Best Girl

By A.F.

Published on Mar 9, 2004


Best Girl Part 2

By A.F. <afstories (at) yahoo (dot) com>


Todd woke with a start. It was dark in the room and he was disoriented. He was in a large bed tucked under a big fluffy comforter. At his sides he felt the silky material of the flimsy teddy he had been given to wear to bed and the events of the previous evening started to come back to him.

He and two other guys, Chris and Jack, were in a competition to get into the Beta Phi fraternity. The winner would get a bid to become a member. The competition was being run by Penelope from the Alpha Phi sorority with the help of this year's pledge class. The week-long competition started out with what was supposed to be a costume party, but that turned out into an excuse to dress up the guys like girls. And now the rest of the competition was going to be along the same lines. Chris was now Candy, Jack was Jasmine, and Todd himself was now Tiffany.

Todd heard the creak of a door and he held his breath and remained motionless. The comforter was suddenly pulled off and the light came on. He squinted and looked up into the face of Penelope. She was tall and thin with very dark black hair. She was dressed in shorty pajamas.

"Wakey, wakey."

Samantha walked over to the bed from the light switch. Samantha was a shorter version of Penelope. "Penelope, what's that?" She gestured to the right side of the bed.

Todd looked over to the opposite side of the bed. Chris and Jack were locked in an embrace with Chris' arms around Jack with his crotch pressed up against Jack's rear.

Penelope said, "Well, it's only natural. Our girls are getting to know each other."

Chris and Jack were wide awake by now and struggled to separate themselves.

Chris said, "Will you get off of me?"

Jack replied, "Me? You're the one holding me. Unh." He pushed Chris' arms off of him. "Let go. And get that thing off of me."

"Sorry." Jack had slept in the nude and the teddy Chris was wearing had ridden up over his hips in the night so they were both naked below the waist.

Penelope said, "Come on, girls. Rise and shine. We've got a busy day." The guys rolled out of bed and stood at the end of it. Penelope continued to hold the door open and Kelly walked through it carrying three large pink robes on her left arm and three fluffy pink towels on her right arm. Kelly was one of the pledges the guys met yesterday, a fit-looking blonde.

Penelope grabbed one robe and one towel and threw them at Chris. "Candy, take off your night dress and put this on." She grabbed another set and tossed it at Todd. "Tiffany, you, too. Come on." She handed the last set to Jack and said, "Move it, everybody. The first order of business is a shower. Then you'll come back here to get dressed. Yesterday you were pampered but today you're going to learn how to do things yourself." She turned to Kelly and said, "That's not everything. I know I got some slippers for the girls. Go back and find them and take them directly to the bathroom." Each of the guys had shrugged on the robes and carried a towel over one arm.

"Follow me, girls." Penelope walked them to the bathroom with Samantha close behind. The bathroom was divided into a shower section to the left of the entrance. A set of benches sat outside the communal shower area which had three shower heads on one side and three shower heads on the opposite side. The right side of the bathroom had a set of sinks on one wall and a set of four bare toilets on the opposite wall.

Penelope led the guys into the small area with benches and gestured to the set of hooks along the wall. The guys just stood there.

"Come on, are you thick? Take your robes off and get into the shower. Times a wasting."

Chris said, "We're not really going to shower together, are we?"

Penelope's eyes went wide and she turned to look at Samantha who shook her head. Penelope turned back to the guys and said, "I can't believe this. Despite being in competition, you girls are a team. You slept in the same bed, for chrissakes. Candy, you and Jasmine were practically doing the horizontal tango."

Chris broke in, "That's not true. It was just that ..." Penelope slapped him hard across the face. Samantha put her hands on her hips.

"Don't ever contradict me. Keep your mouth closed. Get those robes off. Now!" Each of the guys placed their towels on one bench and took their robe off and hung it on a hook. "Now it's obvious to me that you lack a sense of camaraderie, of sisterhood. That's absolutely deplorable. Completely unacceptable. Let's see." She tapped her chin with the index and middle finger of her right hand several times. She reached over and turned Chris so he was facing Todd. Chris was very conscious that both he and Todd were naked. Penelope pushed them closer together.

Penelope said, "Candy, give Tiffany a kiss." Chris hesitated at first but when Penelope glared at him he reached down and gave Todd a quick peck on the cheek.

"No, no, no. You can do better than that. I want to see a deep tongue kiss, like you were giving all the guys last night. I realize that Tiffany here is a very feminine girl and you prefer big hunky men but this isn't a romantic thing, we're cementing the bond of sisterhood. In that context, it's OK to kiss another girl." She pushed their heads closer together. "Let's see it. Nice and long." Chris closed his eyes and engaged in a long, heated kiss with Todd. "There, that's good." At one point Chris put his hands on Jack's hips and Todd drew in a little closer.

"All right, that's enough. Let's get a move on." She turned to Samantha. "They are to share one nozzle. One under the water at a time while the other two do the washing. And as much as they want to, keep these sluts away from each other's privates. We're trying to keep to a schedule." She shook her index finger at Chris. "That means you."

Penelope left the bathroom. Samantha crossed her arms. She said, "You heard the lady. Get moving. Let's start with Tiffany. Candy, you and Jasmine lather her up and rinse her off, but keep away from the crotch area. If we start getting into that, we'll be here all day." Chris turned on and adjusted the water temperature while a mortified Todd stood under the water. Chris and Jack squirted soap into their hands from a dispenser on the wall and started rubbing it all over Todd.

