Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Jun 7, 2017


Best Friends 28

{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 28

"Mr. Tyler, you have a phone call sir. It's a young lady by the name of Teresa Brookes. She claims that it's important that she talk to you right away."

"Thank you Collin. Please let her know that I'll speak with her as soon as I can. Please also make a drink for Chris and me. I have the feeling that we're going to need one by the time this call has ended."

"Yes sir." Collin acknowledged the orders then went to follow through on them.

"Well babe, let's go see what my baby mama wants. I'm pretty sure we're in for some bitching and demanding from her about seeing Terry and we don't want to miss that now do we?"

The sarcasm in Tyler's voice had Christian in mere hysterical laughter. Once he had composed himself, they headed for Tyler's office. They had just sat down with Tyler on Christian's lap when Collin brought in their drinks just as Christian was pushing the flashing button to connect the call. He accepted their thanks and was leaving the office when Teresa began speaking.

"I'm sure you know who this is Tyler so I won't even waste my time in telling you because we have more important things to discuss and that's Terry. I don't care that you have custody of him now; I won't let you keep him from me. He's my son and I have every right to see him with or without your permission. Let's just stop all of this petty bullshit and you tell me where to meet you so I can hold my child and let him know that his mother still loves him."

Tyler was fuming inside but kept his cool. "First of all Teresa, I don't give a damn that you gave birth to Terry, you abandon him without so much as a goodbye or an explanation and went on your merry little way. We didn't even hear from you for weeks concerning your whereabouts. When you did that you gave up any claim to call him your son or you his mother.

Now you expect me to give you the opportunity to get close to him so you can once again throw him away like yesterday's trash when things gets too hard for you. Well, I'm here to tell you that won't be happening as long as I have breath in my body. No matter how much you call and beg I won't let you anywhere near my son just so you can relieve yourself of your guilty conscious so stop trying.

Furthermore, I don't think that the welfare of my son is considered as petty bullshit as you so politely put it! Why don't you stop wasting all of our time with your empty demands because I will never let you within a hundred feet of Terry much less get your grubby little hands on him!"

"How dare you..." Teresa started to say before she was cut off by Christian. "He dares because we all know it's true! You left him and never once looked back. If I see you anywhere near my son then you better be fully armed. Because if you aren't, then I'll personally tare you from limb to limb with my bare hands and enjoy every minute of it."

"In case that wasn't a direct enough answer for you Teresa, then let me clarify it." Tyler interjected. "Stop calling because the answer was, is, and always will be, no. And if you come anywhere near Terry, then I'll make you regret it for the rest of your natural born life. Do I make myself perfectly clear!?"

He ended the call without waiting for a response from her. They then just sat there calming down and indulging in the hard liquor that they had requested. The events of the day and that conversation had them both drain and now they just wanted the day to be over with. When they had finished their drinks, they put their glasses in the dishwasher and headed up to bed ready for a good night sleep.

The next morning they woke revitalized and ready to begin another day. When they had the boys up and ready, they went down to breakfast hoping they can get through it without any interruptions; however, faith had other ideas. Half way through breakfast the phone rang eliciting groans from all around the table. Five minutes later Collin laid a message next to Christian asking him to call his mother. A nervous look crossed Christian's face but he quickly covered it up and continued with eating his breakfast. When it was over, they all split up to take care of their own task before heading out.

Tyeceonna and her family went to pack their belongings because Christian and Tyler were taking them to the airport after dropping Jeff off at school. Although she has the luxury to take as much time off as she wanted, that didn't apply to David, plus this will be Kiearra's second day of missing school and they didn't want her to miss much more. Tyler was getting the boys ready to go and Christian went to return his mother's call. After giving their greetings, he quickly cut to the chase and asked if there was anything important and/or urgent they needed to talk about right away and got a no for an answer. That made his decision easy and he told her that he'll call her later because he was busy and couldn't talk at the moment. She started to say something but Christian cut her off immediately telling her goodbye then hung up and rejoined the others.

They loaded everyone into the vehicles and headed for Malibu High School. JR and Justin was surprised to see Tyeceonna and her bunch there when they got out of the car then nodded in understanding when it was explained to them. Then Christian asked where Danny and Davy were and got an explanation of that from the two drawing concern looks from everyone.

"Are you sure that's a good idea JR?" Tyler intentionally asked with concern. "You do know what will most likely happen once people starts noticing how close you and Danny is. Can you guys handle the harassments that will surely follow?"

"Dad asked us the same question at dinner last night and the answer is still yes. You know that Mark had trained me in several styles of martial arts and will be training me in more starting tomorrow along with Danny, Davy, and Anrícé if he allows him to join us." He looked at Mark when he mentioned Anrícé and got an answering nod. "Danny and Davy are a part of my family now and I won't hide them in the closet like they're something that I'm ashamed of. Those who are our true friends won't care and those who aren't don't matter. Danny is my partner now and forever so people better get use to seeing us together because there's nothing they can do about it."

