Best Birthdays Ever

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Jan 10, 2014


Chapter 10: Early Birthday Present

This story is entirely fiction and is meant only as fodder for your fantasies. Do NOT act in this way in real life.

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I walked through the tall gate. Papa Mark's van waited at the end of the driveway. I was completely naked. I knew nobody could really see me. Papa Mark wouldn't let that happen. But I felt sexy and nasty being so totally exposed, with Jamie's recent piss in my butt dripping out a tiny bit at a time.

Papa Mark laid a towel down on the front seat of the van and helped me in. He turned and looked at me as he started the van.

"You know what, kiddo? You're quite a guy. Not yet eight, and you already know how you want to have fun. Don't let anybody stop you or make you feel bad about it. You know your Daddy and I would never do that."

I leaned over and kissed Papa Mark on the cheek.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Your Daddy and I have a special present for you. It's not your birthday yet, but we want you to open it when we get home so you can start enjoying it right away."

"What is it? Tell me. Tell me tell me tell me."

"You'll have to wait the five minutes it takes us to get home to find out. You're not getting any more information from me until then."

The next five minutes seemed like hours I was so excited.

NOW ON TO CHAPTER 10In my excitement, I wiggled and squirmed around on front seat. The front seat! I was now doubly excited because I wasn't supposed to sit there until my eighth birthday. Papa Mark sensed my question.

"You're so close to that special day when the law says you don't have to sit in that kid's seat in back (which I HATED). I thought I'd give you a treat for the short ride home. Plus, I love the way you stink."

I guess I did smell kind of bad.

"What do I stink wike, Papa Mahk?" I asked in a little boy voice I used with him sometimes.

"Well, kiddo, you stink like piss and a little bit like poo. Not a lot of the poo smell but enough to know you been doing some butt play."

I laughed. "Yeah. We did asome butt play! First we..."

"Hush boy. I want to hear all about it, but let's wait until your Daddy can hear, too. Okay?"

I nodded reluctantly. I didn't mind telling the story of the past couple of hours twice, but I guess Papa Mark wanted it special for both of them. I knew he was excited about it -- or about something. He stood in front of the van talking to someone on his cell phone. The front of his sweat pants poked out a bunch where his dickie was. As he climbed in the van and fastened his chest strap, I could see a large damp spot marked where the tip of his penis poked the fabric.

"You got a boney, Papa," I said. "A big boner stiffy boney hard on. And it's peeing a little bit."

"Yeah, I do have a boner. I like the names you used for it, too. And my cock is so glad that it's dripping what's known as precum. It's not pee. It's precum."

I reached over and touched the wet spot. It was slimy. I tasted it. I tasted a lot like his and Daddy's cum. Yummers.

"Can I suck it while you drive?"

Papa Mark laughed. "Sounds like fun, Sweety. But it would be dangerous because you're such a good almost 8-year old cocksucker I might lose control. Wait until we get home."

I squeezed the thickness poking against his pants and settled back into my seat. Daddy's van was in the garage when we pulled in. Yippee! Daddy was home and had finished his rounds at the hospital. I jumped out of Papa Mark's van and ran to the door.

"Whoa, kiddo. We have to wash your feet before you go in the house. And take that towel with you so you don't make the furniture smell like pee and poo."

Once I my feet were washed and dried, I ran into the mudroom that's next to our large kitchen. Daddy stood in the kitchen in his white hospital coat. He must have just gotten home from his rounds at the hospital. I ran to him and threw my arms around his waist. He dropped to his knees and gave me a big Daddy hug.

"Hi, Stinkbug. Papa Mark called on the cell and said you want to tell me what you and your friends got up to. Let's go into the living room." Daddy you never called me Stinkbug before, but I liked the name.

"Daddy, I like being called Stinkbug. Can that be my special name when I'm naked with you?"

I followed Daddy and Papa Mark into the living room carrying the towel I had sat on in the van. I knew I was stinky and just like Papa Mark said I didn't want to get furniture stinky too. But as I entered the living room I realized I probably wouldn't need to tell. It was a big mattress liner on the living room floor. It was the same size as I have on my queen size bed. I didn't let the bed very often, but it happened every once in a while. So Daddy bought some of the extra big ones from a hospital supply store -- just in case. But now I wondered if he and Papa Mark used them for some of their grown-up play.

A big rectangular lump covered by the sheet sat in the middle of the mattress liner. The lump was to rounded by three big lounging pillows each covered in a large beach towel.

"Is this my surprise?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, Stinkbug," Daddy answered. "It's an early birthday present that we think you will like. It's not something you asked for. At least not directly. But wait for your Papa Mark and me to get ready before you open it. But before you get to open it, I'd like you to tell your Papa Mark and me what you and your friends for doing. Papa Mark already told me that you guys were doing some pretty awesome sex play. You don't have to tell us, but I'd love to hear about it and so would your Papa Mark."

I could hardly contain myself I was so excited. I had no idea but the present might be. But Daddy had asked me to wait so wait I did. I wasn't sure if they would like what we did, but Daddy had asked me to tell them. So I told him all about what Chrissy and Jamie and I did in their yard. All of it including the pee play.

When I am finished, first Papa Mark picked me up, gave me a huge hug -- hard enough to squeeze out a little fart -- and kissed me on the lips. Hard. With just a little tongue slipped in.

He put me down, and Daddy picked me up. He squeezed me but not as hard as Papa Mark. But this time I farted on purpose. I loved being their Stinkbug. Daddy kissed me too. Only his was soft and gentle. As we kissed he slipped his tongue completely into my mouth and let it play around inside.

I realized what I had to wait for when Daddy put me down. Papa Mark had already removed his shoes, socks and shirts. He stood there just in his sweatpants. The boner he'd had since picking me up at Chrissy and Jamie's house looked even bigger. And the wet spot from what he told me he was pre-cum had grown until it was as big around as orange.

I expected him to pull his sweatpants down next but it looked like he was waiting for Daddy to catch up with him. I watched excitedly -- eager to unwrap my extra present -- while Daddy `unwrapped' himself. I'm not sure which it was more excited about. My present or seeing my two lover men naked again. Once Daddy got down to just his underwear, he stopped and looked at Papa Mark. His jockey shorts were also tempted, just like Papa Mark's sweat pants. Only he had just a tiny wet spot showing not a big one like Papa Mark.

"On three, Mark. One. Two. Three." Both men pulled down their pants at the same time. I was greeted by two beautiful, extremely hard, bobbing stiffies. Only with them as big as they were calling them stiffies didn't seem right. They were boners. Hard-ons. And both were dripping that pre-cum stuff at the tips. I couldn't help myself. I dropped my knees, and crawled over to Papa Mark's boner. I grabbed it and licked the tip. Oh how I love that taste. I called over to my Daddy and licked the long strand of pre-cum that dangled off the tip of the penis that had made me. Even though I was really excited about opening my present, I slipped the tip of Daddy's peepee into my mouth and gave it an especially hard suck.

Daddy pushed me gently away. "We better stop right now, you'll never get that present unwrapped."

I crawled over to the present in the middle of the mattress pad. I wanted to pull the sheet covering it off immediately, but I waited for my Daddy and my Papa Mark to pull the pillows closer so they could watch. Once they were in place, Daddy gave me the go-ahead. I pulled the sheet off the present. I stopped and gaped at the gift-wrapped box in front of me. It was about 18 inches by 18 inches and about 6 inches deep. But it's size was not what stopped me and made me gawk. It was the wrapping paper. The paper was white and covered with small pictures of boys. All of them were naked. I recognized some as being from statues and singing books. Some were drawings. And some were photographs with just the outline of the boy and no background.

And every single one of these boys had a stiffy. Some of them were just standing there showing off their bodies. Some were posed in artistic poses. Some were doing some of the things that Chrissy and Jamie and I had just done. In the center of the wrapping paper was a larger picture of two boys on their knees with the third boy pissing on them. I picked the box up and turned it over to see if there were illustrations on the bottom. Boy were there! Only these were not just boys. The illustrations on the bottom drawings and photographs were of men with boys. Boys sucking men. Men sucking boys. And in the middle were two photographs of two men with the boy who looked about 12 years old. In one picture one man had his very large erection partially in the boy's rear end while the other man had his tummy pressed right up to the boy's face. In the next picture both of the men had their penises out of the boy's holes and were squirting their cum all over the boy.

