Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on May 25, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Chapter 5

Morning came much too quickly for Tyler. When he'd awoken, he found himself still wrapped in Christian's arms. Tyler wanted to lye in Christian's arms all day but he knew that wasn't possible. Eventually they will have to get up and get ready for work. Tyler sighed and started to drift back to sleep before he heard the voice that always made him smile.

"Good morning sexy. Did you sleep well?" Christian asked, kissing Tyler on the cheek.

"Mmmm, I slept like a baby." Tyler replied letting out a slow deep breath. He snuggled more into Christian arms. Tyler loves how those arms feel around him when their holding him close.

"Well baby." Christian giggled. He loves how Tyler feels so relax in his arms. Tyler is strong but every once in a while he needs someone to lean on through the rough times as does anyone else. Christian wonders if he could give Tyler that comfort and strength. "We have to go to work now. It's still a work day, you know."

"I don't want to! I want to relax in your arms." Tyler replied childishly before sinking back further into Christian's arms. He was making no effort to get up.

Christian giggled at how childish Tyler sounded and said through the giggles. "We can do that all day on our days off next week."

A smile came upon Tyler's face and they got up and took a quick shower. Alright! It was a long shower. They couldn't resist playing with certain appendences. After their shower, they went down for breakfast. They decided that an omelet and toast will do. While Christian was cutting the mushrooms, green peppers, onions, etc... they would need for the omelet, Tyler started on the toast and coffee. Before they sat down to eat, Christian went to get the paper and Tyler turned on the television to hear the news broadcast.

On the other side of the house, Carlos and Mark had just stepped out of the shower after a very satisfying interloop, and now were getting dress. They were glad it was Friday although they didn't know if Tyler had any plans for the weekend or not. After dressing, they headed downstairs to have breakfast.

While having a small breakfast, which consisted of bacon, eggs, and toast, along with orange juice and coffee to drink, they discussed what to do over the weekend and decided to catch a movie if Tyler didn't have any business to take care of. Carlos and Mark would do anything for Tyler. It was Tyler that allowed them to stay together. Both of their skills are what Tyler needed to lead his security force. Other clients only needed the skills of one man and not the other and that made it hard for Carlos and Mark to be together.

Back in the front of the house, Christian had just returned from getting the papers and sat down at the table. While reading the papers, an article caught his eye. He became very quiet which didn't go unnoticed by Tyler. It made Tyler wonder what was bothering him.

"Is something wrong babe?" Tyler asked. He can sense the tension in the air and that tension made him worried. He could feel his weekend about to take a turn for the worse.

"No, everything's fine." Christian responded, trying to hide his worry voice. Christian knows that the article in the paper will upset Tyler and he doesn't want Tyler's morning or weekend for that matter, starting off badly.

"Tell me Chris? I can tell something is bothering you." Tyler asked again. Tyler knows what ever is bothering Christian is something Christian doesn't want Tyler to worry about. Before Christian could say anything, a segment came on television that caught Tyler's attention.

"A young model name Cindy Campbell contacted us yesterday stating that Tyler Jackson, Model and owner of Jackson Agency made sexual advances towards her. I had a chance to speak with her for an interview on it yesterday."

Then the interview with Cindy Campbell came on.

"I went in for an audition with Jackson Agency. When I said I have nothing against homosexuals, but I can't have homosexuals parading around me due to a personal matter, he became very demanding and dominating. He told me that I wouldn't get my modeling contract unless I perform a sexual activity on him."

"That must have come as a surprise. What did you say after he said that?" the reporter asked. The answered to the question made Tyler more infuriated.

"I told him I don't do business that way." Cindy replied, trying to turn the tables on Tyler to make Tyler look like a sexual predator. "I try to keep my professional and personal life separate. When I sign with an agency, it will be on my skills and talents alone. Not by me sleeping my way to the top."

"How did he respond to that? Harassments like that can do some major damage to his agency and reputation. Not to mention all the legal ramifications he would bring upon himself."