"Okay, I just wanted you guys to be sure that you're ready for this because once the truth about you and Danny comes out; you won't be able to take it back. You know that we'll support both of you through it all, and if there's anything that either of you need, then don't hesitate to come to us for help."

Just then Timothy and Anrícé arrived followed by Danny and Davy hearing the last part of the conversation. The others brought them up to speed and Danny thanked them for their support and gave his own opinion on it. Christian listened but was also surveying the area noticing eyes glancing their way whenever someone passed by them trying to pick up on any information or rumors they could get to spread around school.

"The rumors may be starting sooner then you guys may think. I'd noticed several people looking our way whenever they go pass us. It's very obvious that they're trying to find out any information that they can to perhaps spread around school and maybe even the town."

Both boys looked around skeptically to see the proof of Christian's assumption. Unfortunately for them, the bell rang cutting off any response they had leaving them a little apprehensive over their plans but not deterring them from following through. Each father gave their boy a hug except for Danny and Davy although they did get a smile and handshake from Justin before sending them off. Jeff and JR even got one from Tyeceonna and her family. Once they were inside, everyone left to start their day.

It didn't take long to reach the airport and find a space to park. Tyler and Christian walked with the family to their departure gate so they could say their goodbyes when they were called to board their flight. During the interim, the four adults talked although about nothing heavy because the children were around. Forty five minutes later the flight was being called to board. Both men gave each person a hug although Tyler shared a longer one with his sister holding her for as long as time would allow. Anyone passing by could see the closeness between the two of them. Both were nearly in tears when they'd separated but they quickly recovered. After getting a promise from her brother on keeping her informed of any new developments in relation to Mrs. Maria's condition, they went through the gates heading for the plane. The two men stayed to watch the plane takeoff and make sure that everything went okay before going into the office.

They went up to Tyler's office where Tyler put in a call to Social Services. "Department of Social Services, Cheryl Dunbar speaking, how may I help you?"

"Oh good, just the person whom I'm looking for." The smirk in Tyler's voice could be heard over the phone. "Mrs. Dunbar, you're cordially invited to join me and my partner for lunch at Flo's Diner. Refusal of this invitation will be met with dire consequences. We'll be expecting you there around twelve thirty and not a minute later. Do you understand?"

"I don't know..." She started to say before she was abruptly cut off. "Mrs. Dunbar, this is not a request but a demand! I expect you to be there and on time or else I'll have no other choice but to invoke the consequences as stated previously."

The tone in Tyler's voice was more threatening this time so Mrs. Dunbar knew he wasn't bluffing. With great reluctance for being shanghaied, she agreed to meet with them and to be on time. Tyler disconnected the call without saying another word and smiled at Christian who leaned in and kissed him. He will let Tyler lead as promised but that doesn't mean that he don't have some words of his own for Mrs. Dunbar running through his mind. He gave Tyler another kiss telling him that he'll pick him up for lunch then left for his own office.

At the high school many of Jeff's schoolmates were giving him strange looks whenever they passed him in the hall. He wasn't sure about it; but he had the distinct feeling that what happened on Monday had somehow gotten around school and now everyone was tentative of being around him. He didn't let that bother him because he knew that any one of them would do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot and so would their parents. So they need to just get over it and move on with their lives.

Although the morning nearly flew by, it wasn't fast enough for Tyler. He couldn't wait until their meeting with the person who was becoming a major thorn in his side. When the time came he had calmed enough not to throttle her but was still furious enough to inflict some pain. When Christian came to get him, he knew instantly that he needed to stay close to keep him out of reach of Mrs. Dunbar or else she will be leaving the restaurant on a gurney.

They arrived ten minutes ahead of time and were shown to their table where they ordered drinks and waited. They handed Terry off to Carlos and Mark who was seated at a table far enough not to be seen but close enough to keep an eye on their charges. At exactly twelve thirty Mrs. Dunbar arrived with a scowl on her face not happy to be there at all. After taking her seat, she just stared at them silently waiting for them to speak. The guys just continued smiling as they waited for their waitress to take their orders further delaying the conversation. They wanted to keep her in suspense for their amusement so she would never see it coming. Finally their waitress came and they placed their orders. When she left, Tyler began the conversation but what he said was something totally unexpected from what she thought it would be.

"So tell me Mrs. Dunbar, have you eaten here before?" There was no answer because Mrs. Dunbar was thrown off guard so he continued. "If you haven't, then I'm sure you're in for a treat because the food is quite good and the atmosphere is very laid back."

"I agree completely." Christian added in to keep the ploy going. "I rather eat here than at one of those fancy type places where they overcharge you for the same quality and service with more of an uptight atmosphere. Who in their right mind would want to eat at a place where you can hardly enjoy your meal?"

