Best Friends Camping


Published on Oct 6, 2010


Warning: The usual stuff applies here like if you're too young or don't like to read gay stories.

The story is 100% fiction and is a figment of my imagination. Please don't copy without my consent. Remember this is fiction so in real life cover up.

When Cameron and Aaron were cleaned up and ready with Seth and Tucker waiting, the four headed over to join their new college friends. They weren't sure exactly where the college group was but their nose and smoke led the way. Walking up, Barry greeted them with a beer and took what they had brought over to add to the meal. They found a seat on the ground and listened to the college group talk. Right before time to eat, the two teen boys that were with them almost the entire day came walking up.

"Care if hang?" Austin asked.

"Nah as long as you can handle a bunch of people drinking," Nick replied with a laugh.

Justin laughed, "We're used to it. Our parents are getting freaking hammered over at our joint plus our sisters were being a pain in the butt."

"That happens," Barry said. "Get used to it, guys."

Austin and Justin sat on the ground close to Cameron and his group.

"I figured you guys had enough of us today," Seth said to them.

"It's cool with us that you are but we darn sure aren't," Austin said. "We feel better over here instead of in their group."

"How old are you?" Cameron asked them.

"We're both 14," Justin replied.

"I don't guess three years is that much since we're only seventeen," Cameron said and took a drink of his beer.

"You're drinking?" Justin asked.

"Yeah and don't say shit about it either," Seth said with a beer in his hand.

"We won't," Justin said. "We like hanging here instead of with our parents and being so freakin bored."

"We know what you mean," Aaron said.

Marty announced the food was ready. It was a vast array of burgers, dogs and grilled chicken along with lots of chips and some beans. They all got their plates and started chowing down. After they ate, they all sat around talking, drinking and having a great time. Cameron and Aaron sat holding hands as did Seth and Tucker with Corey playing his guitar and singing. He asked if anyone else wanted to sing. Austin bolted up and joined Corey. They were all surprised at what a really great voice Austin had.

Returning to his spot, Austin was smiling ear to ear after hearing all the praise heaped upon him.

"That was pretty awesome," Tucker said to Austin.

"Thanks," Austin said.

"He sings all the time," Justin said. "I get so tired of hearing him."

"You shouldn't. Austin can really sing," Tucker said. "I was impressed and shocked a little."

"You know I'm about ready to head back," Aaron said and stood. He wiped the dirt and grass from his naked butt.

"Yeah, maybe we should," Seth said and stood as well.

They all stood including Justin and Austin. They said goodbye and thanks for the food and entertainment. They headed back to the camp.

Once at their camp, "We'll see ya later," Aaron said to Justin and Austin.

"You care if we hang with you for a little while longer?" Justin asked.

"Dude, I don't think so," Seth said. "We need some alone time with our boyfriends."

"Thanks anyway. I guess we'll see ya tomorrow," Justin said in disappointment.

"They can hang out with us. It's not like we're going to do much in front of them," Cameron said. "Think how we'd felt if Barry and them told the same thing."

"Yeah but they don't want to hang with us," Seth said.

"It's not like they haven't all day," Cameron said. "Come on, you guys can hang around if you want."

"We'll go tell our parents where we are so they don't worry. They probably are so drunk they haven't missed us yet," Austin stated.

"Okay," Tucker said with Justin and Austin heading out.

"Cameron, what the hell?" Seth asked.

"What does it matter in the first place? When we get ready for them to leave, we'll just tell em," Cameron replied. "You heard how disappointed Justin sounded. I just couldn't do it."

"Oh now he's Mr. Softie over there," Tucker said with them arriving at their camp.

"I guess I am but I sure am glad we decided to leave them. It was fun but I was tired of them talking about people we didn't know and about all their upcoming classes," Cameron said.

"We'll do the same stuff with Justin and Austin," Tucker said.

"They can leave then," Cameron said. "I really feel like having a dip."

"Sounds good to me," Aaron said. He found his can while Seth found a few lights to brighten up the sight. Aaron and Cameron threw in their dips of Skoal right before Justin and Austin came walking back.

