Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Sep 29, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 10

When Tyler woke up Saturday morning, he turned on the television to see if there was any news on Jennifer Thomas or Jeff being missing. Tyler feels tired but he has no clue as to why. His mind isn't registering the nightmare he had during the night and that night is the reason why he's feeling that way.

There wasn't a word on Jeff being missing. Obviously his mother's not trying to find him which made Tyler angry. How can someone just leave their child as young as Jeff abandon at a skating ring in a strip mall? Tyler will definitely have Mr. Chang do some research on her and her boyfriend.

As soon as the news went off, Tyler felt Christian stirring behind him. As Christian was waking, he pressed his body close to Tyler's. "Good morning baby. What are you watching?" Christian asked still half asleep.

"Good morning. I was watching the news to see if there was anything on Jeff or his mother. But there was nothing." Tyler replied. "The bitch is probably not even looking for him." He said angrily.

"Calm down baby." Christian said as he gently rubbed Tyler's back a little to calm him. "It's probably for the best. The kid obviously wasn't getting any attention at home because she left him at a skating ring with nothing."

"Now she sinks even lower by abandoning him at a strip mall." The anger was still in Tyler's voice and he didn't attempt to hide any of it. "I can't see how someone can just abandon their child like that."

Christian kissed Tyler to calm him down a little. The kiss was filled with so much love and passion that it had made Tyler melt. When Christian felt Tyler had relaxed enough to let go of the anger he broke the kiss. "All calm now?" He asked and Tyler nodded. "Good! Now let's go make breakfast."

Tyler agreed and they put on their boxers and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Christian decided to wait until another time to talk to Tyler about his nightmare. Tyler's already upset and Christian doesn't want him even more upset.

Christian thought Jeff would like some of Tyler's famous raspberry waffles so he started on the scramble eggs and sausage links while Tyler made the waffles. When they were half way finish with making breakfast, they heard Carlos and Mark coming into the kitchen dressed in their boxers as well.

"Mmmm, Tyler's raspberry waffles for breakfast." Was the first thing Carlos said. "What's the special occasion? This is a rare treat after all."

"There isn't one." Tyler answered while starting the next batch of waffles. "Chris thought Jeff would like them so I decided to make some. Can you guys set the table while we finish up here, please?"

"Sure Tyler." Mark answered. "Where's Jeff?" He asked.

"He's still asleep. I'll wake him up after we're finish." Tyler replied.

"I'll get him for you." Christian said. "I'm finished with the sausage and eggs and you're still cooking the waffles. I'll be right back."

As Christian went to get Jeff, Tyler finished making the waffles while Carlos and Mark set the table. While working, they engaged in small talk until Carlos brought up the subject Tyler was hoping to avoid. "Is there any news on Jennifer Thomas yet?" Seeing the anger rising in Tyler again, Carlos withdrew the question. "Forget the question Tyler. The look on your face is coming through loud and clear."

Tyler nodded in confirmation while calming himself. "Chris thinks I don't know he held me last night when I had a nightmare about the orphanage. I remember the nightmare while we were cooking. Chris doesn't know that I remember the nightmare yet." Carlos and Mark looked at him worried which Tyler could sense. "Don't look at me like that. You know I'm fine, but I think Chris will try to talk to me about it and I'm not ready to talk about it to anyone yet."

Carlos and Mark knew not to press the issue. No one had been able to get Tyler to talk about his time in the orphanage. They're hoping Christian will be able to get Tyler to talk about it but doubts that he would. "Well, when you're ready to talk about it, we'll all be here for you." The compassion Mark put into those words made Tyler smile with gratitude.

At Tyler's house, Kevin was waking up from a pleasant sleep still wrapped in Travis's arms. Kevin didn't want to leave those strong arms but his over loaded bladder was telling him to move. Kevin started to get out of bed, but Travis pulled him back. "Where are you going?"

Travis tried to snuggle back up to Kevin but Kevin really needed to go. "Go back to sleep." He said as he unwrapped himself from Travis's arms and climbed out of bed. "I'm just going to the bathroom and turn on the television."

"Okay." Travis mumbled. "Hurry back though; I'm cold without your warm body next to me." He pulled the covers over him and shivered like he was really cold.

Kevin laughed and headed for the bathroom. While standing at the toilet taking a piss, Kevin thought about the previous night. The dinner Travis cooked for them was delicious and the time they spent watching the movie was cozy as well. Kevin really wanted to be with Travis even more now than he did before.

After finishing up and washing his hands, Kevin walked back to the bed. He grabbed the remote before climbing in. As soon as he did, Travis wrapped his arm around him again and pulled him close to him. Not long after, the warmth that was radiating from Kevin's body was warming Travis. Kevin turned on the TV to surf the channels. Not finding anything he liked, he settled on watching the NFL Network. Ten minutes later he was asleep again.

The next time they woke it was eight o'clock. They got out of bed to shower (Separately of course.) and dress. They decided to go to IHOP for breakfast with Travis driving. Once they were seated and the waitress took their orders, they discussed what to do for the day. "I think we should go to the beach." Kevin suggested. "I like to go surfing."

"Sounds good." Travis agreed. "While you're surfing I can play some volleyball for a while. I'm not much into surfing." Kevin thought that was a good idea also so he agreed. Just then the waitress returned with their breakfast.

During breakfast, they discussed what else they could do for the day. By the time the finished eating they didn't come up with any suggestions, so they decided to play it by ear. They paid the bill and left their waitress a generous tip before walking out to the car. Before going back to the house Travis stopped at his apartment for him to grab a change of clothes and what he needed for the beach.

When Christian returned with Jeff and sat him at the table between him and Tyler, everything was ready and on the table. Christian made Jeff a plate and cut his waffles for him. Carlos poured a glass of orange juice and handed it to Jeff.

"Try Tyler's famous raspberry waffles first Jeff. I think you'll like them and the real maple syrup." After taking a bite of his waffles, Carlos closed his eyes and savored the delicious food. "Mmmm, delicious as always Tyler."

Tyler thanked him. Jeff took a bite of his waffles and his eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh wow!" He said. "Where did you buy this? My mom can't find anything like this in the stores."

Since Tyler mouth was full of food, Christian answered the question for him. "It's homemade Jeff. Ty rarely buys prepackage food, its always homemade. He loves to cook."

"My mom never makes homemade meals." Jeff said sadly. He felt so alone in the world. Ever since his father was killed, he felt like he lost his mother too. "It was always microwave meals. She said it was too much of a hassle always cooking for just two people."

Tyler was starting to get angry again. Wait until I find that bitch. He thought to himself.

After breakfast and clearing up, Christian wanted to take Jeff to the arcade to play video games. Tyler took Jeff to help him shower while Christian laid his clothes out on the bed. Why laying out the clothes, Christian couldn't help to smile about how he probably now have his own little family. He wondered if Tyler was thinking the same thing.

Once Jeff was showered and dressed, they left him with Carlos and Mark while Tyler and Christian went to shower and get dress themselves. When they stepped into the shower, Christian pulled Tyler into a gentle kiss before softly saying. "I want to talk to you about the nightmare you had last night."

Tyler knew this conversation was coming but he didn't want to talk about it. "Lets not talk about it Chris." Christian didn't say anything; he just looked at Tyler feeling hurt. Tyler knew he hurt Christian's feelings by coming off a little harsh so he explained. "It's not that I don't want to talk about it Chris, I just can't talk about it with anyone. It hurts too much. Please understand?" He asked more gently this time.

