Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jan 29, 2014


Well it's finally ready, the next chapter. I'm truly sorry it has taken me awhile and if results come back this week okay I will be getting them out sooner. I appreciate your patience on this next chapter. Please take care and enjoy the read.

This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

Part 17

I walked inside and was greeted immediately by Chief Jacobs, " Good evening Jerry. "

" Hello Kim, I hope you are well. "

" I'm fine thanks, are you ready to start your meeting? "

" Not really but I have to do this and get it out of my life. " I smiled at Kim and she nodded her head knowing what I meant.

We walked back inside the jail and headed for the room we were in last time. " I want to thank you for all your help on this Kim. " I shook her hand and walked inside the room.

Mark was sitting there looking worse than he had the last time I met with him. " Well good evening Mark, you are looking a little worse for wear these days. "

Mark looked up at me and I could see he was nervous; after the visit and the things I had told him I knew he was not happy about me being there. " I guess I have you to blame for that Jerry. "

" I do not think so Mark, I've done nothing to make your time here any worse for you than it would have been. "

As Mark looked up at me I knew he did not believe a word I said. " Then I'm guessing that Kyle would be to blame? "

" Now Mark, we have been busy enough at the house without having to think about you. Whatever problems you are having are your own creations. "

" I find that hard to believe Jerry, but what do you want from me now? "

" Right to the topic at hand Mark, I knew there was a reason I hired you to begin with. I want the whole story from beginning to end, I want every detail you planned. "

" Good God Jerry, can't you just leave this alone? "

" What the hell do you think Mark, my ex, mother and brother were in on this and I want to know when and how. "

" I don't think I can give you all the answers you are wanting, Jerry. "

" I think you can Mark and you will. "

" Are you threatening me now, Jerry? "

" I'm not Mark, I am promising you If I don't get the details I want when I leave here then the next plan takes over. The plan led by Kyle. "

Mark looked at me and all the expression he had left his face. " You don't mean that Jerry. "

" Mark, right now I have so much going on at home I would not give it a second thought, so if you want this to end badly, just lie to me one time. "

" Fine Jerry, but I want your word that once we are done, my family will never hear from you. "

" Mark, I don't think you have the right to even ask that. "

" Why not Jerry, I want them safe. "

" Well, to begin with I have already had a visit from one of your relatives so I think it is me that should be asking never to see your family again. If you or they are planning anything else, I think you would be wise to put an end to it now. If you need to, I can even arrange for you to make a phone call to them. "

" Just who the hell are you talking about Jerry? "

" One Sherry Goodwin, she came to the house for an interview and I think that you might have been behind it. "

Mark turned his gaze away from me, I knew he was caught. " Just what the hell do you think she would be able to do to help you Mark? "

" I was hoping to find a way to force you to drop this and let me out of here. I will not make it in here, Jerry. "

" SO! Again you thought only about yourself Mark, by trying to Fuck with Me! " I shouted at him.

Mark jumped when I yelled, not expecting me to get loud. " I wanted out of here Jerry, I didn't care less who I inconvenienced. "

" I can guarantee you that it will be the last time Mark, now let's get to the beginning and if I think you are leaving anything out, I am walking out of this room and you deal with what happens. "

" What do you want to know Jerry? "

" When did this start and who approached who? "

" It was about 6 months ago and Brad approached me in the office downtown. He started asking me if you were there that day and when I told him no he started getting friendlier, if you know what I mean. "

" I see another reason to walk out that door right now, you start this off thinking only about yourself Mark. "

" If you want to hold that against me Jerry go ahead, but it was not me that went to Brad first. "

" You think that still gives you the right to not tell me? I trusted you with so much and you turned on me for a piece of ass? "

" Jerry, it was not like that, it wasn't just the sex. "

" Oh shit Mark, you are not trying to tell me you think you loved him are you? "

Mark started to turn in his seat, " Do not look away from me Mark, I want to see your eyes. "

" I don't know Jerry, but I thought it was leading that way. "

" So instead of just Brad telling me he wanted out of our relationship, you let it go onto the next level of deceit? "

" I didn't have a chance Jerry, Brad threw this at me that night and I .... " Mark trailed off.

" You what? Figured if you were going to take Brad you might as well take everything else? "

" Yes. " Was the only thing Mark said.

