Best Friends Camping


Published on Oct 10, 2010


Warning: The usual stuff applies here like if you're too young or don't like to read gay stories.

The story is 100% fiction and is a figment of my imagination. Please don't copy without my consent. Remember this is fiction so in real life cover up.

Aaron and Cameron stood together while watching Tucker and Seth speed away. Both were stunned beyond belief that their two friends were gone in a mere heartbeat.

"Boy, I'm glad my parents aren't like that," Aaron stated.

"Me too," Cameron said and started chuckling. "I don't think I ever heard some many uses of the word `fuck' in my life. That was rather impressive."

Aaron smiled, "You know it was. Now, I know new ways to string cuss words together but doubt I could ever match that tirade Tucker put on."

"I knew Tucker had a temper but man!"

"I guess if I had his mom I would too. I never did like her. She's really controlling," Aaron said.

"That's an understatement. We both saw what happened when he made a `C' in geometry last year, grounded for three weeks. Seriously, it's not like Tucker does drugs or drinks that much..."

"I know. His parents could have my brother as their oldest. I guess that's why my parents are so lenient about things with me. Both of us had older siblings to pave the way for us," Aaron said.

"Wow, siblings," Cameron asked, laughingly. "I guess Mrs. Sparkman's English class really paid off for you last year."

"Fuck you, alright," Aaron laughed.

"I will later but we can't now," Cameron joked. "Seriously, I guess we could get dressed you know. I really don't want to spend the full day at that beach..."

"I know exactly what you mean, Cameron. It's fun but not just every day," Aaron stated.

Cameron smiled and put his arm around Aaron, "Since it's just the two of us, let's head up to main part for the day. If nothing else, the showers are so much better there."

"I noticed that too. The showers here are nice but never did get what you call hot," Aaron said.

They found something to eat and did laugh with most of their food being in Tucker's car. They had enough to survive and could eat at the snack bar at the main part if need be. They dressed in their board shorts and laughed seeing how it was the first time in really two days they had even worn any type of clothes.

Cameron drove to the main part. Both commented again how glad they were not being in this part of the park with the numerous families and older people that populated this part.

"I guess it could be worse. They could all be back there with us naked," Aaron commented.

"No thank you. I couldn't eat a thing after seeing that much lard all day. Hell, you couldn't see their privates for all the fat hanging over," Cameron laughed while they headed to find a spot for the day.

They lay in the sun a little while before seeing the paddle boats out on the lake. They looked at each other and were off to rent one. They had a blast in the paddle boats and even more fun watching the older couples trying to navigate the boats around the lake.

They found a bite to eat at the snack bar, Cameron having nachos with peppers while Aaron grabbed cheese pizza. They returned to their spot to enjoy the sun.

"Cameron, correct me if I'm wrong but I think you are getting tan," Aaron joked.

"You know I may be just doing that for one summer in my life. The worst part is I won't have those nice tan lines to show it," Cameron laughed.

"I know. I think my parents would laugh about it and really not care that much but how do I really explain that with you, Tucker and Seth all being here," Aaron commented with his skin growing darker every day.

"You tan so easily you could say you just tried it out. We all did out of curiosity..."

"We did the first time remember?"

"Of course I remember but I enjoy the variety of different things here as well," Cameron said and rolled to his side on his elbow. "Aaron, are we really considering Tech now?"

"I really think I am. It would be so convenient but not too close to home. Say we needed to home for something. It wouldn't be that far," Aaron stated his case.

"I guess you're right there. For me, it really has zoomed up the list," Cameron said.

"Oh, now we have a list?"

"You know what I mean, smart ass. Before now, I didn't have even the slightest clue where I wanted to go..."

"I was really thinking we'd end up at State or some branch of it," Aaron said. "Maybe even head out of state if you'd bring up your ACT scores a little."

"Well, I guess we'll now put at the top unless we find some other college nudity club," Cameron laughed.

"I guess we will then," Aaron said.

They stayed at the beach still weighing the pros and cons of the nearby Tech until around 3. They took advantage of the showers before returning to their camp. They both commented how really quiet it was without their two friends there at the camp. They did enjoy the time alone and got in some great making out time until they heard someone walking towards them.

"There you are," Justin said, naked as usual. "We've been looking for you guys all day?"

"Yeah, where's Seth and Tucker at or do I even have to ask?" Austin questioned after looking around.

"They had to head home. Tucker's mom really didn't like it that he was even here and found an excuse to make him come home," Aaron replied. "We were up at the main part all day."

"That explains the shorts then," Justin laughed.

"Those college people asked too where you were too," Austin said.

"It's nice to know we were missed," Cameron said.

"So are you coming or staying?" Justin asked.