"No. I want to help take that pain away." Christian responded softly and lovingly as he pulled Tyler into another hug. "Please baby? Tell me what's hurting you so much? Let me take that pain away to where it doesn't hurt you any more."

"I can't Chris." Tyler sniffled but held it together. "Believe me. I really want to tell you but I just can't. If I talk about it I'll fall apart. And I can't fall apart. I need to be strong to survive. A lot of people are depending on me."

Christian gently pressed a little harder. "Please let me help you through it? Let me be your shoulder to lean on." Tyler shook his head no, his head still pressed against Christian's stomach. Christian knew he couldn't press any further on the subject. The pain must be really extreme if Tyler couldn't talk about it. "Okay. When you're ready to talk, I'll be here for you. I'll always be here for you."

"I know baby." Tyler assured Christian. "Maybe I can talk about it someday. But I don't think it will be anytime in the near future." And Tyler knew that was true. He knows he needs to be strong for Jeff. Jeff is depending on Tyler and Christian now that his mother had abandoned him.

Once Tyler had pulled himself together, they finish their shower and dress. Soon after, they headed off to the arcade with Christian, Carlos, and Mark armed as usual.

After grabbing Kevin's things from the house, he and Travis drove to the beach. Once at the beach, they went into the facility to change into their suits and Kevin a wetsuit. After changing, they went to a little shop on the beach for Kevin to rent a surfboard.

Once Kevin had his board, they found a spot near the volleyball net and laid out their area. "I'm going to surf for a while. I'll join you in the game when I come back."

"Okay. I'll see you when you get back." Travis replied then the two guys separated with Kevin heading for the water and Travis to the volleyball game. As Kevin walked away, Travis couldn't help looking at his ass. "Damn that is one sexy ass!" He whispered quietly to himself so no one could hear him.

While playing volleyball, Travis kept looking over to see if Kevin was okay but kept focused on the game. He didn't notice the many girls and guys looking at him in his red Speedo with interest. Even if he had noticed, his interest wasn't in them. It was in the sexy guy in the water.

After an hour of surfing, Kevin got out of the water. He took off his wetsuit, revealing his own blue Speedo and threw the wetsuit on top of a towel lying next to their blanket. He then joined Travis in the game. As Kevin walked by, Travis grabbed his hand and whispered in his ear. "Watch out. Some of these girls like to purposely accidently bump into a sexy guy."

"Too bad I don't float that way." Kevin whispered back. "But it'll be fun seeing them playing the game and not scoring any points." He then winked at Travis which made him laugh.

Kevin and Travis played volleyball for most of the morning. Like Travis said, most of the girls were purposely accidently bumping up against him. Around twelve thirty in the afternoon, they stopped to rest and have lunch. They headed to the confession stand for a hot dog and fries plus a sprite. Once they paid and received their order they headed back to their spot to eat.

"Are you having a good time?" Travis asked before taking a bite of his hot dog.

"Yeah, I don't get to the beach very much. Tyler doesn't come to the beach to often." Kevin then smiled at Travis. "But I think it will be fun hanging out with you anywhere."

Travis blushed. "I feel the same way." He stared into Kevin's eyes with a hopeful look. "I think we should spend more time together and see where this goes."

Kevin was quiet for a few minutes. He's been waiting for Travis to say that. And now that he has Kevin wants Travis to be sure this is what he really wanted. "Are you sure?" He asked. "I mean I'm ready if you are. But I don't want you to feel like you're being pressured into something you're not ready for."

"I'm ready." Travis looked into Kevin eyes seriously. "I needed time to think things over. And now that I had, I feel like I'm ready to move on and find the right person for me. Hopefully that person will be you." He added with a smile.

Kevin couldn't help but to smile too. "I'm hoping the same thing also. I know we still have a lot to learn about each other but I'm willing to try." Travis just smiled and nodded in confirmation.

Now that they both decided to give it a try they finished eating their lunch which was now getting cold. After lunch, they laid down on the blanket to let their food digest. Kevin put his head on Travis's stomach, putting them in a T formation. That way no one walking pass will think anything of it.

When everyone arrived at the arcade, Christian and Mark took Jeff to play video games while Tyler sat down at a table with Carlos to call Scanner with his decision about Jeff.

After two rings, the phone was answered by a young female voice. "Scanner & Associates." Mr. Scanner's secretary, Jessica King answered in a greeting.

"Hello Mrs. King. Tyler Jackson calling for Robert Scanner if he's available please?" Tyler asked the receptionist. "I can call back later if he's not available."

"Yes sir, he's available." The receptionist replied in a polite friendly voice. "Please hold one moment Mr. Jackson while I transfer your call to Mr. Scanner."

"Thank you." Tyler said with appreciation. "You're welcome." Mrs. King accepted with gratitude before transferring the call. A minute after transferring, Scanner was on the line.

"Hello Tyler, nice to hear from you again my friend." Mr. Scanner greeted. "How may I help you?"

"I need you to set everything up with social services for me to have guardianship of Jeff." Tyler told Scanner. "I can't let him go with some complete stranger where he's going to be scared. He's already scared enough as it is. Turning him over to people he doesn't know to go to a place he doesn't know will terrify him."

"Sure. I can call Mrs. Charlene Hill to do that. She's the head of social services but you'll still have to bring him in." Scanner said. "I can have them bring the papers for you to sign, giving you temporarily guardianship of him."

"That's fine. Have her at my office at 9 am Monday morning and I'll sign them then. I won't be back in town until tomorrow afternoon." Tyler then told Scanner of the businesses he's interested in purchasing. "I'll need contracts drawn up for those businesses also."

"Sure Tyler, the contracts won't be a problem." Scanner replied to Tyler request. "In the case of Jeff, there will be an officer there to verify that you turned Jeff over to social services. There' needs to be a report filed since he was abandoned, and I'll be there too as your legal representation."

"Okay Scanner, thanks for your help." Tyler showed his gratitude. "I'll see you Monday morning." He said as they ended their call.

"Okay Tyler. See you then." Scanner replied as they hung up.

While Jeff was playing the video games, Christian talk to Mark about Tyler. "Did you know Ty was having nightmares about living in the orphanage?" He asked to open the subject.

"Yes." Mark answered. "Carlos and I both knew. We tried to get him to talk about them, but he won't. He can't talk to anyone about them. What ever happened there must had been really major for Tyler to keep it bottled up inside this long."

Christian let out a heavy sigh. "I know. I tried to get him to talk about it but he shut me out. I wish he would let me help him through whatever the nightmares are about. I can't stand to see him hurting like this." Tears were starting to form in Christian's eyes.

Mark grabbed Christian's hand and gave it a sympathetic squeeze. "He's not shutting you out Christian. It just hurts him too much to talk about it, is all." He gave Christian hand another squeeze. "Give him some time. When he's ready to talk, just be there for him. Right now Tyler thinks he needs to be strong for everyone."

Christian nodded, trying to hold back his tears. "I know and I will. I just wish he could tell me so I can help him let the pain go. I don't want it to eat him up inside and that could happen if he doesn't get whatever it is off his chest. Plus the nightmare will continue."

"He'll tell you when he's ready, that I'm sure of. For now just be patient and let him lean on you through the drama that he's going through right now. He's got a lot on his plate right now and he's going to need your support."

