Best Friends Forever

By Sebastian Summers

Published on Aug 6, 2000


Hey, I'm back with chapter 2 of Best Friends Forever. Thanks to everyone for the emails. It seems a lot of you think JC has something against Sebastian... Who knows? Maybe we'll find out in this chapter as the story unravels. Okay, yeah, that was all for dramatic effect. Anyway, on with the story...

Legal Disclaimer If you aren't old enough or offended by boy/boy sexual stories than don't read this. This is not meant to imply anything about the real sexuality of any members of NSYNC or any other celebrities that is mentioned. After all it is just a story, and is a work of pure fiction.


Chapter 2

"So..." I said breaking the silence in the car, "Am I gonna meet this Josh person you keep talking about every time you come back from the studio?"

"Yeah," Justin responded in a low voice, "And you're also gonna meet Britney, Christina, and some others." Lynn pulled up to the studio and parked the car. We both jumped out and Justin started to run into the place while grabbing my hand making me follow behind almost tripping onto the ground. He kept running, and I kept following, and Lynn was trying her best to catch up to us. He finally stopped causing me to lose my balance and fall face first onto the ground.

"Ow..." was all I said.

"Oops... Sorry..." He said laughing his head off. "Well anyway, Sebastian..."


"You ready to meet em?" I nodded. "You nervous?" I shook my head but he knew I was lying since I was shaking all over. He started to laugh. He opened the door and walked in. I shyly walked behind him, I saw everyone turn to the door and greet Justin but they all just stopped and looked at me. I felt like I was on display at some freak show. "um... This is my best friend Sebastian... I told him he could come with me today to see the place and meet all of you guys..." The others all nodded silently. "Sebastian... this is Joshua... But everyone calls him JC." he pointed to this 17-year-old kid with brown hair and blue eyes. He was a lot older than I expected. I thought when Justin was talking about JC and all that, I expected someone around our age or a little older but not 17!

"Nice to meet you..." I told JC. He didn't really seem to care that I was talking to him. His reply was whatever. I thought he was rather rude but Justin or the others didn't seem to notice. Justin then introduced me to Britney. She seemed nice, she was like one of those sweet innocent girls that giggle too much. After I met everyone, I just sat down and Britney came over. She started talking to me, we had a decent conversation considering we were only 12. I learned a lot about her. But as I was talking to Britney, I couldn't help notice that Justin started hanging around and following JC wherever he went. Justin didn't even talk to me since all the introductions, he just went off to JC. I didn't think much of it, except that it felt weird not having him with me.

"Sebastian..." Britney said.

      • Three years later * * *

"Sebastian! Sebastian!" Justin yelled as he rang the doorbell. I opened the door and he quickly ran in and started shaking me. "Guess what?! Guess what?!"

"I'm gonna die soon if you don't let go of me?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry... I guess I'm too excited... Guess what?!" Before I could reply, he started talking again, "I'm starting my own singing group... Well, I didn't start it, you see there's this guy name Chris. I know him from a couple of auditions, anyways, we're gonna start a singing group!" He said it rather fast so I didn't know what he said, "You're not excited?"

"Um... sure... yeah... congratulations..." I said stuttering. "um... who else will be in it?"

"Um... JC..."

"JC?" I said a little bit coldly.

"What's wrong with JC?"

"Nothing, except for the fact he's really rude and acts like he's all that."

"He's my friend, Sebastian..."

"I know... but..."

"But what?"

"I can't stand him."

"How can you say that?" Justin started to get pissed, "You know what, forget I said anything... I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come with me if we ever make it big... But you know what Sebastian, forget it... You're an asshole!" He quickly left slamming the door.

"What happened?" My mom asked as she walked in after hearing the slam.

"Nothing mom... Justin and I kinda got into a fight."

"What?!" My mom said with a hint of surprise in it, "What do you mean fight?"

"Words... I mean we were arguing..."

"I know that, it's just..." Uh-oh, whenever my mom starts with those words, I can be expecting a trip down memory lane. "It's just that ever since Lynn and Justin moved to Orlando, ever since you and Justin first met. You two have been inseparable, wherever Justin went, you went, and vice-versa. You two have never fought or even come close to arguing. Remember that time when..."

