Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Nov 16, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere. This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

Chapter 14

Friday morning came too quickly for everyone. Before Tyler knew it, the alarm was buzzing like crazy waking him from a peaceful sleep. He reached over to turn the alarm off before waking Christian and dragging himself out of bed to shower and dress.

Christian joined him in the shower a minute later as it had become their morning ritual routine. They lather each other up, paying special attention to the most intimate parts of their bodies. They knew they didn't have any time to finish what they had started so they stopped it before it could go any further. Once they finished dressing, Christian went to wake Jeff while Tyler went to wake Terry.

While Tyler was quickly sponge bathing Terry, Christian came in to pack his diaper bag. During that time they discussed what to do with the boys and decided to get a housekeeper to take care of the house and boys while they were working. In the mean time the boys will go into the office with Tyler. Christian said he would take Jeff with him today since he will be at the shops all day.

After Terry's bath, Tyler started to dress him. "Thanks babe. That will help me out because I have to take Terry to the doctors. I need to see if his cancer has gotten better or worse. Since Teresa had cut me off from his life and didn't leave any records on his cancer, I need to have some updated ones on file."

"What time is his appointment?" Christian asked. He had just finished packing the diaper bag and was now zipping it shut.

"It's at ten thirty this morning." Tyler replied. "He's having a lot of tests done so I know where we stand with his cancer. It will take about an hour and a half to complete them. Teresa didn't leave any information on anything about his cancer so I need to be up to date with it. I'm taking everyone to lunch before our 2 pm appointment."

"Give me the address before we leave. Jeff and I will meet you there, and then follow you to lunch and the appointment. You're taking him to your doctor, right?"

"Of course I am. I wouldn't take him to anyone else." Tyler replied. "Dr. Blythmoore is the best in the business and knows what he's doing. You won't find a better doctor. Besides that, he's a doctor with a heart. That's what I like most about him; he truly cares about his patients."

Christian went to the dresser to get Terry's shoes. Terry was fully dress now and Tyler was putting on his socks. "Nothing but the best for our boys, huh? I like to strangle that Teresa!" Christian said the last part with fury as he handed Tyler Terry's shoes.

"No you won't, she's all mine." Tyler said with an evil laugh merge with venom as he was putting Terry's shoes on him. "This is between me and Teresa alone, no one else. No one else is to get involved."

"I know that laugh. Will you please try not to go overboard with her?" Christian said with concern in his voice. "I don't want you to get into any trouble trying to make her regret her action."

Tyler nodded and picked Terry up to carry him downstairs. Christian followed behind him with the diaper bag, stopping at Jeff's door to get him for breakfast.

They reached the kitchen as the others were just walking in. Tyler placed Terry in his highchair for Christian to feed him while the others made breakfast. Tyler wanted to celebrate getting Jeff back by making his famous raspberry waffles. Jeff sat at the table and turned on the television but couldn't find any cartoons. Tyler told him which channels were the cartoon channels and he settled on one he likes.

By the time breakfast was ready, Terry had finished his jar of baby food. Before they could start eating, Tyler's cell phone rang. He answered the call while the others laid out the dishes of food on the table.

It was the night security at his office warning him that the media was waiting to interview him about yesterday's event. Tyler told his security to inform the media that he wouldn't be giving any interviews and to have them arrested if they don't clear out. Tyler wanted to put yesterday behind him before he got angry again. That idiot could have killed his son by his reckless driving. By the time breakfast was over Tyler had calm down enough to go to work.

After kissing Kevin goodbye and leaving the house, Travis pulled Christian and Tyler aside to talk to them in private. "I need to tell you two guys something but I don't want you to freak out or get angry over what I have to tell you." They both agreed and Christian asked if it was about Troy. "Yes it is. He's up to his old tricks again." Travis went on to tell them about what he heard yesterday in Troy's superior's office.

By the time Travis had explained everything, Christian and Tyler was burning with anger. "That won't happen." Christian spoke before Tyler could say anything. "Don't worry; I'll take care of it. That little plan is going to blow up in their faces."

"Chris please don't do anything that will jeopardize your military career." Tyler begged him. He and Travis could hear the anger in Christian's voice. "I don't want you to lose the most important thing you love in this world."

