Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jul 5, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 25:

I could see the pain in Sean's face that Jack would not go to him when we got into the car. I placed my hand on his leg and smiled at him. Dad leaned over and whispered something to Sean. I could not hear what he was saying but watched as Sean nodded his head and then looked up at Dad and smiled. Damn, Dad always knows what to say at the right time.

Kyle turned in the front seat and gave me the look that he needed to talk, I tried to get Jack to slide over on Sean's lap but he would not loosen his grip. I finally decided to hell with it and moved to the other seat so I could talk with Kyle.

" What's wrong now? " I asked, with a bit of anger in my voice.

" Sorry sir, " I knew this was trouble, only time Kyle used the sir business. " There is a scene developing at the funeral home. "


Part 26

I turned so Jack was as far away from Kyle as I could get him, " Damn it Kyle, just tell me what is wrong. "

" Sorry Jerry. " Kyle leaned a little farther over the seat. " It seems a large number of your A list friends have shown up at the funeral home and there seems to be a parking problem. "

I lowered my voice as much as I could so Sean would not hear. " Damn it. I want you to put up the window, then call Kim and ask her to get a squad over there and get that traffic moved. I will pay them as private duty security, this day is about Sean and Jack not me. I will not have these 'friends' of mine screwing this up. "

" Right away, Jerry. " Kyle turned around and put the window up and I moved myself and Jack back to out seat.

" What's wrong Jerry? " Sean asked, with more concern in his eye than I liked.

" Just a little traffic problem that I hope to have cleared up soon. " I smiled at Sean, trying to reassure him.

I sat there holding Jack and started thinking about all that we had been through the last few weeks and as I sat there I started humming to Jack. I felt Sean move in his seat and then a whisper as he talked with Dad. There was a pause and I knew Dad was thinking about what to say. He cleared his throat and was about to whisper back to Sean.

" Not now Dad. "

There was silence again as Dad stopped what he was going to say to Sean, then Sean turned back towards me and placed his hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze. We continued the ride in silence as I was in no mood to talk and I knew Sean was deep in thought. I was more worried about Jack as he continued to hold onto me and not loosen his grip. I held Jack and continued humming as I stroked his hair and wondered what was going through that mind of his. I said a silent prayer that Kim had managed to clear up the little problem with the traffic before we arrived, I did not need Sean to think I turned this into an event to benefit me in any way. The car slowed as we approached the funeral home and I opened my eyes and let out a sigh as the street was clear and traffic was flowing quickly. I turned and looked at Sean, he had his head lowered and I reached for his hand.

The car stopped as a patrolman approached the driver's window, I heard Josh raising his voice. The patrolman was pointing down the street, wanting Josh to move the limo out of the way. I tensed up and knew that this was not going to go well, for us or Josh, if the patrolman keep pushing him.

" Dad, can you please roll down the window? " I asked.

" No, Jerry. I will handle this. " Sean spoke up, determined to handle this himself. It caught me a bit off guard, but I smiled.

" All yours Sean. " I nodded towards the door.

Sean leaned past Dad and opened the door and climbed out to speak to the patrolman. I was almost holding my breath that Sean kept calm and if need be used Kim's name to get this handled.

" Excuse me, " Sean leaned down and looked at his name tag, " Office Jenkins, we need this car at the front door and we need it handled now. " Sean stood a little taller with his chest puffed a little as he found a bit of authority in his voice.

" I'm sorry sir, but I was told to have all traffic moved off this street, so you will have to continue down and park at the lot on the corner. " Office Jenkins said trying to dismiss Sean.

" Well, I do not really care what you were told, I will not park down the street for my sisters funeral. You will move those traffic cones and have this car at the front door in the next 60 seconds, or I will have to call Chief Jacobs and have her deal with you herself. " Sean stood there in a more defiant stature.