Christian knew that so he let the matter go for now. "You're right. I need to support him through everything that's being thrown at him now." They then went back to watching Jeff playing the video games for a while longer.

After hanging up with Scanner, Tyler called Justin. He needed to set up Joshua's appointment for Monday morning and also discuss the idea he had for a children department for his agency. By the time business was taking care of, Christian, Jeff, and Mark came to the table.

"We decided to take a break for some smoothies." Christian said as he handed Tyler one of the smoothies. "I got you your favorite flavor."

Tyler took a taste and relished in the flavor for a moment. "Mmmm, yes, strawberry pineapple is my favorite flavor." He smiled at Christian. "Thanks baby."

Carlos took a sip of the one Mark got for him. "Mmmm, you got me my favorite flavor of orange pineapple. Thanks baby." He then gave Mark a quick kiss. "You're too good for me." He added which made Mark blush big time. These two are so much in love, nothing can break them apart.

Travis and Kevin had just woken up from their nap on the beach. When Kevin looked up he saw Travis smiling at him. "What do you want to do now?" Travis asked.

Kevin shrugged. "I don't know. Do you have anything in mind?"

"Let's go swimming so we can cool off." Travis suggested. "Later tonight we can go to Spinner's for some fun and check out the eye candy."

"That sounds like a plan to me." Kevin agreed. So they headed to the water and dove in. They swam a few laps out to the boonies and back, staying within the shore line. After that, they started horsing around, trying to dunk each other under the water. At one point Travis was able to sneak up behind Kevin and dunk him. Kevin came up sputtering and laughing. "I'll get you for that!"

"Promises, promises." Travis teased. "Let's go get some dinner. I'm in the mood for a Philly Steak and Cheese." Kevin didn't complain. He was getting hungry himself. They got out of the water to pack their things. Kevin returned the surfboard back to the shop on their way back to the car.

After finishing their smoothies and Jeff had played more games, Tyler and his posse went back to the cabin for lunch and take a ride on Christian's speed boat.

Before they started the ride, Tyler received a call. It was from Janet, asking what kind of car to buy for him. Tyler told her a SUV but he'll let Carlos decide the model and upgrades.

After Carlos talked to Janet, Tyler asked him which car he picked out. Carlos told Tyler it was a special redesigned black Lincoln Navigator with black interior and leather seats, double one-way darkly tinted windows, reinforced doors, roll bars, and a brush guard on the front. Carlos also added a CD/MP3 player and automatic sunroof. The television and VCR/DVD player comes with the Navigator.

In addition to that, Carlos upgraded the body to the Long Ride Kit. It has longer lasting tires with a suspension upgrade for the changing roads and terrains the vehicle may encounter. It has a manual suspension selector or when certain drives are engaged the suspension will change to meet the needs. When a speed of 65mph is reached then the ride is lowered one level to hug the road better. When 4WD is engaged in an SUV then the suspension is raised to allow for a higher ground clearance. The tires can withstand the extremes of temperatures in any areas of the country. The motor is modified in the same way as the City Kit but it increases the MPG more as well as the power of the vehicle.

He also ordered one in silver with black interior, leather seats, and the same upgrades as the black one. Each car will cost eighty thousand dollars including upgrading.

After making sure they had all their fishing gear, they set off. Christian set the boat to a low speed and allowed Jeff to drive. Jeff was as happy as can be. He'd never been on a boat before much less driven one. His eyes just lit up as Christian helped him navigate along the lake to their spot.

When they got to the spot, Christian turned the boat off and helped Jeff bate and catch his line. Jeff was asking questions as Christian was explaining everything to him. It was like he never wanted to stop absorbing the attention he was getting and Christian was happy to give it to him.

Jeff catches was a little off but he soon got control of that under Christian's guidance. He managed a strike on his first attempt but started jerking the line which allowed the fish to get away. Christian explained how to real the fish in for Christian to net. His second catch got him a strike but he failed to land the fish. The third time was the charm though. Jeff managed to real the fish close enough for Christian to net. He was jumping with joy for catching his first fish. Once he calmed down enough for Carlos to take his picture, they finished fishing.

When the sun started to go down, they decided to head back to the cabin. It looks like they had enough rainbow trout to cook for several days. Christian, Mark, and Carlos had caught five fish each and Jeff caught three with their help. Tyler on the other hand, decided not to fish and just relaxed enjoying the sun. Okay, Tyler was being lazy, so sue him.

When they got to the cabin, they put the boat away, gathered the food and drinks they brought down from the house and settled on the beach to camp out for the night.

Mark and Tyler started the fire while Christian and Carlos gutted and cleaned the fish in the lake. They formed a square using four big logs and placed the charcoal in the middle. When the charcoal had burn down enough, Tyler spread them around and placed the cooking screen over the fire.

He put the baked beans on and added some barbecue sauce and stirred while Mark spread out a big blanket and laid out the chips, devil eggs, and potato salad Christian and Tyler had made the night before. They left the sodas in the cooler to stay cold.

When the guys finished cleaning the fish, Tyler placed some onion and lemon slices in the middle and wrapped them in aluminum foil to cook. He used the tongs to turn them every two minutes so they wouldn't burn.

After ten minutes, Mark checked them for doneness. Not quite done, so back on the grill they go. While the fish were cooking, Christian finished the beans. Ten minutes later, the fish was done so they made their plates.

The eight inch trout along with some beans, potato salad, and devil eggs was enough to fill Jeff up while the rest of them had the ten inch trout with their meal. Everyone ate well and Jeff savored every bite and moment of it.

Back in Malibu, Kevin and Travis had just left the beach and were heading to Jerry's Subs and Pizza for dinner. On the way Travis got a text message. He looked at his phone and frowned when he saw who the message was from. "I'm not worrying with you tonight." He mumbled to himself.

Kevin didn't hear what Travis said but saw the expression on his face. "Was that who I think it was?" Before Travis could answer, he got another text. This time Kevin grabbed the phone before Travis and read the text. `I'm free tonight baby. Meet me at The Fire Place, okay?' The message read. Kevin looked at Travis. "Are you going to meet him?"

Travis could tell Kevin was trying to sound emotionless even though he was starting to feel disappointed. "No." He quickly answered. "I'm not even going to text him back. It's just me and you tonight, and no one else."

That made Kevin feel a little better. But he needed to show Travis that if Travis wanted to be with him, it was going to be him and only him. "You're not going to text him, but I am." Kevin told Travis. He started texting making sure to say the text out loud so Travis could hear. "Sorry, I have plans to go riding tonight. I can't meet you anywhere. I'll call you when I have a chance." He then pushed send.

Travis started laughing and grabbed the phone from Kevin. "Give me that!" He placed the phone back in the cup holder still laughing. "You're crazy! You know that, right?"

"Yeah!" Kevin laughed. "At least he'll be the one wondering what you're doing. Instead of you being the one wondering what he's doing."

They reached the restaurant and Travis parked the car before turning to Kevin. "True. But I'm only thinking about one person tonight. And it's not him." Before getting out of the car, he gave Kevin a wink. Kevin got out and followed Travis into the restaurant with a grin on his face.

At the cabin, everyone finished eating. They cleared the area and laid out their sleeping bags for the night and decided to make s'mores. Jeff never made s'mores before so this was another treat for him.

