Beginning of the End

By Starbolt

Published on May 15, 2000


The Beginning of the End - A Further NSYNC Adventure

By Starbolt

Warning This story contains a brief sexual act between consenting men, and if you are not legally entitled to read such material you ought not read it.

This story is not intended in any way to imply that any of the real people are actually gay and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If you find the idea of some of the NSYNCers being gay offensive then I suggest that you read no further.

This story may also be so far out that the response could be under whelming ... Not being hard on myself ... just a bit of the realist coming out <Also, No Pun intended! LOL>.

Feel free to e-mail me any comments, suggestions, fan mail, simple "Hi ... How are you doing" at

Now ... On with the show!

CHAPTER 1 - How Did I Get My Friends And Myself In This Mess?

Somewhere deep in Space ...

I know who I am. What my name is. And unfortunately, why I am here! Right now I am a floating form of pure white energy, rather spectacular to look at, but not fun being the one floating around. I can also feel my five best friends and lover here with me! It is all I can do to keep them and myself from breaking up and being dissolved. And No, this is not our normal appearance ... I am actually 26 years old (at least in this dimension - But I digress) 6', 175 #, Curly black hair, violet eyes (O.K. O.K. not everything about me is completely normal!) and I have been told that I am fun to have at Party's (Could be because of my magic tricks - If they only knew!) Oh, by the way ... my name is Rod. As for my five best friends ... you may know them, Lance, Josh, Chris, Joey and Justin ... they make up a band called *NSYNC. Anyway, my mind is still reeling, remembering how we came to be here.

It all started innocently enough, I acquired some NSYNC concert tickets with backstage passes and really looked forward to seeing them! I kind of had a crush on both Lance and J.C., and then of course, there is Chris, Joey (Yeah, Joey! Told you I was kind of not completely normal!), and last but not least Justin. All right, I admit it! I had a crush on the whole NSYNC band! Anyway here is what happened about 1 year ago ...

Flashback to 1-Year Ago ... Earth, Orlando, Florida

I was on cloud nine! I was holding the tickets to a NSYNC concert complete with Backstage passes. I have been in Orlando only a week and I score these tickets! Well, I'd better make sure that nothing happens to them! I mutter a simple spell and the tickets and passes vanish ... there in a safe place now, no one can get them but me.

Boring Alert ... Boring Alert

I should explain a little about myself: (Physical appearance in first paragraph for those fell asleep at the beginning of the story ) I am capable of some amazing abilities, Magic being the strongest among them, Time manipulation, Teleportation, Shape Shifting and the ability of illusion (Alright, this isn't so much as a power as it is a manipulation of light waves - Holograms to be precise). I am also, if I do say myself, a master at electronics ... I created what I refer to as a Power Band (Sort of a stylish watch with Attitude!) - PB for short. When I initially designed PB, it was in my own dimension - where laws of nature are a bit different. PB is not only a wrist computer he is my friend. Why do I refer to a computer as a "HE"? Well, like I said the laws of nature at home are a bit different then here. PB is a sentient being, a living computer capable of a great many things as well ... Let's just say that if we are separated for any reason we can find each other or can communicate telepathically if necessary. And PB can take care of himself, his defensive and offensive systems are, shall we say, more than adequate for the 30th century! Anyway, I am rambling again, so I will get back to the story.

In My Hotel Room ...

The concert is in two days ... what the heck am I going to do for two days? Well, I had better check my answering service and see if I have any messages. A pleasant female voice was heard as PB checked my personal answering service ... "Hi Rod, this is Laura. I was just wondering if you had anything planned for the weekend. Did you want to come up to the lake with Scott and I? I know that you are in Orlando on holidays, but you can get back here to Minnesota in a blink of an eye. Well, call me later ... O.K.? I am still a bit worried about you! Bye for now." Laura was one my most trusted friends. When I told who and what I was, she shrugged her shoulders and asked me to pass the peanut butter! She was amazing! She and Scott (her flavor of the month - Boy, does she hate when I call him that!) have been together for about two years and have taken me into their hearts! They both know that I am gay and have a crush on NSYNC.

