Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Mar 9, 2017


Best Friends 27

{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 27

Friday morning Tyler woke up in a bad mood. The dark cloud that was hanging over his inner circle was starting to piss him off and he hated that. Christian knew what was bothering him and tried to take his mind off it with a little making out before they jumped into the shower. It did calm him some but Christian could still see the turmoil just below the surface and hoped no one said or did anything stupid that would set him off.

After getting the boys up and ready for the day, they went down to breakfast. Tyler could feel the dark cloud more strongly now that he was in the vicinity of the cause but kept his mask on. He will not let his family or employees see his discomfort. He sat down at the table to feed Terry before having his own breakfast. Christian, Carlos, and Mark discretely kept an eye on him for any indication of him figuring out who the trader is. At one point Tyler's eyes focused in one particular direction giving a slight imperceptive nod. All three casually looked that way without drawing any attention to themselves and determined that it could be one of two people, or both.

After breakfast Tyler and Christian went to their offices to check their messages and take care of some work. Carlos and Mark went to get an update from nightshift concerning the spies while the rest got involved with their own activity. They worked for close to two hours before coming out to spend some time with the family. They discussed it earlier and made a decision to spend most of the day with their boys only responding to something if it was a true emergency. They haven't spent much time with their kids during this time of need and vowed to change that.

In Maryland Jennifer Thompson and Paul Black was sitting in court waiting to be arraigned for their crime. While waiting, they were speculating on how they were caught. No one should know about the account they attempted to invade or where they were hiding out so how did the bank see through their scam? It was still a mystery to them when Jennifer's case number and name was called so they filed it away to figure out later. Right now they had another predicament to deal with sitting in front of them as she approached the bench.

"You're charged with grand larceny and embezzlement. How do you plead?" Jennifer turned to her court appointed lawyer for advice before pleading not guilty. "A plea of not guilty shall be entered into the records. What is the state asking in regards to bail?"

The prosecutor first looked at his file before looking up at the judge. "Taking all facts into consideration, the state is asking for bail to be set at fifty thousand dollars your honor."

"I object your honor." Spoke up the defense attorney. "My client can't afford that and this is her first offense. I think bail should be set at a more reasonable amount."

"I'll have to overrule that objection." The judge stated firmly. "Due to the substantial amount of the account in question and what she's being charged with, I think fifty thousand is more than reasonable. Whether or not she can afford it is her problem not the courts. Trial is set at 9am two weeks from today. Call the next case."

The process continued with Paul receiving the same charges and bail. Fortunately or unfortunately they only had to come up with ten percent of the fifty thousand but they had no idea on where to get it. The deputy that was escorting Paul out of the courtroom gave him a wink when he looked his way. A chill went down Paul's spine as he wondered what that meant. No one paid any attention to the officer in the back of the room observing the proceedings.

He left unnoticed pulling out his cell to make a call which was quickly answered by a male's voice on the other end. "Hey man it's me." Steve returned the greeting then asked about the arraignment. "That's why I'm calling. Bail was set at fifty thousand dollars but they only have to come up with ten percent of it to be release."

"I'm sure they don't have it otherwise they wouldn't have tried stealing it. Let me know when they get out because I'm positive they're desperate enough to find another way to get the money so they can be release and try to make a run for it. If you can, put a twenty-four hour surveillance on them both."

He reached the elevator and pushed the down button then leaned against the wall. "I'll see what I can do but no promises. After all, this isn't a high profile case, and my favors can only go so far. Why don't you give George a call? He may have a team available to put on the case."

The line was silent for a moment before Steve spoke again. "Let me check with Tyler and get back to you on that. He probably knows someone better who can be of help. No offense to George, but he's not nearly as good as anyone Tyler can get. That dude knows a lot of professionals in that type of stuff who are great at their job."

"Okay, but you better hurry. Because if the deputy that was escorting Paul today gets his way, then he'll be out sooner than we expect. In the meantime I'll talk to some friends and have them to keep an eye on both prisoners until you get something in place."

"No problem. I'll get back to you soon with an answer."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later." He closed his phone and put it in his pocket just as the elevator doors open. After stepping on and pushing the button for the lobby, he stood there contemplating on who in the department he could trust to help with this little side action.

Back in California the Michaels/Jackson clan was having some family time when Collin politely interrupted. "Mr. Tyler, you have an important phone call sir."

"Who is it Collin? I don't want to be interrupted unless it's an emergency." Collin told him it was his friend Steve Hunter which got Tyler's attention. "In that case I'll take it in my office. Thank you Collin."

Collin accepted the thanks and quietly left. Tyler gave Terry who was sitting on his lap to David before getting up pulling Christian along with him. They went into Tyler's office closing the door behind them. Christian put the call on speaker then sat in the chair behind the desk and pulled Tyler onto his lap. "Hey Steve, its Tyler and Christian, what can we do for you?"

"Perfect, I'm glad I got both of you. There's some things that we need to discuss and a decision for you to make." Steve then told them about the arraignments and his friend's suggestion. "I have another friend I can call who's also in that line of work. You probably know someone better but this guy is good and he may be available to take on the case."

"Call him and let him know he's hired. Make sure he knows to keep our names confidential because I want that to be a surprise. I'm guessing he'll keep in contact with your policeman friend so he'll have an inside connection?"

"Yes he will, and with me as well." Steve confirmed. "I'll call him right away and give him a brief description on the situation. Because from what I understand, Paul Black maybe getting release sooner then we hoped if a certain guard has his way, so he'll need to get there ASAP."

Tyler grinned at the devious smirk in Christian's voice. "Make sure he stays in the shadow and obtain any discernible evidences that may be useful. Tell him there's an extra two thousand in it for him if he catches Paul in any compromising position that we can use against him."

"Oh that is just plain evil!" Steve laughed. "No wonder you and Tyler are perfect together. You both think alike and have a devious mind. I pity the fool who crosses either of you two."