The most shocking part of these shocking and very exciting pictures was that the two men were my Daddy and my Papa Mark.

Daddy said, "Stinkbug, you must never tell anybody about these pictures. They're from last year. The boy is the son of a good friend of ours we have sex with. The boy was 14 when these pictures were taken although he looks younger. He'd come home early from an overnight at his best friend's house because his friend had gotten sick. He walked in on his father, Mark, and me having sex.

"He begged his dad to have sex with us. He explained that he and his friend were planning on doing exactly what we were doing but with five of them and not just three. He told us he been having sex with his friends since he was four years old. And he explained that he joined his best friend in having sex with his dad since he was nine. Mark and I were both reluctant at first, but Geoffrey pleaded with us and pulled his pants down to show us how hard he was. So we accommodated him. The photos are from a later time not long after that first time. And to be honest with you, Stinkbug, we still participate regularly with him and his father. I hope that doesn't make you jealous."

Jealous? It made me even hornier.

"How'd you get the paper," I asked.

"I made it," Papa Mark answered. "Your Daddy and I have large collection of photos like this and I used my poster printer to make the paper. I hope you like it."

"Like it? I LOVE it," I said. "Can I open it? I'll be careful of the wrapping paper."

"Sorry, kiddo," Papa Mark said. "You can't save the paper. Too much risk of someone seeing it. We'll shred it, then burn it in the fireplace."

I must have looked disappointed.

"You like the pictures?" Daddy asked. I nodded sadly. "Well, we can let you look through our collection. But once again, you cannot tell anyone. Even your little sex buddies. Understand?"

I jumped up and ran over to Daddy then Papa Mark and gave them both big hugs. But then I was back on my knees ripping the wrapping off the present. It was a box, a beautiful wooden box. I tried lifting the lid, but it was locked. Daddy handed me one of those old fashioned looking keys. I was so excited that my hands were shaking and I had trouble getting the key in.

Finally -- success! I turned the key and slowly opened the box. When it was half opened, I peeked in. I flung open the lid.

I could not believe what I saw. Five very real looking rubber dickies of different sizes. Four of them had things that looked like handles at the backside away from the top of the dinky. There were also four funny looking things I didn't recognize. These things had rounded tips and got bigger as you got away from the tip. Them really quickly they got smaller with the stem and then what looks like A little stand. To me it looks like pink Christmas trees almost. And finally there were four kind of small bottles and one tube of what I knew was KY jelly.

I looked quizzically up at my two men.

"These are dildos, honey," Daddy said pointing to the things that looked like dickies. "and these are called Butt plugs," he said pointing at the other one. "Papa Mark and I talked about what you asked us earlier this morning. We know you want anal sex with us, but if we did it right now it would hurt a lot and you wouldn't enjoy it. And there's a good chance you could get physically damaged. We want to enjoy it and we absolutely do not want to injure you."

Papa Mark continued, "So, we figured you could work your way up to the biggest one slowly. I bought most of them today at a store in town. The smallest one reminds me of your peener."

"Yeah," I said, "it looks like Chrissy's dickie. And this one" -- I picked up the next one in size -- "is like Jamie's. And these two" -- holding up the next two bigger dildos -- "are exactly likeÉ" Suddenly, I felt sad.

Papa Mark sensed my change in mood. "Yeah, Sweety, we figured they would be about the same size as the oldest boy you told us about...Patrick. I know he's got some serious problems, but we know you really love him. So we thought maybe this would help you feel better about him."

The dildos really did look a lot like Patrick's penis. They were 5 inches long, a little chubby, and looked like they still had the skin on it. Just like Patrick. I'd recently used Jamie and Chrissy's "Plastic Patrick" on my boy hole. Now I was holding rubbery versions of him. One had the handle and the other one had a hole in both ends. I must've looked little bit confused.

Papa Mark explained, "The handles make it easier to play with dildos. The other one with the hole is for you if you want to take an enema with a dildo instead of just the enema tube. When we give you the enema to tell you what we liked it even though it felt uncomfortable. You were really, really hard. Daddy and I have a two very much like this. One is very small so we can attend like a little boy is pissing in us. The other is about the size so we can pretend like it's an older boy to see in us."

I ran over to Papa Mark and squeezed him around the neck. "Thanks, Papa Mark. Maybe one day I'll have the real thing in me again."

Returning to my special box, I lifted the last rubber dickie up and waved it around. It was really big, as big as Papa Mark's beauty that was standing straight up from his crotch.

I said, "This dickie looks like you two. It's even got the veins and everything."

Daddy said, "This is the only dildo we didn't buy especially for you today. Your Papa Mark and I already had this one. This is going to sound pretty strange, but he and I both had molds made out of our penises when they were hard. We know this company that made a dildo from that mold. We used to have one for each of us, but we knew we couldn't get one for you soon enough, so you now have the one that we made from Mark's penis.

"When you're able to take this one fairly easily, then we can talk about your getting the real thing from us. Papa Mark and I talked for a long time after you left, and we want to give you what you want. But we don't want you to rush it. We want you safe and enjoying what we're going to do to you. Do you know what that is that we want to do to you?"

"You want to fuck me don't you, Daddy? And I really want you to. You and Papa Mark. And I want to do it a lot."

"That's right, Stinkbug. We both want to fuck you. And you know it's okay to talk like this in this house and when we are talking about or doing sexy stuff. Never, never, Never outside of the house. And not in the house if we are doing sexy stuff. Do you know what it's called when Daddy's or uncles do sexy stuff with their boys?"

I shook my head no.Papa Mark said, "It's called incest. And many people think it is a very bad thing to do. Your Daddy and I have thought a lot about this. We know quite a few men and a few women who have incest with their children. They're good people. They love their children. The children enjoy what they're doing.

"We told you about the study and how you are different from most children in that you like -- no make that love -- sex and things up your butt. Your Daddy and I took a gene test. It turns out we're the same as you. So we are going to share Love and sex with each other for as long as you want. The moment you don't want it anymore, tell us and we'll stop.

"Now here's the most important thing you can hear all day. You must never tell anybody about what we do unless you get our permission to do so. We know that Jamie and Chrissy know a lot about what goes on here. We want to talk to them about this."

Daddy stood up and came over to me and knelt beside me. He put his arm around me and kissed me on the head.

"Any questions?"

"Yes," I said picking up the smallest of the four other objects I didn't recognize. "What's this?"

Papa Mark and Daddy both laughed. "We meant are there any questions about what we were talking about, about incest. And us."

I shook my head and waved the funny object around. "Just this. What is it?"

Daddy said, "It's called a butt plug. When you put it in your pooper hole, it stays in. When you get comfortable with one size you can move up to the next size. This will stretch your anus so you can accommodate larger dildos and eventually larger cocks. The bottom part is so the butt plug won't go all the way into your rectum and get stuck like zucchinis did."

"Can I try one now?" I asked eagerly. "All this talk has made me horny and my poop hole itches to have something in it. I wish it could be your cocks, but I want to do it the way you want to do it."

Papa Mark stood up, went to the bookshelf and got the tube of the slippery stuff and brought it over to us. He knelt down next to Daddy. They both pick me up and got me on my hands and knees. Daddy pulled my cheeks apart and looked at my poop hole.

"It's looking a lot better," he said. "We'll start with the smallest one today. Okay? Let's get our stinkbug ready, Mark. We're going to use lubricant on this to make it go in easily. That's the slippery stuff. I know you know what KY is. We're going to use that for the butt plug. The other bottles are flavored lube."

Daddy and Papa Mark showed me how to use the KY on the smallest butt plug. They said I should use it or something slippery every time I put anything big in my poo hole.

"Even my finger?"

"No, your finger's okay without any lube," my Daddy told me. "But it might feel better if you use spit. KY doesn't taste very good. So if you think about licking your finger clean or anything else you put in there, you should use butter or spit or one of the flavored lubricants we gave you. Flavored lubricants are nice, but KY works the best on an asshole that hasn't had a lot of practice.

