Bellus Cinaedus

Published on May 24, 2022


Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 4

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I use an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am usually a few chapters ahead of what's been published.

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What This Story Is About

This is a story about a teen living in Eburacum Britannia in the year 100 AD. His father's family died out with him, leaving Quintus Curtius Bellus without a patron other than his poor mother. To survive she married a wealthy freedman in town and the teen Bellus fell under his power.

I have kept the historical details of the story as close as possible to reality without sacrificing the narrative. There is a list of characters and a Latin glossary at the end of the story for those who want or need it.

It is my intention to publish a chapter of this story every 2-4 weeks. I needed to add diversity to my writing as most of what I've written has been in the College Magic Cycle (which is ongoing and gets a new published chapter every week).

Author's Notes

·        I've created a google email group for those who want to get information that way. No one can see the member list but me. I post the same new story announcements on that group as on the email notification list, but I also post answers to reader questions after removing identifying information.

·        Up this weekend will be The Pack chapter 6. Next week during the week will be Guardian Angel chapter 4.

·        This story is loosely patterned on the story of Verginia and Appius Claudius from 451 BC.

·        I am two chapters ahead of publication on each of the stories in the College Magic Cycle, so I will be posting 1 chapter per week in this cycle until I can pull 3+ chapters ahead again. I will be posting some standalone stories that I've been working on as I revise them. They will appear in different subcategories, so I will try to put links in this section of all my stories until such time as NIFTY sees fit to add me to the author pages.

·        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

If you want to be put a list for notification when new stories/chapters come out, send me an email, and ask.

Bellus Cinaedus Chapter IV (Vita Nova)

The next morning, Bellus and Eburnus woke up and took turns sucking Albus's phallos. The boys were in a good mood because they both liked Albus and they both enjoyed taking his seed. The new morning ritual for them was to suck Albus's phallos until he came, then to clean their bottoms out and use the unscented oil to prepare their anuses for use. Then they went to the kitchen to fetch breakfast for Albus and themselves. On their two days of punishment, they were allowed only puls and posca, but cook sneaked some of that he'd prepared for the master and for himself into their bowls. The puls was flavored with honey and raisons. Cook always spooned plain puls over the top of their bowls to hide the flavorful stuff underneath. Before taking it back to Albus's room, they would follow Cook into his cubiculum and suck his phallos in thanks until he gave them his seed. He always patted their butts and tweaked their noses.

It never occurred to them that the food they considered a punishment was everyday fare for the working slaves. As pleasure slaves they were usually allowed to eat the same food as the highest-ranking slaves like Cook, the Overseer, and Albus. This morning, they were surprised to see stewed fruit, fresh white bread, soft cheese and two boiled eggs on the plate for Albus. And when they took it into the room, Albus was surprised as well. He was eating like Dominus this morning.

They fed him his food, hoping he would let them eat right after, but instead he said, "Seeing you two pretty things naked all the time keeps me stiff."

He thought for a minute, then said, "Bellus, I need to fuck your hole this morning because I'm still training it to please a man. You have a way to go before you're as talented as Eburnus despite being two years older than him. Eburnus, you're going to use your tongue on my anus while I'm fucking him. I'll be moving my hips, so you'll need to keep your balance."

"On your back Bellus," he commanded, "and hold your knees to your chest."

Bellus got into position. His small penis was already hard this morning and he was hoping he wouldn't cum and get beaten. Albus grabbed the boy's hips and forced his large penis into the boy's waiting anus. His hole had been well-oiled this morning, so he wasn't unprepared, but the size of the man's rod forcing its way inside him made his grunt in pain.

Eburnus knelt behind Albus and held on to his hips. He'd done this before, and he knew it took concentration. He pressed his face into Albus's crack and licked his anus. Albus didn't often take a man inside him anymore, so he was tighter than Eburnus or Bellus, but he relaxed easily, allowing Eburnus's pink tongue to enter his anus. He held onto his supervisor's hips and swayed back and forth with Albus's rhythm. As Albus moved, his crack opened and then closed on Eburnus's face. Albus was clean because he washed frequently, but he didn't clean the inside of his anus like the pleasure boys did. Still, he tasted clean enough for the boy to enjoy his task.

Albus held a short, but thick switch in his right hand while he fucked Bellus. He hoped he wouldn't need it, but he suspected he would. He loved the warm softness of the boy's anus, and the cute way his little penis bounced when he was fucked. And Bellus had come to love the feel of Albus's large rod inside him.

"Bellus," Albus instructed, "when I am thrusting in, you must relax and allow me in, then when I'm pulling out, you must clamp down hard. It is your responsibility to make sure the man who is fucking you enjoys himself. It's your job to satisfy the man, not his job to satisfy you."

The boy clamped down and Albus smiled at him. "That's good. Keep doing that," he said, "and stop trying to get your orgasm. When you are being fucked it is about the man's orgasm, not yours."

"I can't help it, Dominus," Bellus said. "You feel too good inside me. I'm going to cum."

"You won't if you control it, Bellus," Albus instructed.

Bellus was breathing hard, and his eyes were glazing over. Albus could tell that he was approaching the point of no return. He brought the switch down hard on Bellus's penis. The boy's eyes flew open, and he screamed, "I'm sorry, Dominus. I won't cum."

But Albus struck him again and again until his erection wilted under the onslaught of pain. The boy was crying. He let go of his knees and tried to cover his little penis. Albus roared at him, "Get your hands back on your knees, Cinaedus! Don't you dare try to cover that little twig of yours when it's being disciplined! And clamp down on my cock! You can't just lay there. Forget about your penis and concentrate on your anus. That's where your pleasure will come from."