" So what changed to make you decide you wanted it all in the end? "

" I thought Brad would back out when he did not leave you after months of saying he would. "

" Who did you bring into the plan after you changed your mind? "

Mark tried to look away from me, I slammed my hands on the table. " I told you to look at me. "

" Jeff Hamilton from the IT department and Derrick Brady, a guy I went to college with. "

" Did you know who gave the plan to Brad?

" He told me he came up with it. "

I stared at him and there was no deception there, he did not know my mother was behind it.

" Did you ever suspect that anyone else was involved besides Brad? "

Mark looked at me with a questioning look, " No, he always seemed to know what he was talking about and where to make adjustments in the plan. Did he have someone helping him? "

" There may have been someone behind Brad's actions, but I don't think even you could figure it out, so we will leave that alone.

" I want to know who else he had working with him Jerry. "

" It is of no concern to you Mark, it was not anyone you knew about and he was not, how can I put this, cheating on you. Even if your concept of love was putting a bullet in someone and leaving them in the middle of nowhere in an unmarked hole. "

" Jerry, I never planned that from the start. I was getting nervous at the end and I wanted a back up plan in case Brad double crossed me. "

" It doesn't matter Mark, you made the plans so you knew it was wrong to begin with. I just do not understand how you thought that would delay me in tracking you down. Did you not think I would be after you faster after doing that? "

" I thought between losing Brad and your brother you would be too devastated to be onto me so quickly."

I opened the folder I had with me so Mark could see the pictures of his entire family that was the top page. I wanted him to be worried as to why I had them. I wanted him to be off his game to make sure I could see everything and everyone he had involved in this plan.

" What the hell are you doing with all of those pictures of my family Jerry? "

" After the intrusion at the house by your cousin I thought it best to know who they all were. If this meeting does not end to my satisfaction then I guess I will be handing this file over. " I gave Mark an evil glare.

" You would not do that Jerry, you can't do that. "

" I can and I would Mark, but lets finish this up and I will let you know my decision. When was the last time you saw Brad? "

" I saw him Thursday night, the day before he left you. "

" Have you had any more contact with anyone within the company or my home since you have been here? "

" No one Jerry, they could not get in here to see me if I wanted them to. Unlike you, they do not have the contacts to come and go as they please. " Mark said that last part with a bit of contempt in his voice.

" But you have been trying to contact someone, I see there is still a plan you are working on Mark. Who have you been trying to contact? "

Mark stammered, " Um, no one Jerry, I have not tried to contact anyone. "

I pulled the page of pictures out of the file and placed them on the table and closed the folder, " Fine, if that is the way you want this I am done. " I started to stand and Mark jumped up from the table.

" No Jerry! " He screamed.

A guard opened the door and looked at Mark. " Is everything alright in here? "

" We are fine, please leave us. "

" I take it you want to answer my question now, Mark? "

" It was your mother Jerry. " He looked at the floor, trying to hold onto that last bit of information as leverage.

" When was the last time you tried to contact her? " I asked as the tension in my body started to increase.

" Two days ago, my cellmate has a cloned phone hidden inside. She told me it was over...." He trailed off.

" That is not all Mark, finish it. "

" She said it was over for now. I think she is still up to something. "

I sat there studying Mark's face and expressions, there was truth there again that I have not seen since I came back from Vegas. I took a cell phone out of my pocket and slid it across the table to Mark. " I want you to call your mother and tell her that no one in your family is to ever have any contact with me. Her number is programed and the only one in there and the only one you can call. "

Mark looked up at me and picked up the phone and placed the call. Once he was finished he placed the phone on the table and I picked it back up. " I think we are done here Mark, I hope that you realize I didn't want to have to resort to this, but if I am pushed I will do what needs to be done. "

" I'm sorry Jerry. " Mark looked at the floor.

" I had great plans for you Mark, I never imagined that you would fall to those tactics and try to destroy me. I can forgive you for Brad but not anything else. "

I stood up and started towards the door. I was glad that this was done, the first ray of sun in my day.

" What are you going to do with my family Jerry? " Mark asked in a low sullen voice.

" I think they are safe Mark, but I stand by my earlier statement, they leave me alone and I will leave them alone. "

" Thank you Jerry. "

I stood there for a second, the feeling of happiness being done with this was being pulled away over the sorrow of what was facing Mark.

" Take care of yourself Mark. " I opened the door and left.

In the hallway I leaned up against the wall and set my briefcase down and slid down the wall to the floor. My mother, the mastermind of the attempt to bring me down. The one person I always thought I would never have to worry about. I sat there for a few minutes with my arms wrapped around my head when I felt a hand on my arm pulling me to my feet.