Christian and Tyler didn't say anything but Steve knew they had big smiles on their faces. There was nothing left to talk about so they ended the call. As they were leaving the office, lunch was being announced so instead of heading towards the living room they went the opposite way towards the kitchen. They were really hungry and the aromas coming from there were making them even hungrier.

At Néné Incorporated Janet had just shut the phone off and was about to go to lunch herself when Brian walked in with bags from Burger King. Just one look at her face and he knew she had a rough morning which had him smiling at his idea to bring her lunch. After giving her a kiss, he started pulling out their food. "Rough morning?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." She sighed as Brian handed her a whopper and fries then set a drink in front of her. "It seems that everyone who applied for the president position of the McDonald's franchise wants to know if a decision had been made even though the interviews had just begun."

Brian raised an eyebrow as he unwrapped his own whopper. "Then they can't actually believe a decision had been made already. I mean, come on, who in their right mind would think they would interview for a position like that and expect to hear a decision on it right away?"

"Apparently the interviewees do. But I think most of them are more interested in the higher salary that comes with the position than the position itself, although some of them might be qualify for it. It doesn't matter though because we both know that Tyler and Christian will take as much time as they need in choosing the right person for the job."

Brian agreed full heartedly. As they finished eating, they made some plans for their wedding. The date was set for midday on the nineteenth of November but they were still negotiating on where to go for their honeymoon. Janet wanted to honeymoon in Hawaii but Brian wanted to go to the Bahamas. After debating it for a while, they came up with a compromise. The first week will be spent in the Bahamas with the last week in Hawaii. That way they both get what they want.

As they all were getting up from lunch, Christian excused Himself and went to his office. He felt the need to call his parents to see how they were doing and if they needed anything. The call went well until he brought Tyler's name into the conversation. When he told them about Tyler's trap for Paul and Jennifer, Mrs. Michaels once again tried persuading him on leaving because Tyler was dangerous and lives a dangerous life in the process. Christian quickly shut her up and demanded she not continue down that road or she'll cause a rip in the relationship between him and her but she didn't listen to him.

"Listen to me please son." She pleaded. "I only want what's best for you, and that's not Tyler. You'll only end up getting hurt if you stay with him and I don't want that. You have so much to live for and deserve someone who will make you happy. Tyler will just end up ruining your life or getting you killed if you continued with this relationship."

"That's enough mother!" Christian shouted. "Ty and our boys are what's best for me and he makes me happy. As for him getting me hurt or killed, let me assure you that will not happen. He'd rather cut off his own arm than to see anyone he loves harmed. Now I'm only going to say this one more time! If I ever hear another derogatory word towards Ty coming out of your mouth again, you and I will be having some problems!"

Before things got out of hand, Mr. Michaels spoke up for the first time during the conversation. "Just be careful and stay safe son. After all, you have to admit that Tyler does live and play dangerous. A bullet has no name on it; and there's nothing saying you couldn't be used by someone who wanted to get to him through you."

Christian didn't hold back the sarcasm. "Don't you think we had already thought of that!?" He bellowed in defense. "Why the hell do you think he hired security for everyone? He certainly didn't do it to portray the life style of the rich and famous for god sake! He did it so we'll all have protection against anyone who may be a threat to us even though I don't need it." He then sighed tiredly. "Look, I'll call you later. I need to get back to my family now."

He hung up before they could say anything else and calmed himself down. He didn't want anyone seeing him upset and worrying about him. Although it haven't gotten there yet, Christian was starting to think that sooner or later his parents was going to push him to the point where he'll have to choose between them and his family. Christian hopes that it wouldn't get that far because he doesn't want to lose his parents but he won't give up his family just to make them happy. When he was calmed enough, he went to join the others putting the conversation in the back of his mind.

The rest of the day was devoted to enjoying time with the family. However, the four bosses kept up with their secret observation during dinner. When it was over, Tyler and Christian took some time to take Manual some dinner and visit Mrs. Maria although they didn't stay long. They returned home and spent more time playing with the children before calling it a night and heading for bed.

The next morning during breakfast the adults discussed what to do for the day. Christian and Tyler decided to postpone their trip to Disneyland because they wanted to be closer to the hospital just in case they needed to be there in a hurry. It was Tyeceonna who came up with the answer of inviting Justin, Timothy, and their boys to spend the day with them at the beach. Everyone liked that idea so Tyler said that he'll give Justin a call after breakfast. He would also call Manual and Janet and extend the invitation to them including Brian. That gave Christian an idea so he offered to extend the invitation to Trish as well which no one had any objections to.

After breakfast there was a flurry of activity as everyone started getting ready while Christian and Tyler made their calls. Everyone except Manual accepted the invitation until Tyler threatened to use physical force. Knowing he wasn't joking, Manual reluctantly caved in and was already changing before he even hung up. Besides, it would be nice to spend a whole day with his two best friends and the princess since he hasn't done that in a while. Justin and Tyler knows he doesn't like motorcycles so he was never invited to join them for riding day.

One hour later the convoy was heading out for a day of fun. Since they were going to be gone the whole day; Tyler gave the others the day off to enjoy as well. They arrived at Santa Monica Beach just ahead of Janet and Brian shortly followed by the others. Once everyone had greeted each other, and their vehicles were unloaded, they went in search of a spot along the crowded beach that suited everyone perfectly. After setting out blankets, beach chairs, and in some cases umbrellas, the adults let the older kids go off on their own after making sure they were protected with sunscreen while the ladies took the little ones to play with others in the sand. The others like Justin, Timothy, Christian, Tyler, and their security went to workout in an area set up for that.

One hour later they splashed in the ocean to have a little fun and cool off. They were soon joined by the boys and their security which drew eyes in their direction from others on the beach. When Tyler was recognized as being among the group, they yelled his name which really drew attention their way. Everyone giggled when he groaned and asked to be hidden from the mob that was guaranteed to follow.

