Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on May 29, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 6

Tyler woke up on Sunday morning feeling lonely. He wished Christian was lying in bed with him holding him tight. That thought made Tyler smile wide. He would like nothing better than to be making love with Christian all day long.

Not noticing what he was doing, Tyler reached over and grabbed the pillow Christian used on Thursday night. He brought the pillow to his nose and took a deep sniff. Christian's aroma was intoxicating to Tyler's nose. The smell of Christian's musk mixed with the spicy sweet smell of Christian's calone and the coconut scent of his hair gel filled his nostrils. God! It was so alluring to Tyler. He smelled that scent for several minutes before getting out of bed to take a shower.

At his apartment, Christian was waking up slowly. Unconsciously reaching out, Christian found the space next to him empty. Through his sleep filled mind, Christian wondered what happened to Tyler. Then he remembered. He was alone in his bed at the apartment and Tyler was home.

When he was fully awake, Christian headed for the shower. On his way, Christian peaked into Travis's bedroom to see Travis still asleep. In that moment, Christian decided to introduce Travis to Tyler and spend the day with both guys. Christian wanted his best friend to meet the love of his life. Before stripping off his boxers and stepping into the shower, Christian pulled a towel from the bathroom closet.

After dressing, Tyler wondered what to do for the day. He thought about it for a while before deciding to call his best friend Justin Cramer.

Tyler and Justin had been friends since high school. They were like two peas in a pod. Where you found one, you'll find the other. As they got older, they found themselves going their separate ways but still maintained that close friendship. Their friendship became close enough for Justin to see Tyler's sexual orientation before Tyler considered conveying in him. Now Tyler wanted to spend some time with his best friend.

When the phone was answered on the fifth ring, a young male voice could be heard over the line. "Cramer residence."

"Hey there kiddo, how are you? Have a girlfriend yet?" Tyler greeted with a playful smile. He loves this kid as if he was his very own.

The young male laughed. "Hi uncle Ty. I'm fine, how are you. Besides being crazy? You know I don't have a girlfriend." He asked.

Tyler busted out in a fit of laughter. "I know. I just like teasing you." Once Tyler stopped laughing, he asked to speak to Justin. "Is your father there?"

"Sure. Hold on a second." The young male said before putting the call on hold. A minute later Justin voice came on the phone. "Hey Tyler. What can I do for you bro?"

While Tyler was making plans with Justin, Christian was making plans with Travis. "Hey bro. How about you and I hang out with Ty today? I like for you to meet him. We can forget about everything and just have some fun."

That sounded great to Travis so he agreed. Christian then picked up the house phone and called Tyler. Tyler answered on the second ring. "Jackson residence."

"Hi baby." Christian said cheerfully which made Travis laugh. "How about you and I spend the day together. I like for you to meet my best friend Travis."

Christian could hear the smile in Tyler's voice as he answered. "I love to but I'm going riding with my best friend Justin." Tyler replied. "Hold on, let me see if he wants to join us. You can meet him at the same time." Tyler clicked over to the other line before Christian could say anything. "Hey J, how about Chris and his friend Travis joining us? We all can go riding together." Tyler asked Justin.

"Sure Ty. I love to meet him." Justin agreed. "I can interrogate him and make sure he's treating you right. Does he ride?" Justin asked.

"Yes he does." Tyler answered. "He took me riding not to long after we met. We have to buy new bikes though because I want to get back into it on a regular basic. When we were young, you and I couldn't wait until the next time we got on our bikes, remember?"

Justin said he did and suggested Tyler try Banes Honda's and said the bikes runs great. "Call me when you get back and JR and I will ride over."

Tyler said he knows where the place is and he'll call when they're ready. He clicked back over to Christian on the other line. "Are you still there babe?"

"Yes I am." Christian answered. "What took you so long?" He asked.

"I was setting everything up with J." Tyler replied. He then told Christian they'll probably be out most, if not, all of the day and to dress cool because the day will be warm. "So you and Travis should dress the same." He said after telling Christian what everyone will be wearing.

Christian said they will dress the same and told Tyler that Travis and he were going to stop at McDonald's before coming over. "Would you like me to get you anything?" Christian asked. Tyler asked for a pancake breakfast meal with a hash brown and orange juice. "I got it. I'll see you in twenty minutes baby."

"See you then gorgeous." Tyler replied with a smile before hanging up. Once they did, Tyler called Carlos and Mark to invite them along. Carlos and Mark thought it was a good idea and Carlos said he would invite Kevin along for Tyler before they go out to buy their bike.

While Mark was still talking to Tyler, Carlos changed clothes and went searching for Kevin. He found Kevin in his room watching television, looking board out of his mind. Kevin looked up when Carlos knocked on the door. "Hey man, we're going bike riding. Do you want to come along?"

"Who's all going with you?" Kevin asked as a reply.

"Tyler, Mark, you, and I from here. Justin and JR from the Cramer's. Plus Christian and his friend Travis." Carlos alliterated. "It's a way for Tyler to get to know Travis and Christian to get to know Justin. It can be a chance for you to get to know other people also. You haven't been out since you got here."

