Berri Blu installment

By Donnie Honey

Published on Jul 11, 2020



This story is purely fictional. None of the characters or places never actually participated in the events of this story.

Berri Blu

In the West Bottoms in Kansas City being the prettiest boy in the neighborhood is not a blessing. The West Bottoms, once a prosperous industrial area with housing for those who worked there is not unlike a small town. At one time it was a bustling area with rows of shotgun houses and patches of fine homes for executives and managers. Shops of all sorts were there but slowly over the years the factory jobs were lost to overseas competitors. Those who stayed steadfastly stayed only because it would dishonor family to leave, not unlike the peoples of the Appalachian rural areas. Many there of Serbian heritage were proud of their ghetto. Everyone who lives here stays here. You are born into a life of poverty; you accept it and learn how to survive. But you never leave it. You wear an "against all odds" survivor badge of honor. Gangs roam declaring borders of this street to that street; your fearlessness defines you.

My name is Barry. I was born in the West Bottoms and face the same fate as everyone else. I am not fearless; I am full of fear. Small, petite and weak; it is extra hard when you are a different.

My soft facial features, curly blonde hair and an effeminate nature; a recipe to a daily abuse. I do not understand why I am so different. I wish I could hide it, but it is impossible; it is a curse. At 13, I started growing breasts. They were little breasts with perky nipples that when hard took on the shape of little berries; if I were a girl, they would be a delight. As a boy, my girlish attributes only bring trouble. In the shadows, boys are attracted to me. In public, I am teased relentlessly. In an alley or abandoned warehouse, it is quite different. They would want something else; they either could not or would not show any restraint when alone with me. I am only an odd sort of sex toy to them. Some boys are sweet to me when we are alone but in public, they ridicule me not wanting anyone to suspect their amorous attraction. I am too week and too afraid to fight them off. My diminutive size and build make me an easy mark to any bully. My only choice is to grant their wishes and hope for a pittance of kindness.

I am smart; a genius compared to the brutes that surround me. I skipped a couple of grades in grade school. At 13, I am already in high school. My young age does not provide special privileges. I must seek a special path to travers my days. Today, after gym class while I was showering (I always tried to shower alone after everyone had finished), the coach walked in and was shocked when he saw my recently formed titties jiggle as I soaped myself. Not to mention a cute ass which had begun to fill out as puberty consumes my body. He is face is flushed and a little aroused but controls himself. H walks towards me as I try to cover my naked body with a small terry cloth towel. He says rather gruffly, "Cover yourself." I am frantically trying to cover myself moving the towel covering my genitals and then my breasts and again my little cock. He pauses for a moment and staring at my little cock and pink balls. The episode made me erect; not the effect I would hope for. I am hard and feel vulnerable; not sure what will transpire next. I do not know why his distress aroused me but there I stood; my cock fully erect at its 4-inch glory; My body, diminutive in many ways. I hold the towel over my breasts and try to hide my swollen cock with my hand. For a moment us I thought he would reach down and touch it. I would not have resisted; I do not know how to do that. I never resist. "Get dressed, we are going to the office," he says with his bulging crotch.

I sit on a wooden bench outside of the Vice Principals' office as he and the Coach discuss me. They are speaking in low voices; I cannot hear any of their conversation. Occasionally, I hear laughter. The kind of laughter the other school boys make whenever I walked by a crowd of them. I hope they do not involve my parents. I am worried about the ass whooping I will be getting from my Father. Father is always angry with me and admonishes me for being a little "pussy." Coach pokes his head out of the door and signals me inside. The Vice Principal looks at me with as if he is measuring me, "You are excused from gym class for the rest of the year and will be assigned a study hall that hour. You will receive a grade for gym class because it is a required subject, but you will not attend."

After that, every 6 weeks on my report card I received an A for gym class. It was my bribe to make their life simpler. I never went to gym class for the rest of my high school career. What a relief; they could not have done me any bigger of a favor.

