Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Apr 30, 2012


Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere. This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way, shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.

Chapter 2

"I'm such an idiot! I should have kept my mouth shut, why did I have to say anything about my vision at all." Tyler said to himself Monday morning while he was checking his messages.

It's been two weeks and Tyler still hasn't heard anything from Christian. Tyler wonders why it's always the same situation with him. People can relate and communicate with him on a professional level but not a personal level. Why does my disability always scare people away personally but not professionally? He mentally asked himself. As he was sending notices through the e-mail to his employees about the next talent search, his secretary buzzed him.

"Yes Janet." Tyler said when he answered the intercom.

"Nick Johnson and Tyson Carter are waiting to meet with you." Janet answered. "Shall I send them in?"

"Great. Yes, send them in." Tyler responded.

As Tyler was starting his meeting, Christian Michaels was sitting at his desk of one of his shops. He couldn't get much work done because his mind was always on Tyler. "Can I handle a relationship with a visually impaired guy?" Christian asked himself. Christian thinks that Tyler is a cool, caring, and funny (Not to mention incredible sexy) man.

Not many people think of someone who's visually impaired as a strong independent person. Many think they need protection and assistance with their daily lives. Christian wasn't sure he could handle that task.

"Fuck it." Christian said. "He's obviously very independent to be a successful and famous model. I should see where this goes if it goes anywhere, shouldn't I? There's obviously more to this type of disability than I think it is."

After making a decision about Tyler, Christian started his work. He'll call Tyler on his lunch break with his decision on this subject.

Mean while, Tyler's best agent and newest model were walking in his office. Nick (Nicholas) Johnson is Tyler top agent at his modeling agency and Tyson Carter is his newest model. Both of these guys are hot but there's nothing between them but a business relationship. Although Nick and Tyler are close friends. Nicholas is 5ft 11, 170 pound, lightly tan, athletically built but not too muscular, green eyes, and blonde hair. Tyson is 6ft 1, 200 pounds, well tan, with well define muscles and ripple abs, Dark black hair with dark blonde streaks, and deep chocolate eyes. He looks like, well, a model.

Tyler stood up. "Have a seat gentleman and let's talk about your future Tyson." Tyler said as they walked into the office.

Tyler shook each men hand in greeting and introduced himself to Tyson. "Tyson and I have been talking. I think we can use him on your calendar for the month of April." Nick said as they sat down after the introduction.

"Is that your birth month Tyson?" Tyler asked Tyson.

"Yes, and I hope I can live up to your expectations. I seen your calendar and I must say, you look hot!" Tyson answered with a grin.

Tyler smiled at Tyson. He could tell when someone is flirting when he hears it. "Well, I hope you bought a copy because that may be the last solo I'll do for a while. I need to work on building my companies more, among other things." He said with a smile and wink.

Tyler had been working nonstop for the past two years to make his corporation more successful. Now that there's Christian, he wants a relationship also. There's something about Christian he never felt with any of his friends. He makes him feel happy and alive. He feels more complete with Christian, like he can handle anything that comes his way as long as he has him.

Both guys were stunned by the announcement. "Does that mean you won't be modeling anymore?" Nick and Tyson asked Tyler in unison.

"No, I still be modeling, I just won't be doing as much and my solo will reduce also. I have plans to build my company more and now I'm starting to put those plans into action." Tyler answered.

"That's great, because I would love to model with you!" Tyson said with a wink and smile. There's something about Tyler Tyson is drawn to. Like Tyler has to prove to everyone that he's strong enough to handle anything in the world.

"Well, maybe you will, if you sign with Jackson Agency. I'll give you four week (30 days) to build up your portfolio and see where we go from there. You and your lawyer have looked over the contract, are you ready to sign?" Tyler asked.

"I would love to sign with Jackson Agency! It's the most successful agency in the state." Tyson said excitedly. Tyson knows if he's going to be a successful model, it was with Jackson Agency. It's not only the best in LA County; it's the best in the whole state of California.

So Tyson signed with Jackson Agency, and as they concluded their business, Nicholas said to Tyson. "Now Tyson, don't be getting any ideas about Tyler, he's mine."

"You better not let Brian hear you flirting like that." Tyler said to Nick with a giggle. Tyler knows if Brian hears Nicholas flirting, he would not cook for Nicholas for a couple of days. And the way Nicholas cooks, it would only take two days for Nicholas to beg Brian to give him a good spanking for his flirtation just to eat Brian's delicious food.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt me." Nick said smiling. He was thinking the same thing Tyler was thinking. Although Brian's spankings are just as good as his food, Nicholas knows his cooking doesn't even compare to Brian's.