" Let's go Jerry, you need to get out of here. " Kyle said quietly.

Kyle helped me to my feet and he grabbed my briefcase and we walked out the front door and entered the limousine.

" Did you get all the answers you need Jerry? " Kyle asked in a soothing tone.

" I want to know where my mother is Kyle. "

Kyle pulled out his phone and made a call, " She is at her home, Jerry. "

" I want at least 3 teams on her 24 hours a day Kyle. God forgive me for what I am thinking. "

Kyle looked at me with a look of shock, " What the hell happened in there Jerry? "

" The evil witch is still at it Kyle and as bad as I screwed things up today, I do not need her involved in my life anymore. I also need a file started on a Derrick Brady, he was a college roommate of Mark's. I want to know where he is and everything in his background. "

" Was he involved in this Jerry? "

" Yes he was, Mark was using him and I want to know how. I don't need him popping back up later and causing me any problems. "

" I will have that ready for you as soon as possible Jerry. "

" Take me to Michael's so I can finish up down here and get home and see if I can clean up my mess there. " I turned and stared out the window, how the hell was I going to accomplish that? In one moment I shattered the trust I had with Sean, and I could not really blame him. I was going to have to overcome my instinct to hold back information. I guess it did not work so well with Brad as I never discussed my business with him and now look where I am at. That might be something I could use to help me explain to Sean why I had withheld that information. We pulled up in front of Michael's apartment and I headed upstairs.

Michael was waiting on me at the door, " Good evening Jerry, I would ask how you are doing but I can see it isn't well. "

" Hello Michael, you are right. It has been one shitty day. "

" Come on in then and we will have a drink. "

I followed Michael into the living room and he went over to the bar and poured us both a drink. He sat down on the couch next to me, " So what has you looking so bad today Jerry? "

" I met with Mark this evening and I think I can finally close the file on him. But when I do that opens another door I need to enter. I think we will need to keep the offices closed for another week. I have come across one more piece of information that has to be dealt with before I can consider reopening them. "

" This information came from Mark I take it? "

" Yes and it was not a lie but the truth of it is going to make my life a living hell. "

" If you need to keep them closed then so be it Jerry, if it makes you more comfortable then I see no problem. "

" That part of this situation does, the rest unsettles me to the core. "

" What the hell did you find out Jerry? "

" Mostly some dates and details I needed to finish off my investigation, but the most disturbing thing was my mother may not be done. "

Michael gasped, " You think she might still be up to something. "

" Mark said that she told him she was done, 'for now.' I know my mother and she is not done, because she finishes what she starts. I don't know what I am going to do now. Mary has days left and Sean is pissed at me and now I have a mother from hell to deal with. " Jerry finished the drink Michael had given him in one gulp and handed him the glass.

" Well, that is one hell of a spot you have yourself in Jerry, but why is Sean pissed at you? "

I took a deep breath and looked at the floor, " Dr. Chase told me that Mary was deteriorating faster than he thought and she only had days left, I couldn't find a way to tell Sean. I told him this morning to spend as much time with her today as he could, but I never said the words. I could not say them aloud to him, Michael. I was hoping he would understand but he just walked away from me this morning. "

" You need to beg his forgiveness Jerry. I know you were trying to protect him but he is a grown man and you should have told him. "

I looked up at Michael, " You're right and I know I have to do it, but with this shit storm that my mother started and used Brad, has shaken me, badly. "

" Explain that to him Jerry, lay out why you couldn't say the words to him. Show him you have an emotional side like everyone else has. I'm not saying he will accept that Jerry, but he can't see you as just an unfeeling business executive. "

I sat there thinking of what Michael had just said, " You are right Michael, it still does not make it any easier to say. Especially for me. "

" I know it's not easy for you Jerry, but if anyone can balance it out before he opens his mouth, it is you. "

" Thanks Michael, I wanted to stop and let you know about the offices before I headed home. Please let everyone know we will be down the rest of this week and all of next week and will reopen the following Monday. "

" I will pass the word on and make sure they are all ready to get back at it. Can we plan a strategy meeting next weekend so we can have them all set up with plans for that Monday? "

" That is a great idea Michael, call Kyle tomorrow and make sure he schedules some time for me to come down next weekend and we will get a plan in place. "

" I'll call him first thing in the morning. Now I think you need to head home and finish this day and get some rest. "

" The day is going to be finished one way or the other but rest is not on my schedule for the next 6 months. " I grinned at Michael.

