Beginning of Something Wonderful

By Travis Smith

Published on Dec 19, 2001


Disclaimer: The fictional Characters in this story are just that! Fictional!! I do not claim to know the actual (Note the Stress on ACTUAL) Backstreet Boys or Nsync. I do not claim to know any of their sexualities. This is fiction. Fiction about a homosexual relationship between two or more consenting adults. If this is illegal for you please leave now. If you are legal than enjoy yourself. And now I present!!

The Beginning of Something Wonderful

Chapter 13

"Nick?" Kevin asked as he graced Nick's shoulder with a soft feather kiss. "Time to get up sweetie."

"Don't wanna!" Nick grumbled as he snuggled closer to Kevin. "Wanna stay in bed with you all day."

"But Nicky," Kevin chuckled. "We have work to do today." Nick groaned and turned over and looked up at the ceiling.

"Is our week break over al ready?" he whined.

"Yes dear, it is and I'm ready to get back to work," Kevin replied as he swung out of bed. "Want to shower together?" Nick nodded and climbed out of bed too and shuffled into the bathroom. "Try to show some ambition dear," Kevin chuckled as he followed Nick. "If you are good we can have some fun in the shower." He laughed when he heard Nick continue to grumble. Nick was obviously not in a good mood this morning.

An hour later Kevin closes the door behind him and follows Nick down the stairs and into the garage of their apartment building. "You exited to start working on the tour?" Kevin asked trying real hard to strike up a conversation with Nick. Nick shrugged his shoulders and climbed into the car. Kevin sighed and climbed in behind him. "You know you could try and be somewhat cheerful."

"I'm sorry Kevin," Nick apologized. "I'm just not looking forward to sitting in a bunch of meetings all day and having to look at Justin all day."

"You know you two really should try and get along. After all you are going to be working together for the next few months," Kevin said in a scolding tone of voice. "Be a good boy and say you will at least try and behave and be polite to Justin?"

"Ok," Nick sighed. "I promise to try and be nice." Kevin leaned forward and gently took Nick by the back of the head and guided his lips to his. Nick let out a soft groan and welcomed Kevin's tongue into his mouth. After a few minutes of intense kissing Kevin broke away and smiled at Nick's dazed look on his face.

"Good," Kevin said as he pulled Nick closer to him.

"Umm Kevin?" Nick asked in a small voice.

"Yes Sweetie?" Kevin asked as used his finger to brush a stray hair out of Nick's face.

"Umm about the rest of the guys?" Nick stammered. "Um how am I supposed to act? I mean now that we are officially well you know um lovers."

"We act normal in public," Kevin smiled at Nick's discomfort. "And when we are in private with the other fellas we act like we want to. If you want to show me affection than do. If not than that is ok too."

"Well I wan to show you love and affection all the time," Nick pouted. "Why won't the public leave us alone?"

"Nick, I promise there will come a time when you and I will be able to hold hands in public and kiss in public and the rest of the world be dammed," Kevin replied. Kevin noticed that the limo had stopped in front of Brian's house. The door popped opened and an extremely cheerful Brian hopped in. He spotted Kevin's arms around Nick and Nick's head on Kevin's shoulder.

"So how are Orlando's love birds doing this morning?" Brian asked grinning.

"Good morning Brian," Kevin said politely. Nick just waved at him as he continued to take a small nap on Kevin's shoulder. The next stop was AJ's. He was cool about it too. He did use this opportunity to tease Kevin about how cute they looked together. Nick blushed and hid his face in the crook of Kevin's arm. Howie was next and he just smiled and waved. At some point Nick fell asleep in Kevin's arms and when the limo stopped in front of the firm Kevin gently kissed Nick awake. "Nick honey?" he asked in soft voice. "Baby, we're here." Nick opened his eyes and smiled up at Kevin. "Time to wake up and face the world." Nick yawned and stretched and followed his love out of the limo. The fresh sea air graced his face as he stepped out of the limo. He jumped when he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder. He looked up to see a smiling Brian at his side.

"I'm so happy for you Nicky," Brian said with a grin.

"Thanks Brian," Nick replied grinning back. "I haven't been this happy since I don't know when."

"I know, and happiness agrees with you," Brian replied. "Now let's get this meeting over with."