Officer Jenkins looked like someone had hit him with a baseball bat as he tried to recover from Sean's dominant appearance. " Right away Sir, there is no reason to bother Chief Jacobs. " He quickly walked over to the cones and started moving them as Sean walked back to the car and slide back in, as I moved over to allow him a little easier entry.

" I can see why you like what you do Jerry. " Sean smiled at me.

" Just be careful Sean, it can go to your head. Then you start down a bad road that is difficult to stop. "

Sean sat there contemplating my words as we pulled up in from of the funeral home, I had to nudge him with my elbow to get his attention.

" Sean, before we go in, please pay no attention to all the people inside. I will arrange for you and Jack to have a private visit, then Dad can take Jack to your house before you accept the guests. "

Sean shook his head, trying to steady himself and gather his courage up to walk inside. Kyle got out of the front seat and opened the door for us, I wiggled out with Jack still attached tightly around my neck. I stood and waited as Sean slid across the seat and stepped out, I leaned close to him and whispered, " Strong and calm. " I grabbed his hand and led him inside.

As we walked inside we were met by Mr. Hart and I pulled him aside to ask if he could keep the room closed while Sean and Jack had a few minutes with Mary.

" That will be no problem Mr. Martin, the room is always kept closed until the family has a chance for a private viewing. Right this way please. "

We walked into the room and Mr. Hart turned and walked back out to give us time for a personal family visit. I put my hand on Sean's shoulder, " Take your time Sean. "

Sean nodded and was fighting to keep himself in control as he slowly walked toward Mary, losing control as the tears were rolling down his beautiful face. My heart broke as I watched the pain overtake Sean. Jack tightened his grip around my neck, " Jack, do you want to leave? "

Jack shook his head against my chest as he started sobbing, I knew then he could not handle saying goodbye to his mother. I nudged Dad and tilted my head towards the door for him to open it and follow me.

" Jack needs to get out of here Dad, can you sit with him in the car until I let Sean know? "

" Sure Son, I would love to help my little bud. " Dad said as he rubbed Jack's back and headed toward the front door.

As I passed Kyle I stopped, " Can you step in there with Sean and tell him I will be back in as soon as I get Dad and Jack in the car? "

" Sure, Jerry. " Kyle headed into the room with Sean.

We walked out to the car and Dad got into the back and I ran my hand over Jack's head. " Can you take a ride to your house with my Dad, Little Man? "

Jack nodded his head and for the first time lifted his head off my chest. The red eyes and tears on his cheek said more than any words the boy could speak.

" When you get to your house, find a Miss Jackson. She is the caterer and ask her if she has any thing for you to do Little Man. "

" Okay Jerry. " Jack quietly said, but a little light came back to his eyes. The prospect of working in the kitchen sparked his interest.

" I need you to slide in the car with Richard and he can hold you on the ride to your house. "

Jack almost jumped out of my arms and into the car sitting with Dad like he belonged there. " I will be right back guys, I need to let Sean know what is going on before you leave. "

I headed back inside and walked to the door leading to the room where Mary lay, waiting for us to pay our last respects. As I opened the door Kyle was standing just inside, I nodded at him and he stepped back out of the room. I walked up to Sean as he stood next to the casket, staring down at Mary.

" Why Mary, why did you have to leave me now? " I could hear the sobs as Sean continued on talking. " I need you now more than ever Sis, I don't know if I can do this without you. Who will I talk my problems out with now? You have left me with no one to listen to me and Little Man to raise on my own. "

The words stopped me in my tracks, ' no one to listen to him '? That is all I have been doing for weeks, does he thinks I am going to stop?

I stepped up behind him and cleared my throat, to let him know I was there. " I need to talk to you a minute Sean. "

Sean turned around, staring at the floor as the tears continued running down his face. " Sean, I had to send Jack out to the car with my Dad. He could not handle seeing his Mom like that and I did not want to push him into doing it. I told them they could head over to your house and help the caterer until we were finished, but I wanted you to know before they left and to get your permission. "

Sean slowly lifted his head up to look at me. " You're probably right Jerry, send them on to the house. " Sean started to turn back towards the casket.

