Best Friends

By moc.liamg@xetrellimbocaj.oemoR

Published on Jul 23, 2012


{Best Friends is partly fictional. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere.

This is a love story. Seeing, as it is a love story, sex is in there, but it is in realistic balance in the characters' lives.

Any similarity to any real events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws, a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story.

This story cannot be distributed in any way; shape or form without the author's expressed written consent.}

Written by Romeo

Edited by Trish

Chapter 9

As Kevin drew his gun, he quietly opened the door and stepped inside and closed it behind him. He then cautiously walked through the hall to the living room wondering what was going on. When he reached the living room, what he saw there made him stop in his tracks. "What's going on?" Kevin asked Travis once the indicial shock wore off. "I thought you were in danger in here."

Travis was standing over an unconscious body staring down at it and breathing hard. "No, I'm fine." He then took a deep breath before explaining. "I heard a knocking at the door about ten minutes ago and I thought it was you. When I opened the door, this guy started attacking me. I quickly recovered and we traded blows for a while. Then the son of a bitch pulled a knife and tried to attack me with it.

He came at me with the knife and tried to stab me in the chest. But I used his momentum to drive him face first into the wall." Travis pointed at the wall where the hole was. "Then I quickly spun him around and knocked him out cold with a right cross." Now Travis's breathing was getting under control.

Kevin holstered his gun to check Travis's face. "Are you sure you're okay?" Travis had a swollen jaw, plus a busted nose and lip. But other then that, he was fine. "When I knocked on the door, you didn't sound like yourself." Kevin then walked over to the unconscious man and rolled him over to check for a pulse.

When Kevin rolled the man over, Travis saw who the person was. His voice immediately turned to anger. "I'm fine, just a little sore." Travis couldn't believe who the unconscious person was; much less attacking him like he did. Travis never thought he would do something like that.

Kevin heard the anger in Travis's voice and looked up to his face. Yes, Travis was angry, but why was he angry? That's what Kevin wanted to find out. "Do you know him?" Kevin hoped it wasn't someone trying to get to Tyler through Travis or someone who's trying to do Travis harm. When he looked at the man he realized it was the same man from the coffee shop.

Travis nodded. "He's my..." Travis suddenly abruptly stopped. He didn't want to put Kevin in the middle of the situation. So instead he said. "I can't believe he would attack me like that. He's never done that before."

Kevin wonder if Travis was about to say boyfriend but stopped himself. Thinking that Travis will tell him when he's ready, Kevin held his tongue. He picked the man up from the floor and placed him in a chair. While he was doing that, Travis went to the hall closet to get some rope. When Travis came back, he tied the man's hands tightly behind him. "I think I should handle this on my own. I don't want you involved in this."

Kevin knew Travis was hiding something and wanted to know what it is. He couldn't hold his tongue any longer. "What's going on Travis? What are you hiding from me?" He demanded. Soon as the words left his mouth, he knew he said the wrong thing by the look he was getting from Travis.

Travis looked at him with anger in his eyes. "I'm not hiding anything from you!" Seeing the anger and the hurt look on Kevin's face he tried to calm his own anger. Travis knew this wasn't Kevin's fault. He just got pulled into something unexpected. "I don't want you involved in this, okay? It has nothing to do with you."

Kevin knew Travis was right. They don't know much about the other because they're still getting to know each other. "I'm sorry, okay?" He apologized. Travis accepted the apology with a nod. "Just know that I'll be there for you when you're ready to talk to someone about this."

As Kevin was walking towards the door, Travis turned around and called out for him. "Kevin." Instead of walking back over to Travis, Kevin just turned around to see what he wanted. "I'll call you once this is taken care of, okay?" Kevin just nodded. "Don't worry about it, everything will be okay."

Kevin wasn't sure that everything would be okay. But what could he do? Seeing that he wasn't going to get anything from Travis tonight, he just agreed. "Okay." He then just turned back around and walked out of the apartment not saying another word. When he was gone, Travis sat on the sofa and watched television while he waited for the man to wake up.

On his way home, Kevin kept thinking of why Travis couldn't tell him the guy was his boyfriend. He knew it was so why couldn't Travis admit it? Kevin thought he and Travis were getting close, but now he's starting to think otherwise. Knowing there was nothing he could do until Travis is ready to talk to him about it all; he pushed it to the back of his mind and concentrated on the road.

When he arrived at home, everyone was already in bed. He stopped in the kitchen in the back of the house to get a drink of water before going to his room. Once he was there, Kevin undress and crawled into bed. Soon after his head hit the pillow, he was asleep.

Don't you just hate it? Tyler woke up Friday morning ten minutes before the freekin alarm was supposed to go off. Here he is lying in bed beside this gorgeous man with not a care in the world, and his brain is on vacation. Putting the phone call from the night before in the back of his mind, Tyler took care of that little problem.

Tyler put his brain back to work by waking Christian up with a morning blow job. He wanted Christian to wake up with a big smile on his face. He also wanted to start their vacation off with a bang in more ways than one.

Tyler dove under the covers between Christian's legs for better access. He first kissed Christian's mushroom head then he kissed up and down the shaft. He then licked along the underside of Christian's cock and around the coronal ring stimulating the nerves to full hardness.