When Bellus pulled his hands away from his little penis, Albus struck it one more. "And that was for trying to interfere with your discipline."

Then he fucked the boy until he came. It didn't take long. He discovered that the sight of the boy crying excited him even more. He vowed to remember that this was his job and that he shouldn't allow himself to love these cruel delights.

Eburnus knew Albus was cumming because the older teen's anus clamped down on his tongue, but he'd heard Bellus's cries of pain, and he didn't dare stop what he was doing until ordered to do so. He continued to probe Albus's anus with his tongue even as Albus collapsed on top of Bellus depleted from his powerful orgasm.

"That's enough Eburnus," Albus said, rolling over onto his back. "Eat my seed out of Bellus's anus now."

Then he stroked the forehead of the crying boy next to him. "I derive no pleasure from hurting you, Bellus," he lied, "but I saved you from worse punishment. If you had cum, neither you nor Eburnus would be allowed to cum today, and today is the one day of the week when it is allowed. Tonight, you will be allowed to cum, and that will be the only time until the next Day of Venus."

"I'm sorry, Albus," Bellus sniffled. "It's hard not to cum when you're as stiff as I've been. I'm always aroused and never allowed to cum. I don't understand."

Albus rolled onto his side and kissed Bellus, who was now holding his knees so that Eburnus could eat the older teen's cum from his anus. "You don't understand why you aren't allowed to cum. There are many answers to that, beginning with the simple fact that Dominus has said that you can't. You're a slave. You don't have rights. If Dominus wants you to cum, you will. But there is a practical reason as well. Once you've been trained not to think about your own orgasm, you will be a better, more attentive pleasure boy. Once you've been trained not to get an orgasm without permission, the rules may change, but for now, you are to remain always aroused, always on display, but frustrated from cumming.

"We want your little nuts to swell with cum. We want you so full of cum that I can smell it when you burp – even if you haven't just been drinking it. In short, we want you in a perpetual state of arousal. It's good for you and teaches you what's most important."

Bellus rubbed his face against Albus's chest, and said, "And what is most important?"

"The most important thing for all the pleasure boys is that are always ready and willing to do anything required to bring pleasure to real men, without hesitation or complaint," he said. "Horny boys are more likely to obey any request. Their helpless and frustrated arousal reminds them that they are inferior to free men, and even to working slaves in some ways. After all, no one stops the gardeners from stroking their ugly cocks."

"I think I understand, Dominus," Bellus said. "I don't like it, though."

Albus tapped Bellus's nose with his finger with each word as he said, "It doesn't matter if you like it. You just have to obey orders. You're too pretty for orgasms because you're even prettier when you're frustrated."

Albus had the boy laughing by time he was done, then he let the two pretty boys eat their breakfast, but he made them do it quickly. "I have good news and bad news boys," he said when they'd finished. "The good news is that I convinced master to change your two days of hard labor so that it begins tomorrow, but the bad news is that he now wants you to serve three days. You have beauty appointments today."

The boys tried to find out more, but Albus told them to wait and see. He had them put on sandals but refused to allow them clothing. "It's not cold yet, and you've lost the privilege of clothing until Bellus's marks are healed. That will likely be another week. Until then it will be naked in the house and subligaria when out of the house."

Bellus was embarrassed, but Eburnus had been raised a slave and had never known modesty. Albus added to their humiliation by attaching leashes to their slave collars and connecting their wrist cuffs behind their backs. They were led down the street on display. The special subligaria they wore exposed their bottoms and they were bound, emphasizing their slave status. Albus led them, and two of the guards walked with them, one in front and one in the back. At first Bellus was unsure why the guards were there, until he saw the leering men in the crowd. Then he realized that the guards were there to protect them from the crowd.

They walked to the shop of an ornatrix. Although literally a hairdresser, many ornatrices were skilled in other beauty treatments. The owner was a heavy-set woman with a lot of jewelry. Obviously Albus had made an appointment because she was expecting him. She came over and ran her fingers over Bellus's chest and then his legs. Since the boy was a slave, she just pulled his subligaria down, leaving him naked in the shop. Her fingers ran through his sparse public hairs.

"He's smoother than most of the women who come in here," she said, so there will be no surcharge. I will have to charge for trimming the pubic hairs first, however."

She examined Eburnus is a similar way. "This one's even smoother," she said. "I have a couple of girls working today, so we can do them both at once. Say an hour and half total for the body and the hair. It may take a little longer."

"They're both good boys and they know that I'll beat them severely if they cause any trouble, so I'll leave them here while I go to conduct some other business with my master. I'll leave the two guards in case of trouble, and they can help watch your shop."

Then Albus left the boys to take care of his business, and the woman said, "I know you pleasure boys are spoiled little things, but if you give me or my girls any trouble, I'll beat you myself before your master comes to get you, and no amount of pouting and batting your pretty eyelashes will work with me."

Then she led the boys into the back where she made them lay down on their backs on tables. She untied their wrist cuffs first but acted as if the boys were a major annoyance. Two girls and a eunuch worked the shop with her. One of the girls trimmed Bellus's pubic hair to about an eighth of an inch, then they heated something that smelled of honey and lemon then brought it over and smeared a thick layer over his body from just below the nose to the tips of his toes. Another girl did the same for Eburnus, except that he didn't have pubes to trim yet. While the boys were waiting for the thick mixture to dry, the woman (her slaves called her Faustina) supervised the eunuch and the other woman while they painted their hair with a thick, foul-smelling substance made of wood ash.

When the honey mixture had dried, the women pulled it off in strips, removing the hair with it. Bellus had been upset when they cut his pubes so short, but now they were gone, and he was as smooth as Eburnus. The boys screamed a lot when the slaves pulled the sugar mixture off, but Faustina slapped them in the face and told them to stop being babies. "And if you scream again, I'll give something real to scream about," she said.

