
By Every Picture

Published on Sep 28, 2002



Dedicated to my friend and virtual lover, Alex.


Leanne and I had been friends from grade three. We were always together, and even our parents became friends because of us. We went through puberty together, laughing as our breasts developed, talking about boys, until one day, when we were fifteen years old, Leanne told me that she thought that she actually preferred girls. She kept this a secret from everyone except me for two years, even when she had her first date with a girl. She never suggested that she liked me in that way - we were too good friends, and besides, she knew that I liked boys. But we went through the ups and downs of each other's love life, as she fell for different girls, most of whom were not interested, and I began dating guys. I remember her joy when she did meet a girl that she liked, who also liked her. I heard the story of their first kiss, and consoled her when they broke up. She had a couple of relationships after that, but neither of them serious.

Leanne was a pretty girl without being beautiful. She was of medium height, a few pounds overweight but not fat, her face round and lovely, her hair light brown, parted at the side, with a wave of hair across her forehead. She liked to wear old-fashioned clothes, long flowery dresses and the like. My name is Dawn, and I am five foot seven, have long blonde hair down below my shoulders and blue eyes. Enough people have told me that I am pretty for me to believe it. I certainly never had any problem attracting guys.

Things started to change when Leanne met Simona, when we were both 18. Leanne was working at a coffee shop, when Simona came in with a friend. Leanne told me she felt very attracted to her right away, and they exchanged glances all of the time that Simona was there. The next day Simona returned alone, and asked Leanne out. Leanne was soon talking about her new girlfriend in a way I'd never heard her talk before. Everything was "Simona says this", or "Simona did that", and she talked of how attractive she was, and what a wonderful couple they made. It was clear to me that my best friend had fallen head-over-heels in love. Leanne and I had always been careful not to let our relationships with others interfere with our friendship, but now it was sometimes hard to find Leanne - she was always with Simona.

It was only after they had been dating for a month or so that I got to meet Simona. I was seeing a guy called Ryan, and we arranged a double date. Well I could see how Leanne had fallen for her - she was beautiful. She was my height, and had a naturally tanned skin (she had been born in Brazil, and had emigrated when she was eight). She was twenty-one years old. Her dark brown hair was down to her mid-back, and was tied in a pony-tail. She had an athletic figure, with long shapely legs. Her mouth was rather pouty, but in an attractive way, and she had jet black eyes, with long eyelashes. But I soon began to worry for my friend, for it was clear to me, as an observer, that Leanne was more heavily involved than Simona was. Leanne doted on every word of Simona's, and looked at her with unadulterated adoration. Simona's body language suggested a more casual relationship. Leanne's parents were quite wealthy, and Leanne was forever buying Simona little gifts. Simona's "thank you", in her slight but charming accent, was reward enough for Leanne.

Ryan and I split up a couple of weeks after I first met Simona, but I saw her fairly often with Leanne. And there was another thing that concerned me for my friend - Simona would try to flirt with me. It was subtle - I would catch her looking at me, and she would wink, and on one occasion, when Leanne had gone upstairs to get something, Simona told me I was beautiful, and said that it was such a waste for womanhood that I was straight. "Each to their own," was my reply. I was single again, but sometimes went out with the two of them, although I couldn't bring myself to like Simona.

Then one Friday night, we got tickets to a rock concert at the city stadium. The main band playing was Simona's favorite. I also liked them and we got three tickets. The place was packed to capacity. It was during the interval between the warm-up band and the main attraction that Leanne's cell phone went. It was the babysitter. Leanne's parents were away, and Leanne had got the fifteen year old neighbor to baby-sit her nine year old sister. Now it seemed that Leanne's sister had a fever and was vomiting, and the babysitter didn't know what to do. "I'd better go home," Leanne said. Simona and I both said we'd go with her, but Leanne refused. "You stay and enjoy the concert," she said. "I might have to take Ashley to the hospital." Again we argued that we should go with her, but Leanne insisted. "I'll get a cab home," she said, as Simona had driven us to the stadium. "Why should this spoil the concert for all three of us?"