"Mom!" I shouted breaking her train of thought, "I get it..." She was right, Justin and I were like brothers. We'd always sleep over at each other's houses considering we live next to each other. Justin and I never fought until now... Ever since, he met JC, he's been different. Okay, I know it may not be just JC, maybe since the beginning of MMC, but as for now I blame it on JC.

Justin and I haven't talked for 2 weeks now. I've run into him a couple of times in the morning, but he would look at me and then go back into his house slamming the door. I just wished that life would go back to normal... I couldn't stand seeing Justin being mad at me...


"You should talk to him," Britney said, "I mean, after all you guys are best friends..."

"Were..." Justin told her.

"Oh come on now Justin, you know that you're miserable without him, and he's miserable without you." She looked at Justin, "I mean... Sebastian is a little bit right... I mean, when I first met JC, I thought he was a total jerk!" Justin looked at her with a glare, "And you know I mean that in the most nicest way possible." Justin started to laugh.

"Yeah..." He said, "JC isn't perfect... He can be a jerk sometimes, well rarely he is... You think I should talk to Sebastian again?"

"Like totally!" Britney exclaimed in. She and Justin started laughing at what Britney just said.

"Thanks Brit... You're the best..." Justin hugged her.

"Hey, I can't stand to see you two apart, I've never seen two people so close as you two before..."

"...Hey Brit?" Justin asked, "Do you have a thing for Sebastian?"

"...A thing... Wh-Wh-what... on Earth... are you talking about?" Britney asked nervously. Justin gave her a "come on" look, "I-I-I mean I think Sebastian's cute and all... I mean his body is hot... and his eyes are so..." Justin started grinning, "Okay Justin! Fine! I love Sebastian! Ever since I first met him, I thought he is the most gorgeous guy in the whole world. He is so cute and adorable."

"More adorable than me?" Justin asked sarcastically.

"Yep... More adorable than you..." Britney said laughing.


"SEBASTIAN!" Ryan yelled up the stairs. Ryan was my older brother by a year and a half. He was a pretty cool brother to have. I don't know why but he is. "Someone's here to see ya!"

"WHO?" I screamed down the stairs.

"Come see for yourself..." I heard Ryan leave the house closing the door behind him. I was about to go down the stairs when I heard someone run up. I sat on my bed to see who would drop by at this hour. Well, it was about 8 or 9, but it was still considered late to have visitors. I lied back on my bed and stared at the ceiling... I heard a knock at the door and I sat up. I couldn't believe who I saw, it was Justin.

"Justin?" I said, "Wh-Wh-What are you doing here?"

"Um..." He stuttered out, "Listen Sebastian... I'm sorry for... you know... the thing that happened three weeks ago... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have overreacted and called you an asshole... You're my best friend and well... I'm sorry."

"Your sorry for being my best friend?" I said in a confused manner. Yeah, this was one of those I'm very slow moments.

"No you idiot!" Justin said laughing... He stopped and walked over to me. "I'm sorry for overreacting over when you said you hated JC..."

"I never said I hated JC... I said..."

"Doesn't matter... I want you to know that I'm sorry..." He sat down next to me on the bed, "So... we still best friends?"

"We never stopped being best friends." I smiled and he hugged me.

"Hey... Do you still want to come with me when I leave for the group thing?" he looked at me hoping I would say yes.

"Um... Sure..." His face lit up, "Only if my mom lets..."

"She already does..."


"Remember when I told you about the group three weeks ago?" I nodded, "I talked to your mom before I talked to you and she and my mom agreed that you should come along to you know... to keep me from danger and stuff... like you always do..."

"Okay..." I told him, we looked at each other for a minute -I know we do this a lot- and Justin spoke up.

"Is it okay if I spent the night here?" he asked me.

"You know you don't have to ask Justin... Mi casa es su casa and stuff... Okay... that sounded really corny and dumb...I'll stop talking..." Justin started laughing and he hugged me again.

To be continued...

Well that's the end of chapter two. Okay the fight between Justin and Sebastian was kinda weak/stupid, the next fights will get better, oops did I give too much away :)... Anyway, I hope everybody liked the chapter. I know I kinda did a little self-complementing in this chapter, there's nothing wrong with that.. :) Anyway... I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions. Send it to Until next time...


Next: Chapter 3

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