"He told me that he does. He said, "No sex, no contract." I was so shocked; I walked out of his office angry. Now my dreams of being a model are crush because I wouldn't sleep with the owner."

"That's terrible; I hope you get the help you need. Your dreams shouldn't have to be destroyed because of some despicable action." He just assumed the interviewee was being truthful without checking the story out first. "People need to know not to use their position of power to harass innocent people."

"I have no personal issues with Tyler Jackson. I can forgive Mr. Jackson If he's promise to keep the homosexuals away from me and give me the contract I deserve." Cindy was trying to lay the innocent act on pretty thick now.

By the time the interview was over, Tyler's face was crimson from anger. He was ready to murder. This wasn't the way Tyler expected his Friday to begin. Tyler couldn't believe some people will seek so low to ruin people businesses and lives because of their sexual orientation just to get what they want.

"I'm going to kill that bitch!" Tyler shouted as he slammed his hand on the table in rage, fire burning in his eyes.

"Who's Cindy Campbell?" Christian asked. Christian has no idea as to who Cindy Campbell is because Tyler never mentioned the person name of whom he was speaking of the night before.

"She's the model I was telling you about last night. She doesn't like homosexuals, so she wants me to let all my homosexuals clients go and I refused to do it."

"What are you going to do?" Christian asked next. Tyler won't let anyone or anything destroy his corporation and Christian knows it.

"I don't know yet, but I'm not going to let her destroyed something I work so hard to build." Tyler replied bitterly. "She wants to play dirty, fine, let her learn from the master. I modeled and observed the agents too long to learn how to run my own agency. I be damn if she ruins all that." He said angrily.

Christian can see Tyler's face turning red from anger and that's not the kind of red Christian likes seeing in Tyler's face. "Calm down baby, it'll be all right. Come on, lets clear up and I'll drive you to the office." Christian said, trying to calm Tyler down.

So they cleared up and headed out. Before leaving, Tyler informed Carlos and Mark that Christian was driving him to work. When Tyler got to the office, Ms. Green already had a dozen messages from reporters wanting an interview. Before walking into his office, Tyler received his messages and announced to his secretary.

"Ms. Green, please contact all the staff and clients and have them in the conference room by 11:30 am. That includes you too Ms. Green."

"Yes sir. I'll get right on it." Janet answered. Then she gave a nervous smile to Christian and said. "Hello Christian. How are you?"

Christian returned the greeting. "Hello Janet, I'm fine. How are you?" Seeing the worry look on her face Christian added. "Don't worry; I'll take care of him." He smiled.

She smiled back and nodded. Janet always can tell when Tyler is upset because he always uses her formal name rather than her informal name. After speaking with Mrs. Green, Christian followed Tyler into his office. Tyler slammed his bag on his desk, and then stared out the window. Christian grabbed Tyler's chair from his desk, pulled Tyler onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around him.

"You not worried, are you?" Christian asked Tyler.

"No, I'm just upset that I respecting people and people respecting me can make this happen." Tyler responded. Christian's arms were doing what they are made for, relaxing Tyler in their embrace.

"Look Ty, you did nothing wrong. You just stood up for what you felt was right."

"Yeah, and it might cause me my agency. What if no one wants to work for me anymore? What if I can't sign anyone else because of all this publicity?" Tyler asked worriedly. This situation can ruin Tyler's whole agency and what Tyler had planned.

"You'll be all right. I haven't seen anything you couldn't handle yet." Christian replied confidently. "We'll get through this together. I'm always here for you in any way you need me."

Those soothing words comforted Tyler. "Thank you!" He replied warmly. "You better get to work. I'll call you after my meeting with the news."

"That's kind of hard to do with a sexy gorgeous guy sitting on my lap." Christian giggled but he really didn't want to let Tyler go. Tyler needed his support and Christian intended to give Tyler all the support he needs.

