Better Angels

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 22, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I'm lying under an oak tree in a meadow too green and beautiful to be true. The sky is a pale pastel blue, with clouds plump and evenly spaced. The sun is bright but behind the tree, I am shielded by a pale shadow that doesn't diminish the verdant grass under me in any way.

He walks up through the meadow grass which is taller than where I'm lying, so that he appears to me only a few feet away. I turn to look at him and smile in lieu of a spoken greeting. He smiled back and sat beside me.

"You've come again." I said to him.

"You needed me."

I looked over at him. Funny how every time I looked, it was like looking at both someone I knew very well, and yet the face was never one I could recognize. I knew him...and I didn't.

"Have you made up your mind?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "I dunno."

"It's nearly the end of summer, and you graduated high school last spring." he reminded me. "You've let the summer go and nothing wrong with that, but you can't keep me waiting forever."

"I know." I said.

"So when will you decide?" he pressed me.

"I don't know. Soon."

"I'm waiting for you." he said. "It's time for you to make up your mind." His arm came over me and he rolled to rest his warm body upon mine and our lips met and I moved to embrace him.

"Hey, hey!" my brother Raymond was kicking me. "Wake up, damn it! You're dreaming again!"

I opened my eyes, blinking. It was barely dawn. "Uh, what, what?"

"I don't know what the hell you're dreaming, but if you don't cut it out with the groaning and squirming, you're going to have to start sleeping on the floor!" my brother growled. "Bad enough I have to keep sharing this bed with you. Why haven't you moved out already?"

"Why haven't you?" Raymond was twenty, two years older than me.

"I will, soon as I save enough for a place of my own." Raymond looked at the clock. "Might as well get the hell up." He rolled out of bed, a large, hairy, muscled man. He stood, dressed in a dirty tanktop and dirty briefs, and looked down at me with a sneer. "At least I'm working."

He grumbled and rolled his body into the bathroom to take a bath. Me, I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. I did, after Raymond finally went down to get breakfast, but I didn't dream that dream again. The one with that man in it, the one I couldn't quite know.

All I knew was, he was waiting for me.

I kept busy with things in the morning, but when I got done at noon and went in for lunch, Mom started in on me again. "Troy, how long are you going to just sit around the house? It's the middle of August. You've been out of school for three months, it's not a vacation any longer. You can't goof off the rest of your life, you know."

"I know, Mom, I know." I said. "I'll look for work, soon!"

"But when?"

"I don't know." I groaned. "Mom, I can't get a job until I know what I want to do."

"You could get a job while you're figuring it out."

"I mean," I said. "Am I going to hang around Durant the rest of my life, or am I going to move out, and if so, where?" I wasn't like Raymond, I had a couple thousand in the bank, enough to move somewhere, live while I found a job, build myself a new life. It was why my mother had kept silent so far. Except that was wearing out.

"Whatever you decide, you need to do it soon." Mom cautioned me. "If not...." She took a deep breath, and went on, "...if not, you need to start paying rent like Raymond does."

"Raymond pays rent?" I asked, dumbfounded. I hadn't known.

"He does." Mom affirmed. "About time you did the same if you're going to keep on living here. Your father and I aren't getting any younger, you know." Dad was currently in the hospital, nothing major, but he'd be in there a week or so. Probably the costs not covered by health insurance was why Mom was bringing up the subject of me chipping in.

If I was going to stay! Shit! I couldn't escape the dream even in real life!

Time to make up my mind.

That night, I dreamed of him again. Same as before, the soft green meadow, the sheltering oak tree, me lying there as he walked up through the grass.

"Done some more thinking?" He asked me.

"Some." I admitted.

He lay back down beside me, as before. "I'm waiting for you."


"You know the answer to that."

"No, I don't." I protested. "Where are you?"

"Wherever you decide to go."

"That's no answer!"

"It's the only answer."


His fingers laid a gentle "shh" onto my lips. "Don't worry about it. You decide where to go and when you do, I'll find you. Or you'll find me."

"I'd like that." I said. And this time, I wrapped myself around him and held him tight. We kissed, and the kiss was long and warm and wonderfully delicious! When it ended, I breathed, "Why is it that I can't remember your face? I mean, I know you, but it's like I can't quite remember you."

"You remember me."

"But I don't." I nearly wailed. "I try and I try and it's like I can't quite place you."

"Don't worry about it." he soothed me. "I'm here and I'm waiting for you. All you have to do is make up your mind."

"But I can't!"

"Yes, you can." he kissed me again to stop my protests. My arms went around him and all of a sudden, both of us were naked, and I felt his cock pressing against my thigh. I groaned and pushed mine against him and....

"Damn it!" Raymond shouted. "Shit! Agh! Uhhh!"

I opened my eyes in the darkness. Raymond was standing by the bed, wiping at himself with the edge of the bedsheet.

