Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Nov 28, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Here is the link to all my story where you can find future chapters before their posted on Nifty:

Chapter 15

Oh god, it can't be good for the results to be back this soon. Tyler thought to himself. "Put him through please Janet." He told his secretary. Tyler tried to calm himself down to handle the news but it wasn't working. Christian could see the nervous look on Tyler's face and suspected that the news wasn't good.

A minute later Dr. Blythmoore came on the line not sounding to reassuring to Tyler. "Hi Tyler. I have the results of Terry's test back."

"Okay doc." Tyler responded nervously. "Chris and I are both here. I'm going to put you on speaker phone so we both can hear you."

Tyler pushed the speaker button and placed the receiver back in its cradle. Before asking for the results, he asked Christian to shut the office and nursery doors so they were in complete privacy which Christian did. After shutting the doors, Christian went back to the desk and pulled Tyler out of his chair. He then sat down in the chair and pulled Tyler onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him. "Okay doc, lay it on us."

"Well Terry's red cells are a little elevated, but his white cells are more elevated then his red cells." Dr. Blythmoore replied. "We need to get him back on his medication and get his cells under control quickly before it gets worse."

"Okay. How soon can we do that?" Tyler asked. Christian could see that Tyler was still worried that Terry's cancer will get worse before it gets better and held him close. Christian wanted Tyler to know that Tyler can lean on him for strength and support.

"Be back at my office by five o'clock today." Dr. Blythmoore replied. "I'll give him an injection to start his treatment. He'll need an injection once a week for the first four months. At that time we'll take more tests to see how the treatment is going. If the test shows that all is well, we'll move the injections to once every two weeks."

"We'll be there at five o'clock on the nose doc." Christian answered, joining in the conversation. "Do we have anything we need to worry about?" He asked still trying to soothe Tyler's worries away.

"No." Dr. Blythmoore stated confidently. "I'm positive everything will be fine once he's back on his medication. As I said before, his cell counts are a little elevated, but nothing that needs worrying right now."

That made Tyler and Christian feel better, but not much better. Tyler will believe it to be true once he have the proof. They talked to Dr. Blythmoore on more about Terry's condition and got a clean bill of health on Jeff. They asked several more questions about Terry's condition which the doctor answered. Before ending the call, they thanked the doctor for his time.

Meanwhile, Travis was standing in the backyard observing as to what was going on in the house he saw Troy entered not too long ago. Not being able to see much through the window, Travis climbed a tree to get a better look inside. Once he was sitting stabled upon a sturdy branch he looked through the window again. "Oh my god!" Travis just couldn't believe what he was seeing. Not only could he not believe what he was seeing, but he couldn't believe how much Troy was enjoying it all. He took out his cell phone to capture it all on video.

As Travis captured everything with his cell phone camera, he started to wonder how he would like to try those activities out with Kevin. Well, some of those things. Some things just didn't appeal to him at all. One thing was for sure though; Troy was very flexible. The way he was pulled, bent, stretched, and twisted showed just how flexible he really is.

Almost ninety minutes later someone called a halt to the activities. Travis took that time to quickly but quietly leave and head home. He was glad he changed into civilian clothes before leaving the base. His uniform might had gotten torn on one of the branches and that would not be good. Travis figured he had enough for Tyler and Christian to make use of to stop Troy. Knowing Tyler, he'll definitely find a way. What he didn't notice was a pair of eyes watching him.

On his way home, Travis wondered how Troy managed to worked his way into positions like that. Some of those positions Travis didn't even think an Olympic gymnast can perform. He hopes Kevin's body has that kind of flexibility to get into different stages of compromising positions.

Back at the corporation sat a worried looking Tyler. Even though Dr. Blythmoore said not to worry, Tyler couldn't help but to worry. What the hell was Teresa thinking? She knew Tyler would have done anything to keep Terry as healthy as could be with the cancer. What the hell was going through her mind to jeopardize her son's health like this?