He then licked around the urethra opening, savoring all the precum that was oozing out of the slit. He put the head into his mouth, sucking and licking slowly and gently as he made his way from the tip to the base. "Oooohh. Don't stop." Christian moaned as he woke up. Tyler had no intentions of stopping. Once Tyler got Christian cock in his throat, he swallowed, squeezing the head with his throat muscles. "Oh my god, that feels good." Christian moaned feverishly. Tyler guessed his attempt to wake Christian up had worked perfectly.

Tyler could tell by his moans and groans, that Christian was enjoying his wake up call. He gave Christian's dick more sucking action before moving to his beautiful testicles to give him some attention there as well.

He stuck one of those beautiful large egg size testicles in his mouth, bathing it with his tongue then repeating the process with the other one. "Oh god, Ty!" Christian groaned again. After giving Christian's balls a good tongue bath, Tyler sucked Christian's dick back into his mouth sucking slowly until he reached the base and Christian's dick was berried deep in his throat.

Tyler then used his throat muscles to squeeze Christian's cock, causing a gasp from Christian. "No fair, I want some candy too!" Christian wanted to give Tyler the same pleasure he was receiving. Plus he wanted his cream also; he'll get his coffee at breakfast.

That made Tyler laughed. The vibration drove Christian insane with pleasure, sending shivers up and down his whole body and making his dick harder. Christian still couldn't believe how Tyler can deep throat all ten inches of his cock. No one had been able to do that before.

Finally, Christian couldn't take it any longer. He threw the covers off, flipped them over so that he was on top, spun around, and dove down on Tyler's cock. Taking all eight and a half inches in one quick movement. "Mmmm, mmmm." Christian moaned around Tyler's cock. "Mmmm, mmmm." Tyler moaned back. Now both men were shivering in pleasure from the vibration of their sexual enjoyment.

After ten minutes of paying honors to each other cock, Christian exploded with a powerful orgasm. It was so hot; it triggered a powerful orgasm from Tyler. They rode the wave of their climax for a couple of minutes. Both men were shaking in carnal delights. Once they swallowed every drop of their love's offering, they collapsed on the bed to catch their breath. After they caught their breath, Tyler and Christian got out of bed and headed for the shower to start their day.

Kevin woke up the next morning still tired. His night had been a restless one with him tossing and turning all night. He grabbed his phone off the night stand to check his messages only to find out there were none. What the hell is going on with Travis? Kevin thought to himself as he placed his phone back on the night stand. If Kevin thought about it, he would realize that he was in deeper than he wanted to be with Travis.

Not knowing if the others were still home or not, Kevin stayed in his room. He didn't want to worry Tyler or Christian about it but he knew Christian would find out sooner or later. And when Christian finds out, he wouldn't hesitate to tell Tyler. The two of them knows each other emotions well. Although Tyler is better at hiding his emotions than Christian is.

"What's he hiding from me?" Kevin asked himself. "Why couldn't he tell me that guy was his boyfriend?" Not finding the answers to these questions, Kevin drifted back into another restless sleep. He could use more sleep anyway.

After showering and dressing, Tyler and Christian headed for the kitchen for breakfast. Christian wanted Tyler's famous raspberry pancakes (other than Tyler's famous raspberry waffles) so he went to pick a cup of raspberries from the bushes in the yard around the pool while Tyler made the batter. Once Christian returned, wash, and dried the raspberries, Tyler added them to the batter and finish making the pancakes and scramble eggs while Christian made the ham and home made hash browns.

During breakfast they discuss what to do for the day. Christian suggested they go to his cabin. Tyler thought it was a great idea. "I have to let Carlos and Mark know what our plans are. They need to know when I'm on the move."

Many times Christian wondered why every time he saw Tyler outside the house, Carlos and Mark were always close by. This time was no exception but he let it go as he had done before. "Okay, we'll pack after breakfast and can be on the road by eight. We can stop for lunch and groceries along the way." What Christian didn't know as of yet is that Carlos and Mark would be following them. They're always close to Tyler in case he needs them.

Once breakfast and the clearing up were accomplished, they went to pack. Tyler informed his head of security of their plans. Once that was taken care of, Christian and Tyler set out to Christian's cabin on the lake a couple hours away with Carlos and Mark following closely behind them.

During the ride, picking up groceries and a sandwich combo for each of them from Subway for lunch, Christian and Tyler discussed what to do about Cindy Campbell if she tries to continue her scandals. Both guys know that Cindy will try to get back at Tyler for blowing up her plans and most likely her dreams.

"What are you going to do about Cindy Campbell when she makes her next move?" Christian asked Tyler. "I don't think she's going to give up so easily. After all, becoming a model is her dreams and now that dream is probably not going to come true."

"I guess I'll have to fight harder." Tyler turned his head to Christian, showing off that sexy dangerous smile. "I haven't used all my resources yet. She was the one who ruin her dreams, not me. All I did was exposed her for the liar she is. She will not destroy my business and reputation. I worked to hard to get where I am."

"What do you mean? What resources?" Christian asked hesitantly. Although he wasn't sure he really wanted to know. He does work for the government after all. "Please tell me these are not criminal resources."

"No they aren't." Tyler then told Christian about the Security Company and agency Tyler uses to do background checks on all his clients and employees. Tyler stated that they were the best in the world. No harm will come to him with his security guards around, especially his two personal guards Mark (Markus) Chang and Carlos Marcello, head of Tyler's security team.

"You mean the Spanish and Chinese one?" Christian asked, surprise at the information. "I thought they were friends who were living with you, not a security team. They're not always around you, are they?" He asked in a nervous voice.