They all laughed at that and Nicholas and Tyson left. After they left, Tyler cell phone started to vibrate alerting him there was a message. Tyler checked the cell and was shock to find out it was from Christian.

`Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've been in the field. I've been thinking about what you told me the last time we talked and it doesn't matter to me. I still like to get to know you more and be friends and may be more. Give me a call when you can. I'll be looking forward to your call sexy Tyler!

Oh my god, did he just call me sexy Tyler! Tyler thought to himself. He was starting to get some hope that it could work out with Christian.

Tyler looked through his Perkins Braille Note (talking computerized address book) for Christian number. When Tyler found the number, he used his cell phone to walkie talkie Christian.

"Hello Christian, What's up?" Tyler asked with a smile on his face and pep in his chest. Tyler could feel himself coming out of the depression he was in but couldn't show it to anyone. Tyler always feels like he needs to be the strong one.

Christian hurryingly picked up his phone. "On my lunch break so I thought I give you a call. What's been going on?" Christian asked. He didn't need to look at the caller ID to know who's calling. He could recognize that voice at any time, even though he only heard it once.

"Nothing just got out of a meeting and now I'm doing some paper work." Tyler replied as he pulled up another contract on his computer. The computer is another tool that Tyler uses in his daily life. There's a program on it called JAWS, (Job Access Word Speech) which ables the computer to speak every written documents on the computer.

"Sounds boring, want me to come and excite you?" Christian asked with a giggle. He didn't know why, but he knew he needed to be happy and smiling for Tyler's sake. "I can do wonders with my hands."

"If you think you can, I can be a lot to handle when I get excited!" Tyler said with a giggle of his own. He couldn't figure out why Christian laugh was making him laugh too, but he wanted more of it. "I'm not sure you can though."

"Let me prove it to you than." Christian suggested. He would love to show Tyler the magic he could do with his hands. "I can see you tonight; I get off at six thirty."

"Sorry dude, I'm working late all week." Tyler replied teasing Christian. But he wish he did have time through the week to see him.

"Damn! You such a tease aren't you!" Christian said laughing, but a little disappointed that Tyler didn't have any time free this week.

Tyler could tell that Christian was disappointed and his laugh was a fake one. "I'm free Saturday, or does the big marine have a curfew?" Tyler asked giggling again. Tyler could sense that he needs to keep Christian happy for Tyler to be happy. He can already feel Christian's smile giving him strength. For what though, was something he couldn't figure out yet.

Christian decided to keep the teasing going. "Oh, you're going to pay for that one mister, but I'm free Saturday." He said faking anger to get Tyler's reaction.

It just made Tyler laugh even more. Once he caught his breath, he managed to answer. "Fine, how about we meet at Spinners' (a gay club) at 8:30 pm?"

Christian was happy with that. He was finally going to see his favorite model. And maybe, just maybe, he could really have the guy he had a crush on every since Christian brought Tyler's first calendar. "That's fine with me. See you there." He said as they disconnected.

The rest of the week went on uneventful. When Saturday came, (way too slow for Tyler) they both arrived at the club at the same time. When Christian saw Tyler getting out of his taxi with his security in a car behind him although Christian didn't know that, he came over and introduced himself to Tyler. "Hello Tyler, I'm Christian." He said with a smile.

As Tyler was unfolding his white cane, (the visually impaired tool of motive) he greeted Christian back with a smile of his own. "Hello Christian. How are you?" Before Christian could respond, the driver cut in. "You owe me twenty five dollars Mr. Jackson." While Tyler was paying the driver, Christian told Tyler he was fine. Before Tyler was able to close the taxi door, Christian made sure Tyler had his correct change and explained what he was doing to Tyler. "Thank you for doing that, but it wasn't necessary. I'm not hard up for money." He said to Christian with a genuine smile of thanks.

Christian knew that, but he wasn't going to let anyone take advantage of Tyler. "I know, but I don't want you to be taken advantage of." He replied as he took Tyler's hand and they went inside as the taxi drove off.

When they were inside, they walked up to the bar to get their drinks. "Hey Tyler, what can I get you bro?" Tommy, (Thomas) the barkeeper asked after filling a customer's order and seeing Tyler and Christian.