Sure enough, they were swarmed by a crowd of fans when his name was heard. Inwardly he sighed to himself as he made time to shake hands and talk with them all. But Tyler wasn't the only one though! JR was also swarmed by the teens and young adults when he too was recognized which had the other boys giggling. When he thought the crowd had a sufficient amount of time to goggle, Carlos and Mark along with Simon and Russell commanded all of the security to conceal the family and led them out of the water back to the others. With grumbling coming from the boys' stomachs and it being close to that time, the adults decided to pack up and get some lunch. Realizing they weren't going to get close to the two celebrities again, the crowd quickly dispersed back to what they were doing before they had the case of celebrity worship.

After lunch, they returned to the beach for some more fun in the sun. When it got close to dinner time they packed everything back up in their vehicles before going to the communal showers to wash the sand and ocean water off their bodies. Afterwards they stood in the parking lot with everyone thanking the others for a fun filled day and wishing them a good night before getting into their cars and heading for home. Shortly after they arrived they were called to dinner.

When they were done with dinner and had dessert, they retired to the game room unwinding while Jeff played the XBox. They ended the day in the theater room watching a movie before going to bed. They woke the next morning to the smell of fresh brewed coffee, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. When they got to the table they also saw scrambled eggs and hash browns along with it. Just as they sat down the phone rang sending tension through Tyler's body because he wasn't expecting a call and it was unusual for anyone to be calling at this time of the morning so they waited cautiously with stated breath.

After taking the message Collin placed it down next to Tyler's plate in between him and Christian. Christian gave it a look and frown in curiosity. "Who's Hector Lopez?"

The animosity coming from Tyler made Christian shiver. "He's grandma's second oldest and Manny's father. What the hell is he thinking of calling me!? It better not be for what I think it is or else I'll beat the sh..." Remembering that his boys were around him, he abruptly stopped himself from finishing his tirade.

Christian sensed a story behind his animosity and wondered how bad it could be. Tyler disregarded the message and began eating his breakfast but Christian could tell he was still fuming. He let it go for now to give Tyler some time to cool off before talking to him about it. The rest of breakfast was eaten in comfortable silence without any further interruptions.

After breakfast Christian pulled Tyler into his office for some privacy. "Do you want to tell me what your animosity with hector Lopez is now, or would you rather keep it to yourself?"

Tyler leaned against Christian's desk sighing with restrained bitterness before explaining to Christian what his problem with Manual's father was. "The only reason he's calling me is because Grandma listed Manny, Jay and I as her next of kin and not her two children. I talked with Manny yesterday and he told me that somehow they found out about her condition and want to take her off of the machines."

Christian eyes widened in shock. "Please tell me you're joking!?" Tyler shook his head in sad conviction. "Why would they want to let her go and not give her a chance to fight her way back? They must know that she's a fighter and would give it all she can to pull through."

"Because if she recover; then they wouldn't be able to receive their inheritance, and Manny wouldn't be out on the street like they want!" The disdain ran off of Tyler's tongue like a waterfall. "They never wanted Grandma to take him in and they're terrible with money. They were always borrowing from her and never paying it back until Manny, Jay, and I finally convinced her to stop doing it. That's another reason why they don't like us. They haven't called or visit much since she'd stop lending them money and told them to grow up and support themselves because she was finished raising them.

I don't know how, but somehow they found out about her condition and trying to play the sympathy card to persuade us to let her go in peace. They know we have the power of attorney and they can't do anything unless all three of us agree to it. Little do they know that Grandma has a big surprise for them written in her will and we all know what that surprise is because we were presence when she signed it and made it all legal."

"Surely they know you three well enough to believe you wouldn't choose to take her off the machines right?" Christian copped an eyebrow in stunned disbelief. "They can't be that ignorant or heartless to think they can force you into doing that no matter what they try."

Tyler crossed his arms in disgust. "Oh, I'm absolutely sure they know they can't, but it won't stop them from trying. They only care about what they'll be getting out of her passing with no thought or feelings of what it will do to the rest of us. They're too self-centered and convinced that the world revolves around them and everyone else should bow to their superiority."

Once again Christian shook his head. "Well are you going to call him back? Because I'm sure he had already spoken with his sibling and they're probably working on a plan to try to overturn the power of attorney."

Tyler shrugged. "Maybe I will, but not for a while yet. I want them to be burning with anger before I do and remind them of who I am and what I can do to make their lives miserable if they try to cross me. The three of us had already made our decision and there's nothing they can do to change our minds."

They talked some more about Mrs. Maria's children then went looking for the others finding them in the theater room and joined them. Jeff crawled into Christian's lap to cuddle while Tyler took Terry from his sister to hold for some daddy time. After two or three movies, everyone felt like a swim or a soak so they went to changed into their swimsuit. The remainder of the morning was spent either frolicking in the indoor pool or relaxing their muscles in the warmth of the Jacuzzi until they were called for lunch.

When lunch was over, it became a free for all. Some played board games and some played card, others just chatted while occasionally flipping through the channels on the television. Throughout the day the four bosses kept their objective ongoing and Tyler was nearly positive as to who was the trader of his inner circle and made a mental note to discuss it later with the other three. Just before dinner he called Manual to check up on him and Mrs. Maria. Manual reported that there were still no changes and assured him that he was taking care of himself. Tyler told him that he will stop in at the hospital tomorrow for a visit. They talked a few minutes longer before ending the call.

Manual closed and pocketed his phone then focused back on his date. "Sorry for the interruption. That was one of my best friends Tyler checking up on me and my grandmother. You may know him from his famous calendars and the owner of Jackson Agency."