Kevin thought it would be fun and said he would love to join them. Carlos agreed and told Kevin what everyone will be wearing. "Do you have clothing like this?" Carlos asked, pointing to the white tank top, black jean shorts, white ankle sox, and black Nike's he had on. Kevin said he did and could be ready in five minutes. "Take your time. Mark and I need to go buy our bike. I think you, Travis, Tyler, and Christian will go after they finish eating breakfast." A second later, Carlos added an extra detail about the clothing they wouldn't be wearing that he forgot to mention.

"Okay. Have them let me know when they're ready." Kevin asked and Carlos nodded. Carlos let to find Mark and headed to the dealership. Kevin on the other hand, changed clothes before watching more television until it was time for them to go buy their bikes.

When Christian and Travis got to Tyler's house, Travis couldn't believe how big the house was. The place looks fuckin huge! He thought to himself. When they got to the house, Christian led them to the door and heard footsteps on the other side.

When Tyler opened the door, Christian greeted him with a kiss. "Hi baby. How are you doing?" He asked with a smile. "I'm fine now that you're here." Tyler answered smiling back now that his sunshine was there. "Ty, this is my best friend Travis." Christian introduced them, turning to Travis. "And Travis, this is my baby Tyler."

Tyler held out his hand to shake. "Hi Travis, it's nice to meet you. I heard so much about you."

Travis shook the offered hand. "It's nice to meet you too Tyler. I heard so much about you too." Although Tyler wasn't able to see, he had beautiful eyes. Travis couldn't stop looking in those bluish/brown eyes.

"I hope it was all good." Tyler said, as he stepped aside to let them in. "There's a lot of bad rumors going around about me." He said laughing to break the ice.

"Believe me it's all good. Christian can't stop talking about you." Travis replied as they walked into the house. If Travis thought the house was big on the outside, he was surprise how big it was inside. "Holy shit! This house is huge!"

Tyler and Christian laughed as Tyler shut the door. "I told him the same thing!" Christian told his best friend after catching his breath. "Let's head for the kitchen so we can eat."

Christian took Tyler's hand as he led them toward the kitchen. When they got there, Travis mouth dropped open. Tyler's kitchen was huge! The table looks big enough to seat forty people. Not to mention the big refrigerator, and the stove with six ranges with double oven. What really caught Travis eye though; was the pool area. Once Travis had a good look around, they sat down to eat.

While the guys were eating, Carlos and Mark were at the dealership picking out their bikes. "I like this one here." Mark said looking at a Honda VFR 1200F (Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission) sports bike. "It looks new and fully loaded too."

Carlos looked the bike over carefully before speaking. "Yeah it does. I wonder how much it cost."

"The price tag is over here." Mark said. Carlos stepped around the bike to see the price. He took a moment to calculate everything in his mind. "That price sounds about right." He said after doing the calculation.

While Carlos and Mark were checking the bikes over, Mr. Banes, the owner walked up to them. One of the salesmen saw them coming and alerted his boss to their arrival. "Hey guys! You looking to buy a bike?" He asked once he was close enough for them to hear him.

The guys said they were and Mr. Banes said he would take care of them. They headed inside to take care of the paper work. Along the way, Mark mention that Tyler would be coming shortly with some friends to buy bikes too. Mr. Banes said he would take care of them also.

Once everything was taken care of, Carlos and Mark headed back with Mark driving the SUV and Carlos riding the bike.

By the time they got home, the others had finished eating and were ready to go. The four guys hopped into the truck with Mark and they were on their way. When they got to the dealership, Christian immediately spotted a bike in Tyler's favorite color. He decided that would be the bike he would get.

Kevin and Travis were getting along well so they decided to pick out a bike together. "What do you think about this one?" Kevin asked Travis. "I like it too." Travis answered, smiling. "Let's get it." The two had their attention totally on each other they didn't noticed Christian looking at them smiling also. Christian hopes this could lead to something for Travis that will help Travis let his current relationship go.

While the papers were being sign, Mark drove the truck back and picked up Carlos. Tyler called Justin to have him and JR to meet them at the dealership. Justin said they would be there in twenty minutes. By the time the four got there, the other four was set. After getting hugs from Justin and JR, Tyler made the introduction. "J and JR, this is my baby Chris and his best friend Travis. Guys, this is my best friend Justin and my god son Justin junior."

The four shook hands and Justin junior asked them to call him JR. Christian and Travis agreed and they all headed out for a day of fun.

Christian took the lead with Tyler behind him on the metallic purple motorcycle with the rest following. Mark was behind Carlos on the metallic red, JR behind Justin on the metallic blue, and Kevin behind Travis on the metallic gold. Each guy in back was holding onto the guy in front.

They heading down Lincoln Street for a mile, then Christian took the exit onto the freeway southward. Once on the freeway, they cruised along. They all were enjoying the ride and casual conversation. After thirty minutes of riding down the freeway, Christian exit off the freeway onto Castle Boulevard. Two miles down the road he turned into a mini mall parking lot and parked.

"What's this place babe?" Tyler asked his boyfriend as they got off the bike. Christian told him about the mini mall and where they were going. "You sure this place is safe?" Tyler asked. "I have JR to think about after all."

"Don't worry baby. I know the owner. Besides, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you or anyone you love." Christian answered and gave Tyler a kiss. Tyler just nodded. He knows Christian wouldn't let any harm come to him.

Once everyone was gathered, they headed into the hall with Christian holding Tyler's hand as usual. When the owner saw Christian walking in, he smiled and came over. "Hey cuz, haven't seen you for a while." The owner said as he hugged Christian.

