Behind The Scenes

By Haven Tesla

Published on Dec 25, 2013



DISCLAIMER: This story takes place in an alternate universe where hypnosis actually exists and the FCC (as well as conservative viewers) are a lot more accepting of salacious storylines and nudity on national television. So it should be abundantly obvious that this story is a FANTASY that is in no way intended to represent the real world. One Life to Live, its characters and locales are the property of Prospect Park. The events of this story are entirely fictitious, the product of my overactive imagination and not in any fashion meant to reflect the private lives or sexual orientations of the actors featured. And lastly, this story is intended for readers of legal age in their respective territories, who are not offended by gay themes.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BEHIND THE SCENES A One Life to Live Parody ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"You're hired!"

I smiled benevolently at the studio executive sitting across from me. Of course I was. As if there was ever any doubt.

"I've never seen a resume quite as impressive as this," he was saying, waving about the bar menu in his hand. I wondered idly what exactly he saw written on it. "The studio will be delighted to have you joining us in the post of ... of..." His forehead creased in confusion; I hadn't supplied that piece of information to him yet.

"Junior head writer," I suggested.

His eyes glazed over. "Yes, of course ... junior head writer. You can start work on ..."

"Monday," I supplied. "And you can escort me in from security. There's really no need to tell people about my hiring just yet ... for now just tell security you've got a visitor."

He nodded dumbly.

I beamed at him. "I'll see you on Monday then."

And so I got my break in show business - to be more specific, my favorite soap opera: One Life to Live.

I'd watched soap operas since I was a kid; in fact they were probably an integral part of my discovery of sexuality. Soap hunks often found themselves in various states of undress and in steamy love scenes. That was in the `90s, of course. Today you almost never see briefs or Speedos on TV anymore, which is a real shame, and one I fully intended to remediate.

You've probably guessed by now that I have certain talents'. When I showed up to the studio on Monday, the executive who'd hired me took me around to meet the other members of the behind-the-scenes staff. Of course, the writing team was initially puzzled as to the presence of a new writer, especially one hired straight into a lead position with apparently little experience, but once I'd talked' to them, any lingering doubts they had swiftly dissipated.

It wasn't just the writers I had to work my charm on, obviously. If I was going to remold the show into my vision of a perfect soap opera, then I needed to have some clout with everyone involved, from the directors to the cameramen to the costumers to the actors themselves.

Oh yes, the actors. Meeting them was a definite highlight – especially one in particular: Andrew, who'd turned 18 just the month before. I'd had my eye on him since he joined the show the previous year in the role of Jack Manning. Cute as fuck, with a nicely toned and tanned body (I'd lived in anticipation of his all-too-rare shirtless scenes).

Andrew, as it turned out, wasn't anything like the jerk of a character he played. Jack was an arrogant bully who'd compelled a fellow high school student to attempt suicide (for which he'd never been properly punished). Andrew, on the other hand, was actually very polite, modest and adorably sweet. He was even better looking in person; I had to stop myself from drooling. I knew Jack was a character who would get some very heavy airtime under my pen!

"If you have any questions or concerns, Andy, just come straight to me," I told him. "You needn't bother with your agent or parents or anybody else."

"Um, actually I go by my full name ..."

"Oh? But Andy's so cute, don't you think?" I said with my powers of persuasion on full blast.

The teenage star's eyes glazed over and he nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

I tore myself away from him reluctantly. There was much work to be done. Over the next week I set my long-term strategy into motion.

"We're going to have to recast Matthew Buchanan," I informed the casting director.

She was taken aback. "What? But Eddie's played him for years!"

"I know ... it's time to take the character in a new direction and we need a fresh face for that. Preferably someone more muscular." I had something special in mind for Matthew, a legacy character who was in his final year of high school - the year above Jack.

The head-writer piped up. "What's this new direction for Matthew? This is the first I'm hearing of it."

"But don't you remember our discussion yesterday?" I asked reproachfully. "We all agreed that we needed to make the show edgier in tackling relevant social issues. And Matthew's new storyline on steroid use is part of that move."

Needless to say, no such discussion had taken place, but everyone was nodding along as if it had. This was really too easy.

"And while we're at it, can you contact Josh? I'd like him to reprise the role of Cutter." Cutter Wentworth had been a con-man who'd spent a fair amount of time half-naked until the show-runners had foolishly decided to write off the character.

"But didn't we throw him in prison just last year for manslaughter?"

I rolled my eyes. "This is a soap opera. People come back from the dead all the time. I'm sure we can think of a way to spring Cutter out of prison without serving his full sentence."

The casting director had a couple of questions. "What do I tell Josh about the new storyline for Cutter's return?"

I waved my hand dismissively. "Look, he's a struggling actor and this gig's a steady paycheck. Just tell him to report to work ASAP."

"And what should I put in the casting call for the Matthew recast? I know you said he needs to be more muscular ..."

"And very good-looking," I added. "Naturally hairless would be a plus ... we don't want to have to keep shaving him for the steroid storyline. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go talk to the set designer about a couple of new sets."

The set designer wasn't an easy person to convince that we needed new sets to represent a boys' locker room and a gay club. But I'd done my homework and he couldn't argue with my economical suggestion to repurpose a couple of older sets. Of course, the hypnotic quaver of my voice probably helped move things along, too.