"What? What is it?"

"You freaking shit! What the hell were you doing?"

"I don't know what you mean!"

"I woke up and you were pushing up against me and your dick was all sticky and it got all over my leg. Yugh!" And he resumed wiping at himself. "Did you come in your sleep?"

"I don't know. I don't think so." I felt my crotch. "I am sticky." I admitted. My face was totally red, humiliated. It's one thing to have a bit of nocturnal emissions, but to rub it on your own brother...yugh indeed!

"Gahhh! Man, go get laid or whack off before you get in bed before you do that again! Yeesh!" Raymond got back into bed, but he didn't get close to me. I can't say I blamed him.

I got back to sleep but my dreams were troubled ones. I was looking for the man of my dreams, but I couldn't find him. I chased through woods and streets and lots of horrible, horrible places, but I couldn't find him. It was awful, just awful! I woke again and again, trying to scream out his name...but I didn't know who it was!

The next day was Sunday, and I woke up in plenty of time to get dressed and cleaned up to go to church with Mother. She wanted to ask everyone to pray for Dad, and I figured one of us kids had better be there with her. Raymond wasn't going; he declared when he turned eighteen he was never going to step foot in a church ever again. I was only sort of religious, but let's face it, I was looking for answers, and when you rubbed your cock against your brother's leg while asleep and got him sticky with your ooze, it's time to try a talk with God.

So I settled in determined to see if the pastor could give me some words of wisdom I could apply to my own life. Instead, believe it or not, the guy was too busy talking about a "new edifice" for the congregation, he wanted the congregation to sell this building and the lot it was on and build a newer, bigger one down the street several blocks where there was a large empty lot. On and on he went about this when he should have been talking about...well about just about anything else!

He finally shut up about it and we got to the part where people ask for prayers and Mom got up and said her piece about Dad and his "dangerous surgery" which is a laugh if you'd known what surgery it really was, he had an impacted bowel and some tearing in his small intestine as a result, and they were going to be going in and handling it all by a tube up his ass. But the doctor had said there was a risk (any surgery has risks) and he'd have to stay in the hospital a few days to make sure there weren't any complications or sepsis, so I kept my trap shut and let Mother dramatize it.

So I let the pastor drone on after everyone had spoken up with his benediction for some time before his words sank in to me.

"God speaks to each and every one of us. We must be ready to listen and follow His words, for it is by the better angels of our nature that he speaks and we must heed the call."

Oh, he kept talking after that, but those two words sank in to me. "Better angels."

I now knew who my nightly visitor was!

Mom went to the hospital that afternoon and I spent the afternoon and evening alone. Raymond wasn't home and wouldn't be home tonight, he'd gone with some buddies on a trip of some kind, he worked Tuesdays through Saturdays and had Sunday and Monday off. At least I wouldn't have him to wake me up in the middle of my dream tonight. I settled in and just waited.

The cool breeze off the meadow's grass was like a benediction. When he came through the grass, I stood and held open my arms, and he came to me. We embraced, and when I finally let him go after several slow kisses, he said, "I think you've made up your mind."

"No." I said. "But I know who you are now."

"You do?" he smiled broadly.

"You're my guardian angel." I said to him with a grin. "I just never expected to see you like this."

He held me while I hugged him again. Then his next words were, "So that's who you want me to be? Your guardian angel?"


I stepped back from him and...and from his back were sprouting wings. Large, glorious, snow-white wings and his hair was turning lighter and his skin, too.... And suddenly I didn't know who he was! "Is this who you want me to be?" he asked me in all his beauty and majesty.

"I don't know! Who are you?"

"You know who I am."

"No, I don't!" I screamed back at him. "Why do you always say that? I know you and I don't know you! It's like if I could just get a good look at you, I'd know you, but it never lasts long enough to let me really look at you."

"So here I am. Look at me." he said, and suddenly he was back to the one I did know/didn't know again.

I looked, hard as I could. No good. His face refused to be recognized fully. I shook my head. "It's no use. I'm never going to know who you are."

"Maybe you should get a closer look, then." and he stepped up to me and held me and we kissed again. Again, our clothes vanished to the place where things in dreams go. I felt his cock pressing against me and mine against his and I moaned and ground against him. No Raymond in my bed to wake me up this time!

The grass was softer than any bed could be. We lay down upon it and he rolled us so that I was on top of him. "You know who I am." he said to me softly.

"I know you." I agreed.

"You've always known me." he went on. "And now show me how well you know me." And his legs parted and raised to enfold my hips. "Show me how well you know me."

"I know you." I said again. "I know everything about you, even if I don't remember it."

"It's not your memory where you should be looking for me." he said.

"No?" I said as my cockhead found his anus. Soft and warm and waiting, yielding to my glans as it pushed against him.