They kept the conversation going until their orders had arrived. They jumped from topic to topic not staying on a particular subject long keeping her in bewilderment. Half way through their meal Mrs. Dunbar started to relax and had forgotten who she was eating with. That's when Tyler began to slowly make his move.

"How is work?" He nonchalantly asked. "I know things can get hectic with the Department of Social Services. Has things slowed down at the office yet?"

Mrs. Dunbar was completely unaware of that question coming so she answered it honestly. "Not really. We've been getting more children coming in lately and don't have enough good homes to put them in. Most people who are now applying to be a foster parent are just in it for the money and not for the welfare of the child."

Even though she didn't say it, Christian and Tyler surmised that those "good homes" and "people" must be the types who strongly believe in Christianity. They already knew that Mrs. Dunbar believes that having Christian parents will keep a child from being gay which both men knew was total bullshit! If someone is gay; then they will always be gay no matter who the parents are. They used that knowledge to expertly lure her into their trap.

"I agree with you wholeheartedly." Tyler smiled mischievously setting the spring. "That's why Chris and I keep fighting to protect our boys. In fact, we don't even use the money that we get from the state to take care of them because we don't need it. We add it to their trust funds for when they're living on their own. Speaking of our boys," At that point Tyler fixated her with a hard stare. "Just yesterday our oldest told us about an incident that happened at school which had us really upset."

Once again Mrs. Dunbar was thrown off guard leaving her stumbling over her words trying to come up with an excuse. Meanwhile, both men kept their penetrating eyes locked on her infusing more anger in their stare. It took several minutes for her to recover her composure and find her voice to speak.

"As Jeff's social worker, I'm require to do follow up interviews with him to make sure that he's doing okay. I'm entitled to conduct surprise interviews as well as surprise inspections of my ward. Jeff hasn't been interviewed in quite a while and I had some free time so I figure I get that out of the way while I had the chance which I'm perfectly within my rights to do."

"If you really wanted to interview him then why haven't you contacted us to set up an appointment instead of pulling him out of class? You knew we would have arranged some time for that." Without waiting for an answer, Christian continued. "I'll tell you why. It's because you wanted to try and get something out of him that you can twist to use against us thinking that we would be so naive that we wouldn't discuss anything like that with our son."

Mrs. Dunbar started staring at them with intimidation but quickly switch to a smirk knowing that it wouldn't work. "If I wanted some dirt on you; then all I need to do is some investigation. I'm sure there's a lot of outstanding citizens all over the city in favorable of seeing you destroy."

Christian noticed a predatory smile on Tyler's face from the corner of his eyes and let him have at it. "Maybe, and maybe not, but unfortunately for you I do have the capitol and resources to destroy you!" The gleam in his eyes had the social worker shaking in her stilettos. "Not only did I go over your supervisor's head and spoke with his supervisor this morning about yesterday's incident, but I also had a package delivered to your husband containing some very incriminating information just before you arrived. I'm sure you two will be having a very interesting discussion about that tonight.

I warned you of what would happen if you tried to use my children against me but you chose to disregard that warning and attempted it anyway. I have no quarrels with you but you seem to have some with me all because of your preconceive notion of my sexuality. All I have to say now is will that preconceive notion be able to save your marriage?"

Mrs. Dunbar looked like she was about to blow a gasket. "You won't get away with this because my husband won't believe any of your fabricated information. How dare you try to destroy my marriage with your filthy lies! I'll see that you pay for this if it's the last thing I do."

"If you keep ignoring my warning then it will be!" Tyler stated with cold formality. "I have no hesitations in protecting my family by any means necessary. If you think I'm bullshitting; then just try me, because I'll be glad to prove it to you!"

Mrs. Dunbar got up and stormed out of the restaurant furious at herself for walking into their trap. She had an idea as to what that information was but she didn't know how they could have gotten a hold of it. All she knows now is that she has to find a way to convince her husband that it's all a lie and make everything right with him.

Back in the restaurant Tyler and Christian were finishing their meal feeling contented with their counter strike against their enemy. For Christian more than Tyler because he was thrilled that Tyler didn't go too far leaving them with plenty of ammo for more strikes in the future. After paying their bill, they headed back to their office satisfied that justice was served on their behalf. Now they'll just have to wait to see what the next strike will be because they had no doubt that one was coming.

The afternoon went well for everyone especially Jeff. Although he still got some strange looks from his teachers and schoolmates, no one bother him in which he grinned inwardly but outwardly remained calm. Perfecting his poker face is one of the many techniques that he'd learned well from his two fathers. When the final bell had rung, he met up with the others and waited for their parents out front because they were going to be a little late in picking them up. From time to time students kept glancing their way with curiosity as they pass by but never approached them.

Jeff sighed with tired annoyance. "I wish they either stop staring or have the guts to say what's on their mind. I'm tired of being looked at like I'm some kind of exhibit on display."