After toasting the marshmallows over the fire, they showed Jeff how to make the s'more's by placing the toasted marshmallow over a gram cracker, then a Hershey kiss, followed by another gram cracker.

During all of this, Jeff told everyone how his father was going to take him fishing, camping, sailing, and more when he got older but never got the chance to. When his father died, Jeff thought he'll never get to do these things and now he's doing some of them with these guys.

When Jeff asked why his father had to die, no one could answer that question. How do you explain an accidental death to an eight year old? All they could say is he'll be okay and things will get better. Tyler didn't think Jeff believed them but he gave them a weak smile. Christian and Tyler just have to do the things his father didn't get the chance to do with him.

Tyler felt sad for Jeff as he poured his heart out. He couldn't stop the tears from falling. It's obvious his father took a more active part in his life than his mother did. Through his whole story he kept saying how he miss his father and he wish he was here to do things with him.

As the night rolled on, everyone became tired so they got into their sleeping bags. After zipping Jeff in his sleeping bag between the four of them, Tyler climbed into his sleeping bag with Christian and soon they were all asleep.

After finishing the subs and throwing away their trash, Kevin and Travis walked back out to the car. Before Travis could start the car, they heard his phone beeping. Indicating he had another text message. "I'm just going to ignore it."

"That's fine with me!" The satisfaction on Kevin's face could not be mistaken. "If he doesn't stop texting you though, then I will text him again and it won't be a nice one this time. He's obviously trying to ruin your night."

Travis started the car. "Trying to be a badass, huh?" He teased as he pulled out of the parking lot. "But seriously though, let's not worry about anything and concentrate on having a good time tonight. I want to continue our fun."

"That's fine. But you're leaving your phone in the car." Kevin demanded. "He's not going to ruin our night by calling you every five or ten minutes."

Travis was happy to agree with that. He too didn't want their night interrupted by his phone ringing all night long. The rest of the ride was done in silence listening to the radio. Every time Travis looked over at Kevin he could see anger in his face. Travis knew he had to do something to calm Kevin down but what? By the time they got to the club, Travis could only think of one thing to calm Kevin down. It's also something he's wanted to do for a while. And what better way to calm Kevin down then doing something they both been waiting to do?

After turning the car off, Travis reached over with his right hand and pulled Kevin into a kiss. At first Kevin was shocked, but soon relaxed and melted into the kiss. Once Kevin submitted to the kiss, Travis slipped his tongue in Kevin's mouth. As Travis swirled his tongue around in Kevin's mouth, they started moaning.

After five minutes of kissing, they had to come up for some needed air. "Wow!" Kevin chanted. "I'd been waiting for you to do that ever since I met you."

"And I'd wanted to do that ever since I met you." Travis smiled. "Now that you're calm, let's go have some fun." And fun they did have. They had some drinks, danced, joked around, and even flirted with some cute guys just for fun. Travis even left his cell phone in the car like he promised.

By the time they left the club it was around three in the morning. Since they came in the same car, Kevin invited Travis to stay the night with him. He didn't want to have Travis dropped him off at home and then have to drive to his apartment. "I think that's a good idea." Travis accepted. "I'm pretty tired and I don't think I'll be able to make it home. Plus I want to cuddle with you tonight." He added with a smile.

The smile and blush on Kevin's face told Travis what he wanted to know before Kevin even opened his mouth. "I want to cuddle with you too. I like feeling your arms around me when I'm sleeping." Now it was Travis turn to blush.

When they reached the house, Travis parked out front instead of in the garage. As soon as the door was open, Kevin deactivated the alarm. When they were inside, and the door was shut and locked, Travis pressed Kevin against the wall and kissed him. When their lips connected, it set off fireworks for both of them.

Kevin wrapped his arms around Travis's neck and melted in Travis's arms. When Travis lifted Kevin off the ground Kevin instantly wrapped his legs around Travis's waist. By doing this, it puts Kevin's six feet one inch at eye level with Travis's six feet three inches. As they were kissing, they could feel each others hard on growing in their pants.

Travis carried Kevin into the living room and laid on top of him upon the couch without breaking the kiss. He started grinding their cocks together which caused Kevin to tighten the hold he had around Travis's neck and waist. Travis then reached under Kevin and grabbed his ass. He started squeezing those firm round melons and didn't stop. Their moans became even louder, but were muffled by the kiss. The only time they broke the kiss was when they came up for some needed air and then it was back to kissing again.

After ten minutes of making out, they both came up chanting. "Wow!" They both explained in unison. "I think we should take this to your room." Travis suggested, still trying to catch his breath.

Kevin agreed with a nod. "Let's go." As the two got up from the couch, Travis picked Kevin up again. Once again Kevin wrapped his arms and legs around Travis's neck and waist as Travis carried him to the bedroom. "Wait, I need to set the alarm." That didn't bother Travis at all. He carried Kevin to the door and held him as he set the alarm and then carried him to his bedroom.

When they were in Kevin's bedroom, Travis set him down and started to undress Kevin down to his boxers. Kevin then returned the favor and undress Travis. As they were standing there looking into each other eyes, they both were thinking the same thing. As if on cue, they reached out and pulled the other boxers down.

They both smiled when they saw what the other was packing. Both had a beautiful endowment between their legs. Although Kevin had a good size at nine inches and think as a beer can, Travis was a little larger at nine and a half inches and the same size in good.

They climbed into bed and Travis spooned Kevin from behind. Although they wanted to make out more, they were too tired to do so. They both fell asleep with a satisfied smile on their face. Travis's dick was warmly planted between Kevin's butt cheeks and Kevin's cock was in Travis's hand.

Morning came much too quickly for Tyler and his gang. After cleaning the camping area, they went to the cabin to pack. Once everything was locked up, they headed for home stopping along the way for some slurpees.

When they arrived home, Christian and Tyler showed Jeff to his room which was in front and to the left from Tyler's since Tyler's room is at the end of the hall and helped him put his things away. Jeff was amazed to see how big the house was when they showed him around. When they finished the tour, Tyler showed him the play station 2 in the game room and told him to play some video games while Christian and Tyler made lunch.

Kevin and Travis slept in that morning. They didn't wake up until the heard a knocking on the door. It was Mark letting Kevin know they were home from the cabin. "Okay Mark." Kevin called out. "I'll be out as soon as I take a shower." Mark said okay and walked away.

"You really want to take a shower now?" Travis asked as he stroked Kevin's cock slowly, causing it to harden more than it already was.

Kevin squeezed Travis's cock with his ass which caused Travis's own cock to harden more also. "Mmmm." He moaned. "Yeah, you want to join me in the shower?"

Travis let out a deep moaned which sounded like a cat's purr before answering. "Sure. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun."

"Not too much fun." Kevin chuckled. "You maybe holding the prize, but you haven't won it yet. Or is it that I'm holding the prize?"

Travis laughed at the double entendre. "Maybe it's both. I can be very flexible when I want to be, you know?" He then licked Kevin's neck which caused him to shiver.

"Well, one day soon, we have to test that flexibility out." Kevin retorted. "Now let's go and take that semi long hot shower."

Meanwhile, Christian and Tyler were in the kitchen making lunch in the front of the house. "Why don't you invite the others to lunch? We should have enough." Christian asked Tyler as he started peeling some potatoes for some home fries while Tyler chopped an onion, green pepper, and some celery for the burgers. Tyler added that to two eggs, bread crumbs, two pounds of ground Italian sausage and four pounds of ground beef.