Back in the bedroom after their shower, the three guys sat on the edge of the bed dressed in their robes and wearing the pink bunny slippers that Kelly had brought to the bathroom for them.

Chris said, "Jeez, that was embarrassing. And Samantha was there watching the whole thing."

Todd responded, "Well, would you have felt better about it if we were all alone?"

"Good question. I'm not sure. I don't think it would be as big a deal amongst ourselves."

Jack said, "I think Candy was getting into it a little bit too much."

"What? No way."

"Yeah you were. You were definitely lingering when you were rubbing down my backside."

"You take that back." Chris took up and jumped onto Jack.

The door swung open and Penelope walked into the room followed by Samantha, Kelly and Donna, all three pledge captains the guys were introduced to the day before. Penelope walked over and physically separated Chris and Jack.

"Girls! What is the meaning of this? You two can't keep your hands to yourselves." She turned to Samantha. "Did they behave in the shower?"

"Yes, I made sure of it. Although I think Candy enjoyed it a bit more that she was supposed to. Her hands kept drifting to the crotch area 'accidentally'." Samantha smiled wickedly.

Chris looked shocked. He opened his mouth to say something then caught Penelope looking at him. He closed his mouth.

Penelope said, "Well, I suppose it's my fault anyway. My lesson on sisterhood obviously got Candy all worked up." She looked at Chris. "Candy, I apologize. You've obviously got a very slutty side to you and any kind of physical contact, with boys or girls, gets you going. I should have realized this and saved all that hot tongue kissing for when there was more time to follow it through." Chris looked to Jack who looked to Todd who looked back to Chris.

Penelope turned to the three other girls. "All right now, we're taking the girls shopping today. I want them all ready in an hour. And this time I want you to show them how to do it themselves, don't do everything for them." She reached over and grabbed Todd's hand. "Ugh, we're taking them to the nail salon, too." She left the room.

Once Penelope was out of the room, Donna turned to Samantha and said, "Did she really make them kiss each other? Ugh, that's gross."

Samantha smiled and said, "Yes. It was kind of sweet. An object lesson, you know, sisterhood and all that. But they were definitely getting off on it." Chris turned to Samantha to protest but she looked back at him and slightly cocked her head as if to dare him to say something. He remained silent. Kelly put her hand to her mouth and started giggling.

Samantha continued, "Let's split it up like last night. I'll take Tiffany in the bedroom here. Kelly, you take Candy into the bathroom. Oh, and don't forget her wig." She gestured to the vanity. "Donna, you can work with Jasmine back in our room. Let's make sure to show them how to do it really well and then they'll be able to fix up their faces and dress up all by themselves. Oh, Donna, tell Vanessa and Kaitlin to come in here, too."

Everyone left but Samantha and Todd. He felt subconscious in the pink robe and bunny slippers.

"Tiffany, we haven't had a chance to talk since last night. I wanted to say something about how good your waxing looks when we were in the bathroom but I didn't want the other girls to think I was playing favorites." She leaned in close and whispered into his ear. "But you are my favorite, of course." Todd went red in the face.

Kaitlin walked in the door with Vanessa and Samantha took a step away from Todd. Kaitlin had dirty blonde hair and Vanessa had brown hair. Vanessa was just a little thinner than Kaitlin who had a surfer-girl physique. Vanessa was a good three shades paler than Kaitlin.

Samantha, "OK, crew. Let's get to work. It's a little like the job we did yesterday, but our girl here is supposed to learn to do things for herself. I'm going back for the outfit while you two work on hair and makeup."

Forty-five minutes later Todd stood in front of the mirror looking at himself. He turned to the side, then all around. He angled his head first to the left and then to the right. He gave his head a shake and the tresses of the strawberry blonde wig gently waved.

Samantha walked up behind him and said, "I quite agree, Tiffany. You did a good job for your first solo." Todd smiled and looked at himself in the mirror as he smiled. A pretty girl smiled back at him. Kaitlin and Vanessa both clapped him on the shoulder.

Kaitlin said, "Well, she had good teachers."

The outfit that Samantha had picked out for him was simple. A lavender twinset and a short black skirt over pantyhose. Pantyhose were a new experience for Todd. Last night he had been dressed up in stockings. He absently touched his legs.

Samantha said, "I know you're thinking. You miss your stockings." The two other girls looked at each other and smiled. Todd smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I agree that you look better in those, too. But today you're going to be trying on a lot of outfits and this will work out better."

Penelope came into the room jingling a set of keys. She said, "OK, are we ready to roll? It's going to be me, the three pledge captains, and the girls."

Samantha looked at Penelope and said, "All set." She led Todd out the door by the hand.

Todd sat slightly hunched over in a chair at the nail salon. A tiny Filipina sat in front of him painting the nails of his right hand a vivid shade of reddish purple he couldn't identify. He put his unpainted left hand to his head and let out a big sigh. Shopping was hard work! It was midafternoon and he had spent the last four hours in at least a dozen different stores. To the side of the nail station six big shopping bags bulged with the items he maxed out his credit card with. He certainly didn't need all of these clothes. At most he needed four or five outfits to round out the week, make it to the end of the contest. But in stockings alone he had bought ten pair.