"I think they're staring at me and Danny and not you Jeff." JR informed him. "Only two people from school had seen us together before now and it's intriguing their curiosity. They're all wondering what's going on between us but don't have the balls to just come out and ask."

"I'd noticed that too." Anrícé nodded in agreement. "It's like they're hoping that their stares will entice you into admitting it without the question being asked."

JR smiled at Anrícé for his observation. "Exactly little bro. They're trying to get us to come out on their terms instead of our own which they know won't happen. In the meantime, we have the amusement of watching them trying to figure it out."

That had them all laughing drawing more looks their way in which they totally ignored. They kept their conversation down low so they wouldn't be overheard by anyone. One by one their dads started arriving until it was just Danny and Davy left on school grounds.

Arriving at home, Jeff went to the kitchen to see what kind of yummy treat Caleb and Noah had made for his afternoon snack. He just loves their delicious homemade goodies which there was always plenty of. Today was his choice of berry cobbler with whipped cream or peanut m&m chocolate chip cookies. He chose a small portion of both with a glass of milk to tidy him over until dinner. His two dads came in grabbing a few cookies for themselves before going upstairs to change.

After his shift was over, Officer Dunbar hurried home to change out of his uniform so he could once again review the package that he had received before his wife gets home. He skimmed through it earlier but now he wanted to carefully examine every single item to get a clear picture in his head before confronting his wife with it. He already has proof of their validity because he had it analyze at the evidence lab at the station. He had just finished going through it all when his wife got home so he locked it in his office safe until the right time for that discussion.

It was close to dinner time when Tyler was done feeding Terry and Jeff was finishing up his homework with help from his Daddy Chris. The call had just gone out and they all were sitting down to eat when the phone rang eliciting that familiar groan from everyone.

"It never fails." Tyler grumbled. "Every time we start to sit down to eat the bloody thing rings. Sometimes I wonder how other people will feel if I called them when they're just sitting down to eat and interrupting their meal."

"Don't worry about it babe. You know that Collin will get it and take a message. Let's just enjoy our dinner then relax for the rest of the night." Christian said soothingly.

Tyler decided to do just that. They all began filling their plates to enjoy the delicious delicacies that were prepared by their two favorite chefs. Soon Collin was setting a message down between him and Christian as usual when one came in for either guy. "Ty, will you please deal with this Hector person before I do."

The annoyance in Christian's voice was plainly clear to Tyler. "I'll give him a call after dinner. He's also starting to get on my nerves as well so I have a few short words for him."

With that, Christian let it go and dug into his dinner. As usual it was superb with many coming back for seconds. When it was over, Tyler went to his office to make his call with no plans on it being a long one. It took four rings before the phone was answered by a sleepy male's voice.

"Hello Hector, its Tyler. I've been told that you have been calling. What can I do for you as if I need to ask?"

Hector could feel Tyler's sarcasm through the phone and it pissed him off. Out of all of Mrs. Maria's children he was always the stubborn one. "Do you have any idea of what fucking time it is Tyler?" He didn't think he would get an answer and didn't. Not being able to get Tyler or Justin to submit to his demands always irritated him. A skill in which they had taught his son well in. He got out of bed so he wouldn't wake his wife and went to the study closing the door behind him.

"Yes Tyler, you know why I called. Why are you boys letting my poor mother suffer on her deathbed? The doctor says that there's no chance for her to recover and it would be best to let her go peacefully. Stop letting her suffer and tell the doctors to take her off the machines right away so she can be at peace."

By the time Hector was finished speaking Tyler was boiling with anger. "Stop trying to play the sympathy card with me Hector because we both know its bullshit! You don't give a damn about grandma except for her money. You know as well as I do that the doctor said that she has a fifty percent chance of recovering and we'll taking that chance because we love her and believe that she will come back to us. This is why she gave Manny, J, and I power of attorney because she knew we would have her best interest in heart. I don't give a damn what you guys think or believe so it would be in your best interest to stop calling me! You have no say in this matter so keep your opinions to yourselves. And if any of you try anything sneaky to have those machines terminated, then I'll use every resource I have to crush you!"

He slammed the phone down just as Hector was beginning his tirade and took some deep breaths to compose himself. He then joined the others once he was calm enough not to frighten the boys with the rage he felt. Later he and Christian put them to bed before retiring to their bedroom. When they were comfortably lying in bed, Tyler told him about his phone call and that Hector shouldn't be calling anymore. If he does, then Tyler wouldn't be as polite as he was tonight. Christian just said okay and held him in his arms as they fell asleep hoping that it was true but had his reservations. Somehow he knew that there was only two ways for this to turn out and neither scenario set well with him.

The next morning Tyler woke a little glumly which went unnoticed by Christian. They performed their usual routine and were soon sitting down for breakfast. Afterwards, Christian left for the base while Tyler took Jeff to school then went into his corporate office. He quickly checked his email and messages before reviewing some contracts for Jackson Agency. An hour later his corporate accountant Shane Rawlins arrived to go over the books for the club.