"And talking about licking something that's been in your rear end or licking rear ends, you have to know that poop can be unhealthy. You don't really have to worry about it. You've had shots against the diseases poop can give you. But from what your uncle told me about when he picked you up today, we should talk to your two friends about staying healthy if they do that. Do you think they do it very much?"

"Yes. I know Chrissy is a little poop freak just like me. And I bet Jamie does it a little bit too. Or maybe more than a little. What can we do?"

"I'll talk to them," Daddy said. "If you think they're going to keep on doing it and if you trust them to keep a secret, I can give them the same shots you get. But they can't tell anybody. I could lose my license to practice medicine and go to jail if anybody found out."

When the butt plug was well lubed up, Papa Mark and Daddy got back behind me. I closed my eyes. I expected them to push butt plug right into me. Or maybe even to add some lube to my poop hole. What I felt next surprised me and maybe feel really good. It was wet and warm and licked all around my hole.

I gasped, "Daddy, is that your tongue?" He answered by pushing it in my poopoo hole. I reached between my legs to start playing with my dinky, Papa Mark gently pulled my hand away.

"No honey," he said, "don't rush it. Enjoy the feeling. And give me a chance to suck on your delicious, little boy hole. And I'm sorry it's so clean."

After a few minutes of my Daddy making my pooper feel so good, Papa Mark got behind me and took over. He got his tongue even farther in than Daddy. My butt hole felt weird and really, really good.

Daddy Moved around in front of me. He lifted my head and kissed me on the lips and then pushed his tongue into my mouth. His tongue that had just been up my pooper. I couldn't really taste anything but I felt like I had to touch myself or I would explode. But I did a good little boy. I wanted to say something so badly to both of my men. I wasn't sure they would like it but I took a chance.

"I love you fucking my poopoo, caca, dookey, doodoo, shit hole." I know what I said was really nasty and I used words that I couldn't use in any other place. I loved doing it.

When Papa Mark pulled away, Daddy handed me the butt plug.

"Do you want to put it in yourself," he asked.

"Can we do it altogether?"

So, with our three hands on the smallest of my own personal butt plugs, we slowly pushed it in. I pretended as it went in that it was Patrick's dickie. Then I pretended it was Papa Mark's and then Daddy's. It really wasn't much bigger at its biggest place than the zucchinis had been, but it really felt like it was stretching me a lot. It hurt a little and I gasped as it got down to the widest part. I could feel both of my man stop pushing. But I wanted to feel it all in me. I wanted to be a big boy and not a crybaby. I wanted to get ready to have the two men I love so much fuck me with their own real cocks and not just with butt plugs or dildos.

As the butt plug stretched me with its widest part, a really powerful earthquake shook my body. That's the only way I could describe the feeling that overtook me. It was the strongest, most powerful dry cum I've ever had. It was almost like my peepee was going to turn inside out. I have no idea how long the orgasm lasted. It seemed to last forever but it also landed to quickly. Just as I was coming down from it one of the men I love, I'm not sure who, pushed the butt plug all the way in.

If you've ever fucked yourself with a butt plug you know how full you feel when it's inside. After the widest is part stretched me, I felt a sense of relief when it went all the way in. But the little stem part kept my poohole partially open. It felt kind of like when I've taken a poo and some of it doesn't come all the way out.

I lay on the mattress pad catching my breath. I decided to ask Papa Mark and Daddy something once everything had slowed down and I was close to normal.

"Can you guys do something special for me? I mean it's not like you already haven't done a whole lot that's special. But I want something really, really special."

Daddy answered, "Sure, if we can. And if it doesn't hurt you."

"Oh, it won't hurt me. It'll make me feel really happy. Remember when I had my problem with the zucchinis and I went into your room? You were doing it to Mark. You know. You were fucking him. [I put extra emphasis on the word "fucking."] Can you do it again with me watching from the beginning? Only I'd like to see Papa Mark fuck you first since I saw you doing it to him that time."

Daddy and Papa Mark looked at each other. Both nodded and smiled.

"One more thing. Can I help? Papa Mark, can I help you put your cock in Daddy's fucking asshole shit hole fuck hole?"

"My god," Papa Mark exclaimed. "You've got a little sailor mouth on you don't you? Of course you can help. You can lube up my cock and help me push it into your Daddy's fucking asshole shit hole fuck hole. And if you want you can even wet it with your spit by sucking on it before you lube it up. I think it'll be easiest if we do it doggie style."

Daddy got on his knees with his rear end facing the two of us. He pulled his cheeks apart. His butt hole was bruised and puffy but really clean. Darn it! When I asked later about why it was bruised, my Daddy told me that was because they had been fucked so much since they were teens. They told me if I did a lot of anal sex, mine would probably look like that too.

I got really close to Daddy's poop hole and sniffed deeply. It didn't smell like poop. It smelled like what I later learned was called musk. The smell made light headed. And it made my little dinky that had been soft just a moment before get really hard again. I knew what I had to do.

I leaned in and licked straight across his poop hole. It tasted salty and a little sweaty. I could get used to this. I realized at that moment that I loved licking poop holes. I tried to get my tongue inside like Papa Mark had done to me. I could only get a little in, but it felt really good. I loved that I was eating my Daddy's pooper place.

Papa Mark's hard man cock was bobbing in my face when I pulled back from Daddy's hole. I grabbed it and pushed my mouth over it. I guess I pushed a little too hard because it went far back in my mouth and touched the place that made me gag. I pulled off, keeping the big tip in my mouth. I played with it with my tongue as I wiped the tears from my face.

I could've gone on like this for a long time but we had something more important to do. I had to help Papa Mark fuck my Daddy. I reached for the tube of KY we had used on the butt plug earlier. But Papa Mark handed me one of the small plastic bottles from my special sex box, (That's what I decided to call it). The label said "Anal Lube - Chocolate Cherry Flavored." He uncapped it and put it to my nose. It smelled just like chocolate cherry cake, one of my favorites. He squeezed some into the palm of my hand and I rubbed it all over his hot, steely hard, Papa Mark cock that he held on to.

When Papa Mark's cock was glistening with lube, I asked Daddy "Do you want me to lube your shit hole?" I was really enjoying using all these nasty, bad, big boy words.

"No, sweetie," Daddy said. "Just get that fuck stick into me hard and fast." I put Papa Mark's fuck stick -- as Daddy called it -- right at Daddy's asshole. I pulled forward on it a little bit too hard I guess because Papa Mark kind of squealed. But he didn't pull back. He pushed forward.

I watched closely as my uncle's cockhead slowly expanded my Daddy's shit hole. The hole started small but kept getting bigger and bigger around Papa Mark's big fat cockhead. Daddy sucked air between his teeth.

"Oh, little Stinkbug that feels so good," he whispered. "Keep watching your uncle's cock fuck your Daddy's shit hole, baby boy."

Daddy didn't have to tell me to keep watching. There was no way I was not going to see how my men really fucked. I lay down on the mattress pad on my back and got closer. Daddy's hole kept stretching and stretching. I didn't think a poohole hole could get that big, but it did. Just as Papa Mark's cockhead got to the biggest part, he pushed it in hard.

"Oh FUCK!" Daddy yelled. "I so fucking love the way your cock slams into me little brother. Fuck me hard. Fuck me hard so our little boy could see us fuck."

Papa Mark pushed his cock in really hard and fast so that his pubic hair was right against my Daddy's butt. He pulled out until I figured just as content was inside Daddy. His cock was heavily streaked with Daddy's poop. Papa Mark pushed in and pulled out again. And again. It was so gorgeous looking. Seeing Papa Mark fuck my Daddy. And I had the perfect close-up view. When Papa Mark slammed in one more time, I leaned upward and sucked one of his big, hairy balls. Then I sucked on the sack.

"Ooh, my darling little fuck face, that feels so good," Papa Mark yelled. "Keep that up and I'm going to shoot my jizz right into your Daddy's shit hole." I guess talking dirty was an important part of man sex. I sucked Papa Mark's other ball into my mouth and moved with him as he fucked in and out of Daddy's poohole a few more times.

The smell was getting amazingly sexy: man musk, sweat, and a very strong poopy smell. I had to look cross eyed to see Papa Mark's shaft clearly. That's where the poop smell was coming from. The deep brown poop streaks on his cock. The shit streaks. Big boy games. Big boy talk. The next time Papa Mark pulled most of the way out, I leaned closer licked his cock. I don't have to tell you what it tasted like, do I? But I'll tell you anyway. It tasted like my Daddy's poopoo. I licked some more.