Tyler laughed and they got off the chair. Christian gave Tyler one long kiss and two short ones. "I need one more kiss." Christian said before kissing Tyler again. "Just one more kiss." He said before giving a long one this time. Christian just can't get enough of those lips. "Chris, your not going to die, is you?" Tyler asked after breaking the kiss.

"No, why would you think that?" Christian said. Shocked that Tyler would ask that question. He wonders if Tyler thinks that every time Christian goes to work.

"That's good, because if you die, I'll kill you!" Tyler said seriously although he didn't know how that was actually possible. He just knows that he can't live without his Chris.

Christian turned to leave and Tyler slapped him on the butt.

"I just may have you do that, the next time you pound it." Christian said with a sexy grin. A grin that's bright enough to light up the world. Tyler wishes he could see that sexy grin.

"Just as long as I can receive the same treatment." Tyler retorted with a smile and a wink. Christian always knew how to make Tyler smile. If Christian had his way, Tyler would be smiling all the time.

Christian giggled before replying. "Talk to you later sexy."

"I'm looking forward to it hot stuff. I hope you'll be thinking about me throughout the day." Christian told him he always does when Tyler's not around.

In the lobby, Carlos and Mark had just sat down when Tyler and Christian walked into Tyler's office. They needed to talk with Tyler about adopting a child. The first thing they needed to know was the legal process in doing it. Tyler has a great law firm representing him so Carlos and Mark knew he would be the best place to start.

When Christian told Janet not to worry he'll take care of Tyler, it had Mark and Carlos worrying as to what was going on. As soon as Christian closed the office door, Carlos turned to Janet. "Hello Janet. How are you?" When Janet said hello and asked how they were doing, Carlos said fine and got back to his question he wanted to ask. "Okay Janet, what's going on? Why is Tyler so upset?"

Janet looked at them, not sure as what to do. Janet knows in their own way Carlos and Mark would do anything to see Tyler happy also. She knows if they give her their word not to say anything to Tyler, She could prepare them as to trouble that may be coming Tyler's way.

"I want your word you won't say anything to Tyler until He tells you about it." Janet said seriously. Carlos and Mark both said they wouldn't and Janet took their word for it. "Christian came to see Tyler at lunchtime yesterday." The guys nodded in understanding then Janet continued. "Well, this visit wasn't a short visit. While they were in there doing only your imagination can conjure up, a client came in for her appointment."

Janet smiled at this point which made the two guys smile also. Their imagination went through several wild scenarios to what went on in Tyler's office. "Toward the end of the visit, Tyler and Christian got louder than usual. As Christian was leaving, he winked at the client which confused her even more." By now all three was laughing but the laughter didn't last long as Janet went on.

"When the client met with Tyler everything went well until the client brought up Christian. That's when all hell broke loose. She refused to sign until Tyler let his entire homosexual Clients go. Tyler told her no one runs his business but him.

When Tyler didn't submit to her condition, it made her even angrier but Tyler stood his grounds. As she was leaving, I told her she made a big mistake because she wasn't going to find a bigger agency than Jackson Agency. Before she stormed out she swore to ruin Jackson Agency. This morning there was a news segment with her claiming that Tyler sexually harassed her during her appointment."

Toward the end of the story, Janet was nearly in tears. Carlos and Mark couldn't believe what they were hearing. They wondered why so many people were trying to destroy Tyler but always ended up failing in the process. "Don't worry Janet. We won't let anything happen to Tyler. You have our word on that." Mark said convincively. It actually made Janet feel better.

When Christian came out of Tyler's office, he handed Janet his card. "Here is my business card Janet. Please call me if Tyler needs me for anything, and I mean anything."

"I will Christian." Janet replied. "I don't think he's going to ask for any help but I'll call you if he needs a shoulder to cry on. You know Tyler; he always has to be the strong one. He can't burden anyone with any of his troubles."