In another house in a secluded suburb of Orlando a hand touches the shoulder of a sleeping blonde. "Justin?" asked a soft voice. "Time to get up baby," JC said with a grin. "Come on sweetie."

"Don't have to go to school today mom," Justin mumbled in his sleep as he hugged his pillow closer to him. "It's Saturday." JC had to laugh at Justin and his desire to sleep longer.

"If you get up I'll get you your favorite bowl of cereal," JC bribed him as he shook the box of Apple Jacks near Justin's ear. Justin opened one eye and glared at JC.

"That is just plain mean," he pouted as he sat up in bed rubbing his eyes. "You know I can't refuse my apple jacks." JC snickered as he stood up and walked out of the room. "Hey!" demanded a still sleepy Justin. Give me back my apple jacks!"

"The deal is you have to come down stairs ready to go to work in order for you to get them," JC giggled over his shoulder. Justin stuck his tongue out at JC as he climbed out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom. A half hour later Justin walked into the kitchen. He glared at JC as JC stood there with a huge grin on his face.

"No body should ever be that cheerful in the morning. Who are you and what have you done with JC?" Justin demanded as he grabbed the box of Apple Jacks out of JC's hands.

"What!" exclaimed JC as he looked hurt. "No good morning kiss?"

"Apple Jacks first than kiss," Justin blurted out as he poured a huge bowl of cereal and added milk and started shoveling it into his mouth. JC shook his head at Justin's horrible manners. JC poured himself a cup of coffee and sat next to his lover and munched on a piece of toast.

"So you ready for the meeting today?" JC asked hoping to strike up an conversation.

"Do I have to go?" Justin asked giving JC the best pout he could. "I mean I'm not really looking forward to looking at Nick all day."

"Yes you have to go. And you should try and get to know Nick a little. He is not a bad guy. You two just might end up friends," JC suggested.

"Nope!" Justin blurted out in between mouthfuls of Apple Jacks. "Aint never gonna happen!"

"That is a mean thing to say!" JC scolded Justin. "I bet you haven't even said three words to him. Now I want you to promise me to be good and try and get along with Nick!"

"Ok daddy," Justin grumbled as he stood up and took his bowl to the sink and rinsed it out and put the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher. "I promise to be a good boy and not pick on poor little Nicky."

"Justin," JC insisted.

"Ok! Ok!," Justin hurled at JC. "I'll try and be nice to him. There! Happy?" JC smiled as he wrapped his arms around Justin and pulled him close.

"Very," JC said as he leaned forward and planted a kiss on Justin's lips. Justin moaned and ground his hips into JC's. JC could feel Justin's cock pressing against his. "No time for that baby." Justin stuck out his bottom lip in one of his famous pout and started pulling on JC's belt. "Oh fuck it!" JC growled as he attacked Justin belt too. "The meeting can wait!"

At the firm.

"Where the hell are they?" Kevin asked looking at his watch. "They were supposed to be here an half hour ago!" The door flew open and JC and Justin rushed in red faced and sat down.

"Umm sorry we were late," JC mumbled. "Car trouble." Justin snorted back a laugh.

"Well let's get this meeting started," Kevin said rolling his eyes.

"Hey!" Justin shouted. "You are opening for us! We are calling the shots!"

"Justin!" JC hissed at his lover. "Behave! After all we were the ones who were late. Sorry Kevin," JC said as he reigned in Justin. "We will be happy to hear anything you have to say."

"Well we really don't have much to say except what our management has to say. I have a list of things that we will need. And I have the song list that we want to use," Kevin said politely as he handed the list to JC. Justin snatched it out of Kevin's hand and looked at it.

"These are no good!" he exclaimed throwing the list back at Kevin. "All those songs are trash. You are going to have to come up with new ones!"

"What the hell is wrong with these songs?" Nick demanded. "They are our best sellers!"

"That is precisely the point! They are your best sellers! That is why you can't use them! You are not going to outshine us pretty boy!" Justin glared at Nick.

"If you don't like our songs and you want us to change them than we are walking!" Kevin said flatly.

"You can't walk!" Justin shouted at Kevin as he stood up and leaned on the table.

"Oh yea?" Nick snickered at Justin.