"They're my friends as well as head of my security team. They're around me 24/7." Tyler told him. "That's why you had to identify yourself at the gates the first time you came to my house. My security was expecting you."

Christian had a nervous tone in his voice when he asked if they were being followed. He hates being followed. It makes his military training automatically kick in; plus keeps him on alert for any possible danger.

Tyler told Christian his guards keep track of him by the GPS and tracking system on his phone. "They're most likely a couple of cars behind us." Then he told Christian not to worry, he was safe because Mark and Carlos know who he is. In fact the only way Christian would be in danger if he was physically hurting Tyler which Tyler knows Christian would never do. Not only that, he would be under their protection also whenever Christian is with Tyler. This seems to calm Christian down because Tyler knows Christian doesn't like being followed.

Christian and Tyler were too wrapped up in their conversation that Christian didn't notice the dark blue SUV four cars behind them. "Good, Tyler's keeping him busy with conversation." Mark told Carlos. "I think we can move closer now."

Carlos moved into an opening in the left lane and waiting for an opening that will put him closer to Christian's car. When he saw an opening two cars behind them, Carlos moved back into the original lane. "It doesn't matter." Carlos replied. "I bet Tyler had already told Christian we're not only his friends but head of his security team also and is following them." Mark agreed. They continued along the freeway listening to music. Occasionally Mark would bitch about a car that was trying to cut them off.

Back at the house, Kevin was still sleeping restlessly when the ringing of his cell phone woke him. Thinking it might be important, Kevin rolled over to grab the phone. Looking at the caller ID and seeing it was Travis calling, Kevin wonder if he should answer it. Wanting to know what was going on with Travis, convinced Kevin to answer the phone. "Hello."

"Hi Kevin." Travis greeted. After a moment of wondering if he made the right decision in calling Kevin, he asked. "I was wondering if we could have lunch together again? I'm about to go on my lunch break and don't want to eat alone. Plus Christian is off again today. I think he's with Tyler."

"Yes he is. He stayed with Tyler last night." Kevin then thought about the invitation for a minute before answering. "Okay I'll have lunch with you. But only as friends, nothing more." He checked his phone for the time. "I'll meet you at Subway on Charles Street in a half an hour."

The location Kevin suggested sort of disappointed Travis. He was hoping for something a little more romantic then that. "Okay, I'll meet you there." Even though he tried, Travis couldn't keep the disappointment out of his voice. "I'll see you in an hour."

Kevin heard the disappointment in Travis's voice but shrugged it off. "Okay. See you in an hour." He then quickly hung up before Travis could talk him into another place. He got out of bed to shower and dress. When he was dress, he grabbed his keys and phone and drove to the sandwich shop.

After getting off the phone, Travis drove to the Subway. While he was waiting for Kevin, Travis thought about the man from last night. He wondered if he should tell Kevin the whole story. When he saw Kevin walking in, Travis decision came to him. He walked up to the counter where Kevin was waiting. "Let's order first. There's something I need to discuss with you."

Kevin agreed. "Okay. Lets grab some food, I'm starving." They then walked over to get in line. When they reached the front, the two then placed their orders. After receiving their food, they walked to a table in the back and sat down. "So, what do you have to tell me? I hope it has something to do with last night."

"It does." As they ate, Travis told Kevin about the man, and why he attacked him. He left nothing out. Once he finished, Kevin understood why Travis doesn't want him involve in it. The two talked the situation over and what to do about it all through lunch.

As Tyler and Christian were driving along the main road to the cabin, Christian asked Tyler where Carlos and Mark were going to stay. Tyler said they probably will rent a cabin where they can snuggle up not far from Christian's cabin if one was available.

Christian didn't like that idea and assisted that they stay with them once he got over the fact that Mark and Carlos was a couple. Once Tyler relayed the message to Mark over the walkie talkie, they pulled up behind Christian and Tyler with Carlos behind the wheel.

While Christian was unloading the car, Tyler talked to the guys. "Hey guys, how was the drive up? Were you guys able to keep up with us back there on the freeway?"

Carlos groaned. "It was like Driving Miss Daisy." He said annoyed. "Mark couldn't stop complaining about the other drivers on the freeway. I had to listen to it for the last hour." Tyler started laughing at what Carlos just said.

"You wanted to drive." Mark said sarcastically. "I could have driven us. But nooo, you wanted to drive yourself so stop bitching about it."

"I drove because you drive like Mr. Magoo." Carlos said laughing at the way his boyfriend drives. "If you had driven us, we wouldn't have gotten here for another two hours."

Mark looked at Carlos with daggers in his eyes. "You're going to pay for that one later mister. And don't think I'm going to let you off the hook easy either."

"I guess you're going to have another head ache, huh?" Carlos said with a smirk. He knows Mark wouldn't be able to hold out for long with his insatiable sex drive which Carlos loves so much. "I'll have the Tylenol and glass of water waiting on the night stand."

Tyler had to stop the argument while suppressing more laughter. "Hey guys, lets go in and unpack so Mark can set up Chris's cell phone." Remembering he needs the laptop for that, Mark went back to the car to retrieve it.

When Mark returned, Christian looked at him and Carlos confused. "What do you mean?" He asked Tyler. "There's nothing wrong with my cell phone. It works perfectly fine."

Tyler explained to Christian that Mark needed to program his cell phone on his laptop for his Push to Talk service to be in contact with Tyler's security and he at all times. He can still talk with anyone individually in private but that service will be in contact with Tyler and every member of Tyler's security at all times.