"A Long Island Ice Tea dawg, I need to unwind, it's been a rough week." Tyler ordered. Long Island Ice Tea is Tyler's favorite drink. He always orders that drink when he's at the clubs.

Tommy looked at Tyler wondering why he asked him that stupid question. Tyler never ordered anything but Ice Tea as Tyler sometimes calls them. Remembering that someone else was there, Tommy snapped out of his mental punishment and turned to Christian. "How about you bro? What would you like?" He asked Christian after his moment of stupidity.

"Same with me man, it's been a rough week also."Christian replied smiling. He saw Tommy looking at Tyler and guessed that Tommy was kicking himself for asking that question but didn't know why.

Once they gotten their drinks, Christian grabbed Tyler's hand and they walked to a booth in the back. Tyler likes this booth, other than his private booth upstairs, because everyone just sees his shadow. Tyler doesn't like to be in the spotlight much unless he's working. As they were passing some regulars, some said hello to Tyler. Tyler said hello back and introduced Christian to them. After talking to a few people, they made their way to the booth and sat down.

As Christian and Tyler were walking away, Tommy was taking Carlos and Mark orders. "Two Coronas please Tommy?" Mark ordered while Carlos was leaning back against the bar, keeping an eye on the whole club plus Tyler.

This order Tommy did remember. "Sure Mark, Coming right up." He then reached under the counter to the little refrigerator for a couple of bottles. "Here you go." Tommy said to Mark as he handed him both bottles of beer. After receiving their beers, Carlos and Mark followed Tyler to the back of the club.

They sat two booths from Tyler. Close enough to do their job, but far enough to give Tyler and Christian some privacy. Mark sat at the back wall of the booth while Carlos sat at the right side. This way they can keep their eyes on Tyler, plus the entire club.

"Your very popular here, everyone seems to like you." Christian said to Tyler once they had taken their seats at the booth.

"No I'm not. A lot of them are just being friendly to score free drinks because I own the place." Tyler responded. "I may give free drinks to my real friends every once in a while, but my real friends don't try to play on my generosity like a lot of people in here would do."

Christian eyes popped open at that news. "What? You own this place? I thought you said you were a model!" Christian said surprised. He knew Tyler was successful but he didn't know he was that successful.

"I am, but I also own N? N? Incorporated, Jackson agency, and this club." Tyler informed him. "Tommy is the barkeeper and manager. I just tell people that I'm a model because they always seem shock on how I got so successful with my disability. So I usually don't tell people about my businesses."

Christian now knew why Tommy looked like he was kicking himself for something. Tyler owns the club, so Tommy should know Tyler's drink. "I can understand that. Besides from being a General in the marine, I also own a small chain of clothing shops called Lucky Shop'." Christian paused to take a sip of his drink and Tyler followed. "Now I know why Tommy looked like he was kicking himself when he was asking that question."

Tyler nodded. "That was the first time he forgot. And I don't fault anyone for making one mistake." He told Christian, raising his glass in a toast. "Well, looks like we're both successful." He said.

Christian raised his glass also. "Yeah!" He agreed. Then e clinked glasses with Tyler before they took another sip of their drinks.

A minute later, when the club started to play Tyler's jam, (Fire and Desire) by Rick James and Tina Marie, all Tyler could think about was how he wanted to dance with Christian. Sensing what Tyler was thinking, Christian grabbed his hand and led him onto the dance floor.

Once they got to the dance floor, Christian grabbed Tyler by the butt and lifted him off the floor. Tyler held on to Christian's neck and wrapped his legs around his waist.

When they started dancing, Christian squeezed and pinched Tyler's butt softly. Tyler started to gyrate his hips against Christian slowly. They started dancing sensuously to the slow beat; Then Christian leaned in and kissed Tyler softly on the lips. Oh how Tyler has been waiting for that kiss. Chris then started to part Tyler's lips with the tip of his tongue so Tyler opened his mouth obediently, and let Christian slide his tongue in as a roar of applauds and cheers came from the crowd.

When Christian led Tyler onto the dance floor, Tyler's heads of security went on the floor along with them. Tyler's heads of security were dancing right next to them but Christian didn't know that. Tyler on the other hand, could see them out the corner of his eyes.

Tyler paid no attention to them and let Christian draw him into the kiss. Tyler was happy to know that if there was any trouble, His security would protect him. Tyler also knew that Christian wouldn't hurt him. He didn't know how he knew, but he just knew.