"Thanks for letting chill here with you guys. We know you're gay but hey it doesn't bother us..." Justin said while sitting down.

"No shit," Tucker said. "It doesn't freak you out?"

"Nah, we're just glad to finally see a few people close to our age here other than a bunch of old nasty fat farts that are usually here," Austin replied.

"I take it you come here a bunch," Cameron said.

"About every other weekend since it got warm," Justin said. "Our families are nudists."

"There again, no shit," Tucker laughed. "You must like it."

"We do when we get to see nice naked tits and pussy," Austin laughed. "I am kidding but we're used to it now."

"Is it weird for ya?" Seth asked.

"No, we were raised like this," Austin said. "Honestly, I hate wearing clothes now. Even then, I free ball. I can't remember the last time I wore anything to bed either. It's just part of my life." He leaned over and cut the loudest fart.

"Damn dude!" Tucker said, laughing.

"Whew that was a good one. Those beans are doing their thing," Austin laughed.

"Fuck, you might make sure you didn't shit over there. Boy that stunk," Cameron said fanning his arms at the nasty smell.

Austin rose up laughing, "No shit here."

"That's a surprise," Cameron said.

"Can I guess you guys a question?" Justin asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Aaron replied and spit.

"Do you like being gay?" Justin asked.

"Truth is no one back where we live know we are," Seth replied. "To answer your question, I do and know it is really who I am."

"I was wondering. I will say you don't act it at all," Justin said.

"I guess we don't but none of the other guys really did either," Seth stated. "How are we supposed to act?"

"You know talk really high with a limp wrist. You know how fags act," Austin said and demonstrated what he was talking about.

"If I ever act that way, I hope someone slaps me," Aaron said.

"I will in a heartbeat," Cameron said and spit on the ground. "Being gay means you are sexually attracted to your sex."

"So you don't like girls?" Justin asked.

"No, I like girls but I don't... how do put this..." Aaron said.

"He has no interest in slipping his dick in a girl's pussy and fucking her," Cameron said and laughed.

"Justin, I guess we're not gay then. I can't wait to have sex with a girl," Austin said.

"Me either," Justin said. "So you have sex with each other?"

"Yes we do," Tucker replied with Cameron and Aaron spitting out their dips.

"You bet we do and love it," Cameron said and sat back down. "You know how it feels when you jack off, right?"

Austin and Justin looked at each other and were slightly embarrassed. "Ummm... we don't do that," Justin said.

"Bullshit," Seth said. "I was jacking off at fourteen."

"I was too," Aaron said.

"I do. It feels great," Austin said with a mischievous grin on his dark face.

"Well, with someone and using different body parts, it feels that much better," Cameron said. "With that special person like Aaron here it's even that much better."

"I agree," Tucker said.

The six sat around talking and laughing at each other once Justin let out his odd sense of humor on them. Finally, Cameron had to tell them to leave since it was getting late or at least he thought it was. Camping, they all seemed to lose sense of time whereas back home it practically dictated their lives. Justin and Austin understood and thanked each one for the great, fun night.

With them gone, a big smile came upon Seth's face, "How about tonight we have a daisy chain?"

"What's a daisy chain?" Cameron asked.

"Almost like a circle jerk, except this time we suck each other," Seth replied.

"Fuck no!" Cameron said. "I'm barely used to going down on Aaron."

"It'll be fun," Seth said. "Aaron, do you want to?"

"Man, I don't know. If Cameron says no, then no it is from me," Aaron replied.

"Shit, we can for fun," Seth said. "Without a doubt, we know who were here with..."

"Fuck it, Seth. You're dying to suck my dick," Cameron said. "I may not do much though."

"You really want to?" Aaron asked Cameron.

"Let's just get it out of the way. If not, Seth will pester me until we do it with them," Cameron said. "Tucker, you cool with this idea?"

"Ummm... yeah, I'd love to see what it is like sucking another guy's dick," Tucker replied.

"Alright but if I don't like then I'm stopping and if you shot your load in my mouth then you better get ready for me to bite off your fucking dick," Cameron stated.