The boys decided that Faustina was much scarier than Trebonius. They didn't get a rest. They were made to turn over on their stomachs while the honey and lemon mixture was applied to their backsides and the back of their hair was painted.

Meanwhile, across town at Petronius's office, Trebonius and Albus were waiting while one scribe recorded the information, and another prepared the appropriate paperwork. When it was ready, Petronius oversaw the ritual emancipation. "And with that, your adopted son is listed in the citizenship roles as Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus."

Petronius held out his hand to the new citizen and said, "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus."

Trebonius then formally shook his adopted son's hand before pulling him into an embrace. "I would like to introduce you to society as soon as possible. I will hail you as my son and informally you shall be known as Felix Secundus, just as I am known informally as Felix."

Albus smiled and said, "And I shall hail you as Felix if you wish, or perhaps as pater, since you have been a father and more to me over the years."

"I will soon have a symposium, Petronius," said Trebonius Felix. "Since it will fall on the birthday of my slave Bellus, I have plans for some entertainment. I'm encouraging my friends to bring their sons if they are old enough for the entertainment I provide at my symposia. It will cement the elevation of my son Felix Secundus to his proper place in the city, while giving a reminder to Bellus of his own status."

Petronius's gave a wide grin. "You know there was something off-putting about seeing Bellus while he pretended to the honors of a freeborn boy, but as the slave he was born to be, I look forward to seeing him. And my own son Sextus Petronius will be sixteen by the date you've chosen, and it's time for him to be introduced to the rare delights you offer, Felix."

The men laughed and enjoyed a cup of wine in honor of Albus's adoption and citizenship. Since he was still a youth, he would enter Roman society among the common orders, but above his father's freedman status. Trebonius Felix thought that it was better than having a newborn child of his own flesh as an heir. He knew Albus – no, Felix Secundus, he reminded himself. He'd known him since he was born and he'd known him sexually since he was eight. And he knew that his son had left behind boyish game and had truly become a man. His interest in dominating the slave boys and in starting a new business for the training and sale of pleasure boys was a sign that he had a head for business.

As Trebonius and Felix Secundus walked home, the latter wearing the new toga his father had purchased for him as a gift to indicate his Roman citizenship. "Son," said Trebonius, "now you need to pick a concubinus to share your bed, unless you would prefer a concubina?"

Felix Secundus laughed aloud, "I think you know me better than that, father. I'll find a girl to bear children for me, but I prefer boys. And you've been so generous to me that I'm afraid to ask for what I want."

Trebonius was sure he knew where this conversation was going, and he was prepared even though he'd planned on keeping Bellus to himself. "Go ahead and ask son," he said. "It's the day for me to be show my generosity to you. I have 18 years of birthdays to make up to you."

Son, Trebonius thought. The word sounded pleasant in his ear. He'd loved Albus for ten years now, first as his delicatus, then as his concubinus, but now it was fitting that he should be his son. There was no one he was closer to than Albus or Felix Secundus as he was now to be known.

Felix Secundus realized that he was slightly taller than his father. He put his arm around him and whispered, "I had presents enough from you all those years. And I always had your love in one way or another. I want you to know that you have always had my love as well, even before you became my father, you were the closest thing I had to a father."

"What do you want, Secundus," Trebonius said with a smile. "You always knew how to flatter me to get your way. I'm prepared to indulge you."

"I want Bellus and Eburnus, father," Secundus said. "I've grown accustomed to them, and I am training them as models for the new program."

"A concubinus and a delicatus," Trebonius said in mock outrage. "You must have become quite the stud, Secundus, if neither of those randy boys can satisfy you alone. You may need to demonstrate your talents for me sometime."

Felix Secundus was blushing. "I can if you want me to father," he said. "I do sometimes take both of them in succession, but if I ask too much ...."

"Not at all, my son," Trebonius replied. "If it's both boys you want, then it's both boys you shall have. But I have some plans already laid for young Bellus and I intend to see them through. If you can bear to share your concubinus, then you shall have Bellus. Until my plans have come to fruition, he won't be exclusively yours."

Felix Secundus was not happy about it, but he smiled graciously and thanked his new father. He did love Trebonius in a way, but he was ambitious. Trebonius hadn't followed the common root of simply freeing him and making him his heir, he'd adopted him. In the empire adopted children inherited the same as natural children. He now stood to be his father's heir even if there were more children to come. One day, all Trebonius's businesses and clients would be his. He just had to keep his father satisfied.

The two men, father, and son, split apart so that Trebonius could handle some other matters in the market, while Secundus Felix went to retrieve his boys from the ornatrix. Trebonius was headed for the Temple of Jove. He had to clear his conscience finally. Now he had two secrets. Bellus's father had been ultimately responsible for creating the false documentation that led to the boy's slavery, but Trebonius had been part of the conspiracy from the beginning, and even after the father had rejected his own plan, Trebonius had altered the documents to ensure he would come to own the boy.

But there was another secret he dared not to allow to come to light. No one would think twice about a freedman adopting his former delicatus and concubinus as a son. It was somewhat irregular, but Trebonius was known for his eccentricity. It was even expected in a wealthy freedman like himself. The imperial citizens in Eboracum may not be so willing to overlook the other secret if it were known. No one could know that adopting Albus had been merely righting an injustice, for the boy really was the son of his flesh. He'd waited to see if the boy would thrive before acknowledging him. He's wanted to ensure his intelligence and fitness. But the boy was so beautiful that Trebonius's loins had gotten the better of his head. He took the boy as his delicatus at the tender age of eight years old.

