Betrayal in the Bedroom

By Hank

Published on Oct 3, 2023



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Betrayal in the Bedroom

Tom and Jerry are life partners. The ribbing they take about their names is never ending. They used to get their noses out of joint, but they have finally learned to live with it. They have so much in common, that one must believe that their union was made in heaven. Never assume.

They met at The New York State University at Buffalo in their freshman year. They fell madly in love, and by the end of that year, they sought off campus housing together, and began their lives as a couple. They were very much in the closet, and they told everyone that they were just roommates. After graduation, they both got high paying positions with different firms in their home town, New York City.

They remained in the closet at work, and with their parents. To preserve their secret (they were fooling nobody) they rented two apartments in Chelsea, and began to live the life of their dreams. They planned on giving up one apartment if, or ever, they came out. To their credit, they both realized how lucky they were. The only thing that marred their perfect serenity was that they both had to travel extensively for their work. Their trips usually lasted a week, but sometimes the job lasted two weeks. When that happened, they both worked through the weekend, and didn't come home.

The Saturday night before Tom left on a two-week trip to San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, he and Jerry made love like it was their last time. Tom had an early flight to San Diego on Sunday morning, and he had to force himself to wake up, and get to the airport.

By Friday night, Jerry was feeling exceptionally lonely, and very horny. He decided to go clubbing. That was something he and Tom rarely did, but occasionally they went to a bar in Greenwich Village called Heaven's Best. He hoped he would run into a friend or two, and not have to spend another lonely evening at home.

For some subconscious reason, he decided to be stereotypical. He put on tight jeans, no underwear, a sleeveless tee shirt, and sneakers without sox. His outfit screamed `come and get me.' Before leaving his apartment, he admired himself in the mirror. He had no idea what he was doing. He was happily partnered, but he was preening for a pick-up with a trick. If someone were to confront him with that knowledge, he would have denied it vehemently.

Jerry entered the bar, and was glad he had come. The place was hopping with people, all of whom wanted to be `friendly.' He ordered a drink, but there was no room at the bar, so he found a place on the back wall where he could rest his drink on a small ledge. He began to look around to see if he could see anyone he knew. He didn't, but he noticed some guy, who looked familiar. The man kept smiling at him, so Jerry smiled back. The guy was very handsome, and he was cruising him. Worse yet, Jerry was encouraging him. He was still in the dark as to what was happening, and what he was doing.

Finally, the man approached him, and said, "This is not a pick-up line, but did you go to the University of Buffalo?"

"Yes, I did," Jerry said. "Do you know me?"

"Well, I don't know your name, but you were in my International Finance class in my upper senior semester."

"I took that course in my upper senior semester also," Jerry said. "We graduated together."

After that, they introduced each other. The man's name was Richard, and they began to talk non-stop. While talking they kept touching each other and at one point, Richie put his palm on Jerry's growing assets. So, Jerry began to fondle Richie.

"How would you feel about spending the night with me?" Richie asked.

"I'd think very positively about it," Jerry said. He didn't think about Tom once. He just wanted to get his rocks off.

"Where do you live?" Richie asked.

"Not far away. In Chelsea."

"I live on the upper west side," Richie said. "You're much closer. Is there anything to stop us from going to your place?"

"There's nothing to stop us. I'm alone right now."

"Finish your drink," Richie said, "and let's blow this joint."

Tom's first stop was in San Diego. He was happily surprised. Things went so well that instead of spending four full days there, he was finished in two and a half days. He got into his rental car, and drove to Los Angeles. He spent Thursday and Friday in La La Land. Everything in L.A. also went better than expected, and Tom reckoned that he only needed two more days there, and no more than three days in San Francisco.

When he realized that, he made a fateful decision. He was just as lonely, and twice as horny as Jerry was, so he decided to fly home for the weekend on a red eye. He called the airline and was able to book a flight out of L.A. that night, and a return trip on Sunday night.

He arrived in New York at 5:30 Saturday morning, and took an UBER car directly to Jerry's apartment. They each had a key to the other's apartment. Tom reckoned that Jerry would still be asleep, and he would surprise him by climbing naked into Jerry's bed. He undressed in the living room.