Christian nodded his head softly. He knows that all to well. Christian was trying to stay strong for Tyler but was finding it difficult. His Tyler was not happy and that made Christian unhappy too. "Yeah, I know. He's my rock. I wish I was as strong as him." Christian voice was cracking. The look on Christian's face and the sound in his voice made Carlos and Mark worry about how bad this could get for Tyler.

Christian knew he had to leave before he fell apart. He didn't know the two guys in the lobby was Tyler's security. Christian thought they were clients of Tyler's and didn't want more trouble to be added on for Tyler. "Take care of him for me Janet." Christian said before putting on a smile for the two guys and walking out the office.

Noticing the mood that Christian and Tyler were in, made Carlos and Mark rethink their decision on talking about their situation with Tyler. "Let's go see Tyler." Mark said to Carlos and Carlos nodded. "Remember we promised not to say anything until Tyler tells us about this." Mark restated and Carlos nodded again before they knocked on Tyler's door.

On his way to the mall, Christian thought about what he could do to help Tyler. Christian knows this scandal is really worrying Tyler because Tyler didn't sleep well last night. The only thing that calmed Tyler down was Christian telling Tyler that he was safe in Christian arms and Christian would protect him.

By the time Christian got to the mall, nothing came to mind as how to help Tyler. He knew Tyler would think of something because Tyler always does. He'll just have to be there for him when Tyler sets his plan into motion to squash the scandal.

Christian put that aside for now in order to take care of business but Tyler never left his mind. When he got to the leasing office, Christian informed the secretary he was there to sign the lease for his new store. The secretary told Christian to have a seat and she buzzed the leasing manager's office of Christian's arrival.

The manager came out and greeted Christian warmly. "Mr. Michaels, how are you today sir?" Christian returned the greeting while shaking the offered hand. "Follow me to my office and we'll get the paper work taking care of."

"Sure." Christian replied as the two walked to the manager's office in silence. Christian had too much on his mind to engage in conversation. His thoughts were on Tyler and what he could do to make Tyler happy and smile again.

"Have a seat Mr. Michaels while I pull up the lease." The manager walked behind her desk. She pulled a file from her desk and handed it to Christian. "Here's the lease we agreed on. I'm sure you want to read it before signing."

Yes ma'am." He read over the lease and saw that everything was in order. "Yes. Everything looks fine." Christian confirmed before signing the lease. After signing the lease, he wrote a check to cover the first six months rent. Once everything was taken care of, Christian was handed the keys to his new store. He wished the lady a good day and headed to his store on Lakeshore Drive. He needed to order some items and make fliers to advertise the new store for new employees and customers.

After talking with Carlos and Mark, Tyler sat down to get some work done before the meeting. When 11:30 am arrived, Tyler went to the conference room to explain the scandals. When Tyler walked into the conference room, he was worried but confident.

"May I have your attention please?" Tyler asked and waited for the crowd to quiet down. "Thank you." Once everyone had calmed down, Tyler continued. "Now I know you have seen the news or read the papers. I want you to know that never happened! I never told Cindy Campbell that she couldn't have a contract with my agency unless she's sleeps with me. All of that were lies. She knows that there are some homosexuals working for me and I didn't obey to her commands to let them go. I won't let anyone dictate how I run my business." Tyler stopped for a moment to take a couple of deep breaths to calm his anger before continuing. He didn't want to take his anger out on the wrong person. "Some of you already know, I may get a little flirtation but have never taken it further. This lady is playing dirty but now she's playing with the dirtiest player around. I will clear my good name and business but if you think you can't hang in there with me until then, I'll understand. You can let me know now or make an appointment to see me in my office and discuss it then."

"Why is she doing this?" someone in the crowd asked.

"My guess is that she couldn't find a better agency then Jackson Agency and now she wants to come back without apologizing. She only accused the agency, not the corporation." Tyler replied. "She also doesn't like homosexuals, so she's trying to kill two birds with one stone. Get a modeling contract and clear out all the homosexuals."