"I'll ask when it's almost ready." Tyler replied. When Tyler finished adding the ingredients for the burgers, Christian mixed and formed the mixture into patties while Tyler sliced some lettuce, onions, and tomatoes for the burgers. "I'm sure Kevin's board from being here all alone for the whole weekend."

"Not if Travis stayed here with him." Christian laughed as he was washing his hands. While the fries were cooking, Christian went to start the grill while Tyler got out the cheese and placed it on the platter with the other condiments. He then put the fries into a large bowl and took it along with the platter outside to the table and came back for the mustard, ketchup, buns, and sodas.

Kevin and Travis was still lying in bed in Kevin's room but were now facing each other and kissing. "I don't want to, but we need to shower." Travis grunted but agreed. After they gave each other one more kiss and squeeze, Kevin and Travis got up and headed for the bathroom for that shower. While they were dressing, Tyler called Kevin to invite him to lunch, not knowing that Travis was there. Kevin accepted for them both.

Tyler could hear Christian say the burgers were done so he called Jeff to lunch. He then called Carlos, Mark, and Kevin on the house intercom and invited them also. It wasn't a surprised to Christian when Travis showed up with Kevin. He leaned over and whispered in Tyler's ear. "I told you Travis would be here with Kevin this weekend."

Tyler smiled humorously. "I hope they had fun." Christian started laughing. "I'm sure they did!" Tyler joined Christian in the laughter. Everyone looked at them wondering what the joke was about. Once their laughter died down, Tyler and Christian brought everything out to the pool area and set them on the table. Everyone then started making their plates of food.

Well, what can anyone say? The burgers and garden platter lost and the fries suffered a major damage too. Tyler will have to get Mr. Downy to make him bigger packages now. Two pound packages just aren't enough for Tyler's little family. Granted the burgers were thick and juicy, it just couldn't stand up to their appetites. Tyler will need to buy bigger packages now it's no longer just him in the house.

After clearing up, they left Jeff playing the play station 2 while Christian went to get his things and Tyler made space in his room and called the shop to arrange a private visit for Jeff. Christian asked Travis to help him move his things which put Travis into a bummer mood. He didn't want to see Christian move out. They got along well as friends and roommates.

After they left, Kevin went to Tyler's bedroom to talk to him. "Can I talk to you for a minute Tyler?" Tyler answered in the affirmative. "I was wondering if Travis could move in here also. Now that Christian is moving in here, Travis will feel alone in the apartment. And I don't want him to feel alone."

"You really like him, huh?" Kevin just said yes but Tyler could see the smile on Kevin's face by the sound in his voice. "I don't have a problem with Travis moving in. But I want you to be sure this is what you want before you ask him. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry Tyler." Kevin assured Tyler. "I won't let anyone hurt me! Not that Travis would purposely hurt me in any way. I have strong feelings for him. And I'm sure he's starting to have strong feelings for me too. With him moving in it will bring us closer together."

"Good." Tyler bellowed. "Because if anyone hurts a member of my family, they'll have to deal with me! And when it comes to my family, I don't hold the punches."

Kevin loves how Tyler always protects the people he loves. "Yes sir boss man." He smiled generously. "I'll be sure to tell him that. But I think he already knows."

"Good. Now go call him so he can pack at the same time. Then they can bring his things over when Chris brings his things."

"Thank you so much Tyler." Kevin hugged Tyler with gratitude. "I'll go call him now." He said as he walked out of Tyler's room to make the call.

At the apartment, Christian and Travis were busy packing. They already had half of Christian clothes packed and was packing the rest. "It's going to be pretty lonely here without you bro." Travis told his best friend and roommate for the last five years. "I don't want to see you go. But I can tell you really want to be with Tyler."

Christian smiled at him sadly. "Maybe you can find another roommate. I'm sure it won't be difficult. The rent is pretty reasonable after all."

"I'll have to find another roommate, and quick." Travis said. "I can't afford the rent on this place on my own. I don't make enough money."

Christian had forgotten about that. Even though the rent is reasonable, Travis doesn't make enough money to cover the full cost of the rent. Most of the rent was being paid from Christian's business profits. "Why not ask Ty if you can live at his house? He has plenty of room. Plus you can save money by giving up the apartment."

Travis got a dreamy look in his eyes. "Even though that sounds great and I would love to share his bed with him, I don't think Kevin will go for it. We'd just gotten together."

"So you finally made up your mind and decided to end your relationship?" Christian asked. "And to tell you the truth; I don't think Kevin would mind sharing his bed with you. After all, it wouldn't be the first time you two shared that bed."

"Yeah, I decided yesterday to move on." Travis answered. "Besides, I don't think it was much of a relationship anyway. At least not one I was truly happy with. As far as Kevin goes, we only shared his bed as friends, nothing more. Now it'll be a different story." Just then Travis's cell phone rang. He answered when the caller ID showed Kevin's name. "Hello."

"Hello Travis, it's me." Kevin voice came through the phone. "I just talked to Tyler. He agreed if you like, you can move in here with us. That's if you don't mind sharing a bed with me." He added hesitantly.

Travis couldn't believe it. He and Christian were just talking about this very subject and here it is being offered to him. "I would love that." He happily replied. "In fact, Christian and I were just talking about it. But I didn't think you were ready for that yet."

"As long as we're honest and faithful with each other, I can't see any reason not to try it. But I have to warn you though! Tyler said if you hurt me in any way, you'll have to deal with him." Although Tyler was deadly serious, Kevin was hoping Travis would take what Tyler said as a joke.

Travis laughed. "I guess I better treat you right huh? I've seen what Tyler can do when someone hurts someone he loves. Let me get back to packing Kev. I'll see you in a couple of hour's baby." Travis copped an eyebrow when he saw Christian smiling at him.

That term of endearment put the biggest smile on Kevin's face. "Okay Trav. I'll see you when you guys get back home."

After hanging up with Kevin, Travis turned to Christian. "Well bro, turns out I was wrong." Christian raised an eyebrow as to say go on. "Kevin talked to Tyler and asked if I could live there with him himself."

"See. What did I tell you?" Christian reminded Travis. "Kevin is crazy about you. He wants the relationship to work just as much as you do. Probably even more then you do."

"Yeah, now shut up!" Travis touted but was happy just the same. "We have even more clothes to pack now than we had before."

For the next two hours Christian and Travis packed everything such as clothing, shoes, toiletries, and necessities. When they returned to Tyler's, everyone started putting everything away.

Christian loved the huge walk in closet. It's large enough to hold all his clothes and shoes. It should be; it's built the same way as Tyler's closet. One side of the closet has a built in dresser for his jeans, shirts, socks, underwear, and more. His uniforms and dress clothes can be hung on the other two sides. The built in shoe racks are large enough for his shoes with room to spare.

On the other side of the house, Kevin was also helping Travis put his things away in what was now their room. Travis also liked his own huge walk in closet. Unknown to Christian and Travis, Tyler had all the master bedroom built the same way. With help from their partner, it only took the guys an hour to unpack.