"Fuck, Trentster. You really are a nasty little sex fiend; aren't you?" Papa Mark asked. "Jimmy, our little boy is licking your shit off my cock as I fuck you."

Suddenly Papa Mark gasped. "Hurry, Trentster. Move your head. I gotta fuck your Daddy fuck." I moved quickly and Papa Mark started slamming into Daddy really hard. It was so hard I thought it might be hurting Daddy. But the way Daddy was moaning and yelling, and pushing back onto Papa Mark's cock, I knew he liked it.

"I don't want to cum yet, Trent baby," Daddy yelled. "squeeze my balls really hard. Right now." I didn't ask why; I just did his Daddy asked. I reached between his legs and squeezed his balls really hard just like he asked. As I did that for Mark slammed as hard as he could into my Daddy's asshole.

"I'M FUCKING CUMMING IN YOUR DADDY!" Papa Mark yelled. "I'm breeding your Daddy. I'm jizzing his shitter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Cocksucker Daddyfucker fuck fuck fuck fuck awwwwwwwwwwwwwÉ shit." Then he collapsed on Daddy's back.

Papa Mark took a moment to catch his breath and then slid off my Daddy. His dickey wasn't hard anymore, but it was still big and firm. It was slimy, some cum dripped off the tip, and it was heavily streaked.

"Papa Mark, your dicky's all dirty with Daddy dodo, Daddy caca, Daddy poopoo, Daddy dookey, Daddy dooty, Daddy shit."

I did what any good shit eating cocksucker would do. I grabbed my Papa Mark's cock and pushed the tip into my mouth and sucked off the little bit of his cum still on it. I got as much of it in as I could and sucked the bitter, waxy poop off of it. The taste. Oh that wonderful taste: my Papa Mark's cock, his jizz, sweat, my Daddy' ass. I pushed my mouth farther down the softening shaft. All of those wonderful tastes were nothing compared to what I could taste on the shaft. My Daddy's poop.

Papa Mark's cock is too big to get much in my mouth, so I slipped out of my mouth and started licking up and down the side cleaning it as well as I could. I wanted to get as much of my Daddy's shit into my mouth as I could. When it was finally completely clean of any trace of Daddy's wonderful poo, I crawled between Daddy's legs. Daddy's asshole was red, slightly open, and oozing Papa Mark's poo-tinted jizz. I pressed my mouth to the gaping pucker kissed it. I licked the salty, bitter cream that was oozing from it. I curled my tongue and pushed it in. I took a deep breath and sucked this hard as I could. My tongue was a flesh straw sucking the cum Papa Mark had deposited there.

When I couldn't suck any more jizz out, I sat up and smiled my two men.

"Did you have fun, Stinkbug?" Daddy asked as he went from all fours just sitting on his butt. "Your penis sure looks like you had fun. You're still really hard. I thought maybe you would've masturbated while you watched your Daddy getting fucked."

"I loved it. I loved watching you get fucked. I like using all the big boy words, too. But I really am still very, very horny. Did you have the good feeling?"

"No, Sweety. That's why I had you squeeze my testicles. To keep me from cumming. What do you want to do?"

"Can I suck you again like I did before?"

Daddy picked me up and hugged me. He leaned his face really close to mine and kissed me on the lips. The gentle Daddy kiss. Then he stuck his tongue inside my mouth. A sexy Daddy kiss. I remember swapping spit with Patrick what seemed like a long time ago. I let some spit pool in my mouth and then pushed into Daddy's mouth. I could feel him pulling some spit into his mouth and then he send it back. . I didn't know if Daddy would like what I was about to do, but I did it anyway. Eight-year-old boys are pretty good at hocking loogies. I hocked really deep into my throat and forced a good one into my mouth. Daddy like that, because he started moving this time around to find the loogie. He sucked it into his mouth, hocked deeply himself, and then pushed the double load into my mouth.

Papa Mark moved his face close to our faces. "Let me get in on some of this bit action."

We must of traded spit among the three of us for a good five minutes. Then I knew I had to have my orgasm. My little dinky felt so hard and big to be yanked on. But I wanted more than just a pull on it myself.

"Daddy, I know I have to wait but I really wish you could fuck me. Can I use one of my new dildos instead? And I want to suck on your cock while you fuck me with Plastic Patrick."

"I think Plastic Patrick will be too big for you right now so soon after you hurt your little pooper. So let's try the Jamie dildo instead. And yes, I'd love for you to suck my cock. Someday, and we won't rush it, we're going to be able to fuck your wonderful, little boy poop hole."

Daddy lay down on the mattress pad and spread his legs to give me room to crawl between them. I got on my knees and crawled over to his gorgeous hard cock. Papa Mark got behind me. He grabbed the part of the butt plug it was sticking out of my hole.

"This may hurt you a little bit, stinkbug," Papa Mark said. "I'll try to do it gently, but butt plugs always hurt a little bit coming up. Your Daddy and I feel that's part of the fun."

He started pulling slowly on the butt plug, wiggling it around as he did. It didn't seem like it wanted to come out at first. He pulled a little harder.

"YOW!" I yelled as a sharp pain surged through my poop hole. But it didn't last long.

"Okay, Trentster, start sucking your Daddy," Papa Mark said.

Daddy's cockhead glistened with sticky pre-cum. I leaned forward and lick. I loved the way it tasted. I guess this was a day to discover how much I loved all the tastes and smells associated with the boys and the men I loved. It'd been a challenge getting Papa Mark's cockhead into my mouth. It would be even harder getting Daddy's in since it was bigger. I stretched my jaw, made sure my teeth were out of the way, and slipped my mouth over my Daddy's wonderful cock. I cock that it made me.

Just as my mouth engulfed my Daddy's cockhead, I felt a slight pressure at my butt hole. Papa Mark pushed the Jaime dildo slowly into my rectum. I guess the butt plug had loosened me up a bit because it didn't hurt at all. It felt really good. Almost, But not quite, like the real thing.

I pulled off of Daddy's cock just long enough to say, "Fuck me, Papa Mark. Fuck me." And then I go back onto Daddy's cock. I couldn't get too much of it into my mouth because it was so big around and long. But I kept forcing it in until it hit the back of my throat and I felt like I would throw up. I pulled back slightly and took a deep breath through my mouth.

"It'll be easier for you if you read to your nose, Honey" Papa Mark said as he picked up the pace of fucking me with the builder. I took a deep breath through my mouth and goes back down onto Daddy's dripping cock. As it hit the back of my throat I could feel the gag start. So I took a deep breath through my nose and the feeling that I was going to throw up when away. I got a little more in still breathing through my nose. I could feel the tip right at the top of my throat. I wanted to get it all in my mouth, All down my throat, but I couldn't. I had as much as I could possibly get.

I started moving up and down Daddy's cock this with the same rhythm that Papa Mark was fucking me with the dildo. Every time Papa Mark pulled out or pushed in rubber Dickie scraped against my boy place. I felt so good that it would've been easy to stop sucking Daddy and just concentrate on what was going on in my poop hole. But I didn't want to stop sucking Daddy. I wanted to make him shoot his cum into my mouth. As I suck him I started tickling his balls. With my other hand I reached between his legs. I could feel his asshole leaking put little bit was left of the cum but I hadn't sucked out. That was enough lubrication for me to jam my finger in my Daddy's shit hole.

It might've been instinct but I curled my finger upward for the base of his penis and started poking the hard lump I felt there. I knew this is where my boy button was, and I figured this was where his man button was.

Daddy gasped. "Oh, Honey. I'm going to cum. It's going to be a flood. You better get off if you don't want in your mouth."

I didn't get off. I pulled my mouth up his cock so that just the cock head stayed inside. I wanted to taste my Daddy's jizz once again. I didn't have to wait long. I could feel Daddy's cock start to throb. Papa Mark must've sent something to because he picked up the pace fucking me with the dildo and reached between my legs and started jacking on my hard little boner.

