Benidorm Scally Raunch

By Jay Morris

Published on Mar 5, 2018


This episode contains EXTREME raunch.

Episode 13 - unlucky for some?

On the walk from Jambo and Marvin's room to his dad's room, Danny let me sniff and lick the shit out of his fingers that he'd stuffed up Jambo's ass. As we joked about the idea of straight chubster Jambo waking up with his best bro mate's diarrhea INSIDE him I could see Danny's dick getting hard again at the mere thought.

"You ready for this?" he said as we got to the door for room 225. "Dad's asleep but Uncle Steve and our Simon have got a little surprise for him when he wakes up..."

"And what's that?" I asked.

Danny smirked. "Only what he deserves. Come on."

I was both afraid and turned on by what this sicko family would do next as I followed Danny's little bubble ass into that room. The first thing that hit me was the smell. Ass. All over. When we got inside Simon and his Uncle Steve were laughing, downing shots at the table whilst on the bed... their dad Jim was out for the count... but he was tied to the bed. His ankles were tied right back by his hands so his fat hairy dad ass was spread open wide and high in the air.

"Oh it's the old perv!" Simon laughed, coming my way stinking of tequila and vodka shots. He grabbed me and planted a wet messy kiss on my lips that was so alcoholic I almost got drunk off his tongue.

"Save some of that for your uncle sunshine," Steve joked, big bouncer burly bloke as he came crashing over and we had a three way kiss. Danny rubbed his cock as he watched us, turned on seeing his brother and uncle share a snog with me.

"So you wanna see the treat we've got lined up for dad?" Simon laughed, before heading over to the bed. He raised a big oafish hand in the air and brought it down with a crack on his dad's ass, waking him instantly.

"What the fuck!" Jim shouted. "What are you lot up to?"

Steve laughed and came his way. "Oh Jimbo, you're in for it now. You didn't think these lads were gonna take the fucking you've been giving the since they were old enough to squeal without some sort of revenge!"

Jim laughed but looked nervous as he tugged at the restraints, his big balls flopping about as he moved in vain. "Seriously, come on lads... untie me..."

"No way dad," Simon slurred. "I... got... something for... ya..."

He started to get woozy and light headed.

"Quick," Steve said. "Danny open him up..."

Danny had greased up a giant purple dildo and was coming their way. Joe eyed it nervously as Danny raised it over his hole which was pointed at the ceiling, hairy, puffed up, stinking.

"Son, wait..."

"Sorry dad," Danny said. "You had it coming."

And with that he slammed the dildo down with a splatter and it rammed right into that big dad hole. Jim cried out in extreme shock and pain as the dildo tore down relentlessly from his sphincter deep into his anal cavity and beyond. Steve was hard watching his brother be impaled.

"That's it," he told Danny. "Like Uncle Steve taught you. Deeper."

Jim cried out in shock as Danny dug deeper inside him with the dildo. Simon was getting dizzy.

"Okay, Simon, ready?" Steve said before looking at me with a wink. "Get close for this one. He's had 40 shots."

"Shit, why?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll see," Steve laughed before joining Danny at Jim's arse, dragging Simon closer. "Ready?"

Simon nodded, his eyes rolling as he began to bawk. Steve brought him close and slid his fingers into Simon's mouth before suddenly ramming them down his throat. That was all it took and Simon's gullet exploded like a geyser of brown sludge as he projectile vomited into his dad's ruined bloody hole. Jim cried out in shock as his eldest son vomited directly down his open shitter filling his guts with his acidic bile.

"That's it, lad," Steve said, pulling Simon closer, hand on the back of his neck and pushing his face into his dad's ass. Simon heaved uncontrollably, his stomach emptying out, his lips locked over his dad's gape so none of that puke escaped, it literally went from son to father right down the tunnel into his stomach.

"Fuuuuck, bro!" Danny laughed. "That's it keep going! Look at his belly!"

I was sickened and aroused to the extreme to see Joe's bouncer belly extending, filled with his own son's stomach contents. Steve leaned in and pulled Simon's head out of his dad's arse.