"I don't about Aaron, but I think we'll stay here for a while," Cameron replied.

"Sounds good to me," Aaron said.

"You care if we hang out here since there's not much going on down there or to look at other than those two hot chicks?" Austin asked and looked at Justin, who nodded with approval.

"I guess you can," Aaron said.

"You really like hanging out with two gay guys?" Cameron asked. Once it left his mouth, he realized he identified himself as gay.

Austin shrugged, "We don't care what you are really as long as you don't try anything on us."

"You know Austin, just fuck off," Cameron joked.

"See that's why we like you. I swear if I didn't know better you two are just regular guys out here having fun," Austin said. "You treat us like you would any of your normal friends and not some weird kids that go around without any clothes on."

"Austin, do your friends look at you differently since you are nudists?" Aaron asked really both.

"Basically, YES!" Justin stated emphatically. "It sucks too. You ask a friend over for the night but they always find some lame excuse for not coming over. If we do have company, we cover up and never try to force it on anyone but still they think our two families are freaks!"

"Hmmm... I don't guess they realize it's more of a lifestyle and nothing sexual..." Cameron stated.

Austin interrupted, "They think our families are perverts too."

"My guess is most of them are fat asses and scared to show off their bodies," Cameron said. "So far, everyone here is so much nicer. Like today, not one person said a word to us where we barely get seated down at this beach and someone is talking to you."

"You sound like my mom and dad," Austin joked. "They say it opens you up and makes you more accepting since there's nothing to hide."

"Good point," Aaron said. "Just wondering, do you guys play sports or anything like that?"

"Yeah, I'm one on a soccer team or was until they wanted for us to travel every weekend," Justin replied. "Austin is a really great swimmer."

"That's cool," Cameron said. They kept talking with Cameron and Aaron enjoying the company of the two fourteen year olds. They were interrupted when a man came through the woods. It was Justin's dad. He looked to be in his late thirties with graying hair and a little gut.

"So, this is your friends we heard about," Justin dad's stated and stuck out his hand. "Kevin Montrose. It's nice to meet you."

"Same here," Cameron said.

"I want to thank you for being so nice to Justin," Kevin said. "I really do appreciate it."

"No problem at all," Aaron said. "They said there weren't many around their age."

"No, there rarely are even older teens like you guys. So do you like it around this part?" Kevin asked. "I can see you're not fully converted yet."

"We do like it for a change," Cameron stated. "Just not all the time plus our parents might really wonder why we have an overall tan."

"I see. Sneaking around for all kinds of fun here at the lake and out camping," Kevin said.

"You know it," Cameron smiled.

Kevin turned to Justin and Austin, "We're grilling chops tonight. So, don't stay too long."

"We won't since you know how much I love chops," Justin said.

"Nice to meet you two finally," Kevin said. "If you want, there will be plenty to eat. Just come over and join us. See ya later. Guys, it will be ready in about an hour."

"Okay Dad, see ya," Justin said and waved goodbye to his dad. Kevin headed down the trail and back to the beach.

"Dudes, you really need to come and eat with us. We're grilling lamb and pork chops. They are so fire!" Austin said.

"Well..." Aaron looked at Cameron.

"We'll think about it," Cameron said.

"No thinking to it. Both of you are going," Austin stated.

"Maybe," Cameron said. "First, we do need to check in back home."

"Yeah, we do," Aaron agreed.

They grabbed their phones and called. Nothing major happened with Aaron's parents on a trip and Cameron's parents working. They hung up only to see all the missed calls. They both saw calls from Seth and Tucker. Aaron called Seth while Cameron called Tucker. They both talked with Tucker still raging mad but found things were normal.

After finishing the calls, Justin and Austin had to practically drag the two with them.

"First, maybe we should ditch the shorts and not feel really out of place," Aaron stated.

"You would be the only ones with clothes," Justin said.

They took off their shorts and followed the two down the road and off to another road. Justin stated it was closer cutting through the beach but it was too late for that. Aaron and Cameron were greeted warmly by the parents who each had a beer or drink in their hand. the smell of the chops and vegetables on the grill filled the area. Once they were ready, Aaron shied away from the lamb where Cameron took one to try out for the first time ever. Cameron was pleasantly surprised he liked the lamb and grabbed another one later.

"Tell us how did you talk your parents let two teen boys go camping alone?" Austin dad, Terry asked with the two girls off playing.

"We'd done it before. They saw how well we liked it and had no problem letting come again. Plus Aaron's parents were gone out of town as it was," Cameron replied.

"I take it then you're pretty good kids then," Justin's mom, Renee, commented. "If not, there's probably no way they'd let you come out here. Justin, let that be a lesson. Keep your nose clean and you will get to do stuff when you get older."