I barely needed to use it on the lady in charge of wardrobe though. An ardent feminist, she was all for the exploitation of men instead of women. She briskly accepted my proposal to overhaul the actors' wardrobe and replace the boxers and board shorts with briefs and Speedos.

Next I had a word with the cameramen. These straight men had frustrated me on far too many occasions by zooming in on the actresses when a love scene was playing out while avoiding close-ups of male anatomies. Well, that was going to change!

By the time I'd finished speaking to everyone involved, I was exhausted. Even my gift had its limitations, but I knew my fatigue was temporary and would pay off in spades very soon. The pieces of my plan were slowly but surely falling into place. The fictional town of Llanview, Pennsylvania, was going to see some dramatic changes!

It was subtle at first. Actors spent more time in their underwear (now briefs) after love scenes. More conversations took place by the pool or in the country club's steam room. High school basketball practice was now shirts versus skins - with Jack inevitably making the latter team every time. I made a point to be on set when those scenes were being filmed; Andy looked positively delicious all sweaty and half-naked. He always appeared to be faintly embarrassed at having to go shirtless, which I found to be an even greater turn-on.

Once we'd cast a hot young actor named Rob as the new Matthew and finalized the paperwork for Josh's return to the role of Cutter, it was all systems go. Rob was a find (my find, since I'd insisted on having a say in the selection of a recast). He could give Andy a run for my money, although the two actors couldn't be more different. He was cocky – but then who wouldn't be with that body? Smooth and alabaster-skinned, he had great muscle definition in all the right places. With my help, he would fit perfectly into the new storyline I'd scripted for him. Rob was in his mid-20s, but fortunately he could still easily pass for a high school senior like his character, Matthew.

Right off the bat I had a bit of fight-back from Rob. His debut saw Matthew emerging from the shower in just a towel. He starts dressing, but only gets as far as his briefs before his girlfriend Dani, who just happened to be Jack's half-sister, interrupts him. He then spends the rest of the episode arguing with her, followed by a run-in with his baby mamma, Destiny - all without putting on any more clothes.

"I don't understand why I can't at least put my pants on," Rob grumbled to me. I'd given him and the rest of the cast and crew the same instructions as Jack - come to me and only me with any concerns. "The girls get to be fully dressed, but I have to stand around in tighty-whiteys? And that's the other thing - I don't believe a guy my age would wear those."

"Now Rob, you know how this works. You play the script, no questions asked. So what if you spend the whole episode in tighty-whiteys? You've got a great body, so you shouldn't have a problem showing it off."

"It's not that. I want to be taken seriously as an actor," he whined. "I don't want to be just some eye candy for bored housewives."

"And you'll have the chance to show off your acting chops once the steroid storyline kicks in," I mollified him while layering my voice with its hypnotic quality. "But I know you recognize what an integral part of acting body language is. With you in your undies, the audience gets to see Matthew's physique, I mean body language, unencumbered by clothes. Wouldn't you agree?"

I could already see Rob's eyes glazing over and knew I'd won the argument. He looked very fine in those tight white briefs; I'd wondered whether to put him in black ones to contrast against his creamy skin but clearly I'd made the right decision. I also made sure the cameraman remembered his instructions to zoom in on Rob's ripped body.

Rob wasn't the only one to throw a tantrum over his first scene. Josh had been dismayed to learn that his character, being totally broke after being released from prison, had taken up a career as a male stripper - at a gay club to boot!

"There's a reason Magic Mike was so successful last year," I reminded Josh. "Even Days and General Hospital took advantage of its hype to feature male strip acts this past year. Besides, stripping isn't really alien to Cutter. As I recall, during your last stint here you didn't wear very much either."

"But do I really have to strip down to a thong? And in front of so many extras?" I'd sourced those extras from a gay bar downtown and Josh was obviously feeling uncomfortable given the lecherous stares he was getting from some of them.

"Don't worry - we're only going to film you from the front and side. There won't be any butt shots." I avoided pointing out the obvious - everyone on set would see the full show. "It'll be fine," I reassured him.

Still unhappy, but lacking the ability to defy instructions delivered in my `special' voice, Josh clambered onto the stripper pole and continued with the striptease. His fit, hairless body was glistening with oil and sweat, and the tiny gold thong barely contained his junk. More than one extra copped a feel as they slipped their dollar bills into it.

Josh looked so relieved when it was over; I wondered how he'd feel when he saw his next script. I was bringing back the character of pornographer Rick Powers, who was going to stumble across Cutter stripping in the club and offer him a role in one of his X-rated productions.

Meanwhile, what of my beloved Andy? Well, his big storyline was just about to kick into high gear. Jack's bullying buddies had turned on him after he guiltily confessed his crimes and incriminated them in the process. Facing punishment for their callous behavior, the bullies were keen to exact their revenge on Jack. An opportunity would present itself after gym class at Llanview High.

The camera entered a steamy locker room full of sweaty, half-naked teenage boys - in towels, briefs, even jockstraps! (The scene required careful camerawork and prodigious post-production editing to pass the censors.)

A towel-clad Jack was pinned up against the lockers by two bullies in jockstraps. The homoeroticism was off the charts.

"You're so dead, Manning. You should have just kept your big mouth shut."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to get you guys in trouble. I just couldn't live with the guilt anymore." Andy did the deer-in-the-headlights look very well indeed. Or maybe he really was scared of the two buff guys we'd hired to lead the bullying against his character. They were certainly a lot bigger and more intimidating than him.

