Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Oct 27, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere. This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

Chapter 12

"Of course I will." Tyler agreed compassionately. Tyler walked up to the bed, took her right hand in his, and gave it a kiss and gentle squeeze. "Hey there..."

Tyler stopped in mid sentence when he felt his hand being squeezed back. It wasn't a tight squeeze but it was enough for Tyler to know that the lady can sense his presents. Tyler can feel the love that's being conveyed through that squeeze so Tyler held on to that hand firmly while rubbing it gently. "Ty ty." The lady whispered with a dry throat as she slowly regained consciousness.

"Yes grandma, it's me." Tyler smiled down at her trying hard not to cry. "Try not to talk, okay? I just wanted you to know I'm here. Although I wish I had come to visit you sooner. How are you feeling grandma? Are you in any pain?"

"Hush now grandson, I'm doing fine." The lady croaked out due to her very dry throat. Tyler asked Mark if he could get a cup of ice for her. Mark agreed and left to get the ice. When he returned, he rubbed ice over her lips and placed one in her mouth. Soon after, the dryness was gone and she was able to talk more clearly. "Thank you young man." Mark told her she was welcome. "The doctors are keeping me on some heavy pain medication so I'm not in much pain. As far as you coming sooner, you did what I asked you to do, right?" Tyler said he did. "Then there was nothing else for you to do. You and I both know you needed that vacation. Now tell me all about it."

"I will tell you everything grandma, but first." Tyler stepped aside to reintroduce everyone to his grandmother. He introduced Carlos and Mark first, leaving Christian for the end. "And of course you remember my boyfriend Christian, don't you grandma?"

As Tyler introduced Christian, he held out his hand which Christian took a hold of. Tyler's grandma could see the love between the two. "Of course I do Tyler." She then gave Christian a warm and sincere smile. "It's nice to see you again Christian, how are you doing? Ty Ty isn't causing you too much trouble is he? I know how much of a handful my grandson can be at times." Everyone laughed but Tyler blushed and gave his grandmother a look that said I'll get you for that old woman.

"Hello Mrs. Lopez." Christian greeted her with a smile once the laughter had died down. "Ty's been great considering all the drama we'd been going through. I don't know how he's been able to stay strong through it all, but he has. He's been taking some hard punches but he's been giving even harder ones."

"What do you mean all the drama?" Mrs. Lopez asked concerned which made Christian feel bad for bringing the topic up. "I thought you put a end to the scandals before you left for your vacation Tyler. What problems are you having now?"

Tyler could tell Christian was upset with himself for upsetting Mrs. Lopez so he quickly replied. "I did grandma. But something unexpected came up." Tyler then told her about finding Jeff while they were on vacation. How Tyler had everything arranged to gain guardianship of Jeff only to have Jeff taken from him. How Jeff's is terrified of living with total strangers after just being abandon. How Cindy Campbell is behind everything. Lastly he told her how he can get his son back. Tyler left nothing out. "By the time I'm finished, the social worker won't have a leg to stand on. I'll have my son back and the social worker off my case so don't worry alright?"

Mrs. Lopez patted the bed beside her for Tyler to sit. After Christian helped Tyler to carefully sit down, Mrs. Lopez grabbed Tyler's hand. "I know that sound in your voice Tyler Jackson and I don't like it." She gave Tyler's hand a soft squeeze while speaking in her grandmotherly way. "If you can get Jeff back without completely destroying this social worker's life then do it. Sometimes a small fire can burn just as bad as a full out blaze."

Tyler leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I promise I won't burn her too badly grandma but only for you! People need to see that no matter what they throw at me, I'll survive because I'm a fighter. When we have Jeff back, I'll bring him to see you." Just then the nurse came in explaining that visiting hours were over. "We're going to leave now grandma. But we'll be back to visit you again soon, okay?"

Mrs. Lopez thanked them for coming and said she hoped to see them again real soon. Tyler confirmed that she will before turning to the person sitting in the chair next to the bed. "Call me if you guys need anything Manny. (Emanuel) No matter what time of day or night it is."

Emanuel stood up and hugged Tyler. "I will Tyler. Thank you for coming. I know she was happy seeing you here." He then let the hug go and looked at Christian. "You take care of him Christian. There isn't another like him. He's one in a million."

Christian held his hand out which Emanuel shook. "I will Emanuel. You take care of yourself and your grandmother. We'll see you soon." Emanuel said he will and the four guys left as he sat back down to watch TV with his grandmother.

On the way out of the hospital, Tyler left his home and cell phone number with the nurse's station. He asked them to call him if there are any changes in Mrs. Lopez's condition. The nurse agreed and wrote down Tyler's numbers. Once he got their agreement on calling him, they headed for home.

After work, Travis went home to talk to Kevin. Travis wanted to tell Kevin about the situation regarding Troy and when will be the best time to talk to Tyler and Christian about it. Travis knows that now isn't the right time; But he also knows he can't wait to long to tell them either.

When he got home, Travis found the house empty. He wondered where everyone was when he didn't find anyone in the front of the house so he went to the back. When he got to the back of the house, Travis found Kevin in the kitchen cooking. Travis walked up behind Kevin and wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist and kissed him on the cheek. "Hi baby I'm home. What are you making?"

Kevin turned his head and quickly kissed Travis on the lips before going back to cooking. "Hi handsome I'm cooking pork chops with corn and mash potato with gravy. How was your day? Was there anything interesting that happen today?"

"That's what I need to talk to you about over dinner." Kevin looked at Travis worried. "It's nothing bad about us. But it does have to do with Christian and Tyler. Let me change clothes first and I'll be right back to help you with dinner."