Nothing he'd done had been illegal, but it was further beyond the morality of the Roman people than he could survive with his reputation intact. It had taken years to get the optimati (the best people) to acknowledge him and accept him despite his money. If they turned their backs on him socially, it would make his clients disappear and his contacts dry up. He had to craft some new documents just in case. He had to be able to prove that he had just found out about their relationship. There were some old slaves who would have to die, and there was a plan to be laid. He would let the matter lie, unless it became known, then he would be able to produce the documents he needed to exonerate his behavior.

Felix Secundus walked into the shop of the ornatrix to see Bellus and Eburnus standing naked, looking contrite. Before he could say anything, the two came running to him and pressed their faces to the floor in front of his feet. He could see that their butts were striped. They were crying and pleading for mercy. Faustina came out of the back holding a leather strap that she had obviously used on the boys.

"These pests of yours!" she yelled. "I should have tied their wrists to the tables!"

"What happened, good ornatrix," Felix Secundus asked.

"This one," she said, booting Bellus in the behind with her large foot, "screamed like a baby when Delphina pulled the sugar from his crack, claimed she was ripping his oysters off and jumped up, knocking her back into the table with the warmed honey and lemon, destroying the whole day's preparation. I'll have to turn good repeating customers away because of him."

"I'll pay for the damages," he said. He was angry with the boy, but the thought of having one of these sour-faced girls rip strips of dried honey from his scrotum made him cringe a little as well.

"Get up!" he said to the boys, and they scrambled to their feet. Both were still crying and holding their genitals in their cupped hands. He turned back towards Faustina and asked, "What did you do to them?"

She put her hands on her hips and shouted. "I had your two brutes hold this one down on a table," she pointed to Bellus, "and I gave him a solid smack to his nuts with my strap to show him what real pain felt like. He kept screaming, `don't hit my nuts, I don't want Eburnus to get hit there'. When your man explained that they shared punishments, I smacked the younger one's nuts just as hard. Then I strapped their asses three strokes each because they wouldn't stop crying."

She glared at Felix Secundus like she was daring him to say anything. Instead, he made Bellus bend over so could see his scrotum better. It was red and it looked like it would probably bruise, but the testicles seemed undamaged despite Bellus's groaning when he touched them. Eburnus was the same.

"Very well, good ornatrix," he said. "We'll pay a fair price for the loss of income today, but not one sesterce more."

They negotiated a price they could both live with and then Felix Secundus attached the boys' wrist cuffs to their collar and shoved their subligaria in their mouths. Turning to Faustina, he said, "We'll see you in sixty days?"

"Better make it one month at first," she said. "The treatment will last longer each time, but even my women customers need to come back every month for a few months. And I know the hair on their heads doesn't look like much now, but you need to get them into the sunlight for as many hours as their frail little bodies can take it, then you'll see that you've gotten what you paid for."

Felix Secundus left the building pushing the two boys ahead of him. He couldn't help but wince a little at the way they walked wide legged to keep their thighs from hitting their nuts. Faustina was a brute, but she hadn't caused any real damage and she was the best at the Egyptian sugar treatment for removing hair. Her work on the hair on their heads didn't look like much right now, but he'd seen her work before. With a few days' sunshine, Eburnus's fair hair would be almost white, and Bellus's dark hair would be a light bronze. It was fashionable for pleasure slaves to have bleached hair, and it was mandatory for prostitutes in Rome itself.

When they got back to the house, Felix Secundus unfastened the boys' wrists from their collars, and told them to remove their subligaria from their mouths. "You've cost me a lot of money boys," he said.

"We're sorry Dominus," they said. Then Bellus said in a low tone, "But it really hurt, Dominus. It was like she was ripping my scrotum off my body."

Secundus laughed at him and hugged him. "Be careful what you complain about, Bellus," he said. "A crueler master could take that as sign that you need to toughen up your nuts, so you don't complain about the pain so much."

He hugged both boys tight to his chest. "I love you boys," he said. "I love you more than my eyes."

Secundus and Eburnus laughed. Bellus didn't understand why they were laughing, but both the British boys had grown up with British Celtic as their first tongue and this common Latin expression always truck them as silly.

"Dominus," Eburnus whispered, "You're dressed like a citizen. You can be sent to the mines for that crime. We call you Dominus but only because the real Dominus orders us to do it."

Secundus pulled them into his room and said, "Come sit with me, boys."

He pulled them both on to his lap, one sitting on each leg. "Trabonius, or pater as I should now call him, has adopted me. I am a citizen, Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus, but you boys will continue calling me Dominus because you, Eburnus, are officially my delicatus until you grow pubes, and now you won't because I'll be having them removed as they begin to grow, and you, Bellus, are my official concubinus, although my father has some plans for you yet, and you won't be solely mine until they're complete, but I am now officially your Dominus."

They boys hugged him and congratulated him, but Bellus seemed somewhat sad. "What's wrong with my pretty Bellus," Secundus asked.

Bellus was trying not to cry. "It's just that ... I'm happy for you, of course. You deserve to be a citizen and the heir to all Trebonius's wealth. But it reminds me of what I lost. I was a citizen, a freeborn Roman of good family and now I'm a slave. Our lives have taken opposite paths."

Secundus got a serious look on his face. He squeezed Bellus's shoulder and said, "Don't say that ever again, Bellus. Don't even think it. Remember that you were born a slave and that you lived a lie for fourteen years. Say it."

Bellus was suddenly afraid of Secundus, even though he loved him. "I was born a slave and I lived a lie for fourteen years," he repeated.

Secundus held him to his chest and hugged him hard enough to squeeze the air out of his lungs. "Don't let me even suspect that you're thinking otherwise. I'll beat you until you follow this order, Bellus. I don't want to do it, but I will. Promise me."