"Oh, poor little Jackie, felt guilty for torturing Shane," mocked one of the bullies. "At least that twerp had the smarts to leave Llanview. You on the other hand ..."

"You know what? Since you sympathize so damned much with Shane, maybe we should do to you the same thing we did to him."

Jack stared at them in confusion and dawning horror. A split second later, he was tossed out of the locker room and into the crowded gym - sans towel, naked as the day he was born.

When he received this script, Andy had worked up his courage to lodge a protest with me. "Why do I have to be actually naked? When this happened to Shane, Austin actually kept on his shorts, and you just filmed it in such a way that he appeared to be naked."

"It's called method acting, Andy. We want to get a real, raw reaction from you, and we can't get that unless you're actually, physically naked on set. Plus, we'd like to push the envelope a bit, see how much skin we can get away with. It's not like the audiences back home will see too much of you. We're still going to use careful angles and you'll keep your hands over your crotch whenever you're being shot from the front."

"But... but ... my friends will see this! I'll never hear the end of it at school!" God, he was so fucking cute. He didn't realize that his humiliation in front of his peers was precisely my objective for writing him this nude scene. For the same reason, I'd populated the school gym set with dozens of extras in the same 18-21 age group.

"They will be impressed with your dedication to this role," I lied. "Trust me." That, of course, was the last thing Andy should have done, but the telltale clouding of Andy's hazel eyes signaled that he had. Now, bear in mind I could have removed his inhibitions at the same time, but chose not to. It was so much more fun if his embarrassment was real. I hadn't been entirely lying about the method acting.

"Now I think you need to shave your chest, Andy. You're starting to grow some hair there and it's not too appropriate for a supposed high school junior."

His mind addled by my mesmerizing voice, the teenager nodded robotically.

"In fact, since you're going to be naked, we might need to do some manscaping down below too. Why don't you slip off your clothes and I can help you out there?"

Feeling totally befuddled, Andy obliged, even though he didn't know why. This little exercise was a bit of self-indulgence on my part – I didn't want to share his first unveiling with a roomful of extras and crew. I watched him hungrily as he peeled off his t-shirt, revealing a taut torso with wisps of chest hair and a thick trail leading down from his navel into the waistband of his boxers.

"You know Andy, you should think about getting some sexier underwear. White briefs, for instance, would contrast beautifully with your tanned skin."

"Yeah, I guess I should go buy some," he replied automatically.

"It's okay, I'm sure wardrobe can spare you a few pairs to take home. Now just lower your boxers and I can -" My words caught in my throat because Andy had already tugged down his underwear and I was confronted by his beauty in all its glory.

He had a very nice cock, chubby but not very big (three inches flaccid), nestled in a dense thatch of dark pubic hair. A pair of surprisingly hefty balls dangled low between his legs. I walked around to his rear and discovered that his firm, round butt was dusted lightly with more dark hair. His unusual hairiness for an 18-year-old (which I suppose was only to be expected given his Italian ancestry) was making me incredibly aroused. It took all of my self-restraint not to throw him over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck him right there and then.

"Can we go into my dressing room?" he asked timidly, clearly feeling very self-conscious to be standing bare-assed in the middle of the make-up room. There was a rosy blush on his cheeks. "What if someone comes in?"

"I think it's best we shave you here," I responded. "You need to get used to being naked in public. So what if somebody walks in? In fact, here's someone now."

It was a couple of the college boys we'd hired as extras for the gym scene. They did a double take when they saw the naked teen star.

"Guys, do you mind helping us out here? Andy's got a nude scene coming up today and we need to shave him." I used my most assertive voice and the boys unwittingly agreed.

We adjusted one of the make-up chairs until it was almost horizontal and got Andy to lie on his back. The college guys shaved Andy's chest while I focused on his bush. Initially I'd planned to just trim it a little, but then I decided that shaving it off completely would be much more humiliating for him. It certainly embarrassed him that my handling of his penis while shaving his pubes resulted in an erection.

"Nothing to worry about," I said cheerfully as I lifted up the 5-inch hard-on to shave his balls. But poor Andy was mortified nonetheless, especially as more and more people arrived in the make-up room and watched his ordeal without so much as a word of protest. I'd done quite a number on their ability to think straight (no pun intended).

"What about his ass? He's quite hairy back there," one of my assistants pointed out as we finished denuding his chest and crotch of almost all its hair (I'd opted to leave his treasure trail intact, mainly because it looked funny leading down to a groin that was shaved totally bare).

"Turn over, Andy. Let's see what we have." The teen reluctantly obeyed, and I had a close-up view of his cute, furry butt. I wanted everyone else to enjoy the view, too.

"Well, I think we'll leave the cheeks fuzzy and just trim the hair in the crack," I finally decided. "After all, butt shots won't make it into the broadcast."

My assistants pulled apart Andy's cheeks and I feasted my eyes on the ultimate prize: his virginally tight asshole. The pink rosebud stood out adorably against the forest of dark hair. I noticed that I wasn't alone in having my eyes glued to the sight, nor were Andy's and my erections the only ones in that room!

Between my two assistants and myself, we may have `accidentally' slipped a finger or two into Andy's hole while trimming his ass-crack hair. The teenager whimpered but didn't lose his hard-on. That brief digital penetration was enough for me to know I simply had to take his anal virginity, and soon!