First she abandoned Terry at his office, now he finds out that she hasn't kept up with Terry's medication. All Teresa had to do was ask Tyler for the money if she couldn't afford it. She had to known Tyler would have taken care of Terry no matter what, he told her that when they separated. Now Terry's cancer had gotten worse and that's something Tyler can't have.

Christian sensed Tyler's fears and held him tighter to comfort him. "Don't worry too much about it Ty, he'll be fine." He said with more assurance than he had, but Christian knew he had to keep Tyler worry free. "Like Dr. Blythmoore said. Once he's back on his meds, his cell counts will once again be under control."

"I know, but I'm going to worry until that happens." Tyler responded with much less worries now. It seems that Christian's comfort is working on him. "Now I need to find Teresa and strangle her for what she'd done to my son!"

Tyler picked up the phone to call Mr. Chang to request a search for Teresa. No matter where she goes, or where she hides, Tyler will find her. And when he does, He'll make her pay for what she did. He'll make her pay not only for not keeping up with Terry's medication and jeopardizing his health, but also for abandoning him.

After making his call to Mr. Chang, Tyler finished some work while still sitting on Christian's lap until it was time to go back to Dr. Blythmoore's office. Around four thirty, Christian and Tyler gathered the kids and headed out. They decided to leave their work at Tyler's office. On the way out, Tyler asked Janet to lock his office and set the alarm on her way out. Janet agreed and they headed out.

They arrived at Dr. Blythmoore's office at five o'clock sharp just as the office was closing for the day. As soon as they got there, the doctor led them straight into an examination room. Once again Tyler had to hold Terry down in order to get the shot. Again Terry whimpered but didn't cry. After the shot was given, Tyler continued to hold Terry and rocked him slowly as Dr. Blythmoore explained to him and Christian about Terry's treatment. "I want Terry back every Thursday for treatment. I don't foresee any complications occurring but I'm not taking any chances on this. From what the test shows, he had been off his medication for a little while and that's not good. We'll have to monitor him closely. He's still a baby and his immune system is not as strong as a full grown child or adult to fight this type of cancer."

Tyler and Christian agreed and set the appointment up for Thursday with the receptionist on the way out. On the way home they picked up some chicken with a large side order of baked beans, mashed potato, and cold slaw from Popeye's.

During dinner, Mark informed Tyler of the new security details that will be arriving tomorrow. Their names are Aaron Swordson, Eric Landiel, Todd Moore, Matt (Matthew) Crenshaw, Alex (Alejandro) Feliciano, Ryan Carter, Jason Simms, and Angelo Garcia.

They're ex military, special opp position. Some of them are experts in martial arts such as karate, kung fu, and Tyqwando. These new details should definitely increase the security around Tyler and his family but Tyler and Christian wasn't convinced of that until they see them in action.

Tyler told Carlos and Mark that he wanted them to show everyone around the house and assign the teams. They're their bosses after all. He then told him he wanted them to move into the front of the house so they can have rooms available. "You guys can have the master bedroom at the other end of the hall."

"We'll move our things after dinner if that's alright with you?" Carlos asked and Tyler said that would be fine with him. "We already have the teams formed based on their skills and training." Carlos then told Tyler how the teams were with Mark adding things in that Carlos had forgotten.

Once that was taken care of, Tyler addressed Kevin and Travis. "I want you guys to move to the front of the house also. You can have either master bedroom on the third floor. The rooms that are not being used in the back will be guest rooms for the new details."

Kevin and Travis agreed also. "If we four work on the rooms together we can have everything moved in a couple of hours. After all it's just our personal items that need to be moved." Kevin said. "We can clean the rooms tomorrow before everyone arrives."

Everyone thought that sounded like a good plan. After dinner they all assisted with the clean up. During the clean up Tyler suggested to Christian that they should have a barbecue tomorrow for the security. It will also give the new security a chance to get to know the old security and the family they will be protecting.