Christian's morning was also spent reviewing some contracts but his was governmental and not corporate. When he finished with those he worked on the project finding more models for the calendar. Around eleven thirty Travis came to his office and the two of them headed to the Subway where they were meeting with their significant others plus Justin and Timothy for a triple lunch date.

As the guys were enjoying their lunch, Mrs. Dunbar wasn't quite enjoying hers. She was confused as to why her husband hasn't mentioned anything about the package that Tyler had delivered to him and what that information could be. She could probably figure out what it involves but not the pacific which was the scary part. She'd guessed correctly that it must be in his safe but without the combination there was no way to take a look. She finished her lunch and returned to work with no solution to the predicament that she found herself in now.

Tyler returned to his office to find an envelope sitting on his desk. He read over the contracts and was satisfied that it contained every provision that he'd agreed upon with the corporation over the buyout. He then called in his secretary who was joined by Susan Miller to witness the signing. After what seemed like a dozen signatures, Tyler packaged them and handed them to Janet to be carrier to his lawyer. He was still working on some portfolios when it came time to pick up Jeff so he asked Justin to do it for him since his boys were going to be training with Mark. Carlos and the others will stay behind with him and use one of the other vehicles there to get home. That gave him an idea so he contacted Carlos to set it into motion.

When it was time for his shift to end, Sergeant Thomas Dunbar couldn't have been happier because he couldn't focus on work. His partner Sergeant Alexander James noticed how distanced he had been which wasn't like him but he couldn't figure out the cause. He tried several times to engage him in conversation but nothing could snap him out of his funk. It was when they were changing from out of their uniform and into street clothes that he decided to try one more time.

"Hey buddy, how about you and I hit a bar for a couple of drinks and talk about what's on your mind before heading home?"

"Maybe some other time man. I'm not really in a good mood to talk right now."

"Are you sure man? It sounds like you could really use a friend. Maybe I can help you with whatever it is that's bothering you."

Thomas had a snide remark on the tip of his tongue but he held it in. "Na man, it's nothing anyone can help me with. I have to take care of it on my own."

Seeing that he wasn't getting anywhere with him, Alexander nodded in acceptance and finished changing. He said goodbye to his best friend and partner and left the station still worried and went home. On his way, he made a call to get some information not knowing what else to do.

Tyler arrived home just as the boys' martial arts class was ending and dinner was nearly done. He said hello to everyone as he headed upstairs to quickly change and rejoining them in the kitchen. Mark had already informed Caleb and Noah that there may be some extra guess for dinner so they made enough to feed an army with some leftovers if they were lucky. The boys talked animatedly about their first class and how they were looking forward to the next. The adults just listened with approving smiles that the boys were giving their instructor their full attention making it easy for the Sensei to teach them the art.

Afterwards, they all relaxed in the game room letting their food digest before having dessert. The boys used that time to start on some of their homework with the older ones helping out the younger ones when asked. The adults picked up the slack on the questions that they couldn't answer and within no time had it all completed. Around nine o'clock the others left for home and Christian and Tyler put their boys to bed before turning in for the night.

In the early morning hour Christian was awakened by Tyler twisting and turning. Due to his sleep filled mind it took a moment for him to grasp that Tyler was having a nightmare. When it registered with him, he pulled Tyler close to him and whispered in his ear until he was settled down and was once again sleeping deeply. Christian laid awake watching over him and wondering what brought it on since it had been a while that his lover had one of those. He figured that it has something to do with Tonya being back in town bringing up old memories. To tire to think upon it, he was soon drifting back to sleep.

Several hours later he was woken again only this time by the blaring of the alarm clock. Neither guy was ready to get up so Tyler reached over and hit the snooze button then settled back against him. It seemed like they had just fallen back asleep when the alarm once again blared bringing them back into consciousness. This time they got up and shower and dress then going to wake the boys. When they were all ready to go, they went down to breakfast before leaving for school.

The new president of the Lucky Shop walked into the corporate office that morning surprising Trish. "I didn't suspect that you would be starting today."

"I figure that today would be a good day to start my new job. Plus I needed something to take my mind off of my troubles so I won't go stir crazy with worries."

Trish nodded in understanding. "Well, your office is all set up now and your equipment is in great working condition." She handed him a slip of paper in which he took. "Here is the temporary code to your office. Christian suggests that you change it to a permanent one before doing anything else. Otherwise, you'll be locked out after setting the alarm because it won't allow you access again."

"I'll take care of it right away, anything else?" She shook her head no. "Everything else that you need to know should be either on your desk or your computer. You may want to look over your files though!" He smiled warmly at her. "Thanks, I plan to do just that. You can go ahead and put my calls through. No need for you to be taking a lot of messages now that I'm here."