I hated spending time in study hall and asked if I could attend a choir class in place of study hall. I loved to sing; I found it to be a pleasant way to pass time when I was alone. The Vice Principal had taken an interest in me and he would invite me in his office for conversations. He is a kind man and I think he would like to help me if he could. Sometimes his demeanor would change as he seemed to be lost in thought; I felt he was leering at me but then shook himself out of the trance and would release me from his office. I knew the make species well and could sense when they were having bad thoughts. But he always managed to control himself and was nice to me. He fixed it up so I could attend choir.

Choir is great. Most of the class consists of girls and the few boys that are in the class are gentle sorts and respectful to me. As it turned out I have a rather good singing voice. The choir director, a young pretty lady was very encouraging. Choir was my sanctuary; I was always safe when I was in the class or attending its many activities. Choir was a momentary time of peace and it helped me refuel especially if it had been a difficult day.

I keep my grades up but it is tough. I am teased and picked on almost every day but at night these same boys will come by and try to woo me with sweet words as they feel and stroke me. But in the end, I must suck their little boy cocks or face bad consequences. Their desires are never welcomed but I am too afraid to refuse. My survival technique is to provide whatever they need and hope that I have satisfied to selfish desires. It seems to work but it is painful being only their little boy toy. As soon as I can I am leaving the West Bottoms; this I pledge to myself.

My body continues to change as I grow older. My boobs never got too big, but they fill out; I admire them in front of a mirror at my home; they are perk and cute. My ass has filled and developed a little more too. I like how round and full it looks in one of my Mother's dresses. I have a pair of skinny jeans which really accentuated my round bottom, but I am afraid to wear them in public. It would bring more attention than I could handle. At school, I wear loose clothes to hide my body. But at home, I often dress in my Mother's clothes and admired my looks in Mom's full-length mirror. My face is changing too; my lips are fuller; I have good facial features. My dark eyes, wide apart and contrast with my blonde hair. When I put on a little makeup I am really pleased with my look. I make a cute girl but that is not what I am. I am a boy trapped as something else. I dream of a day when I can be free to act and be anyway, I chose. But right now, I need a knight in shining armor.

A group of boys are having their fun teasing and belittling me. I am so tired of this I start to cry which escalates my problem; I am sobbing uncontrollably. Out of nowhere, Mike, local tough guy comes to the rescue. Mike is the high school rebel and general bad ass. No one messes with Mike. Mike told these guys to fuck off and get lost; they did and quick. I am flabbergasted. Mike hands me his handkerchief so I can wipe my tears and blow my nose. Mike lifts me to my feet. He checks me for injuries and speaks, "I have seen you get bullied before. I could not just sit by and watch them be so brutal to you. Come with me."

After that Mike took me under his wing. It soon got around that Mike is my friend and protector; the harassment ends immediately. Mike is my hero. I idolized him. I want to be with him all the time and Mike lets me tag along. Mike is a big guy and very mature physically. His handsome square jawed face required a razor daily and he had thick hair on his arms and legs. He looked like he is 23 but is only another high school kid. He is the big brother I never had. He always gives me advice on how to act and tells me I should always keep my head held high so others will know they should respect me. He is the only guy who ever befriended me. I soon developed other feelings for Mike which were not so brotherly. I wanted to be close to him but feared our relationship could be ruined, so I kept those feelings at bay.

In the summer, Mike enjoyed swimming at the lake so of course that was my favorite activity too. We would go almost every day to beat the sweltering mid-western days. I loved to watch Mike climb out of the water; his wet chest hairs glistening, and trunks pulled tight around his crotch. I could not help myself and sometimes stare at him. He would catch me looking but never said anything; sometimes he would smile. He too sometimes would look at me, deep in thought; when I caught him I would smile as he turned quickly away from me blushing. I was never afraid to expose my breasts around him because I knew he would not make fun of me. Deep down I hoped he would take notice of my femininity. As I got older my body was filling out more and I knew the effect I had on many boys. I wanted Mike to notice me in that way too.

It is late in the summer and the days are shorter and not as hot. Our chances to enjoy the lake are running out.

Mike says, "Let's go to the lake and take a dip."

It is getting dark and no one is around.

"Let's skinny dip." he says.

I am happy to be naked with Mike. I am very excited to have a chance to see Mike's cock. "I hope I can see it without him noticing," I thought.