So Andy was well-prepped for his nude scene, and what a scene it was. We ended up being unable to use a good chunk of the material we shot in the broadcast, because the cameras had captured a bit too much of Andy, especially when the blushing boy had only one hand to cover himself while banging on the locker room door with the other. But fret not, the cut footage didn't go to waste - it ended up safely in my personal stash for the viewing of a few select soap fans who shared my perverse fascination with young Andy.

It's worth noting that Andy's humiliation wasn't the only reason I'd set up this particular scene. No, there was a greater endgame at play. After Jack unsuccessfully pleaded with the laughing students to either let him back into the locker room or give him some clothes to wear, Matthew arrived to the rescue. Taking pity on his girlfriend's brother, he gave Jack his jacket to cover his nudity. Jack casts an adoring gaze at his savior, and later in the episode, we see him smelling Matthew's jacket with a wistful expression.

"Jack is gay?!" Andy wasn't the only one surprised. I'd had to firmly persuade several of the writing team to accept this twist.

"Yes, it makes totally sense when you think about it. Why'd he bully Shane last year? Just for kicks? Or was there something deeper going on? I like to think the latter. Jack was terrified that his pals would find out about his sexuality, so he cast himself as a big bad bully who terrorized a vulnerable kid to hide his own vulnerability."

"But what about Neela?" Andy brought up the short-lived character that Jack had briefly dated during the winter. One of my first moves upon coming on board had been to axe the character by packing her off to her parents in India.

"That romance was a bust, and with good reason. Jack was never actually interested in Neela; she was just a beard to hide the fact that he is gay."

"But Jack can't be gay," Andy insisted pleadingly. "What will my friends think if I play a gay character?"

"Andy, we went over this already," I explained to him patiently, imbuing my words with a healthy dose of hypnosis. "No doubt, playing gay can be a challenge for any straight young man ... you are straight, aren't you?"

"Yes!" The pronouncement was emphatic.

"Hmm, I was just checking. I'm not sure I quite like your tone though; it seems you're implying that there's something wrong with being gay or being perceived as gay? I really hope not, because I always believed you were a nice, open-minded boy."

"I am," stammered Andy. "I don't have anything against gay people. I just don't want girls, um, I mean people to mistake me for being gay."

Aw, bless. He was concerned about his dating prospects.

"No need to fret, Andy. Girls love it when straight boys are comfortable enough in their sexuality to make out with other boys."

He scrunched up his face adorably. "Wait, I have to make out with other guys? Who? Matthew is straight, right?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that. I'm the writer, remember? You just have to play the script. Okay?"

He nodded glumly. "Okay."

"Cheer up, Andy. This storyline will get you all sorts of exposure. (No kidding.) Think of all the soapy goodness. Closeted teen falls in love with his sister's straight boyfriend. That right there is dramatic gold!"

I left him looking morose and went to find Rob, who was in wardrobe putting on his wrestling singlet. He looked relieved to see me.

"Hey, Hank. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, Rob. What's up?"

"It's this costume. Apparently I can't wear any underwear with it?"

"Yes, that's right. It's so skin-tight that any underwear would be clearly outlined and we don't want that, do we?"

Rob knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "No, I guess not but isn't this even more revealing? I mean, look!"

He gestured down to his crotch helplessly and my jaw dropped. It was better than I could ever have imagined! I'd thought the tight, lilac Lycra would really accentuate Rob's beefy pecs and ripped abs (not to mention the solidly-muscled globes of his ass), but its effect on his cock and balls was literally obscene! I could determine that he was circumcised and about 5 inches soft.

"Wow! I mean, it shouldn't be a problem. We'll film the wrestling scenes mostly from the back. If anything does slip into the shot, we'll edit it out in post-production. But really, Rob, there's really absolutely no reason for you to be covered up. In fact, your next scene is in the locker room and you'll be sitting totally naked on the bleachers."

"Totally naked?"

"It's just going to be a side profile, to show the audience that you're really bare-assed ... I mean, vulnerable. It explains why Matthew ends up taking steroids. This is the meaty storyline you wanted, remember?" I could see Rob wavering, so I went in for the kill. "Andy's barely 18 and he did a nude scene last week ... Don't tell me you can't do the same?"

Rob bristled at the insinuation that he was too chicken to do a nude scene like a teenager several years his junior had.

"Yeah, of course I'll do it," he snapped.

I hid my grin. "That's great. So we're done here, yeah? I'll see you on set in 10."

Ten minutes later, Rob was on the wrestling mat we'd laid out in the gym set, being manhandled by this huge guy we'd hired to play Matthew's wrestling opponent. He wasn't playing around though ... the wrestling looked real and raw because it WAS real and raw! Although Rob's muscles put on quite an impressive display as he strived for some semblance of a fight, he was no match for his opponent. I was pretty certain that Matthew's tears of frustration at being soundly beaten in the wrestling match weren't entirely faked.

Sweaty and battered, Matthew stumbled into the locker room and peeled off his singlet. He sat down heavily on the bleachers, holding his head in his hands. The camera captured a gorgeous side shot of his chiseled, glistening body.

"Hey, dude. You want to beat that guy next time?"