I walked out of the apartment and headed back downstairs, Kyle was standing next to the limousine waiting for me as I exited the building. I climbed inside and Kyle entered the other side and we started off towards home.

" Did all go well Jerry? " Kyle asked, trying to cut the tension in the car.

" That it did Kyle. I think that tonight be alright after all. " I sat forward and poured myself a drink. I figured it could not hurt with what I was facing at home.

" Kyle, before we get home and I lose all train of thought," I took a deep breath, " I want a plan in place. " I looked over at Kyle as a tear rolled down my cheek and I knew that Kyle understood the plan I was talking about. He could not answer me he just nodded his head and stared into the darkness of the backseat.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back and tried to piece together my mother's actions and why she thought she had to go this far to change me. Why after all these years of telling me she accepted me was she turning on me now? I was going to find out why and settled on a time frame to confront her, but I had to worry about Sean first.

The car turned and started up the driveway, I lifted my head and pulled all thoughts about everything to the back of my mind and focused on Sean and Mary. I got out of the car and walked towards the front door, I paused and Kyle placed his hand on my shoulder. The house was quiet and there was no one in the living room and the door to the den was closed. I started for the kitchen to find Dad when the door to the den opened and Sean stood there in the door way. I let Kyle walk by me to head to the office and I turned and walked over to Sean.

" We need to talk. "

" Yes we do Jerry, can we go upstairs where we can speak in private? "

I stood there a second and said, " I think that would be a good idea. "

We started up the stairs to the bedroom and I was feeling a little apprehensive as Sean had not said much since I came in the house. We entered the bedroom and Sean shut the door behind us, I turned and looked him in the eyes.

" Sean, I want to say first off I am guilt-ridden for not telling you what Dr. Chase told me about Mary. I just did not know how to tell you, me of all people could not find the words to tell you. "

I stood there watching Sean's face and waited for him to say something, anything. A sign to show what he was thinking. A tear started to roll down my cheek, the silence was killing me. I could handle yelling and screaming, being shot, but this silence was worse.

" Jerry, I really don't know why I was so mad at you this morning. I think the biggest part was me taking my anger about Mary's condition and turning it against you. I know it is not easy giving someone bad news, I have received enough of it to know some people are bad at it and others are better. "

" Sean, I could not give you the news because I have never given bad news to someone I have loved. When I usually have something bad to say to someone it is because they deserve it and I tell them and walk away, never caring how they handled it. "

Sean stood silent for a moment then looked up at me, " And that is something I have not had in a long time Jerry, someone that loves me and tries to protect me from something like that. "

I walked over to Sean and took hold or him and looked deep into his eyes, " I do love you Sean, I feel like I do not have to worry about anything when I am around you. I don't have to put up a front and distance myself, and I would do nothing to ever hurt you. "

Sean laid his head on my shoulder and the tears started falling, the emotions crashing against him as the realization of what was coming over took his ability to keep it at bay. I stroked his hair and whispered, " Calm and Strong Sean. "

I held onto Sean as he battled to regain his composure, " Don't ever let me go Jerry. "

I tightened my grip around Sean's shoulders and I leaned in softly said, " Never. " Then kissed his ear.

Sean slowly made progress pulling himself back from the edge, dancing back and forth with the pain he was holding inside. I slowly maneuvered him towards the settee, once close enough I put a little pressure against him and he let himself fall into the cushions. As I held Sean and the tension in his body started to release him, I felt his breath become rhythmic, and I began to feel his full weight lean into me. I heard a deep breath come from him and realized he had fallen asleep. I leaned over to make him as comfortable as I could and sat there gently running my hand from the top of his head to his cheek. I sat there humming one of my favorite songs and thought back on my childhood, all the mistakes I had made and the support my parents had given me. All of the mistakes I had made as I learned to travel the hazardous paths of life, ups and downs, happiness and despair. How Sean lived through those tumultuous years without the guiding hand of an adult,

someone to help navigate them when times were the worst. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and noticed we had been sitting there for an hour. I placed my mouth next to Sean's ear, " Time to get up babe, or you are not going to sleep tonight. "

Sean rolled his head away from my lips and glanced up at me, " Five more minutes please. "

I could not resist him and looked down at him, " How could I say no to you? "

I sat there still humming when Sean pushed himself up, " What are you humming? "

