm just getting started!" He pulled out and rammed back in causing Kevin almost to pass out from the intense pleasure. "Oooh fuck!" groaned Nick. "You are so fucking tight!" He started to ram in and out of Kevin as fast and as hard as he could. Kevin enjoyed the style of fucking that Nick was using. He was like a wild stallion riding his first mare. "Ohh yea Kevin!" Nick shouted out. "I love you Kevin!" Kevin felt Nick's cock swell in his ass and begin to pump his seed into his ass. The feeling of the hot searing seed flooding his guts almost caused Kevin to pass out. He was barely aware of Nick's sweaty body collapse on his back. After a few minutes of rest Nick pulled out and laid down beside Kevin and looked into his eyes with love. "I love you Kevin."

"I love you baby," Kevin giggled. "What was that all about?"

"I just had to take you," Nick replied shrugging. "I been wanting to do that all morning."

"Well I'm glad you did it," Kevin replied as he reached down and took a hold of his cock and jerked it a couple of times. "But I gotta tell you, I'm ready for another round." Nick grinned as he buried his face into Kevin's crotch.


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Next: Chapter 8

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