"Yes I do know him but not only for those reasons." Manual's date smiled mysteriously but the smile faltered a little when he discretely hinted at introducing them to each other. "I don't think that will be a good idea. I'd like to keep that we're dating a secret until we know each other a little better."

Manual sensed something else behind that statement but nodded anyway. "I understand. We'll wait to see how things go between us before going public with our relationship. But if you're worry about how you will be received, then don't. Justin and Tyler are my two best friends and will love you and so will the others. Besides, no one tells me who I can and can't be involved with."

His companion smiled while thinking `that's what you think now, but wait until they see who you're dating. Manual could see the worries still in his companion's eyes so he changed the subject. He wanted to have a good time tonight and not have anything spoiling his date. He loves the delicious cuisines at Karmyn's Place but don't usually have the opportunity to dine there very often because he hates eating alone. Changing the subject turned out to be a great idea because they were soon once again laughing and enjoying the other's company.

Once they had finished with their entrees, they ordered some coffee and dessert as they continued learning more about one another. Forty-five minutes later Manual called for the check as his date asked to be excused to use the restroom. He had just finished settling the bill when his date returned so they exit the restaurant heading for the cinema to catch a movie.

After purchasing their tickets and refreshments, they entered the theater and chose seats towards the back for a little privacy. Not long after they sat down the lights went out and the advertisements began. Manual put his arm around his date who cuddled up against him luxuriating in the closeness. The movie was enjoyable but the companionship surpassed it that by the time the credits was rolling Manual enjoyment was noticeably obvious. It was now getting late so they decided to call it a night and he drove his date home.

After the others had gone to bed, Tyler met with Carlos, Christian, and Mark to discuss his theory and debate over the reason for the betrayal. Many situations were voiced but only one was of a major concern and they were positive that it somehow involves money as well. Once they had prepared as much as they could Christian asked Tyler a question that had been on his mind for a while now. "Ty, how do you have these abilities that others don't? You seem to sense things that we can't; and I just want to know how that's possible."

"I'd been waiting for you to ask me that." Tyler smirked teasingly at his lover. "I'm what people called a Sharman but I'm not the only one you know. Tye has the same abilities but hers seems to only work on people who are close to her where mine works on anyone I'm around. She can always tell when I'm hiding something, or in a bad mood, among other things as well."

Carlos and Mark could see the skeptical look that Christian was giving Tyler so Carlos backed him up on it. "It's all true Christian. Just watch Tyeceonna's facial expression the next time Tyler hides something from the others to protect them and you'll see the knowing look she'll give him."

Still not completely believing, Christian agreed to wait and see for himself. They called it a night and headed off to bed. Morning will be there soon and Christian and Tyler have to get up early to get Jeff ready for the first day of school.

When the alarm went off it wasn't welcomed. The snooze button was hit a couple of times before both men reluctantly got out of bed. Christian went to wake Jeff while Tyler got the shower ready then jumped in being joined by Christian shortly afterwards. Once they were dressed and had the boys ready as well, they went downstairs for breakfast finding the others already there eating.

After breakfast, Carlos and Mark instructed Jeff on the usage of his cell phone and panic button he was given. "Don't tell anyone about these devices. Your cell is actually permitted on school grounds and it won't be a problem, and the panic button looks like a keychain so it won't catch anyone's attention. The panic button is to be used for emergencies only for whenever you misplace your phone, okay?"

Jeff nodded as he verbalized that he understood. When they were convinced that he did, his two dads took him to school leaving Terry at home with Tyeceonna and David. They arrived at the same time that the others did although in separate cars. Christian noticed a few people missing when they gathered in a group and gave Justin a questioning look. Justin mouthed the words `tell you later shaking his head indicating not to say anything. Just then the bell rang so each father gave their son a hug and sent them on their way along with their security detail. All four fathers stood out front until their boys were safely inside before getting into their vehicles and driving off.

When Christian and Tyler returned home they went into their office. Christian has more work to do on the project and Tyler needed to get an update on the construction being done on the cafeteria. An hour later they came out and spent some time with the others. Around midmorning Tyler asked his sister and brother in law if they could watch Terry for them while they go into the office to interview more applicants for the McDonald's franchise. They both agreed so the two men and their security headed into town. They arrived at Tyler's office to a fully packed receptionist area but still they had everyone to continue waiting until they were ready.

Across country Paul Black and Jennifer Thompson were awaiting their hearing to determine if whether or not they will be release on bail. Unknown to them, a certain lieutenant was also waiting to hear the outcome to pass along to his friend who has a personal interest in the two fugitives. It was just after lunch when their case was called with Jennifer's being the first. After the charges were read, her public defender tried to get the charges dismissed which was denied by the judge. The lawyer then asked for a plea-bargain for a lesser charge which was also denied. Several attempts later he finally pleaded for the court to grant his client a low bail due to it being her first offense.

The judge read over the file one more time before making his decision. "Although I agree that this being her first offense should be taken into consideration, the court can't overlook the felonies that she's being charged with. So with that said, bail is set at seventy-five thousand dollars paid in cash or bond."

The judge then banged his gavel ending the procedure without giving either side a chance to respond. Paul's hearing was pretty much a repeat performance except the judge added an extra five thousand dollars to his bail for contempt of court when he called the judge an "incompetent fool sitting on the bench" which angered Paul but silenced him for the remaining of the procedure. They both were then escorted back to their cells pondering on how they were going to come up with the money. Distracted by that thought; Paul didn't see the sadistic glint in one of the deputies' eyes that was escorting him taking casual glances at him.

Back in California a message was delivered to Jeff's third period teacher. After giving it a cursory look, she called him up to her desk giving him a pass and telling him to report to the guidance counselor office. He accepted the pass and left the class wondering what was going on. When he arrived, the receptionist directed him to his counselor's office. He nodded towards Todd who nodded back in acknowledgement. He entered and recognized his case worker Mrs. Dunbar sitting with his counselor in one of the chairs and suddenly became apprehensive. Her smile didn't do anything to calm his nerves either.