Once the unpacking was finished, Tyler told Christian they needed to take Jeff shopping for more clothes. Christian said he was ready so Tyler walkie-talkie Carlos and Mark on his cell phone. He also checked with Kevin and Travis to see if they wanted to join them. Both guys said yes and a minute later Carlos pulled up in his SUV and they headed to Malibu Mall with the five guys including Kevin and Travis armed as usual.

When they got to the mall, they headed right for the Dolce and Gabbona© (D&G©) store with Christian carrying Jeff and holding Tyler's left hand because his cane was in his right hand as usual. Kevin and Travis went their separate ways because they needed to do some shopping for their room.

"No way man! We can't be going there!" Jeff explained excitedly when he saw where they were going. "We're actually going to Dolce and Gabbona©. My mom said that place cost more than she makes in a whole month."

"Well, Chris and I can afford it kiddo." Tyler said smiling. "You just do the shopping and let us worry about spending the money."

"Yeah little man. So be ready to be pampered." Christian giggled. "I told you the shopping we did before was nothing compared to this."

When they walked in the store, the shop manager Kim (Kimberly) Michal came over to greet them at the door. "Mr. Jackson, how are you?" Turning to the others, she said. "Hello Christian, Carlos and Mark."

Kim knew Carlos and Mark were Tyler's bodyguards because Tyler had shopped here several times before. A couple of times Tyler had brought Christian in the store to shop with him. On one of those visits, Tyler had introduced him to Kim. Since then, Kim and Christian had gotten to know each other well.

"We're fine Kim. How is everything?" Tyler greeted her. "Is business going okay?" Tyler always liked Kim because she was always friendly, but Tyler knew that was just business talk.

"Business is going fine." Came the friendly replied. "Especially now that you're here visiting. We love it when you visit our store."

"Thanks Kim but I'm not here for me." Tyler said. "I called for a private visit to have this little guy fitted for a whole new wardrobe set."

"Oh, what a cutie he is. What's his name?" Kim asked smiling at Jeff.

"His name's Jeff. Chris and I will be splitting the bill for his clothes; so hook him up real good. But not anything too fancy though. I don't want him looking like a spoil rich kid."

"Okay, all fourteen of our staff and stylists that you requested will give you any and all assistance you require." She informed Tyler. Turning to Carlos, she asked. "Where is security? Or is it just the two of you today?"

"No, there's more. They're at the front door, back door, and in sniper position throughout the mall. Haven't you noticed them?" Kim shook her head no. "Good. If they're that well hidden, then they're doing their job well."

"Great. Now we're the safest D&G© store in the world."

For the next two hours Christian and Tyler with the help of the staff and stylists picked out clothes for Jeff to try on. They ended up with twenty jeans, twenty shirts, four leather belts, ten pairs of briefs, and a leather jacket. Jeff was ecstatic. No one ever listen to his ideas, now people were not only listening but using his suggestions.

In the meantime, Kevin and Travis were on the other side of the mall shopping for things for their room but didn't find anything they like so Kevin suggested to Travis. "Let's go to the music store. I want to see if they have some CD's I'd been looking for."

It did. Kevin brought a couple of CD's. One called My Life by Mary J. Blige. The other was a single called Not Making Love by Drew Hill. Travis brought a single CD called Genie in a Bottle by Christina obliaira. "Why did you buy that CD?" Kevin asked him.

"I like the song and I want to play it for you." Travis said with a warm smile. "You're my Genie in a Bottle! What other song can show that besides this one." At that moment the song played throughout the store. When Kevin heard it, he got a warm fuzzy feeling inside and smiled at Travis. "I knew you would like it." Travis smiled back.

They walked to the counter to pay for their purchases with Kevin still smiling. When they were leaving the store, the song was ending. With their shopping done, they headed back to the other side of the mall to meet up with the other guys.

When it was time to pay for Jeff's purchases, Kim told Tyler the new stock of leopard skin leather jackets had come in. "Hold a black one for me Kim. I'll buy it in a couple of weeks for my birthday." At that time Christian said he'll be right back. "Where are you going?" Tyler asked him. Christian said he saw a shirt he wanted to get but he really was getting the jacket as a present for Tyler's birthday.

When he returned, Tyler had paid his portion of the bill so all was left was Christian's portion. Christian told Kim to add his item to the bill and whispered something to her Tyler couldn't quite hear. With that taking care of, they went to Kids Foot Locker to get shoes. They ended up with a pair of black and white leather Jordan's, a pair of white leather Nike's, and a pair of black swayed New Balance's.

When the shopping was finished, Travis and Kevin had caught up with them. They decided to go to Flo's for dinner. When they got to the door of Foot Locker's, Carlos and Mark stopped in their tracks which caused everyone behind them to run into them. Before Tyler could say anything, Christian pulled him and Jeff behind himself.

What the hell is going on? Why did my security stop? Why did Chris pull me and Jeff behind him? Tyler thought to himself. Before Tyler could say anything, Christian spoke.

"Ty, keep Jeff close to you and don't let go of his hand." Christian said nervously. That made Tyler nervous also. What made him more nervous is when Christian, Carlos, and Mark surrounded them in the front; Kevin and Travis were behind them.

"What's going on you guys?" Tyler asked. He could hear the commotion outside but couldn't make out what was going on.

Carlos said security was trying to stop a gang fight outside the store but can't keep it under control. "Why can't they?" Tyler asked him. "Everyone's trying to get away from the fight which is keeping security from stopping it. This mall is fully packed today." Carlos answered.

When Tyler asked which gang was fighting, Carlos said it looked like it was the Warlords and the St. Nights. After hearing that, Tyler then knew what needed to be done to stop this fight. "Chris, take Jeff for me." He said, handing Christian Jeff's hand. "Carlos and Mark, you guys follow me." He told his security, walking out the store.

As Tyler walked out the door with Carlos and Mark flanking him, he could hear Christian calling him but he didn't stop. This fight needed to be stop before innocent people got hurt and security wouldn't be able to stop it. Not with these two gangs. There was only one person around that could stop this fight, and that person was Tyler Jackson.

When they finally got through the crowd, Tyler yelled out in a commanding voice. "Stop!" Like a stop watch everyone stop and stared at him. "If you guys want to kill each other, do it somewhere else. I won't let my family or innocent people get hurt!" Tyler said viciously.

"Who the hell are you to be ordering us around?" A member from one of the gangs asked angrily. "This is none of your damn business!"

Tyler raised an eyebrow before smiling evilly. "Oh, you must be new." He said. Tyler let them suffer a little more before dropping his bomb. "Why don't you ask your leaders? They can tell you all about who Tyler Jackson, the model is."

Tyler could sense the fear in most of the gangs which made his smile grow bigger. "Now here's how it's going down." He continued in a hard cold voice. "You will walk out of here with security like civilize people. If anyone gets injured on you way out, your leaders will be hearing from me."

The guy was about to say something else but one of his buddies stopped him. "Don't man. Not even Jimmy pisses this guy off. And trust me, you shouldn't either."

Hearing that name gave Tyler the name of the gang the kid was in and Tyler knew everything was under control now. Jimmy definitely doesn't want to tick Tyler off.

The gangs let the security escort them out of the mall without a fuss and everyone went back to what they were doing. Tyler turned back to the guys. "Let's get the hell out of here; I'm not in the mood for any more confrontation today."

"Ty, what the hell were you thinking?" Christian asked in shocked anger. "You could have been seriously hurt. Those two gangs obviously didn't care who got hurt. They were fighting in a public mall for goodness sake!"