The moon is full and provides enough light that we could see well but the water is dark and hides our bodies. I climb out of the water first and lay my belly on the dock to dry; the cool air chills me, my ass is bare and exposed and I wished I had a towel; we had brought nothing with us. I intentionally lay on my belly with my round bottom in plain view. I am hoping Mike will notice me. Mike climbs out of the water with his back to the moon, so his body is not easily visible to me, but I saw a flash of his erect cock as I see his side view. He is semi-hard; his cock is curved like the neck of a swan, rising up from the base with his cock head bending down as if bowing to me. The semi-hard shaft unable to support the large head of his cock. My mouth gets wet with saliva looking at him. My teenage hormones have kicked in and I am quickly fully aroused. I am glad I am on my belly because I am unsure of Mike's reaction if he sees my erect cock.

Mike looks at me; he walks slowly towards me. He is closer now and I see he is in a full state of arousal. His large cock looks magnificent; he looks like a Greek god; his cock like chiseled stone. It fits well with his lean muscular body. He leans down and grasps my shoulders easily lifting me to my feet and gently kisses me full on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pull tight to him. His hairy body is like a warm blanket; he feels so good in the cool night air. It is not like being with the other boys; I want to be with him; I yearn to be even nearer to him. I feel as if our bodies have been transformed into one.

"Mike, I have always wanted this," I stammered.

He replied, "Me too, but I was afraid to admit to myself that I would be attracted to another guy. But you do not seem like a guy to me. If I make love to you ... ", he had a loss for words. "You are like my girlfriend and I would feel comfortable loving you. I need to love you."

I reach down and grasp his swollen cock, stroking it gently. He is much bigger than the other boys; he is a real man and he wants me. He is so aroused he will cum in a few seconds unless I am careful. I want this moment to last.

Mike reaches down and pulls my hand away from his cock. "Not here," he says. "My folks are out of town; let's go to my place where we can relax with each other."

We quickly dress and start walking. We do not say a word as we walk to Mike's house. I think we are both in disbelief this is happening. I look at Mike; his face is flushed, and he is breathing deeply; almost panting. I know his heart is pounding as hard as mine.

We enter his house. I remove my shirt and toss it to the side and reach for his embrace. Mike kisses me and then lowers his head to kiss my breasts. His nibbling and sucking have made my nipples rock hard. My breasts feel full and firm as he squeezes them and suckled my sensitive nipples. All I am capable of is to hold his head with my face buried in his hair. My hips are gyrating; my cock hard and trying to burst out of my pants.

"Strip me," I growl. I am in heat and ready for my mate. All that I have I freely give to this sweet man.

He complies, quickly pulling my pants off and then picks me up and carries me to his bed. His strong arms holding me; easily carrying my naked body. Gently he lays me on his bed. Then presses his mouth around my cock. No one had ever sucked my cock before. I was ready to explode but somehow managed to hold back; I wanted to cum with him.

I pulled away from him and frantically pulled his shirt over his head and his pants down past his ankles. Completely naked except for a gold chain around his neck I lower my head and lick the slit, consuming his pre-cum, on his long hard cock. I could feel he was ready to cum, so I stopped for a moment. "Mike, fuck me now. I want to be all yours," My head was swimming. Mike quickly responds by turning me on my belly; he enters me, slowly and gently at first but soon overwhelmed with emotion my stallion pushes his cock in deeply but I am unable to take him fully yet; he begins pumping in and out. He fills me completely; his plunging cock, his love rod, touches deep within me and touches a spot that had not been touched before. It rocked my cock and I could feel pre-cum dripping and I could feel my orgasm building and then he cried out as streams of cum shot up my ass; my cock also releases thick juice. We both are gasping and moaning; the bed is rocking, with wave after wave of release. Finally, we have both collapsed, spent and ... satisfied. I was lying beneath Mike; his cock still twitching in my ass. We laid silently, quietly.

He breathed in my ear, "I love you and will always care for you."

I thought our romance was forever but, it only lasted until school started in the fall. I knew there was trouble on the horizon. Our loving making was as intense as ever but after sometimes I would catch Mike looking at me with a worried look on his face.