"I'll remember that," Justin said.

"Is this your first adventure into naturalism?" Kevin asked.

"Yes sir, it is. I really don't know what my parents would think but I'd hope they wouldn't care," Aaron replied.

"People need to come see for themselves before they pass judgment," Renee said.

"Damn right they do," Terry said. "It's the way God intended us to be. The human body is a beautiful thing no matter what."

They continued to talk until Justin's sister came running up with her hands behind her back. "Daddy, look what we found." She pulled out her hand from behind her back to show a small snake she had by the tail.

Cameron and Aaron jumped back slightly even at the sight of the harmless snake. Both could feel their heart racing and hate even the sight of a snake.

"Nice Jill. Now go put it back where you found it. Its momma won't be happy if she finds it is gone," Kevin said.

"Daddy, it's so cute," Jill said.

"Cute or not. You need to return it back to nature where it can keep away the bugs, spiders and mice," Kevin explained.

"Okay," Jill said with disappointment. She turned and headed back to put the harmless green snake back where she had discovered it.

Cameron leaned over to Aaron, "Thank goodness, she didn't let that thing loose."

"I know," Aaron said. "I'd died right then."

Cameron and Aaron didn't stay much longer after that. They headed back to their tent with Justin and Austin right on their heels after Justin and Austin did ask. They stopped at the restroom. It was odd still to take a dump next to each other but they needed to go.

Back at the tent, Cameron pulled out the lights since it was beginning to get dark. Justin had brought cards to pass the time. They played cards in the midst of talking and being regular teens. Austin had gas again and let them smell it all night.

Cameron and Aaron were alone after the two had left. They were glad they didn't stay that long, maybe an hour.

"Cameron, in a way, I'm glad we're alone now," Aaron stated with Cameron holding him. "I like Seth and Tucker but you know what was coming tonight?"

"No way was I fucking either one of them. The dick sucking was alright..."

Aaron pushed on Cameron, "Admit that you loved it."

Cameron smiled, "Well... maybe I did but I wasn't going to fuck them. I know its part of sex and to be enjoyed but I don't think it would be the same since there's not that connection like we have."

"You mean love and caring for each other," Aaron said.

"Exactly. Hit me if I start cutting down someone for having sex with their girlfriend. I see the real intent of it. Sure, for some guys, it is to say they got pussy but others I'm starting to really see it because you think or know you're in love, like us. I think Seth and Tucker are in love too."

"I see it as well. Before we started, I was like you just knew they were bragging to be bragging. I too know a few that do it for the thrill and hope like hell they get a girl pregnant but ones who have dated forever, I don't see one thing wrong with it."

"Aaron, by the sound of this talk, it sounds like to me we're really growing up and aren't stupid kids anymore," Cameron stated.

"Cameron, I guess we are. Scary, huh?"

"It is very scary. In a way, I can't wait to be able to buy beer or even Skoal for that matter but too, I want to be a kid as long as possible. When you grow up, you have a ton of responsibilities like bills and shit. I like it where my parents still pay for everything."

"Man, you're so right. It is scary to know we are growing up and really not kids anymore," Aaron said. "I'm like you and like certain things about it yet hate other things. I like that I'm now a sexual person with you Cameron though I know come Sunday it's back to hiding."

"That sucks ass," Cameron said. "Thanks for reminding me that in two days, our life like this, holding, kissing and having sex are gone and back to be straight acting... I just know someone going to slip up... I just know it!"

"I'm afraid of that too," Aaron said. "I hope if... I do mean if... it's after we graduate. Imagine the hell we'll get from our other friends let alone the hell we'll get at home."

"If it does happen, Aaron, I want us to be strong and look to each for support. We'll never make alone," Cameron said.

"Let's stop talking about it. It makes my stomach hurt thinking about it."

"Yeah, I guess there's no sense in worrying about something that might not ever happen," Cameron said. "All I know is I'm about ready for us to make love to each." Cameron paused and looked Aaron in the eyes, "Aaron, I want you to take my cherry."

"Oh Cameron, I will... I will take your cherry!" Aaron screamed. He kissed Cameron so hard it forced Cameron to the ground.

"Damn Aaron, don't kill me beforehand, alright. I wondered if you'd want to..."

"Are you kidding me? The once in a lifetime chance to take your gay virginity. Just the thought of my dick up your ass wants to make me squirt!" Aaron said and started kissing Cameron again.

Cameron caught his breath with Aaron's hard cock rubbing his stomach, "Seriously, does it really hurt?"

"I won't lie it does just at first. Then you'll feel so out of this world or at least I do every time we've fucked," Aaron replied with excitement.

"First calm down before you ruin the moment," Cameron said and pointed to Aaron's hard cock.