Matthew looked up and saw a wrestler from another school. The guy was stacked just like Matthew's opponent and his physique was even more noticeable because all he had on was a tiny posing pouch.

"Hell yeah!" exclaimed Matthew. "But how on earth could I possibly do that? He basically wiped the floor with me out there."

"I have a way," said his new friend mysteriously. "At the next wrestling meet it can be you wiping the floor with him. You interested?"

And that was how Matthew got hooked on steroids. Oh, it was a meaty storyline alright, just as I'd promised - what Rob had failed to realize was that HE was the meat!

Over several weeks, the soap charted how Matthew spiraled downwards even as he endeavored to build up his body through both exercise and stimulants. Every episode inexorably featured a scene of Matthew working out shirtless, muscles bulging everywhere. My favorite moments were when he stripped down to a posing pouch to flex and check out his muscles in the mirror.

Rob wasn't really sure why he was indeed gaining muscle, but with my hold over his mind getting stronger with every passing day, he didn't really question it either. He barely put up a protest when I told him we had to shave his armpits as that's what bodybuilders did, and he was totally silent when the (very public) shaving was extended to his pubes.

While this was going on, Jack was increasingly on the outs with the basketball players and joined the swim team instead. I'm sure I needn't tell you this was mainly a ploy to repeatedly feature him in the smallest Speedos that the wardrobe department could find.

Then we had the scene where Jack bumps into Matthew while he's flexing in front of a mirror in the country club's locker room.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize ..." Jack's voice trailed off as he drank in the sight of his hunky crush wearing next to nothing. The skimpy maroon pouch was practically a string at the sides and barely contained Matthew's ample package.

"What do you think, dude?" Matthew flexed some more, seemingly oblivious to the younger boy's lustful gaze.

Jack gulped. "Um ... when did you get so jacked?" He was finding it very hard to drag his eyes away from his idol's nearly-naked physique.

"I've been body-building for a couple of months now," Matthew announced proudly. "Do you want to feel my muscles? Go on."

Jack looked like he was about to pass out. (Either Andy was becoming a consummate actor, or he wasn't as straight as he claimed to be.) He reached out tentatively and felt Matthew's bicep.

"Wow, that's rock hard!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah. I've been working on my pecs, too. Go on, have a feel."

Emboldened by Matthew's encouragement, Jack began to more or less grope the older boy.

"Hey, you know, I was actually about to snap some pics of my progress for my bodybuilding diary," Matthew said suddenly. "You want to help me out?"

"Of course!" Jack's reply was so enthusiastic that viewers speculated the steroids must be rotting Matthew's brain for him to remain clueless about Jack's blatant crush on him.

"There's a bottle of baby oil over there you could help me put on," suggested Matthew. "It really makes my muscles pop in the photos."

Jack was more than happy to oblige. The scene where Jake kneeled in front of Matthew to oil up his muscular thighs was so insanely homoerotic and provocative; I wondered how it made it past the censors.

Predictably, the audience later discovers that Jack had stolen one of the Polaroid snaps he'd taken of the oiled and gleaming Matthew in his posing pouch for his own private viewing. That fed into the very familiar soap opera trope of the fantasy sequence, albeit a very gay and risqué edition of it.

Jack dreams of Matthew joining him in the shower and revealing that it's him, not his sister, whom he truly desires. The naked boys then share a very steamy kiss. The scene was shot through a glass shower door, the lower half of which was frosted, just enough to steer clear of the censors but not to hide the fact that the duo was in fact completely nude. At one point Jack's hand even disappears down out of shot and the implication is there, although the scene quickly changes to a sweaty, briefs-clad Jack waking up in bed.

Rob had retained enough of his mental faculties to raise a stink over this script. That was how I discovered his homophobic leanings. Naturally, I had the perfect remedy. The episode that aired on national TV might have transitioned swiftly to Jack's waking moment, but the scene on set played out for much longer.

Andy fondled Rob's cock with one hand while his other hand crept around to the older boy's ass and into his crack. Rob tensed up as he felt a wet (but otherwise un-lubricated) finger prodding at his virginal asshole.

"What're you doing?" he croaked.

"Playing the script," said Andy. Naturally submissive by nature, he was quickly adapting to his new role.

"Ugh," grunted Rob as Andy's finger wormed its way into his ass. "Take it out!"

"I'm supposed to put 3 fingers into you."


"You can finger my ass if it makes you feel better," suggested Andy. "Hank's been helping loosen me up – my ass can take up to 4 fingers now."

Rob violently shook his head as if trying to clear the psychological cobwebs. "No, wait, this isn't right ..."

"Yes, it is," I broke in, putting on my strongest hypnotic voice. "This is the story you're playing. This is Jack's fantasy, and he wants to make love to Matthew, so that's what you're going to do."

"But I'm not really Matthew ... and this is just make-believe ... the sex is supposed to be simulated ... we're not ... I'm not ..." I could tell that Rob was losing his train of thought.

"Kiss him," I said simply. "Keep kissing him. Feel him up. Finger his hole. Suck his cock. Make love for real."

The two hunky young actors in my power ceased to have any willpower of their own. They were just marionettes in a fantasy - only it wasn't Jack's but mine.

Rob grabbed Andy roughly and threw him against the glass. "You want this, don't you, you faggot?" he asked aggressively, grabbing his package.

Andy had that deer in the headlights look again. Yeah, I suspect that wasn't really acting. "Yes," he whispered, "I want your cock."