"I never was in danger." Tyler said to calm Christian down. "I know those gangs and their leaders. I'll tell you about it some other time, okay? For now I just want to get out of here and get something to eat, I'm starving."

Christian wasn't happy but let it drop for now. "Don't ever scare me like that again." He said as he grabbed Tyler's hand and they walked to their car and drove to the restaurant.

As soon as they were seated the waitress came to take their orders. Jeff ordered the chicken tenders while the rest of them ordered the chicken fried steak. Tyler normally doesn't eat at a low scaled restaurant, but Flo has the best chicken fried steak in the city. Those suckers are huge. It comes with plenty of mashed potato with or without gravy, and another side order of your choice.

After dinner, they headed home for Tyler to prepare for his meeting with CPS on Monday morning. Christian helped Tyler to wash Jeff's new clothes. Many people don't know that the metal tags on the clothes have iodine and other chemicals in them. And the iodine and chemical can get into your clothes when the tags are being removed.

The other four went to their rooms as soon as they got home. Travis played the CD he brought from the mall for Kevin to hear again. Soon as he heard the song Kevin smiled again. The two started dancing slow and sensuously, their bodies rubbing against one another. When the song played the second time, Travis pushed Kevin on the bed and started to do a slow seductive strip tease for him.

As each item of clothing came off, Kevin's dick got harder. Travis's body looked perfect to Kevin. From his broad shoulders, to his massive chest, and down to his six pack abs and narrow waist. Not to mention those rock hard biceps.

Kevin was drinking in every inch of Travis's body. When Travis's pants came off Kevin's eyes popped wide open. Travis was hard as a rock! His cock was tenting his boxers so much between those tree trunks legs of his. It was pushing the waistband away from his body. When he got the boxers off, he kicked them aside and continued dancing in the nude.

Kevin couldn't tear his eyes away, his eye were fixated on that big slab of meat which was starting to leak with precum. He started drooling at the mouth. While continuing to dance, Travis stepped closer. "Want a taste?" Kevin couldn't say anything so he just nodded. "Go ahead, it won't bite. But you might want to bite it."

Kevin stuck his tongue out and slowly licked up the precum. He savored the flavor before opening his mouth and slowly went down on Travis's nine and a half inches until his nose was berried in Travis's pubes. He inhaled the musky sent before coming back up. Travis let a moan escape his lips as Kevin went back down.

Travis let Kevin pleasure him orally for a while before pulling his cock from Kevin's hungry mouth. "Now it's your turn to entertain me."

Kevin smiled. "It will be my pleasure." He got up from the bed and Travis sat down to watch. Kevin wanted to start at the beginning of the song. He waited for the song to begin again before he started to strip. Once he started, there was no stopping him. Kevin twisted his body in various moves while removing his clothes. It made Travis wonder how flexible that body really was and what position he can get it into. As Kevin was pulling down his boxers, he turned around and started bending over and gyrating his hips. While bending over and removing his boxers, Kevin winked his whole at Travis.

Travis never saw a more perfect whole in his life. He sat there with his mouth gaping open. The whole was hairless and very tight. Travis wondered if it was tight as a virgin whole and how good it would feel to open that whole up!

He leaned forward to take a lick. Kevin gasped when his tongue made contact. Travis swiped his tongue up and down Kevin's whole before grabbing his hips and pulling Kevin backward so his tongue can slip inside.

"Oh shit!" Kevin gasped. He wasn't expecting that. Travis grabbed Kevin's cheeks and spread them apart for better access to his whole. The pleasure was driving Kevin up the walls. The more Travis fucked Kevin with his tongue, the more he spread Kevin's cheeks to go deeper.

After five minutes of having his ass eaten, Kevin pulled away, spun around, and climbed onto Travis's lap. He kissed Travis deeply for several minutes. As they were kissing, Travis leaned back on the bed bringing Kevin along with him. His hands traveled down Kevin's back until he reached Kevin's ass. Travis squeezed those muscular globes firmly which solicited a muscled moan from Kevin. As they continued to kiss, Travis rolled them over and started grinding his cock along side Kevin's. Kevin insistently wrapped his legs around Travis's waist.

Travis broke the kiss long enough to say. "Let's get off together." After getting a smile of confirmation from Kevin, he went back to kissing him. They made the escapade last. Each time one of them got close, Travis would stop moving to avoid premature ejaculation and just continued kissing Kevin. Kevin enjoyed the big body on top of him. Once they felt like they were under control, Travis would start moving again. About fifteen minutes into it, neither man could hold it any longer. With a cry of pleasure, muffled by the kiss, their bodies went rigid, and they sent their essence shooting out between them.

They laid there for a while to catch their breath, still holding on to one another. It was Kevin who broke the silence. "Wow that was great! Can you do that again?"

Before Travis could answer, Kevin yarned. "Not tonight Kev. I think we should shower and go to bed. You're tired and so am I. Plus I'm on duty early tomorrow." Kevin didn't like it but he couldn't disagree. And to prove Travis's point, Kevin yarned again. "Come on. Let's go take that shower."

Travis pulled Kevin up from the bed and they walked into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once they finished showering, they climbed into bed and Travis spooned Kevin from behind. "Good night Kev. Have a pleasant dream."

Kevin was half asleep, but he managed to reply. "Good night Trav. You have a pleasant dream also." Soon after, they were both sound asleep.

Once Jeff's clothes was washed, dried, and put away, Christian and Tyler gave him a bath and put him to bed. Soon after, Christian and Tyler headed for bed themselves. Once they were in the bedroom, Christian locked the door, picked Tyler up, and kissed him deeply.

They kiss for several minutes, enjoying the other's lips on their own. "Let's celebrate. I want you in me tonight." Tyler said when the kiss was broken.

"What ever my baby wants, my baby shall get." Christian answered. "My baby deserves the best things life has to offer." Then he kissed Tyler again.

Christian carried Tyler to the bed, laid him down upon it gently, and started removing Tyler's clothes from Tyler's body. Tyler loved it. It's not often Tyler gets pampered by anyone.

First Christian removed Tyler's shoes and socks, then he massaged Tyler's feet. Tyler started moaning, it felt so good. Christian's hand was rough but gentle at the same time. Tyler was definitely starting to relax as Christian work his magical hands on his body. Next Christian removed Tyler's pants and boxers, and then massaged Tyler's legs from his ankles to the top of his thighs and butt. By the time Christian removed Tyler's shirt and massaged his entire upper body Tyler was totally relaxed.

Christian then removed his own clothes and laid on top of Tyler, grinding both of their dicks together while placing soft kisses on Tyler's lips. "Are you relaxed now?" He asked. "Cause if you're not relaxed, I need to continue the massage."

"Mmhmm." Was all Tyler could get out. The massage had definitely relaxed him. "But my shoulders are still a little tense." He managed to say a second later.

Christian straddle Tyler's waist and continued the massage. As he was doing it, he could feel Tyler's hard cock against his ass. After another five minutes Christian asked Tyler again if he was relax. This time Tyler said he was totally relaxed. "Good. Now the fun can begin."

That said, Christian scooted Tyler to the top of the bed, raised his legs, and gave Tyler a great rim job. He started out by licking up, down, and around Tyler's hole slowly before jabbing his tongue in and out that gorgeous ass. He twirled his tongue around after every few jabs inside Tyler's tight rectum. He had Tyler so hot Tyler thought he was about to combust. "Oh Chris, that feels so good." He moaned. "Mmhmm." Christian moaned back. He rimmed Tyler for a good five minutes before reaching into the nightstand to get the lube.

