Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Sep 13, 2015


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan OBriens Assistant

Chapter 4

I exited the bathroom and made my way out and Dylan was waiting outside my bedroom door, leaning up against the wall.

"You alright?" He asked with concern on his face and in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm good. Had a little bit of a moment. I told you I would try to avoid my feelings. And that's what I had to do just now. I'm sorry about that." I replied. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment.

"It's ok. I completely understand. Let's go back to the TV"

We went back to the living room and sat down. There was some random TV show on and we both laughed at it right after sitting down. We didn't talk until after the show was over.

Dylan turned to me and started talking, "So, about this Assistant thing. Do you want to talk about it before tomorrow? I'd like you to be there, to get a feel for what might be involved. Is that OK?"

"Of course it's ok. And now is as good a time to discuss it as any. We won't discuss cost yet. Because I'm not sure what all is going to be required since you've never had an assistant before. This is a little outside of my norm. So let's just play it by ear."

"That sounds good to me. I really just need someone to make sure all of my appointments are scheduled correctly and that I'm where I'm supposed to be at the right time. It's getting kind of complicated for me with the Maze Runner series and Teen Wolf. Keeping all the schedules straight is becoming a problem for me. My agent can't keep up. So if you could be the contact person for everyone and reserve my hotels, cars and flights, that would be great. My agent got me a credit card with no limit and I can get one on my account in your name to be able to do everything you need."

"That won't be necessary. As part of my service, I take care of all reservations, purchasing and such. Then include it in my bill each month. If that works for you, we'll keep it that way. It's a tax write off for you either way, since my invoices are itemized, your accountant will be able to take care of it all at tax time."

"That works for me. Having it all in one place keeps it much simpler and my credit doesn't get hurt as much." He replied.

I smiled at him, "Then it's settled. I'll write up a contract tonight and we can go over it in the morning."

"Good. Now, let's pick out a movie to watch. Can I grab another beer?"

"Please do! I'll find something. It will most likely be completely random but funny too."

He got up from the couch while saying, "I have no doubt it will be good. Do you want another beer?"

"No I'm good. But could you grab a bag of the popcorn that's in the pantry to the right of the fridge? It should be at about eye level." I asked him as I got up to go to my office to grab my tablet to work on the contract.

"Sure thing."

I grabbed my tablet off the charger and was opening up the appropriate apps as I headed back to the living room. I sat down and turned on Netflix. I quickly found something on my list and queued it up, quickly pressing pause while I waited for Dylan. I had already watched the movie, but thought Dylan would really like it. It was an Indy film that didn't have a very large following. I was busy working on the contract when he came back into the living room.

"Where on earth did you get that from? I wasn't gone that long." He said as he handed me the popcorn I had requested and went to sit back down in his spot.

"I went to get it as you were getting up to go to the kitchen. You didn't see me get up?" I asked.

"No I didn't. I guess I need to start paying more attention." He said with a light laugh.

"I guess so!" I shot back with a giggle. "I'm working on the contract for tomorrow. I have a generic one that I usually just fill in the blanks on, but I have to make some adjustments to it, due to the special circumstances."

"I see. What are we going to watch?"

"It's an independent film about werewolves that I thought you'd enjoy. It's very low budget, but the acting and dialogue is superb. You may recognize a few of the actors too." I replied as I hit the play button.

We sat quietly as he watched the movie and I poured over the contract edits. I finished it up about three quarters through the movie. I sent the document to the printer in the office and focussed on the movie again.

After it finished we talked about it for a bit and discussed the differences between their werewolf theology and that of the Teen Wolf series. Two hours later I happened to look at the clock and realized what time it was.

"Dylan, it's late, we should get to bed if we're going to be at the studio at that ungodly hour."

"Ha ha, you're probably right. Where did the time go? We didn't eat dinner. But lunch was so good and filling, I'm not hungry. Can you show me where the snacks are in the kitchen in case I get hungry during the night?"

"Sure, they're right in here." I replied as I made my way to the kitchen and showed him the snack cabinet.

"Good night Dylan. If you need anything, don't hesitate to knock on my door."

"Thanks Jason. Wake me up when you get up. I'll help with breakfast."

"Will do!" And I walked to my bedroom, turning off several lights as I went. I opened my bedroom door and walked in. After closing it I made my way to the bathroom to do my nightly routine. After that was completed, I got in my bed and turned off the light. I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit the pillow and I was out.