"Then suck it," ordered Rob. He grasped Andy's shoulders and forced him to his knees. The spray from the shower cascaded down over them as Andy hesitantly wrapped his lips around Rob's dick and gave his first-ever blowjob.

If you're wondering why I didn't reserve this privilege for myself, well ... let's just say I'd been on the receiving end of one too many poorly-executed amateur blowjobs. I was going to let Rob experience Andy's cock-sucking debut. If he turned out to be a natural cocksucker (which was certainly what the blissful look on Rob's face promised), then the boy would be spending a lot of time in his future with his lips around my cock.

Andy's mouth may have been occupied, but he'd not forgotten his instructions to finger-fuck Rob. To my surprise, he'd managed to successfully bury 4 fingers into the older guy's virgin ass and was now sawing them in and out somewhat forcefully. Rob had his head thrown back, groaning from the dual sensations of pain and pleasure as Andy's assiduous fingers grazed his prostate.

"I'm gonna cum," he said eventually. "And you're going to swallow it all."

Andy didn't have much choice in the matter; Rob had his head in a vice-like grip as he fucked his face violently. I thought Andy was doing a very good job of suppressing his gag reflex in taking the 7-incher down his throat.

After downing Rob's apparently massive load (he was pumping cum for what seemed like a good half-minute), Andy slowly worked his way up, licking and kissing every part of Rob's ripped torso. (I found his delicate nibbling on Rob's nipples to be particularly hot.) Finally he reached Rob's neck and I was astounded to hear him say, with unexpected conviction, "Now it's your turn to suck my cock."

And wonders never cease, for Rob - cocky, stubborn, built-like-a-brick-shithouse Rob - actually obeyed! He got down on his knees and sucked Andy's cock. From Andy's frequent wincing and warnings to "watch your teeth", I suspected that Rob was never going to be a blowjob expert, but at least he was trying. He was also following Andy's lead in fingering Andy's ass while he sucked his cock. The combination was too much for the teen and he didn't even have time to warn Rob before shooting his load down his throat.

"Don't swallow!" I interjected quickly. "I want to see you both snowball." They looked blankly at me, and I rolled my eyes. Straight boys. "Pass the cum back and forth between your mouths while you kiss," I explained.

Rob clearly thought the practice repulsive but found himself doing as he was told; Andy looked rather queasy himself.

"Great job, guys," I told them finally. "That's a wrap! I'll see you both back in the studio tomorrow. Well, maybe not you, Andy. I think you'd best follow me home. There was one acting skill you displayed just now that I'd like you to practice further with me."

Andy trotted after me like a good little lamb. Rob ran to the nearest dressing-room to rinse out his mouth. Without mouthwash on hand, he was going to be dismayed to discover how the taste of semen can linger in one's mouth.

The following day, we shot an episode which witnessed the character of Jack increasingly tormented by his unrequited crush on Matthew. Unable to bear it any longer, he decides to risk visiting Llanview's solitary gay club. I'm sure you can see where this is leading.

Armed with a fake ID and a baseball cap to keep his face in shadow, Jack snuck into the club to discreetly watch the male strippers perform. He hung around by the staff exit, ready to fly at a moment's notice if anyone showed signs of recognizing him as the son of the notorious Todd Manning. (Such was the price of money and fame.)

Given how on edge he was, Jack could barely pay attention to the flesh parade, and when he saw a man approaching him, he instantly panicked and decided to flee. Unfortunately for him, it turned out that his planned escape route actually led past the strippers' dressing room, and it was here that he literally ran into Cutter. The two of them ended up in a heap on the floor.

"S-sorry," stammered Jack as he picked himself up off the floor. "I didn't see you there." He reached for his cap which had been knocked off his head in the fall, and tried to avoid looking at Cutter who was wearing only a silver sequined thong.

Cutter scowled; now he had dust sticking to his oiled skin. "Next time, watch where you're going, kid. Besides, you're not supposed to be back ... wait a minute! Don't I know you from somewhere?"

Recognition dawned on Jack at the same time. "Oh crap!" he breathed.

"You're Todd Manning's son!"

"And you're the con-artist who tried ripping off the Buchanans! What are you doing here?"

A cunning smirk spread across Cutter's face. "Well, little Jack, I think a better question is what YOU are doing here in a gay club."

It really was lucky how adept Andy had become with his deer-in-the-headlights expression.

"Meet me at the Minute Man, room 69, at 9pm tomorrow if you don't want your dirty little secret to get out," Cutter told Jack menacingly.

It was time for the disparate story threads to come together.

In the seedy motel room, Cutter and Rick Powers were lying in wait. Jack arrived, looking around nervously before knocking on the door to room 69. He was let in by Cutter.

"Who's this?" asked Jack anxiously, ill at ease with Rick's unexpected presence.

"Don't you recognize me, Jack?" said Rick. "I was briefly your sister's record producer ... until she dumped me unceremoniously."

Jack swallowed nervously. It wasn't a good sign to encounter someone with an existing grudge against his family. "Why did you call me here for?" he asked. "Do you want money? I don't have any, you know. I only get access to my trust fund when I turn 21."

"What do you take us for, common crooks?" Cutter pretended to be hurt. "We already know all about the Lord estate's financial arrangements. No, it's not your money that we want."

