Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Apr 18, 2012


Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way, shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.

Chapter 1

"Why are you doing this to yourself Ty?" Tyler asked himself while sitting at his desk trying to work on some reports. It's been two weeks since he and Christian broke up but it still hurts not being with him. They'll always be best friends just not lovers anymore. Tyler was deep in his thought when suddenly; he was snapped out of his thoughts by a voice.

"You know you'll never be able to move on if you always thinking about him." Ms. Green his secretary said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Tyler asked, surprised by her voice.

"Christian, that's what you were thinking about, wasn't it?"

"No, why would you think that?" Tyler asked sounding a little annoyed. Through the years Janet had been working for Tyler she had picked up on some of his emotions.

"Okay, but if you want to talk about it, I'm here." Ms. Green said with gentleness and friendliness in her voice, not pressing the issue further.

"Thanks... I might take you up on that offer but not now."

"Sure Tyler, anytime!" Ms. Green said softly.

She turned around and started to walk out.

"What did you come in here for?" Tyler asked as she was leaving.

"I'm off to lunch and I wanted to see what you are having for lunch before I leave." Janet replied.

"I think I'll skip lunch today. I have a lot of work to catch up on."

"Yes sir. I'll be back in about an hour."

"That's fine."

On that note Ms. Green left his office. Tyler didn't know how he got any work done because his mind kept wandering back to Christian. It was six o'clock when he accomplished what he needed to do and headed home.

When Tyler arrived home he started to make dinner. It's just his sons and him living in the house now along with the security so that entitled him to become a fare cook. His housekeeper is off today and his sons are with their father. He decided that Fried chicken, mash potatoes (no gravy because he hates it), green beans with mushroom sauce, and shrimp salad will do for the day.

After dinner, clearing up, and going over a couple of reports, Tyler decided to go to his basement to workout. He added a gym in his basement when he had the house built because he love to workout and it relieves stress and helps him to think.

Tyler purchased two houses next to each other to accommodate how he wanted his house to be. He had both houses torn down and built one big house. While the construction was going on he lived in a penthouse in the Hilton Hotel.

The front part of the house has three floors with twenty bedrooms and twelve bathrooms. Two master bedrooms with bathrooms on each floor. The first floor has two bathrooms, two offices, living room, study, dining room, and kitchen. The gym, cellar, Training room, and game room are in the basement.

The indoor Olympic size pool and Jacuzzi is between the front and back part of the house. It's surrounded by walls with a glass ceiling Complete with two barbecue grills. One was charcoal and the other one propane. The glass ceiling will let the sun shine in to keep the area warm although the area is heated. You can get to the pool area through the kitchen patio doors or through the doors in the halls.

The back part of the house is set up the same as the front but in the opposite direction. The front side leads to the beach.

After his workout, he found himself thinking about Christian again. God, I need to get over this man. He thought to himself, but that was easier said than done. He thought about how Christian and he started talking and decided to go to his study and write the story. Here's how the story goes.

Tyler was on the chat line on Monday June 1st 2010 with a friend who was looking for a hook-up and Christian was looking for conversation. When his friend (former friend now) told Christian what he was looking for, Christian disconnected him. Tyler busted out laughing, it was so funny. This guy knew he was going to get Christian and ended up getting cut off.

After two hours of being an ass and coming up with nothing, Tyler's friend fell asleep. That's when he decided to look for some conversation because he wasn't tired enough to fall asleep. When he found Christian was still on line, Tyler contacted him.

"I told you I wasn't looking to hook-up." Christian said bluntly and annoyed that the guy contacted him again.

"That was my friend but he's asleep now." Tyler replied.

"Then who are you?" Christian asked. He was happy that it wasn't the same jerk on the line.

"My name is Tyler."

"Hey Tyler, my name is Christian. What are you doing on line?" Christian asked. His voice was becoming more friendly and calmer then.

"I was talking to my boy but he wanted to get on line."

"Yeah, he sounds like a real shithead, but you, you sound hot. What do you look like?"