"I know. I was busy with work." Christian said. He then turned to Tyler. "Cuz, I like you to meet my baby Tyler. Ty this is my cousin Timothy."

"It's very nice to meet you Timothy." Tyler greeted with a smile while shaking hands with him. "Do you own this place?"

Timothy smiled back at Tyler. "It's nice to meet you too Tyler. Yes, I own the place." He greeted. He then turned back to Christian. "Cuz, you never told me your man has the same first name and looks like Tyler Jackson the model." Everyone laughed. "What's so funny?" Timothy asked confused.

It was Tyler who spoke up. "Thank you. I guess you've seen my calendar?" He smiled.

Timothy mouth dropped open at that. He look from Tyler, then to Christian, and back to Tyler. "Holy shit! You're really Tyler Jackson the model?"

"Yes I am." Tyler answered, still smiling.

Timothy looked at his cousin and smirked. "Damn I hate you!" He said with happiness for his cousin but laced with a little jealousy. Christian just smiled.

Christian then introduced the rest of the guys. After hands shakes all around, they all sat at a table so they can get to know each other. Periodically two or three guys would play a game of pool or darts and return. When Kevin and Travis got up to play a game of darts, Christian looked on with amusement as the two laughed as they played.

On Kevin's last throw, Travis pinched him on the ass; which caused Kevin's aim to go off balance and land outside of the bull's eye. Kevin retaliated though! When it was Travis's turn to throw the dart, Kevin grabbed Travis's crotch. It caused the dart to completely miss the board all together. Kevin smiled and winked with satisfaction. That made Travis smile also.

When they return to the table for another beer, Christian and Tyler was smiling at them. The two guys wondered why they were smiling but couldn't figure out why. They had no idea that Christian saw them and whispered it into Tyler's ear.

Once everyone had finished their last beer, which was only their third except for JR who had a coke due to him being underage, Timothy walked them out to their vehicles. He was surprised when they all walked over to some motorcycles. He thought they came in cars. "When did you guys get these bikes? I thought you came in a car." Timothy asked no one in particular.

"I brought all of them except Justin's bike this morning." Tyler answered. "J brought his bike about a month ago."

"I like them all." Timothy said. "Especially this metallic purple one you and Chris are riding."

Tyler looked at Christian with a gleam in his eye and a loving smile on his face. Christian never told him the color of the bike. "Trust me, you'll love it." Was all Christian said. He wanted Tyler to be surprised when he heard the color. By the look on Tyler's face, Christian had accomplished his goal. "I told you you'll love it." He said with a smile. Tyler couldn't speak so he just nodded.

"I'd love to go riding with you guys one day but I don't want to be the odd man out." Timothy admitted softly. "Plus I don't have a bike either."

Christian told him not to worry, he'll get him a bike and Tyler might know someone who rides. Tyler said he did and will check with that person and get back to Christian on it. Timothy smiled at that. He felt like he was being set up. If the guy is anything like Tyler, Timothy can live with that. Timothy had admitted to everyone that he was gay during their conversation inside the pool hall.

Suddenly everyone heard a car screeching. "Get down!" Carlos yelled. Christian pushed Tyler down and covered him. Justin did the same with JR while Travis and Kevin covered Timothy. As they all went down, some of the new bikes went down too. Luckily there wasn't any damage done to the bikes.

As the car sped past them firing, everyone could hear someone screaming "Die fag!" Immediately, Carlos, Mark, and Kevin returned fire. "I want those assholes alive." Tyler called out. But it was no use. The car turned onto the street and sped off.

As everyone got to their feet and was brushing themselves off, Tyler asked his three security guards if any of them got the license plates number. "I did." Kevin answered. "I'll run a check on it."

"I want that information ASAP Kevin." Tyler said angrily. "No one shoots at me or my family. Especially not my god son! Who ever the shooter was, just declared an open hunting season. And I'm coming at them with both barrels loaded!"

"I'm okay Uncle Ty." JR said, trying to calm his god father. "Dad covered me, so I was out of the line of fire. Plus I'm old enough to take care of myself."

Everyone picked up the bikes while Christian and Justin tried to calm Tyler down. "It's okay baby." Christian said, as he wrapped Tyler in his arms. It terrified him that someone could have killed his Ty. "What do you think that was about?" He asked Justin.

"I'm not sure Christian." Justin said honestly. "It could have been about Ty's sexual orientation or something else. Tyler's a very popular man who's been in the scandals lately. And some people are willing to exploit that to their advantage."

Tyler held onto Christian's arms which were shaking. "It's okay baby. Don't worry, I'm alright." He gave Christian hand a squeeze for reassurance.

"Yeah, but some asshole could have killed you and wouldn't given it a second thought." Christian responded with a trembling voice.

"Not possible." Tyler told him confidently. "My security is very observant. They won't let anything happen to me." Once the bikes had been picked up and everyone had calm down, they said goodbye to Timothy. They watched Timothy walk back into the pool hall before leaving. They wanted to make sure he was safe.

When they were back on the road, Christian headed to KFC/Taco Bell for lunch. No one spoke of the shooting. Everyone knew Tyler would find the shooters but Christian couldn't stop thinking about it. In the back of his mind he thought he heard that voice somewhere before but can't quite place where.