"I think I can speak for everyone when I say, we'll stay with you Tyler. You're a good man and a good boss." Nicholas Johnson said as he looked around the room and seeing everyone in agreement with him. "The public will realize that everything she's saying is just bull shit!"

"Thank you everyone." Tyler smiled for their loyalty. "That's means a lot to me. I don't know how long this scandal is going to last but I will put an end to it ASAP and continue business as usual." Tyler took a brief pause before asking his favor. "Now, many of you may have heard or seen my friend Chris in my office. What ever happens, can you please leave him out of it?"

"Sure Tyler. No problem." Ms. Green said. She didn't want Tyler unhappy either. If she could, Janet would strangle Cindy Campbell with her bare hands.

"Thank you. Now everyone get back to work."

Mean while, Carlos and Mark was at the dealership having the oil change in the SUV. While that was being done, they walked around the car lot looking for a new truck for Tyler when the general manager came over. "Hi guys. Can I help you with anything?" asked Mr. Bishop, the general manager.

"Hello Mr. Bishop." The guys said in unison. "Tyler's looking for a new truck. What can you tell me about this one?" Carlos asked, pointing to a black truck.

As Mr. Bishop explained the features of the vehicle, he took the opportunity to ask how Tyler was coping with the accusations. "He's upset, but will no doubt pull through." Mark answered. "Knowing Tyler, He'll fight back and come out on top."

"I'm sure he will." Mr. Bishop responded. "You don't become successful as Tyler without fighting harder than your enemy. Let me show you another vehicle similar to this one but in silver. You might like it better."

The three men moved to the other vehicle, continuing their conversation. The only difference between the two trucks was the color, luggage rack, and sunroof that the first truck didn't have. Both trucks were of the same model. "Let me discuss it with Tyler, and then I'll give you a decision." Carlos told the manager. Carlos has a better intake on automobiles so Tyler leaves the care of the vehicles up to him.

"Okay. Just tell me which one you want and I'll take care of the paper work and upgrading." The general manager replied. The three men walk back to the building where the SUB was sitting. The fan belt needed to be change so that was taken care of also. Mark and Carlos thanked the mechanics and Mr. Bishop for their time before heading to their appointment then Tyler's office.

Back at the corporation, Tyler made his way back to his office. He needed to do some thinking. On his way back, Tyler ran into Brian Simms. Brian is Janet Green (Tyler's secretary) boyfriend.

"Hey Tyler. Have you seen Janet anywhere?" Brian asked when Tyler stepped into the elevator. I'd been looking, but I can't find her."

"She's in the conference room Brian. I just had an emergency meeting with everyone."

"Was it about those allegations that were on the news?" Brian asked and Tyler nodded. "Don't worry about it man, I know all that is bull shit. Your to nice and smart of a guy to conduct your business that way."

"Unfortunately that's irrelevant to the public Brian. She's a problem now, and I have to take care of it before it ruins my business."

When they got to Tyler's office, Tyler went inside while Brian waited for Ms. Green. Tyler started to work on some reports when he got an idea on how to handle the situation involving Cindy Campbell.

He will need Christian's help, so Tyler got out his cell phone and walkie talkie Christian.

Christian was going over the inventory for the new store when he heard a familiar voice. "Hey sexy, are you there?" Christian scrambled to get his phone. He needed to hear that happy voice! Even though it's not as happy as Christian wants it to be, it's a little happier than it was earlier.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Chris replied a minute later. He had to put his calmness in check first. Tyler needs Christian to be strong for him and Christian knows that and is really determined to do just that.

"I have a plan to clear this mess up. Can you pick me up from the office tomorrow? I need your help at the electronic store."

"Oooohh baby, you got me interested now. What's the plan and what are we getting at the electronic store?" Christian asked. He hopes what ever it is that Tyler needs from the electronic store would be beneficial to them both.

"I can't tell you that now, I'll explain everything tomorrow." Tyler said a little mysteriously. In three days time his problem will be over, or so he hopes.