"I promise, Dominus. I promise," the boy choked out.

Secundus didn't know the details of the trial that had declared Bellus to be born a slave, but he knew there was more to it than met the eye. He hadn't gotten along well with Sabellia. He'd hated her in fact for taking his place with Trebonius, but he'd learned enough about her to doubt the story of her infidelity. And he knew that Bellus had been set up to anger the magistrate. He himself had been an unknowing part of it. And he knew Trebonius had been obsessed with Bellus for years. And he knew that Trebonius had held secret meetings with the witnesses to the document. And he knew that Fustus couldn't have fathered Bellus. For one thing, Fustus hadn't even liked women, let along liked one enough to take the risk of having an affair with a citizen woman. Secundus didn't know how many people were in on this plan of Trebonius, and he didn't know if they did it for money or if they did it to curry favor with him.

What he knew was that poking into this mystery would be dangerous. There were too many powerful men involved. On a more personal level, he knew that poking into this mystery could cause him to lose Bellus, and he was becoming obsessed with him himself. He knew that it was because Bellus was a freeborn boy in truth and, for those born into slavery, the ultimate fantasy was to fuck a pretty little Roman boy. It was probably the same reason Trebonius had been obsessed with the boy.

Secundus let the boys go and told them to clean themselves up and to wash out their anuses. "If you can still spill your seed after the beating your nuts took, you will be allowed to cum today when the master returns," he said. "But you will only cum from my phallos in your anus without anyone touching you little penises. And if you can't cum today, you will wait until the next Day of Venus, eight days away including today."

Secundus went with the boys so he could sit in the bath while they cleaned themselves. He wanted to relax. When they got to the bath, he ordered them to clean his body. First, they oiled him with heavy scented oil, then they used bronze strigils to scrape off the oil, dirt, and dead skin, followed by rinsing with warm water and wiping his body with towels. It was the Roman custom to clean the body before getting in the bath. The boys used wet cloths to clean the dirt off themselves.

Secundus settled into the bath, with Eburnus on one side and Bellus on the other. He kissed the boys as they relaxed in the room temperature water, alternating one then the other. The boys used their hands to stroke his chest, arms, and thighs, inching closer to his penis all the time. "If you want to feel it, boys, you can," he said. "You will never again feel your hands on your own little penises," he said, "so you may as well feel the cock that will give you pleasure later."

The boys grabbed Secundus's cock and began to stroke it. Soon Eburnus had moved his hand down to fondle his master's Heavy nuts. When the master grew stiff, he pulled their hands away. "You're going to want me to be potent in a while, so I wouldn't drain my seed yet if I were you."

When they got out of the bath, they dried off and returned to the room. The boys rubbed oiled scented with frankincense, nard, and cinnamon into Secundus's body, giving him a warm masculine scent. Then they rubbed a floral oil with marjoram, lavender and rose into each other's body, giving each boy a sweet, floral scent. Then they styled their hair. Eburnus had long hair, but Bellus's was still short in the Roman style. "We're going to let your hair grown out as well, Bellus," Secundus said. "Your inner cinaedus gives you an effeminacy that I want to bring out in the open."

"Dominus," Eburnus said, "Can we have something to eat? Breakfast was a long time ago."

"For you, Eburnus, yes," Secundus said. "You're delicatus and you should be slightly soft, but I'm afraid there will be nothing for you, Bellus, not at midday. You must remain toned without a bit of fat. I will have one soft boy and one lean and wiry boy."

Eburnus was sent to the kitchen to fetch food for him and Secundus. He was given bread, olive oil and wine, with a little cheese. For himself he was given another bowl of puls, but it was the plain puls of the common laborer this time. He was given two cups of posca. When he returned to the room he cast an apologetic look at Bellus and ate his puls. Both boys had posca.

After lunch, a slave came to tell them that the Dominus wanted to see them in the atrium. Secundus led them into the house, walking slowly as befits a citizen of standing. Trebonius awaited them with the household slaves gathered around. "I want the entire household to hear this news at once," he announced. Today the paperwork has been officially entered into the records so I can introduce you all to my adopted son Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus."

Felix Secundus walked to stand next to his adoptive father, unaware that Trebonius was his father in fact as well as in law. The assembled slaves and freedmen cheered loudly and clapped their hands. When the celebration had died down he raised his hand for attention and then said, "I am pleased to greet you all as the legitimate son of my father Felix, who has granted to me authority over the training of the pleasure boys of the house."

He gestured for the six boys to come forward and kneel in front him, facing the household. Eburnus and Bellus were directly in front of him while Crispus, Flosculus, Rosarius and Glabrius gathered two on each side. "There is a new plan for training the pleasure boys of the household, and it will require every freedman and slave to be watchful. Today is the Day of Venus. On this day, each of the pleasure boys who is not under punishment will be allowed to spill his seed once. And they will be allowed to spill their seed at no other time. If you see them violating this rule you must report it to me so that I can apply discipline."

He then called forth the head gardener, the head guard and the overseer. Felix Secundus made it clear that both Ebrunus and Bellus were his. After Trebonius Felix had chosen one of the other four pleasure boys, the senior slaves were allowed to take their pick. Trebonius Felix chose Rosarius and indicated that he would be taking this boy as his new concubinus.

The party retired to the triclinium so that there would be couches for all. One of the kitchen slaves was sent to bring wine and sweet unguent. The boys were made to remove all their clothes and to take their place on the couches, with their tunics spread beneath them to catch any mess. Rosarius knelt on the first couch, Bellus and Eburnus on the second, and Crispus, Flosculus and Glabrius on the third. Each man took the pot of sweet unguent and rubbed it into the rosebuds of their boys. Only Felix Secundus had two and he used both hands at once to prepare his boys.