Christian is a great kisser. The way he move and wrapped his tongue around Tyler's, was so sensuous that their kiss became more passionate. After sucking on each other tongues for five minutes while dancing, they had to catch their breath. "Have mercy!" They both explained. A minute later, Tyler sighed and pulled Christian in for another kiss. Tyler didn't know how Christian could dance and kiss him while holding him at the same time but he managed with no problem. They were bumping and grinding for an hour before Tyler said.

"Let's go back to the booth, okay? I want to be alone with you, and I know you're tired of holding me while you're dancing too."

"Okay. We could use a break." Christian agreed. He carried Tyler to the booth; he had no intention of putting him down anytime soon.

Carlos and Mark followed them back to the booth without being notice by Christian or any one else in the club. Carlos and Mark knew that Tyler knew they were following because they could see his eyes shift a little. Tyler may not be able to see, but he's sure as hell can tell when someone is following him.

"How does he do that?" Mark asked Carlos. "He can't see anything. But he always knows when someone is following him, and where they're following him from."

"You know Tyler." Carlos replied. "He's always using his other five senses now he lost one of them. It what's makes him a survivor. He's always staying alert." He finished just as they reached their booth and sat in the same position they were in before.

While walking back to the booth, Tyler said to Christian. "Christian put me down; I can walk back to the booth." It was at that time when Tyler's eyes shifted. He hoped Christian didn't notice.

Christian thought about it for a split second, totally missing the shift in Tyler's eyes. "No, I'm going to carry you over there, and then I'm going to sit you on my lap and hold you close." There was no way Christian was letting his favorite model go now that he has Tyler Jackson in his arms.

When they reached the booth, Christian sat Tyler on his lap and gave him a gentle kiss and hug. They ordered more drinks and Tyler laughed. "You really like touching me, don't you?" He asked through the laughter. But he admitted to himself he was enjoying the contact.

The question kind of threw Christian off, but he recovered quickly. "Yeah. You may have hard muscles but your body is soft, firm, and warm." He started to let his hands work their magic as he promised by massaging Tyler's shoulders.

Tyler was enjoying the massage and Christian could tell. "Looks like you're as much of a tease as me." He said smiling at Christian. The massage was definitely relaxing Tyler's tensed muscles.

Christian never slowed the massage. "Nah, no one can beat you in that department, you are the best." He replied laughing. Christian still didn't understand why, but he knew he would take any teasing that Tyler would give him.

Tyler punched him on the arm which caused Christian to jump. "Oh, you fucker!" He said in marked injury, and then he started tickling Tyler. But Christian held on! He wouldn't let Tyler fall off his lap. He was tickling Tyler out of control until Tyler grabbed his dick with his right hand and squeezed.

Christian gasped for air. "You're playing dirty." He said. Then he let his breath out with a soft moan. He relished in having Tyler's hand there.

Tyler stroked Christian dick up to the tip. "It's my club; I can play as dirty as I want." As he said that, Tyler stroked Christian back to the base.

The touch from Tyler's hand made Christian hard immediately. "But that's no fare." Christian said moaning. He really didn't care if it was fare or not, he just enjoyed the feelings he was getting from Tyler.

"Who says fun have to be fare?" Tyler asked with a devilish grin. He gave Christian's dick a squeeze before stroking it again. "I know you're enjoying the unfair treatment."

Christian looked at Tyler with a seductive smile. "Well in that case." He said as he grabbed Tyler's dick with his right hand and started squeezing.

That made Tyler inhale sharply. "I didn't say you can play dirty too." Tyler said, as he moaned and squeezed Christian dick harder.

"What's good for the owner is good for the marine." Christian retorted as he squeezed Tyler's dick until it was throbbing. "I can tell you're enjoying the unfair treatment also." He added with a smile.

"I guess I have to play dirtier." Tyler threw back as he squeezed Chris's right nipple hard with his left hand, while still continuing to squeeze Christian's dick with his right, adding some strokes to it which got Christian harder. If that was even possible!

"You're the dirtiest player in the book." Christian moaned before kissing Tyler hard. He slipped his tongue into Tyler's mouth; while squeezing his dick harder. Tyler just started sucking on Christian's tongue.

During all of this, Carlos and Mark were still watching from their booth. When Tyler laughed from being tickled by Christian, it made Carlos and Mark smile. The two guys haven't heard Tyler laugh like that in a long time. "I hope that guy can make Tyler happy." Carlos whispered to Mark. "Tyler had too much pain in his life; it's time for him to be happy."