What ever Tyler has planned, Christian knew it would be good. "Okay, see you tomorrow handsome." Christian said. He can't think of anything to do to help Tyler, so he'll do what ever Tyler needs him to do.

"Okay gorgeous." Tyler said smiling. If things go as planned, Tyler's smile will be bigger by the time he and Christian go on vacation.

The rest of the day went well for everyone. Christian and Tyler were able to catch up on their work, Carlos and Mark was able to get some information they needed and relax for the rest of the day.

Later that night, Christian and Tyler talked in general over the phone. Christian wanted to keep Tyler's mind off the scandals. Tyler on the other hand, wanted Christian to smile. Tyler needed that smile to brighten up his dark day. The statement that Tyler told Carlos and Mark the first time he mention Christian rang true. "Close your eyes and listen to the sound of their voice. You can always see a person smile by the sound of their voice." That's exactly why Tyler needs to have Christian smile. He needs his little rays of sunshine to carry him through the darkness to the other side.

By the time Tyler and Christian finished their conversation they both were in better moods than before. They said I love you and wished each other pleasant dreams before hanging up. Both fell into a blissful sleep and didn't wake until morning.

The next morning, Tyler was more like himself than the day before. It was even noticed by Carlos and Mark. After breakfast, Carlos and Mark dropped Tyler off at his office before heading to the movies. On the way, Tyler told them of his plan for Cindy Campbell which made Carlos and Mark laugh as to how devious Tyler can be.

After they dropped off Tyler at the office, they headed for the movies at the mall. They didn't know what to see so they decided to choose when they get there. Since Christian is picking up Tyler from the office, they had the whole day to do anything they want.

When Tyler got to his office he called his attorney Tyesheonna Houston. He explained to her about the scandals which she already heard about. A scandal involving a major celebrity like Tyler makes headlines all over the country. Tyler told her of his plan and the documents he needs to set it up. "I need them by the end of tomorrow Tye. When it's time for the next step, I'll call you."

"Okay Ty. I'll e-mail them to you." Tyesheonna replied. Although she hopes this situation doesn't get out of hand. "Let me know when you need me in Malibu and I'll clear my schedule."

"I will. Say hi to David and the rug rats for me. Love you Pooh!" Tyler said, using his nick name for Tyesheonna.

"Love you too Superman!" Tyesheonna responded, using her nick name for Tyler.

Carlos and Mark was walking out of the movie theater toward the food course when off to the side, a sign caught their attention. It stated that a new store called Lucky Shops was opening soon. Carlos and Mark couldn't remember where they had heard the name of that store before, but they know it sounds familiar.

They would ask Tyler about it later. For now, they headed to Burger King for lunch in the food course. Once they received their meals and found a table, they sat down to eat. Moments later, a security guard came up to them. "Excuse me gentlemen, I'd been informed by several customers that you're carrying weapons."

The two guys looked at each other than at the guard. It was Mark that spoke for the two of them. "Yes sir we do, and we have licenses to carry them." They handed the licenses to the security guard. "We're private security guards for an important person." The guard checked the licenses over carefully before handing them back to the guys.

The guard nodded. He knew they wouldn't reveal who their employer was because private security doesn't divulge their employer's name when it's nonbusiness related. "Okay, they both look valid." The guard said. "It's illegal to carry weapons so I had to check you out."

"We understand. I'm glad there are dedicated officers like you to keep the public safe." Carlos said. AS the guard walked away, the guys went back to eating. After eating, Carlos and Mark browsed some of the clothing stores. Finding nothing that interests them, they headed for the car and home.

That Saturday afternoon, Christian picked Tyler up from the office where Tyler was working alone. They went to get something to eat at Italian Surprise and then to Sam's electronics' store. On the way Tyler explained his plan to Christian.

"I'll help you all the way, but I don't know if it will work." Christian said to Tyler.

"Oh, it will work, and the best part is, it's so simple, she won't even see it coming." Tyler replied with a smile of assurance.