"I can't. If I do blast off, I know I can get it hard just like that for you," Aaron said snapping his fingers.

Cameron took a deep breath before leading Aaron to the tent. To let Aaron's erection subside a little, they moved their air mattress into the main part of the tent and loved how big it was after deflating Seth's mattress. Cameron pulled Aaron to him. They fell on the mattress together with lots of kissing, licking and sucking.

When the time came after a little foreplay, Cameron got on his knees with his nice bubble ass in the air. Both were shaking now with a little nervousness, Cameron more than Aaron. Aaron got behind Cameron and kissed each round cheek before shutting his eyes. His tongue hit Cameron's hole. He flinched back.

"Cameron, I can't. I know more than anything..."

Cameron turned and collapsed. "It's okay. I can fuck you..."

"No, I can't rim you. I want to but I just can't. Sorry!" Aaron said. "Just the thought of what comes out of there."

"Well, I did wipe extra good for you with this in mind but you're right. Finger me and let me see how I like that," Cameron said. He returned to his position. He heard the lube bottle open and close before feeling Aaron's finger invading his ass. His eyes grew wide as ever with his body stiffening up.

"Cameron, relax," Aaron said and kissed him on the back with his finger probing deeper and faster.

Cameron was breathing hard as if he were running a race. "Aaron, just fuck me goddammit before I change my fucking mind!"

"Sure... sure... let me get a condom on and lube us both up really good. The key is lots of lube," Aaron said as fast as he could.

He threw on the condom and eyed Cameron's virgin hole. He put the head at the hole and instructed Cameron to push out and relax. Cameron gave it a shot but felt a sharp pain of Aaron's failed attempt. Cameron took another deep breath and tried relaxing until feeling Aaron's cock slip past his tight sphincter. It was barely in until it slipped out, mostly Cameron's reaction.

"Just remember you didn't enter me very easy the first time either. Just be patient," Aaron stated. He tried again and felt his cock back in with more lube applied. He felt it practically slide in. He looked down to relax he was inside Cameron. Cameron was so tense yet didn't scream. He was breathing hard and trying to adjust to this new and different sensation invading a space he never dreamed would be invaded. He tried to think of Aaron and how great Aaron took him each time now. He turned and smiled. Aaron started moving in him. Cameron felt his eyes rolling back in his head with sparks shooting throughout his body.

"Fuck me, Aaron! Just fuck my fucking ass!" Cameron screamed.

"OOO Cameron, your ass is so hot!"

"Your dick is hot too and really is starting to feel so fucking good!"

Aaron grabbed Cameron's hips and started moving faster. He slipped out but went back inside. He kept his thrust short and sweet to risk slipping out again. Cameron took each plunge and was amazed at how great it was. He expected the worst. He leaned up with Aaron grabbing his long cock. They kissed passionately and loudly in their own little confined world.

"Before we nut, fuck me on my back like a little bitch," Cameron said. He grimaced with Aaron's cock pulling out. "Just dominate the fuck out of me. Pound my shit and make me fucking scream!"

"Alright," Aaron said. He grabbed Cameron's ankles and pushed his knees near his face. He put on more lube and slipped inside with a hard thrust.

"OOO fuck that hurt!" Cameron screamed.


"I do want fucked hard to see what it's like," Cameron stated.

Aaron pushed hard while pushing Cameron's feet forward. He felt Cameron's hands grab his ass. He started a little hard and built up while breathing hard as ever. He pushed hard twice before feeling it was about to end. His eyes grew wide. He quickly pulled out and splattered Cameron's ass with his juice.

Cameron felt a little relief. He grabbed his cock but soon Aaron's hand took him. He didn't last long with Aaron's vigorous pumping. "Babe, here it comes!" Cameron shouted.

Aaron closed his eyes and took a shot across the cheek with the rest hitting his chest. He collapsed on top of Cameron with his mouth open for kissing. Cameron wanted kissed in his bliss with his hands all over Aaron's ass.

They stopped with Aaron falling to the side with tent reeking of their sex. They cleaned the drying cum from their bodies.

"I got fucked!" Cameron said and broke off a big smile. "I can tell myself all I want I'm not gay but hell, I'm fucking gay and it feels so good."

"I'm fucking gay too and it feels just as good. Even better with you Cameron. I love you so much!"

"I love you too Aaron!" Cameron said. They kissed again. "Aaron, I feel liquid spewing from my ass now."

"What?" Aaron asked.

"No wait that was my cherry getting fucking busted by you," Cameron said.

"You're crazy and goofy."


Thanks for reading! One more to the end of this little story and hope you are enjoying it.

I've enjoyed every email I've gotten so far and has offered such great encouragement. If you want, you can email at:

Next: Chapter 9

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