He groaned when he thought about the lingerie store. At the beginning of the shopping trip Penelope had explained that it was important to take a variety of items into the dressing room, styles, sizes, etc. Then you winnow out what you don't like and are left with just the few perfect items. He had done this in the first store they went to, the lingerie store. He got at least ten sets of panties, bras, and stockings. Penelope neglected to mention that you were supposed to try on those items over your clothes and he had been forced to buy them all after wearing them all against his bare skin. Of course, he would have been able to take that easier if it wasn't for what happened in the dressing room.

Penelope commandeered a set of dressing rooms and somehow had cajoled a small crowd of a half dozen men to come inside the curtained area and form an audience. They hooted and hollered as Todd walked the length of the area outside the dressing rooms. He changed into each and every set that he had picked out. Invariably when he made his turn to walk back down the "catwalk" one of the guys would reach over and slap him on the ass. What was wrong with these guys? Surely they saw the slight bulge in his panties and as much as he tried he wasn't a real girl. It didn't seem to stop them from having a grand old time, cat calling and propositioning him as he walked by.

Most of the time at least Samantha was in the dressing area with him. Penelope popped in and out like she was also checking on Candy and Jasmine who must have been in another area or maybe store. Penelope came back once with a pair of severe high heels.

Samantha said, "Oh, those are just great. I know what will be perfect with them." She reached into the pile of clothes that Todd had picked out and handed him two items. Whatever impulse that had led Todd to pick out a pair of black fishnet stockings and a high-cut pair of thong panties, he regretted it now. The crowd of men saw what Todd held up and started to clap and shout. Todd took a deep breath then went into the dressing room to change.

Penelope said to Samantha, "Let's make this the last one."

The crowd shouted, "Aww," in unison.

Penelope said, "Oh, you guys." She looked at her watch and turned back to Samantha. "I can't believe we've already been here forty-five minutes. We still have shoes to get and a whole bunch of other things." She banged on the door to the dressing room that Todd went into. "Shake your ass! We don't have all day."

Todd reluctantly exited the dressing room and walked the length of the floor then turned and came back. Wolf whistles followed him the whole way.

Penelope said, "That's nice, that's very nice. Come on, let's see it a few more times. Work it. What do you think, Sam?"

"I think she's cute."

Penelope stepped behind the curtain to the main part of the store and motioned for Samantha to follow. Once they were out of the area, the guys who had previously kept their distance came right up to Todd. One guy said, "Hey, girly, what are you doing later?" The rest of the guys laughed and Todd started to back away.

Another guy grabbed him by the wrist. "What's the rush, honey?"

"Uh, well, uh."

Another guy came up behind Todd and rubbed his hand along the bare part of Todd's ass. He snapped the thong then ran his hand down to Todd's stockings. He said, "You know, I think this is my favorite outfit. What do you think, guys?" The other guys voiced their agreement. "I think this will do just fine." Todd took a step to the right and suddenly there was a frenzy of movement. A couple guys stood at his side while a guy in front of him pulled his head down until he was almost bent double with his head near his ankles. The guy behind him started to peel the thong down in back until it was past his buttocks. "Oh yeah," he said, "this will do just fine." He rubbed Todd's naked ass with both his hands.

A voice at the other end of the dressing area said, "Ahem." Todd hadn't realized he had his eyes closed until he opened them and looked between his legs. He saw Penelope and Samantha upside down. He raised his head up and turned around.

Penelope and Samantha both had their arms crossed and wore severe expressions. Penelope said, "I don't know what you guys think this is, but it's over now. Go." One of the guys started to object but Penelope pointed her finger at him and said, "Now!" They guys left grumbling.

Penelope walked over to Todd and said, "Oh, poor Tiffany. Did you take on more than you can handle?" She patted his head and reached back and pulled up the back of his thong. She pushed his head into the crook of her arm. "There, there. Penelope is here to make it all better. Did the big bad men scare you? Well, you can't really blame them with that outfit that you picked out. I mean really." She stepped away from Todd as if coming to a realization. She turned to Samantha and said, "Wait a minute, did we do the right thing?"

Samantha said, "I don't know, Penelope. I think maybe Tiffany here wanted to get those guys all hot and bothered. She knew the guys were out here when she changed into that outfit. She knew she was going to model it for them." Todd shook his head.

"You're right. Maybe I should call those guys back in here to finish what they started. I mean, it's only fair." She took a step and Todd shook his head more violently. "No? Oh, I get it. Tiffany's a cock tease. I should have guessed. She likes all the attention from the boys but doesn't necessarily want to put out. Well, just hurry up and get dressed." She looked at Samantha, "After she's paid for her items, meet us at the shoe store." She exited the dressing area through the curtain.

Samantha said, "Oh, Tiffany. What am I going to do with you?"

Todd stirred from his musings by a gentle tugging on his left hand. He said, "Oh, sorry," and gave his left hand to the nail stylist. He had got a good three pairs of shoes, the black strappy ones being his favorite. A little more conscious of the price tags after his huge lingerie purchase, he managed to pick out a good five outfits which could be mixed up together a bit plus one nice slinky black dress. Samantha complimented him on all his picks and he couldn't help but agree that they made him look sexy. He tried on about fifteen outfits but gladly didn't have to buy everything he picked out like the underwear. He modeled each outfit for Samantha and she made him go out into the store dressed in the new outfit to solicit opinions from guys passing by the dressing room. Occasionally Penelope stopped by and offered her advice.