"The most important thing I love in this world is you baby." Christian said lovingly. He then kissed Tyler sweetly to confirm what he just said. "I won't let them destroy something that's important to you. This project makes you happy and I'm going to do my best to keep you that way."

"I appreciate that baby. But we need to think rationally about this." Tyler replied in the same lovingly manner. "We don't know what they have against this project or us, but they obviously do have something. We need to find out what that something is so we can put an end to this once and for all."

Christian and Travis agreed and the three of them discuss how to find out what Troy and Joseph problem is with Tyler's project. They will need Travis's help which Travis had no problem with giving them the help they need. Once they decided on a plan, they headed out to the cars.

Travis said goodbye to everyone and headed off to work before he was late while Tyler hugged Jeff goodbye as Christian belted Terry in the car. Tyler then kissed Christian goodbye before getting into the car with Carlos and Mark while Jeff got into the car with Christian. Soon after, they went their separate ways.

On his way to the first shop across town, Christian stopped at the Starbuck's for a cup of cappuccino for himself and a hot chocolate for Jeff. When they reached the shop, Christian saw the employees getting ready to open. Seeing everything was under control, Christian went into the office to go over the books.

It didn't take him long to go over the books, so with the extra time he had, Christian help the employee's stock the shelves with Jeff assisting him. "Did anything interesting happen while you were with the Donavan's little man?" Christian asked Jeff.

Jeff hung his head and hesitated to answer the question. Christian reached down and gently lifted Jeff's head to look him in the eyes. He was now more curious as to what went on in that house. "You know you can tell me anything. I won't be upset with you okay?"

Jeff started to cry. He didn't know what to tell Christian. If he told Christian what happened at the Donavan's, Christian will tell Tyler. Jeff wants to keep them both from going after Mr. Donavan. He doesn't want Christian and Tyler to get into any trouble, he seen that evil dangerous look in Tyler's eyes when he was taken away and it terrified him.

Christian picked the crying boy up and carried him to his office. The hell with work, it can wait. His son needed him now and Christian was going to be there for him. When they got to the office, Christian closed the door, then walked over and sat behind his desk with Jeff sitting in his lap as he continued to cry.

It took about five minutes for Jeff's cries to diminish to a sniffle. Once he did, Christian reached for a tissue and gently wiped the tears from Jeff's eyes before grabbing another one to wipe his nose. "Come on little man, tell me what's got you so upset. I promise you that daddy Ty and I will help you through it."

"It's not that dad." Jeff sniffled. "It's just that you're not going to like what I have to tell you and I don't want you and daddy Ty to get into any trouble over it. It scares me when daddy gets that dangerous look in his eyes, you know?"

Oh yes, Christian does know about that look that Tyler gets when someone he loves gets hurt. It the look that says, `You hurt my family, now I'm going to hurt you. That's one reason why Christian loves Tyler so much, his willingness to protect his family and friends at all cost. "Don't worry little man, I'll make sure daddy Ty doesn't go overboard." Christian reassured Jeff, although he wasn't sure he could keep his word on that.

"Yeah right!" Jeff giggled a little. "You can't stop a tornado that's blowing your way with a fan. No matter how powerful that fan is, the tornado always hits its target and destroys it."

Christian laughed at Jeff's comparison of Tyler's raft to a tornado which in turn made Jeff laugh also. "Well, I might not be able to stop it, but I certainly can tame it a little. I doubt that anyone able to stop the tornado known as Mt. Tyler." He said through his laughter.

"Yeah, but I also don't want a hurricane known as hurricane Christian to be let loose either." Jeff replied still laughing.

That just made Christian laugh harder. "Okay little man we won't go overboard." After saying that, Christian became more serious. "Why don't we head out? We need to go to the other shops. You can tell me what happened at the Donavan's on the way. We need to know what happened so we can figure out what to do about it."

Jeff reluctantly agreed to tell Christian everything as to what went on at the Donavan's house. He didn't want to, but he knew he couldn't keep it from them. After Christian packed up his things they headed to the other shops. On the way, Christian got a call on his cell phone.