Daddy's dick splattered his salty slightly acid jizz into my mouth. It's throbbed again. More Daddy cum. I thought about counting how many times he spurted, but just as that thought came to mind my body exploded with the most powerful, most exciting, most enjoyable orgasm I ever had. If this is what it felt like to have my two men have sex with me with a toy dick, I could hardly wait for the real thing.


[I'd love to hear your response to this story. Please email me at When you do, let me know which version (mild or heavier scat) you read.] Chapter 10: Early Birthday Present (SCAT VERSION))


I walked through the tall gate. Papa Mark's van waited at the end of the driveway. I was completely naked. I knew nobody could really see me. Papa Mark wouldn't let that happen. But I felt sexy and nasty being so totally exposed, with Jamie's recent piss in my butt dripping out a tiny bit at a time.

Papa Mark laid a towel down on the front seat of the van and helped me in. He turned and looked at me as he started the van.

"You know what, kiddo? You're quite a guy. Not yet eight, and you already know how you want to have fun. Don't let anybody stop you or make you feel bad about it. You know your Daddy and I would never do that."

I leaned over and kissed Papa Mark on the cheek.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Your Daddy and I have a special present for you. It's not your birthday yet, but we want you to open it when we get home so you can start enjoying it right away."

"What is it? Tell me. Tell me tell me tell me."

"You'll have to wait the five minutes it takes us to get home to find out. You're not getting any more information from me until then."

The next five minutes seemed like hours I was so excited.

NOW ON TO CHAPTER 10In my excitement, I wiggled and squirmed around on front seat. The front seat! I was now doubly excited because I wasn't supposed to sit there until my eighth birthday. Papa Mark sensed my question.

"You're so close to that special day when the law says you don't have to sit in that kid's seat in back (which I HATED). I thought I'd give you a treat for the short ride home. Plus, I love the way you stink."

I guess I did smell kind of bad.

"What do I stink wike, Papa Mahk?" I asked in a little boy voice I used with him sometimes.

"Well, kiddo, you stink like piss and a little bit like poo. Not a lot of the poo smell but enough to know you been doing some butt play."

I laughed. "We did lotsa butt play! First we..."

"Hush boy. I want to hear all about it, but let's wait until your Daddy can hear, too. Okay?"

I nodded reluctantly. I didn't mind telling the story of the past couple of hours twice, but I guess Papa Mark wanted it special for both of them. I knew he was excited about it -- or about something. He stood in front of the van talking to someone on his cell phone. The front of his sweat pants poked out a bunch where his dickie was. As he climbed in the van and fastened his chest strap, I could see a large damp spot marked where the tip of his penis poked the fabric.

"You got a boney, Papa," I said. "A big boner stiffy boney hard on. And it's peeing a little bit."

"Yeah, I do have a boner. I like the names you used for it, too. And my cock is so glad that it's dripping what's known as precum. It's not pee. It's precum."

I reached over and touched the wet spot. It was slimy. I tasted it. I tasted a lot like his and Daddy's cum. Yummers.

"Can I suck it while you drive?"

Papa Mark laughed. "Sounds like fun, Sweety. But it would be dangerous because you're such a good almost 8-year old cocksucker I might lose control. Wait until we get home."

I squeezed the thickness poking against his pants and settled back into my seat. Daddy's van was in the garage when we pulled in. Yippee! Daddy was home and had finished his rounds at the hospital. I jumped out of Papa Mark's van and ran to the door.

"Whoa, kiddo. We have to wash your feet before you go in the house. And take that towel with you so you don't make the furniture smell like pee and poo."

Once I my feet were washed and dried, I ran into the mudroom that's next to our large kitchen. Daddy stood in the kitchen in his white hospital coat. He must have just gotten home from his rounds at the hospital. I ran to him and threw my arms around his waist. He dropped to his knees and gave me a big Daddy hug.

"Hi, Stinkbug. Papa Mark called on the cell and said you want to tell me what you and your friends got up to. Let's go into the living room." Daddy you never called me stinkbug before, but I liked the name.

"Daddy, I like being called Stinkbug. Can that be my special name when I'm naked with you?"

I followed Daddy and Papa Mark into the living room carrying the towel I had sat on in the van. I knew I was stinky and just like Papa Mark said I didn't want to get furniture stinky too. But as I entered the living room I realized I probably wouldn't need to tell. It was a big mattress liner on the living room floor. It was the same size as I have on my queen size bed. I didn't let the bed very often, but it happened every once in a while. So Daddy bought some of the extra big ones from a hospital supply store -- just in case. But now I wondered if he and Papa Mark used them for some of their grown-up play.

A big rectangular lump covered by the sheet sat in the middle of the mattress liner. The lump was to rounded by three big lounging pillows each covered in a large beach towel.

"Is this my surprise?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, Stinkbug," Daddy answered. "It's an early birthday present that we think you will like. It's not something you asked for. At least not directly. But wait for your Papa Mark and me to get ready before you open it. But before you get to open it, I'd like you to tell your Papa Mark and me what you and your friends for doing. Papa Mark already told me that you guys were doing some pretty awesome sex play. You don't have to tell us, but I'd love to hear about it and so would your Papa Mark."

I could hardly contain myself I was so excited. I had no idea but the present might be. But Daddy had asked me to wait so wait I did. I wasn't sure if they would like what we did, but Daddy had asked me to tell them. So I told him all about what Chrissy and Jamie and I did in their yard. All of it including the pee play in the poop play.

When I am finished, first Papa Mark picked me up, gave me a huge hug -- hard enough to squeeze out a little fart -- and kissed me on the lips. Hard. With just a little tongue slipped in.

He put me down, and Daddy picked me up. He squeezed me but not as hard as Papa Mark. But this time I farted on purpose. I loved being their Stinkbug. Daddy kissed me too. Only his was soft and gentle. As we kissed he slipped his tongue completely into my mouth and let it play around inside.

I realized what I had to wait for when Daddy put me down. Papa Mark had already removed his shoes, socks and shirts. He stood there just in his sweatpants. The boner he'd had since picking me up at Chrissy and Jamie's house looked even bigger. And the wet spot from what he told me he was pre-cum had grown until it was as big around as orange.

I expected him to pull his sweatpants down next but it looked like he was waiting for Daddy to catch up with him. I watched excitedly -- eager to unwrap my extra present -- while Daddy `unwrapped' himself. I'm not sure which it was more excited about. My present or seeing my two lover men naked again. Once Daddy got down to just his underwear, he stopped and looked at Papa Mark. His jockey shorts were also tempted, just like Papa Mark's sweat pants. Only he had just a tiny wet spot showing not a big one like Papa Mark.

"On three, Mark. One. Two. Three." Both men pulled down their pants at the same time. I was greeted by two beautiful, extremely hard, bobbing stiffies. Only with them as big as they were calling them stiffies didn't seem right. They were boners. Hard-ons. And both were dripping that pre-cum stuff at the tips. I couldn't help myself. I dropped my knees, and crawled over to Papa Mark's boner. I grabbed it and licked the tip. Oh how I love that taste. I called over to my Daddy and licked the long strand of pre-cum that dangled off the tip of the penis that had made me. Even though I was really excited about opening my present, I slipped the tip of Daddy's peepee into my mouth and gave it an especially hard suck.

Daddy pushed me gently away. "We better stop right now, you'll never get that present unwrapped."

I crawled over to the present in the middle of the mattress pad. I wanted to pull the sheet covering it off immediately, but I waited for my Daddy and my Papa Mark to pull the pillows closer so they could watch. Once they were in place, Daddy gave me the go-ahead. I pulled the sheet off the present. I stopped and gaped at the gift-wrapped box in front of me. It was about 18 inches by 18 inches and about 6 inches deep. But it's size was not what stopped me and made me gawk. It was the wrapping paper. The paper was white and covered with small pictures of boys. All of them were naked. I recognized some as being from statues and singing books. Some were drawings. And some were photographs with just the outline of the boy and no background.

And every single one of these boys had a stiffy. Some of them were just standing there showing off their bodies. Some were posed in artistic poses. Some were doing some of the things that Chrissy and Jamie and I had just done. In the center of the wrapping paper was a larger picture of two boys on their knees with the third boy pissing on them. I picked the box up and turned it over to see if there were illustrations on the bottom. Boy were there! Only these were not just boys. The illustrations on the bottom drawings and photographs were of men with boys. Boys sucking men. Men sucking boys. And in the middle were two photographs of two men with the boy who looked about 12 years old. In one picture one man had his very large erection partially in the boy's rear end while the other man had his tummy pressed right up to the boy's face. In the next picture both of the men had their penises out of the boy's holes and we're squirting their cum all over the boy.