" Just a song that I have always loved hearing. It helps me calm my mind sometimes so I can concentrate. "

" I would love to hear it sometime. "

" I think I can find a copy of it, I know I have one on my laptop. Did you have dinner this evening? "

Sean looked down, " No, I really never thought about it. "

" Let's head down to the kitchen and I will see what I can find for you. "

" Nothing major tonight Jerry, I can just make a sandwich. "

" Well, we will see what is in there and you can decide. "

When we were walking down the stairs I looked over towards the den, " Can you head in the kitchen Sean? I need to do something first. "

" I sure can Jerry. " Sean turned and looked at me and noticed the frown on my face as I stared at the den. " Go ahead Jerry, she is not mad at you, but I suggest that you don't mention my name unless you can move fast. " Sean smiled and turned towards the kitchen.

I quietly opened the door to the den and slowly poked my head in, Mary looked like she was sleeping and Charlotte was sitting in the corner reading over a file.

" Hi Charlotte, is Mary sleeping? " I asked as softly as I could as not to wake her if she was.

" She has been on and off Mr. Martin. "

I walked over to the edge of her bed and sat down, as my weight moved her Mary opened her eyes. " How are you doing Mary? " I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

" Hi Jerry, I'm really tired. Are you doing alright and did you beat that stubborn headed brother of mine yet? "

" Oh Mary, I wouldn't do that. Not yet anyways. " I chuckled. " He is in the kitchen getting something to eat. "

" He told me what happened this morning and I almost got out of this bed and tanned his hide. Did you get it through his thick head you did it to help him? "

" I think I have Mary, but I can still see his point. I think Sean is insecure from all the tragedies that have happened to your family when he was young. The truth always had to be told and it was terrible news and no one protected him from it and he is not used to someone trying. "

Mary was thinking about what I said the memories of their childhood rushing through her mind. " You're right Jerry, I never thought about it. When Dad died Mom just withdrew into herself so much she didn't really even interact with us kids anymore. "

" It may take awhile to pull him out of that, and show him that someone can care about him and try and protect him from bad and not just dump it in his lap. "

" I'm sure that you can do that Jerry, even with the work load you carry on yourself now. "

" Mary, I need to tell you something that Sean knows about but I asked him to keep from you. "

" I'm sure you had a good reason Jerry. "

" Charlotte, could you please excuse us for a few moments please. " I turned and looked at Charlotte.

" Sure Mr. Martin, I will be in the living room if you need me. " Charlotte walked out of the room and left me and Mary alone.

" I am just going to say this Mary, I don't know how to sugar coat it and if I do not say it now I may never say it. "

" Take your time Jerry. "

" The reason my mother is not here in my home now is she was the one behind my problems at work and from what I have learned tonight I do not think she is done. She also pulled my brother into her plan and almost got him killed. I don't know what in the world she is up to Mary. I just don't want Sean to see my mother turn into such a bitch when he holds so many happy memories about your mother. "

" It's okay Jerry, I knew something was wrong. I know you'll protect Sean and keep him and Jack safe. I would not worry too much about your mother, my mother told me she was watching out for you. "

I stared at Mary as if she was speaking in tongues. Your mother? "

" Yes Jerry, she came to me this afternoon and told me that she was watching over you."

" I hope she is watching closely Mary, I'm afraid. "

" What do you have to be afraid of Jerry? "

I sighed and looked down at the floor, I could not being myself to say the words that have been occupying my mind all evening.

" I do not want to be forced to make a choice Mary, but you have to understand that when and if I am, that the choice will be for me and my family. "

" I know what you are saying Jerry. " Mary closed her eyes and a tear ran down her cheek.

" Mary, do not cry when I say ' my family '. I mean you, Sean and Jack. I will not allow anyone, even my mother, to devastate what we have. I may have not have known you long Mary, but my mother has been at this for awhile and I will be putting an end to it soon. "

Mary looked up at me with the tears still running down her face. " Jerry you can't do that, she is your mother. "

" I have told you Mary, she is my mother but I will not allow her to do this to you and your brother. She started this before I even met you two, but she will not be given the chance to use the three of you in any new plans. I hope you can fathom the lengths I am willing to go when it comes to protecting you. "

" Don't cross that line Jerry, do not let her bring you down from your level of honesty and goodness. "

I sat there thinking about what Mary had just said, " You are right Mary, I was letting my anger lead me and I will not let that happen. God what am I going to do without your guidance? "

" Look to Sean, he can help, but his anger over Mom and Dad has kept him from seeing that in himself. "

" I will Mary, I have seen that in him already. I know it is going to take time to bring him back from the precipice after you pass Mary, it is going to take all my strength to keep him from falling in. "

" You have that strength within you Jerry, just please be careful that it's a strength of light and not dark. "

" I promise you that Mary, I will keep us on the path of right. Now you get some rest, I need to check on Sean and make sure he has not eaten everything in the kitchen. " I gave her a chuckle.