I grabbed his arm and stopped him from turning away from me. " Sean, I know this is not easy, but you do know that I am here for you. Don't you? " I asked in a very uneasy tone, not sure that I wanted to know the answer.

Sean looked at me, his eyes showing the distance he was feeling at the moment. Lost and scared, I knew he did not know what he said and a bit of relief washed over me. I stepped up to him and pulled him down and wrapped my arms around him, trying to take away some of the pain he was feeling.

" Let it out Sean, I'm here for you Babe. " I said to Sean as I let my hand slide down the back of his head to his shoulders.

Sean continued to sob in my arms and the tears flowing from his face were soaking through the shoulder of my jacket.

After a few minutes, Sean began to regain some control and slowly lifted his head off my shoulder. " Oh shit Jerry, I'm sorry. I ruined your suit. " Sean's face had a look of horror on it.

" Don't worry about it Sean, it is just a suit, easily replaced. " I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. " Unlike you my friend. " I smiled at Sean. " Now go out and let Kyle know that Dad and Jack can head out. " I turned Sean and pushed his toward the door.

Sean slowly walked out the door as I turned and walked up towards Mary. " Mary, I know you are here to watch over Jack and Sean. Please help Sean understand that I'm here if he needs me, look into my heart and see that I would never hurt them. " I reached down and touched Mary's hand as the tears started flowing down my face.

Outside Sean had spoken with Jack and Dad and they had pulled away, Sean felt a breeze and stood up straight and looked around. He felt a sudden warmth inside, yet a feeling that something was not right. As he made his way back inside his heart started beating faster, the need to be near Jerry overcoming him. He pushed himself faster back to find Jerry, he opened the door and saw Jerry knelt beside Mary's casket.

" Please Mary, show Sean that I would never hurt him. I could not care less if I lost everything I had, as long as he was there with me. "

Sean walked up behind Jerry and the emotions to protect and comfort him almost overwhelmed him and he reach down and almost effortlessly pulled Jerry up.

" She has done just that Jerry, I know in my heart that you would never hurt me or Jack. I want to be beside you as long as you will have me. " Sean leaned down and kissed Jerry with all the passion he could bring together within him.

I stared at Sean, " Sean, I have to say it and say it out loud. I love you and I never want to be apart! "

" I love you Jerry, and can't think of a better way to spend all my time than with you. I think we need to set that aside for now though, we have a group of friends waiting on us.

" Sean shook his head towards the door and the outer rooms.

" You are right Mr. Austin, but tonight you are all mine. " I smiled and gave Sean a kiss that curled my toes.

Holding hands we walked back to the doors and opened them and went back to take our place next to Mary. Visitors started coming in one after the other, shaking Sean's hand and passing on their sympathies. Sean told me several times that he thought everyone that ever lived in his neighborhood had come through the line. Many times he would stop as someone stepped away and ask is that who I think it is, and I would have to laugh and shake my head. Sean was still not able to comprehend the people who I knew around the world and their presence was making him nervous.

After close to two hours of receiving friends I noticed that Sean was getting tired, as the stress of the day was taking over his handsome face. As the next visitor stepped up to Sean I noticed his expression change, first a deep look of concern, then a smile broke out on his face. He grabbed the man in front of him, " Brent! How the hell ya doing? " Sean asked as he hugged him.

" I'm good Sean, I'm really sorry about Mary. " Brent answered as the sorrow he was holding showed across his face.

" Thanks Brent, I'm really going to miss her. " Sean got a tear in his eye.

" Where is Little Man at? " Brent asked.

" He is at the house, he couldn't handle seeing Mary so I sent him home till this was over. "

" Who the hell is watching him, Sean? Everyone we both know is here. " Brent asked with a little too much concern in his voice.