I didn't hear from Dylan during the night and when I woke the next morning I felt really good. I got up, got into my workout clothes and headed for Dylan's room. The door was ajar and I knocked lightly, "Dylan? Are you awake?" I didn't get an answer so I knocked a little louder and called out to him again. Still no answer so I pushed the door open and looked into the room. The bed was made. I couldn't tell if it had been slept in or not. Nothing else looked out of place so I headed towards the living room, thinking maybe he had already gotten up and was doing something out there.

I still didn't see Dylan as I entered the living room so I headed to the kitchen. "Dylan? Are you in here?" I called out a little louder, trying to get his attention. Still no reply so I called out a little louder, "DYLAN, WHERE ARE YOU?"

With an incredibly sleepy voice I heard him groan slightly and say, "I'm over here, why are you yelling?"

I walked to the couch and looked over the back to see his sleep disheveled hair and face looking up at me through half open eyes."Why are you asleep on the couch? I have a perfectly good bed in the guest room you could have slept on." I asked with a smile.

"I have no idea. After you went to bed I went and got my tablet to go over the script we're discussing today. I don't remember much after the first couple pages. But man, this couch is SO comfortable. I don't think I've slept that well in a long time." He replied while getting up and stretching slightly.

"Well, I'm going to go down to the gym for a quick cardio workout, you can join me or get a shower. I'll be back in about a half hour." I said, heading towards the door. Grabbing a small towel from the cabinet by the door and my keys.

"Do you mind if I join you? I didn't get a chance to do any working out yesterday with the travelling and could use it."

"Sure. Go change and I'll grab us some water."

"Thanks. I'll be right back."

I went to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water and headed back to the door. While I waited, I started my stretching routine. Dylan came out shortly after in a tight tank top and basketball shorts. He looked really good. I was a right mess and didn't know if I was going to be able to handle it. I looked away before he caught me looking and focused on the stretch I was doing. "You ready?" I asked as I stood up straight again.

"Yep. Lead the way." He replied as he put the earbuds he had in his ears. I did the same and headed out the door. Making sure it was locked I turned towards the elevator. We were silent on the ride down. I could hear his music over mine and it was some sort of loud electronic remix of some of my favorite songs. I made a note to ask him for his playlist when we were finished.

Getting off the elevator on the second floor we turned around a couple of corners until we arrived at the Gym. I used my key card to unlock the door and we headed in. I went straight to the elliptical. Dylan went to a small area that had floor pads and started to stretch out slightly. I did one more stretch at the machine and then climbed on. I turned the music up a little and tuned out. Getting into my cardio. I focused on my breathing and strides so that I wouldn't be distracted by a bent over Dylan.

After about 15 minutes on the machine, I had already worked up quite a sweat. I had been pushing it pretty hard from the get go. This was on purpose because I wouldn't be able to get my usual hour of cardio in today with our schedule. So I quickly dismounted and headed for the stair machine. Turned it up to almost max and started my 15 minutes on it. After that I went to the treadmill to do my cool down. By this time, I had lost track of Dylan. I had really gotten into my workout. I was relieved. As I started walking on the treadmill I turned my head to look for Dylan. He was on the rowing machine and had a good sweat going. He was adorable and I had to turn away again.

Completing my cool down, I turned the treadmill off and got off. I did a few stretches and and then chugged my bottle of water. Dylan must have saw my process because he had snuck up behind me and tapped my on the shoulder as I was completing another stretch. I jumped slightly and pulled the earbuds from my ears quickly, "Shit! Don't sneak up on me!"

"I'm sorry!" He said quickly as he stepped back.

I then realized I had moved into a defensive stance and he looked terrified. I quickly changed my demeanor and stepped towards him putting my hands up in a 'I mean no harm' type fashion. "Dylan, it's ok. I promise. I won't hurt you. I'm sorry for scaring you. I lost my focus on the room and you startled me. I'm so sorry." He visibly calmed and I saw the adrenaline drain from his body.

"What the hell was that?" He asked. Taking another step back.

"Remember how I told you I was trained in martial arts?"

"Yeeessss....Oh! I should have known better!" He said and his face went completely red with embarrassment. "I'm SO sorry!"

"It's ok. Are you ok? That's my only concern."

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'm fine." He replied as he stepped closer to me and patted my shoulder. I took him up into a hug and squeezed him for all I was worth.

He laughed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to help your body release the fight or flight adrenaline that built up when I frightened you." I released him and handed him my bottle of water. "You should finish what's left of mine and then chug yours. You're going to feel the affects of that soon."

"Ok!" He said as he stepped back from me with a smile and drank my water down.