When Tyler arrived at his office Janet asked him where Jeff was. Tyler told her that Jeff was with Christian for the day but they'll be meeting up with them later for Terry's doctor's appointment with Dr. Blythmoore.

After unlocking his office, Tyler walked into the nursery and placed Terry in his playpen. Before going to his desk he turned on the mobile over the playpen in hopes it will keep Terry quiet for a while so he can get some work done.

As Tyler checked his e-mail and messages, Janet brought him a cup of coffee. Tyler thanked her for the coffee and asked about the accounts for the plane and restaurant. "They're both set up and are ready to go. All you need to do is alert the restaurant managers about the new account."

"Good. I'll call the restaurant to inform the managers." Before going back to her desk, Janet asked Tyler if there was anything else he needed. "Yes, call Scanner to file a breach of contract on Mr. Williams right away." Janet said she will and left to do just that.

After she left, Tyler called Christian on his cell phone. He wanted to see if Christian could get off early next Friday to take a trip with him. "I probably can, but why and where are we going?" Christian asked.

"Atlantic City." Tyler replied. "Next Saturday is my birthday and I want to do some gambling. We can ask my sister to babysit the boys for us. We can fly down to Florida early afternoon and be in New Jersey by night. We can even take Kevin and Travis with us, I'm sure they'll love it."

"Okay. Christian responded. "While you're checking with your sister, I'll check my schedule and arrange the flights."

"You don't have to do that. I have a plane, remember?"

"That's right. I can't wait to make love on that luxury jet." Christian said seductively. Tyler knows Christian's thinking about the many places and positions they can make that happen.

Tyler smiled big at that thought. "Just clear your schedule and I'll take care of everything else." He said to Christian. Christian could hear his big smile through the phone. "You just make sure your schedule is clear for that weekend."

Fortunately, Christian had both his base and shops schedule with him at that moment. When he stopped at a red light Christian checked his schedule. After checking his schedule, he told Tyler he wasn't working on base next weekend and he can clear his schedule for the shop. Tyler said okay and he'll call his sister when they get off the phone. Tyler then asked how Jeff was doing. Christian said Jeff was fine and that they needed to talk later about something that Jeff had told him. Tyler asked what that was but Christian didn't want to say anything with Jeff around. He didn't want him getting upset again. Tyler just agreed. He could hear the anger in Christian's voice and knew what he was going to hear is something he wasn't going to like.

Before hanging up with Christian, Tyler suggested to him for Christian to hire managers for all of his shops. Tyler knows that Christian still needs to hire one or two more managers to manage all of his shops. Christian can move his office to Tyler's building. That way Christian can have a corporate office and have all paper work for his shops in one location instead of running from shop to shop like he's doing now.

Christian likes that idea. He told Tyler he'll select a floor to open his corporate office on after the meeting with the McDonald's corporation. Christian wants to set up his corporate office over the weekend. He already has an idea for the last two managers he needed and a secretary in mind and will check on it. Then he surprised Tyler with his next statement. "It'll also be easier for me to get to you whenever I get in the mood."

Tyler heard Christian smiling through the phone and replied with a smile of his own. "Why do you think I suggested it? I can always use a Christian milkshake to go with my lunch. Not to mention your buns to wrap around my hot dog."

Christian laughed. "I think I'll have the same order. That's if I don't have the meatball sandwich instead." Now both guys were rolling with laughter. They talked for a few more minutes before ending the call. They both knew they had a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time.

When Travis arrived on base the first thing he did was to look for Troy as usual. He spotted Troy sitting at his desk working. Travis was glad that Troy wasn't spreading any rumors about Tyler's project but Travis knew that wouldn't last for long. Troy needs Tyler out of the picture. No one knew why, but they know it would be reveal soon.

It wasn't long after Travis unlocked his office and turned on his computer when Christine knocked on his door. Travis looked up and waved her in. "Please don't tell me this is about Blackman again. I just saw him sitting at his desk working. He couldn't have started any rumors that fast."

Christine came in and closed the door behind her before sitting down. "No, this rumor he started before you came to work. Now he's telling everyone that Tyler is using this project as a cover up for a gay orgy. What's going on Travis? I thought Christian was going to put a stop to these rumors from being spread."