"It's just about done. All you need to do is set the table." Travis said okay and kissed Kevin again before running off to change clothes. Five minutes later Travis returned to the kitchen dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a tank top like Kevin was wearing. "Okay, now tell me what's going on with Christian and Tyler."

As Travis began to set the table for dinner and they sat down to eat, he told Kevin everything that happen with Tyler and Christian. How Tyler expected to get guardianship of Jeff only to have Jeff taken from him. How scared Jeff was through it all. How Mark and Carlos followed the social worker to the low class part of town with Jeff. And how Cindy Campbell is behind it all and is friends with the social worker. Travis left nothing out. Once he explained everything, he got to his reason of the conversation with Kevin. "Now here's what I need to talk to you about."

Kevin nodded his okay and Travis went on to tell him what happen with Troy. Once he finished, Travis asked Kevin for his advice. "Do you think I should tell Christian and Tyler or wait a day or two to tell them? The way Christian was talking today and how he explained the mood Tyler was in too, he and Tyler are likely to rip Troy from limb to limb if they were to hear this."

Kevin thought about it for a minute before answering. "I think you should wait a couple of days for them to calm down before you spring this on them. Tyler is already under so much pressure now and one more issue might make him snap."

"I agree but I can't let Troy get away with this." Kevin was getting worry again from the look of determination in Travis's eyes on what he said. "From what Tyler is planning to do, this project can improve our base. I will not let Troy ruin that. One way or another I'll find out what he has against Tyler. He will not ruin Tyler's project."

Kevin agreed and supported Travis. "Just promise me you won't draw any attention to yourself that will get you in any trouble or danger? You don't want to accidently reveal Christian and Tyler's or your and my relationship."

Travis promised he wouldn't draw any attention to himself. In fact, what he had in mind wouldn't draw attention to anyone. Kevin was relieved at that but was still secretly hoping it wouldn't back fire on them. Because if it did, that could be the end of Christian and Travis's military career and Kevin doesn't want that to happen.

The two finished dinner and did the clearing up before going to their room to watch a movie on television. When they got into the room, Kevin sat on the bed to search for a movie from the menu on the screen while Travis sat next to him. After a minute of searching, they found a movie they both like and decided to watch it. Since they had time, they decided to shower before the movie started so they stripped off their clothes and headed for the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, they got out of the shower and dried off before climbing into bed just when the movie was starting. Travis snuggled up to Kevin's back and pulled Kevin closer to him before wrapping his right arm around him. Kevin settled back against Travis's chest and used Travis's left arm as a pillow.

When the others got home, they all went to their rooms. None of them wanted to stay up any longer because they all were very tired. As they were walking to their room, Carlos called to let Kevin and Travis know they were home and the two yelled back okay. Once they got to their room they quickly undress and showered before crawling into bed. They kissed each other good night before falling asleep face to face in each other arms.

In the front of the house, Christian and Tyler were lying in bed after their own shower when Christian brought up the hospital visit. "I'm sorry I upset your grandma with the news about Jeff. I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted her to know that we have it all under control and not to worry."

"I know baby and I'm not upset over it. I know my grandma, she would have seen I was holding something back and made me tell her what it was. She could never let me suffer with anything alone. She always said that a grandmother's shoulder is for her grandkids to cry on, so she would have made me tell her what I was holding back."

Tyler snuggled against Christian and Christian pulled him closer. "Don't worry baby, we'll get our son back. And when we do, we'll make sure he can't ever be taken away again. We won't let some spoil brat use our son as a bargaining chip in some sick game!"

Tyler sighed heavily. "I'm going to need your smile to pull back from the edge. This woman had cross the line with bringing our son in this shit! She couldn't get to me so she decided to bring an innocent child in it. That's something I can't condone!"

"I know baby." Christian said as he pulled Tyler closer to him. "I'll always be here for you when you need me. No matter what, I'll always be here to carry you to the other side." Tyler could hear the hidden agenda in that statement but said nothing. "Just let me be your shoulder to lean on, okay?"

When Christian didn't get an answer, he raised his head to look at Tyler. When he saw that Tyler was half asleep he kissed him on the cheek. "Good night baby." Tyler mumbled a good night and the two drifted off to sleep.

Tuesday went by uneventful for everyone. Christian and Tyler continued their normal day. Travis continued to watch Troy while Kevin continued to gather more information on the shooting. Carlos and Mark gather more and more information on Jeff's foster parents. Wednesday however, was a different story.

Janet followed Tyler into his office when he walked in. She told Tyler that Mr. Johnson accepted his offer. Now the transfer of the money and title is being process. She also said that the same is being done for the plane. All of this should be completed by tomorrow.

"Call Martin Willis, get him to start the account for the restaurant." Tyler informed her. "I also want a thorough background check on all the employees including the plane. I'm not letting anyone near my family and friends that I can't trust."

"Sure boss." Janet answered. "Dillon Corelli is here to see you. Do you want me to sit in on this meeting?" She asked.

"Yes I do. That's until I give you the signal to leave, okay?" Tyler responded. Janet and Tyler worked out a signal when she first started to work for him. Tyler will nod his head twice for her to leave a meeting. This way Janet won't be put in a compromising position and it will keep her out of harms way.

"Sure." Janet said before going out and bringing Dillon into Tyler's office to meet with him.

Dillon is Mr. Chang's top man. Rumors say that he's married to Mark's sister, Mr. Chang's granddaughter. He's 6ft3, 250lbs of solid muscles, black hair, and light blue eyes. His Italian heritage makes him strikingly handsome.