This will work out just fine. Although Tyler's close to all of his security teams, he's closer to Carlos and Mark because he communicates with them more often than the others, but only because they're the head of his security team. Although Tyler's close to Kevin too, he's still closer with Carlos and Mark because they had been with him the longest.

After cleaning up, Christian along with Carlos and Mark went shopping for the necessary items they needed for the cook out. During that time, Tyler boiled some eggs, pealed, diced, and boiled some potatoes for the potato salad. Travis made homemade cookies while Kevin made the coleslaw.

While the eggs and potatoes were boiling, Tyler fed Terry. An hour later, Kevin had the coleslaw made and Travis the cookies. The potato salad couldn't be finished due to some missing ingredients. Just then the others returned from the store. As they walked through the door the phone rang.

Christian answered the phone while the rest of them put the groceries away. When he came into the kitchen, he informed Tyler that Josh Brady had canceled their painting session for tonight. He'd forgotten about his parent's dinner party and needed to be there.

While the eggs and potatoes was cooling, Christian chopped the celery while Carlos chopped the green peppers and Mark the onions. Travis was working on another batch of cookies while Kevin was making baked macaroni and cheese.

Since the potato salad was being taking care of, Tyler started the mixture for the burgers. Before he could mix it all up, Jeff asked him for some ice cream.

"I'll get it for him." Christian said as he got up from the table and went to the refrigerator. "You want strawberry right, little guy?" He asked Jeff as he pulled out the strawberry ice cream, bowl, and spoon.

"Yes please." Jeff answered.

After Christian got Jeff some ice cream, he went back to chopping the celery. Jeff sat at the table along with him eating ice cream and watching wrestling which was now on. By the time Tyler finished the burgers, Carlos was cutting the eggs and Mark was finishing the onions. Christian on the other hand had finished cutting the celery and was now boiling more eggs for devil eggs and macaroni for macaroni salad.

Everything for the potato salad was put into a big bowl then Tyler added some relish, mayonnaise, and a little mustard and mixed it together. Once everything was thoroughly coated, Christian covered the potato salad with the lid and the burgers with aluminum foil before placing them in the frig while Tyler cleaned his hands. In the meantime Travis had just finished the cookies and Kevin the baked macaroni. Mark was making the macaroni salad now and Carlos the devil eggs. Once everything was put away and the kitchen cleaned up, Christian locked up the house and everyone heading for bed.

Before Tyler and Christian could start walking up the stairs, Travis asked to speak with them in private. Christian and Tyler agreed and Tyler suggested they go into his office. Christian asked Kevin if he could stay with the boys until they return. Kevin had no problem with that and took the boys to the game room while the others went into Tyler's office.

Once they were in the office with the door close and everyone had taken their seat with Travis sitting across from Christian and Tyler, he began to tell them what he found out. "You already know about Troy's plan so I'm not going to go into that." Christian and Tyler nodded in agreement and Travis continued. "Well, it looks like he started his plan a little early. He actually started today in fact, but that's not why I asked to speak with you."

"Then what is this about Travis? What are you trying to tell us?" Christian interrupted with a little aggravation in his voice. Tyler squeezed his hand to try and calm him down. "Give him a chance to tell us babe? I'm sure he'll tell us everything."

Christian let out a heavy sigh and nodded for Travis to continue. "After work today I went on as I was leaving work as normal only I didn't leave the base. I waited for Troy to leave and followed him. I followed him to someone house. I didn't see anyone in the front so I went around to the back.

I couldn't see much of anything so I climbed a tree in the backyard to look through the kitchen window. From that position I was able to see clearly as to what was going on inside and what I saw happening was surprising." Travis pulled out his cell phone and pulled up the video he had taken early that day and handed the phone to Christian. "I believe you can stop Troy from ruining Tyler's project with this video."