After lunch, they started back home. Only Christian turned into a bowling alley instead of going home. Once they were gathered together, Christian asked if anyone knew how to bowl. When everyone including Tyler said they did, they headed inside.

After receiving their shoes and balls, they headed to an open booth and lane. While JR was bowling first, Christian leaned over to whisper to Mark. "How can Tyler bowl if he can't see?"

"Just watch and see." Mark said. "Tyler is a very good bowler. He's better than Carlos and I." He finished with a sheepish smile.

After everyone had their turn of bowling, Carlos walked Tyler up to the lane and stood back for Tyler to take his turn in bowling. "Okay Tyler, go for it." Tyler stepped forward with his left foot, bending at the waist and knees while pulling his right hand back. He effortlessly thrust his hand forward and the ball went sailing out his hand and down the isle. When Tyler bowled a strike, everyone but Carlos, Mark, and Justin's mouth dropped open. Carlos patted Tyler on the shoulders. "Good going boss."

"How the hell did you do that?" Christian asked his boyfriend, stunned as what just happened. Tyler never mentioned he could bowl or how good he is at it.

When Tyler sat back down he explained. "I wasn't always sightless babe. During high school J and I did some bowling. After I lost my sight, I had to learn a new way of bowling. Through the years I developed my skills."

Christian looked at Justin who confirmed Tyler's explanation. "Well, I'm glad we have another hobby we can enjoy together."

"I think you're going to find out many more things you can enjoy together." Travis replied, still stunned as to what he just saw.

"Yeah, and I'm looking forward to finding them all out!" Christian said laughing which made everyone else laugh also as JR got up for his second frame.

The rest of the day flew by with no drama. When they left the bowling alley, it was getting dark outside. They headed to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. They ordered large sizes of different dishes so everyone can have some of everything.

After leaving the restaurant, they headed toward Tyler's house. When they got to the call box completed with high tech security camera and speaker, Tyler identified himself. "Hey Franky (Franklin) or Donny (Donald), it's Tyler. Can one of you let us in?"

Donny voice came through the speaker. "Sure boss." A minute later, the gates open and they rode up the driveway to the house.

When they reached the house, everyone gather around to say goodbye to each other. "Although the day didn't go as well as we'd hoped, I'm glad we got a chance to do this." Tyler started. "I've been wanting Chris to get to know J for a while now and it's been so long since J and I had been on a bike."

Everyone agreed. "I think you're right Ty, we should do this at least once a month. I missed the fun we used to have doing this." Justin said, and then got serious. "Everything except the shooting that is! You let me know who's trying to kill you."

"I will." Tyler responded. "Not only did they try to take out my friends and family, but they could have taken out my god son! You know JR is a hands off in my book." JR could see Tyler starting to get upset again, so he tried once again to calm his uncle down but Tyler wasn't listening this time. "No JR, I don't know what I would do if anything happens to you because they were after me. You're like a son to me. And no one fucks with my son!" Everyone just looked at Tyler as he continued his tirade, wondering how to calm him. "Coming after me is one thing. But involving an innocent child is uncalled for!"

"Please calm down Uncle Ty?" JR asked again. But no matter what anyone did, they couldn't calm Tyler down, he was to enrage here. But Christian voice had the desire affect to calm him. "Calm down baby. You'll find out who it was. Just promise me you won't go over board?"

"We'll see." Was the only thing Tyler could agree to. "You know me. If you come after my family, then the gloves come off. People need to learn that if you have a problem with me; then you come after me directly, not my family!"

Christian knew he couldn't get Tyler to let it all go because they came after his family, not just him. And that's something Tyler can't let happen. Instead he got Tyler to let it go for tonight. While everyone was trying to calm Tyler down, Kevin and Travis snuck away for a little privacy. "I had a great time meeting and hanging out with you today Travis. Well, all but the shooting that is."

"I feel the same." Travis replied softly. "But I need to tell you I'm involved in a relationship at the moment. I don't know where this relationship is going or if it's going anywhere at all. If you want to be friends, that's cool with me but I don't think I can give you anymore than that at this time."

"It's fine with me if we're just friends." Kevin responded. "I'm new in this area and don't have many friends. But Travis, if you're asking me to wait for you than I need to tell you I won't wait for long. I can't put my life on hold for anyone."

Travis could see where Kevin was coming from. "I understand. All I'm asking for is a little time but if you want to see other people at the same time, I can understand that also. I can't expect you to sit around and wait for someone who's not sure if he's ready to make a difficult decision to make that difficult decision."

Kevin agreed to give Travis the time he needed to think. Travis himself understood that Kevin will keep his options open and not wait around long for his decision. They talked more on the subject, even making some plans to see each other again although the plans were not deafening ones.

Once they struck a compromise decision, they headed back to where the others were. "Hey bro, are you ready to go?" Christian asked Travis, as he and Kevin walked up to the group.

Travis said he was because he was working early tomorrow and he needed to get to bed. After giving Tyler a long kiss and saying goodbye to everyone, Christian and Travis got into Christian car and headed for their apartment. Shortly after they left, Justin and JR said their goodbyes and left for home too.

Carlos, Mark, and Kevin put the bikes away while Tyler went inside. After showering, they all climbed into their beds to watch some Television. Soon after, they all had fallen asleep.

While driving home, Christian and Travis talked over the events of the day. "How did you and Kevin get along?" Christian asked already knowing the answer.