Rick chirped in. "We wanted you to make you a proposition. We'll keep your secret about your sexuality if you agree to star in my next movie."

Jack turned pale. He remembered Rick's last foray into filmmaking had been a sleazy porno starring his sister's then-boyfriend, Nate Salinger. (That actor had been hot – utterly unbelievable as a teenager, but hot as hell. My mind started working on ways to get Lenny back on the show.)

"You're not talking about porn, are you?"

Rick beamed. "Ah, you remember Hold the Diploma. Yes, since my record-producing job turned into such a bust, I decided to go back to what made me great to begin with. And you're going to be my next breakout star."

Jack blanched. "You want me to act in a porno? No way!"

Cutter tutted. "I wouldn't be so quick to turn down the nice man, Jackie. Remember what we have on you. Besides, it's a gay movie which should be right up your alley ..."

"How does it help me stay in the closet if you guys put me in a gay porn flick that anyone could stumble across?"

"We're only going to market it in Europe, kid," said Rick. "So unless you've got queer European pals, I don't see how anyone here in the States is ever going to learn about this."

"So what's it going to be, Jackie? You ready to come out, or you prefer our proposition?"

Jack mulled over his options frantically. The risk posed by a gay porno that would alleged only be seen in Europe seemed minute compared to the all-but-confirmed backlash he'd face if he was forced out of the closet in a small town like Llanview. His father would have a fit! But then, could he trust Rick? Nate had made the same mistake and ended up debuting as a porn star in front of the entire town!

At last he said, "It's not like I have a choice." His sulkiness was evident.

"Cheer up, kiddo, it won't so bad," said Rick. "Ask Cutter here - he's done quite a few movies for me already."

Jack looked at Cutter. "Is he going to be my co-star?" He cast his mind back to his encounter with a scantily-clad Cutter the previous night. The ex-con had a rather good body on him. Having sex with him wouldn't be the end of the world.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry to disappoint, Jackie," said Cutter, "but that's your co-star. Come in!"

The door opened, and in stepped ... Matthew!

The screen faded to black, leaving droves of fans on the edge of their seats for the cliffhanger to be resolved on the subsequent Monday's episode.

Watching the rough cut of the Friday episode in the comfort of my home, I told Andy, "I think it's time we practiced for your next scene."

Andy looked up from where he was kneeling naked between my legs. His face looked positively adorable spattered with my cum.

"What's that?" he asked docilely.

"Get up here on the couch and I'll show you."

I had him lie on his back and lift his hairy legs in the air. The sight of his virginal rosebud had me instantly hard and dripping.

"Andy, have you ever had sex before?" I asked him curiously.

He blushed. "Well, yeah ... the stuff I've done with you and Rob."

"I mean before all that. Did you ever do anything with another boy?" He shook his head. "What about with a girl?"

The color intensified in his cheeks before he reluctantly shook his head again. I was stunned. The boy was a true virgin, in every sense of the word (well, before I'd sullied him with those blowjobs). But I'd expected him to have at least sampled some feminine delights. It wasn't like he was lacking sex appeal.

"Why ever not, Andy?"

"I've never found the right girl," he mumbled in a small voice.

Bless his little heart. He'd been saving himself for his true love. Well, I might not be that but I could certainly give him a very special first time.

I dove between his legs and lapped at his hole with my tongue. From his moans of pleasure and his curled toes (so cute!), I could tell that he was thoroughly enjoying his rimming.

"How is that, Andy?"

"Fucking amazing," he sighed. I smiled; I don't believe I'd ever heard him swear before.

"Well, this is going to be out of this world," I assured him, kissing his hole one last time before replacing my tongue with my finger. By the time I had four stretching his ass, he was literally vibrating with anticipation and lust.

I usually made it a point to wrap up before fucking anyone but for Andy I felt I could make an exception. After all, he was bound to be clean given his virginal status, plus I didn't want to deprive myself of even the tiniest sensation of his deflowering.

"Okay, here goes, babe," I told him before easing my cock into his hole. Fuck, it was a tight fit despite my stretching. His ass was like velvet - smooth and silky. After gently sinking in my full 8 inches, I luxuriated in the moist heat of his hole for a moment before beginning to fuck him in earnest.

I watched his face carefully for signs of pain – there were some initially but they soon gave way to pleasure as my directed thrusts hit his prostate. His cock rapidly thickened and grew to a full erection. Similarly hard were his nipples, which I was toying with. His whole body hummed like a well-tuned musical instrument.

"Hank," Andy said suddenly.

"Yes, Andy?"

"I think ... I'm going to cum."

I looked down and saw that he was quite right. He was about to have a hands-free orgasm. I looked back up and saw his mouth form an O as he shot his load over his own face and chest. Some of it even went into his open mouth.

"I've never cum without touching myself before," he panted in amazement as he came down from the orgasmic high.

"Well, there's a lot more where that came from," I assured him. I'd shot my own wad deep inside him when I witnessed his ejaculation. I licked the cum off his face and kissed him with some still in my mouth.

"Give me a few minutes and we can go for round two."

"Matthew!" "Jack!"

Monday's episode picked up where the cliffhanger left off. The two boys were caught by surprise to find themselves in the same fleabag motel with the villainous pair of Cutter and Rick.

"Ah, of course you know know each other already," remarked Rick. "That's good. It gets the awkward introductions out of the way."