"Come in and have a seat Jeffrey." His counselor motioned him in. "I believe you know Mrs. Dunbar who's here to talk with you. She needs to do a follow up visit on your case." Just then he noticed Todd standing behind him. "Thank you for escorting him in sir. But this is a private discussion; so I'll have to ask you to wait outside until we're done."

Todd gave them both a stern look. "I'm sorry sir, but that won't be happening. Jeff is under my protection and therefore he's my responsibility. If you want to ask him any question; then it will be done in my presence and under my guidance. If anyone has any objections then we can reschedule this interview at a more convenient time where his parents can be involved."

"You don't have a say in this so I suggest you step outside as requested." Mrs. Dunbar demanded. "You're interfering in a government's official performance of her duty. I can and will have you arrested if you don't do as we asked."

"Be my guess." Todd smirked devilishly. "I'm sure my employer will love to slap a law suit on you for wrongful arrest if you do. I think we all know that Tyler Jackson wouldn't hesitate to haul your ass into court once he finds out what you're trying to do behind his back. So if I were you, I wouldn't push my luck."

Mrs. Dunbar knew she had been caught red handed. She was there to try and trick Jeff into giving her some information that she can use against Tyler. She needed something that would give her the leverage to remove the two boys from his custody and place them with a heterosexual couple that will give them the proper upbringing. What she didn't count on was Tyler surrounding and the boys himself with competent employees of protection. Todd could see that he had her over a barrel so he just stood there watching her struggle with her inner debate. But before she could make up her mind, Jeff made the decision for her.

"I don't wanna answer any question without my parents presence." Seeing Mrs. Dunbar about to deny that request, Jeff quickly cut her off. "Daddy Ty knew you would try something underhanded like this so he warned me ahead of time. What Mr. Todd said is true and I will be telling him all about this." He then bored down on his counselor feeling betrayed. "I'll also be letting him know about your involvement in this matter as well."

He let that sink in before turning and walking out of the office leaving Todd smiling at them with satisfaction. "I would be worry if I was you. That kid is without a doubt Tyler Jackson's son and means everything he says. By the end of school this afternoon both of his fathers will know all about this little ploy and will be breathing down your necks so let me leave you with this warning. Don't anger the dragons if you can't handle the heat of their fire."

He too then left leaving the counselor and social worker stunned and worried. The bell haven't rang yet so Jeff rejoined his third period class fuming over the deviousness of the people who supposed to be protecting those who can't protect themselves instead of trying to use them in their plot to hurt others. Todd sent Ryan in with Jeff while he stayed in the hall to call Tyler. He wanted to warn him so he'll have some time to cool off before he picks Jeff up from school. He has no doubt that both fathers will be pissed off when they hear the story from their son and see how upset it made him.

For the rest of the morning Jeff mood didn't improve but fortunately he was able to concentrate on his work. He met up with JR and Anrícé in the cafeteria for lunch and right away JR could sense something bothering him. Once they had their lunch and was seated at a table, he asked Jeff what the problem was. Jeff explained everything to them then sighed worriedly.

"Now I have to tell Daddy Ty and Daddy Chris about it. I just hope they won't do anything to get themselves into trouble. You know how they can bet when someone intentionally tries to harm a member of their family in any way just to get to them."

JR nodded as he swallowed his food. He did know his uncles tempers when it comes to their family members being harmed. "But still, you shouldn't worry about that. Uncle Ty did warn her on what he'll do if she uses you or/and Terry in her vendetta against him when he and Uncle Chris got custody of you both. She chose to ignore the warning so now she'll just have to suffer with the consequences. Whatever they may be, it's nothing for you to be concern about."

Jeff swallowed the drink he was taking."I know. I just wish they hadn't put me in this position. I don't wanna see anyone hurt but I can't keep what they did from my dads. I'm surprised that Mrs. Dunbar thought that she could pull that off and didn't think that my dads would warn me to be prepared for any unscrupulous tactic anyone might use on him."

"She obviously doesn't know much about Uncle Ty. Because if she did, then she would have realized that Uncle Ty always prepares for any course of action. Its how he keeps everyone he loves safe and happy. If she doesn't, then she soon will."

"Damn Jeff! I wouldn't wanna be on your dad Tyler's bad side." Anrícé shook his head in shock causing JR and Jeff to look over at him remembering he was there. "It sounds like he doesn't hold back when it comes to his family. I feel sorry for the lucky bastards who find themselves going up against him."

Jeff nodded in agreement. "That's why it surprises me that anyone would even attempt to use us for leverage. No matter how much he warns them not to, they just always seems to think he's bluffing until they realize that he's deadly serious. And by that time; it's usually too late for them to reconsider their actions."

"Well, stupidity can get you killed, but intelligence will save your life. Let's hope that she'll take the intelligence road before it's too late. I'm just glad she's not my case worker. Otherwise, I'd probably be finding a way to see if I can get her to spontaneously combust."

All three boys broke out in laughter. When they had regained their composure, they went back to eating their lunch chatting about mundane things. The two younger boys were oblivious to the two pairs of eyes occasionally glancing in their direction but JR wasn't. After finishing their lunch and throwing away their trash, they went outside to wait for the bell to ring ending lunch.

Jeff's fathers on the other hand didn't have such a pleasant lunch. Todd's call to Tyler had him in a foul mood which included Christian once he was told. On top of that, the interviewing process they were now conducting wasn't producing any future prospects for advancement. None of the candidates have any attributes for such a high position having the two owners wondering why the applicants even wasted their time with applying. None of them had any qualifications to perform the duty, nor did they have the courage to even dispute or debate any of Christian and Tyler's questions. That's who the two are looking for to fill the position. Someone who can take over running the company; but also brave enough to decide against the bosses whenever it's called for to put the company best interest at heart.