Travis really didn't want to talk about this subject but he knew he needed some advice. Christian had always given good advice without judgment so he filled his friend in on the conversation he had with Kevin, leaving nothing out. "I just hope I can make the right decision."

Christian told Travis he thinks Kevin is doing the right thing with keeping his options open. "After all, he'll be the one getting hurt if he gets to involve, then you decide that you can't let go of your current relationship. That will leave him alone to pick up the pieces. That's unfair to him and the others who will have to help him pull himself together again."

Travis could see where Christian was going with this. If Kevin's mind isn't on his job, then someone can get hurt. Plus, Tyler already stated tonight if any of his friends or family gets hurt in any way, he'll go after that person responsible with a vengeance.

The two talked all the way home. By the time they got to the apartment, Travis was one step closer to making a decision.

They both headed to their beds but neither could fall asleep right away. Travis was thinking about Kevin and Christian was thinking about Tyler. Christian was worried that there was someone trying to kill Tyler. After some intense thinking, no solution came to solving the guy's problem. They tried falling into a peaceful sleep but it never came, their sleep was totally restless.

The next morning, Tyler woke up fully energized. Faze one of his two faze plan will go into effect today and he's ready to fight. Knowing his problem will soon be over, Tyler headed for the shower to get ready for work.

Once he was dress, he headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. Not in the mood to cook, Tyler warmed up a breakfast meal in the microwave. As he did, Carlos, Mark, and Kevin came through the patio door and did the same.

During breakfast, they discussed Yesterday's shooting. They threw out a couple of names, but can't narrow it down until they get more information. Kevin said he'll run a check on the license plates today and have the information when they get home.

With that settled and the clearing up completed Tyler, Carlos, and Mark left for Tyler's office. Kevin went to the security office in the back of the house.

Waking up the next morning didn't go quite as well for Christian, he needed more sleep. It worries him that someone is trying to kill his man and there's nothing he can do about it. All the military training he has under his belt, yet it didn't come in handy yesterday during the attack.

When Carlos yelled get down, the only thing that went through Christian's mind was to protect Tyler. Tyler wasn't worried that he could have gotten killed himself. The only thing that worried Tyler was one of his friends or family members being killed.

As Christian showered and dressed for work, he kept wondering why anyone would want to hurt Tyler. Tyler is a great person who will fight for the people he cares about. He's straight forward and honest, and can be the best friend anyone ever had.

Christian knows whoever this person is, they better be on guard from this moment on. When Tyler fights, he fights harder than his opponent does, without even laying a hand on them. And that makes Tyler a very dangerous man. Whoever it is, they better be ready and backed up by the army to take on Tyler Jackson. He thought to himself.

After a quick breakfast meal of his own; Christian headed out for work. On the way to the base, he was hoping this week would go better than last week. Unfortunately, no one suggested that to one of his coworkers.

When Tyler arrived at the office on Monday morning, he was in a good mood. His Sunday was filled with fun and laughter, except for the shooting of course. When Tyler informed Ms. Green that Cindy Campbell will be there at 4 pm, he was still smiling.

"Why is she coming?" Janet asked curiously. She knows Tyler, and she could see that Tyler have something in mind. She just hopes that Cindy Campbell can handle what's coming her way. What ever Tyler's plans are?

"It's all part of my plan to bust her ass!" Tyler said with an evil smirk. Tyler had an almost relaxing day yesterday spending time with Christian and his friends that the thought of Cindy Campbell never crossed his mind once. Now he's a step closer to solving his problem.

"What's your plan?" Janet asked. Now even more curious than before as to what Tyler's plan is.

"Oh, you'll have to wait and see." Tyler replied. "I'm not revealing anything until the time is right."

"I'll be looking forward to what you have planned." Janet said with a smile. She knows whatever Tyler has up his sleeves; Janet was sure it will make Cindy regret what she did by trying to rake Tyler through the scandals.

Tyler received his messages from Janet and went into his office. He was going over some contracts on his Kurzweild scanner when Ms. Green buzzed him of his first appointment of the day. He picked up the phone to answer. "Yes Janet."

"Tony Smith is here to see you." Janet said. "Shall I send him into your office, or do you need a few minutes first?"

"No. Please send him in Janet." Tyler replied.

Christian also had a smile on his face on Monday morning when he went to work. It didn't go unnoticed by anyone. Many wondered why Christian was smiling but no one could figure out the reason why. That is, except for two of his coworkers.

Christian paid no attention to anyone and headed straight for his office. As soon as Christian got settled in, he heard a knock on his door. He looked up to see Travis standing there. "Can I talk to you about something bro?" Travis asked.

"Sure Travis, come in and have a seat." Christian replied as Travis walked into his office. "Close the door behind you. I can tell by the look on your face we're going to need some privacy."

"Yes bro we are." Travis replied grimly as he closed the door as Christian requested before sitting down. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking. Christian didn't rush him. Instead he waited for Travis to start the conversation. He had an idea as to what Travis wanted to talk about but decided to wait for Travis to approach the subject first. "What do you know about General Troy Blackman?" Travis asked after a moment of silence

Okay, that wasn't what Christian was expecting to hear but he answered anyway. "All I really know about him is that he's a one star general." Christian answered. "He saw me at the club with Ty and has been threatening to expose me to the base for a while now, but they've just been empty threats. He hasn't done anything yet."