Once the boys had been thoroughly prepared, the men entered them. None of the pleasure boys in the House of Trebonius was a virgin and the boys had been trained to keep themselves well-prepared, so there was little resistance and only Glabrius cried. He had just turned twelve and hadn't much experience pleasing men with his anus yet. And he had been chosen by the chief guard Maddox who had a cock even bigger than Felix Secundus, and he wasn't a gentle lover. As a freedman, he had money and opportunity to visit the brothels in town where he was known as pusiofractor, the boy-breaker. He preferred the younger boys and his brutal style often made them cry.

Maddox was done first of course, and he moved to one of the chairs around the periphery of the room so he could watch Secundus Felix take two boys at once. A crying Glabrius knelt before him and cleaned his ten inches, slightly pink semen slowly oozing from his anus.

Trebonius was not a brutal lover, and he was skilled enough to make sure his boy came quickly. Then he too moved to a chair so he two could watch the action from behind. Rosarius knelt before him and nursed on his cock while he enjoyed the sight of his son taking two boys at once. He stared at his son's white buttocks as they moved forcefully, taking first one boy then the other. There was a very faint dusting of pale masculine hairs on his buttocks. Trebonius Felix was glad that the hair diminished the attraction he still felt for the young man. But he had fond memories of sinking his cock between those milky white globes back when he'd still been his concubinus. He was about to spill his seed for a second time in less than hour, a feat he'd been unable to do for a decade.

Aras the chief gardener had chosen Flosculus whose name meant little flower or made of flowers. He was honored to have been given the opportunity to share in this ceremony, and he harbored dreams that he would be allowed to do so frequently since all six boys needed care at once. This was twice that he'd been allowed to sample the beautiful boys of the house and he sensed that it was the newly named Felix Secundus who was responsible. This was the master whose affection and respect he was going to cultivate. And little Flosculus was at that age where he was just beginning to sprout traces of body hair. It was sexy, but before too many months it would have to be plucked if he were to remain pretty. Aras was torn between hoping that the master would have him groomed and hoping that the master would let it grow and then demote him to a common slave. He was pretty, but his dark hair would soon be too obvious and too impossible to coverup. Maybe he could convince the master to make him a gardener, and then he could use him whenever he wanted.

Battius the Overseer preferred girls if the truth be known, but young Crispus was pretty enough with his curly red hair and fair skin. He still had a little youthful plumpness, so his rather large buttocks looked almost girlish from the back. If he owned the boy, he would have him castrated and give him more rich food to make him a little plumper, especially in the backside. The boy knew how to move his ample buttocks well enough to please any man.

Felix Secundus had been working on his state of mind all day. With so many people watching him, he wanted to ensure that they were impressed with his virility. He took his time lubricating the boys, even though they were already well lubed. Then he entered the anus of one boy for a few strokes before switching to the other. When his passion threatened to make his cum early, he pulled out and fingered both boys again.

Bellus had almost spilled his seed earlier when Albus had been training him, and he was close still close. He had no idea how long he would be expected to hold out, but he already felt pressure building in his shaft, and the head of his penis felt stretched tight. The only thing holding him back was that his nuts were still sore from where Faustina had struck him with a strap.

"Don't cum yet, boys," Felix Secundus whispered. "I plan to go for a long time. If you cum quickly, I will keep fucking you and I will have to whip your nuts every time you get close again. It's better to wait."

Eburnus wasn't fairing any better than Bellus at that point. His pale body was flushed pink with excitement and his penis was hard and dripping. He was happy that Felix Secundus had chosen to make him one of his personal attendants. He didn't mind sharing a man with Bellus. He loved Bellus like the brother he never knew.

"Dominus," he cried. "Your mighty baculum makes my anus quiver with joy."

Felix Secundus smacked the boy's pale butt and left a mark the size and shape of his hand. "You're a silver-tongued little thing, but your anus is pure gold."

When Felix Secundus plunged back inside Bellus, the boy tried not to be outdone by Eburnus. "Your spear strikes deep on every thrust, Dominus. With a weapon like yours you could conquer all Caledonia in a single day!"

They competed in describing what he was doing to them, and the euphemisms for his cock became extremely wild. It was everything from a carrot to a radish, to an asparagus, to a cucumber, to hammer, to a club, to a staff, to a mullet. As the names became stranger, the men watching were laughing harder. Felix Secundus was happy because the levity diminished the urgency of his cumming ejaculation.

In the end, it was Bellus who came first, howling his pleasure like a cat in heat. His anus was clenching his master's cock so hard that he almost came himself, but Felix Secundus pulled out and thrust into Eburnus's waiting hole. The boy moaned and screamed his pleasure while his master ejaculated deep inside him.

The watchers stood and clapped, even Battius who'd been the least friendly towards Felix Secundus when he'd been a slave. The newly adopted heir walked around naked with his heavy penis swinging between his legs. The boys were sent to lick their cum off their tunics. Bellus and Eburnus had shared a large towel and they licked that clean as well.

Crispus was giggling his high-pitched laugh as Battius bounced him on his knee. The overseer had taken his small testicles and pushed them up inside the boy's abdomen. It wasn't comfortable, but Crispus endured it. "You'd look better without testicles at all, little boy," Battius whispered in his ears. "You're so pretty and soft now, it will be a shame when you start to grow hair all over this beautiful and soft body, ruining it. If you want to remain pretty forever, you should beg Trebonius to have you cut. Otherwise you could be sent to hard work in the fields or the factories. "

The plump boy sucked the overseer's finger into his mouth and ran his hands along the man's hairy arms. He was afraid of having his testicles removed, but the overseer wasn't the first man who'd told him that. Lollius had mentioned it on several occasions. He did like it when men touched his body and told him he was pretty. He hadn't cum today, but he hadn't started to spill seed yet. Lollius had told him that it would be too late to get the full benefit from being cut once he started. He resolved to talk to one of the masters about it. Fear or not, he was going to beg them to take them.