Just when they were about to quit interviewing for the day, the next applicant walked in handing over their résumé. Christian took it and grunted when he read the name drawing Tyler's attention. "Is there something wrong? What's the problem Chris?"

Christian cringed then schooled his features. He knew Tyler will be upset over this, but there was nothing he could do. They have to give every applicant an equal opportunity for the position. He laid the paper down on the table then reached under it to give Tyler's hand a squeeze. "Please have a seat Ms. Tonya Jackson and tell us a little about yourself."

Feeling Tyler tensed up Christian gave his hand another squeeze. On the other side of the table, Tonya Jackson sat down trying to keep the smile off her face at seeing one of her children again and knowing that he had turned out well. She kept her eyes focused on him as she gave a brief description of her background.

"Well, I came from New York but I'm originally from Malibu. I'm a widow plus the mother of a son and daughter, both adults now, and a grandmother of five." She paused to gain Tyler's reaction over that bit of information but continued when he didn't give any. "I majored in business management and minored in finance with a master's degree in both fields from New York University. After getting my degree from NYU I was hired at a small prestigious financial firm and quickly worked my way up to manager.

I was there for eight years until the owner and CEO was killed in an automobile accident. Since the company was family owned, the son took over running the business and eventually sending it into bankruptcy. After that, I lived off my saving and severance pay before being hired as the financial director of NYU. I'd been working there for the past six years but was never happy. I move back to Malibu about a week ago to find happiness again and to be near my children and grandchildren. I heard about the job opening from a few people around town and thought it sounded like a great opportunity for me to start integrating myself back into the city and old acquaintances to reestablish myself with the community."

When she had concluded her story, Tonya Jackson waited cautiously for any sign from her son on whether or not she had any chance of reconciling with him. The whole time Tyler just sat there listening without displaying any kind of emotions. What she didn't know, but Christian did, was that she wasn't going to get any from him. This was business and Tyler was going to keep it strictly professional and not bring anything personal into the mist. He could sense Tyler already regaining his professionalism and watched from the corner of his eyes as Tyler sat up straighter and his demeanor changed. When he spoke it was with no emotions what's so ever.

"Tell me Ms. Jackson; if we were to hire you for this position, do you think you'll be able to live up to our standards for the company? We're looking for someone who will take it to the top of the fast food industry and maybe even higher. We need someone who's an honest and hard worker with a kind and caring heart that has a sense of decency. Someone who can give this company one hundred and ten percent but know when and where to draw the line between work and family. And lastly, someone who will stick around even when the going gets tough and the tough gets going. Can you commit to all of that and not let us down?"

Caught off guard, it took a while for Tonya to answer the question. She looked over at Christian for help but only received a nonverbal smirk and raised eyebrow that asked the same questions. "I don't think I can give the company my full attention as of yet. Like I said before, I moved back to be closer to my family so that's my number one priority. I can commit to doing my best and making the company the best it's ever had been, but that's all I can commit to for right now until I'm reunited with my family once again."

Christian picked up the résumé to give it one more review before putting it back down and looking at Tonya. "Well, you do have the qualifications we're looking for and your credentials are impressive as well. Once we had made our decision, we'll give those who had advanced to the next round a call to have them come back in for a second interview."

He stood offering his hand with Tyler following attempting to hold onto his professional demeanor. Tonya stood and shook their hand giving Tyler a smile which wasn't returned. Before anything else could be said Janet walked in to let Christian and Tyler know that it was time to pick up Jeff from school.

"Oh good!" Tyler grinned deviously. "I'm glad because I want to have a little talk with his counselor. I need to remind him of the consequences whenever anyone tries to use my boys in their vendetta against me in any way."

"You will do no such thing!" Christian countered causing Tyler to glare at him. "I will handle Mr. Easton myself. With the mood you're in now, you'll likely have him pissing in his pants and balling his eyes out from terror. I want him scared enough that whenever he sees Jeff around school grounds he'll hide in his office with his tail between his legs. I don't want him scared away where he'll be able to try it again with another kid."

Tyler's glare of anger towards Christian turned into a glare of love. The merciless tone in both men's voices sent shivers up and down Tonya Jackson's spine. She knew right then and there not to double cross these guys and not expect any retribution. Janet confirmed that when she left the conference room muttering to herself. "Poor guy. He has no idea what he's gotten himself into."

Both guys just nodded without even realizing they had. "Okay, I'll follow your lead with the counselor. But the social worker, she's all mine. I warned her on what will happen if she tries to harm my family in any way and she chose to disregard that warning. Now she'll have to suffer my wrath for that disregard."

"Of course, and I agree with you one hundred percent." Christian stated before noticing that Tonya was still there. "I apologize for forgetting that you were still here Ms. Jackson, but there's a personal issue that we need to resolve. We'll give you a call if we need you to come back in for a second interview. In the meantime, why don't you use this time to get reacquainted with the city."

"There's no need for any apologies Mr. Michaels. I can understand that you're worry about your son. I hope everything will be all right with him and that the issue will be resolved without anyone getting hurt. Is there anything I can do to help?"

That was the last straw for Tyler. He could no longer contain his anger. "No there isn't!" He practically shouted at her. "This is a family matter and not a business one. You may be the mother of a son and daughter, but your son and daughter have no mother. You gave up any rights to our family when you dropped us off at that orphanage and never looked back.

Now listen to me because I'm only going to say this once. If we decide to hire you, then the only relationship you and I will ever have will be a professional one. I already have a mother, and it's not you! Stop thinking you're going to get close to any member of my family because it's not going to happen. I won't allow you to hurt any of them like you did Tye when she was a baby and leave me to pick up the pieces! I had to be both mommy and daddy to her at age six instead of having the childhood that I deserved.