Guess I had better call Laura back. PB had the connection already established (Damn, I wish he would stop reading my mind!). By having the computer make the connection with Laura ... I kind of felt guilty about not having to pay AT&T any long distance charges - NOT! Laura's voice filled the room ... "Laura speaking ... your dime, I have the time!" She hasn't changed much over the 5 years I have know her ... I like that! "Laura, this is Rod. How have you been? I have some great news to tell you! I got NSYNC tickets with backstage passes!!" I shouted that last part! All that could be heard over the communication line was a loud scream! "Laura ... Laura ... are you alright!?!" I was considering teleporting to her side, but I made that mistake once and ended up teleporting into her bedroom whilst she was ... er .. doing the horizontal mambo with Scott. Boy was I embarrassed, not to mention a very surprised Scott and Laura! Though Scott did have a butt to die for ... Whoops, there I go again ... rambling! Laura replied "I am so happy for you! You will finally meet the band! Wait, you said Tickets, as in plural, as in more than one, as in if you don't ask me I'm going to kill you!" I chuckled at that! Laura couldn't hurt a fly ... a mosquito, yes ... a fly no! "Well, I was wondering if Scott could go with me" I suppressed a laugh and could visualize her face. "I am just kidding Laura, what are you doing this weekend ... besides going to the lake with Scott I mean." "It's funny you should mention it. Scott just called and said that he had to work at the factory this weekend. So I am all yours!" Laura told me. "Ewww ... girly germs! I will pick you up tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. and you can stay in my hotel room as it has two beds. Pack light, you know I get a headache when I teleport a bunch of stuff at once." Laura laughed and said that she would be ready.

After re-arranging the spacious living room of the hotel room, I decided to do some exercises (not your run of the mill exercises mind you). I asked PB to activate the exercise drones (these are small, fast and potentially lethal projectiles that are computer controlled). Five shimmering circles appeared and then materializing in their place were small spheres about the size of ping-pong balls. PB then asked what level of workout I would like, to which I replied confidently "Level 10, please." With that, the game was afoot! Five drones were darting every which way and firing red searing beams of energy at me. I have been practicing now for the past 2 years, and it never ceases to amaze me that the PB was able to anticipate many of my moves. This was quite apparent when I erected a shield between the spheres and me. Fat chance! They blasted right through the shield and veered towards me. I quickly teleported to the other side of the room and let loose one of my own blasts at two of the drones, they shimmered red before exploding. "Well, two down and three to go!" I muttered to myself. I guess those blasted drones were catching on, as they split up and remained in a certain area of the room. That however, didn't stop them from lashing out at me like a venomous snake. I re-established my shield and it held for the most part, though it was starting to give me a headache. I decided that it was about time I went on the offensive! A small trickle of sweat rolled down my brow as I concentrated on both the shield and my ability to manipulate time. Time stood still and I then teleported two of the drones into each other, this caused them to explode into flames. Mind you once I teleported the two drones, I kind of left myself open for the third. And boy, let me tell you ... I am not doing that again! A bright red beam shot out at me from the third drone and broke through my shield. A second beam shot out and hit me point blank in the chest. I could see that the light was fading so with my final conscious act, I concentrated on producing a force bubble within the final sphere and expand it. The final drone stopped mid air, shook, and exploded ... just as I fell to the floor unconscious.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that the morning sun was shinning through the open curtains of my room. I had been placed on my bed and a cover was on top of me. I quickly looked at my chest and was relieved to see that PB had done his usual efficient job of healing me. I can't remember what life was like before I created him. Many of PB's functions are designed to assist me in exploration and (it seems more and more) battles. PB is equipped with a storage center that contains most everything I have created (Everything is miniaturized to the size of a molecule). His weapons consist of several high-energy lasers, EMP (electro magnetic pulse) generators and a plasma canon. He is capable of producing an almost impenetrable shield (well almost impenetrable ... Broccoli dip can still get through it - What is it with this dimension broccoli dip?). PB is able to transport large amounts of people and equipment to within 500 Km. Has a Holographic system that can mold and change light into anything. There are several other options that would only be used in my dimension as it could do more harm than good in this one.

I looked at the clock and had to do a double take ... it was 8:45 a.m. and I had about 15 minutes to get ready and pick up Laura. I jumped out of bed, only to be reminded that I still had somewhat of a headache from last night's workout. I groaned and ran into the bathroom to have my shower. After about 10 minutes I came out of the bathroom refreshed and ready to take on the world ... as long as it wasn't any more of those drones! I looked at the mess of the room and shook my head. "What a fine mess we have here! I had better clean this up before bringing Laura here." She still hasn't forgiven me for changing her basement into an aquatic ocean of wildlife. What can I say ... a few well chosen spells and voila ... instant aquatic paradise. I looked at the mess and said, "Let the hands of time turn back now and set things right before Laura has a cow." I know, I know I could have just concentrated and make a simple gesture with my hand ... but no; I had to use the time-honored chant that comes with spell casting. I was still not a master at it, why bother saying anything at all if the results are going to be the same if you say nothing at all? <<Confuse you? Sorry!>> Everything was back to the way it was when I first checked into the hotel. PB reminded me that if I didn't hurry, I was going to be late picking up Laura.