Aras was standing and Flosculus was licking the gardener's anus. It was pungent and sweaty. He didn't mind the flavor; he'd done it enough, starting when he was barely ten years old for his old master. His singing voice was pleasant, and he could play the lyre and the harp, but he knew that he was mostly valued for his skill with his mouth and his anus. He still hoped for a chance to be sold to an owner who wanted to make exclusive use of him, but he didn't want to become the concubinus of a fellow slave. Aras was darkly handsome, and he seemed solicitous enough to make sure that the boy came, but frankly Flosculus thought was too good for a slave. He'd been disappointed when Trebonius chose Rosarius for his companion.

Glabrius was afraid. Maddox hadn't been kind to him, and he was talking about asking the master for a price to buy him. He'd come to like the taste of a man's seed and Maddox was no exception in that respect, but he didn't enjoy a penis in his butt. Maybe he would when he was older and had grown so he wasn't so small, and he didn't want to belong to Maddox. He was so envious of Eburnus and Bellus. He wanted to be with the young master. He was still crying silently after his encounter with the chief guard.

Rosarius was still giddy with excitement. He'd been selected as Trebonius's new concubinus. That meant that he would be with Trebonius every night. His body would have preferred the handsome young master, but Trebonius was not yet forty and he had most of his hair, and he was handsome enough. In his youth, the master had been handsome enough to have been the concubinus of his own former master. And both the old master and the new master had been able to rise far as concubinus. He intended to do the same.

Dinner tonight was a small affair since there were no guests. The masters ate roasted scomber [mackerel], mushrooms cooked in wine, and a salad of cucumbers and chopped eggs. It was served with garum and Iberian wine. Rosarius was allowed to eat from Trebonius's plate, but Bellus and Eburnus were still on simple puls and posca. Cook didn't try to sneak anything flavorful into it since they were eating with the masters. Bellus was so hungry that he didn't care. He wolfed it down. It was barely enough to make his stomach stop growling.

"Are you trying to starve the boy?" Trebonius Felix asked, looking at the boy with a smile.

Felix Secundus grabbed Bellus's waist and pinched an inch or more. "Bellus still has a little baby fat that needs to go," he said. "I want him trim and wiry. A month or so on a restricted diet and lots of exercise and he'll be perfect."

He turned Bellus around and slapped his ass. "It's almost firm enough," he said. "I want no fat, and I read that if I keep him a little hungry, he won't put on bulky muscle. I want him to look like a boy, but a trim boy."

Trebonius Felix nodded. "You've read more on this subject than I have," he said. "But what about Crispus. He's very soft and effeminate. I've been thinking about castrating him while he's still young enough to benefit from it fully. We don't have any eunuchs among our pleasure boys, and it would provide some variety."

Trebonius Felix pulled his boys next to him on his couch and said, "He looks like a young eunuch anyway. His penis is about three inches, and his testicles are still small. He'll probably be soft all his life given his body shape. We should work with his body, not against it."

The masters continued to talk about business while their slaves teased them with their hands and lips. When they became erect, the masters took the boys and fucked them again while they continued to discuss business. Bellus had never felt so much like an object rather than a person. His master was using him for pleasure while paying no attention to him whatsoever. When he shot his seed into the boy's ass, he pulled out and had Eburnus clean his cock with his mouth while he continued to discuss business.

When they'd decided on an agenda for the coming days, Felix Secundus asked, "Is Rosarius participating in the new program? Or are you going to make an exception now that he's your concubinus?"

Trebonius Felix replied, "I want Rosarius to spill seed whenever he needs it while I'm fucking him, but I won't allow him any other relief. And your boys?"

Felix Secundus replied, "I like my boys horny and ready for any command, no matter what it is, so they'll be limited like Flosculus and Glabrius."

"And Crispus?" Felix asked, trying to assess his newly adopted son's acumen. "Do we keep him on the program?"

Felix Secundus replied, "Until we get him cut, yes. Then there will no longer be any need. If we have the funds, I would like to buy a couple more boys to put into the program and maybe some cute little ones. I want to see if restricting their diet will keep them small."

Trebonius Felix nodded his head in agreement. His son had a good head on his shoulders. He would give him the money he wanted.

Eburnus and Bellus followed their master out of the triclinium and into the room shared by Flosculus, Glabrius, and Crispus. After he'd ensured that the boys had both urinated and defecated, he tied their wrists and ankles to the bed and left them for the night. He took his own boys back to his room and had them climb into bed with him.

"I'm not tying you to the bed," he said, "but you should know that if I catch either of you masturbating, I will strap both your nuts harder than Faustina did."

Both Bellus and Eburnus promised that they wouldn't, and then they settled in for a night's rest. Bellus was disturbed by what he's heard. Dominus Trebonius had made it seem like the new chastity program was Dominus Secundus's idea. He wondered if the son was harsher than the father. And if so, what did it mean for them?


·        Albus. A Celtic slave belonging to Trebonius. He's four years older than Quintus Curtius Bellus and becomes his mentor in the arts of gay sex. Once he's been adopted by Trebonius his name becomes Albus Trebonius Felix Secundus. Informally he is known as Felix Secundus or just Secundus.