She smiled and nodded in acquiesce. He returned the smile and headed for his office feeling contented with his decision to cut his leave short and begin his new career while occupying his time. He needed a diversion to keep up his morale and not drift into despair which wouldn't be good for him or anyone else.

Surprisingly the day went fast for everyone. Tyler and Christian did have a brief meeting between the two of them discussing some ideas to narrow down the list of president for the McDonald's franchise. Soon they, Justin, and Timothy were waiting in front of the school for their boys to come out. They stood there for a minute or two talking before going their separate ways.

When they got home, Jeff went for his snack while Christian attended to Terry while waiting for him. Tyler took Carlos to his office to discuss the plans he had set in motion and what he wanted done. "Don't worry about it boss man. I'll take care of it for you."

"I know you will. That's why I'm leaving it in your hands. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"I will." Carlos answered and they left the office. He went to touch bases with Kevin before starting on the assignment and Tyler stopped in at the kitchen for a little snack before going upstairs to change and coming back down.

He joined the others in the game room sitting next to Christian who was holding Terry on the couch. Jeff had just finished his homework and was putting away his books before going to play on the playstation. They remained there until they were called to dinner a couple of hours later. Tonight's dinner was French consisting of coco van, Sauté potatoes, and broccoli with hollandaise sauce. Dessert was cram grúlé which many had seconds of including dinner. Everyone complimented the two chefs on the meal as they thanked them which put gracious smiles on their faces over their talent being appreciated. They all gave them a hug when they got up from the table which both guys accepted and returned still smiling broadly.

They adjourned to the living room to relax and watched television in companionable silence. An hour later Jason and Ryan retired to their rooms stating that they wanted to get to bed early because they were tired. The rest stayed up for another hour or so before going to bed themselves. Once again Tyler had another nightmare that woke Christian who consoled him back into a peaceful sleep then following behind him reminding himself to talk with Tyler about these recurrent dreams.

In the morning, the sound of the alarm woke them from their semi restless sleep. They got up to perform their morning routine then went down for breakfast. Afterwards, they drove Jeff to school before heading to the office. Christian got off on his floor telling Tyler that he'll be up shortly after checking on his company. He wanted to see how things were going on since he hasn't been in the office for a while. He said good morning to Trish and continued on to his office to catch up on some overdo work.

He was surprised to find his desk nearly cleared so it didn't take him long to complete his work. On his way back out he asked Trish about that and was told that most of it was taken care of by the president who had come in the day before. When he heard that, he went to the man's office to welcome him on board. They talked for a few minutes on the runnings of the company and the files of the employees that Christian was debating over promoting. The man agreed to take a look at them getting a nod from Christian as he left to go up to the twentieth floor where Tyler's office is.

He greeted Janet as he headed back with her returning it. He found Tyler on the phone when he walked in so he went to check on Terry letting him finish his call. When he came back out, Tyler was off so he went over and gave him a kiss before sitting down. "How's everything going with you so far?"

Tyler said that everything was going slow but well. "My biggest problem is finding some property for Jackson Agency. I want to open a second facility somewhere out of state but I'm not sure on the location yet. What I need is a realtor that will work exclusively for me because I'm positive that this will take up a lot of time that I don't have right now."

"Then let's put that aside for later. I'm sure you will come up with something by then so don't sweat over it. Right now we need to discuss the presidential position for the McDonald's and how to pick the right person."

Tyler nodded and the two of them got to work putting together their proposal. After two hours of grueling deliberations, they had a finalized version ready to be formatted and printed. Tyler assigned that duty to Janet while he and Christian took care of calling in the applicants for a mandatory meeting to be held in the conference room on the third floor.

While our guys were already hard at work, Sergeant Dunbar was just arriving at the station to start his shift. His partner immediately noticed that his mind was more focused on work and not preoccupied which can lead them to getting killed while on duty. Now the shoe was on the other foot! His phone call yesterday had given him the information that he wanted to know but had led to another predicament staring him right in the face.

Once they were dressed in their uniform, they went to briefing room 3 for their assignment still not saying a word to each other which had Alexander a little worried. Ever since he had known and worked with Thomas he had never seen him so self-guarded before and he was concern about his mental state. He wanted to help his friend but still had no idea of what he can do until Thomas decides to open up to him. Once they had their briefing, they headed out to their patrol car.

Back at Némé Incorporated the applicants were gathered in the conference room waiting for the meeting to begin. When Tyler and Christian walked in, they had an assistance with them who passed out a sheet of paper as they took their place on stage. "Thank you all for coming." Tyler began. "Right now you are being handed a form that describes the hiring process for the president position that Christian will go over with you now."