They got what they needed and set it all up in Tyler's office. "She'll be here on Monday at 4 pm." Tyler said as they tested everything to make sure the equipment works. "The papers will be on my desk by Monday morning. I made sure of that."

"You are the dirtiest player in the book!" Christian said with a smile. He could see the happy Tyler coming back and that made Christian happy too.

"Like you said the night we met. I'm the best!" Tyler said laughing. Tyler's laugh was so infective that Christian couldn't help but to laugh also. It's the kind of laugh that makes everyone want to laugh when you hear it.

"Come on, let me take you home. I have an early day tomorrow."

"Sure, just let me grabbed my bag."

Tyler grabbed his bag and they headed to Tyler's house. When they got there, Christian walked Tyler to the door and said.

"I'll pick you up from the office on Monday. I get off at 5 pm."

"Okay, she should be gone by then and I should be ready."

Christian kissed Tyler good night before driving away. Tyler went inside, showered, and went to bed but it took him a while to fall asleep. He misses the warmth and safety of Christian arms. "Good night baby." Tyler said, hoping that some how Christian could hear him.

When Christian got home, he found his roommate still awake and sitting on the sofa. Christian sat on the sofa with him and they chatted about mindless thing. Christian was waiting for Travis to bring up the topic of Tyler as Christian knew he would. Finally Travis brought the topic up. "What are you going to do about the scandals?"

Christian stared at Travis with a helpless look. "I don't know what I can do except support him through it all." Travis never seen the look Christian has on his face before. It was a look of weakness. He wonders if Christian could handle it. "I have to be strong for him. He needs me to be strong for him. This is going to be a messy battle. I'm not sure how far Cindy Campbell will go."

"Well, what ever happens, I'm sure Tyler can come out on top." Travis said with sympathy. "You don't become a successful model and entrepreneur like Tyler without someone trying to knock you off the top of the mountain."

Christian nodded in agreement. "I just want him happy. When he smiles, it just brightens up your day; it makes you want to do anything just to see him smile."

Travis couldn't help but laugh. "Man! You are so in love!" Christian just nodded with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. "I'm happy for you both."

"Thanks bro. I hope you find happiness too, instead of the person you're with now. You deserve it." Christian told his best friend before letting out a yarn. "I'm going to bed now. Good night."

"Good night bro." Travis replied as Christian headed for his room. Travis really didn't want to talk about his relationship. He knows Christian is right and on several occasions thought about ending his relationship, but never did. A few minutes after Christian had gone to bed, Travis headed for bed himself.

Christian stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed. "Good night baby." He whispered before falling asleep as though Tyler was in bed with him.

To Be Continued...

Writer's corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I had writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter.

In this chapter we found out what Cindy Campbell's plan is for Tyler. She tried to use the media to get her modeling contract and force Tyler to submit to her demands. I don't think that's going to happen. What do you think?

Christian is strong but Tyler is stronger. He'd proved it in the past and will prove it in the future. I wonder what Tyler had been through and what he will go through. Only time can tell.

Carlos and Mark's morning was relaxing but had an appointment in the afternoon. What do you think the appointment was about? What vehicle would you like for Tyler to buy?

Tyler gathered all his employees and clients in the conference room to make it clear the accusations were false. In the entertainment business bad publicity can ruin your career and business. I tried to interpret that in this chapter. How did I do?

Tyler has a good group of friends and employees around him. That's what Tyler's going to need to get through this scandal.

A new character was introduced in this chapter. Who is Tyesheonna Houston and how does Tyler know her? To find that out, you will have to read the future chapters.

Finally we come to the ending. What do you think Christian should do to support Tyler? What would you like for him to do?

Who is Travis involved with? Why is this person such a mystery?

More plots are going to open. Stick around and enjoy! There are many things going on and much more to come. Keep reading the future chapters and let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions. You can reach me at {} thanks.

Next: Chapter 6

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