That surprised Travis. "What do you mean he's been threatening you?" He asked. Christian told Travis about Troy. How he saw Christian with Tyler at Tyler's club; how he had threatened to tell the whole base about Christian's sexuality; and how he always giving Christian evil stares. "Well, I think he's starting to put his threat into action now."

"What has he done?" Christian asked with an angry voice. "If he did anything to ruin Ty's project, he'll regret it because I'll make his life a living hell!"

Travis told Christian how Troy plans to ruin Tyler's project and who's involved so far. As Travis went on, Christian became even angrier. He can not let Troy get away with it! His Ty was smiling again and Christian wanted that smile to stay on Tyler's face. If Troy succeeds in his plan, Tyler won't be smiling anymore. And that's something Christian can't allow to happen.

Once Travis finished, an idea started forming in Christian's mind. "I'll take care of it." Christian said with determination. "I won't let him destroy Ty's project. Not if I have anything to say about it!" He looked Travis straight in the eyes. "I may need your help, are you in?" Travis said he was and the two discussed a way to save Tyler's project.

Tony (Anthony) Smith is one of Tyler's previous models. He's there to renew his contract with Jackson Agency. "Hello Tyler. How have you been?" Tony asked when he walked in the office and up to Tyler's desk.

Tyler stood and put out his hand for Tony to shake. "Hi Tony. I've been better. Let's talk about your contract." Tyler replied.

Tony shook the offered hand. "Great. I'm glad to be continuing working for Jackson Agency." Tony said with a happy smile. Tony had become a big success with Jackson Agency and had made Tyler a lot of money. Both men want to see that success to continue.

After shaking hands, Tyler gestured for Tony to have a seat. "I'm glad Tony. I'm signing you to a two year contract. There's some oversees jobs I want you to do."

This news was shocking to Tony. He didn't think he would be traveling anytime soon. He thought most of his modeling jobs would be in the country for quite a while. He asked Tyler where he would be going and how long he would be gone.

"There in Paris and Italy." Tyler responded. "The agency is doing a fashion show over there and I want you as one of the models. You did great with building up your portfolio. Now I think you're ready for international modeling."

"Great. I've been wanting to do some traveling. Paris and Italy is a couple of the places I like to visit."

Tyler handed Tony the contract. "Well, all you have to do is sign on the dotted line; and you're on your way." After taking the contract from Tyler, Tony carefully read it over.

When Tony finished signing the contract, he handed it back to Tyler and said with a disgusted tone in his voice. "I saw the news and I must say I'm appalled at Cindy Campbell accusations. I can't believe she would stoop that low to get what she wants."

"Don't worry. She's getting what's coming to her." Tyler said smiling deviously. He can't wait for his appointment with Cindy Campbell this afternoon.

"I'm glad, the bitch deserves it!" Tony said in a burst of laughter. It made Tyler laugh too. "I need to get to my photo shoot now Tyler." Tony said once they stop laughing.

"Sure Tony." Tyler agreed. "Someone will contact you about your next photo shoot within the next couple of days or so."

When Tony left, Tyler gathered his things and headed to his photo shoot. On his way out, Tyler informed his secretary of his where a bouts.

"I'm headed to my shoot now Janet. I'll be back around 2 pm." Tyler said.

"Okay Tyler. I'll see you when you get back." Janet replied.

After discussing several ways to save Tyler's project, Christian and Travis finally settled on one. Once that was taken care of, they went back to work. Not long after Travis left Christian office there was another knock on his door.

When Christian looked up, he saw Colonel Samuel Jacobson standing in his doorway. "What can I do for you Colonel?" The look on the Colonel face already told Christian what this visit was about.

"May we speak in private sir? There's something I'd like to discuss with you." Col. Jacobson asked. "Sure, come in and have a seat." Christian answered, as he put aside his paper work.

After closing the door for privacy, Col. Jacobson sat down to explain to Christian why he was there. "There are some rumors going around the base about your friend's project." Christian nodded his head in understanding. "Unfortunately the rumors had gotten to my superior who's threatening to drop the project."

Christian remained calm but Colonel Jacobson could see the fury starting to burn in his eyes. "Tell your superior that this project will be done respectfully with items from my stores." Col. Jacobson nodded. "If he has any problems, tell him to see me. This project can lead to future projects for us."

"Do you have a way to squash the rumors sir?" Colonel Jacobson asked. Christian said he did and he will be in charge to make sure everything goes well. "Tell him if he has any questions to come see me. I can answer them for him or get the answer he needs for him."

The colonel said he would let his superior know. "I hope you can get this project going. It sounds like a great project for the base."

Christian agreed and the Colonel said his goodbye and Christian went back to work. The more Christian heard what was going on, the more furious he got. He has to do something to keep Tyler's project from being ruin by one jealous person.

When Tyler got to the studio and changed, he talked with the photographer before they got started on the photo shoot. Tyler needed to discuss some up coming projects including the Hunks of the Marines calendar for him to shoot.

"Okay Tyson, you're up first." Mike (Michael) Simpson said after their discussion ended.

"How do you want me to pose?" Tyson asked.

"Give me your best because you only get one roll, so make it count." Mike said with firmness in his voice to everyone. Luckily, the camera is set to take three shots per snap. The film contains one hundred sheets per roll.

