Benidorm Scally Raunch

By Jay Morris

Published on Nov 10, 2018


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Very strong scat raunch and incest themes. Very strong stomachs needed...

Apologies for such a delay in my writing to you. As you can tell from the heading on the paper my situation has changed somewhat and I now report my misadventures from inside a Spanish penitentiary. I thought I knew degradation, depravity and squalor but now as I sit in a crowded cell surrounded by the lowest of the low - I'm talking men with no moral compass whatsoever - I find myself spiralling deeper than ever into the abyss. Danny, it would appear, is something of a prankster, and was always determined to have the last laugh.

From the moment I thought I'd got the upper hand on an innocent scally in his Benidorm hotel room and feasted on the juice of his smooth beautiful and ripe arsehole, he had me under his spell. And where I last spoke to you I was literally under his arse. After I'd had my stomach pumped and Danny had literally used the contents of the pump as lube on my nasty perv cock he decided he was going to shit in my mouth right there in the hospital bed. But as his hole puckered sending out his unique vinegar stink and re-inflating my flaccid overworked prick, the door opened and an orderly stood there watching.

A rough chav - scally if you will - in scrubs with a boner the size of the Blackpool tower pressing against the blue fabric, unshaven with a wild look in his eyes, he came in and closed the door behind him.

"This is GMan who I was telling you about," Danny said to me as he remained poised, hole open and brown over my face.

"Gaz the Scally," he introduced himself as, "Don't call me GMan, the police are looking for me..." His voice was a thick Manchester grunt and the very sound of it brought pre-cum to my piss-slit. "This the dirty cunt you were telling me about?"

"Yeah," Danny said. "He's nearly as bad as you but not quite. So made up you chose Benidorm as your place to hide from the boys in blue! Look under the bed..."

Gaz rubbed his dick with anticipation and got on his knees at my bed side. Danny pressed his hole down on my lips just a second to give me a taste of the beautiful filth. I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him down again. I just couldn't get enough of this boy's stink, if I was to be served a last meal on death row I would want it to be this teenage cunt, such filthy juices that remain under the nose for days after savouring. But they were about to get filthier as Gaz slammed the bag down on the bed, hit by the smell he started to gag.

"What the fuck is this mate?" he gasped.

"My dad's gut mess," Danny replied stroking his own cock as he filled Gaz in on just what we'd been up to. "We filled dad up from my arse, my bro's arse, even our uncle, then we puked up into him. Serious Gaz he looked pregnant by time we finished with him and then he shat it all down this cunt's throat, put him in hospital!"

Gaz was already wanking as he heard the tale. "You sick fucking cunt."

"Too right," Danny replied, and suddenly backed up so his cock was over my lips. He then slid his tube of sweaty meat down my throat and started to fuck it. "So what now?" he gasped in pleasure. "Your turn to take over, Gaz. What you wanna do?"

"I've missed that dirty arse of yours, boy," Gaz said. "Stay right where you are."

And with that he reached into the sick bag and used the smoothie of horror to lather up his big scally cock which, now it was out and throbbing, had to be at least 11 inches. He stepped out of his scrub bottoms and was naked from the waist down, his hairy thighs streaked with precum from his flapping colossal cock. And in an instant he got up on my bed at pillow level and squatted over my face, lining that giant dick up with Danny's open hole. I got a hit of Gaz's undercarriage - smooth compared to the hairiness of his crack and balls, but clearly where the stink of both wildernesses had been collecting all day. Danny's cock was still wedged in my gullet so I sniffed up Gaz's stink for all it was worth. As he pushed that shit and puke smeared throbber into Danny's hole I heard Danny moan in a way I hadn't heard before. A moan of familiarity, of coming home. Gaz clearly had made a massive impact on Danny's younger years.

"Thaaaaat's it," Gaz cooed. "Fuck you're looser now lad."

"What d'you expect?" Danny panted. "Is it OK?"

"It's fucking beautiful. Hold still."

And as Danny's dick popped out of my mouth I started to lap at Gaz's buried dick, rimming the shaft base and Danny's arse as I felt the dick throb and pulsate. But they weren't moving - they were staying completely still as Gaz moaned in pleasure and then Danny started to groan - loud.

"Ohhhh fuck!" Danny cried.

"Been saving it all day!" Gaz replied and then I realised Gaz was pissing inside Danny's arse! I was desperate to savour the salty flavour but knew I just had to wait my turn so in the meantime I dove tongue first into Gaz's hairy crack and hole. Through the crusty jungle of matted brown hair I found his pink pucker, a tight little starfish, almost dainty on such a brute of a man, and I started to tongue it deep. He was still pissing and Danny was crying out in pleasure as his guts were filled.

"That's it," Gaz said, "It's going right up inside you now."

"It's gone so deep inside me I can fucking taste it," Danny grunted as he started to buck and bolt on the big fat cock, sending splashes of urine my way. I slurped them up like the hungry pig I am, but before I knew it Gaz was starting to let loose on Danny's hole. He jackhammered that ring like he was on a mission to tear it apart, his balls hitting me in the face so hard I think I came away with a black eye! Danny gasped and cried out as Gaz seriously banged his piss-filled arse sending the fluid deeper and deeper into the boy's guts with vigour. The smell of Danny's hole and Gaz's dirty hairy trench together was nothing short of intoxicating and my poor sore cock was throbbing again. Danny shoved it in his mouth as he was banged senseless by the brutal scally. And the whole time I was trapped underneath that pounding cock, those swinging hairy man balls and that overwhelming smell of sweaty arse and shit. But I was about to be flooded with more than their scent as Gaz pulled out and let the torrents of his piss - now thickened like gravy by Danny's gut juices and shit - explode out right into my face and mouth.

An obscene raspberry fart accompanied the rivers of brown and yellow and Danny laughed like a teenage lad does when he's let rip, only instead of him impressing his mates with a noxious stinker, he was filling my mouth with everything Gaz's piss had unblocked way up inside him. I coughed and spluttered as I did my best to swallow it all but it triggered my own gag reflex and before I knew it I was chundering upwards into both their cracks, creating a messy layer cake of shit and my own spew between my face and their thrusting nethers. The whole time Danny nursed my dick with his tongue. Gaz climbed off and pointed his shit slimy dick at my mouth as he stroked Danny's hair in a very maternal and loving way.

"Look at him sucking your cock the way a boy should," Gaz said. "He's sucked like that for years, his dad taught him that, just like his grandad taught his dad... But I taught him to fuck people up... didn't I sunshine?"

Danny nodded and murmured but kept sucking me. I spluttered sick out of my mouth as Gaz started to rape my throat whilst finger blasting Danny in earnest.

"Fuck I've missed this arse," he said. "I'm gonna have to go deeper, lad. Pass me that puke bag while I lube up my hand!"

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 16

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