"In case of trouble or anything else, all you have to do is push the button for the walkie talkie to talk and the signal will go to all phones. It's the same with all our phones." Mark explained to Christian, giving him the general concept of the program.

"Will anyone hear me talking?" Christian asked no one in particular.

"We all will hear you talking Christian. That's why you will still have to dial the number to talk privately. That doesn't change. Once you finish the call, the signal will automatically switch back from private to open." Carlos explained.

"Nothing changes with your phone Christian. It's just a security program that'll be added to it to keep you and Tyler safe." Mark added. "It also keeps Tyler's entire security alert to the situation at hand at all times."

"Okay. As long as my baby is safe, I can live with that." Christian handed his phone to Mark. If the program can tell him if Tyler's hurt or in trouble at anytime then Christian have no problem with Mark programming his phone.

"Great. I'll program it and give it right back." Mark said. "It should only take ten minutes to program it and then we need to test it to make sure it's working in proper order."

Christian nodded and they all went inside to unpack. Christian showed Carlos and Mark to their room before taking Tyler's hand and leading him to the master bedroom. After unpacking, programming and testing of Christian's phone, they all change into their suits to Jet Ski.

The water was calm and not too busy. A few others were out jet skiing, water skiing, and sun bathing on the beach but the guys didn't pay them any attention. They just wanted to have fun and not worry about anybody or anything bothering them.

After eating their lunch, Kevin and Travis went their separate ways. Travis went back to work and Kevin went home. Along the way Kevin stopped at the seven eleven to buy a cherry slurpy and a box of chocolate doughnuts. He needed the sugar rush.

Once home, Kevin went to the game room to play the Play Station 3. A couple of hours later Travis called to see if Kevin would like some company. "I would love some company." Travis told Kevin he needed to go home to shower and change because he just got off of work. He also said he would stop and pick up some food to cook for Kevin. "That's not necessary. We can just order a pizza or something."

That wasn't going to fly with Travis. "It's okay, I love to cook. And I want to make something special for you." Travis got no answer to that. "Please Kevin? Let me do this for you as an apology for last night." When there was still no answer Travis got worried.

What Travis didn't know is Kevin couldn't say anything because he couldn't stop smiling. No one had ever offered to cook a romantic meal for him. When Kevin realized he hasn't answered Travis, he found his tongue. "Okay, if you insist." Kevin couldn't see it, but he knew Travis was smiling. "I can't wait to see what you make. I'm sure it will taste delicious."

"It's the second best tasting thing in the world." Kevin caught the double meaning of what that statement implied. "Trust me. It will knock you off your feet!" Again Kevin caught the double meaning of what Travis just said. "I'll see you in about an hour, okay?" Kevin said that was fine and the two said goodbye and hung up.

Back at Christian's cabin, the four guys were enjoying the vacation. After a couple of hours of skiing along, pass, and around the others skiers, they decided to head back to the cabin for lunch and a shower.

After lunch Christian wanted to go skating so they all headed out in Christian's black Mercedes convertible to a strip mall about a half mile away, dress in some skin tight jeans shorts (No underwear because they decided to go commando.) and spandex tank tops.

"Shouldn't we change?" Mark asked no one in particular. "You know everyone at the skating ring will be looking at us with their eyes popping out."

"Change for what? It's quite warm out so let's show off our hot bods." Christian replied to Mark's question with a humorous smile. "And if they want to look, then let them look. There's no harm in looking."

Tyler rolled his eyes in marked exasperation. "You're a big slut." He then gave Christian a smile and wink. "And you just remember that hot body belongs to me and me only. I'm not sharing with anyone."

"I'm only a slut for you baby." Christian gave Tyler a kiss. "And yes. My body belongs to you and only you. You can do whatever you want. In fact, I have a few ideas what you can do to it later."

Carlos and Mark laughed and Christian and Tyler blushed. Christian and Tyler have to admit, Carlos and Mark does look hot. Carlos is half Spanish and Caucasian. About 6ft 2, 225 pounds, with define muscles and six pack abs. He has short dirty blonde hair and violet eyes that melts your heart. At least that's how Mark described Carlos to Tyler. Mark on the other hand is half Caucasian and Chinese. About 6ft 1, 215 pounds, with define muscles and six pack abs. Short black hair and light blue eyes that makes you want to swim in them. Well, according to Carlos that is.

They arrived at the skating ring and rented their skates. Carlos looked around and noticed that everyone was looking at them just as Christian predicted and mentioned it to the others. "All eyes seem to be on us, guys."

"I knew they would be." Christian replied giggling while putting on his skates. "I'm glad we all decided not to put on underwear. With our tight shorts on, it makes our package look more prominent and noticeable."

"What do you say guys? Let's tease them a little." As Mark said that, he reached over and squeezed Carlos's package and gave it a couple of strokes. "I bet they'll get a real kick out of the show." The others agreed with him and they began skating.

Carlos and Mark began skating backward in front of Tyler and Christian while gyrating their hips whiled Christian was wiggling his butt. Tyler stepped in front of Christian, rubbing his butt up and down, side to side on his legs, plus gyrating his chest while Christian held Tyler's hands in the air.

After twenty minutes of people watching them while bumping into other people, giving them all disgusting looks, and calling them names, they decided to skate normally while laughing their heads off. Before they knew it, four hours had gone by so they decided to get something to eat.

Exactly one hour after talking to Travis Kevin heard the door bell ring. Kevin pushed the pause button to stop the video game he was playing and put down the controller to answer the door.