They all had met at the food court of the mall to get a quick bite to eat and a little rest. Chris was wearing tight jeans and a red halter top. Jack had on a simple blue dress. Todd went to get something to eat and returned with a red tray with his diet soda and corn dog on it. Just as he sat it down on the table at the seat next to Samantha, he caught on to what she was saying.

"And there was poor Tiffany bent over, practically touching her toes." The table erupted in laughter. Chris and Jack were especially boisterous. "I tell you, if it weren't for me and Penelope Tiffany would probably still be playing hide the salami with those guys." She looked up and saw Todd standing there. "Come on and sit down." She patted the chair. "I was just telling everyone your story." She turned back to the group. "I mean, you should have seen those guys bulging in their pants. I'm actually surprised we managed to get them off of her without turning a hose on them. But you know how Penelope is with guys." The other girls nodded their heads. Jack reached over and clapped Todd on the shoulder and smiled wide. Todd cuffed him back much harder and with an angry expression on his face. Chris made a fist and poked his index finger in and out obscenely and snorted in laughter. Todd rose from table but Samantha reached up and pulled him back down.

"Girls, girls. Let's not fight."

Penelope had arrived shortly after that and when everyone had finished their food they came to the nail salon. Todd looked down at his right hand which was now finished and then back up at the clock. Nearly four o'clock. They'd probably be back at the house in a half hour and he was anxious to put on one of his new outfits.

Later on, Chris, Jack, and Todd found themselves alone in their room. Their voluminous shopping bags dominated one entire wall and they were anxiously trying on one outfit after another, each showing off for the other guys.

Chris said, "You think that's good, you should see this leather mini-skirt I got." He reached into a bag and wiggled into the skirt. "Huh? Get a load of that. Doesn't that make my ass look great?"

Jack said, "Yeah, yeah." He turned to Todd. "What I want to see is Tiffany's thong and fishnet stockings."

"Yeah, let's see what all the fuss is about."

Todd smiled sheepishly and looked through the bags. He looked at the door to the room then back to the two other guys. "OK, but I don't want Samantha and the others to think I'm vain." He found what he was looking for and started to roll on the stockings. "It felt a little weird strutting around in front of those guys, but at the same time it felt kind of good." Chris snorted. "I mean it." He changed out of the panties he was wearing and pulled up the thong and stood up. He started to walk back and forth in the room with his best model walk. "Of course it's no big deal when it's just us ... girls."

Chris and Jack both got into their sexiest lingerie and started strutting around the room like Todd. They cracked themselves up with their poses and fake attitude. At one point Todd was demonstrating his predicament in the dressing area of the lingerie store. He was petrified at the time, but now he could look back on it and laugh. He bent way over and reached up and slapped his own ass several times and Chris and Jack stood near him pretending they were a couple of horny guys rubbing Todd down and motioning to his face and ass with their crotches. They started laughing so hard they had trouble catching their breaths.

Penelope walked into the room carrying a shopping bag. She was followed by Samantha, Kelly, and Donna. She said, "Ha, ha, ha. What's so funny?" She looked over at the three guys caught in their tableau. "Oh, I see. Re-enacting the famous scene from the lingerie store. Very funny. Innocent girl threatened by a gang of toughs. Tiffany, you're doing pretty good except I don't remember that smile being on your face. But Candy and Jasmine there, you two just don't make it as a couple of guys. Not at all." The three guys hurried to stand together more or less at attention.

She continued, "I'm glad to see everyone getting along. In fact, your little skit here segues into a topic I wanted to bring up. Oh, by the way you were 'graded' on your dressing and shopping skills today. I think everyone one did absolutely fabulous, but of course there's got to be a winner. We'll go over the point totals later tonight. But now to the matter at hand. You've been here over twenty-four hours now and I'm sure you were wondering when we were going to bring up one topic, that being ... sex." The three guys looked at each other, swallowed, then looked back to Penelope. "Pinheads that you are, I suppose you imagine that sorority girls like us hold big lesbian orgies late at night. Huh, is that what you think?" Todd and Jack shook their head but Chris nodded absently. "Oh, is that so?" With a stern look from Todd, Chris stopped nodding. "Well, believe it or not you're going to get your wish. Of course, since you're girls now you're going to have a certain role, not exactly what you're used to."

She turned aside and said to Samantha, "As if they're used to anything at all except Miss Right if you know what I mean." She jerked her hand up and down.

"Do you three think you can handle that? A little hot, girl-on-girl action?" To a one, the three guys nodded vigorously. "OK. I like what you're wearing. Marvelous. But I'm sure you girls need a shower. Samantha, make sure they get washed up. Really clean if you know what I mean. I'll tell the rest of the pledges to come down in twenty minutes dressed in their skivvies. It's going to be fun." She clapped her hands twice. Todd raised his hand. Penelope said, "What is it, Tiffany?"

"Are you going to be joining in, Miss Penelope?"

"We'll see. I'm going to leave the pledge captains in charge, Sam and the rest. I'll definitely watch some. Anything more, who knows?"