·        Aras. A Syrian slave belonging to Trebonius. He is 30 years old, with black hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin tone. He keeps his black beard trimmed neatly. He is the chief of the male slaves who work in the gardens and who repair the house. As one of the supervisors, he has access to the pleasure slaves.

·        Battius. The overseer of Trebonius's house. He is in his fifties and is trained as an accountant. He is a brutal taskmaster. He has accumulated enough money to buy his freedom but is hoping that Trebonius will free him as a reward, and he will be able to keep his money.

·        Crispus. An eleven-year-old Celtic slave. He has long curly red hair and fair skin with a few freckles scattered across his face and back. He still has a lot of baby fat. He has a soft appearance and large, round butt. He has a high-pitched voice, and he moves his butt in a sexy way. His name means curly hair. Trebonius is still debating having whether to have him castrated.

·        Eburnus. A slight and pretty Celtic slave also owned by Trebonius. He is two years younger than Curtius Bellus. Like Bellus, he is a cinaedus, but he has more experience despite his youth.

·        Flosculus. A fourteen-year-old pleasure boy in the House of Trebonius. He's of Greek and Iberian ancestry. His hair is almost black, and his skin is very light olive. He has eyes that are dark gray in color. His pubic hair has come in and the master keeps it trimmed. He's sprouted a few hairs under his arms and his calves have already grown hair. His name means little flower.

·        Glabrius. A twelve-year-old pleasure boy in the House of Trebonius. He's the smallest and one of the two youngest of the boys. His name means bald, and it refers to his hairless body. He has a penis that's even the other pleasure boys seem big compared to him.

·        Gnaeus Lollius. An equestrian slave dealer in Eburacum and a friend of Trebonius. He is also a decurion in town.

·        Maddox. A towering six-foot-tall Celt who was captured in battle as a teenager and trained to be a guard. He's brutal in battle, and even more brutal in sex. He prefers very young boys.

·        Marcus Petronius. A decurion in Eboracum and the duumvir (magistrate) in charge of the courts. He's from an old Equestrian family.

·        Quintus Curtius Bellus. The child of Aulus Curtius Bellus and his wife Sabellia. He was the last of his family line and had been appointed a decurion in Eburacum in northern Britannia.

·        Rosarius. The prettiest of the pleasure boys, Rosarius has Greek, North African and Celtic ancestry. His hair is dark brown, his skin is light brown, and his lips are full. He's 14 years old and about five foot six (making him the same height as the average Roman man). His penis is on the larger side of average. He has a naturally hairless body, with only a few curly pubic hairs. He was named Rosarius (Rosebud) by Trebonius because he thought that the boy had the prettiest anus he'd ever seen.

·        Sabellia**.** The wife of Trebonius, the widow of Aulus Curtius Bellus and the mother of Quintus Curtius Bellus. She died giving birth to Trebonius's child. The child did not survive either.

·        Titus Trebonius Felix. A Celtic freedman of the legate Marcus Trebonius who freed him and set him up in business as a manufacturer of pottery for the military. He is one of the wealthiest men in Eburacum despite remitting half his profits to Marcus Trebonius, now a senator in Rome. He is Sabellia's second husband and acts as mentor to you Quintus Curtius Rufus. As a freedman he can't hold political office.

Latin Vocabulary

·        Baculum. A rod or stick. Although the word had many meanings, in this story it refers to the rod an overseer or tutor carried to show that he had the master's authority over the slaves.

·        Cinaedus. The closest latin word to faggot. Refers to a man lacking masculine qualities. Bellus Cineadus is a phrase that can mean "Bellus, the faggot" or "pretty faggot".

·        Concubinus. A male slave who shares his master's bed on a regular basis, usually a iuvenis (youth) instead of a boy. A man will often cut the hair of his concubinus and give him other assignments when he gets marries as a symbol of his new devotion to his wife.

·        Decurion. An appointed member of the local legislature (like being a senator in Rome).

·        Delicatus (Puer Delicatus). A slave boy who is kept for his beauty. They are pampered favorites. If their master doesn't have them castrated, they may eventually find themselves as a concubinus.

·        Dominus. The Latin word for master.

·        Equestrian (Equites). Roman was officially divided into social orders. The two highest orders were the senators (senatores) and equestrians (equites). Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the senate were part of the senatorial order. Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the equestrian order were part of the equestrian order. In the empire, the emperor could appoint new senators. Families with a certain minimum wealth were members of the equestrian order. Members of the senatorial and equestrian orders were considered to be nobility, and everyone else was a commoner.

·        Fellator. A cocksucker.

·        Freedman. The lowest social order in Rome were freedmen, those formerly enslaved. They could be wealthy, but they had low social prestige (below proletarians, musicians, and actors).

·        Nomen**.** The Roman word for name. In the case of Quintus Curtius Bellus, Quintus is his first name, the name used by family and the closest of friends; Curtius is the name he inherited from his equestrian family, much like a modern last name; and Bellus is the cognomen, the name that specifies that he is from the Bellus branch of the gens Curtia (or Curtius clan).

·        Puer Delicatus. A slave boy who was distinguished by his beauty and was used by the master sexual gratitification.

·        Spintria**.** A male slave used for anal sex. Also, a male prostitute and the vulgar term for the anus.

·        Subligaria. Roman word for underwear.

·        Toga Virilis. The toga of manhood. A Roman male citizen could wear a toga, a long rectangular cloth that wrapped in a specific manner around his body, usually worn over a tunic. Freeborn boys could wear togas that were specific for them, but the adulthood ceremony involved changing the boyish toga for the adult male toga. It was also time for a Roman boy's first shave.

·        Tutor. Latin word for guardian. Usually, only children and women had tutores. The word can also be used to mean the same thing as in English.

Next: Chapter 5

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