I don't trust you and I never will. And if there's no trust, then there's no relationship what's so ever. I don't need any help from you to take care of my family nor do I want it. Just know that I'm going to be watching you like a hawk! And if you come near any of my family and/or friends, or harm them in any way, then I'll make you pay for it!"

After Tyler's little outburst, Christian picked him up and carried him into his office. Tonya was left standing in the conference room distraught and bewildered at what just happened. She never took in consideration that her relationship with her children may be beyond repair and they would want nothing to do with her. She believes she did what was best for all of them to have a better life than what they would have if she had raised them on her own. Seeing how successful her son had become convinced her that she did the right thing for them all. She just have to make him see that giving them up helped to make that happen. As she left the building, she contemplated on her options of convincing her children of that.

Meanwhile, Christian was trying to calm Tyler down with no success. Tyler couldn't or wouldn't let the anger go and it was beginning to worry Christian. He needed Tyler calmed before they pick up Jeff from school otherwise it will be nearly impossible to keep him from going after Jeff's counselor. The anger will most likely keep him from thinking straight once he hears Jeff's side of the story. Not making any headwaves to get him calmed, he buzzed Janet to come to the office. When she came in, he explained what happened with Tonya and asked her to sit with Tyler while he made some calls.

Janet shook her head in disbelief. "Of course I will. You just go and make your calls and leave him to me." She then walked over and sat next to Tyler on the sofa and started rubbing his back in comfort.

Christian thanked her letting her know how much he appreciates it. He then kissed Tyler lovingly on the cheek and speaking softly. "I'll be back baby. Please try to calm down for me. We need to put our son first now; and I need you with me to get through that."

He then got up and left the office pulling out his phone. Janet continued rubbing Tyler's back not saying anything just offering up her support. It took a while, but Tyler did eventually start to calm down but the anger was just below the surface ready to pop out at any opportune time. A couple of minutes later Christian walked back in to check on him. Seeing that he was okay, they said goodbye to Janet and left for the school arriving just as the bell rang ending the first day.

Justin and Timothy arrived as they waited giving Justin the opportunity to check on his best friend. As soon as they got the call, they hightailed it to the school to assist Christian in restraining Tyler if it was needed. He agree with Christian that Tyler seems calm but one wrong comment and/or action will let that anger loose which won't be pleasant for the individual who unlocks that cage. They turned when they heard voices to see the crowd of students coming out. JR was the first to be spotted followed by Anrícé then Jeff. Danny and Davy was nowhere to be seen.

All three boys gave their dads a hug with Jeff holding onto Tyler a little longer than usual. "I`m assuming that Mr. Todd already told you this and you're now just waiting to hear my side of the story."

Christian and Tyler both nodded so Jeff began telling his story. When he had finished, the looks on their faces was what he had been dreading all day. Both dads were angry and looked ready to strangle someone! Tyler took a step forward but was quickly stopped by Carlos, Mark, and Justin. However, Christian didn't try to stop him at all. Instead he started his own marched with Timothy closely following behind him. Jeff didn't know which dad to calm down so he ran after his Dad Chris because he knew just where he was going.

"Holy shit!" JR exclaimed with eyes wide as saucers. "I'm not sure if Mr. Easton should be afraid of Uncle Ty or Uncle Chris right now! They both look like they're ready to tear him from limb to limb!"

"Yeah," Anrícé agreed timidly. "I hope he has enough common sense not to aggravate either guy. I don't think he wants any of his students or coworkers to see him pissing his pants! That wouldn't be good for his rep!"

They headed back in with the others following behind still trying to keep Tyler calm. They caught up with Christian, Jeff, and Timothy in the guidance office just as Jeff's counselor came out. Christian nodded to Justin who stood Tyler by his side showing their solidarity. The death stare coming from both guys and the large group of people accompanying them nearly terrified him into tears.

"I believe we have something we need to discuss, don't you?" Christian bellowed with barely restrained anger. "I suggest you find a conference room that we can use because you may need everyone here to hold the two of us back once we're finished." He pointed at himself and Tyler.

Everyone held their breaths waiting to see what the counselor will do when he stood up straight and started to open his mouth. The two dads just folded their arms in a daring stance. Christian squinted his eyes to say `I'd hate for you to try me. While Tyler raised his to say `I'd love for you to try me. Both expressions relayed the message though; Mr. Easton didn't want to push either man if he didn't want any reprisal on his hands. Everyone else just stood there already knowing which side will cave in first.

Sure enough, it was the counselor who let out the defeated sigh. "Please follow me to the main office conference room where we can speak in private."

Christian and Tyler nodded grinning victoriously. They then followed him to the conference room where they all found a seat. Christian intentionally seated Tyler further from Mr. Easton with Jeff sitting between them. When Mr. Easton sat down, he looked around until his eyes settled on Christian. However, he did noticed the `I told you so smirk on Todd's face.

"Before you say anything, let me apologize for this morning. I really didn't know Jeff didn't have a positive relationship with his social worker. She told me that they get along well and it would have been no problem talking with him. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given my permission for it to happen."

"It doesn't matter what kind of relationship Jeff has with his social worker. You knew that type of meeting can't occur without Jeff's parents or guardians' presence but you allowed it anyway. Then when you were caught in the act you just sat there not saying a word. Not only that, but you didn't even have the balls to call either of his parents to admit your mistake. We had to hear it from our son and his head of security.

I'm sure you had dealt with foster children before so I'm pretty sure you know how the system works. We both had even told you when we registered Jeff for school that we expect to be presence for all important meetings but you chose to disregard our demand. Ignore this final warning at your own peril counselor. If anything else like this ever happens again, the consequences will be severe, understand?"

"I understand. I'll make sure you're involved with all meetings regarding Jeff. From what I saw this morning, I don't think Mrs. Dunbar would be trying anything like that again. She seemed quite shaken when she left."