"Hey there Tyler. How's everything going?" Dillon greeted as he walked into the office.

"Hey Dillon, have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Tyler asked in return as Dillon sat down in a chair. Dillon asked for some water. "No problem Dillon."

Janet walked to a panel in the wall, sliding it open, revealing a built in refrigerator. She opened the frig and pulled out a bottle of water and a bottle of diet coke. Walking back over to the men, she handed the water to Dillon and the soda to Tyler.

"What do we have to go on?" Tyler asked Dillon as he opened and took a drink of his soda. "I hope it's something good. My son has been away from me for too long now."

Dillon took a drink of his water before starting. "Well, the people that child protection services have Jeff place with are not your regular people; they're friends of Cindy Campbell." He said. "The information we have on them suggest that DSS probably didn't do a background check."

"DSS wasn't involved in this because we had everything arranged before we returned to Malibu." Tyler replied. "We were supposed to turn Jeff over to the police and CPS because he was abandon. Once I did that, I was supposed to sign some papers giving me guardianship of Jeff. What do you mean CPS didn't do a background check?" Tyler asked in surprise. "All foster parents get a background check done on them. It's mandatory."

"They're supposed to but these friends probably didn't." Dillon responded. "Our people found out that Mr. Daniel Donavan had served eight years for child molestation and pimping out his wife. Silvia Donavan served two years for prostitution and is currently prostituting."

Tyler's face became redden with anger. Not only did CPS take his son away because he was in a male to male relationship but they put Jeff with people who shouldn't be raising children and one of them is a convicted child molester.

Dillon handed Tyler the envelope containing the information and a little something extra before asking. "Does that television have a DVD player?"

Tyler nodded his head and Dillon handed Janet a DVD. Janet put it in the player and started the video. What they saw on the video was something they never expected to see.

After dropping Tyler off at the office, Christian drove to the base where he was covering a shift for one of his coworkers. When he sat down at his desk, Christian pulled out the list of names for the calendar. This is the sixth time that Christian went over the list. And no matter how he tried not to let it bother him, one name on the list still bugs the hell out of him!

As Christian was staring at the list, he heard a knock on his door. When he looked up to see who was knocking, Christian saw Travis standing in his doorway and waved him in. "Come on in and tell me what he's doing now. I know this has something to do with Troy."

Travis nodded in affirmative as he came in the office and closed the door behind him. "Unfortunately he's gotten worse." After closing the door, Travis took a seat in one of the chairs. "Now he's spreading rumors that Tyler wants everyone to pose nude for a centerfold calendar."

The anger Christian was burying inside was starting to rise again but he wouldn't let it show. He asked Travis how long this rumor had been going on and who else is involved. Travis told Christian Troy had been spreading the rumor for two days now and he's the only one involved. "And you're just telling me this now?" Christian didn't mean for it to happen, but his question came out in an angry tone.

"I needed for you to calm down first." Travis explained, trying to calm Christian. "Come on bro. If I had told you on Monday, you would have torn Troy to pieces. And by the sound of your voice, it looks like that can still happen."

Christian realized Travis was right and settled down a little. "If you think this is angry, wait until I tell Ty. He's going to go through the roof." Travis interrupted Christian and suggested for him not to tell Tyler. "I can't hide anything from Ty. He'll know something is wrong as soon as he's around me. He always can tell when I'm hiding something from him."

Travis thought about it and came to the same conclusion. Tyler can always tell when something is being hidden from him even if he doesn't know what's being hidden. "Well when you talk to him, tell him not to worry. I'll get Troy Blackman off his back. I'm not going to tell you what my plan is. Just know that if it goes well, then Troy won't be a problem for you two anymore."

"Okay, I'll leave that up to you but let me make this perfectly clear." Christian paused for affect and Travis nodded his head. "Part of Ty's plan is to have Troy at the photo shoot. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stop that from happening. Troy will meet Ty and find out what happens when people fucks with Tyler Jackson!"

Travis just smiled. "Don't worry; I'll make sure Troy is at the shoot in one piece. What I'm going to do won't leave a mark on him but it definitely will get him off Tyler's case." Travis can see the questioning look in Christian eyes so he added. "It's better if you don't know. That way you won't be implicated in anything."

Christian didn't care if he got implicated in anything and he let Travis know it. "I don't care if I get implicated or not. All I care about is keeping Ty happy and smiling no matter what! And Troy Blackman is making it difficult for me to do that.

You need to tell me what your plan is so I can stay on top of everything and make sure nothing interferes with Ty's project. Because if it does, believe me, I will blow your plan up so fast the debris from the explosion will hit you faster than the thought of what happened will."

Travis could see that Christian was deadly serious and began to tell Christian of his plan. Once Travis had finished he asked Christian for any suggestions. The only suggestion Christian had for Travis was be careful. Travis said he will, and they finished their conversation and went back to work.

In Tyler's office, Dillon was going over what Mr. Chang people found out. He explained that the video was taken at a strict catholic church Tuesday night. The two guys who were watching Jeff at that time had a small camera with microphone hidden on them. You can hear Mr. Donavan coaching Jeff on what to say when he is questioned by CPS. Stating that Jeff should say that Christian and Tyler was forcing themselves on him and how they like to have sex with young boys because they're gay and they like to do it with young boys. Mr. Donavan also suggested that Jeff say that Christian and Tyler had sex with Jeff and other boys several times on the day they brought Jeff home with them. The more he talked, the more Jeff got scared.

The next clip showed Jeff standing in front of the priest, Father James Landon of the Church of Christ. We couldn't hear what Fr. Landon said to Jeff because he was whispering. By the time he finished, Jeff was crying from fear and visibly shaking. In fact, the rest of the video showed Jeff crying and shaking from fear.