There was no persuading her, so Simona and I stayed for the concert, which was fantastic. We were all dancing in our seats by the end. It was nearly eleven o'clock by the time the last encore was over. As we were walking out amongst the crowds, Simona's name was called. She turned around and fell into the arms of a girl who she introduced as Cindy. Cindy was with another girl called Raelyn, and Simona introduced me as a friend. "We're going for a drink," Cindy said to Simona. "Care to join us?" Simona looked at me. There was no college or work the next day, so I nodded my agreement. Besides, I needed Simona for a ride home. "Great," said Cindy, "see you at the `Fatale'"

The `Femme Fatale' club was in a part of the city with which I wasn't very familiar. A small doorway, lit with purple lights, led to steps leading down to a dimly lit nightclub. Cindy and Raelyn were already there, sitting at a booth. We joined them. Music was playing, and there was a dance floor. I ordered a glass of white wine, as did Simona. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I became aware that there were no men to be seen - this was a club for women only. Simona chatted to Cindy about people I didn't know. Raelyn was very shy, and hardly spoke, even when the conversation turned to the evening's concert. Simona turned out to have quite a sense of humour, and she made me laugh when she described some of the people who had sat near us at the concert. We sipped our drinks, and then Cindy asked Raelyn if she wanted to dance. They left the table. We watched them for one dance, and then Simona said, "Let's join them." "I don't know," I said, "I'm not much of a dancer." "I saw how you were dancing at the concert," Simona said. "Come on." She got out of the booth, and stood waiting. I didn't want to make a scene, so I got up, and let her lead me by the hand to the dance floor.

It was strangely uninhibiting, being on a dance floor with only women, not having guys staring at you while you dance. Simona was a great dancer, her body just seemed to flow naturally with the music. She seemed to know quite a few girls at the club. Several came up to talk to her, looking me up and down in a way I wasn't used to. We sat down after a while. Cindy and Raelyn were still dancing. Simona ordered us both another glass of wine. I had tried to call Leanne at her home, but there was no reply, so I guessed she'd taken her sister to the hospital.

The pace of the music slowed. Everyone seemed to get up and head for the dance floor. "Come on," Simona said, getting up, "I love slow dancing." I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but I got up from the table. Simona took my hand and we walked to the crowded dancefloor. It was hard to find a spot, but Cindy and Raelyn made some room for us. Simona put her hands on my waist, and I put mine on her shoulders. We moved to the music. I looked around at the girls near us. Cindy and Raelyn were dancing with their faces very close together, murmuring quietly to each other. Another girl, who looked around thirty, was already kissing her black partner. After a couple of minutes, I saw that Raelyn was nibbling at Cindy's neck, and I watched as Cindy brought her girlfriend's face up and kissed her. It was very erotic to watch. I thought of Leanne kissing Simona. "You know," said Simona," that we're the only couple who aren't kissing." I looked around. It was true - everyone was smooching in one way or another. "That's because we're not a couple," I said. "We could be," was Simona's reply, and she leaned forward and kissed me on the mouth. I pulled away, but not before a wave of pleasure shot through me. "No!" I said, "you're Leanne's girlfriend, and you know that I'm straight." "That makes it the more fun," she said, and kissed me again. Again I pulled back, but the taste of her mouth lingered, and I became aware of the pleasant smell of her perfume. She arms moved further around my waist. "You know I can't do this, Simona," I said, but she tried to kiss me again. This time I was ready, and she only got my cheek.

I decided that the best thing was to keep my mouth away from hers, so I moved closer to her and put my head on her shoulder, facing away from her face. I felt her hand move to my head, and gently stroke my hair. I knew that I should leave, but I didn't have a way of getting home, and I really didn't want to be in the streets of this part of the city late at night. So I let her stroke my head, while I watched the dancers around me. A few feet from me, two pretty blonde girls were french-kissing, slowly and sensuously. I could see their tongues touching everytime their lips parted a little. Next to them, a forty something woman, who looked like a housewife, was lip-locked with a much younger punk girl with a nose ring and pierced eyebrow, who was also feeling the older woman's breast.

It was impossible to watch these girls and women making out, and not get aroused. Simona's hand had moved under my hair, and was caressing the back of my neck, her fingers softly massaging my spine. It was very relaxing. But then I thought of what Leanne would say if she could see us, and a wave of guilt swept through me. I lifted my head and looked at Simona. Her dark eyes and long eyelashes were entrancing. "I think we should go now," I said. "Soon," she replied. I went to return my face to her shoulder, but her hand was on my chin, lifting it, and her mouth came down on mine. I started to pull away, but she held my chin firm, and kept her lips on mine. I didn't kiss her back, but I didn't put up much of a fight either. My eyes closed instinctively, as her lips pressed against mine, soft female lips, so different from what I was used to. Her skin had a wonderful fresh odor, and her mouth was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted. She broke the kiss, and I thought, "Oh shit", but I don't know if it was because I had just been kissed by Leanne's girlfriend, or because I wanted to feel her lips on mine again. I didn't dare look at Simona, but felt her movement towards me, and her lips brushed mine. I gasped as waves of pleasure went through me. I was still passive, but let her mouth do what it lked to mine, and when she released my chin, I didn't, could't, pull away.