When Jerry and Richie entered Jerry's apartment, Jerry asked Richie if he could get him anything.

"No thanks," Richie said. "All I want right now is you."

He began to strip, and Jerry followed suit. They began to kiss until their tongues were sore. Finally, Jerry took Richie's hand and led him into the master bathroom. On the way to the bathroom, Richie saw a picture of Jerry and Tom on Tom's dresser. The two men had their arms around each other.

Richie had an uneasy feeling, and asked, "Who's this guy?"

"Just a college friend. He graduated with us, and I'll be honest. We occasionally tricked together."

"As they entered the shower, Richie said, "Be sure to clean your ass and cock, and make them exceptionally sterile. I have designs on both."

They were in the shower for nearly two hours. They gave each other golden showers, and did indeed get themselves virtually sterile. Jerry got excited. He could not help thinking that he and Tom never gave each other golden showers. At last, they rinsed well, dried each other, and fell onto Jerry's bed in a sixty-nine position.

"Try not to cum," Jerry said. "I want you to fuck me."

"I'm staying the night, my new friend. That was a given when I saw the size of your cock," Richie responded, "so let's cum if we want to. We can fuck later."

"I like the way you think," Jerry smiled, "especially when you called me your new friend."

They were both mature enough to know just when to stop sucking, and delay their orgasms. When they finally came, they fell into a deep and contented, post coital, sleep.

About 5:45 in the morning, Richie woke and started to fondle Jerry. That woke him up soon enough, and Jerry said, "Let's fuck."

They were fucking each other back and forth, trying not to cum, when a naked Tom came into the bedroom to a sight he never expected to see. Some guy was screwing the only man he had ever loved.

"What the fuck," he screamed in anguish.

Richie fell out of Jerry's ass, and they stared at Tom.

"Thank God, I have my own apartment," Tom said.

He ran out to the living room and got dressed at record speed.

"I can explain," Jerry said.

"Not interested," Tom answered.

"Well," Jerry said, "I'm too old for surprises. You should have called me."

Tom gave Jerry a look that said, "I can't believe you said that." He threw the keys to Jerry's apartment on the front hall table, and stormed out. As he left, he said, "I'm changing the lock on my apartment door, so you can throw away my key. Don't ever try to contact me. We're done."

Until his adventure with Richie, this evening, the only man Jerry had ever made love to, or had sex with, was Tom. He couldn't believe how he reacted to Tom's tirade. He was relieved. He had his own apartment, and now he could have as much sex as he could handle, with as many men as would say yes to him. He realized that he and Tom had committed to each other when they were way too young. Despite the circumstances, Jerry felt liberated.

"Wasn't that your college buddy?" Richie asked, while getting dressed.

"I didn't lie to you, but I didn't tell the whole truth. He's my partner. Apparently, my former partner."

"Please," Richie asked, "give me his name and address."

"What for?"

"I need to apologize to him.

"That won't be necessary. You heard him. We're no longer an item."

`Please," Richie reiterated, "I want to apologize anyway. I'm the cause of why he ran out on you."

Reluctantly, Jerry gave him the information he requested.

"Please don't leave," Jerry begged. "Let's finish what we started.

"Sorry, I've had it for today."

"Okay then. I'll be at Heaven's Best tonight. If you want to continue what we started, meet me there."

Richie didn't answer. The truth is he wanted to get to Tom's apartment as quickly as possible. Notwithstanding everything that happened that morning, Richie got major hots for Tom when he saw him for the first time.

When Tom left L.A., he didn't take anything with him. He had plenty of toiletries at Jerry's apartment, and he could change clothes at his own place.

When he arrived home, he felt dirty because of Jerry's betrayal, and he felt grungy from his long trip, so he jumped in the shower. He was drying himself when he heard his front doorbell ring. He quickly grabbed his robe, and went to the door. It was so early he couldn't imagine who it could be.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"Please let me in. I need to apologize to you. I'm Richard, Richie."