Now Tyler was furious. "Dillon, I want you to make and untraceable call to the Donavan's. Tell them if anything happens to Jeff they'll regret it. Make sure they know this threat should be taken seriously." Tyler ordered. "Also get information on the priest. I think Chris will be paying a visit to him."

"Sure Tyler. I'll have it by the end of the day. Is there anything else?" Dillon asked.

"Not at the moment." Tyler responded. Then turning to his secretary, he said. "Janet, get Nichole Dunbar on the phone. Tell her to be in my office by nine o'clock tomorrow morning if she knows what good for her. Also take the DVD and information we have on the Donavan's along with the other documents to make four copies of them."

"I'll get right on it." Janet said as she and Dillon left Tyler's office. Janet hopes Tyler doesn't get carried away but she can see in Tyler's face that Cindy Campbell had gone too far with involving a child in this fight.

When they left, Tyler sat at his desk thinking about all the unfortunate orphans in the world. It makes him sad that so many children are abandon or thrown out of their house for one reason or another. Many of those children could have loving homes if society wasn't hung up on sexuality and other things. Tyler knows he can't help them all but maybe he can help the local ones. If Tyler does that, maybe other people will help other orphanage in their community.

Tyler called and spoke with Jordan Crimshaw, the director of the Malibu orphanage to see if he can be any assistance. Jordan said he could use all the assistance he could get so Tyler arranged to meet with Jordan in his office. Before going to lunch and Jordan Crimshaw's office, Tyler finished some reports on his desk.

When Tyler arrived, he was escorted to Mr. Crimshaw's office by one of the resident attendance. After the introduction, they got down to business.

Jordan (he assisted Tyler call him) said the orphanage wasn't getting enough money due to budget cut and he was swamp with writing essays to get government grants. He's also looking for a way to raise money to buy and renovate the old Morison hotel. That hotel is two blocks from Tyler's building and had been close for several years. Maybe Tyler might be able to help with obtaining it for the orphanage.

Tyler suggestion to have an auction to raise money and he know someone who can help with the essays and donating things for the auction. Tyler also said that he and his models can donate their calendar for the auction. Hopefully Tyler can talk Christian into doing a solo calendar for it as well.

When they concluded their meeting, Mr. Crimshaw shook Tyler's hand, then handed him some government grant forms to fill out.

"Just return the forms that can't be completed and I'll take care of them. I know you're a busy man, but I want you to know how much I appreciate your help with this. Hopefully something can get started now and we can raise the money."

Tyler said he will get the forms and essays in ASAP and headed back to his office.

Christian was sitting at his desk on base when he saw someone walking pass his door toward the bathroom. Christian looked up to see it was Troy Blackman. As Troy walked passed, he winked and smiled at Christian then continued on to the bathroom.

Christian was fed up with Troy. First Troy threatened to out him to the whole base, then Troy tried to ruin Tyler's project, and now he's trying to flirt with him. Christian had enough of Troy's childish games and decided to put an end to it.

Christian followed Troy to the bathroom not noticing that someone was watching him. When he walked into the bathroom, he saw Troy standing at the urinals taking a piss. Troy turned to see Christian walking in and winked and smiled at him again before taking a step back from the urinal and exposing himself to Christian. "This is what you really want, isn't it?" Troy teased Christian. "Why don't you come over here and let me show you what a real man is like. I know you'll enjoy it more than that loser Tyler Jackson."

That comment just anger Christian even more but he didn't let it show. He walked over to Troy with a wicked smile on his face. When he got close enough to Troy, Christian reached out and wrapped his hand around Troy's throat and shoved Troy against the wall of the stall. "You have nothing on my man!" The love and confidence that was shown in Christian's voice and eyes was only for one person and one person only, Tyler Jackson. Now Troy was starting to feel scared. "Now you listen to me! And listen good!"

When Christine Summers saw Christian walked into the bathroom after Troy it got her worried. She quickly went to Travis's office for help. Travis looked up when Christine knocked on his door and she only spoke one sentence. "Get to the men's room now!"

When Travis saw the worried look on her face, he knew what she meant. Not wasting any time he rushed to the men's room and barged through the door to find Christian with his hand around Troy's throat squeezing tightly. "I'm only going to tell you this once you little piece of shit. If I hear you telling any more lies about Tyler you will have me to deal with! Don't think you can flatter me with that little dick of yours. My man has two or more inches than you and he knows how to use it better than anyone else.

Hear my warning because this is your only one. Stay away from Ty's project unless he wants you involved in it. If I hear anything else about you trying to sabotage Ty's project I'm coming after you, understand?"

Travis walked up to Christian as Christian squeezed Troy's throat tighter. Travis tried to get Christian to calm down and let Troy go. "Don't do it bro. He's not worth it." Christian wasn't listening though. His hand was still squeezing Troy's throat which was causing Troy to have trouble breathing. When Travis saw that Christian wasn't listening, he thought of another way to get through to him. "Come on man, think of Tyler. You know Tyler can handle this piece of shit."

That produced the desire result. Christian had calm down enough to release his grip on Troy's throat. "Remember my warning Blackman. If my Ty gets hurt in any way, you better hope I come after you before he does. Believe me; Tyler Jackson can do more damage to you than I can. And he won't even have to touch you to do it."

Knowing what he heard on the news about Tyler Jackson and seeing the serious threatening look in Christian's eyes made Troy scared. He just simply nodded and straightened himself out before going over to wash his hands and leaving the bathroom. Christian kept his eyes on Troy the whole time.