Travis kept a calm demeanor but was fuming inside. "Don't worry Christine; he won't succeed with his plan. We already know about this plan and are taking actions against him. He won't be able to counter act Tyler's plan to stop him. Tyler is a formable opponent and Troy will suffer the same defeat as many others had."

From what she heard about Tyler Jackson and seeing the smile on Travis's face Christine realized that no matter what Troy does it won't keep Tyler's project from succeeding. "Well, you guys better do something about this quick because Troy is starting to get on some of the other marines nerves with these rumors."

Travis assured her that it will be taken care of soon and thanked Christine for letting him know what was going on. Christine then left Travis's office and Travis began his day at work. He wanted to have his work done early in order to do his part of the plan.

After Tyler called and arranged everything with his sister, he called the Coca Cola, Pepsi, and other corporations he needed to call. Tyler wants to turn one of his floors into a cafeteria and snack bar, including vending machines and ice cream stand.

One side will contain restaurants such as McDonald's, China Hut, Burger King, Pop Eye's, Pizza Hut, and Jerry Subs. Half of the middle side will contain prepared food while the other half will have the order to make. The orders are freshly made at that spot including salads. The other side will have the vending machines. There also will be a counter to buy home made ice cream on that side. All Tyler needed to do is make the deals and have the construction work done.

The snack bar will consist of vending machines containing sodas, juices, fruits and sandwiches, snacks, and ice cream. The last machine will be a coffee machine including hot chocolate. Anyone can also buy popcorn, warm pretzels, candy, chips, hot dogs with or without chili and cheese, smoothies, and nachos over the counter.

After conducting his business at the other shops, Christian went to the mall. This was the last shop he needed to check on. So far everything was going well so Christian went to the manager's office to check the books.

Everything looks okay there as well. Danny seems to be on task with everything. Christian now knows that Danny will do well as store manager. As soon as Christian finished with the books, Danny knocked on the door. "Mr. Michaels we got a delivery yesterday from a company called Clarkson Fashion. Is that a new product we suppose to be selling?"

"Yes Danny. I want everything placed on shelves except for the jackets; I want those hung up next to the shelves containing the other items. That way the customers can see the complete set of the merchandise."

"Yes sir, I'll take care of it right away." Danny replied. "Is there anywhere you want them pacifically or do you want me to select an area to place them for you?"

"I'll leave that up to you Danny. As store manager it will be your responsibility in running the store which means you need to lead. That includes making decision on things. I'll only assist when assistance is needed."

Danny agreed and thanked Christian before heading out to stock the shelves. After he left, Christian checked the time and saw that it was time to meet Tyler at the doctor's office. He looked around the shop to find Jeff. He found him helping Danny stocking the shelves with the new merchandise and called out to him. "Hey little man, we need to go now."

"Okay, I'll be right there." Jeff called back. Danny thanked Jeff for his help with stocking the shelves and Jeff told him he was welcome and said goodbye before meeting up with Christian and following him out of the store.

When nine thirty rolled around, Tyler got Terry ready for his appointment with Dr. Blythmoore. He met Carlos and Mark who was waiting in the lobby and they headed off to Terry's appointment.

When they got to Dr. Blythmoore's office, Mark went in first to double check to make sure it was safe while Carlos and Tyler waiting in the hall. A minute later, he was back. "That was fast, is everything okay?" Tyler asked him.

"Everything is fine, let's go in." Mark answered.

They went inside for Tyler to sign Terry in for his doctor's appointment. The receptionist that signed them in recognized Tyler. "Mr. Jackson, I didn't know you had an appointment with us today."

"I don't but my son Terry does." Tyler told her. "In fact, does Dr. Blythmoore have some time to give my other son Jeff a physical for school by any chance? I like to have that taken care of while we're here also."

"He might be able to squeeze Jeff in after Terry's appointment, if he's here on time." The receptionist said. "I didn't know you had kids Mr. Jackson."

Tyler explained to her that he now have two boys that he's taking care of when Christian walked into the office with Jeff. "Jeff is here now, ma'am." Christian confirmed as he walked up behind Tyler and gave him a kiss. "Hey baby."