Christian looked at the video and was surprise with what he saw. "Oh yes, this will work out fine." He then took another look at the video and recognized one of the others in the house. "Is that who I think it is?"

"I think so. Unless he has a twin we don't know about." Travis answered. He couldn't believe who the person was himself when he recognized who the person in the house was as well.

"Who is it? Who is Troy with?" Tyler asked. Christian explained to Tyler who the person was, what they were doing, and so on. He told him about the video from beginning to end. Once Christian had finished explaining a small smile crept across Tyler's face. "Thanks Travis. This will definitely help us out."

"Then what do we do now?" Travis asked no one in particular.

"First we make copies of this video. Then we wait a couple of days before Chris have a private chat with Troy and get him to back off permanently. Make sure he knows that if he doesn't back off, I wouldn't hesitate to let this video leak out. Which in turn will ruin his military career."

Christian and Travis agreed with Tyler and they spent the next ten minutes discussing when and where Christian was going to talk with Troy. All three knew they had to put a stop to Troy before the other marines started to believe his lies and not participate in the project. Once they had the details ironed out they headed for bed satisfied that Tyler's project was finally secured.

After tucking the boys in bed, Tyler and Christian headed for bed themselves where Tyler fell asleep snuggled in Christian's arms and slept peacefully through the night.

The next morning they all slept a little later than usual, waking up around eight o'clock. Christian, Mark, and Travis made breakfast while Tyler fed Terry and Carlos and Kevin set the table. Jeff turned on the television to a cartoon channel.

During breakfast everyone talked more about the cook out they were having today. "Did you invite the whole community again this time?" Kevin asked Tyler smiling.

"No smarty, I didn't." Tyler replied with marked sarcasm. "It's just us this time to welcome the new security. I want them to feel at home here and for everyone to have a little fun at the same time. I think we all need it."

Everyone laughed. Even though Tyler's house has security gates around it they're part of a community of houses. Once in a while he'll have a cookout for the people who live in the neighborhood. That's something Tyler hasn't enjoyed in a while due to the drama that's going on in his life.

After breakfast, Christian started making the pasta salad while Tyler made the baked beans. Carlos and Mark went to the store for Charcoal, smoked sausages, and sodas. Kevin and Travis started moving their things to their new rooms in the front of the house.

Everyone loves Tyler's baked beans because he makes it not only with pork and beans, ketchup, and brown sugar, but with a little garlic and barbecue sauce as well. People can't get enough of Tyler's baked beans whenever he throws a barbecue.

While the beans were baking and the water boiling, Christian and Tyler sat at the table to watch a movie. Five minutes later when the water started boiling, Christian put the pasta noodles on to boil. Another fifteen minutes went by before Carlos and Mark walked in from the store.

When the baked beans and pasta salad was done and everything put away, Carlos and Mark started to help Kevin and Travis move their things to the front bedroom before the four guys started on Carlos and Mark's room. Christian started to make some chocolate brownies with walnuts while Tyler loaded the dish washer with the dirty dishes and the kids watched Pinocchio.

When the movie was over, Jeff went to put on his swim suit and Tyler did the same. Christian will change when the brownies are finish and they'll keep Terry in his diapers since he wouldn't be swimming for obvious reason.

The next three hours was spent on the preparation for the new security accommodations and the barbecue. Around two thirty Carlos and Mark went to the airport to pick up the guys while Christian, Travis, and Kevin changed into their suits for the party.

About an hour later Carlos and Mark returned with the guys. Carlos did the introduction for all the new security as Tyler did for him and his family. When he got to Christian, he introduced him as his boyfriend. He wanted to feel the guys out to see if they have any hang ups about working for someone who's in a same sex relationship. Fortunately he didn't get any bad vibes from any of the guys. In fact, his instincts were telling him that some, if not all, was in the same type of relationship as they were.

"Why don't you guys get settled in your rooms while Chris and I start to bring everything out?" Tyler said after the introduction. "We're having a cookout to welcome you to the team and for you to get acquainted with everyone."