"We understand," Seth said. "So we ready to do this or what?"

They moved into position just as they had for the circle, couples opposite each other. Cameron's first assignment was sucking Seth while Aaron took Tucker and so on. Cameron leaned over and got between Seth's legs. He could feel Tucker playing with his cock. He licked Seth's mushroom head before taking Seth's growing cock in his mouth. He quickly saw Seth was a little thicker than Aaron while Tucker was starting to suck him. He cut his eyes to Aaron to see him sucking on Tucker with Seth's mouth on Aaron's cock. He sucked a few inches and used his tongue with Tucker doing a great job on him. He could feel Seth's cock getting hard with his sucking. He continued to suck until Seth announced it was time to switch.

"Wait just a second for me to calm down," Aaron stated.

"Like me sucking your dick, huh?" Seth asked.

"I guess I'd like anyone sucking me," Aaron replied.

They waited a minute until Aaron said he was ready to resume. Cameron leaned over the other direction and took Tucker's cock in his mouth. He found Tucker easier to take with Seth really going down on him. He saw Aaron doing Seth while he was doing Tucker.

"OOO shit!" Tucker screamed. Cameron moved away quickly and watched Tucker grab his cock. A few pumps later, cum was shooting out of Tucker's cock with Seth still sucking Cameron's cock.

"OOO fuck!" Seth screamed and finally stopped. He was barely out of Aaron's mouth when he exploded. A few shots hit Aaron's face with one in his hair.

Aaron wiped the dripping cum from his face, moved and got between Cameron's legs while Cameron took him. They didn't last long with each other sucking. Cameron shot first with Aaron right behind him. They had each other's juices on their bodies. Cameron found Aaron's lips and kissed him passionately.

"So Cameron how was it?" Seth asked.

"It was alright but you saw who it takes to bring me over the edge," Cameron said and kissed Aaron.

"I guess you two are made for each other then," Tucker said. "Nothing really wrong with that."

"Nope, not at all," Aaron said.

They called it a night with Seth glancing at his phone to see it was just past one in the morning. They entered the tent and went to their spots. Cameron zipped up the flap with Aaron waiting for him.

"Aaron, I don't know about much more," Cameron said.

"That was perfectly fine with me. We can just hold each other," Aaron said.

"We are made for each other."

"We are and I wouldn't have it any other way," Aaron said.

They held each other close and could tell Tucker and Seth weren't having sex either by the quietness in the tent. All they could hear was crickets and an owl in the distance. They enjoyed a little kissing and petting before they were asleep.

Cameron and Aaron were snoozing so nicely together until they heard Tucker cussing every other word. Aaron opened the flap that separated the rooms and saw Seth crying.

"What's wrong, if I can ask?" Aaron asked with Cameron on his back.

"We have... to go..." Seth sobbed and wiped his nose.

"Go?" Aaron asked.

Biting his lower lip, Tucker started raging on about his mom telling him to come home or else. About all, Aaron and Cameron could gather was something about a charge on Tucker's parent's credit card. Aaron and Cameron were stunned and dismayed by this.

"You can stay," Tucker said after catching his breath and calming down.

"Tucker..." Seth sobbed.

"It's your choice, stay or go with me," Tucker stated with steam rising from his head still.

Seth didn't reply and started gathering up his things with Aaron and Cameron's help. Tucker threw his things in a bag and was started going off like a rocket again. Cameron pulled Tucker aside and did his best to calm him down. He found that Tucker had charged some clothes at a store without his parent's knowledge or consent. It was that plus the fact his mom didn't trust him.

Once Seth and Tucker had their things packed up, Cameron told Aaron he'd return the tent and would miss the two. They talked with Tucker calmed down. Each assured the other that most everything that happened would be kept between them with the saying `What happens at Lake Thomas stays at Lake Thomas'. They gave each other hugs all around with Seth and Tucker leaving the site.


Just a few more chapters to go in this story. Hope you are enjoying it. As usual, I do appreciate and enjoy each email. Each one offers great encouragement to continue this story. Keep em coming at:

Next: Chapter 8

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