The receptionist double checked the schedule to make sure a time was open for Dr. Blythmoore to see Jeff as well as to gather all the medical forms Tyler needs to fill out as all patients do their first time in a medical office. "Hey gorgeous." Tyler replied smiling at Christian's greeting. "Did you have any trouble in finding the place?"

"No trouble at all. The direction you gave me was perfect."

The receptionist told them that Dr. Blythmoore can see Jeff today. She then handed Christian some medical forms to fill out concerning the boy's history. "Please fill out these forms concerning Jeff and Terry for their medical records, please?" Christian thanked her and they took a seat. Tyler and Christian filled out the necessary forms while they waited to be called on. Ten minutes after signing in, the nurse called Terry's name.

Tyler looked at Christian with a pleading look. "Can you come in with me please?" He asked. "I feel that this visit isn't going to be good and I could use a shoulder to lean on."

"You don't even have to ask that." Christian replied lovingly. "There's no way I'm letting you go through this all alone." Before getting up, Christian told Jeff to stay with Mark and Carlos. Jeff said he will and the two followed the nurse into an examination room.

The nurse did all the usual pre examination process. You know the ones, the taking of Terry's height, weight, temperature, and blood pressure, plus writing them down before leaving the room. Five minutes later Dr. Blythmoore entered.

"Hey Tyler. How's it going?" Dr. Blythmoore asked.

"Everything's going fine doc." Tyler replied. He always call Dr. Blythmoore doc. It sounded friendlier to Tyler than saying Dr. Blythmoore. Plus Tyler really does think of the doctor as a friend. "I'm just hoping that everything is well with Terry."

"Let's see what we can do to keep him healthy. You did fill out the medical forms didn't you?" Dr. Blythmoore asked. Christian said they did and handed the forms to the doctor.

After taking a couple of minutes of looking over the forms, Dr. Blythmoore did the routine check on Terry. First he checked Terry's eyes, then his ears, and then his nose and throat. Next he checked Terry's heart, and finally his lungs and kidneys. "Everything seems to be fine so far." He stated. He then explained that he needs to get blood from Terry for testing. These tests will tell them if Terry's cancer had gotten better or worse. "Okay Tyler, you know the drill."

Tyler does know the drill. Tyler had Terry covered under his medical insurance and had been bringing him to Dr. Blythmoore's office before Terry's mother and him broke up. What Teresa didn't know is that Terry is still covered under Tyler's insurance and could see any doctor. Suddenly Tyler felt Christian squeezing his left hand to reassure him that everything will be alright.

Tyler nodded to Dr. Blythmoore before crossing his arm over Terry's right arm and grabbed his left arm to keep him still. Terry hates needles as much as Tyler does and Tyler didn't want Terry to hurt himself by flapping around.

When the doctor stuck him with the needle, Terry didn't cry but he whimpered. Tyler could tell that Terry was trying to be brave. Tyler knew that Terry gets that from him. After taking two vials of blood, the doctor pulled the needle out and put a band aid on it.

Tyler turned Terry around and hugged him tight as Terry whimpered. "Good boy Terry, it's all done now kiddo." He said softy. Terry clung to Tyler for dear life and hung on tight. He couldn't let go. Tyler just held him until he calmed down.

While Christian went to get Jeff for his physical, Dr. Blythmoore explained to Tyler that the test should be completed by this afternoon and he'll call with the results. "Once we have the results, we should know where to go from there. I don't think his cancer had gotten worse, but we won't know for sure until we get the results back."

Jeff's physical went pretty much the same way as Terry's. Starting from taking his height and weight and ending with taking his blood. Christian held Jeff in his lap during that time. Christian and Tyler both wanted their boys to feel relax through it all. Christian and Tyler knew that the more relax the boy's feels, the easier it will go. The easier it goes, the sooner it will be over.

Jeff too whimpered but didn't cry. Tyler and Christian thought that Jeff had to show his daddies and little brother that he can be brave too. When it was over, Christian hugged Jeff tight until he calmed down. Since Jeff was older than Terry the doctor gave him a lollipop. Before leaving Dr. Blythmoore's office, Tyler set up an appointment for his three months check up for his Diabetes. After leaving the doctor's appointment, the guys headed to Pizza Hut for lunch.