" I bet he has Jerry. " Mary smiled at me and I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

I went out the door and walked over to the living room and told Charlotte that we were finished and she could go back in with Mary. I heard dishes rattle in the kitchen and walked in to see how much damage Sean had done on the food stocks.

" Did you eat everything in the house? " I asked as Sean had his back to me.

" Almost, I didn't realize how hungry I was till I started eating.

" How about we sit out back and enjoy the spring evening? "

" Sounds good, after all I just ate I don't think I could walk too far. " Sean laughed.

" I am sure as hell not going to carry you. " I shot Sean a look and laughed.

We went outside and sat down on the bench and just looked at the star filled sky and listened to the sounds of the dark. I watched Sean as he looked into the nights emptiness yet he seemed to be watching the night like it held all the wonders of life.

" Sean, I need to let you in on some of my day today and I want you to understand where I am headed with some of the decisions facing me, excuse me, I mean us. "

Sean turned in his seat and looked over at me, " I am sorry Jerry... "

I interrupted Sean, " Sorry for what Sean, you did not do anything to be sorry for. It was me being stubborn today. "

" I don't think so Jerry, " Sean paused and took a deep breath, " You were hurt and I caused it. I felt like an ass all day that I forced you to leave the house, your house. I never meant to make you feel so bad. "

I studied Sean's face, there was something more to his apology than thinking he upset me. " It was you. " I stared at Sean with my eyes wide.

" Me what? "

" You made Kyle call the highway patrol. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, I had to bring you back home. I could not ever forgive myself if something would have happened to you out there on your own. " I saw the tears falling down his cheeks.

I moved over and wiped the tears from his eyes with my thumbs, " Nothing to be sorry for Sean, I would have done the same thing. Besides I was in no danger, might not have known where I was going but I think I was guided to the perfect place. " I pulled Sean closer to me and gently placed a kiss on his lips.

" You are not mad that I made Kyle do that? "

" I told you that you could go to him for anything, and if he could not help you he could get a hold of me and I could. I guess that both applied in this situation. "

Sean threw his arms around my neck and hugged me, I sat there filling myself with his strength hoping to finish what I had to say.

" I need to tell you about my meeting downtown Sean, I may need your help soon and I don't want it to be a surprise when I do. "

" What happened Jerry? "

" I met with Mark again, and I do not think my mother is done with me. " I finished and lowered my head, " I need you to help me do the right thing when times get bad. "

" How could she still be up to something Jerry, she knows that you found out she was involved. "

" I have no idea Sean, finding out she was in on this really turned my world upside down. I don't know what else she thinks she could do to mess up my life, but since I have found you, I am worried that it might be directed towards you. I need you to help make sure I don't do anything unimaginable to her. "

Sean sat there trying to understand what I was saying and the look on his face changed. He got a look of horror on his face, " You wouldn't do that Jerry. "

I fell to the ground on my knees, the tears of what I had almost down today flooded down my face. Their wetness trying to wash away my guilt, to bring back the innocence I needed back in my life.

" Shhh Jerry, I won't let you walk that path alone. " Sean pulled me into him and held me, keeping me from losing myself in the dark of the night.

I don't know how I was blessed to have found Sean, Mary and Jack but at this moment in time I was glad they were there. I shudder to think what I may have done if it was not for them. I let out a deep sigh and Sean pulled me back and looked at me, " What's wrong Jerry? "

" Nothing Sean, in fact nothing could be more right at this moment. I have someone who cares about me and not what I have or what I can do for them, I just kick myself for not seeing that sooner. "

" I am glad you didn't Jerry. " Sean said, taking me by surprise.

" Why is that Sean? "

" Because I would have never met you then Jerry. "

" You are right babe and now I can't see a life without you in it. "

Sean tensed up when I said that and I could feel him slightly pull back. Oh fuck, I said too much. I knew not to push him too far or too fast, my mind started racing. Fear grabbing a hold of me and pulling me into that dark place in my mind I did not enjoy being in. I pulled back from Sean looked him in the eyes and asked, " Did I go too far? "

I sat there waiting for Sean to say something, anything, I was prepared for rejection at this point, just for him to speak to me.