Mark nodded. "If he's anything like you, I think Tyler will be very happy!" He added, winking at his soul mate.

Carlos couldn't help but to laugh at the double pun in that statement. That was until Mark slid his hand up Carlos's thy and grabbed his cock. "Whoa! Down boy." Carlos said laughing, as he pushed Mark's hand away. "We're on duty. I'll take care of you when we get home."

With extreme effort, Mark moved his hand from his man's thy. "I'm going to hold you to that later tonight. And you better have me begging for it too." Carlos assured Mark that he would definitely have him begging.

Mean while, Tyler and Christian were continuing their fore play. By now both of them were hard as a rock. "I wrote the book on playing dirty." Tyler said after breaking the kiss. "No one can play dirtier than me."

"Let go now, okay?" Christian groaned. Tyler's hand was getting him so close. He was about to blow right there. "You got me too close."

"You let go first." Tyler challenge back. He too was getting too close to the edge but wanted to keep the contact going. No one had ever gotten him this hard just by touch alone.

Christian had to really concentrate now to keep himself from blowing his load. "We'll let go at the same time." He replied to Tyler's challenge. How the hell can he get me this hard? No one had ever done that before. Christian thought to himself.

So on the count of three; they both released each other dick. Tyler moved to the other side of the table so they could keep their hands off each other. A few minutes later and after a couple of more drinks, and their dicks had gone down, Christian said.

"I need to go now. I have to be at work early tomorrow, so I need to get to bed. How about I give you a ride." He asked. Christian really didn't want to leave Tyler, but duty called and he can't ditch his duties.

"Oh yeah!" Tyler replied with a giggle. "How good are your rides?" He asked with a sexy but humorous smile. Tyler was dyeing to know Christian's reaction to the joke.

"I mean give you a ride home, you horn ball!" Christian responded laughing. He loves how Tyler can make him laugh. And Christian thought that gorgeous smile of Tyler's can melt anyone's resolves.

"I knew that." Tyler said smiling. He just wanted to hear Christian laugh again. "I would love a ride home, if you don't mind?"

So they went to pay their bill and went to the car. Before they left the club Tyler told Tommy he would check the books by Friday. They talked some more along the way. When they got to Tyler's house, Christian helped Tyler out of the car the same as he helped him into it. When he Walked Tyler to the door, he kissed him good night. "I'll call you tomorrow."

Tyler unlocked the door before answering. "Okay. I'll talk to you then." Before Tyler stepped inside, Christian gave him one more kiss. "You have a good night sleep." Christian told him to do the same before walking back to his car.

As he was leaving the grounds, Christian saw a car coming in. He didn't know where the car came from or who was in it, but figured if it was on the ground than it was safe. To make sure of that, Christian looked back at the house through his rear view mirror.

Carlos and Mark also kept a close watch on Christian through the side view mirror as they drove up to the house. When they got out of the car, Carlos stood at the car to watch Christian leave while Mark went inside. Once Christian had left, Carlos headed inside himself.

On the way home, Christian couldn't stop thinking about the fun time he had with Tyler. He can't remember when he had fun like that before. "Maybe this can work." Christian said to himself smiling. "He's obviously more independent than I thought." Now that Christian had made up his mind weather or not to continue on with a relationship with Tyler he felt more complete.

Tyler waited until Christian drove away before going inside. He locked up and set the alarm, not worrying about the other two because they had the code. Once he was upstairs, he showered before heading to bed with a smile on his face.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as I did writing it.

In this chapter we found out what kind of modeling Tyler does and owns a corporation. Now he is building up his agency more. Tyson Carter will be a big access to his agency and we'll found out more about him in future chapters.

Christian is a general in the marines plus owns several shops. Christian is hesitant to start a relationship with someone who's visually impaired which is usually the case in that situation. A lot of people are nervous about being in a relationship with someone with a vision disability.

Christian was shock to found out how successful Tyler is. I explained the reason for that a little in this chapter. I will explain more about how Tyler became successful in future chapters.

I had received many e-mails asking how Tyler lives his life as a visually impaired person. I explained two ways in this chapter. A white cane is a tool of mobility for the visually impaired and the JAWS program is how they can use the computer.

Tyler and Christian had a little foreplay at Tyler's club but didn't go any further. Will this relationship continue? What do you guys think?

Tyler's top agent Nicholas seems to be flirting with Tyler or maybe not. What will his boyfriend Brian think about that?

Keep reading the future chapters and let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.

Next: Chapter 3

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