Mike was so sweet about it. He told me he loved me but wanted children so it would never last. "It would be easier to end it sooner than go on and have a painful breakup later." He was right. We remained friends and I knew he would protect me from any bullies at school. I spent the rest of the day at home sobbing uncontrollably. I knew it was a loss I might never get over. At the end of the day I stopped crying. I held my head high. "For now on I will hold my head high so everyone will know I am some one to respect and I will not let anyone disrespect me again," I repeated this to myself over and over until I feel asleep exhausted from the day's events.

This is my last year of high school. Every day I think how as soon as school was done, I would leave this hell hole. The year went quickly, and finally high school was completed. I found a job and moved out of the West Bottoms to the Westport area where I was unknown. I wanted to start fresh and was dressing as a woman at home and when I went out. I dressed as a boy at work because I felt I would be chastised there. I made some friends who knew about my dual identity; they accepted me. Westport was sort of a hip part of town and folks were not too concerned with whatever sort of lifestyle decisions you made.

I met a guy who loved me or at least lusted over me. Darryl was not nearly as nice or handsome as Mike, but he would take me around town and had money. I had been so cruelly treated in high school that all I wanted to do was get as much out of men as I could. Darryl was fun and always buying me nice things, take me out to concerts and other events. He treated me like lady. He was very handsome with dark curly hair and hazel eyes. His body was very athletic; it was easy to be sexually aroused when I was with him. I was always dressed as a woman when I was with him.

One night, Darryl told me he wanted to take me to a special place. "You will love this place," he excitedly told me. It was the Jewel Box Club and he was right; I did love it there. I had never heard of the Jewel Box. When I entered it and looked around at all the crossdressers and all the men who desired them, I fell in love with this place immediately. It is a female impersonator club. The entertainers each took on the personality of a famous movie star or singer and they made a show with singing, dancing and comedy. I felt so comfortable there.

After watching the show, I knew I could perform as well as anyone. I asked to see manager. The manager was an older drag queen. She was a bigger than life gal with big hair and lots of style and flair. Her name is Lillian. Lillian is surprised I wanted to perform with their company. She thinks I am a girl. I had to explain to her that I am a boy but desired to live a as a woman. She laughed, "You are in the right place doll." And that is how I began my career at the Jewel Box.

My singing voice helped me be a big part of the show. Along with my feminine breasts and hips my voice is also feminine. And I had developed some pipes, as they say in the biz. My persona is Judy Garland. And with my dark eyes and a dark wig I sell it well. Even my facial features are like hers. When I first worked there, I am the young Judy singing songs from the Wizard of Oz. But as I got older and with Lillian's guidance, I improved my looks I started being the live show Judy Garland with comedy and cockiness Judy was known for in her live shows. I really bring the house down as Judy. And at last I was able to be a woman 24/7.

Lillian was always trying to figure out how to make her girls more glamorous and loved the outlandish. She talked me into tattooing my little berry shaped nipples blue and gave me the stage name of Berri Blu. My nipples are a pale blue but when the show lights flashed on my bare breasts, they seemed to have an iridescent glow. It is a high spot of the evening and really gets the crowd excited. I have become a big draw; a full size poster of me adorns the advertisements for the club. My nipples have catapulted me in popularity at the club. All the guys want to be with me. Lillian really knows how to dress me too. She makes sure that my costumes enhance my plump derriere. Lillian showed me how to strut across the stage and move my hips real sexy. The men flocked around me.

The downside are the wages; I am barely able to support myself so I keep a few boyfriends who help me out and sometimes I would move in with them. But I am always the boss; I do not let men control my life. I save every dime I can; I want to have my titties enlarged. I always felt I would look great with big boobs. Not enormous but maybe D cup boobies. I put on some D cup fake boobs to see how I would look; The Ds were perfect. I took great care with what I ate and keep my waist very slim. I am always petite and lucky with my figure. It seemed odd to me that I have a cock; it seems that is the only thing about me that is out of place. But I love my cock and it is so little and cute. The boys just loved nibbling and licking my little pink balls.