The most shocking part of these shocking and very exciting pictures was that the two men were my Daddy and my Papa Mark.

Daddy said, "Stinkbug, you must never tell anybody about these pictures. They're from last year. The boy is the son of a good friend of ours we have sex with. The boy was 14 when these pictures were taken although he looks younger. He'd come home early from an overnight at his best friend's house because his friend had gotten sick. He walked in on his father, Mark, and me having sex.

"He begged his dad to have sex with us. He explained that he and his friend were planning on doing exactly what we were doing but with five of them and not just three. He told us he been having sex with his friends since he was four years old. And he explained that he joined his best friend in having sex with his dad since he was nine. Mark and I were both reluctant at first, but Geoffrey pleaded with us and pulled his pants down to show us how hard he was. So we accommodated him. The photos are from a later time not long after that first time. And to be honest with you, Stinkbug, we still participate regularly with him and his father. I hope that doesn't make you jealous."

Jealous? It made me even hornier.

"How'd you get the paper," I asked.

"I made it," Papa Mark answered. "Your Daddy and I have large collection of photos like this and I used my poster printer to make the paper. I hope you like it."

"Like it? I LOVE it," I said. "Can I open it? I'll be careful of the wrapping paper."

"Sorry, kiddo," Papa Mark said. "You can't save the paper. Too much risk of someone seeing it. We'll shred it, then burn it in the fireplace."

I must have looked disappointed.

"You like the pictures?" Daddy asked. I nodded sadly. "Well, we can let you look through our collection. But once again, you cannot tell anyone. Even your little sex buddies. Understand?"

I jumped up and ran over to Daddy then Papa Mark and gave them both big hugs. But then I was back on my knees ripping the wrapping off the present. It was a box, a beautiful wooden box. I tried lifting the lid, but it was locked. Daddy handed me one of those old fashioned looking keys. I was so excited that my hands were shaking and I had trouble getting the key in.

Finally -- success! I turned the key and slowly opened the box. When it was half opened, I peeked in. I flung open the lid.

I could not believe what I saw. Five very real looking rubber dickies of different sizes. Four of them had things that looked like handles at the backside away from the top of the dinky. There were also four funny looking things I didn't recognize. These things had rounded tips and got bigger as you got away from the tip. Them really quickly they got smaller with the stem and then what looks like A little stand. To me it looks like pink Christmas trees almost. And finally there were four kind of small bottles and one tube of what I knew was KY jelly.

I looked quizzically up at my two men.

"These are dildos, honey," Daddy said pointing to the things that looked like dickies. "and these are called Butt plugs," he said pointing at the other one. "Papa Mark and I talked about what you asked us earlier this morning. We know you want anal sex with us, but if we did it right now it would hurt a lot and you wouldn't enjoy it. And there's a good chance you could get physically damaged. We want to enjoy it and we absolutely do not want to injure you."

Papa Mark continued, "So, we figured you could work your way up to the biggest one slowly. I bought most of them today at a store in town. The smallest one reminds me of your peener."

"Yeah," I said, "it looks like Chrissy's dickie. And this one" -- I picked up the next one in size -- "is like Jamie's. And these two" -- holding up the next two bigger dildos -- "are exactly likeÉ" Suddenly, I felt sad.

Papa Mark sensed my change in mood. "Yeah, Sweety, we figured they would be about the same size as the oldest boy you told us about...Patrick. I know he's got some serious problems, but we know you really love him. So we thought maybe this would help you feel better about him."

The dildos really did look a lot like Patrick's penis. They were 5 inches long, a little chubby, and looked like they still had the skin on it. Just like Patrick. I'd recently used Jamie and Chrissy's "Plastic Patrick" on my boy hole. Now I was holding rubbery versions of him. One had the handle and the other one had a hole in both ends. I must've looked little bit confused.

Papa Mark explained, "The handles make it easier to play with dildos. The other one with the hole is for you if you want to take an enema with a dildo instead of just the enema tube. When we give you the enema to tell you what we liked it even though it felt uncomfortable. You were really, really hard. Daddy and I have a two very much like this. One is very small so we can attend like a little boy is pissing in us. The other is about the size so we can pretend like it's an older boy to see in us."

I ran over to Papa Mark and squeezed him around the neck. "Thanks, Papa Mark. Maybe one day I'll have the real thing in me again."

Returning to my special box, I lifted the last rubber dickie up and waved it around. It was really big, as big as Papa Mark's beauty that was standing straight up from his crotch.

I said, "This dickie looks like you two. It's even got the veins and everything."

Daddy said, "This is the only dildo we didn't buy especially for you today. Your Papa Mark and I already had this one. This is going to sound pretty strange, but he and I both had molds made out of our penises when they were hard. We know this company that made a dildo from that mold. We used to have one for each of us, but we knew we couldn't get one for you soon enough, so you now have the one that we made from Mark's penis.

"When you're able to take this one fairly easily, then we can talk about your getting the real thing from us. Papa Mark and I talked for a long time after you left, and we want to give you what you want. But we don't want you to rush it. We want you safe and enjoying what we're going to do to you. Do you know what that is that we want to do to you?"

"You want to fuck me don't you, Daddy? And I really want you to. You and Papa Mark. And I want to do it a lot."

"That's right, Stinkbug. We both want to fuck you. And you know it's okay to talk like this in this house and when we are talking about or doing sexy stuff. Never, never, Never outside of the house. And not in the house if we are doing sexy stuff. Do you know what it's called when Daddy's or uncles do sexy stuff with their boys?"

I shook my head no.Papa Mark said, "It's called incest. And many people think it is a very bad thing to do. Your Daddy and I have thought a lot about this. We know quite a few men and a few women who have incest with their children. They're good people. They love their children. The children enjoy what they're doing.

"We told you about the study and how you are different from most children in that you like -- no make that love -- sex and things up your butt. Your Daddy and I took a gene test. It turns out we're the same as you. So we are going to share Love and sex with each other for as long as you want. The moment you don't want it anymore, tell us and we'll stop.

"Now here's the most important thing you can hear all day. You must never tell anybody about what we do unless you get our permission to do so. We know that Jamie and Chrissy know a lot about what goes on here. We want to talk to them about this."

Daddy stood up and came over to me and knelt beside me. He put his arm around me and kissed me on the head.

"Any questions?"

"Yes," I said picking up the smallest of the four other objects I didn't recognize. "What's this?"

Papa Mark and Daddy both laughed. "We meant are there any questions about what we were talking about, about incest. And us."

I shook my head and waved the funny object around. "Just this. What is it?"

Daddy said, "It's called a butt plug. When you put it in your pooper hole, it stays in. When you get comfortable with one size you can move up to the next size. This will stretch your anus so you can accommodate larger dildos and eventually larger cocks. The bottom part is so the butt plug won't go all the way into your rectum and get stuck like zucchinis did."

"Can I try one now?" I asked eagerly. "All this talk has made me horny and my poop hole itches to have something in it. I wish it could be your cocks, but I want to do it the way you want to do it."

Papa Mark stood up, went to the bookshelf and got the tube of the slippery stuff and brought it over to us. He knelt down next to Daddy. They both pick me up and got me on my hands and knees. Daddy pulled my cheeks apart and looked at my poop hole.

"It's looking a lot better," he said. "We'll start with the smallest one today. Okay? Let's get our stinkbug ready, Mark. We're going to use lubricant on this to make it go in easily. That's the slippery stuff. I know you know what KY is. We're going to use that for the butt plug. The other bottles are flavored lube."

Daddy and Papa Mark showed me how to use the KY on the smallest butt plug. They said I should use it or something slippery every time I put anything big in my poo hole.

"Even my finger?"

"No, your finger's okay without any lube," my Daddy told me. "But it might feel better if you use spit. KY doesn't taste very good. So if you think about licking your finger clean or anything else you put in there, you should use butter or spit or one of the flavored lubricants we gave you. Flavored lubricants are nice, but KY works the best on an asshole that hasn't had a lot of practice.