On the way there, Christian called Travis while Tyler called Kevin to meet them at the restaurant. When they arrived, Kevin and Travis was already there waiting for them. They were shown to the table and then the waiter took their order. Before the waiter left, Tyler asked if he could speak with the manager. "Sure sir, I'll go and get him for you right now."

"What do you need to see the manager for?" Christian asked curiously after the waiter left.

"I'm opening a cafeteria in my building and I want this franchise to be one of the restaurants there. I need to contact the corporate office to set up a deal with them in order to do that." Tyler answered.

"I think that's a great idea, how about you guys?" Christian asked the others and they all agreed that it was a great idea. "By the way, I'm taking the nineteenth floor for my corporate office. I want easy access to you whenever I want."

Tyler said that was fine. He already has Jackson Agency on the eighteenth floor. Christian just needs to decorate and decide who he's giving office space to. Tyler suggested that Christian make one of the offices for an accounting department.

Christian agreed and told Tyler that he'll have more of an insight as to what he wants once he had seen the floor plans. Tyler told him the floor plans were pretty much the same as his floor. Christian said that was fine but he still needs to see the plans because he wants to put a bathroom in his office. Tyler agreed and the subject was dropped because by that time the manager had walked up to them. "How may I help you gentlemen?" He asked no one in particular.

"Are you the manager?" Tyler asked in return.

"Yes sir, I am." He confirmed.

Tyler told him that he was opening a cafeteria in his building and he wanted Pizza Hut to be one of the restaurants in that cafeteria. He asked the manager about the corporate office and who to contact there to negotiate a deal.

The manager left and came back five minutes later with a business card. "Here you go sir." He said, handing Tyler the card. "The major corporate office is in Atlantic City, New Jersey but all the contact information is on this card."

Tyler gave the manager his best business like smile. "Thank you for your help sir." The manager said he was welcome and went back to his office. After he left, Tyler looked at Christian with sad eyes. "I guess I have to set up a meeting for next weekend to negotiate this deal." Christian groaned but said nothing. Just then the waiter came with their order.

During lunch Tyler tried to assure Christian that the meeting wouldn't take long and they'll have the whole weekend to have fun. Christian agreed but Tyler could tell that he wasn't happy with Tyler working during his birthday weekend. So Tyler resolved himself in getting business over with fast so he can enjoy his birthday with Christian. For the rest of lunch everyone just talked in general. They discussed nothing major or business wise. Tyler did however, called Jacob Hernandez to confirm their deal.

Once lunch was over, Kevin headed back home while Travis headed back to the base. The others headed to the hotel for the meeting with the McDonald's corporation.

They walked into the private room of the Hilton Hotel at 2 pm for the meeting. Scanner was already there waiting. After the introductions and the waiter taking their drink orders they got down to business at hand.

Tyler could tell that this was going to be a difficult deal to make and that these guys he was talking to haven't done a good negotiation deal in their lives. He wondered where Jacob had gotten these guys from. They sure weren't up to Jacob's standards.

First, they called him Tyler instead of Mr. Jackson which is the proper way to address someone during a business meeting unless that person asked or give the person they're talking to permission to call them by their first name. Second, they tried to get more money than what was agreed upon. They wanted four hundred thousand per restaurant with two million in reserve. Finally, their attitude was way too cocky for Tyler's liking.

"Look Tyler, Mr. Hernandez knows your reputation in the business world. He knows you can clean up these stores and make them a bigger success than what they are. He's willing to over look the scandals and sell to you at these prices. All you have to do is sign and we're in business." Mr. Mitchells, the president of the McDonald's corporation said trying to intimidate Tyler into signing.

"First, it's Mr. Jackson, not Tyler." Tyler responded calmly showing he can't be intimidated. "Second, the deal is for two hundred thousand per store with one million in reserve. These scandals have no means in the way I run my business. Third, this company will have two owners not one. So you need to talk to both owners. Finally, if you ever try to rip me off again, you'll regret it!" Tyler finished in a menacing voice.