He stepped aside and Christian took his place setting his copy of the form down on the podium. "As you can see, this form gives the complete process for the position. Failure to oblige by the terms will result in the applicant being disqualified from the running and will go on your permanent record. Once you had been disqualified; you will be unable to apply for any other higher position than you now currently hold from six to twelve months. After six months there will be a review hearing to determine whether or not you're eligible to apply for any position that may be open at that time. This stipulation is nonnegotiable and will not be appealed under any circumstances."

He then read over the terms of the process. First, the applicants will have to attend a management seminar including customer service to demonstrate their ability in running a company. Second, they will be tested on programming in Microsoft excel and power point to illustrate their accounting and organizational skills. Third, they will be required to submit a theoretical proposal suggesting how to improve the franchise's relation in products and services. Finally, everyone will create a fictitious chart to determine how they rate on billing and payment. Every step is require to advance to the next level of consideration.

"We're looking for the very best so all steps will be carefully scrutinized by us both so do your absolute best." Christian stated sternly as he looked over the room. "Anyone who is found slacking off will be disqualified immediately and black balled from any future promotions. We take our business seriously people so don't think that we won't be observant, any questions?"

There was none so he stepped back letting Tyler returned to the podium. "We're still working out the arrangements on all of this but hopefully we'll have it all set for next week by five today. This process will probably take at least a week to complete so don't expect to hear from us on your advancement until the following week at the earliest. Are there any questions?" Still there were no takers. "Then thank you all for coming, you're dismissed. Enjoy your weekend."

Everyone started to leave when Tonya came up to the guys as they were gathering up the extra forms. "Tyler, may I speak with you for a minute?" Tyler looked at her strangely for a second before schooling his features. "Sure, do you have some questions about the process?"

She cleared her throat taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "No, I would like to arrange some time to sit down with you and talk. I want to get to know my family. I know it will be hard for us all but I believe we can do it."

"I believe you are mistaking Tonya!" Tyler merely spat out. "You have no family for you to get to know. You gave up that right when you dumped me and Tye off at that orphanage and left town never looking back. I want no personal involvement with you what so ever and neither does Tye. The sooner you get that through your head, the better off you'll be."

She looked at Christian with sympathy asking for some privacy and being denied. "Why not, surely you can't believe that I would harm my son in any way?"

"You have no..." Tyler started to say when Christian cut him off. "Lady you couldn't harm him if your life depended on it. No, it wouldn't be a good idea to leave you alone with him because there will be no one here to protect you from him."

"I don't think..." But that was as far as she got when Tyler interrupted her. "I wouldn't bet on that if I were you. In fact, I'm about two seconds from knocking you on your ass so I suggest you get going while the getting is good."

Tonya could see the truth in Tyler's eyes and decided to heed his suggestion. "I can see that you're going to need some more time to cool off. We can talk about this later I guess."

She started to leave when Tyler told her not to count on it freezing her in her tracks for a second. When she was gone, Christian wrapped him in a hug calming him down and caging his rage for one more day. After several minutes to compose himself he was finally calm enough to function again. Christian gave him a kiss filled with love then let him go and they headed out to get some lunch.

Tonya Jackson drove around town after leaving Néné Incorporated with tears in her eyes. She was beginning to comprehend that the window of opportunity to reconcile with the children that she left behind for a better life may be close forever. It's obvious that her son had put up a solid wall of steal preventing her on getting close to him. And from what he said, her daughter feels the same way in that regard.

She thought she had it all worked out when she dropped them off at the orphanage but now see wasn't sure of it. Perhaps she didn't take everything into consideration and may have overlooked a few possibilities of bonding with them much less reuniting with them as a family. Seeing a park just ahead, she pulled in and turned the car off then cried her eyes out over her loss. It had all gone completely wrong and she didn't know what to do to get it back like she had hoped for. Every time she makes an attempt to; Tyler always shoots her down with such force that it slowly crushes her hope each time. He always sounds so positive and hostile convincing her of his and Christian's warning that he may actually become violent towards her. Still she didn't know why or where his anger was coming from nor did she even bother to find out.

She just cried until there were no tears left to fall from her eyes. Once she had pulled herself together, she started to feel hungry so she went to get something to eat plotting on ways to break down Tyler's walls. Having her children back in her life is the only thing standing in the way of her having everything that she ever wanted.

Christian dropped Tyler off back at Néné Incorporated after their lunch then headed to base for a couple of hours to work. He needed to find one more model for the calendar and wanted to check some of the other departments for the right person. While working on a report, an idea came to him of using someone in a particular department so he went to speak with that guy and the person in charge. It didn't take long to get an agreement from neither the model nor his commanding officer and soon he was heading back to Néné Incorporated to schedule the photo shoot with Mike and to pick up Tyler.

After her last appointment, Nichole Dunbar went home to make a special dinner. Her guests were going to be out for the night so she thought this would be a perfect time to spend alone with her husband. Lately things had been kind of tense between the two of them and she wanted things to be normal between them once again. And just maybe, she can find out what information he has on her that Tyler had delivered to him earlier that week.