After Troy left, Christian turned to Travis. "I want you to still keep an eye on him. I don't think he's going to give up that easy. I'm sure he's starting to plan something else."

"If he does then he's totally crazy." Travis replied. "After a scare like that, I'm surprise he didn't wet his pants. You were close to the edge bro. For a minute there, I thought I wasn't going to be able to stop you from strangling him."

Christian nodded his understanding. He too thought he wouldn't be able to stop. "You mentioning Tyler calmed me down just like you knew it would. I just hope he takes my warning seriously because I really don't want to see him hurt in any way."

Travis agreed and they left the bathroom heading back toward their offices. Once Christian reached his office, he gathered his things to head to one of his shops. On his way out, Christian asked Travis once again to keep an eye on Troy. Travis said he will and Christian thanked him before leaving the base.

When Tyler, Carlos, and Mark got to Tyler's office, Carlos told Tyler that he and Mark was taking the SUV to be service and would be back in a couple of hours. Tyler said that was fine because he'll be working until five thirty and they went their separate ways.

When Tyler got to his office, he told Janet to call Josh (Joshua) Brady and Eric Larson and ask if they could meet with him in an hour in his office. "Sure Tyler." Janet agreed with some nervousness in her voice.

Tyler sensed her nervousness. "What's wrong?" He asked her. Tyler was hoping it wasn't any more bad news. He doesn't know if he could take more bad news. This whole week had been filled with bad news.

"We need to talk in your office." Janet replied still nervous. "What I have to tell you is for your ears only and I don't think you're going to like what I have to tell you."

Tyler nodded his head and Janet followed him into his office. Janet closed the door for privacy before sitting down and beginning to explain to Tyler what is going on.

"Tyler, thirty minutes ago a lady came in looking for you." Janet began. "I told her you were out but would be back for your three o'clock appointment soon, and asked her to have a seat. While she was waiting, I took a good look at her and thought she looked familiar."

Tyler thought this sounded strange. He thought he canceled all his appointment for this afternoon. "Was it one of my former models trying to come back or a new model that you're familiar with Janet? No one should be looking for me because I canceled my appointments for this afternoon."

"No, it wasn't a model." Janet replied. Tyler was getting worried because Janet was never nervous around him about anything. Before Tyler could ask why she was nervous, Janet continued. "She asked me if I could watch her son while she goes to the bathroom and I said yes. While she was in the bathroom, I had a good look at the baby."

Tyler still didn't understand what Janet was trying to say. Why would this baby make Janet nervous? Did she recognize this baby? Was the baby sick? Could it be a kidnapped child? All kinds of thought ran through Tyler's mind but nothing could prepare him for what Janet said next.

Janet took a deep breath and let it out slowly before speaking again. "Tyler, the baby looks like Terry. I think he's your son." The look on Tyler's face was not exactly what Janet was expecting from him.

Tyler was speechless. Was this the son he thought he'd never see again? It's been almost six months since Tyler's ex Teresa said he couldn't be around the baby. Why were Terry (Terrence) and his mother here now? What did she want? The pain in Tyler's heart was coming back. It took Tyler a long time, or so he thought, to get over the lost of his son but the sadness was still there. Tyler would love to see Terry again but he doesn't want to bet back with Teresa. Tyler love Christian and nothing will break them up.

As Tyler was sitting there stunned, Janet finished what she was saying but Tyler couldn't hear anything she said. He was thinking about Terry. Tyler loves that kid. When Terry was born, Tyler was the happiest father as could be. Then Terry got sick and Tyler's world fell apart. It took Tyler a while to pull himself together. Tyler had to leave his business to be run by his employees while he grieved over the loss of his family. Now he has Christian and all is right in Tyler's world. Well, almost right. They need to get their son back, and then everything will be right.

"Tyler, Tyler, can you hear me?" Janet kept repeating. Tyler didn't realize he was sitting there emotionless. Tyler pulled himself together in order to answer Janet.

"Wh-wh-what did Teresa want?" Tyler asked in a quavering voice. He was still trying to collect his thought. "Why was she here with Terry? She hasn't let me see Terry in over six months."

"I don't know Tyler." Janet replied. "She never returned from the restroom. In fact, she never came back for Terry. I have him with me now."

"What?" Tyler said surprised. "You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're joking! Teresa couldn't just abandon her child like that." Tyler couldn't believe this. How could Teresa leave her child? What the hell was going through her mind?

"No I'm not." Janet said as she came around Tyler's desk and handed him Terry. "He's asleep now but he should be up soon." Then she added as an afterthought. "You need to find Teresa soon Tyler. Because if I see her anywhere on the street, her ass is grass! And I am the lawnmower!"

Tyler held Terry in his arms and started to cry. He couldn't help it. The baby he loved since the second he was born is back in his arms again. "I can't believe how big the little guy has gotten." Tyler said to Janet with tears steadily flowing down his cheeks. "He's growing up to fast."

"I know. What are you going to do now? You know if you turn him in, CPS will make it difficult for you to get guardianship of him. Mrs. Dunbar will try everything she can to have Terry remove from your custody."

"Check his diaper bag for his medical insurance card, birth certificate, and social security card." Tyler responded. "If Teresa had abandoned him they should be in there. As far as CPS goes, I'm not telling them anything until I know for sure Terry can't be taken from me again. Did Mrs. Dunbar agree with my meeting?"

"She tried to back out but finally agreed when I said she'll regret it if she doesn't." Janet replied while checking through the bag. "Everything is here including two bottles, two diapers, two shirts and pants, two jars of baby food, and a pacifier."