I stared at nowhere in particular and pictured Laura's house and in an instant was there with Laura and her baggage waiting for me. Laura ran over to me and gave me a great big hug and said "It's about time ... your five minutes late! Were you 'exercising' again?" I shook my head and went over the time it should have taken from Orlando to Minnesota ... it should have been instantaneous! Laura could see the worry in my eyes and asked what was wrong. I sheepishly replied "I am not sure, but I shouldn't be five minutes late ... if anything, I should be about a minute early! Anyway, don't worry about it. I'll figure it out when I have more time" Laura laughed at that joke; "For someone who can manipulate time ... you sure are doing a shitty job of it! But you still haven't answered my question ... did you or did you not 'exercised' before you came here?" I shuffled my feet and admitted that I had "exercised" the last night. Only Laura was privileged to a dark secret that I discovered. It seems that the longer I am in this dimension, the more my power and abilities seem to be diminishing. The rate is such a small percentage; I usually don't worry too much about it, at least, until just recently. Laura grabbed my chin and angled it to her face "You not telling me everything are you? The power loss is getting worse isn't it?" Did I mention that Laura was real perceptive? Where can I find a guy like her? Someone that is caring, loving, perceptive and willing to accept me for me. I looked at her and a single tear ran down my cheek "Yes, the power loss is getting noticeable. But that's is not why I am upset ... when am I going to find that special guy for me to share all my secrets too? A guy that I don't have to pretend I am normal to. I feel I have been cheated in this dimension as well!" Laura smiled and pulled me into a hug "You will find that someone special. You never now what is just around the corner!" I straightened and said that we had better be going. I held her hand and Laura and I both picked up a suitcase and we were on our way to Orlando.

In the blink of an eye we were standing in my hotel room with a beautiful view of the ocean. She dropped her suitcase, let go of my hand and ran to the balcony to take a look outside. I chuckled at her gaping mouth and proceeded to unpack her things. It went much faster with a little magic; I must admit I was enjoying using my powers for fun sometimes. After finishing with the unpacking, I made my way to by best friend and asked her if she wanted to go for a swim. She said that it was still too early, but she was in the mood for some shopping. I was tempted to tell her that I was going to call all of the malls and shops to warn them about her, when she smacked me on the arm saying, "PB telepathically told me what you were thinking." I looked down at a very convincing hologram of a Rolex watch and though "Traitor!" Both Laura and I decided to go shopping. It was about this time I decided that battling the drones were not that bad. PB broke me out of my trance and said that he had finished with an analysis of my battle last night with the drones. My reaction time was down by .02%, to be fair that does not sound like a lot to worry about ... unless you are battling for you life!

At Justin's home...

"I am sick of all those girls going ga ga over us!" JC exclaimed "Yeah, it would be nice to have at least a couple of cute guys go ga ga over us once in a while" Lance agreed then laughed. "Boy, if the teen magazines could hear us now! They would have a hay day with this!" JC looked at lance and laughed, but then became serious. "Lance, do you think that it is possible that we will find that special someone that could be loving, giving and caring to us for just for who we really are?" JC said as he began to nervously pace. Lance smiled and said "JC we will find that someone special, we have to!" At that moment Justin came flying around the corner and ran into JC knocking him down. "Whoops, sorry JC! I didn't see you there." Justin held out his hand to help his long time friend up. Lance began to laugh at them. "You know for two people that can dance their Asses off, it is good to see that they are otherwise totally clumsy!" Both Justin and JC winked at each other and picked up a couple of couch pillows and started beating a surprised Lance. "I give, I give" Lance shouted. "What was so all important that you came around the corner at 90 miles per hour?" Lance questioned Justin. "Oh man, I almost forgot! Joey and Chris called and said that we were late and to hustle our asses over to the arena." Both JC and Lance looked at their watches and said "Shit!" All three friends ran out of the house and to Lances 4x4, where they quickly made tracks to the arena.

At the Arena...