Simona broke the kiss and held me, her soft cheek against mine. "That was good, Dawn, I know you liked it," she whispered. "Leanne will kill me if she ever finds out," I said. "She won't," Simona assured me. She pressed little kisses to my cheek, warm and loving. It was impossible not to be seduced by this lovely latin girl. Her mouth found mine, and her kisses decided the struggle that was going on in my mind. Knowing that it was terribly wrong, I was nevertheless unable to hold back. I moved my hands from Simona's shoulders, and wound them around her neck. Her arms encircled my waist. Her kisses became more intense, and I pressed my mouth to hers and began kissing her back. Her tongue entered my open mouth, and caressed my tongue. Like a velvety snake, it explored my mouth, taking it's time, oblivious to the attentions of my tongue, which was licking at hers like fury. Only after she had licked at my lips, gums and cheeks, did she start playing with my tongue. I was seeing stars - I'd never been kissed like this before. Her tongue must have been in my mouth for a good five minutes, while all the time her wet lips were moving slowly over mine.

When we finally broke the kiss, I was on fire. "Wow," said Cindy, who was standing two feet away. "You two are hot." Then turning to Simona, she added, "I thought you told me she was straight." "She is," said Simona. "Oooh, I love kissing straight girls," Cindy said. "Can I borrow her for a few minutes?" "Okay, but I want her back," Simona said. And so I found my self dancing with Cindy, a brunette of about 23. "She's quite the girl, isn't she?" she said, indicating Simona, who was dancing with Raelyn. "Is she the first girl you've ever kissed?" "Yes, she is," I said. "Could I be the second?" Cindy asked. I looked at her soft lips, then looked up at her and nodded. Somehow, it would seem like I was betraying Leanne less if I kissed another girl, not just Simona. We wrapped arms around each other and kissed. It was different than with Simona, but very enjoyable. Cindy's tongue was less aggresive, and I found myself initiating some of the tongue-kissing. After a few minutes, Simona, whom, I noticed, had not kissed Raelyn, broke us up. "Was that nice?" she asked, when she and I were dancing again. "Yes," I replied, "but not as nice as with you." I was just being truthful, but Simona seemed very pleased, and began kissing me again. Cindy's soft kisses could not compare to the passion of Simona's. She soon had me on fire again. After a while, we sat back at the booth. Cindy and Raelyn were still dancing. "Let's go back to my place," Simona said to me. "I want to kiss you in private." "You know I can't," I said. "It's bad enough what I've done already to Leanne." "But we've already kissed. If we kiss at my place, it's no different." Simona argued. "Besides, I won't take 'no' for an answer. I promise we won't do anything you don't want to do." She got up and took me by the hand, and we left the club.

It was dark outside. Simona sensed my uneasiness, and let go of my hand while we walked in the street to her car, but she held it again while she drove. She lived in an apartment building. It was late at night, and we didn't pass anyone as we walked up the one flight of stairs to her apartment. She had a small place, a livivng room, bedroom and kitchen and bathroom. In the latter, I washed my face, and wished I had some makeup with me. I didn't plan to stay long, but part of me really wanted to look nice for Simona. When I came out, I was drawn to the books on the wall shelves. Lots of fiction, some in Portuguese, also a coffe-table book about Brazil. To her credit, she didn't rush things. Without asking, she poured us each a 'Bailey's', and we looked over the book as she talked about her memories of the country of her birth. She was bright and articulate, and I was liking her more.

I closed the book, and her arm came around my shoulder. I turned to her to accept the kiss that I knew was coming. It was surprising to me how quickly I had accepted the idea of kissing a girl. Three hours earlier, I wouldn't have dreamed of doing it, but now i'd been kissed by two girls, and was kissing one of them again. There was definitely chemistry between us. Our mouths fitted together perfectly. Simona had put on some more perfume while I'd been in the washroom, and it was intoxicating. I clasped her to me as we kissed deeply. I was so turned on, it was all so forbidden. Being with a girl, my best friend's girl. Perhaps I would wake to find it all a dream. My body cried out for sexual fulfillment, but I knew it had to stop here. Simona made no attempt to touch me, and seemed content just kissing me. After about twenty minutes of hot deep kisses, I said I should really go. I wanted to get home so that I could play with myself and release the tension that had built up inside me.. "Okay, just a minute," Simona said, and went into the bedroom.