"Where is his carrier?" Tyler asked next but he had a feeling he already knew the answer. "Don't tell me Teresa didn't leave his carrier here also."

"She didn't have one." Janet answered with a tone of anger and discuss in her voice. "When she came in she was holding Terry in her arms."

Tyler shook his head in disbelief while standing up and pulling his wallet out. "Take my Visa platinum card and buy two sets of everything to create a nursery. I'll need one for home and one for the office. Also get extra diapers, wipes, baby food, bottles, mother's milk, and a carrier. Chris and I will get more tonight." He paused to wipe his tears away. Tyler's emotions were all over the place. "Before you leave though, call to have the spare room in here to be clean."

"Sure boss, I'll get everything you need." Janet said. "I love shopping with your money!" She added smiling excitedly. When she left, Tyler pushed the speaker button on his office phone and dialed a number.

When Carlos and Mark got to the dealership, the SUV was immediately taken to be serviced. During that time Carlos called to check on the upgrading on the new vehicles. Mark in the mean time called Mr. Chang to check on the training of the new security. Both calls didn't take long and they still had another fifty minutes to kill so they decided to walk around the car lot.

Carlos and Mark always wanted a sports car but never had the money. They know they could have asked Tyler for the money and Tyler would have given it to them. Then a couple of days ago Carlos thought of a way to make both Mark and Tyler happy.

While trailing Mrs. Dunbar Mark saw a sports car he liked at the Ford dealership. The car was a new cherry red Ford camero. Since they were having the SUV serviced today Mark decided he wanted to check out the car, so Carlos went along with him.

It didn't take them long to find the car, it was close to the building as well as close to the road. That's why Mark was able to spot it. They started to check the car over to see what extras they wanted to have that it didn't already have.

"It looks like its fully loaded and the price sounds good." Carlos said to Mark. "The only thing it doesn't have is an alarm. But we can have one put on, so do you want to buy it?"

Mark thought about it for a while before answering. "I don't know." When Carlos looked at him a little confused he explained. "I mean I like it, but I'm not sure if I can have Tyler cosigning because I don't have enough credit."

"Having Tyler cosign for you will help you build up your credit and give you something you've always wanted. Tyler's been waiting for over two months to give you your birthday present. Just buy the car so he'll stop feeling guilty that he hasn't given you your present yet and you can enjoy something you've always wanted, okay?"

Carlos smile couldn't help but to make Mark smile also. "Damn you and your smile. I can never say no to that smile. It always makes your violet eyes light up." Carlos just kept smiling. A minute later Mark let out a heavy sigh. "Alright! I'll have Tyler cosign for me."

"I'm going to hold you to that you know?" Carlos smiled again. "It's the perfect solution to making you both happy. Both of you are getting something out of this." He then leaned in and gave his boyfriend a quick but loving kiss.

They went back to the building to sign the paper work and to have the alarm put on the car. While they were taking care of that, the SUV was finished being serviced. Once everything was taken care of, Carlos and Mark headed back to Tyler's office.

At the mall, Christian was sitting behind his desk wondering what Troy will try to do next to ruin Tyler's project when his phone rang, startling him out of his thought. "Lucky Shop. Christian Michaels speaking."

"Hey baby, got a minute?" Tyler asked with a smile. Nothing can remove that smile from his face. "There's something I need to tell you and it can't wait."

"For you, anytime." Christian responded. Tyler could hear the smile and love in his voice.

Tyler told Christian how his ex, Teresa, had come to see him. How she asked Janet to watch Terry while she went to the restroom but never returning, leaving Terry behind. Tyler also said how Janet didn't realize that it was Teresa until she had a good look at Terry but by that time it was too late.

"Unbelievable!" Christian said angrily once Tyler had finished. "She just leaves and abandons the baby at your office without a second thought to what she was doing?"

"Yes. All his important papers are here but not much bottles or anything else." Tyler answered. "I sent Janet to get diapers and other things including things to create a nursery at home and here. If Teresa can abandon Terry like this, I'm going to make sure she can't ever abandon him again!"

"I guess we'll be going shopping again tonight." Christian announced. "He'll need more clothes among other things. I'll see you at home after work and we'll take care of it all. I can't wait to see the little guy!"

"Okay." Tyler said. "I have to wait for Janet to return but I won't be getting much work done. The bitch didn't even come with his carrier so I'll have to keep holding him until she gets back."

"Calm down baby. You and I will take good care of him." Christian tried to calm Tyler. "I'll see you in a couple of hour's hot stuff."

"Okay stud muffin." Tyler replied. Before they ended the call Tyler told Christian about the information that Dillon have found on Jeff's foster parents and suggested that Christian might want to pay a visit to the priest. Christian said he would do that before coming home.

After talking to Christian, Tyler was about to call Josh Brady and Eric Larson to meet with him in his office when they walked in. Tyler guest Janet had called them before running the errands. Before Tyler could begin the conversation the cleaning service walked in. Tyler pointed out which room he wanted clean and let them have at it while he conducted his meeting.

Tyler explained to the boys that he was helping the local orphanage to raise money and he needed their help. Tyler wanted Eric to help writing some essays for government grants and Josh to do a painting of him and a friend to be auction. Tyler informed them that he doesn't want this to interfere with their school work which will be starting soon but he'll pay for their services and any supplies they might need.

The guys said they would do it for no charge and they'll get started right away. Josh said he would like to paint at Tyler's house because there will be more privacy there. He had some ideas in mind and his parents wouldn't like the poses he had in mind. Tyler said that will be fine and they set up a schedule for him to come over around seven o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, starting on Friday.