The guys put on their robes and slippers and Samantha led them to the bathroom. They started to go to the shower area but Samantha jagged right over towards the commodes. She said, "Now this may be a first for you." She looked them over. "I'm not sure what your sexual experience is, but when pretty girls have sex, they like to be clean." Todd looked over to the shower area. "Yes, of course that means taking a shower, but pretty girls also like to be clean inside." From their expressions, it seemed that Todd and Jack were getting her meaning but Chris remained thick as ever. "I'm not going to go into graphic detail but ..." She gestured to the small rectangular boxes that were stacked up along the wall. The word "Fleet" was visible across the top of each box. "Get yourselves cleaned up, rinsed off, then join us back in your room. And, believe me, you had better do a good job. For your sakes. Oh, and you can each use your own shower nozzle. If you want to play a little bit amongst yourselves that's OK, but don't take too long." She left the bathroom. The guys looked at each other.

Chris said, "I still don't get it. What are we supposed to do?"

Jack waggled his finger at Chris and said, "Come here. Let me explain it to you."

Walking back to their room, freshly showered and dressed in their robes with their sexiest lingerie underneath, Chris, Todd, and Jack were once again in high spirits. What they'd been through over the past couple days really cemented the bond between them. Of course in the back of each of their minds was the idea that they were in a cutthroat competition, but with each other at the same time their rapport was undeniable. They pushed each other playfully through the hallway. When they were putting on their stockings in the bathroom they had faked a sophisticated air and smoked cigarettes in a long pretend holder. This cracked them up once again and somehow ended up with Jack giving Chris a loud raspberry on his belly. Chris returned the favor and things devolved into a furious bout of tickling and giggling which ended with a violent round of underwear snapping. The guys were breathless from laughing as they entered their room.

The room was dimmer than it usually was, lit by a single lamp on the far side of the bed. The twelve sorority pledges, including the three pledge captains, sat cross-legged in a large circle at the foot of the bed. They were dressed in a variety of outfits. Some had simple cotton panties with a white bra. Some pledges had lacier underwear in various colors. One pledge was wearing a bustier. Samatha stood up to make a space and then motioned them into the circle. She said, "Come on, don't be bashful." She took each of their robes and flung them over a chair. At the sight of the three guys in stockings, panties, and bras, the circle of pledges broke out laughing. Samantha said, "Now, now. Let's not be mean. I think the girls look pretty good." Samantha picked out three pledges at random and said, "You, you, and you." Those three pledges wiggled out of their panties and layed back a little bit with their legs slightly splayed. Samantha turned to Chris, Todd, and Jack. She gestured to the now-naked crotches of the pledges she had pointed to. "Now I suppose you know what these are. I want you three to bend down and get to work. Come on, chop, chop." Jack shrugged then got down on his knees in from of the first pledge. Then he bent his head down and starting tonguing her clit.

The pledge grabbed his head and pulled it harder into her crotch. She said, "There, that's it. Keep on going." Todd and Jack looked at each other and smiled then followed suit.

When Todd stuck his ass in the air, one of the pledges said, "Get a load of that thong," and the rest of the pledges laughed.

After twenty-five minutes the girls had switched to their second set of pledges. The door opened and Penelope came through. She said, "How are we coming along here?"

Todd started to get up and turn his head but the pledge he was working on pulled his head back to her crotch and said, "Hey, get back to work."

Samantha went over to Penelope and started talking to her. Their voices were low. They seemed to be arguing for a moment then Penelope's face softened and she nodded which caused Samantha to smile. Samantha actually jumped up and down once and then left the room. Penelope caught the attention of Kelly and Vannessa and nodded her head twice. The three pledges got up and started rummaging through the shopping bag that Penelope had brought earlier.

Busy at work, the girls had their faces buried in the crotches of three pledges. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Their tongues worked up and down, left and right. Chris felt his panties being pulled down partway in the back and a cold trickle at his rear end and started to raise his head. The pledge he lay prostrate in front of yanked him back down and shouted, "Focus."

There was definitely a pressure on his asshole and Chris struggled and finally managed to break free and turn around. He said, "Hey, what gives?"

Kelly clouted him on the back and said, "Hold still, will you?" She wore a harness over her panties and fitted into it was an anatomical dildo.

Chris looked over and saw that Vanessa was positioned behind Todd. She pulled his thong aside and had managed to work the head of the strapon dildo she was wearing into Todd's asshole. He seemed oblivious to it. He had his eyes closed and was moving his hips a little to the left and right, but not exactly struggling.

Chris said, "No way," and fought with Kelly some more. The pledge in front tried to hold his head down while Kelly thrust her fake cock at Chris' ass. A couple of the pledges laughed at the predicament. It was at this point that Samantha returned.

"Gee, Sam. What are you supposed to be?" Eyes turned to Samantha in the doorway. She wore thigh-high patent leather boots and a severe black leather dress. In one hand she held a riding crop.

One of the pledges said, "Check out little miss dominatrix here." Samantha walked completely into the room and closed the door. She glared at the pledge who made the statement and walked slowly with purpose over to the circle stopping first to pick up the shopping bag beside Penelope. Penelope seemed amused but remained silent.

One of the pledges scrambled to make an entrance for Samantha and she entered the circle. She said, "What seems to be the problem here?"

Kelly answered, "This stupid bitch won't hold still." She kicked at Chris.

Chris said, "Ow."

Samantha said, "Hmm. I'm not sure what to say." She addressed Chris and said, "Candy, are you being difficult?" Her voice was deeper and more hoarse than usual.