I looked at her books for a minute, until I heard her enter the room again. I turned around, and stopped in my tracks. Simona was standing near me, completely naked. She was exquisite. Her dark olive skin, her perfect breasts, her whole body exuded the promise of sexual delights. She had untied her ponytail, and her hair hung around her shoulders. She had a small patch of triangular pubic hair on her lower abdomen, but her pussy was shaved below that. I was stunned. She walked over to me, put her arms around me, and kissed me. My arms wandered over her naked back as we kissed. Her tongue was wild inside my mouth, and I was caught up in the intensity of her need. "Come and make love to me," she said, as she lead me by the hand to her bedroom. Would I be able to explain to Leanne that I had no choice? Surely she only trusted me to stay with Simona that evening because she knew that I was straight. Would a straight girl let herself be meekly led to another girl's bed?

We lay down, me fully dressed, Simona naked, and began kissing. It was so sexy and exciting, and she was so lovely, I just drowned in the beauty of her body. After a while, she turned me on my back, held my arms down, and licked my face all over. I was groaning and sighing with being so aroused. Then her mouth was hard on mine, and we kissed furiously. She broke the kiss, moved up a little, took hold of one of her breasts, and fed the nipple into my mouth. It had already stiffened, and it was so erotic to suck on it. I twirled my tongue around the pink bud in my mouth, spurred on by her moans of pleasure. My hands stroked her neck and back as Simona gave me the other breast to play with. As I was licking at it, she was feeling my breasts through my clothes. Her hands felt good there. I was so aroused now that anything she did felt good. I moved my mouth from one tit to the other, sucking them in turn, filling my mouth with her mammary flesh. I wanted to make love to her. I'd never felt like this with a guy.

She lifted her breasts away, and moved up further. I watched as her shaven pussy moved closer to my face. She straddled me, and whispered. "Please, Dawn, I need this." The pungent odor of her aroused pussy was all around. Could I do this? Could I go down on a girl? I didn't have time to reflect, as she lowered her pussy to my face. I opened my mouth and met her sex lips with my tongue. She tasted so good! She pressed her pussy down on my mouth, and I kissed it like I'd kissed her mouth, my tongue entering her and exploring her insides. She squealed with delight. Her hands clasped my cheeks, and she pulled my face in tighter. I could barely breathe, but I was lost in the musky pleasure of her pussy. I could feel her clit rubbing up and down on my nose as I buried my tongue in her. She reached back and rubbed my pussy through my clothes. I didn't need further encouragement - I was already enjoying this too much. All thoughts of my best friend were gone, as I licked her girlfriend's pussy for all I was worth. I sucked her pussy lips into my mouth. It was SO exciting. Why hadn't I tried this before? "Oh Dawn, don't stop!!" Simona cried, as my tongue slobbered up and down on her clit. She had a full, firm clit, so sensitive. With every stroke of my tongue, she gasped with pleasure. Her hand was still between my thighs, and I had a small climax as I made love to her pussy. I was loving the taste of her. I had never been so aroused in my life as now. I licked faster and faster. She was bucking back and forth, crying out as her orgasm hit her. I kept lapping at her, and she had two more small climaxes, before collapsing on me. She kissed me and told me how wonderful I had been, how much she had needed me to do that.

We lay in each other's arms, whispering affectionate words and kissing. Eventually, we got up, and Simona said she'd drive me home. "I want to see you again," she said as we put on our clothes. "Next time I will make love to you." "I know, I want to see you too. But what should we do about Leanne?" I said. "I'll have to break with her," Simona replied. "But I still can't go out with you. It would destroy her." "Then we'll have to meet behind her back," Simona said. "I have to think about all this, Simona," I said. "I know," she replied, "but you'll be back. We're so right together."

It was nearly daybreak by the time I got home, and I curled up in bed, exhilarated by the night, afraid of the coming days. I had betrayed my best friend, slept with her girlfriend, and worse than that - I knew that I was falling in love with Simona. I knew that she would phone the next day, and I knew that I would run to her when she did. My need to be in her arms again would override everything else. Leanne had now become my rival. She didn't know that yet, but I knew that she would have to find out. I loved her deeply as a friend, but I knew that I was going to take Simona from her.

I put all thoughts of the terrible consequences of that evening out of my mind, and, imagining Simona's warm mouth on mine, I drifted off to sleep.


Thanks to all those who wrote to me about Sweet Sixteen. I answered all emails, as I will to anyone who would like to comment on this story.

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