"I'm glad, but she's still on our list of people to talk to." Christian bluntly stated. "We'll not have her thinking that she had gotten away free with her little scheme. She did the crime, now it's time for her to do the time."

"So heed this warning because our next talk won't be so pleasant. I'm allowing Chris to hold me back this time, but next time he won't be able to. I'll be sure to break your legs then let him break your arms afterwards if you ever try pulling a stunt like this again!" Tyler quickly added with no sympathy.

Everyone looked when they heard a whimper to see Jeff close to tears. "I'm sorry Mr. Easton. But I did warn you that I was going to tell them, and that they will be angry over it. Please do as they said and not let anything like this happen again because I don't want to see you or anyone get hurt. They really do mean what they say."

"I don't think I should be asking this, but are you safe with them Jeff?"

A snicker from the other side of the table drew everyone's attention to Anrícé. "I'm sorry everyone; but that was absolutely the dumbest question to ask after seeing everything that just happened!" He shook his head in disbelief. "I mean, if Jeff wasn't safe with them, do you think they'll be putting up this big of a fuss to protect him? If I... If..."

He shook his head again not being able to finish his statement. Timothy put his arms around him giving him the comfort he needed. "You don't need to worry about that son. I won't let anyone hurt you as long as I have breath in my body."

"I think it's time for us to go now." Christian announced. "We said everything we needed to say, and I'm sure this time our warning will be followed from this point on out."

He stared at Mr. Easton until he got an agreement from the man. At which point they walked out without another word being said leaving him to settle his nerves. He finally realized how wrong he was in calling their bluff. He'll never make that mistake again and would always remember their warning if he wants to stay in one piece. Being on those two guys bad side will not be a wise idea if he values his health in which he most certainly does.

Outside, Christian and Tyler thanked Justin and Timothy for their help in keeping them from going too far with Mr. Easton. Justin and Timothy told them that they were welcome but they hope that they don't have to do it again. Tyler assured them that they wouldn't because he and Christian meant what they said. There will be no more warning so the ball is in his court now. Next time they'll just seek out retaliation and put action to words. After saying goodbye, they all got into their vehicles and left for their homes.

They arrived just as Noah and Caleb was finishing up dinner. After quickly changing clothes, they sat down to eat and Tyeceonna looked at Christian and Tyler expectedly. Christian shook his head mouthing `later and continued on eating. He knew what she wanted to know but he didn't want to discuss it at the table or in front of the children. After the day that they have had, he really didn't want to discuss it at all but had no doubt that she needed to know just in case she runs into Tonya at some point, but they needed to keep things normal around the kids so they wouldn't worry.

When dinner was over and they had finished their dessert, they headed for the game room. Christian helped Jeff with his homework while Tyler fed Terry. Everyone else just lazed around putting their feet up and watched the other kids play. It was a hectic day for most of them and they needed a focal point to make their day brighter. And what could be better than the exuberance of youth? it didn't take Jeff long to finish his homework with his Daddy Chris's help and after putting his things away they joined his Daddy Ty and little brother Terry on the sofa for a little family cuddle.

Later that night after the children were in bed, Christian and Tyler discussed with Tyeceonna and David about Tonya Jackson being back in town. Tyler told his sister and brother in law to watch each other's back and not let her anywhere near the children if they should run into her. Although Tyler had already closed the door in her face on having any type of a personal relationship with her, he still has some reservation over her being back. He told them of his suspicions and that at some point it may involve their children which he won't allow. Tyeceonna agreed and stated that there was nothing for Tonya to repair with her because she can't remember anything about the woman who birthed her since she was only two years old when Tonya dropped them off at the orphanage. All of the memories she has about her childhood consisted of her brother taking care of her.

Twenty minutes later they came to an agreement on the situation. They had just ended the discussion and were heading to bed when the house phone rang. Christian decided to wait with Tyler to find out who was calling but insisted that Tyeceonna and David go ahead. They had just headed up when Collin came into the living room.

"Mr. Tyler, you have a phone call sir. It's..."

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you had enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

It looks like Tyler may be closer to finding out who the trader of his circle is. Whoever it is, I hope they already have everything set in motion for an immediate getaway before Tyler or Christian gets their hands on them.

Jennifer and Paul were arraigned and now are awaiting trial. Only one thing is preventing their freedom and they can't figure out a way to accomplish it although Paul might have a way. The question is will he take that road?

Who is this mysterious friend of Steve that's keeping an eye on Jennifer and Paul? I already given you some hints in this chapter and more will be coming in the near future.

Tyler relaxing day with the family and friends on Saturday turned into a mob with fans wanting autographs. Fortunately for him but not for JR he wasn't the only one who was swamped. He must really adore his fans to always have the patients to be willing to sign autographs for every single one of them.

Tyler got a blast from the past with his mother's return and doesn't like it. There was a little more of their life story told by Tonya this time. What do you guys think? Did or didn't she do the right thing in giving her children up for adoption? It don't look like her children think so!

Jeff's counselor sure found out not to take what his two fathers say lightly. It seems that Christian's idea worked perfectly and Mr. Easton is right where he wants him. He's now scared enough to stay away from Jeff, but not enough to transfer to another school although I'm sure that threat from Tyler also helped as well.

What do you think Tyler will do with the social worker? I can't believe Mrs. Dunbar thought she would get away with that little scheme of hers. She should know by now that Tyler doesn't take any chances without a plan in place just in case of a mishap.

I know you guys are ready to kill me for the cliffhanger but it's been a while since I've given you one that I couldn't resist. Who was it that was calling at that time of the night and why?

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner. I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor Corner:

Hello everyone, what a great chapter with a lot going on.

One thing Romeo didn't mention, who is Manual's mystery date?? I have a feeling that this won't end well.

I look forward to seeing what happens with Tonya.

Drop Romeo a line and tell him what you think.

Next: Chapter 28

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