Tom didn't know any Richie, but he surmised that this was the guy who was fucking Jerry when he walked in. Tom could not believe that he wanted to apologize. So, he let him in, simply because he was curious.

Despite his recent shower, Tom's eyes were red and puffy. When Richie saw that, he grimaced as if he were in pain.

Tom led Richie into his living room, and they both sat down on the sofa.

"Why do you feel you owe me an apology?" Tom asked. If anyone should ask forgiveness, it's Jerry, but I don't intend to talk to him ever again. We were discussing getting married. Thank God, we didn't get past the talking stage."

"Tom, I swear to you I didn't know that Jerry was partnered. In fact, he led me to believe that he was single, but now I know he meant something else when he said, `I'm alone right now.' "

"Well, he didn't lie. I was in California, and he was alone for the time being."

"Tom," Richie said. "Maybe it was fate that brought you home unexpectedly. You got to see Jerry's real self. Believe me, you deserve better than that cheater. I know you don't want to hear it just now, but maybe I did you a favor. For sure, when I partner up, I'd never cheat, and I would expect as much from my partner."

"You're an awfully nice guy," Tom said, "and I know you're trying to make me feel better, but I still feel like shit."

"When are you going back to California?" Richie asked.

"Tomorrow night on the red eye."

Richie grabbed Tom's hand and gripped it tightly. Tom did not pull away.

"Then spend what time you have left with me. I'll take you out to dinner tonight, and brunch tomorrow morning. Come home with me before dinner. I need to change clothes. I can shower and shave here."

"What about the rest of today? I had intended on staying in bed, and making love all day," Tom whined.

"You don't have to change your plans. I'm available. You see, I've fallen in love with you."

"Wow! It's too soon. Look, spend the day with me, and let's get acquainted. I'll make lunch, and we'll see how things go."

"Deal. Can I watch you get dressed?"

"Of course."

"I already know one thing about us," Richie said. "We both graduated from UB in the same class. Jerry was in one of my classes, and we recognized each other."

"I'm glad to hear that," Tom said. "That's the first thing we have in common. Would you like to hear another thing we have in common?"


"You're the sweetest, most considerate guy, I have ever known. I think ... I think ... I think I might be falling in love with you too."

"Then don't get dressed. Spend the day in bed making love to me. It's what you planned to do, and I'd feel even worse than I do right now, if you changed your plans because of me."

"I've never been with anyone else other than Jerry."

"That's okay. Last night, I found Jerry to be inept as a lover. We had sex and I relieved myself, but I never criticized him, or suggested something else he might do. I know you're going to find out that I'm a much better lover than he is. I'm going to make love to you, and send you to the stratosphere."

"Wow. Let's go."

Tom dropped his robe, and Richie took his clothes off. Naturally, they checked each other out. Neither was cut, and they were both erect now, between six and a half to seven inches. Tom was a little heftier than Richie, but neither man gave a damn.

"They jumped into Tom's bed, and Richie said, "Your turn will come. Just lie down, and let me do all the work."

Richie was a man of his word. He spent an hour giving Tom a trip around the world that Tom would never forget. Richie did both sides of Tom no less than three times.

Tom went wild when Richie rimmed him. Jerry would never do that, no matter how clean Tom was. That was somehow fortunate. Richie had no desire to do it to Jerry, so Jerry never asked or tried to do it to Richie.

Tom was well on his way to the stratosphere. Richie's grand finale was a blow job that left Tom screaming at the top of his lungs."

As they were recovering, Richie said, "We'll fuck after dinner."

"Uh, uh," Tom said. "First, I'm going to do to you all that you just did to me. Then we can fuck after dinner."

"My pleasure," Richie said.

"Do you still love me?" Tom asked."

"With all my heart and soul."

"Then I can tell you," Tom said, "I don't think I love you anymore. I know, I do love you. I realize now that Jerry and I had plenty of sex, but today, I made love for the first time in my life."

They wrapped themselves in each other's arms, and dozed off.