"And talking about licking something that's been in your rear end or licking rear ends, you have to know that poop can be unhealthy. You don't really have to worry about it. You've had shots against the diseases poop can give you. But from what your uncle told me about when he picked you up today, we should talk to your two friends about staying healthy if they do that. Do you think they do it very much?"

"Yes. I know Chrissy is a little poop freak just like me. And I bet Jamie does it a little bit too. Or maybe more than a little. What can we do?"

"I'll talk to them," Daddy said. "If you think they're going to keep on doing it and if you trust them to keep a secret, I can give them the same shots you get. But they can't tell anybody. I could lose my license to practice medicine and go to jail if anybody found out."

When the butt plug was well lubed up, Papa Mark and Daddy got back behind me. I closed my eyes. I expected them to push butt plug right into me. Or maybe even to add some lube to my poop hole. What I felt next surprised me and maybe feel really good. It was wet and warm and licked all around my hole.

I gasped, "Daddy, is that your tongue?" He answered by pushing it in my poopoo hole. I reached between my legs to start playing with my dinky, Papa Mark gently pulled my hand away.

"No honey," he said, "don't rush it. Enjoy the feeling. And give me a chance to suck on your delicious, little boy hole. And I'm sorry it's so clean."

After a few minutes of my Daddy making my pooper feel so good, Papa Mark got behind me and took over. He got his tongue even farther in than Daddy. My butt hole felt weird and really, really good.

Daddy Moved around in front of me. He lifted my head and kissed me on the lips and then pushed his tongue into my mouth. His tongue that had just been up my pooper. I couldn't really taste anything but I felt like I had to touch myself or I would explode. But I did a good little boy. I wanted to say something so badly to both of my men. I wasn't sure they would like it but I took a chance.

"I love you fucking my poopoo, caca, dookey, doodoo, shit hole." I know what I said was really nasty and I used words that I couldn't use in any other place. I loved doing it.

When Papa Mark pulled away, Daddy handed me the butt plug.

"Do you want to put it in yourself," he asked.

"Can we do it altogether?"

So, with our three hands on the smallest of my own personal butt plugs, we slowly pushed it in. I pretended as it went in that it was Patrick's dickie. Then I pretended it was Papa Mark's and then Daddy's. It really wasn't much bigger at its biggest place than the zucchinis had been, but it really felt like it was stretching me a lot. It hurt a little and I gasped as it got down to the widest part. I could feel both of my man stop pushing. But I wanted to feel it all in me. I wanted to be a big boy and not a crybaby. I wanted to get ready to have the two men I love so much fuck me with their own real cocks and not just with butt plugs or dildos.

As the butt plug stretched me with its widest part, a really powerful earthquake shook my body. That's the only way I could describe the feeling that overtook me. It was the strongest, most powerful dry cum I've ever had. It was almost like my peepee was going to turn inside out. I have no idea how long the orgasm lasted. It seemed to last forever but it also landed to quickly. Just as I was coming down from it one of the men I love, I'm not sure who, pushed the butt plug all the way in.

If you've ever fucked yourself with a butt plug you know how full you feel when it's inside. After the widest is part stretched me, I felt a sense of relief when it went all the way in. But the little stem part kept my poohole partially open. It felt kind of like when I've taken a poo and some of it doesn't come all the way out.

I lay on the mattress pad catching my breath. I decided to ask Papa Mark and Daddy something once everything had slowed down and I was close to normal.

"Can you guys do something special for me? I mean it's not like you already haven't done a whole lot that's special. But I want something really, really special."

Daddy answered, "Sure, if we can. And if it doesn't hurt you."

"Oh, it won't hurt me. It'll make me feel really happy. Remember when I had my problem with the zucchinis and I went into your room? You were doing it to Mark. You know. You were fucking him. [I put extra emphasis on the word "fucking."] Can you do it again with me watching from the beginning? Only I'd like to see Papa Mark fuck you first since I saw you doing it to him that time."

Daddy and Papa Mark looked at each other. Both nodded and smiled.

"One more thing. Can I help? Papa Mark, can I help you put your cock in Daddy's fucking asshole shit hole fuck hole?"

"My god," Papa Mark exclaimed. "You've got a little sailor mouth on you don't you? Of course you can help. You can lube up my cock and help me push it into your Daddy's fucking asshole shit hole fuck hole. And if you want you can even wet it with your spit by sucking on it before you lube it up. I think it'll be easiest if we do it doggie style."

Daddy got on his knees with his rear end facing the two of us. He pulled his cheeks apart. His butt hole was bruised and puffy but really clean. Darn it! When I asked later about why it was bruised, my Daddy told me that was because they had been fucked so much since they were teens. They told me if I did a lot of anal sex, mine would probably look like that too.

I got really close to Daddy's poop hole and sniffed deeply. It didn't smell like poop. It smelled like what I later learned was called musk. The smell made light headed. And it made my little dinky that had been soft just a moment before get really hard again. I knew what I had to do.

I leaned in and licked straight across his poop hole. It tasted salty and a little sweaty. I could get used to this. I realized at that moment that I loved licking poop holes. I tried to get my tongue inside like Papa Mark had done to me. I could only get a little in, but it felt really good. It tasted bitter much like my finger did after I stick it up my pooper, pull it out, And lick it clean. I pushed my tongue in a little farther and hit something solid. I knew it was my Daddy's poopoo. No, not his poopoo. He shit. I loved that I was eating my Daddy's shitter place and tasting his nasty Daddy shit.

Papa Mark's hard man cock was bobbing in my face when I pulled back from Daddy's hole. I grabbed it and pushed my mouth over it. I guess I pushed a little too hard because it went far back in my mouth and touched the place that made me gag. I pulled off, keeping the big tip in my mouth. I played with it with my tongue as I wiped the tears from my face.

I could've gone on like this for a long time but we had something more important to do. I had to help Papa Mark fuck my Daddy. I reached for the tube of KY we had used on the butt plug earlier. But Papa Mark handed me one of the small plastic bottles from my special sex box, (That's what I decided to call it). The label said "Anal Lube - Chocolate Cherry Flavored." He uncapped it and put it to my nose. It smelled just like chocolate cherry cake, one of my favorites. He squeezed some into the palm of my hand and I rubbed it all over his hot, steely hard, Papa Mark cock that he held on to.

When Papa Mark's cock was glistening with lube, I asked Daddy "Do you want me to lube your shit hole?" I was really enjoying using all these nasty, bad, big boy words.

"No, sweetie," Daddy said. "Just get that fuck stick into me hard and fast." I put Papa Mark's fuck stick -- as Daddy called it -- right at Daddy's asshole. I pulled forward on it a little bit too hard I guess because Papa Mark kind of squealed. But he didn't pull back. He pushed forward.

I watched closely as my uncle's cockhead slowly expanded my Daddy's shit hole. The hole started small but kept getting bigger and bigger around Papa Mark's big fat cockhead. Daddy sucked air between his teeth.

"Oh, little Stinkbug that feels so good," he whispered. "Keep watching your uncle's cock fuck your Daddy's shit hole, baby boy."

Daddy didn't have to tell me to keep watching. There was no way I was not going to see how my men really fucked. I lay down on the mattress pad on my back and got closer. Daddy's hole kept stretching and stretching. I didn't think a poohole hole could get that big, but it did. Just as Papa Mark's cockhead got to the biggest part, he pushed it in hard.

"Oh FUCK!" Daddy yelled. "I so fucking love the way your cock slams into me little brother. Fuck me hard. Fuck me hard so our little boy could see us fuck."

Papa Mark pushed his cock in really hard and fast so that his pubic hair was right against my Daddy's butt. He pulled out until I figured just the cockhead was inside Daddy. Papa Mark pushed in and pulled out again. And gain. It was so gorgeous looking. Seeing Papa Mark fuck my Daddy. And I had the perfect close-up view. When Papa Mark slammed in one more time, I leaned upward and sucked one of his big, hairy balls. Then I sucked on the sack.

"Ooh, my darling little fuck face, that feels so good," Papa Mark yelled. "Keep that up and I'm going to shoot my jizz right into your Daddy's shit hole." I guess talking dirty was an important part of man sex. I sucked Papa Mark's other ball into my mouth and moved with him as he fucked in and out of Daddy's poohole a few more times.