Christian spread the lube in and around Tyler's hole, making sure to lube Tyler up good. The last thing Christian wanted to do is hurt Tyler in any way. Christian then spread some lube on his dick and pointed it at Tyler's entrance. "Now I'm going to make you feel better." He said before sticking his dick in Tyler's anal cavity slowly up to the hilt.

He started with a slow rhythmic thrust. Christian was an expert at long dicking. He hit Tyler's prostate with every inward movement. "Oh baby. That feels good." Tyler moaned. Christian went faster but not too fast. He wanted to make it last. "I live to make you feel good." Christian said. "You do. You always do." Tyler replied, still moaning.

Christian wrapped Tyler's legs around his waist and laid on top of him, supporting his body with his arms but never lost eye contact. "Feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah! I'll be feeling great by the time you're finish." Tyler answered. "That's the plan." Christian replied. He leaned in to kiss him while thrusting deeper into him. Tyler rose up to meet Christian's thrust for deeper penetration.

Tyler squeezed his ass muscles on Christian's outward stroke to massage Christian's dick. "That feels good Ty. Keep doing that." Christian moaned. Tyler had no intention of stopping; Christian was making him feel so good. Tyler rolled them over so he was on top and starting riding which got Christian even hornier. "Oh yes Ty." Christian moaned. "Ride it baby. Ride it!" He shouted. "Fuck me harder Chris!" Tyler encouraged Christian.

Christian wrapped his hand around Tyler's waist, meeting Tyler's downward thrust with an upward thrust of his own. Tyler could feel his ejaculation coming on; Christian was hitting his prostate at the right angle. "That's it baby. I'm going to come." Tyler announced. "I am too baby. Keep riding." Christian replied excitedly. He was thrusting deep into Tyler but not jack hammering. Christian doesn't do jack hammer when Tyler ride. Christian likes the slow deep penetration.

Soon Tyler felt his balls tightened up against his body. "I'm coming. I'm coming." Tyler said. "Fuck yeah!" He screamed as he blew his load over Christian's chest and stomach. Some even was hitting Christian in the face. Tyler's ass muscles tightened around Christian's cock which caused Christian's own orgasm to peek. "Oh yes!" Christian shouted as he unloaded inside of Tyler's ass. Both men were riding the bliss of euphoria.

Once their orgasm had subsided and Christian's cock had slipped out of Tyler's ass, Tyler collapsed on top of Christian and Christian wrapped his arms around Tyler.

It took a while for them to regain their composure. But once they did regain their composure, Christian breathlessly said with his arms still around Tyler, holding him close to his body.

"We need a shower baby. We both smell like hard core sex." Then Christian pulled Tyler even closer to his body and hugged him tighter.

Tyler laughed at the descriptive term but didn't deny that it was true. "We sure do." They got up and walked to the master bathroom and walk-in shower.

After showering, with no fooling around because they were fully stated, they toweled each other dry, Tyler unlocked the bedroom door, and they got into bed naked, and quickly fell asleep. About an hour later Christian felt Tyler shaking. Christian thought Tyler was cold, but then remembered they had the covers over them so that couldn't be the case. Then Christian heard some sniffling and realized that Tyler must be having another nightmare.

Christian didn't know what to do because he didn't know what was causing Tyler's nightmares. All Christian knows is whatever is causing Tyler's nightmares must be really bad. He pulled Tyler closer to him and whispered in Tyler's ear what he whispered to Tyler the night before. "It's okay baby. You're safe in my arms." Once again that had the desire affect in calming Tyler down to where he could sleep peacefully.

Christian on the other hand stayed awake a little while longer to make sure Tyler doesn't have another nightmare. When Christian saw that Tyler was sleeping peacefully, he drifted off to sleep himself wishing that his love could tell him what is causing his nightmares.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoy reading the chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of the chapter.

First I need to apologize for this chapter being so late. I'd been busy with writing the story among other things that I couldn't post for a while so I apologize for that.

When Tyler woke up the next day he turned on the news to find out if there was anything on Jeff or his mother. I don't know why he thought there would be anything; she left him at a strip mall after all. Unfortunately child abandonment is something that still happens today. What will Tyler do when he finds Jeff's mother?

Christian saw Tyler was getting upset with the whole situation and calmed him down with a kiss. Hmmm, I wonder if there's a lesson on that in anger management classes.

While Christian was getting Jeff for breakfast, Tyler told Carlos and Mark that he had a nightmare and he remembers the nightmare but Christian doesn't know that Tyler remembers. Carlos and Mark got concern about the nightmare but Tyler didn't want to talk about it.

We got information about Jeff's life with his mother. His mother thinks it's too much of a hassle to cook for only two people. What else had Jeff been neglected of? You have to keep reading the story to find out.

When Christian and Tyler went to take their shower, Christian tried to get Tyler to open up about his nightmare. Tyler told him the same thing he told Carlos and Mark. What went on in that orphanage? And why is it giving Tyler nightmares?

Kevin and Travis spent the day at the beach. While they were playing volleyball some of the girls were trying to hit on them. I wonder what they would say if they found out these two guys are together and they have no chance of getting them.

After breakfast, they guys took Jeff to the arcade to play video games. Tyler took that time to call Scanner about guardianship of Jeff. Scanner told Tyler he still has to turn Jeff over to Child Protection Services and there will be no problem in Tyler getting guardianship. Read the next chapter to find out how that turned out.

After leaving the beach, Kevin and Travis went to Tyler's club where they had more fun. On the way to the club, Travis got a text from the person he's in a relationship with, but didn't answer the text. Who is this person and why is the relationship not going anywhere?

Travis didn't answer the text but Kevin did. I like the double meaning Kevin put in the text and obviously Travis did too.

The other guys spent the afternoon fishing which Jeff enjoyed. Christian and the others are trying to make up for the attention Jeff didn't get from his mother. It made me sad when I wrote about Jeff's father. I was that way with my father when I was growing up. Not that my father died when I was young. I just never got to do anything with him that fathers and sons do together.

Christian moved into Tyler's house when they returned to Malibu. Kevin didn't want Travis to be alone so he asked Tyler if Travis could move in too. Tyler said yes but gave Kevin a warning that if Travis hurts him then Tyler will be coming after Travis. When Kevin mentioned this to him Travis laughed but knew Tyler was serious. Tyler won't let anyone hurt the people he loves.

Sunday was spent at the mall shopping for Jeff when there was a gang fight. Who saw that coming? When Tyler went out to stop the fight, one member of one of the gangs tried to stand up to him. Why is the gangs' scare of Tyler and how is Tyler involved in them?

I didn't go too much into the sex seen with Travis and Kevin but it may come some time in future chapters. What would you like to see in that? Let me know and if I like it I'll write it into the story line.

The love making between Christian and Tyler seems to be heating up. Christian started with giving Tyler a massage and it escaladed from there. The two made love in several different positions and enjoyed all of them.

Finally we come to the cliff hanger. What was Tyler's nightmare about this time? Was it the same nightmare or a different one? What can Christian do to get Tyler to open up about his life in the orphanage?

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Next: Chapter 11

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