I am 24. It is hard to believe that I have been working at the "Box" for 4 years. My present boyfriend, Jimmy, is a realtor and a successful one. He is tall and very handsome. He works out and keeps his lean body sexy with his rippling muscles. When we are making love, he uses his strong muscles to turn me this way and that. Sometimes I find it very sexy and love being controlled like that. The only thing is when we are with friends he often criticizes and puts me down. I am not sure why he is like that; when we are alone, he is very attentive and treats me well. I think he is afraid his friends will find out about my male organ. We made up a story about where I work because he is afraid, they would realize my sexuality if they knew I worked at the "Box."

I told him my desire for D cup boobies, and he is incredibly supportive of the idea. In fact, he agreed to pay for the surgery and would support me while I recovered. I told Lillian and she knew a surgeon who is the best in Kansas City.

Dr. Willis is a nice-looking man probably in his 50s. His white hair gives a very distinguished look. He is a fit man and very handsome. I am nervous but his demeanor relaxes me.

"Good morning Berri. How may I help you?"

"Doctor, I am interested in enhancing my breasts. I have experimented with various sizes of falsies and I believe I would look nice with D cups."

"I think you have the frame for a D but let's do an examination first and then discuss our options."

I remove my top and sit on his examination table. He presses and probes me. He spends an extended time feeling my nipples pushing them up and feeling around the edge of the areola.

"Please stand up. I would like to look at how it might affect your posture."

I stood up facing him. He is a tall man and has to lean over a bit to feel my ribs, waist and then moving to my hips.

"Please remove the rest of your clothes." he requests.

I oblige, dropping my pants and undies to the floor. I bend over to pick them up, fold them and place them on a chair. As I turned to face Dr. Willis, I felt my cock twitch but managed to control it so it does not get noticeably hard.

The doctor noticed I was uncomfortable and in a calm voice said, "Berri, you do not need to be embarrassed around me. I have worked with many lady boys before and I understand you being cautious. This is only an examination. I am interest in your physique because it is unusual, and I want to make sure I make the right decision for you."

My cock was starting to get hard and I tried to move so he would not see it. He did notice and winked at me. "Its ok, it happens more often than you think, just relax."

"Thanks doctor." His words soothed me, and I did relax a little bit.

The doctor felt my hips and my ass cheeks. He lifted my slightly swollen cock and felt my balls. He comforted me with his calm words, and I felt safe with him. "I think that is enough. Please dress and the nurse will direct you to my office.

The nurse escorted me to his office. It was a large space with pieces of art; they looked expensive. He appeared to be successful.

"Hi Berri, your examination went fine. You are a perfect patient for this procedure. First, I want to mention that your bone structure is unusual for a male. You have many female features. First your facial features are soft and feminine. You are a beautiful young lady." I blushed as I looked down and at the same time, I was pleased with the compliment.

"Your hip's bone structure seems to be very much like a woman's. How much it is like a woman's I would only be able to confirm with x-rays. For this procedure I do not need these x-rays but I wanted to mention that so you will understand what I tell you next. The weight of the implants will affect your posture. Since your bone structure is so unique the breast will not only make you look more feminine on top but on bottom too. You will have a new gait and sway in the hips that will surprise you. I hope you don't mind me saying but you will be a really sexy little kitten."

He smiled and I giggled.

"The D size implants will work well for you and will give you the desired affect. I would suggest a teardrop implant."

"What is the teardrop," I ask.

"The teardrop is a round shape but with the bottom a little fuller than the top. It is a very natural look. When I examined your areola I could tell that the tissue structure of your breast are such that with the teardrop shape your nipples will help accentuate this teardrop look even more because they will help support the breasts and will prevent any droop. You will have very natural look and will not need a bra to support a very perky set of boobs."

I am so excited, "When can we schedule the procedure, doctor?"

Surgery and 6 weeks recovery. The surgeon told me to be careful and should limit activity for 6 weeks while I was healing. I took this advice very seriously. No sex either. Jimmy was almost as excited as me but was able to control himself. He was so kind I told him if he was really horny he could go out and find a fuck; it surprised me that I said this as I had always insisted if a guy was with me I would be the only one. This could be a sign I am getting tired of Jimmy and ready to leave him like I have left a growing pile of other guys. I am surprised that I have tired of Jimmy already; he is one of the nicer guys I have been with.