Chris replied, "She's not putting that thing in my ass."

"Oh, is that so?" She reached into her shopping back and handed something to Kelly. "Here, put this ball gag on her." She pulled some more items from the bag and buckled a pair of cuffs onto Chris, ankle to wrist on one side and ankle to wrist on the other side so he was bent over with his ass in the air and his chin on the ground. "Look at Tiffany." Chris managed to turn his head slightly and started drooling through the ball gag that Kelly had fitted tightly into his mouth. Vanessa was pushing in and out of Todd's ass in a long fluid motion. Todd had his face buried deep in a pledges' crotch. "She's having a great time. Don't you want to join in the fun?" Chris shook his head.

"Well, we're certainly not going to make you do something you don't want to do." She turned to Vanessa and said, "Hey, why don't you give someone else a chance. I see a lot of eager faces out there."

Kelly said, "Me first. I lost my turn because of this jackwad." She kicked Chris' ass and he grunted through his gag.

"OK, you take Tiffany, but be gentle. Donna, why don't you and your pledge team take Jasmine back to our room. It's getting a little crowded in here." Donna and three other girls got up and led Jack out of the room. Donna grabbed Jack's robe on the way out.

Samantha said, "There, that's much cozier now." Six pledges remained around the circle while Penelope stood at the door. Samantha stood inside the circle and Kelly positioned herself behind Todd, pointed her strapon cock at his asshole, and pushed it in.

Kelly said, "Ah, now this is how it's done. Watch and learn, my friends." She started humping in and out.

Kaitlin asked her, "Have you done this before, Kelly?"

Kelly grabbed Todd's hips in her hands and gave Todd an even dozen expert thrusts with her strapon. "What do you think?"

"Cool. I can't wait for my turn. But this is my first time. I'll probably mess it up."

"Don't worry about it. Practice makes perfect after all. And if you accidentally pull out or something, just blame it on the slut. Isn't that right, you slut?" She slapped Todd's ass playfully and he nodded up and down absently.

Kaitlin reached over and started stroking Todd's cock and balls. They were dangling back and forth as Kelly pumped her dildo in and out of his ass. She said, "I think this is cute. I mean, without all that hair she's kind of pretty down here. I like watching you slide that thing in and out and how these kind of bounce around." A few of the other pledges murmured in agreement.

Samantha hauled back and gave Chris a hard whack across the ass with her riding crop. She wound back up and gave him four more blows. She said to him, "Well, bitch, did you change your mind about your full participation in the festivities?" Chris shook his head. Samantha pulled one more item out of her shopping bag. It was a small strap with snaps and it and she fastened it around Chris' testicles and the shaft of his penis. Once that was done she pulled back on his cock and balls so they were more prominent and she slapped him with her hand. Chris jumped and started to yell through his gag. She raised the riding crop back and slapped his very hard on his ass and then maybe a quarter as hard right on his protruding balls. Chris screamed through his gag.

Kelly stopped pumping Todd and everyone else's attention went to Samantha and Chris. Samantha repeated the double-hit on Chris' ass and balls four more times, each time eliciting a noisy response. Finally, she said, "Let me ask one more time. Are you tired of being contrary and do you now want to join in the fun?" Chris remained motionless for a few seconds and finally, reluctantly nodded his head. "All right, then. Now don't you feel silly for kicking up such a fuss?" She removed his gag but left the restraints on. Kelly resumed pumping Todd's ass.

"Now, Candy, what do you want?"

Chris took a breath. "What do you mean? Like for you to let me up?"

Samantha slapped him hard on the balls. "No, you stupid bitch." She pulled a strapon harness out of her bag and strapped a medium size black dildo into it, then pulled it around her waist and fastened the straps. "I mean, what do you want me to do with this?" She stood in front of Chris and stroked her fake cock.

Penelope said, "Ahem. I don't mean to interrupt, but I'm going to head out now. Sam, I think you have things well in hand here." Samantha turned to look at Penelope and smiled at the compliment. Her strapon cock bobbed up and down slightly. "I want a full report when you're done here, from both you and Kelly." She exited the room.

Samantha turned and slapped Chris' ass and said, "Huh? What do you want me to do?"

"Um. Well, I guess put it into my butt."

"Put it into your butt? Your butt? I'm going to butt-fuck your slutty ass is what I'm going to do. Say that. What you want me to do."

"Um, I want you to butt-fuck my slutty ass. Is that right?" The pledges laughed when he said this.

Samantha said, "That's damn right." She yanked his panties down even further in the back and thrust into Chris' ass with her strapon dildo. "Arch your back, whore." She slapped him hard across the ass. "More, arch your back more godddamit. There, that's good." She thrust in and out, in and out. "What do you want, slut?" She slapped his ass.

"Ooh. Ow. Ooh. Unh. Butt-fuck my slutty ass. Ooh. Yeah. I want to be fucked up the ass." Chris gave a little whine.

"Oh, I know it's hard. You're probably aching for a real cock. Well, this is the closest thing we have." Samantha reached over and gave Kelly a high-five.

They were more or less side by side and started to pump in and out of the asses in front of them simultaneously. Kelly pulled Todd's head up and said, "Let's hear something from you, you've been too quiet."

Samantha said, "Yeah, Tiffany, what do you want?"