After the meeting, Tyler made some calls involving the auction. By the time that had been accomplished, the cleaning service had finished their task at hand. Tyler thanked them for their services and tipped them for doing it on a short notice.

As they were leaving, Janet walked in with the carrier and diaper bag completely stocked. She informed Tyler that the items for the nursery will be arriving shortly and the items for home including a stroller will be delivered at eight o'clock tonight.

As she handed Tyler his credit card and receipt for the purchases, she stated the price was much lower than she expected. Apparently the store was having a huge sale on most of the merchandise she'd purchase. The total cost for the purchases was four thousand dollars.

"Thank you Janet." Tyler said as he placed and buckled Terry in the carrier. Tyler couldn't believe the little guy was still sleeping with all the noise that was going on from the cleaning. He must be exhausted.

"No problem boss." Janet replied. "Now you need to buy him some clothes and shoes and of course some diapers and other things. Then you will be all set."

"Chris and I are going shopping and getting those for him tonight." Tyler told her. "Can you stay until the nursery is set up? I want everything ready for tomorrow when I bring Terry to work with me."

"Sure I can." Janet replied before going to her desk.

As Tyler was shutting his office down, Carlos called him on the walkie talkie him that he and Mark was waiting out front. Tyler threw the diaper bag over his right shoulder, opened his cane in his right hand, and picked up the carrier in his left hand before leaving his office. On his way out Tyler asked Janet to lock his office and set the alarm then wished her a good night.

After talking to Tyler and finishing his work, Christian went to take care of other business. Before leaving his office, Christian made sure to change into his civilian clothes and headed out the store. When he reached his car, he threw his bag and uniform in the back seat before climbing in the driver's seat. After computing the address into his GPS system he drove to Fr. Landon house.

While driving, Christian thought about everything that Tyler had told him today. Christian can't believe he and Tyler now have two boys who were abandon by their mothers. Christian wondered what the hell is going on with parents these days. Why are they abandoning their responsibilities? Why is the government trying to find fault with someone just because they're gay when the straight people are the ones that are abandoning their children.

By the time Christian reached Father Landon's house, he had no answers to his questions. He just pushed it to the back of his mind. Right now he had another important business to take care of.

Christian got out of the car and walked up to the house. He got no answer on the first and second time he rang the bell. But on the third ring, someone answered the door. "Can I help you?" A man in his middle forties asked.

"I hope so. Are you Father Landon?" Christian asked as a reply. The man answered yes. "Can you step outside for a minute sir? I like to talk to you about your church." Fr. Landon said he could and called to his wife that he was stepping outside to talk and will be right back. His wife said okay and Fr. Landon stepped outside with Christian.

When Tyler got to the front door of his company, Carlos and Mark noticed the baby and asked who he was, saying that he looks familiar. Tyler explained that the baby was his son Terry and Terry's mother had abandoned him at his office, now Tyler will be taking care of him.

"What is this world coming to?" Mark asked no one in particular. "If I had a kid of my own, I'll love him or her forever and never abandon him or her under any circumstances."

Carlos and Tyler agreed as they got into the car. Tyler buckled the carrier to the seat and pulled out his phone to call Christian. Tyler wanted Christian to meet them at D&G© since there's no time to go home then shopping before the delivery truck arrives. They can eat at the mall.

Christian said he will meet them there so Tyler relayed the message to Carlos and contacted the shop for a visit. Tyler is glad that store has a baby department too. They can get Terry everything there and buy the shoes at Kids Footlockers. The call Tyler made to Kevin was to let him know what was going on. After taking care of all that, Tyler settled back for the ride.

Christian was waiting for them when they arrived at the store. He took one look at Terry and fell in love. "He's gorgeous! Just like his daddy." He smiled at Tyler when he said that. "What took you guys so long?"

"We had to find a parking space. This mall is crowded today." Tyler replied. "Let's go shopping. We need to be home by eight o'clock to meet the delivery truck. We can eat dinner here."

Christian carried the carrier in his left hand while holding Tyler's left hand with his right as he normally does. Luckily Kim was waiting for them when they enter the store so it didn't take long to get everything they needed. Kim made all the pleasantry remarks about how adorable the baby was, how he looks like his daddy, and so on. Next they went to Footlocker for shoes, then to dinner.

Christian and Tyler wanted chicken fried steak and Mark and Carlos wanted chicken parmesan so they decided to go to Flo's. Besides being famous for their chicken fried steak Flo's is second famous for their chicken parmesan. First being Karmyn Place, Tyler's new restaurant.

While waiting for their orders, Tyler took Terry out of his carrier to feed him. He asked Christian to hand him a jar of apple sauce and a spoon. While Tyler was feeding Terry, he explained to the guys about the fund raiser he was helping the local orphanage with. Tyler told Christian that he was modeling for a painting to be auction and Tyler wanted Christian to model also.

Christian said he'll be happy to do it. In fact, Carlos and Mark wanted to model for one too. Tyler told them he'll let Josh know because Tyler didn't know what ideas Josh have in mind. By the time Tyler had finished feeding Terry, their dinner had arrived.

Tyler placed Terry in the high chair and starting eating. The conversation had moved to Christian visit to Fr. Landon. It wasn't nice. Fr. Landon tried to play a tough guy but was no match for Christian. He told Christian he'll do whatever he wants and there's nothing Christian can do about it. Christian put the priest in his place when he said in a deadly tone he has people watching the priest and he knows where he lives so if the priest comes near Jeff again he'll be coming after him. Tyler hopes that terrified Fr. Landon enough for him to stay away from Jeff. Tyler doesn't want to let Christian loose, but he will if he has to.