Mr. Williamson, the financial president jumped in to regain control of the negotiation. "We spoken with Mr. Hernandez this morning. Due to a miscalculation, he was given the wrong value of the stores and wants to correct that mistake. We're authorized to offer you this amount."

These guys obviously have no idea who they're dealing with, when dealing with Tyler Jackson. "Well let's call him to confirm that, shall we?" Tyler replied sternly pulling out his cell phone. "When I spoke to him an hour ago, he was set on the price we agreed upon for this deal."

As Tyler dialed Jacob Hernandez's number, the two men tried to talk their way out of a sticky situation they have put themselves in. Christian told them to take their punishment like a man as the phone was being answered. Tyler made sure to have the whole conversation on speaker.

"McDonald's Corporation. How may I help you?" The secretary asked.

"Hello, may I speak with Jacob Hernandez Please? This is Tyler Jackson calling." Tyler answered.

"One moment please Mr. Jackson." The receptionist replied before transferring the call.

A minute later Jacob Hernandez's voice came over the line. "Hi Tyler. What can I do for you?"

"Hi Jacob. I'm sitting with two of your representatives, DeWayne Mitchells and Andrew Williamson. They've been telling me some interesting things in regarding this deal that needs to be cleared up..."

Tyler told Mr. Hernandez how his representatives have double the amount per stores including the reserves, how they have authorization for that amount, ignoring a part owner, and their cocky attitude through this whole meeting. Tyler left nothing out.

"I'm sorry Tyler; I'll deal with them later. They had no authorization to double the price; it's still the same as we agreed upon. That's two hundred thousand per store with one million in reserve."

"I'm sorry Jacob, but the price had now changed." Tyler rebutted firmly. "The new offer is a hundred and fifty thousand per store with a million in reserve. That brings the grand total to 3.25 million. Take it or leave it! I think my partner Christian will agree with me."

"I absolutely do." Christian confirmed. "It was your employees who tried to scam extra pocket money but it's you who have to suffer the consequences because it's your corporation. No doubt they tried this scam on others before."

"I can't do that." Jacob responded. "Not only is that a lost of three quarters of a million dollars in profits but it also puts me and the former owners in debt. The deal we had would have all of us breaking even."

As Christian spoke his next statement he looked directly at the two men with penetrating eyes. "You need to take care of that with the two who are responsible for it. After all, this scam puts your corporation in position for a law suit and much more than a lost of profits."

Mr. Hernandez thought about it for a moment. Realizing his representatives had put him in a bad position for a law suit and he now had no other choice but to agree. "Okay, I accept." He answered. "Have the contracts on my desk by Monday morning."

"I'll have the contracts drawn up and overnight mailed by the end of the day." Scanner spoke up for the first time during the negotiations. "You should have them by midday tomorrow. Please have them sign and back on my desk by Monday morning."

"Okay, I'll do just that." Jacob replied. Then in an angry tone, he said. "Williamson and Mitchells, I like to see you both in my office now!"

The line went dead indicating that Jacob had hung up. Tyler then looked at Mr. Mitchells and Williamson with a smirk. "Well gentlemen. You made your bed, now it's time for you to lye in them." Knowing that they had shot themselves in the foot with their greed, Mr. Williamson and Mr. Mitchells got up from the table and stormed off.

"I think the shits about to hit the fan." Christian roared with laughter. "I love to be a fly on the wall when that happens. They deserves everything they gets for trying to cheat us. They should have known that we would have all bases covered."

Tyler nodded his head smiling in agreement. "I'm going to keep the original agreement I had with Jacob Hernandez though. It was Williamson and Mitchells who was trying to cheat us, not Jacob. Jacob is not a bad person; he just dropped the ball with his employees.

Once those two meet with Jacob, I'm sure they will be out of a job. That's why I called him. I wanted Williamson and Mitchells to see what can happen when they let greed take over and try to scam someone who knows how to play the game."

"You're the dirtiest player in the book, but you're fair when it's needed. I hope Mr. Hernandez does the right thing and let them two go before one of their scam really do bring a law suit against him. If he keeps them around then sooner or later their scam will cost him everything."