When he opened the door, Travis was standing on the other side smiling. "Hi Kevin, how are you?" Travis was hoping Kevin couldn't hear the nervousness in his voice. He wanted everything to go smoothly tonight.

Kevin smiled back at him not noticing the nervousness in Travis's voice. "Hi Travis, I'm okay." He stepped back, opening the door wider to allow Travis to come in. "Please come in."

Thank you." Travis replied as he walked into the house. Kevin shut the door behind him. "Let's go to the kitchen. There's something I need to do right away to make dinner."

"Sure." As they walked to the kitchen, Kevin asked if there was anything he could help with. Travis told him no. All he needs to do now is make the marinated sauce for the steaks. "We're having steaks tonight?" Kevin asked. Travis just smiled and nodded.

When they got to the kitchen, Kevin watched as Travis prepared the sauce. He wanted to see what ingredients were in it. Once the sauce was done, Travis opened the two packages of New York Steaks and placed them into a zip lock bags.

Travis then pored half of the sauce into the bag and the other half in another bag and zipped the bags shut. He then flipped them over a couple of times to coat the steaks. Kevin couldn't believe how big they were. "Those suckers are huge." Travis told him they would get bigger when they were in the oven as he placed them into the refrigerator before making more sauce and placing it into the refrigerator as well. The two then walked into the game room to play some video games.

After leaving the skating ring the guys went to the Pizza Hut next door to get a couple of large meat lover's pizza with pineapple and green peppers and a coke for each of the guys except Tyler. Due to his Diabetes, he had a diet coke.

When their order came up, Christian and Carlos went to get the steamy hot pizzas. The aroma not only made Christian and Carlos's mouth water but Tyler and Mark's as well. While they were eating, with Christian sitting across from Tyler and Carlos across from Mark, Christian saw a little boy of about ten years old looking in the window from outside. "I'll be right back." He told the others before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Tyler asked him.

"There's a little boy outside who looks lost." Christian replied as he stood up from the table. "I'm going to see if I can help him." He then squeezed Tyler's shoulder to assure him that everything will be fine before walking outside to help the little boy.

Tyler turned around and the little boy eyes snapped opened. "I think he recognizes you Tyler." Carlos said with a teasing smile as Christian open the door and stepped outside to help out the little boy.

"We'll see." Tyler replied. Even though Tyler likes kids he was hoping He didn't have to sign another autograph on his vacation. He wanted this time for himself and his friends. He didn't want to be mob by another craved fan.

Five minutes later, Christian came in with the scared lost little boy. "This is Jeff (Jeffrey) Thomas. He's looking for his mother. They some how got separated from each other and he can't find her anywhere."

"Where did you see her last?" Tyler asked the little boy.

Jeff started to cry. "The last time I saw her was at the skating ring. She went to the bathroom and didn't come back, now I can't find her." No matter how tough Jeff tried to be, he couldn't. He broke down in tears. Who could blame him? He's a little boy for goodness sake!

Christian wiped the tears from Jeff's eyes. "Don't cry." The soft voice Christian was using made Tyler love Christian even more. "Why don't you have some pizza with us and then we'll go back to the ring and help you find her." He pulled up a chair for Jeff to sit on and gave him some pizza.

"Does your mom have a cell phone?" Tyler asked Jeff. "If she has a cell phone we can call her and let her know where you are at so she can come and get you."

"Yes. She and her boyfriend Paul both have one but I don't know the numbers." Jeff answered.

That made Tyler suspicious. Why would his mother not give him her number in case he gets lost? That is unless she doesn't want him to be found. Tyler was hoping that wasn't the case but a nagging feeling in his stomach was telling him that was exactly the case.

"What would you like to drink?" Christian asked Jeff. Tyler couldn't help noticing how caring Christian was with Jeff. He wondered if Christian ever wanted kids. If he did, that would be fine with Tyler. He always wanted kids himself plus he had one taken from him.

"Can I have an orange soda please?" Jeff asked in a reply. "Orange is my favorite soda." Christian nodded and went to get the soda. When he returned, they all started eating again before the pizzas got cold.

While eating, they questioned Jeff on his mother description. Jeff told them her name was Jennifer Thomas. She's medium height, average build, with brown eyes and short black curly hair. Probably some curl kit like Tyler's neighbor always uses in her hair. God I hope it's not a Jerry Curl! Tyler grinned to himself.

Jeff also said he was ten and from Malibu and was at the cabin with his mother and her boyfriend Paul (Paul Burkes), for the weekend. His father was a policeman killed in the line of duty a year ago. Since then it's been the two of them until two month ago when his mother met her new boyfriend. From that point on his mother haven't paid much attention to him.

Maybe this boy isn't lost, maybe he's been abandon. Tyler thought to himself.

Seeing the look in Tyler's eyes and sensing what he was thinking, Christian said. "I think so too. We'll check it out after we finish eating, okay?" Tyler just nodded. Both guys didn't know how they were thinking on the same wave link they just knew that they were.

"Are you Tyler Jackson mister?" Jeff asked Tyler. Everyone could hear the excitement in his voice. Christian couldn't help but to remember how he too was excited like that when he first met Tyler over the phone.

"That would be me." Tyler said smiling at Jeff's excitement while thinking. Here we go again.

"Oh wow! My mom has your calendar hanging on the wall of our house. She'll never believe I met you!" Everyone in the restaurant could hear the excitement in Jeff's voice. He was getting really excited!