Todd thought for a moment and said, "Ooh. Aah. I want you to pump your long, hard cock in and out of my ass. Fuck me like a whore. Unh. Oh." He rose up on his hands and started rotating his ass in time with Kelly's thrusts. A couple of the pledges came up beside him and started rubbing his side, rubbing his legs. One pledge stroked the hair of his wig. Todd smiled.

Samantha said, "That bitch just adores the attention. Don't you, bitch?" Todd nodded then put his head down sheepishly.

Kelly rubbed his back. She said, "Oh, that's OK. Don't be bashful. Sam, you're lucky to have such a darling. Look what I have to work with." She gestured towards Chris.

Sam replied, "Oh, I wouldn't give up on this old girl." She pulled her strapon all the way out of Chris' ass and then in one fell swoop punched it all the way back in. Chris gasped but didn't protest. "It takes her a little longer, but she learns her lesson eventually."

After ten more minutes of pumping, thrusting, and dirty talk elicited from their bitches, Kelly and Samantha relinquished their positions to two eager pledges. Samantha undid Chris' cuffs and she and Kelly sat on the bed, surveying the action on the floor. She said to Kelly, "Well, it looks like everyone's having a good time."

Kelly replied, "Yeah, they're really getting into it. The girls and the other pledges."


Two long hours later Chris and Todd lay exhausted on the bed. They were alone in the room and hadn't said one word to each other since the pledges had left fifteen minutes before. Each of the eight remaining pledges had fucked either Chris or Todd in the ass at least once. A few had done them both. A lot of it was the hard pumping that Samantha and Kelly had demonstrated, but later on it turned gentler. Samantha had spent a long twenty minutes behind Todd, gently fucking his ass and rubbing his back and shoulders. It was the highlight of the night for him.

Jack walked in the door. He said, "You two look like what the cat dragged in."

Chris said, "Well, what were you, on a picnic? We were in here getting a savage ass reaming. Those girls play rough." Todd nodded in agreement.

"Oh, wah, you big baby. Can't take a little prostate massage."

"Little? My God, I thought they were poking my diaphragm." With that said, Todd and Jack started laughing and after a few seconds Chris finally joined them.

Todd patted Chris on the ass and said to Jack, "You should have seen Candy. Put up quite a fight at first and they had her trussed up like the Christmas goose. She still got butt fucked, though. And she was begging for it."

"Hey! You were asking for it, too."

Jack said, "Now, girls. No need to fight over who wanted to be fucked up the ass more."

Chris said, "Oh, you." He gave Jack a light shove on the shoulder and Jack pushed him back.

Penelope and the three pledge captains came into the room. Kelly and Donna carried the big poster board which tallied the scores in the "Best Girl Contest". So far the scores sat at thirty points for Jasmine, twenty points for Tiffany, and only ten points for Candy. Two new columns had been added: "Shopping" and "Strapon".

Penelope said, "OK, girls. I'm sure you're anxious to see the points get awards for today's events. First, I want to say that each of you did a terrific job. I had my doubts, but you're proving them wrong. Each of you is turning out to be a better girl than I ever would have thought." Chris, Todd, and Jack looked at each other and smiled. "Of course, there has to be only be one winner, so let's cut to the chase, why don't we." She turned her attention to the scoreboard. "Our first event today was the shopping trip. You were judged on how you looked, the clothes you picked out, and how you behaved in the stores. In third place with five points is Jasmine." Jack looked surprised he had come in third. "Jasmine, you looked great and picked out some nice outfits, but I didn't feel like you gave it your all." Samantha wrote in the score with a marker. "In second place with ten points is Candy." Chris looked happy to come in second after his two third place finishes from the day before. "Candy, your taste is, well, I'm not sure how to describe it. But you more than made up for it in your attitude at the store. You were absolutely shameless soliciting advice from unsuspecting passers-by."

Samantha turned her said and said, "Really?"

"Oh, you really missed something. There were these two businessmen. Candy went completely out of the store in a new skirt, lifted it up in the back and asked, 'Do you think my butt looks fat in this?' It was priceless. She's lucky she didn't get hauled into the security office, charged with shoplifting, and given a full cavity search." Samantha laughed and the others joined in.

"But that little episode can't hold a candle to Tiffany at the lingerie store." Samantha nodded. "The amusement value of that alone gives Tiffany first place and fifteen points. The look she had. Seeing her little face upside down with that look of absolute terror and confusion. Priceless." Chris and Jack clapped Todd on the shoulder in congratulation.

"Our second and final event was the strapon circle. This was a really tough one for me to decide. Jasmine gave her usual flawless performance. Tiffany was very sweet and while Candy was cantankerous as usual, she finally warmed to the idea of taking a cock in her ass. So it's difficult for me to give third place and five points to Candy." She looked at Chris. "Candy, you finally came around, but your willfulness will be your undoing. Second place goes to ..." Todd and Jack held their breath while she paused. She said, finally, "Tiffany." Todd let out a little whimper of disappointment. "Tiffany, don't get me wrong. I think you did a great job. Don't you agree, Samantha?"


"But Jasmine just gave it the extra effort. She innovated. You and Candy were content just to stay on your knees and take it doggy style but Jasmine got into different positions. At one point she even had a cock in her ass and one in her mouth at the same time. I have no choice but to award first place to Jasmine, fifteen points." Samantha wrote in the final scores and tallied up the numbers. She hung numbers on the hooks at the end of the scoreboard to show the current tally. Candy stood at twenty-five points. Tiffany had forty-five points. Jasmine had the high score with fifty points.