Once she had everything prepared and set to cook, she went upstairs to shower and change. An hour later it was nearly done when her husband arrived home so she sent him up to change as well while she finished up. Playing along to what his wife had planned; he did what he was told and came back down to a wonderful meal of spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread set for two. That just confirmed his suspicions but he remained silent still playing along.

The meal was a semi quiet affair with little conversation going on. Thomas did participate but not completely no matter how hard Nichole tried getting him involved. He wasn't going to be talked out of his own plans of getting everything out in the open not only for the future of his family but for his peace of mind as well. He just hopes that the explanation is what he wants to hear.

After a dessert of hot fudge sundaes including their favorite toppings, Thomas helped his wife with cleaning the kitchen before moving into the living room to watch a movie at Nichole's request. Thomas told her to have a seat on the sofa while he puts in a DVD then joined her. The usual credits or FBI warning didn't roll at the beginning making Nichole wonder what kind of movie they were watching but at first glimpse she knew the answer. She tried to take the remote from him to shut it off but Thomas had quick reflexes and in a flash the remote was out of her reach insuring that the movie will run through its entirety.

"You wanted to watch a movie so let's sit back and watch it." Thomas commanded as he put his feet up on the coffee table looking out of the corner of his eyes at her but not taking his eyes off of the television.

Nichole knew she had to do something quick before he sees it all. "But I don't want to watch that one. Let's just watch something else, please?" She tried to protest but it did her no good. She was resolved to watch it all and suffer with the consequences.

Christian, Tyler and their group were also relaxing after dinner before having dessert although a few decided to skip it and go out. They wanted a night of fun and to paint the town red! Some went bowling while some went to play pool, the rest checked out the scenery at the clubs. None had a particular destination in mind because they just wanted to cruise around.

Back at the Dunbar residence, Nichole was looking very forlorn once the movie was over. She now knew what the information is that Tyler had found and delivered to her husband but she didn't know what to say or do about it. Thomas sat there with anger written all over his face waiting for an explanation but none was forth coming. After another minute, Thomas was too angry to wait any longer.

"Would you like to explain that movie to me Nicki?" He demanded sharply. "And I don't want to hear anything about it being fabricated because I had the evidence lab analyzed it on the day that I'd received it. I'm guessing that's why I received it at the station because whoever sent it knew I would have it verified of its validity before questioning you on it." Still there was no sound coming from his wife. "I suggest you start talking because we're not moving from this spot until I have the full story in every sorted detail."

It was now official. There was no way out and Nichole will have to confess it all. She took a deep breath to calm her panicky nerves and...

She walked in the place looking around for her quarry and spotted the person sitting at a table in the back. She walked up and was greeted with a nod as she was gestured to have a seat. Returning the greeting, she asked as she surveyed the immediate surrounding area. "Did you come alone?"

The person calling himself the seeker tilted his head in puzzlement until he realized what she was asking. "Of course I did. You really don't think I will bring someone like that to a place like this, do you?"

She blushed in embarrassment for asking while he grinned in amusement. "I didn't think so! Now let's figure out a way to get the two of you in a room together."

They began discussing the topic throwing ideas back and forth trying to come up with a good plan. Across the room, far enough not to be seen but enough to observe, two pair of eyes were watching their little strategy meeting while taking notes.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you had enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter, shall we?

The gang really has many people's eyes on them. The incident between Christian, Tyler, and Jeff's counselor had gotten around school quick. Many of eyes are also falling on JR and his gang as well but you'll have to read Malibu Hearts to find out what's going on there.

Tyler kept his promise and took care of Nichole Dunbar. I'm with Christian and am glad he didn't go overboard with that. What do you guys think? Does he have more on our bible thumping social worker?

Have anyone figured out who the corporate president of the Lucky Shop is yet? Drop me an email with your prediction and I'll let you know if you're right or not.

Sergeant Thomas Dunbar received some information that can destroy his marriage and it's taken him for a loop. I've been giving you guys some hints throughout that whole plot so it should be kind of obvious now as to what it is.

Tonya is still trying to reunite with her children who want nothing to do with her. Has she finally given up on that dream or will she keep trying to work her way into their lives? If she can, then it looks like she has a long road ahead of her.

Here is a switch for ya! I not only gave you one but two cliff hangers. What will Nichole Dunbar say to her husband to explain the movie? Who is meeting in secret and who is watching them? Find that out and more in future chapters.

Don't forget to read my other stories. Malibu Hearts and A Wishful Miracle located in the Gay/High School section, and Where My Heart Belongs located in the Gay/Relationship section of Nifty.

If I had missed anything in my corner, I hope my editor will catch it in her corner.  I need to get started on writing the next chapter for you guys to enjoy reading.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Editor Corner:

Romeo pretty much covered everything. So much going on that I can't wait to read.

Next: Chapter 29

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