The excitement caused other customers to look their way. When they saw Tyler sitting there, some started walking toward his table. "Perhaps I'll autograph it for her." Tyler said smiling while covering his worried look. He knows he would never autograph a calendar for that woman.

"That would be great." Jeff responded. "She always says she wishes she could meet you." Tyler just smiled. "She'll be over joy when she finds out I met you."

The customers had reached their table by then and asked Tyler for his autograph. Tyler smiled and agreed. But Christian could tell signing autograph was the last thing Tyler wanted to do. Tyler just hopes it isn't a lot of autograph he have to sign. Fifteen minutes later, Tyler sign the last autograph, not to mention having the customers talking his ears off, they were able to get back to eating. Once they finished eating, they returned to the skating ring to look for Jeff's mother.

When they arrived, Carlos and Mark took Jeff to scan the area for his mother while Christian went to check with the front desk. When he returned, he pulled Tyler aside to inform him of the situation."Jennifer and Paul left an hour ago. The front desk thought Jeff was with them because Jennifer returned his skates with her skates as well."

"So he has been abandon then?" The nagging feeling Tyler had in his guts had just been confirmed. "She just left her son here in a strip mall to survive on his own with no regards to his safety?"

"It looks that way. What are we going to do now?" Christian grabbed Tyler's hand to calm his anger. Child abandonment is something Tyler will not stand for. "He's an abandon child. We have to report it and turn him over to social services."

Christian looked around for the other three while Tyler took out his cell phone and call his attorney. "Who are you calling?" He asked when he saw Tyler dialing a number.

"I'm calling my attorney Robert Scanner. He'll know what our options are." Tyler put the phone to his ear and waited for it to be answered. "I never was in this type of situation so I'm not sure on what we should do at this point."

"I thought your sister was your attorney?" Christian shouldn't have been surprised at that, but he was. "I didn't know you had more than one attorney. I thought your sister was your only attorney."

"She's my main attorney but at this time of day and type of situation I think I'm going to need a local one." Tyler said, still waiting for someone to answer the phone. "Don't you think?"

Christian agreed at the same time Scanner answered the phone. Tyler explained who, where, and how they found Jeff. Tyler also told his attorney they think Jeff had been abandon by his mother and what to do from this point. Tyler really didn't want to leave Jeff with some stranger where he will be scared.

After giving Scanner his answer on what to do about Jeff from the choices Scanner just gave him, Tyler closed his phone and informed Christian of the information he just received.

"We have two options." Tears started rolling down Tyler's cheeks. "We can turn Jeff over to social services here tonight or we can turn him over to social services in Malibu Monday morning. I chose option two. I think he needs a little fun. I think he already knows his mother isn't coming back but is trying to tough it out. He seems like a smart kid."

Christian wiped the tears from his man's eyes gently with his thumbs. "We better get him some clothes then." Christian then pulled Tyler into a hug and let him silently cry, although he didn't know why this was upsetting Tyler so much. "He can't wear those clothes all weekend."

"Sure." Tyler tried to smile through his tears but couldn't. The pain was still there deep down inside. "What shops are in this area?" He stepped back from Christian and wiped his eyes. Tyler can't break down; he needs to be strong for Jeff.

"How about we go to Tommy Hilfiger for the pants, shorts, and shirts and CK (Calvin Klein) for the underwear?" Christian smiled. He wanted his happy Tyler back. Not the unhappy Tyler that's been around for a long time.

"We have to get him a new pair of shoes too." Tyler smiled back. He loves how Christian can pull him out of his misery. "That should last until we get back to Malibu on Sunday to do the big shopping because he'll need more than a couple of days of clothes."

"Oh?" Christian said curiously. He had an idea of what Tyler was thinking. "We'll talk about that tonight after Jeff goes to bed."

Tyler nodded and they walked back over to the others who were now sitting at a table. "Looks like you'll be with us for the weekend Jeff." Tyler told him. "Do you have any clothes with you or is it at the cabin?"

"No, it's in the car. We haven't gone to the cabin yet." Jeff said. "I don't even know where the cabin is. I had never been there before." He added.

"Let's go shopping then." At Tyler's announcement, they all headed for the door. Christian picked up Jeff and carried him to the car with the others following.

Back in Malibu, Travis and Kevin were enjoying their time together alone playing the PS3. Around seven o'clock Travis said he needed to start dinner. After turning off the game and television, Travis walked to the kitchen with Kevin behind him. "I'll help you make dinner."

Travis abruptly turned around. "No you won't. This is a special dinner I'm making for you to apologize for being an ass last night." He smiled at Kevin. "I'll make it all myself, you just relax."

"Yes, you were an ass, but your ass is so cute." Kevin laughed as he reached behind Travis and pinched his ass which caused Travis to jump. Kevin grinned. "I guess I have to figure out a way to thank you for the dinner."

"I'm sure you can think of a couple of things." Travis winked and pinched Kevin's ass in return. "Now let me start cooking or we'll never eat."

Kevin sat down at the table and turned on the TV while Travis went to the frig and took out the steaks. "Do you have a big skillet? I need to fry the steaks before I place them in the oven to finish cooking."

Kevin said they did and pulled it out from the cabinet along with a big pan. "Here you go. This pan should be big enough for both steaks to put into the oven." He handed them to Travis.

Travis thanked Kevin as he took them and place the skillet over the front burner and set it on medium heat. He set the pan aside for now. Travis then started scrubbing potatoes for twice baked potatoes while Kevin got out another pan to put them in.