Chris was holding a letter in his hands with Joey looking over his shoulder. "Think we should tell them we got another death threat?" asked Chris to Joey. Joey shrugged his shoulders and continued to stare at the unbelievable letter before them. What a lot of people do not realize is that the death threats have been coming for over the past few months. Nobody, not even the extremely high priced body guards knew where the letters came from ... they just appeared. They always included the same phrase "Stay Away From Rod" as the closing sentence. Just who "Rod" was, NSYNC did not know. Joey shook his head and said to Chris, "We had better have a meeting when the rest of the guys get here! The letters have been coming almost every day for the past two weeks now. Not even the authorities can tell us where they are coming from. All they say is that the paper is weird ... whatever that means." Chris agreed, they were going to have that meeting when the entire band was together. Joey rubbed his friends shoulder and said "Don't worry, we'll figure this out. We have been through worse!" This time Chris shrugged and agreed. This didn't help to calm his nerves, he was worried about his band mates and himself. Hell, they were closer than family ... they shared a lot of secrets that their family didn't even know yet! Chris looked at Joey and smiled, he didn't want to worry his friend but he felt that something was wrong. Deadly wrong!

In Lances Jeep on the way to the Arena...

Justin tapped JC on the shoulder and said that Chris sounded anxious on the phone and he hoped that nothing was wrong with the preparations for tomorrow night's concert. JC chuckled and said, "You know Chris, if we are late it is going to cut into our partying time!" Justin agreed and sat back down on the back seat. That is when he noticed a black cylinder laying on the floor behind Lance. Justin picked it up and it felt hot to the touch, he dropped it and said, "Lance, what is this thing back here ... it is really hot to the touch." Lance, thinking it was just another one of Justin's jokes, just shrugged and said he didn't know. It was about this time that the cylinder emitted an ear splitting high-pitched whine. Each of the guys put their hands to their ears and started to black out. Lance knew he had to pull the 4x4 over to the side of the highway fast! However, the black cylinder in the back seat was controlling the Jeep. All three friends were struggling to stay conscious to no avail. The high-pitched whine continued and if one were to look closely at the three members of NSYNC, one would see a thin trickle of blood flowing freely from each of their ears. The jeep recklessly continued down the highway past a shopping mall, controlled by an unseen hand.

At the Shopping Mall...

"WARNING ... WARNING ... ALIEN DEVICE LOCATED WITHIN IMMEDIATE SCANNING AREA", the power band blurted out. The people around both Laura and I were staring, when the warning was repeated. I grabbed Laura and we ran to a secluded area in the mall. I looked at my wrist and a small holographic map appeared and showed a red moving dot that indicated the alien device. I said "Report origins and damage projections." With that the Power Band started to give a rapid description of the device and it's potential of damaging this planet populace. I found out that this device had originated from my home dimension and was designed to bring unsuspecting criminals to their jailers. But what was it doing here? And why was it moving so fast? Sensing the questions, PB responded with the facts that the cylinder was in a vehicle with three humans who were unconscious and suffering from ruptured eardrums. It was also stated that if any more than 5 minutes more passed without disrupting the sound, it would permanently cause brain damage. It was at this time I knew I had to act, I would not let any device from my dimension be the cause of anything that would harm this worlds people. I have seen too many people hurt in my own dimension. Laura nodded and grabbed the shopping bags I still held in my right hand. "Go, see what you can do for those people." Laura said.

I had to get precise speeds and direction before I teleported to vehicle. I had to be sure of the exact locations of each of the passengers in the vehicle otherwise I could materialize within that person ... not a pretty sight! I knew I was going to have a headache after this was finished. But the lives of others have always come first, even at a personal cost. I concentrated and was gone from the mall. Laura looked at the empty spot where I was and smiled "Rod, you care so much about people who are not even of your own earth. You deserve someone to care, trust and love you." She decided to go back to the hotel room and wait for me there.

In Lances Jeep ...

I materialized in the back seat by Justin, I didn't immediately recognize them for who they were. I was then made painfully aware that the sound was increasing in intensity. I ordered PB to shut down the power for the device. I was met with no response, and no PB! He was gone from my wrist! Great! I was just beginning to feel the effects of the sound and was getting sluggish and my head was spinning. I quickly took a look at the three passengers and checked them out for any other wounds that would require medical attention. It seemed that the only thing that needed to be done was to stop that sound! I concentrated on the sound and felt a dizzy feeling surround me. The sound was decreasing, so I concentrated even harder, ignoring the effects of the constant shrill of sound. Finally, the sound stopped ... but I was done for! I looked out the front window and seen it coming in slow motion ... Lances Jeep was heading for the barrier of the bridge! We slammed through the guardrails and plummeted to our deaths. I started to black out and muttered "There is no place like home ... There is no place like home"

To Be Continued .... ?

I am sorry that the first chapter wasn't any more than an introduction without sex ... That's going to change in future chapters! What happens to Lance, JC and Justin? Please forward any questions, comments, threats, and flowers to:

Next: Chapter 2

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