Walking is so different. These boobs are heavy. Jimmy says I walk sexier than ever and my side profile with my pretty boobies and my sweet plump ass is driving him wild with desire. The 6 weeks goes by slowly; I am normally busy with work at the "Box" and dance clubs with Jimmy. Six weeks seemed like an eternity; my cock is hard most of the time from the lack of attention. When we finally have sex again, we are like little bunny rabbits. Neither of us had ever gone this long before and fucked like heated animals. When Jimmy blew his first load in me the cum filled my ass to the point it streamed down my thighs and made a huge mess. We had to change the sheets so we could go at it again. It is the fastest I had ever made a bed I wanted him so bad. Jimmy's cock is long, but it seemed like it reached deeper into me than it ever had before. I could not get enough of him. Jimmy started calling me his sweet little nymphomaniac. I could not get enough. It is a pity that I must let Jimmy go but not right now, teehee.

When I got back to work the reception was over the top. All the other girls wanted a up-close look of my boobs and they playfully stripped me down to the waist. It was really getting out of control with all of these overheated Trannies; I thought it was going to turn into an orgy in the dressing room. Lillian came to the door in the nick of time. "Girls, Girls, calm yourself. We have a show, and this is a big night for Berri."

Lillian told me, "This is a new beginning for you and I want you to look a little more special." She opened a box and brought out a golden shoulder length wig. "Doll, when the lights hit this there wil be no doubt who is the tope Queen of this show."

I did my Judy routine which ended with the other girls coming out; singing and dancing together. Lillian was right; I could feel all the energy in the room focusing on me. the girls left the stage one by one until I was alone, and I started my feather striptease dance. I drop the breast feathers and pranced across the stage bare breasted, my new woman titties bouncing and blue nipples hard and pointing skyward have the audience in a frenzy. I get so hot and bothered I drop the bottom feathers and give them a look at my full beauty. My cock swollen; all my body parts jiggling with each step as I strutted my stuff. When I got backstage Lillian was there. She admonished me, "You know you are not suppose to go all nude; I could lose my license." The she smiled, "After this gets out the place will be packed. But DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN."

In the dressing room I was still unclothed and sweating a little from the excitement and physical exertion. One of the other ladies said cheese and I turned towards her with the cutest pose as she took a snapshot. I was completely nude; it was side view shot and although I lifted a leg to try and hide my still erect cock, but you could still see the little pecker's head poking out.

In the days that followed I was getting a lot of attention. I was doing interviews; it seems my little escapade had put the Jewel Box on the map. Jimmy was jealous that I did not have as much time for him; he got angry one night and left me and left me. I did not care. Since I got back to the "Box" my new popularity packed the house every night. Lillian was making so much money she gave me a large raise. I had all I needed.

One night, after the show, I was told I have a phone call. The fellow calling is Gene Victorio. Gene told me he is a porn film producer in California. He wanted me in his films. He said I could make a lot of money in porn films. Money was getting important to me. I was all ears. When he told me how much money I could make I almost fell on the floor. I played it cool and told him thank you and I would think about it.

After I hung up and thought about it the excitement cooled off. "This guy is probably full of baloney," I thought to myself. All my life guys were either screwing me or screwing me over. I need to talk to Lillian; she was the only one I felt I could trust.

I told Lillian about the call from Gene Victorio and the kind of money he is offering. "I feel like I am about to be swindled but I am tempted to take a chance just in case it is real."

Lillian looked at the floor. "Baby, I should lie to you because if you leave, I will be losing a bundle. But I cannot do it. You are like family and I will be straight with you. This guy Gene Victorio is for real. He can really pay you that sort of money. But it ain't easy sweetheart. You will be fucking non stop making these movies. This guy makes money on volume. You aren't going for the Academy Award; it's a tough business. But if you can handle it in a couple of years you will be set for life."