"My turn..." he said, and Danny sneered before sliding his fingers down his uncle's throat. Steve gasped bawked and suddenly he was throwing up his shots into his brother's gape. It was an incredible sight, watching Jim cry out in delirious horror as he was filled with puke. But that horror came with a hard on, and Simon was now sucking on his dad's fat prick as Uncle Steve continued to vomit into him. Some of the puke splattered out of the hole and trickled down his back, which Danny swiftly jumped in and licked up. One taste of Uncle Steve's vom and Danny bawked. I grabbed him by the hair and directed him to his dad's hole to join Steve who was still chundering into it. Danny smelled the stench and his stomach gave up, erupting watery yellow bile into his own father's ruined arse.

By now Jim looked fucking pregnant as his youngest son now hacked up gut pizza into his dad. It was literally the sickest thing I'd ever seen, until Steve picked up the dildo and said... "Okay who wants to churn the butter?"

The boys both took the dildo...

"Please!" Jim said. "I'll fucking burst!"

"It's okay dad," Danny said. "We'll clean up the mess!"

And he and drunken Simon slid the dildo back into their dad, making him gasp and scream as they filled his already distended stomach with the giant fuck toy and started to twist it round inside him. Steve squatted over his brother's face and held his ankles as he started to shit in Jim's screaming mouth. Jim choked on that shit and the puke started to fly out of his ass around the dildo like a blocked drain bubbling over. The lads laughed as they rammed the dildo deeper until just the flat bottom stuck out of their dad. Simon slapped it hard making Jim scream, then Danny did the same. Steve climbed off his brother's face and started to push that shit down his throat as his son's ruined his innards. I couldn't believe what I was seeing but my dick was throbbing in my hand as I watched. Then they pulled the dildo out, 14 inches of it had been inside their dad and was covered in puke shit and gut slime. Simon held it out between him and his little brother and slowly they joined tongues around it sucking on it and kissing each other passionately. Simon reaches across and grabbed the bottle of tequila and tipped it up into his dad's guts. Danny lapped at the hole as it filled with tequila before being absorbed down into Jim's guts. Jim was instantly drunk and moaning deliriously as the tequila took effect.

Then Danny slid his fingers in after it. Two, then three, then four...

"Go on lad," Steve told him. "Reach deep into your dad..."

And Danny looked at me with a maniacal grin on his face before he plunged his arm deep down there into Jim who squealed like a stuck pig, Steve covering his mouth with his fat arse.

"That's it bro," Simon said. "Deep as you can."

I watched in complete shock as Danny's arm disappeared into his father first the elbow then down to the shoulder. Simon greased up and joined him. Both boys had their arms in their dad. Simon looked at me in amazement and said, "We're holding hands!"

By now Jim was speaking in tongues completely out of it.

"Think he's had enough boys," Steve said.

Danny and Simon looked at each other with insanity in their eyes and after a count of three they yanked both their arms out super quick, an appalling stench of offal and the sound of a giant ripping whoopee cushion filled the air as they brought out half of Jim with them, an awful red prolapse flopping out and splattering them with the recesses of his green gut slime. I watched in a state of awe and shock as Steve leaned over so his face was between his nephews, the quivering inside out mess below them.

"Come on boys," he said. "The buffet's open..."

And the three of them dove in, sucking and slurping on Jim's collapsed anus. Jim's face was one of shock and complete oblivion, covered in shit and puke, eyes rolled back in his head as his brother and sons sucked him inside out... Suddenly Jim's cock erupted with cum all over his own body and the lads laughed, the cess pit of vomit bubbling out of Jim's hole beneath them.

"Nice one dad," Danny said. "Best untie him ey Simon? Tip him up and empty him out... But who'll clean it up...?"

As he said that their eyes fell on me. Knowing what I had to do I lay flat on my back and Simon went to work on my throbbing dick as they helped Jim off the bed, and brought him to squat on my face. What had gone in... had to come back out...

To Be Continued...

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Next: Chapter 14

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