" I am sorry Sean, I knew not to push too far or too fast with you. " I got up to walk back in the house as I turned to walk away Sean's hand came to rest on my shoulder.

" I just never expected you to say that Jerry, I can't see my life without you in it either. "

Sean pulled me back to his chest and wrapped his arms around me and placed his head next to mine and kissed my neck.

" Just keep being you Jerry. " Sean whispered in my ear.

" I don't know how to be anyone else Sean, so you're stuck with me as I am. Fallible, stubborn, caring Jerry. "

" I can see one of those but the other 2 are wrong. "

I pushed Sean in the chest playfully, " You're just being nice. " I turned and headed towards the back door of the house.

" Nothing wrong with being nice as long as you're honest, and I was. " Sean said as he walked up next to me.

We walked in the kitchen, " Want some dessert tonight? As if I have to ask. " I laughed

" If you're twisting my arm I guess I can't say no. "

I cut a piece of cake for Sean and made a pot of coffee. I had not told Sean that I thought he should spend the night with Mary in the den, just a feeling I had with Mary's comment about seeing their mother today.

" Can I make a suggestion Sean? " I looked at him with caring eyes.

" Sure you can Jerry, I haven't seen a suggestion from you that was wrong yet. "

I took a deep breath and reached out for Sean's hand, " I think you should spend the night with Mary.

" Did you talk to Dr. Chase today Jerry? "

" No I didn't Sean, I was a little busy today. I did just talk with her while you were eating, and I just don't feel right tonight. I can't explain why, but there is something bothering me. "

Sean looked at me like I had gone insane and maybe I had. " I will go in and see how she is and I might just do that Jerry. "

I knew this was going to be a long night, Mary's confession that she had talked to her mother had me concerned. Was it a hallucination? Or did she really see her mother?

Whichever it was my mind picked up on the details and would not let me drop it. I poured a cup of coffee and walked back into the office. I figured I might as well try and get some plans ready for next weekend while I waited on Sean. I started writing out a plan for reopening the offices and outlined the plans for the next quarter. I did not know how long I had been working when I went to take a drink of my coffee and it was ice cold. I got up and went in the kitchen to get a new cup and realized I had been in the office for almost two hours. I set my cup down next to the pot and went to the den to check on Sean and Mary, as I quietly opened the door and stepped inside I saw Sean sitting beside Mary's bed asleep with his head laying in her lap. I looked over at Charlotte and jerked my head for her to come out in the foyer with me. I shut the door after she walked out, " How is Mary doing tonight? "

" Well Mr. Martin, I'm not a doctor so I can't give much of an opinion on how she is doing tonight. "

" Charlotte I know you're not a doctor, but being a nurse you spend more time with patients and generally know more about their condition than a doctor does. Just tell me what you think. "

" I'm sorry Mr. Martin, but I don't think she will last much longer. " Charlotte reached out and touched my hand.

My head fell forward as I closed my eyes, " Thank you Charlotte, I appreciate your honesty. Have those two talked any since he came back in the room? "

" Miss Austin has awakened enough to talk to him a few times, but it has not been any more than five minutes at a time. "

" Thank you so much for your help Charlotte, I will be outside on the porch if you need me. "

I walked back to the kitchen and poured a fresh cup of coffee and headed out on the front porch. These next few days were going to be hard on Sean and Jack. I looked up and quietly said a prayer for the strength to see them through. A slight breeze blew through me and I felt a calm fall over me, I don't know what it was but I felt that everything was going to be fine.

I was startled when I heard the front door open, I turned to see who was coming out and Sean was standing there, his face fallen and white as could be. I knew what happened and I jumped up out of my seat.

" I know Sean. " I wrapped my arms around him as he collapsed into me. Sean's entire body shook as the tears cascaded down his face. I knew that he now felt completely alone, but I hoped that he would realize that he would always have me if he choose to. He had Jack to raise now on his own, although I was sure that was the farthest from his mind.

Sean suddenly stood up, " No, NO, this can't be happening; I can't lose someone else. "


I know I have said it at the top of the page, but I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work in helping me edit. Even if I can be a royal pain, they have stuck with me. I really can't thank you two enough.

Next: Chapter 18

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