"I agree with you on that, but Jacob is a smart man. He won't have any dirty dealings in his corporation. Scanner, I need you to send Jacob the original contract with a memo explaining why he's getting the original contract and not the new one."

Scanner agreed and they concluded the meeting. Tyler and the others headed back to the Néné Incorporated building and Scanner went back to his office. When they got there, Christian and Jeff headed to the nineteenth floor to look around while Tyler headed to his office.

After another boring day at the base, Travis was ready to leave on time. He was able to finish his work ahead of time as he hoped. He made a big show of leaving the base except Travis didn't actually leave the base. He waited in his car until he saw Troy get into his car and leave the base himself.

Once he saw Troy pulling out of the parking lot Travis followed behind him. He made sure to stay four cars behind so not to be spotted by Troy. As he was driving along, Travis wondered where Troy was going. He knows Troy's address and this wasn't the way to Troy's house but he continued to follow along.

When Troy got to his destination, Travis waited until Troy was inside before getting out of his car. When the door was opened, Travis thought he recognized the person who answered the door. Once the door was closed, Travis got out of his car.

He walked up to the house to see if he could take a look inside through the windows to find out who Troy was with. He saw no one in the living room so he went around to the sides of the house to take a look through them also. When he didn't find anything through those windows either, Travis went around to the back of the house.

When he reached the back of the house, he looked through the window that led into the kitchen and gasp. "Holy shit!" The window was open wide mainly because it was at the back of the house and all that was behind the house was trees that led into the woods. What he saw there in the kitchen was something he never would have expected.

After placing Terry in his playpen in the nursery, Tyler called the Pizza Hut, Coca Cola, and Burger King corporations. He wanted to start the negotiations. After setting up meetings with them to discuss a deal, Tyler contacted the architect who designed his house.

Tyler explained to the architect what he wanted and how soon he wanted it started. The architect said he could start right away because business was slow and some of his men were on temporary layoff.

As soon as Tyler finished the call, Christian walked into the office. When he walked in, Tyler's secretary buzzed his office informing Tyler of an important call. It was Dr. Blythmoore calling with Terry's test results.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

First I want to apologize for taking so long with this chapter. I'd been battling with depression for a couple weeks and I'm just starting to pull myself out of it so my schedule may be off for a while. I will try to get a chapter out every week but that's not guaranteed.

We started out with Christian and Tyler getting ready for the day and then getting the boys ready. While getting Terry ready Tyler and Christian talked about Terry's mother. What do you think Tyler will do when he gets his hand on Teresa? Do you think Tyler will go too far with her?

During that conversation a new character was introduced. I think Dr. Blythmoore will play a major part in the lives of Tyler's family. He's a doctor with a heart and that's why Tyler likes him so much. I like the way Tyler and Christian comforted their boys while they were having their blood drawn. I can't remember ever sitting on my parents lap while having my blood drawn.

Christian can see that he made the right choice in promoting Danny to manager. How do you guys think the sells of Clarkson's Fashion will turn out? Even I don't know the answer to that. Maybe you guys can help me out with that.

The meeting with the McDonald's corporation didn't turn out as well as Christian and Tyler was expecting. The representatives little scam back fired on them. I hate to be in their shoes when they get back to the office.

I like how Tyler handled that situation. Greed can pull the wool over your eyes until the rug is pulled out from under you. Tyler saw that the owner was a fair man and Tyler wanted to show that same fairness to him.

Travis followed Troy to someone house as part of the plan. He got a surprise while he was there. What do you think the surprise was? Whose house is it?

Now we come to the cliff hanger. What do you think the call is about? Do you think it's about Terry's test results and what do you think those results are?

If I had missed anything in my corner, maybe my editor will catch it in her corner. I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editors Corner:

Great chapter with a lot going on; Tyler and Christian have a lot going on business wise I hope they don't take on more than they can handle.

What do you think Jeff told Christian about what happened while he was with the Donavan's? It looks like when ever Jeff is there at the store he will be Danny's little helper.

I hope all is well with Terry when the results come in.

Till the next chapter I hope you all enjoy. Trish

Next: Chapter 15

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