"I'm half Indian, African, and American. Short, about 5ft 4, 150 pounds, light brown complexion, Ripley muscles with a six pack, blue/brown eyes, with long honey blonde braids, and double piercing in both ears."

"You're sexy as hell!" Christian said excitingly.

"What do you look like Christian?" Tyler asked

"I'm half Spanish and African/American. Tall, about 6ft 4, 240 pounds, caramel complexion, Ripley muscles with a six pack, light brown eyes, dirty blonde hair, and double piercing in both ears."

"You're sexy as hell too, huh?" Tyler said, getting more excited.

Christian laughed and then said:

"Well, sexy and sexy makes a fun time, you know."

"Yeah, and it also makes a wild time too."

"It sure does." Christian said with a smile that could be heard through the phone. "What do you do and how old are you?" Christian asked Tyler.

Tyler smiled and said. "I'm 28 and a model. How about yourself?"

"I'm 30 and in the marines. None of the gorgeous models you work with caught your eyes yet?" Christian asked with a hopeful tone that his answer will be no.

Tyler smiled brightly and said. "No, they're all hot but something is missing. I mean, there's no excitement in it."

"How much excitement are you looking for?" Christian asked with a giggle.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Let me say this, I'm looking for enough to keep me interested." Tyler said laughing.

"You wouldn't be Tyler Jackson the famous model, would you?" Christian asked curiously. He always wanted to meet Tyler Jackson.

"That would be me." Tyler replied.

"Wow!" Christian said excitingly. "I have your last calendar, and I have to say you do look hot!"

"I'll autograph it for you someday." Tyler offered.

"That would be great." Christian replied happily.

For the next hour they talked and started to know each other well. They both were getting tired and Tyler had to get up early for a photo shoot. They were about to disconnect when Christian asked.

"Why don't you give me your number so we can keep in contact?"

"You can have mine only if I can have yours too!" Tyler replied with a smile. Tyler would love to get to know Christian better.

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" Christian said with a flirtatious laugh.

"I'll give you my number but I need to tell you something. After I tell you this and you decide not to continue any type of relationship with me, I'll understand." Tyler said nervously.

"What can you tell me that will turn me away? You sound like a cool sexy guy." Christian responded, a little confused

Tyler took a deep breath and another, trying to gather up his courage to tell Christian something that always scare people away.

"Come on Tyler, it can't be..." Christian said after a moment of silence.

Tyler cut him off and blurted out in all seriousness. "I'm visually impaired (blind). I mean, I can't see anything. Now, I guess you have a decision to make."

Christian said he would have to think about it and he'll get back to him so they exchanged numbers and disconnected. Tyler got off line (forgetting his friend was still asleep on the phone) and showered. After showering, he locked up and set the alarm, then climbed into bed smiling nervously.

"God, I hope my disability don't turn him away! I like to know more about this guy." He said before falling asleep.

Christian Michaels just got off the phone after talking to a famous person. His mind was in a term oil with information he'd just received.

Christian had no problem with Tyler being a famous model but he didn't know if he could handle Tyler being visually impaired. That was something he never expected. How does he live with his disability? What if I have to protect him from everyone and everything that wants to harm him? What if I can't protect him? Oh god, what am I going to do? All of these thought and more was going through his mind as he fell into a restless sleep.

The next day Tyler got up and went to the office before going to his photo shoot. This was going to be a hot shoot for him because they're shooting outside on location.

The day went on as usual. Tyler was hoping to hear from Christian that day but no call came from him. In fact, no calls came from him for the next couple of weeks.

By the end of the day, Tyler knew he had scared Christian off so Tyler continued his life as normal. Not caring but wondering if he would ever hear from Christian again.

Tyler didn't know why, but he wanted to talk to him. Just to hear his voice again. He thought Christian wanted the same thing but he guess he was wrong. Even if Christian says that they can be no more than friends Tyler was willing to live with that. He rather be friends then nothing. Although if Christian wanted to try and make a relationship work, Tyler wouldn't turn that possibility down either.

So Tyler went on with his work and life wondering.

When that call finally came, Tyler was shocked.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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