Tyler explained to everyone from the information he has on Mrs. Dunbar to Jeff foster parents. There's no way they won't get Jeff back tomorrow. They still have to go through the court system to adopt him but Tyler's sure they won't be denied.

After dinner, they headed home. On the way home, Mark noticed a car following them and alerted everyone to it. When they got to the gates the car sped off but not before security got the number to the plates. Whoever was in the car had no idea they were being watched by Tyler's security team. That's what makes Tyler's security detail hard to break through. They're always on alert for any possible danger in the area.

When they got out of the car at the house, Kevin came over to give Mark the plate number of the car that was following them. "Good job Kevin. I'll run a check on the plates just as soon as I get inside and track them down."

"You don't have to do that." Kevin responded. "I'd seen that car several times earlier today and ran the plates already. It's register to an Alexander James. He must have followed you on his way back through."

"What?" Christian and Tyler said in unison. "Are you sure about that Kevin?" They asked in unison again.

"Yes. I confirmed it with the DMV."

"If that car comes by here again bring him to me." Christian demanded of Kevin. "I don't care how you do it, just bring him alive." He said in a furious tone.

"Sure Christian." Kevin agreed. He didn't want to anger Christian more than he already is. Travis told Kevin what happened today when Travis got home from work.

While they were talking to Kevin, Carlos carried all the bags into the house. Christian grabbed Terry from his carrier and they all went inside the house.

Once inside, Christian went to place Terry on their bed while Tyler went to get them some ice cream. When Christian came to the kitchen table and sat down, Tyler could tell he had calm down enough to discuss the situation with him.

Tyler asked Christian what he's planning to do and Christian told him don't worry about it. That made Tyler worry even more. Whenever Christian says that, it tells Tyler he's angry enough to kill but calm enough not to let it show. Christian is just like Tyler. They'll destroy any threat to their family and Mr. Alexander James is part of that threat. No one would want to be in his shoes at any time. Christian's size alone is threatening but him angry too? Now that's a dangerous combination! Tyler just hopes Christian calms down before coming face to face with Officer James.

Seeing he wasn't going to get any information from Christian, Tyler let the matter drop. Just then, the intercoms on the phone buzz. Alerting them there's someone at the gates that doesn't have clearance to enter. Christian answered it and told security to let them through because they were expecting them. Tyler knew it had to be the delivery truck. He'd forgotten all about it.

When the truck arrived, Tyler and Christian directed them to set everything up in the last room on the right. They set it up that way so the kids can have their own room but still be close to them if they get scared. While that was going on, Tyler went to the safe to get some money to tip the delivery guys and to have in his wallet because he was running low.

With Christian's help, it only took an hour to set everything up. Tyler was about to tip and thank the delivery guys for their services, when Christian beat him to the punch. Although he tipped them for the home setup, Tyler found out they did the office setup also, so he tipped them for that and thanked them for their services. When Christian walked the guys out, Tyler retrieved Terry from their bed for his feeding and put him into his crib for the night. Soon after locking up and setting the alarm, Christian and Tyler headed for bed themselves.

After stripping and climbing into bed, Christian wrapped his left arm around Tyler and pulled him close. Tyler felt safe and content in Christian's arms. Soon after, they fell asleep. Tomorrow they will have their son back and all will be right with Tyler's world.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corners:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you'd enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter.

We started off where we left off in the previous chapter with Tyler and the guys visiting someone in the hospital. This character had been mention several times in previous chapters. What is Mrs. Lopez in the hospital for? Even I don't know that as of yet.

Tyler wasn't going to tell Mrs. Lopez anything of what's going on with Jeff but Christian let the cat out of the bag. Tyler had no other choice but to tell his grandmother the whole situation. Later that night Christian apologized and Tyler forgave him. Like Tyler said she would have seen something wrong and forced Tyler to tell her everything.

When Travis got home from work, he talked to Kevin over dinner about Troy. Kevin supported Travis and told Travis not to cause any attention to him or Christian. That will not be a good idea.

Poor Jeff. Things just went from bad to worse with him. Did Christian's visit to the priest help Jeff? What will Tyler and Christian do to get their son back? Can they get to him fast enough?

The little show down didn't go as plan for Troy. Christian quickly put him in his place. What do you think Troy has up his sleeves next? Or has Troy met his match with Christian?

A new character was introduced in this chapter, Tyler's son Terry. Where did Teresa go and why did she abandon Terry? What will Tyler do when he finds her? What would you like for him to do? If I know Tyler, he's not going to let Teresa get away with abandoning her child.

Well Christian almost came blows to blows with two people in this chapter. How much can Christian and Tyler take? It looks as if Christian is closer to the edge than Tyler. What will break them? Even I don't think I want to know that piece of information.

Why is Alexander James watching Tyler's house? Keep reading the future chapters to find that out.

Who is Dillon and how does he fit in the story? I gave you a hint in this chapter but there's another clue also. Can you tell what it is?

If I had missed anything in my corner, maybe my editor will catch it in her corner. I need to get started on writing the next chapter.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor's Corners:

This is my first chapter posting an editor's corners. I hope you do stick around for more of the story; looks like some things are starting to happen.

What do you think Jeff will have to say when he does get to come home and sees that he will have a brother now? Because I don't know what Teresa is up to but I do believe that she will have a time getting Terry away from Tyler.

How do you think Tyler will help the orphanage? I wonder if he will buy the old Morison Hotel and get it ready.

What ideas does Josh have in mind that his parents wouldn't understand?

Next: Chapter 13

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