Penelope said, "Candy, Candy, Candy. You better step up your game or you're going to rapidly find yourself out of contention." Chris looked down. "Well, that's another day down. One step closer to your goal. You'll be glad to hear that your assholes are off limits tomorrow to give you a chance to recuperate." The three guys started clapping lightly. Samantha leaned up and whispered into Penelope's ear.

"Good point, Sam. Well, Samantha is really looking out for you girls. She thinks, and I agree, that you three deserve a reward for doing so well today. All that ass fucking probably got you worked up and we're going to give you," she looked at her watch, "three minutes to get your release." The three guys looked back at her quizzically. "Pull your puds. Yank your meat. Come on, the clock is ticking." She tapped her watch. "Or are you going to turn up your nose at Sam's considerate gift?"

The guys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They pulled down their panties in front and pulled out their cocks. In front of the four attractive women, with a few strokes they were rock hard.

"Two minutes, ladies. If you're having trouble getting off just think about those thick cocks plunging into your feminine asses. Tiffany, I bet you're thinking back to the lingerie store. Those big studs bending you over. I'm sure if you were back there right now you could show them some of the tricks you learned tonight." Todd's breathing became more labored as he pumped his cock. At that moment he didn't care that he wearing a bra, thong, and fishnet stockings and was masturbating in front of four girls and two other guys. That he was nearly ass raped at the lingerie store. That we had spent the last couple of hours getting drilled in the ass by girls wearing strapon dildos. He just wanted to climax.

Just about there, he looked up at Penelope worried for a minute. She seemed to understand and turned her left hand palm up and motioned with it. "Thirty seconds now. This could be your last chance for a while. You better hurry up." "Five. Four. Three. Two."

Todd yelled out loud and started to come. "Unh. Unh." He spilled a small pool of semen into his left palm, making a deep cup of it so none would spill out. Chris and Jack finished at the same time. Chris was holding a load equal to Todd's but Jack's was barely half as much as either Todd's or Chris'. Todd gave his cock a final squeeze and wiped a droplet of cum on the base of his thumb.

Penelope said, "Well, that was fun, wasn't it? I think you girls like having an audience." Todd looked at his hand and then around the room. "Oh, you can just get rid of that." She motioned with her hand to her mouth.

Chris said, "Huh?"

Todd and Jack took her meaning and Jack raised his hand up to his mouth and in one quick motion swallowed down the load of cum. Todd was stunned but Penelope glared at him and he slowly raised his hand and followed Jack's lead. It was warm and had a slightly bitter taste. Its consistency varied but was globby in one section and runny in another. He swallowed with an audible gulp. Kelly and Donna snickered.

Penelope looked at Chris and said, "Well, what are you waiting for?" He seemed about to say something, then kept his mouth closed. He looked left then right. Penelope started pushing his hand up and he pulled away too hard. The slimy contents of his hand went flying onto Todd, onto his belly and trickling down into the small thatch of pubic hair that he retained. Todd's cock was still hanging outside his panties with the band hugging underneath his balls.

Penelope struggled to maintain a calm voice. She said slowly and low in volume, "I'm going to assume that was an accident. That you weren't defying me on purpose. But you're going to clean up your mess and we're not going to hear a peep out of you."

Todd sensed this was a crucial moment. His belly felt wet where Chris' cum had splashed him. He felt a little queasy but resisted the urge to wipe himself off. He felt the trickle as the stuff dripped down his pubic hair onto his scrotum. Samantha, Kelly, and Donna were motionless and held their hands to their mouths.

Twenty seconds passed. Then Chris squatted down and started licking his cum off of Todd's belly. As one, everyone let out a breath except for Penelope. She said, "There, that's a good girl. Get it all now." The mood of the room shifted lighter. Chris continued to lap up the cum. He put both lips down in Todd's pubic hair and made a couple of slurping sounds which made Kelly start giggling.

Todd wiggled a little bit and said, "It tickles."

Samantha put her hand on Chris' head and said, "She's got a little cat tongue." She reached over and gently lifted up Todd's balls. "You got some here, too. What a mess. Clean this off." Chris swallowed, turned red, then licked the drops of cum off Todd's hairless scrotum. "OK, stand up. I think that's enough." She looked at Penelope who nodded. "Oh, just this here." She reached out and pulled Chris' palm up to his mouth. "Lick that clean. There, that's good." She grabbed Todd's hand and brought it up to Chris' face and he licked that off. Of his own accord, Jack reached over and put his hand in front of Chris' face and Chris licked that off as well.

Penelope said, "There, are we all nice and clean now? You girls better get to bed now. I would admonish that you shouldn't eat before going to bed because you might have nightmares, but it's too late for that." She chuckled. "I can just imagine what your dreams will be like now." She left the room with Samantha, Kelly, and Donna in tow.

The guys removed their wigs and placed them on the styrofoam heads on the vanity. They rolled off their stockings and flung them over the chair. They swiped at their faces with a few makeup wipes and then shut off the light and crawled into bed they shared.

They were silent for a minute and then Chris said, "Not a word, not a single word."


Copyright 2004 - A.F. - All Rights Reserved

Next: Chapter 3

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