"Nobody walks away from Justin Timberlake!" Justin seethed at Nick. Nick snorted and turned his body from the table and started to head out the room. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch us Timberlake!" Kevin hissed at him. "Backstreet! Let's walk!" Without saying anything else Kevin, Brian, AJ and Howie got up from the table and followed Nick out of the meeting room slamming the door behind them.

"Kevin wait!" JC shouted as he chased them down.

"No!" Kevin hurled at JC. "We are fucking walking! You either control that spoiled little shit Justin or find yourself another opening act!" Kevin turned and stormed out of the building. JC swore and turned and headed back into the meeting room where he met four pair of eyes watching him. JC walked up to Justin and grabbed him by the shirt and threw him against the wall.

"Grow the fuck up Justin!" JC shouted at him. "Now thanks to you we don't have an opening act!"

"There was no way I was going to allow them to sing their top sellers at our concerts! They would outshine us!" Justin hurled back at JC. "We are better than they are. And by suppressing them we can prove that."

"Oh yea we proved it all right!" JC laughed bitterly. "We proved it so well that they teamed up against you and walked the fuck out of the meeting."

"We'll sue them!" Justin tried to convince JC.

"How the hell can we do that?" JC shouted. "They haven't committed to anything yet. They haven't signed any contracts yet. Face it Justin! They have us by the fucking balls and they are squeezing the hell out of us. FUCK!" JC turned and headed out of the meeting room slamming the door behind him. Justin sat down and looked around and didn't see any support headed his way.

"You all will see," Justin said with a small grin. "This is for the best."

"I don't see how," Lance sighed shaking his head. "The way I see it is you have really messed things up."

"Just wait a few years," Justin replied. "We'll be on top."

"You're delusional Justin," Lance laughed. "Backstreet has been around longer than we have. What ever gave you the idea that we could ever compete with them?"

"Oh we will compete with them and we'll beat them too," Justin hurled at Lance. "And you better take that lousy attitude and toss it out the window if you want to stay a part of this group. Now if you will excuse me I have to find my boyfriend." Justin followed JC out of the building and climbed into the car with JC. They drove in silence all the way home. Once home JC climbed out of the car and walked into the house and into the recording studio and sat down at the keyboard and started to play. Justin walked in and pulled the plug cutting all power from the instrument.

"What the fuck?" yelped JC.

"Shut the hell up and listen to me!" Justin shouted at JC as he slapped JC in the face. JC jerked up and looked into the eyes of his lover and didn't see the loving innocent sweet boy that he had known. He saw a cold calculating man standing over him. "You want NSYNC to be success?" Justin asked in a strangely calm voice.

"Of course I do," JC replied.

"Than you will do precisely what I say to do," Justin said as he laid his hand along the side of JC's face. "Not only will we surpass Backstreet. We will blow them away!" It was at that point that JC realized that he was being played for a fool. He wanted on top and he wasn't going to stop at anything to get it.

"Ok Justin," JC agreed swallowing hard. "We'll play it your way."

"Good," Justin answered as he sat on JC's lap. "Now that that is settled. Let's go up stairs and make love." JC followed Justin upstairs not quite getting over the feeling that he had just made a pact with the devil himself.

Kevin called a meeting at his apartment later that afternoon. Once everyone was there he called the meeting to order.

"Ok guys thanks for coming on such short notice. Here is the deal. We are going back into the studio and start working on a new CD," Kevin said looking around to see if he had everyone's attention. "Justin Timberlake just declared war on us and I for one am not planning on loosing this war. I want to bury NSYNC and I want to do it by putting out the best CD that we have ever put together. You all ready to get to work?"

"Kev," AJ spoke up. "You know I never did like those copy caters. Of course I'm ready!"

"Count me in too," Brian said standing up beside AJ. Howie agreed as well. Kevin looked down at his lover. Nick looked up and saw the love in Kevin's eyes.

"Baby," Nick said softly. "We haven't been together for this long to have them ruin it for us. Performing is all I know. I love it and I'm not going to let some bleached blonde headed freak destroy what we have built. So count me in too!"

"This is not going to be easy baby," Kevin said as he kissed Nick on the cheek. "You sure your ready for this?"

"As long as you are here beside me than I'm ready for anything love," Nick smiled back at him. "Now I thought you said we had some work to do."

"Ok Backstreet!" Kevin shouted. "Let's get to work!"

"What kind of work?" Brian shouted back.

"Hard work!" everyone shouted.


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