The smell was getting amazingly sexy: man musk, sweat, and a tiny poopy smell. I had to look cross-eyed to see Papa Mark's shaft clearly. The next time Papa Mark pulled most of the way out, I leaned closer licked his cock. I don't have to tell you what it tasted like, do I? I licked some more.

"Fuck, Trentster. You really are a nasty little sex fiend; aren't you?" Papa Mark asked. "Jimmy, our little boy is licking your cock as I fuck you."

Suddenly Papa Mark gasped. "Hurry, Trentster. Move your head. I gotta fuck your Daddy hard." I moved quickly and Papa Mark started slamming into Daddy really hard. It was so hard I thought it might be hurting Daddy. But the way Daddy was moaning and yelling, and pushing back onto Papa Mark's cock, I knew he liked it.

"I don't want to cum yet, Trent baby," Daddy yelled. "Squeeze my balls really hard. Right now." I didn't ask why; I just did his Daddy asked. I reached between his legs and squeezed his balls really hard just like he asked. As I did that for Mark slammed as hard as he could into my Daddy's asshole.

"I'M FUCKING CUMMING IN YOUR DADDY!" Papa Mark yelled. "I'm breeding your Daddy. I'm jizzing his shitter. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Cocksucker Daddyfucker fuck fuck fuck fuck awwwwwwwwwwwwwÉ shit." Then he collapsed on Daddy's back.

Papa Mark took a moment to catch his breath and then slid off my Daddy. His dicky wasn't hard anymore, but it was still big and firm. It was slimy with some cum dripping off the tip.

I did what any good cocksucker would do. I grabbed my Papa Mark's cock and pushed the tip into my mouth and sucked off the little bit of his cum still on it. I got as much of it in as I could and sucked it like a baby sucking a teety-baba. Oh the taste. Oh that wonderful taste: my Papa Mark's cock, his jizz, sweat, my Daddy' ass. I pushed my mouth farther down the softening shaft.

Papa Mark's cock is too big to get much in my mouth, so I slipped out of my mouth and started licking up and down the side cleaning it as well as I could. When it was finally completely clean, I crawled between Daddy's legs. Daddy's asshole was red, slightly open, and oozing Papa Mark's jizz. I pressed my mouth to the gaping pucker kissed it. I licked the salty, bitter cream that was oozing from it. I curled my tongue and pushed it in. I took a deep breath and sucked this hard as I could. My tongue was a flesh straw sucking the cum Papa Mark had deposited there.

When I couldn't suck any more jizz out, I sat up and smiled my two men.

"Did you have fun, Stinkbug?" Daddy asked as he went from all fours just sitting on his butt. "Your penis sure looks like you had fun. You're still really hard. I thought maybe you would've masturbated while you watched your Daddy getting fucked."

"I loved it. I loved watching you get fucked. I like using all the big boy words, too. But I really am still very, very horny. Did you have the good feeling?"

"No, Sweety. That's why I had you squeeze my testicles. To keep me from cumming. What do you want to do?"

"Can I suck you again like I did before?"

Daddy picked me up and hugged me. He leaned his face really close to mine and kissed me on the lips. The gentle Daddy kiss. Then he stuck his tongue inside my mouth. A sexy Daddy kiss. I remember swapping spit with Patrick what seemed like a long time ago. I let some spit pool in my mouth and then pushed into Daddy's mouth. I could feel him pulling some spit into his mouth and then he send it back. . I didn't know if Daddy would like what I was about to do, but I did it anyway. Eight-year-old boys are pretty good at hocking loogies. I hocked really deep into my throat and forced a good one into my mouth. Daddy like that, because he started moving this time around to find the loogie. He sucked it into his mouth, hocked deeply himself, and then pushed the double load into my mouth.

Papa Mark moved his face close to our faces. "Let me get in on some of this bit action."

We must of traded spit among the three of us for a good five minutes. Then I knew I had to have my orgasm. My little dinky felt so hard and big to be yanked on. But I wanted more than just a pull on it myself.

"Daddy, I know I have to wait but I really wish you could fuck me. Can I use one of my new dildos instead? And I want to suck on your cock while you fuck me with Plastic Patrick."

"I think Plastic Patrick will be too big for you right now so soon after you hurt your little pooper. So let's try the Jamie dildo instead. And yes, I'd love for you to suck my cock. Someday, and we won't rush it, we're going to be able to fuck your wonderful, little boy hole."

Daddy lay down on the mattress pad and spread his legs to give me room to crawl between them. I got on my knees and crawled over to his gorgeous hard cock. Papa Mark got behind me. He grabbed the part of the butt plug it was sticking out of my hole.

"This may hurt you a little bit, stinkbug," Papa Mark said. "I'll try to do it gently, but butt plugs always hurt a little bit coming up. Your Daddy and I feel that's part of the fun."

He started pulling slowly on the butt plug, wiggling it around as he did. It didn't seem like it wanted to come out at first. He pulled a little harder.

"YOW!" I yelled as a sharp pain surged through my poop hole. But it didn't last long.

"Okay, Trentster, start sucking your Daddy," Papa Mark said.

Daddy's cockhead glistened with sticky pre-cum. I leaned forward and lick. I loved the way it tasted. I guess this was a day to discover how much I loved all the tastes and smells associated with the boys and the men I loved. It'd been a challenge getting Papa Mark's cockhead into my mouth. It would be even harder getting Daddy's in since it was bigger. I stretched my jaw, made sure my teeth were out of the way, and slipped my mouth over my Daddy's wonderful cock. I cock that it made me.

Just as my mouth engulfed my Daddy's cockhead, I felt a slight pressure at my butt hole. Papa Mark pushed the Jaime dildo slowly into my rectum. I guess the butt plug had loosened me up a bit because it didn't hurt at all. It felt really good. Almost, but not quite, like the real thing.

I pulled off of Daddy's cock just long enough to say, "Fuck me, Papa Mark. Fuck me." And then I go back onto Daddy's cock. I couldn't get too much of it into my mouth because it was so big around and long. But I kept forcing it in until it hit the back of my throat and I felt like I would throw up. I pulled back slightly and took a deep breath through my mouth.

"It'll be easier for you if you read to your nose, Honey" Papa Mark said as he picked up the pace of fucking me with the builder. I took a deep breath through my mouth and goes back down onto Daddy's dripping cock. As it hit the back of my throat I could feel the gag start. So I took a deep breath through my nose and the feeling that I was going to throw up when away. I got a little more in still breathing through my nose. I could feel the tip right at the top of my throat. I wanted to get it all in my mouth, All down my throat, but I couldn't. I had as much as I could possibly get.

I started moving up and down Daddy's cock this with the same rhythm that Papa Mark was fucking me with the dildo. Every time Papa Mark pulled out or pushed in rubber Dickie scraped against my boy place. I felt so good that it would've been easy to stop sucking Daddy and just concentrate on what was going on in my poop hole. But I didn't want to stop sucking Daddy. I wanted to make him shoot his cum into my mouth. As I suck him I started tickling his balls. With my other hand I reached between his legs. I could feel his asshole leaking what little bit was left of the cum but I hadn't sucked out. That was enough lubrication for me to jam my finger in my Daddy's shit hole.

It might've been instinct but I curled my finger upward for the base of his penis and started poking the hard lump I felt there. I knew this is where my boy button was, and I figured this was where his man button was.

Daddy gasped. "Oh, Honey. I'm going to cum. It's going to be a flood. You better get off if you don't want in your mouth."

I didn't get off. I pulled my mouth up his cock so that just the cock head stayed inside. I wanted to taste my Daddy's jizz once again. I didn't have to wait long. I could feel Daddy's cock start to throb. Papa Mark must've sent something to because he picked up the pace fucking me with the dildo and reached between my legs and started jacking on my hard little boner.

Daddy's dick splattered his salty slightly acid jizz into my mouth. It's throbbed again. More Daddy cum. I thought about counting how many times he spurted, but just as that thought came to mind my body exploded with the most powerful, most exciting, most enjoyable orgasm I ever had. If this is what it felt like to have my two men have sex with me with a toy dick, I could hardly wait for the real thing.


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Next: Chapter 11

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