"Memory is your past." he said. "I'm not in your past. I'm in your future."

I would have asked more, but then his sphincter opened and I slid into him as smooth as if I belonged there. Which I did.

Hot warmth boiled through my body, a delight unfettered by the mundane requirements of the flesh, for this was the joining of our spirits and held no squeezing, no pinching, no wrinkling and no bending. I entered him and he took me and it all went together in complete perfection.

He closed his eyes and moaned as I took him, and I felt my own desire flowing heavily, the meshing of our bodies was complete, and we moved in total synchronization, and I began to fuck him and he combined his motions with mine to make every stroke joyful.

"Oh, my beloved!" he gasped as my cock pumped into him with steady thrusts. "I long for when we can do this together outside of these dreams!"

"Yes, yes!" I gasped.

"You have to find me, Troy!" he moaned. "Until you do, you'll never be happy!"

"I know, I know!" I groaned.

He rolled us over and then he was straddle of me and riding my cock with frantic thrusts up and down of his body, driving my prong into his butt with a fury that made me moan and gasp.

And in that moment of ultimate ecstasy, when my climax was driving in hard upon me, and I was at the very crest of ejaculation...everything changed.

And he and I were no longer in a meadow, now we were in a large, stone room, lying upon a crude cot of rough-hewn wood, a cloth mattress stuffed with straw. Side by side again, our moment of joining not yet done.

And I reached for him, panting hard. My body quivered in the need for release, I felt his warm body and I moaned for it.

And we were of a sudden not facing each other, but head-to-toe and his manhood was pointing at me. I didn't care at that point, I got hold of his dong and stuffed it into my mouth. He sucked on mine as I sucked on his.

And his dong extended and grew as I sucked on it. I mean, it GREW! I had not only a thick, juicy prong in my mouth, it was growing out and out and out! I could only suck the top few inches of it but I did as I could and it swelled, heated, and come exploded out of it into my mouth as he came, hot wads flooded my mouth and on and on and I felt my climax building up and up and I came...and my cock blew completely apart with jizz flying everywhere, no pain, just lots of hot white jizz as if a hundred cocks were coming all at once...

And everything changed again. This time, a sedate if ornate bedroom, he was seated on the bed and I was breathing hard, and I growled with my sexual frustration, for the change in scene had also ended my orgasm as well! He smiled and laid back and I held his legs up high and I rammed my prick into him.

"I'm waiting for you." he sighed as I drove my dong in deep. "You just have to come to me, and I'll be waiting for you."

"I'll find you." I swore as I hunched him. "I'll find you!"

"Then take me now."

"Yes, uh, uh, right, uh, now!" I groaned and again I hit my climax and came....

And jerked awake in the darkness. Alone in my bed, it was nothing but the dream had awakened me. My cock was sticky with my precome and I was hornier than I had ever been.

I grabbed my prick and whacked it hard and it came in less than ten seconds. This time for real, I sprayed a load like none I'd ever had before, it flowed out of me hot and heavy and it was like I was pouring all of myself out in that load, all my hesitations, all my doubts, all my fears, they flowed out of me with that orgasm and I was left behind, covered in my spunk with nothing left to doubt or fear, ever again.... And the darkness of sleep reclaimed me once again.

But when I woke up, I knew who my dream lover was. Not a guardian angel, but something better. A better angel.

I showered and went down to breakfast. Mom was there and said, "Your father came through the surgery just fine, they tell me."

"I thought they were doing the surgery today."

"No, they moved it up to last night because they needed the surgery room today for another patient." Mom explained. "But he's going to be fine, they told me."

"I wish I'd known." I frowned. "I was going to be there with you."

"It was a bit last-minute. I decided not to worry you." Mom said. "You helped yesterday when you went to church with me. I'm sure your prayers helped."

"Maybe." I allowed. "So how much longer will Dad be in the hospital?"

"They'll let him come home on Wednesday if nothing else happens."

"All right. I'll stick around long enough to help you get him home. Then I'm leaving."

"Leaving? Where to?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Tulsa, I guess, or Dallas. I'll decide before I leave."

Mom put her hand on my arm. "I knew you'd leave us one day. You never did like this town, did you?"

I shrugged again. "Nothing here for me. I don't belong here. I've got to find somewhere I do belong."

"I know." Mom kissed me. "Just know if you need us, we'll be right here."

I thought that was the end of it, but after a time, Mom said, "Just wondering, what made you make up your mind so fast?"

"The parson's sermon." I said. "He talked about the better angels of our nature and I realized just what I needed to look for out there."

"Oh." Mom was mystified, she'd heard the parson's relentless sermon about the "new edifice" same as me.

But I hadn't lied. I knew who my nightly visitor was. The better angel of my nature, reminding me that the man with whom I'd spend the rest of my life was out there and when I found him, I'd know him.

All I had to do was go find him.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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