After placing the potatoes in the oven, Travis checked the skillet and found it was hot enough. He placed the steaks on to cook at a low temperature so they wouldn't burn. Once that was taken care of, He put the broccoli on to steam before making the cheese sauce. When everything was cooking, Travis sat down at the table to talk to Kevin. "When will the others be home?"

"From what I read from Carlos's note, they'll be back on Sunday. Christian took Tyler to his cabin. Of course Carlos and Mark had to go also because they're Tyler's head of security and my boss." Kevin could see the confuse look on Travis's face. "What?"

"I didn't know you were his security detail." Travis got up to check on the food as he continued talking. "I thought you guys were friends of Tyler and living with him because he has this big house."

"We're all Tyler's friends." Kevin confirmed. "But we also work for him and make sure no harm comes to him what so ever. We all love him and make sure he's safe and secure." Travis nodded as he sat back down.

Yes, Travis can see how much everyone loves Tyler. He could also see how much Tyler loves them too. "Yes, I can see that. It just amazes me how close you all are to each other. Tyler doesn't treat you like employees. He treats you like friends and family. I was just surprised that you work for him."

"That's because we are his friends and family. We trust Tyler completely and he trust us completely too. Cue to his vision impairment Tyler needs people around him he can trust and keep him safe. If he can't trust you, then his life can be put in danger. And that's something he can't have. He needs us to keep fighting and we need him to keep fighting."

Travis got up to check on dinner again. The steaks looked ready so Travis transferred them to the pan. He placed them into the oven and set the temperature to 350 degrees. He took the potatoes out and scooped them in a bowl he got from the upper cabinet after slicing them in half. "How much fighting does Tyler have to do to survive?"

Kevin watched as Travis added some milk, butter, and cheddar cheese to the potato and used a soynal to mix it together and place the mixture back into the skin and topping it with melted butter before putting them back into the oven. "I'm not sure how much. But I'm sure it's a lot." The two continued talking while Travis prepared dinner and Kevin watched. Once the broccoli was done, Travis added them to the cheese sauce and mixed it. In the mean time, Kevin set the table for two. When everything was finished cooking, Travis placed everything on a plate. Travis then removed the sauce from the refrigerator he placed in there earlier, then he poured it over the steaks before sitting back down with the plates in hands. "Wow. This does look delicious." The compliment Kevin gave him made Travis blush. "Thank you."

The two continued talking as they ate dinner. After dinner, Kevin assisted on clearing up since Travis did the cooking but Travis assisted on helping him. They didn't turn the dish washer on because there were more dirty dishes to put in. Kevin then made Travis and him an ice cream sundae for dessert.

They took the sundaes into the living room to eat while watching a movie. Before going into the living room, Kevin checked to see if the alarm was set. When he saw that it wasn't, Kevin set the alarm and walked into the living room grabbing Travis's hand along the way. Travis looked back over his shoulder to see if he actually saw what he thought he saw. When he saw that it was what he thought he saw, he decided to ask Kevin about it later.

They sat next to each other on the sofa (Mighty close to each other, I might add?) and Kevin grabbed the TV remote to find a movie. After channel surfing a couple of times, they settled on a comedy with Whoopi Goldberg called Sister Act II.

When Tyler and his group reached the car, they placed Jeff between Carlos and Mark in the back seat and headed for the closest mall to do a little shopping for Jeff. When they reached the mall, they found the parking lot full so Christian had to drive around to find a parking space. On his third time going around the parking lot, Christian saw a car pulling out of its spot. Once the car was cleared from the spot, Christian pulled right in and parked the car.

Christian carried Jeff in his left arm while holding Tyler's hand with his right. As they walked through the mall, Jeff eyes bugged out in surprise when he saw they were headed for Hilfiger which made Christian laugh.

"Put your eyes back in your socket little man." Christian said still laughing. "This ain't nothing, wait until we get back to Malibu." Christian was laughing so hard Jeff had to hold on tighter so Christian wouldn't drop him.

For over thirty minutes they went from store to store. They brought Jeff enough clothes and shoes for the weekend. They included a swim suit and a pair of pajamas also. After that task was accomplished, they went back to the cabin, stopping at the food course for some milkshakes.

They arrived there around 9 pm, Mark and Carlos headed off to bed while Christian and Tyler helped Jeff into bed and tucked him in after Jeff had changed into his new pajamas. "Good night little man." Christian said.

"See you in the morning kiddo." Tyler said next.

"Good night." Jeff replied as his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Kevin and Travis had finished their sundaes while watching the movie. Kevin was sitting length wise on the sofa with his legs across Travis's legs. Every so often Kevin would take a glimpse at Travis from the corner of his eyes. Travis was doing the same thing also.

Kevin wanted to kiss Travis but was afraid to make the first move. He was still waiting for Travis to decide on which kind of relationship they would have. Travis was thinking the same thing as Kevin. He wanted to kiss Kevin but couldn't bring himself to do it.

Travis couldn't bring himself to admit that he wants to be with and be happy with Kevin. He knows if he stays with his partner the relationship still wouldn't go any further than it is right now. So why can't he end the relationship? His heart is telling him to leave but his head is telling him to stay.

When the movie ended, Travis suggested they go to bed. Kevin agreed and turned off the television. They grabbed the dirty dishes and headed to Kevin room in the back of the house. Along the way they turned off all of the lights and stopped in the kitchen to put the dirty dishes and dish detergent in the dish washer and started the load.