"What do you want from us?" asked Matthew angrily.

Rick repeated his proposition for Matthew's benefit. He had the same initial reaction as Jack. "No way!"

"I'd rethink that answer if I were you," advised Rick.

"You want me to make gay porn with Jack! That's insane! Neither one of us is even gay."

Jack exchanged a pleading look with Cutter, who smirked but didn't say anything to contradict Matthew's statement.

"I'm leaving," insisted Matthew. "And Jack, you'd better come with me."

"I ... I can't," said Jack miserably.

"Why not? What is it they have on you? Whatever it is, it's not worth acting in some sleazy gay porno."

"Are you sure about that, Matthew? Would you rather make a porno with your friend or risk going to prison? Shooting Eddie Ford was bad enough, but then you allowed your family to cover it up for you by having your uncle confess. That's obstruction of justice on top of murder. Think of your parents too - the police commissioner and district attorney involved in a cover-up of this scale? And I don't have to tell you what happens to pretty boys like you in prison."

Matthew turned pale. "You're making that up," he said with all the bravado he could muster.

"Oh yeah? Ask Cutter here. He's been in prison."

The camera switched over to Cutter, who has a flashback to being raped during his prison sentence. (I loved how many social issues I was able to tackle in this overarching story. And of course, Josh had sizzled in those scenes where he was gang-banged by a dozen actors playing prison inmates. It was a pity we could barely include any of the explicit footage, like when Cutter had two burly black inmates shove their oversized tools up his butt at the same time.)

The look on Cutter's face is enough to tell Matthew that prison rape was a very real danger. He shuddered; as the son of the police commissioner and DA he would likely be a prime target for depraved convicts.

"Just take the deal, Matthew," said Jack. He was trembling with excitement. What had started out as frightening blackmail seemed to be turning into a previously impossible opportunity to get with the boy of his dreams.

Matthew looked helplessly at him. "Jack, I can't possibly do this. Do you understand what they want us to do? We're both guys! And you're Dani's brother!"

"I know, but it's not like we have a choice," pointed out Jack.

Matthew transferred his gaze from Jack to Cutter and Rick. His broad shoulders slumped in defeat. "It's only the one video, right? And that'll only be marketed to Europe?"

Their blackmailers smiled. Success.

The two boys stood facing each other, on opposite sides of the bed. All they had on were skimpy, tight briefs (white for Jack, red for Matthew) and their bodies shone with the sheen of baby oil.

"Lights, camera, action!" Rick called from the side. Jack and Matthew moved timidly towards each other and then, oh-so-reluctantly (well, not so much on Jack's part), began kissing. Slowly they began inching closer to the bed, and Jack let his hands wander down Matthew's body. The scene ended with the two boys falling into bed together.

The subsequent footage of them fucking each other obviously didn't make it into the episode that viewers saw. I, on the other hand, enjoyed watching it over and over again. It was a flip-flop fuck, so Rob was going to be deflowered by Andy. I was pleasantly surprised by the transformation that came over Andy when he was topping. The sweet, gentle lad was replaced by a brutal fucker. He slammed with such force into Rob's virgin hole that the latter nearly screamed the place down. Rob had his chance to get his own back when it was Andy's turn to get fucked, but first he had to eat out Andy's hairy ass. (Their facial expressions during this scene were priceless.)

I let them fuck each other's brains out, and then had Josh get in on the act. Andy and Rob initially spit-roasted him, before deciding to double-penetrate him (they must have been inspired by the prison gang-bang scene). Of course then it was his round to return the favor, and by the time we were done filming, all three actors had had their holes well and truly stretched by two cocks.

After a commercial break, we came back to Jack lying in the bed, all sweaty and barely covered by the sheet, while Matthew paced the room uneasily wearing only his briefs. Rick and his crew had left.

"No one can ever know what we did in here," said Matthew.

"Of course not," promised Jack. The contented, faraway look in his eyes, however, suggested the experience had not been nearly as traumatic for him as it had been for Matthew.

"Especially not Dani," added Matthew.

Jack gulped. He'd almost forgotten that Matthew was dating his half-sister again. If she ever found out he'd slept with her boyfriend, there'd be hell to pay.

"It's our secret, Matthew," he reassured the older boy. "No one needs to know."

But just how sure could they be that Rick's word could be trusted? Or would Dani end up finding out about her boyfriend and half-brother's tryst? (Where's the drama if she didn't discover their dirty secret?)

Would Jack remain the only gay in Llanview, or would he get a boyfriend of his own to love? (Yes, and I had just the actor in mind for the part.)

Would Matthew successfully wean himself off steroids - and get to wear something more than just a skimpy posing pouch? (Not bloody likely.)

Would Cutter ever mend his criminal ways, or was he doomed to remain a stripper-slash-porn star for the rest of his days? (Why mess with a surefire formula?)

As they say in the soap biz, there's really only one way to find out: tune in tomorrow.

+++++++++++ The End (?) +++++++++++

POSTSCRIPT: I published this story elsewhere on the net under a pseudonym shortly before the premiere of the OLTL reboot. It was meant to be a tribute to, and celebration of, one of my favorite soaps. Unfortunately, the show's been canceled again, so this is one way to keep the characters alive. I hope you've had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. Let me known your thoughts about the story, the show, or soaps in general – I can be contacted at the email address at the top of the page. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

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