The guys thanked Tyler for his generous hospitality and said they'll be out as soon as they could. Tyler left Carlos and Mark to show them around while he and Christian started to bring some of the refreshments like the sodas, brownies, and the cookies out. Everything else will be brought out when they're ready to use the grills, Which Christian and Travis will be working.

One by one everyone started to come out as the party began. Some went swimming, some sat in the Jacuzzi, and some sat around and talked with their boss and his family. Everyone wanted to know about Tyler Jackson and what type of person he was.

The party was going off without a hitch. Everyone was having fun. Christian started to light the grills around five thirty. He and Travis will be cooking burgers, hot dogs, salmons, steaks, and barbecue chicken, and of course, the corn on the cob. (Now that I have gotten everyone's appetite up, can we get back to the story here?)

While the food was cooking, Tyler took the time to find out about his new security detail. He found out that Matt and Alex, as they like to be called, had been together for four years. Matt is Caucasian, 6ft, 220lbs, blonde hair, and light blue eyes. Alex is Spanish, 6ft1, 240lbs, black hair, and brown eyes. These two are Christian's security.

Aaron is Canadian/French, 6ft, 210lbs, dark blonde hair, and light gray eyes. Jason on the other hand is Greek, 5ft11, 200lbs, black hair, and blue eyes. These two will be added to Tyler's security team with Carlos and Mark.

While Tyler was talking to the guys, Terry started to get fussy. Knowing Terry's moods, Tyler knew Terry was wet. Before Tyler could get up, Christian came to get him. "Here, give him to me. I'll take him inside and change his diaper. Can you take over the grill for me please Carlos?"

Carlos said he would as Tyler handed Terry to Christian. "Thanks baby. Can you bring a jar of baby food out so I can feed him? I'm sure he's hungry by now."

Christian said he'll feed Terry himself because he has a couple of shops he needed to call and would be in the house for a while. Tyler asked Christian if there was anything wrong at the shops. "No, I just need to make sure everything is running smoothly that's all."

"Okay." Was all Tyler said. Tyler knew that Christian would tell him if anything was wrong so he didn't press the issue. "Can you turn on the stereo for me on your way in?" Christian said he will and Tyler thanked him before returning back to his conversation.

The next few hours were relaxing. Everyone was talking, laughing, swimming, and just generally having a good time. Tyler and Christian even got to know Todd, Eric, Ryan, and Angelo. These four are Jeff's security team with Todd at the head.

Todd and Eric have been together for four years also. Both are Caucasian. Eric is 5ft11, 210lbs, black hair, and violet eyes. Todd is 6ft2, 240lbs, red hair, and emerald green eyes. Angelo is Ryan partner and they been together for a year. He's Spanish, 6ft2, 250lbs, dark blonde hair, and light blue eyes. Ryan is African/American, 6ft1, 225lbs, black hair, and brown eyes. (Now that you gay boys had gone gaga over the guys, let's get back to the story please?)

As the party went on, people started to come out of the pool and Jacuzzi due to the aroma that was coming from the grill. The smell just permeated the whole pool area. Not many thought they could hold off until everything was ready. Many had been nibbling on the cookies, brownies, devil eggs, and other treats through the day but now that they can smell the steak, burgers, and more coming from the grill the wanted a meal.

Around six thirty Mark went inside to put the baked beans and baked macaroni and cheese in the oven to heat. Tyler always cooks his baked beans and baked macaroni and cheese half way through the day before eating it. On the day of eating it, he finishes the cooking. That way it's not over cooked.

Thirty minutes after putting the items in the oven Mark and Carlos removed them and placed them on the table with the rest of the food as Christian and Travis did the same with the food from the grill. At the same time Christian called to everyone. "Alright you guys, come and get it!" According to Tyler's talking watch, it was about seven o'clock when Christian called everyone to eat. (Just to remind everyone how Tyler tells time.)