When they reached Kevin's room, they undressed and crawled into bed. Although Travis was not ready to kiss Kevin, he could hold him through the night. He had done it before. Travis wrapped his arms around Kevin and whispered good night to him. Kevin whispered good night back and they drifted off to sleep.

After putting Jeff to bed, Christian and Tyler headed to the kitchen to make the double eggs and potato salad for the fishing trip tomorrow before heading to their room for bed. Once they were undressed and into bed, with Christian spooned against Tyler's back, Christian started the conversation they needed to have.

"Ty, what are you thinking?" He asked Tyler. "Your not thinking about considering being this kid father, are you? Do you really want to raise a kid?"

"I don't know." Tyler sighed. "It'll be nice to have a kid of my own but I think he deserves a mother and father. That's something I didn't have growing up. I was raised in an orphanage until I was sixteen."

Christian took a moment to think. This was new to him; he never knew Tyler grew up in an orphanage. And if Tyler grew up in an orphanage, then his sister did too. "Ty, think about this. I think you'll make a great father but this scandal with Cindy Campbell will probably play a part in this. Not to mention your disability and sexuality. DSS will probably make it a hard fight for you."

"I know. It took me six months to get custody of my sister once I was emancipated and left the orphanage because of my disability but eventually I did. Now she's a successful and happy attorney with a family. That will work in my favor."

This is something else that Christian wasn't aware of. Christian wondered what else had Tyler had to fight for in his life. He decided to leave that conversation for another time. "True, but a lot of people will be fighting you on this." Christian reminded Tyler. "Talk to Scanner. Maybe they will let Jeff stay with you until they find a good foster home for him."

"True, but I'd never back down from a fight. And I never will. That's just not me. I never would have gotten where I am without fighting." Tyler voiced. "Do you think I should fight to keep him with me?"

"I think you've already made that decision, but I'll stand behind you no matter what." Christian relented. "In fact, I like to be there to help you take care of him. Only if you want me to that is."

"What are you saying Chris?" Tyler asked, rolling over toward Christian.

"I love you and I want to move in with you when we get back. I don't want to be apart from you any longer." Christian answered before kissing Tyler. "Say yes, please baby."

"Of course you can." Tyler kissed Christian passionately. They held the kiss for several minutes before breaking it.

"I was hoping you would say that!" Christian said with his heart full of love for the man in his arms. "Now let's get some sleep." They kissed one last time before Tyler rolled back over and they drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow Tyler would have to talk to Scanner about guardianship of Jeff.

During the night Christian was woken by movement from Tyler. He thought it was morning and Tyler was getting out of bed. But when he opened his eyes, Christian saw it was still dark in the room. He could hear Tyler crying in his sleep. He pulled Tyler closer to him and whispered softly in his ear. "It's okay baby. No one will hurt you. You're safe in my arms." That seemed to calm Tyler down. Christian stayed awake for a while to make sure Tyler was okay. When he was sure Tyler was okay, Christian drifted back to sleep himself.

To Be Continued...

Writer's Corner:

Welcome back one and all to another chapter of Best Friends. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I did writing it. Now let's get to the summary of this chapter.

We started off where we left off with the cliff hanger between Kevin and Travis. Kevin found out it was Travis's voice he heard telling him to come in. When Kevin got to the living room, he saw Travis standing over an unconscious body. Who was this guy and why did he attack Travis?

Tyler accomplished what he was trying to do which was waking Christian up with a morning blow job. Christian got so horny that he had to give Tyler the same pleasure. It didn't take long for Christian to get the cream he wanted. Did he ever get his coffee afterward?

Christian found out that not only is Carlos and Mark are Tyler's friends, but also head of his security team and they're around Tyler 24 hours a day. Being followed makes Christian nervous enough to make his military training automatically kick in. Why is that? Does it have to do with Christian's military career or something from his personal life? You'll have to read the future chapters to find that out.

How many of you figured out what Mark's cell phone program is? We found out in this chapter. It's a GPS Tracking system that allows anyone to track anyone that's programmed into the system from anywhere at anytime. It also allows the walkie talkie to have an open signal at all times. Everyone who is programmed into the system can hear what is being said.

What did you guys think of Kevin and Travis first date. Should I go slow or fast with these guys or just dropped this plot? I'll let you decide on that.

A new character was introduced in this chapter called Jeff. Will Tyler get guardianship of him? Where did Jeff's mother disappear to? We will find out about this and more about Jeff in future chapters.

Poor Tyler! He can't get a break from fans wanting autographs. He takes it all in thrives knowing it's his fans that he makes his money from. I wonder how much he can take.

We found out that Tyler and his sister was raised in an orphanage. What went on in that orphanage that Tyler had to get him and his sister out right away? It was through that custody battle that Tyler met his lawyer Mr. Scanner. To find out how, you'll have to come back and keep reading the story.

Sorry guys! I just had to throw a cliff hanger in. What is Tyler's nightmare about? How much more can Tyler take before he breaks? Can Christian help him through everything he's going through?

One more thing you guys! I had gone back and corrected the spelling mistake from the previous chapters. Chapters one and two had been posted and chapter three will be posted soon. Go back and reread those chapters and let me know how you like them.

So much is going on and not enough time to write it all out! New plots are going to open and some will close. Keep reading the future chapters and enjoy! Please let me know how I'm doing. I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions at {} thanks.

Next: Chapter 10

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