Tyson started his sexy poses with not many changes in them. The background was an outdoor lake scene in the summertime with the lake to his right and the trees behind him. The water made it look like the sweat was poring off his body. The first pose had Tyson sitting on artificial grass with the top two buttons of his pants undone, leaning against a tree with his legs spread out straight. He had a half smile on his face. The second pose was with a bigger smile and the third was a serious look. During his shoot, Tyler heard Mike saying "good, nice, and sexy." Thirty minutes later, Tyson's shoot was over and it was Adam Wilder turn.

Mike changed the scene for the next shoot. This setting puts the lake at the bottom of Adam's feet with the trees behind him. Adam stepped forward and was nervous as usual. "Relax Adam. We need to get through this smoothly." Adam nodded and lay on his left side with his right leg bent at the knee with his foot behind his left leg. His left arm was bent at the elbow and his hand held his head. Adam only had his top button undone.

Mike waited for Adam to calm before beginning. Once Adam relaxed and was smiling big, he was soon performing great with Mike encouragements. Adam is one of Tyler's models that is always nervous but performs great after relaxing. His second pose had both of his legs straight with one on top of the other and his right hand running through his hair. The third pose was the same as the second but a book was in front of him like he was reading. Forty five minutes later Mike said. "Okay Adam, you're done."

"Thanks Mike." Adam replied smiling as he left the set. "No problem Adam, you just need to relax more, you're doing great." Mike assured him.

Adam nodded as he walked off the set. Once Mike changed the set again, he announced to Tyler it was his turn. When Tyler walked onto the set ready for his shoot, Mike placed him in position in front of the scene. "Okay Tyler, hit it."

Tyler's scene had the lake behind him with the trees at a far distance. Tyler knelt on his right leg, his other leg straight out to the left with his thumbs in his front pocket. He was looking the same way smiling, like someone was walking toward him. The second pose had him kneeling on both knees. His head looking straight ahead and tilted upward with his hands behind it. In the third pose, Tyler was lying on his back with his right leg bent and left leg straight. His head was facing the camera and his left thumb was in his pocket while the right thumb was holding the rim of his pants. The top three buttons of his pants were undone, showing off some of his trimmed pubic hairs.

During the shoot Tyler heard Mike say. "Excellent, great, hold that pose," and fantastic." Fifteen minutes later it was over and Mike said "Okay Tyler, you're done. I don't know how you pose so well with all the problems you're having."

Everyone was breaking for lunch now and Mike and Tyler continued their conversation as they walked to the changing room. "Well, one of those problems will be over soon." Tyler informed him. Mike smiled and asked his question. "What's your plan to take care of Cindy Campbell?"

As Tyler was putting on his clothes he grinned deviously before saying. "You have to wait to find out along with everyone else." Mike laughed before saying. "Remind me to stay on your good side." Tyler finished dressing and as they were walking out the door Tyler said to him. "I'll remind everyone not to cross me!" Mike laughed again. "I'm sure you will. Where would you like to have lunch?"

"How about if we go to Karmyn's Place." Tyler replied. Mike agreed and they were off to the restaurant. Karmyn's Place is a high scaled restaurant with low scaled prices.

Making sure Tyler's project doesn't get destroy took up most of Christian morning. He carefully rushed through his paper work before leaving the base for lunch. Before leaving, Christian made a list of the potential models he wanted. While he was eating, he thought about Troy. Christian didn't know what Troy's problem was with Tyler. Troy never met Tyler, so why is he so determine to ruin Tyler's project?

Christian knew he had to do some investigating on this matter. Tyler had too much on his hands. He didn't need another problem to be shoved into it.

Once his lunch was over, Christian headed back to the base to start his investigation. While walking across the parking lot, Christian spotted something unusual out the corner of his eyes. With his military training kicking in immediately, Christian ran toward that direction at a high speed.

The man saw Christian running toward him and took off in the opposite direction, but his speed was no match to Christian, he caught up easily and tackled the man to the ground. "What do you think you're doing?" He demanded as he pulled the man up from the ground.

The man said nothing. When Christian asked once again, the man continued to stay silence. "Well let's continue this with the MPO's (military police officer) in my office." Christian said in a commanding voice, as he led the man to his office. The man grew pale at that point; He was scare as to what was going to happen to him.

When Tyler and Mike got to the restaurant and were seated, the waitress walked up to take their orders. When she saw who they were, she gasps with surprise.

"Oh my god!" The waitress said excitingly, while trying to catch her breath. "You're Tyler Jackson and Mike Simpson from Jackson Agency!"

Mike gave a friendly smile. "Yes we are. And who might you be?"

"I'm Stacey, your waitress." She replied with a friendly smile of her own.

"It's nice to meet you Stacey." Tyler said smiling warmly.

"The pleasure is all mines. I love your calendars." Stacey said smiling back at them both. "May I take your orders?" She asked.

After the waitress took their orders and left, Tyler brought up the subject of Adam. "How is Adam doing?" He asked Mike.

"Adam is doing fine; he just needs to relax more." Mike replied.

That didn't surprise Tyler. He too had noticed how nervous Adam gets around a camera. "I know he loves modeling but being the center of attention makes him nervous."

"Yes. It's like he's waiting for everything to be taken away from him, and he's really terrified of that happening to him."

"Well, I'll have to work with him on building up his confidence." Tyler rebutted. "After all, the only thing that can make that happen is his lack of confidence in his ability."