While everything was being grilled, Mark and Kevin had brought everything else out so there was nothing to do but for everyone to fix their plates. Tyler decided to wait until everyone had their plate before getting his, but Christian brought him a plate while Carlos brought him Terry's highchair for Tyler to sit Terry in while he eats.

The food was delicious and the conversation continued on. All of the new security detail couldn't believe how easy it was to get along with their new boss and his family. They all silently swore to themselves to protect their clients to the best of their ability. After eating, everyone continued to talk to let their food digest. A couple of hours later, Tyler started to take out his braids. While he was doing that, his sister called. Tyler talked to her for twenty minutes before she ended the call and he went back to his hair and the conversation around him.

Around eleven o'clock the party started to break up and Tyler was just finishing his hair. He told Christian and the others to just take care of the things that needed to be put away, everything else they can take care of in the morning.

After putting away the things that needed to be put away immediately, Christian took Terry out of his highchair. As they was walking in the house, Terry started to fall asleep in Christian's arms, so he and the boys went to watch television while Tyler went to wash his hair. All of the other guys had gone to their rooms to finish settling in. After Tyler finished washing his hair and locking up the house, Christian and Tyler put the kids in bed. Tyler and Christian then went to their room and climbed into bed in their usual position. Before drifting off to sleep they kissed good night.

During the night, the phone rang, waking Tyler from a peaceful sleep. He quickly answered it so it wouldn't awaken Christian. "Hello." Tyler whispered into the phone with a sleepy voice.

"Hello. May I speak with Tyler Jackson please?" A male voice on the other end asked.

Tyler let out a big yarn and replied still sleepily. "Speaking, who is this?" He asked. Tyler knew it had to be important because no one in their right mind would be calling him this time of night without a good reason. And if they didn't have a good reason then they were definitely going to get an ear full from Tyler.

"Mr. Jackson this is..."

To Be continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

We started off with where we left off with the call from Dr. Blythmoore. It looks like Terry's blood cells had elevated. Dr. Blythmoore is positive that Terry will pull through and is also taking necessary steps to assure that will happen.

Christian was supporting Tyler through it all. He's being there for Tyler just like he told Tyler he would be. Now he's showing it by taking equal part in Terry's medical health. How would they weather through this storm?

Travis followed Troy after work. What went on inside that house that Troy went into? Who was the person or persons that were in the house? Whatever went on made Travis hoped he and Kevin can engaged in some of those activities. What were those activities?

During dinner Carlos and Mark informed Tyler about the new security details. Tyler decided to have a barbecue to welcome them. During that conversation Tyler suggested to Carlos that he and Mark plus Kevin and Travis should moved to the front of the house to make room for the new security. All four guys took him up on his offered.

The rest of the day was spent preparing for the cook out for the next day. I named some of the food that we always have at my family cook outs. I hope it got you hungry. I loved my grandma's baked macaroni and cheese! No one can make baked macaroni and cheese like she can. My aunt's devil eggs are to die for!

The next day the four guys moved their things to the front of the house. With all the cooking they did the night before no one wanted to move anything. The day was also spent on preparing for the cook out and that including more cooking.

New characters were introduced in this chapter. Tyler just increased his security details. The reason why will be revealed in future chapters, but it won't come all at once.

I know you guys hate me for throwing another cliff hanger in, but I just had to do it. What was the phone call about? Please let me know if you guys have any suggestions on it and I'll see if I can write it into the story.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner. I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editors Corner:

This was a great chapter with a lot of fun. Everyone seems to be getting along for now with the new characters and so much to learn about them. Should be interesting to see how it goes with Christian having security around him all the time.

Out of all the guys that were introduced, how many would like to see at least one bad seed among them?

Who indeed is calling Tyler so late at night? Could it be about Teresa?

Keep reading to find out, should be interesting. Trish

Next: Chapter 16

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