I knew I could handle it. I had been through so much shit in my life I could do anything; especially if I would be set for life. I was a West Bottom girl and a little hardship did not scare me. I told Lillian," I have to try this. I am sorry that this will be tough on you, but I have to do this for me." Lillian replied, "Don't worry about me baby. I will rise and I will survive," she said with a laugh.

Before I left town, I thought I should spend a few days with my folks in the West Bottoms. It felt good to walk around the streets. I looked so different now no one would ever know I am that little boy. I was older now and knew how to handle myself. I was walking down 12th street when I saw Mike. He was with a little boy. The boy was a dead ringer for Mike, so I knew he had found happiness. I looked a lot different now; not only my bigger breasts but my whole demeaner. Mike looked right at me and stared for a moment but did not recognize me. I decided to send a little signal we made up when we were together. I touched my cheek with my index finger; this meant "I." Then I looked down at the ground "I want to go down." Then I looked at him and winked; the complete message is "I want to go down on you." The stunned look on Mike's face was precious. I walked up to Mike and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Your little boy is precious looking, doll.

Mike was speechless.

"Well, are you going to give your girl a hug," I said smiling.

Mike moved in and gave me one of his best bear hugs. "I thought I would never see you again; I think about you often. I was never able to bury my desires," he moved toward me again. His little boy curiously looking at me.

"I never forgot about you either," I said as I teared up a bit. "But I am glad you have your family and this darling little boy."

Mike staring into my eyes. "Things do not always go as planned. I am divorcing from my wife. I have Michael Jr. on weekends."

My heart flutters, Mike is available again? "Maybe I can rekindle an old flame," I thought. Old memories of me riding Mike's cock; holding Mike's shoulders to the ground when I would take charge, impaled on his manhood. I blurted out before even thinking, "Mike, do you think you would have some spare time to spend with me."

"Oh yes, it will be my pleasure," he stammered. "Tonight, at the old lake on the dock." He smiled at the suggestion. I winked at him as I walked away, "Have something in mind, do you? We will see; tonight, on the dock. Do you remember where it is?"

I knew the memories Mike was having. I had often thought of that first evening we fell in love. Obviously, Mike had been thinking about it all these years too. "I think I can find it, "he said.

A little more chit chat and we both went on our way. I staggered and almost fell when I walked away. I was lightheaded and took a deep breath to steady myself.

I could hardly wait for our rendezvous. I went home and had dinner with the folks. After dinner, I told my Mother I was going out to meet an old friend. Mother looked at me with a surprised expression on her face. "Is Mike the friend you are meeting?", she asked.

Mother was always suspicious about me and Mike's relationship. Although, she liked Mike it is not the sort of relationship a Mother would want for her little boy. Now that I was not a little boy; not a boy at all. She knew what was going on. Mother always respected boundaries with me and did not question me anymore.

I went in my room looking at what I could wear. I decided on a simple blue wrap dress. I did not bother to wear and under clothing.

When I arrived at the dock the sun was setting behind the trees on the other side of the lake. Mike was already there. I could see the outline of his tall lean body at the end of the dock looking at the water.

He turned as he heard the dock creak under my weight. I walked quickly towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him the most luscious kiss I could muster. He responded passionately.

I stepped back and said, "let's skinny dip."

Mike smiled with old memories floating through his mind. I dropped my blue dress exposing my firm bulbous full breasts. Mike spoke with a smile on his face, "You have really filled out."

"A miracle of modern medicine," I giggled. "Catch me if you can," I said as I dived into the water.

The sound of Mike splashing into the water was much quicker than I expected. He could not wait to hold me I excitedly thought.

He swam toward me and wrapped me in his body. I wrapped my legs around his hips. His hardening cock laid against my belly. My cock snuggled under his ball sack. We were like one body in our embrace. I whispered to him, "Are your folks out of town?" We laughed. No, but I have a place in Westport," he replied. "What a surprise," I thought. I wondered how close we live to each other.

"What? I live in Westport too."

"No kidding," he said softly. "Let's go to my place."

This time we left the lake in Mike's car. But it was the same as before. We were both silent during the ride in disbelief this was happening again.