That evening, they were in Richie's apartment, and Richie was changing clothes for their night out, when Tom asked, "So, where are you taking me for dinner?"

"Anyplace but Heave's Best. Jerry will be there tonight, and he asked me to join him. I just walked out without answering him. That's why Heaven's Best is the last place I want to go to."

"That's funny," Tom said. That's exactly where I want to go. I want him to see us together, and see how happy I am."

"Well, for your information, Babe, he's happy too. He told me that now he's free to play the field."

"Then we're both happy. What more can I ask out of life?"

Tom convinced Richie to have dinner at Heaven's Best. Tom couldn't wait to see Jerry and the look on his face, when he saw him with Richie. On the other hand, Richie was very agitated. Jerry was at the bar flirting with a twinkie when Richie and Tom came in. Tom took Richie's hand and approached the bar with the intention of ordering drinks for them. When Jerry spotted them, he began to shake.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked, "and together?"

Neither Tom nor Richie bothered to answer him. They just walked away. To his credit, Jerry wasn't surprised. He vowed to ignore them also, but he kept an eye on them until the maître d' led them to a table in the dining room. Tom and Richie were aware that Jerry saw them smooching. He was seething.

Finally, he walked over to the two lovers, and said, "If you're trying to make me jealous Tom, it won't work."

Richie and Tom looked right through Jerry like he wasn't there. He finally ran off, and went back to the bar.

Remember, Honey," Richie said, "dinner is on me, so don't look at prices. Just order whatever you want."

"Do you promise to fuck me good and proper tonight?" Tom asked.

"Without a doubt."

"Then I'll do whatever you ask me to do."

They didn't rush their meal. Tomorrow was Sunday, and Tom wasn't leaving until late in the day so they had plenty of time to make love. After dinner they went back to the bar, and ordered after dinner drinks. They even socialized with some of the other patrons.

One of them said, "You two make a beautiful couple."

They began to laugh, and Richie said, "Thank you."

"I don't remember seeing the two of you here before," the man said. "This is a great place to spend a few sociable hours on the weekend. You should come here more often."

"We promise we will," Richie said.

Of course, Jerry heard every word. He was angry at himself, and the world right now, but he was not regretful that he and Tom had split up. Regretful or not regretful, he couldn't take it anymore. He rushed out of the bar alone. He wasn't going to be lucky this night.

Richie and Tom spent the night fucking each other back and forth. The first time they fucked, Richie asked Tom to fuck him dry and without a condom. Tom had no trouble complying. Then Richie returned the favor.

"If that doesn't prove I'm committed to you," Richie said, "I don't know what more I can do. I swear, I'll never give you cause to run out on me. I'm all yours, Babe."

"Honey, I travel a lot for business, so..." Tom couldn't say what he was about to.

"I'll use my fist before I'd cheat on you," Richie said. "I've done it before and I can certainly do it again. Can you promise me the same?"

"You can bet your life on it."

"Besides," Richie continued, "when I know you are going on a long trip, I'll take my two-week vacation, and keep you happy on the road."

Suddenly, Tom broke out into heart breaking sobs.

"What's wrong, Babe?" Richie asked. "Did I do something to hurt you?"

"No doofus," Tom sobbed. "You did everything right. Thank God I came home this weekend unexpectedly. If I hadn't, I'd still be under the false belief that Jerry was everything I wanted in life. Bur worst of all, I wouldn't have met you."

"Hush, Darling. That's too awful to contemplate."

Tom continued to travel a good deal for work, and neither ever cheated or had reason to wonder about the other.

Tom and Richie got married two years after they met. Shortly thereafter, Tom got a big promotion. Although he finally came out at work and to his parents when he got married, it didn't harm his career. He was moved up the ladder, and occupied an executive office in the city. He hardly ever had to travel after that. The two husbands could now have each other full time. They were happy, content, and lived in joyful domesticity.

They did go clubbing occasionally. When they did, they went to Heaven's Best. The place had an important place in their lives. They never ran into Jerry there. He was afraid of running into them, and being snubbed, so he went elsewhere.

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