"I'm finished for right now. Are you?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm good for now. If we get back here tonight early enough, maybe I'll come down again."

"Sounds like a plan. I have a guest keycard that you can use to get around the building and a spare key to the apartment. I'll make sure you have them before we leave for the studio today. Then you can come and go at your leisure."

"Thanks Jason."

I then put my earbuds back in and we headed to the elevator. I headed straight for the shower in my bathroom after arriving. I got in and completed the remainder of my morning routine.

After dressing I headed to the office and grabbed the contract I had printed the night before. I laid it on the table behind the couch along with my freshly charged tablet and phone. I headed to the kitchen to whip up some cold cereal. I placed the three choices out on the counter along with two bowls, spoons and the carton of coconut milk. I poured my choice and poured the milk in and headed to the other side of the island to sit down.

Dylan came in a few minutes later looking fresh and radiant. "Cereal?" He asked.

"Yes, is that ok? I can cook something hot if you want it. I just figured with the amount of time we had, this would be simpler." I responded.

"No, this is absolutely fine. I was just prepared to help you out. I now realize that it came out as if I was a little disappointed. I am. But only a little bit. After yesterday's lunch, I was looking forward to another home cooked meal. That's all." He said with a look of apology mixed with sadness. It was the closest thing to puppy dog eyes I've seen from him since I met him.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities over the next few days to enjoy my cooking. But don't think I'm going to become your kitchen bitch any time soon. I'm quite content taking you out to fast food for the rest of your stay." I smiled at him and gave him a wink to let him know I was teasing him.

"Fair enough. I won't ask anything about food for the rest of the time I'm here." He replied with a smile of his own.

We ate in a comfortable silence. Once finished we put our dishes in the dishwasher and headed towards the door. I handed him the contract and said, "Read over this while we're heading to the studio. Ask me any questions you may have before signing."

"I'm sure it's fine. Do I need to send it to my lawyer to look at first?" He asked.

"That's completely up to you. There's not much in there in the way of legal stuff. Just that I have insurance up the wazoo to protect both you and myself. And there's a part in there to protect you and your privacy. That's the bit I usually tell my clients to read over carefully."

"Ok. I'll look it over and if there's anything I don't understand, I'll let you know and if needed I'll send it to my lawyer. How's that sound?" He asked turning it to the second page.

"Sounds perfect. Let's head out." I said as I grabbed my stuff from the table and opened the door. Dylan grabbed his bag and he led the way out. We got on the elevator and headed to the garage. Getting in the car we headed to the studio.

The ride was relatively quiet, as I had expected. Dylan was reading the contract and asking questions about different parts that he needed clarification on.

We pulled into the studio and headed towards where we were supposed to meet the rest of the cast. There was a large gathering in the parking lot and my gut instantly told me something wasn't right. "Dylan, put on your hat, hood and sunglasses. I'm going to drive through this throng, tell me if you recognize any of the fans. I don't have a good feeling about this crowd and need to know if there are any potential dangers you can point out right away."

He quickly did as I asked and scanned the crowd. "I don't recognize anyone. There hasn't been anything out of the ordinary on Social Media either. My agent said things should be fine. They're all holding signs with my name on them. This is different. This usually only happens at Comicon and other big, advertised events. Never at the studio."

"I should have taken some time last night to go over this kind of thing." I replied with a huge sigh. "Are there any other entrances to the building that we can use? I'm not taking you through there."

"Not that I know of." He replied while sinking down into the seat a little more to hide from the crowd.

I continued driving and exited the parking lot and drove around a little more. "Call the director and ask if there's any way to clear out that throng or a new place you can all meet or something."

"Ok." He replied, pulling out his phone and dialing the number.

After about a minute or so Dylan hung up and said, "He says he's calling security to come and disperse the crowd. Should be only a couple of minutes."

"Good. We'll head back in that direction and see how things are."

I turned around and headed back. I could see that security was getting the crowd to thin a little. I felt slightly better but not 100%. I parked in a less crowded part of the lot a little ways from the building. "This should be a good spot. Let's wait a minute or two before getting out. I want you to stay in the car after I get out. I'll come around and let you out when I know it's safe. Clear?" I asked.

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Good. Sit tight." I exited the car and locked the doors before moving behind the car to be sure it was clear. I reached the passenger door and let Dylan out. I told him to act normally and not to rush. We didn't want to draw any attention. He nodded and we walked towards the door. I kept a constant lookout and didn't see any immediate threats. Reaching the main door, Dylan used his keycard to gain access. We entered and after the door latched behind us, I sighed again, but in relief this time.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 5

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