"Yeah, and do it fast. He can go a lot further if he had more confidence in himself." Mike said. Like Tyler, Mike can detect a great model when he sees one.

"I'll make an appointment to speak with him on Monday morning."

By that time the waitress had brought their order. Mike order the Trout and Tyler had the filet mignon. They continued to talk business while they had lunch. After lunch, and leaving the waitress a twenty dollar tip; they went to Tyler's office. They needed to discuss the Hunks of the Marines calendar and Tyler's concerns.

"Now Mike, this is the first time I'm doing a calendar with the marines so I want it to be a big success." Tyler started, as they sat down in his office.

"I'm hoping Christian will be in the calendar." Mike said grinning. Mike had secretly wanted to see Christian body ever since he met him and now he may get that chance.

"You hoped right and I'm using some items from his stores. I want you to set up an appointment with him to discuss the theme and costumes."

"What is the theme?" Mike asked. He knew he wouldn't be able to come up with one because he never did a calendar with the marines.

Mike was shocked with Tyler's next statement. "I'll leave that for you and Chris to decide on. I want the guys to look hot and sexy because this project can lead to future projects with the marines."

Once the shock had worn off, Mike said. "I can't wait to see what sexy costume Christian picks for him to wear for the shoot." He teased to cover his stunned reaction. Mike never heard of Tyler giving anyone control over any project.

"You can look, but don't touch." Tyler retorted smiling. He loves knowing he has the most gorgeous boyfriend in the world. One of which whom everyone in the world wants as their boyfriend.

Mike busted out laughing. "I'll contact him tomorrow and work out the details for the shoot. Hopefully we can get started on it soon."

"Good. I want you to watch Chris closely during the shoot and give him some pointers because I want him to do a solo calendar in the near future."

"No problem Tyler, I'll let you know how everything goes." Mike said as he was getting up to head back to the studio.

"Thanks Mike. I appreciate it." Tyler replied graciously. Once Mike was gone, Tyler got back to the work on his desk.

Back at the base, Christian sat at his desk staring at the door. The MPO's took the guy away in handcuffs to be process. Christian couldn't believe the man would try something like that in broad daylight. Why? Christian thought. Why would he try something like that? He had to know he would get caught.

As he was thinking, Christian heard a knock on the door. He looked up and saw a General standing there. "Sorry to interrupt you General, but we need to talk."

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter.

First I have to apologize on the lateness of this chapter. There was a power outage in my area which was caused by a thunder storm. So I apologize for that.

We began with Tyler and Christian waking up although in different bed wishing they were together. These two guys are getting closer. It showed when Tyler grabbed the pillow Christian used three nights before and smelling Christian's scent still in the pillow. Christian however, reached out for Tyler. Discovering the empty space, threw Christian off guard until he remember where he was.

Tyler called his best friend Justin to spend the day with him and JR. It's been a long time since Tyler and Justin did things together and Tyler wanted to get back into some of them. They decided to go bike riding like they did in the past.

Christian was making plans of his own with Travis. Christian thought it would be a good idea to introduce Travis to Tyler. That meeting also led to a new character being introduced. Will a relationship develop between Kevin and Travis?

Their day of fun started out with buying bikes. Christian picked out one that was in Tyler's favorite color that made Tyler happy. Christian is trying to do whatever he can to make Tyler happy. There will be more things for Christian to do to make Tyler happy.

Travis and Kevin also picked out one that made both of them happy. Will they discover more they have in common with each other?

Christian took everyone to a pool hall owned by his cousin. I didn't go into many details about the pool hall because I didn't have a good picture of the pool hall in my mind just yet, but keep a watch out for the pool hall. It might come back in future chapters. I gave a hint when it will probably come back again, in this chapter.

Things went from good to bad when they were leaving. Who was shooting at them and who were they shooting at?

The afternoon at the bowling alley went better then the morning at the pool hall did. The way Tyler bowls is a way visually impaired people can bowl. There is another way that may come up. Some of you may be surprise to that as were mostly everyone in this chapter.

At Tyler's house Travis and Kevin walked off to have a private conversation while the others tried to calm Tyler down again. Travis told Kevin he didn't know if he can be more than friends because he was involved in a relationship. Kevin in turned told Travis he would wait, but not for long and would keep his options open. I think that was a smart move on Kevin's behalf.

We got more of an insight to Tyler. He won't stand for anyone coming after him through his friends and family. What will Tyler do if the shooters were after one of them and not him?

What did you think of the photo shoot? I tried to give a detailed description of that shoot. I hope I did a good job.

Christian has his work cut out for him on Tyler's Project. It looks like Troy wants to destroy it. Why and how is Troy going to do that?

Stage one of Tyler's plan for Cindy Campbell went into effect. Keep reading the future chapters to find out the results of that plan. It will surprise you! As I said, the plan is simple that you may not figure it out. Let me know what you think the plan is.

There hasn't been a cliff hanger for a while, so I threw one in to rouse your curiosity. Who is the General and why is he meeting with Christian?

I want to thanks Trish for editing this chapter. I hope we can work together to make my story more enjoyable to read. Thanks Trish.

More plots are going to open. Stick around and enjoy! There are many things going on and much more to come. Keep reading the future chapters and let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions. You can reached me at {} Thanks.

Next: Chapter 7

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