Mike had a nice little shotgun house that is typical of Westport. We walked inside; his place is homey and orderly as I suspected Mike would have. I removed my blue dress and ordered Mike to remove his clothes. He complied immediately. His bed was king sized with a wonderfully comfortable soft mattress. We snuggled together at first basking in the moment.

I felt Mike's rock-hard cock; after all of this time it felt so familiar. I slid down and took him in my mouth; careful to not make him cum too quickly. I slid my mouth up and down on his cock; before I knew what was happening Mike exploded into my mouth. His cum was dripping off my lips because I could not swallow such a load fast enough. Mike was so embarrassed; he is so cute as he apologizes for his premature orgasm. I laughed at him.

"Do not worry love. I think I can bring your erection back." I did not have to revive it; his cock was still as hard as before. "Now it is my turn," I moaned as I moved my hips over his face placing my cock in his mouth. He obediently attended to my wishes.

He kissed and licked my cock and my balls. I excitedly grinded into his wet mouth. He lifted my hips up and moved my ass over his lips and licked me entering my boy pussy with his tongue. I melted with each swish of his tongue. I humped his face as his tongue explored my ass.

Although, I would have loved this to carry on forever I also desired his cock. I moved my hips down straddling his cock. I grabbed him and helped him enter me. His cock was so enlarged I was not sure if I could get it in, but my ass opened for him and I took him fully.

It was heaven having my true love taking control. He grabbed my hips and stroked me deeply steadily driving to higher and higher ecstasy. I started matching his strokes and my ass would tightly grab his cock with the rhythm of his strides. I was riding him and giving my man all, I had. He was touching my special spot and my cock had spasms of orgasms and he did as well. Our bodies were in perfect harmony as they had been many years ago at his parents' house.

As we laid spent next to each other on his bed I felt I should tell him my plans.

"Mike, I have something to tell you. I hope you won't be too disappointed." I was really feeling scared; when I accepted the job doing porn, I had no connections that meant anything to me except for Lillian. I was afraid Mike would really be disappointed in me; he might hate me.

"I am leaving for California next week for a job. I will be working in the porn industry... As an actress."

Mike looked deflated, "Why do you feel you must do that?"

"It's the money. In a couple of years, I can retire."

"You don't have to do that. Let me take care of you."

"It is real tempting, but I am afraid you might have a change of mind like before."

Mike brought his face real close to mine, "I will never leave you. I was a fool. I have thought of you every day since you were gone. I promise myself to you ... forever. Please marry me."

I was stunned. Marriage? Was he serious?

"But Mike, I need to have the money. After 2 years I will be done. We will be rich and never have to worry for anything ever again."

Mike laughed, "Money is not a problem. I have been buying up and fixing up houses all over the West Bottoms for the last 6 years. The West Bottoms is changing. Young professionals are buying up old worn out houses and either fixing them up or tearing them down and building million-dollar homes in their place. Property values have skyrocketed. You are looking at a very wealthy young dude."

I cried from joy, embarrassment, relief and love. I grabbed Mike by the balls and told him in a mock stern voice, "If you screw me, I'll hang these from my rear view mirror."

Mike laughed again, "Go ahead and hang them now because I plan on screwing you a lot."

I could not wait to tell Lillian the great news. She was happy for me and a little sad as she said, "I guess I still lost my best girl?"

"I will still work for you, at least for a while. I told Mike how much I enjoyed my job and he said that if I was happy, he was happy."

And it turned out Mike was happy too. When he first saw the show and saw me do my act, he was proud to be my guy. I was afraid I would have to give up the grand finale when I did my all nude act. But when I strutted across the stage shaking it all. Even prouder Mike told me, "I am the luckiest guy in the world."

After the show as Mike was holding me in his arms, I whispered in his ear so that no one else could hear, "Baby, one thing I must tell you. I am not that scare little West Bottom boy anymore. I am a strong secure woman. I will have to be the boss and though I will listen to you my decision is final in all things." Mike looked at me taken back with a hint of fear in his eye. I knew I had him and he would not leave me. I think it will be better now that I am in control.

I hope you enjoy my little story and are as happy for Berri Blu as I am.

Please feel free to email me with comments or if you would like to chat. And do not forget to toss a few coins to Nifty.

Donnie Honey

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