" He is fine Brent. This is Jerry Martin, his father is watching Jack until we get back to the house. "

" It's a pleasure to meet you Brent. " I stuck my hand out to shake.

Brent looked at my outstretched hand then up to my face. " Who the hell is this, Sean? "

" He is a close friend of mine, Brent and I trust him with my life and more. Now shake the man's hand and we will discuss this at the house. " Sean was getting mad as he stood there staring at Brent.

" Fine, " was Brent's response as he grabbed my hand and shook, squeezing a little harder than normal trying to intimidate me.

Brent walked off looking back at me trying to size me up. I noticed Kyle approaching him and I held up my hand to wave him off. Brent looked up as Kyle approached and bumped into his shoulder as they passed. I was hoping that there was nothing behind the indifference that Brent was showing. Sean noticed the attention I was showing Brent as he walked away.

" He isn't really that bad, Jerry. I think he just had a crush on Mary and having a hard time with this. "

Just from his stance and reaction to me I knew there was more, but not quite sure which of the two options it was. " I'm sure you're right Sean. " I returned my attention to Sean as he continued greeting friends.

I continued to keep an eye on Brent as the line in front of Sean continued to move and we neared the end. Brent was watching me every time I looked over as he moved around the room. I was not thinking about my hand as I watched Brent, until he had moved around the room to where he could see more of our backs. When I looked back at Brent, his face had frozen and his mouth was open, his eyes turned from shock to anger. I knew that Brent was going to cause a scene and I did not want Sean to have to deal with his friend at the moment.

I touched Sean's shoulder and leaned over to whisper to him. " I think we have a problem with Brent and I don't think you want to have a scene right here. It might be wise to take him aside and deal with him now, or I can handle it if you like. "

Sean had a shocked look on his face when I said that, like he thought I would have Brent killed right there in the middle of the funeral home.

" I don't know what to say to him Jerry. " Sean got a worried look on his face.

" Tell him the basics Sean, we met in Vegas and we became friends and I am helping you with everything until the estate is settled. Then if you want, in a few days meet with him and let him know as much as you want him to know. "

Sean nodded his head and excused himself and went to pull Brent away to have a talk in private. I stood and continued greeting friends while Sean was busy dealing with Brent. The line started getting thinner and soon there were no more people to greet, I made apologizes for Sean as I talked with each person. Just as I was about to go searching for Sean he and Brent came back in the room with their arms over each others shoulders. I was glad to see whatever Sean had told Brent had gone over well and they seemed to be the friends they had always been.

I walked over to the two of them, " I think we are about ready to finish the service Sean. "

Sean's smile immediately turned to a frown as he was brought back to the reality of why we were there. Sean nodded as I took his arm and led him over to the family chair they had placed in the front row. As I got Sean seated Brent pushed his way in and sat next to Sean, starting my blood boiling, but I took a deep breath and moved to the row behind Sean and took a seat.

I sat there fuming, one for letting Brent push his way in and two for Sean not telling him to step back. Brent had put his arm around Sean's shoulder and he kept his head down, the priest the funeral home had brought in stepped in front of the room and began to speak.

Kyle took a seat next to me and I leaned over to whisper to him, " I want a full report on a Brent Stein, " I pointed at the man sitting next to Sean, " ready as soon as we leave here. "

Kyle nodded and slipped out of the room. I noticed that Brent had leaned over and was talking to Sean and looking back at me, with a smug look on his face. Sean kept shaking his head as Brent talked, I could see from my angle that Sean's face was getting red. I knew that whatever Brent was saying to him was upsetting him, causing his anger to well up inside.

Brent started to get a little louder as he talked to Sean, still not enough to catch all that was being said, but loud enough to know they were talking. That was until I caught the words, 'he's a fairy' coming from Brent. That pushed my anger level up to where I had to finally open my mouth. " Is there a problem? " I asked as I stood up and leaned in for them to hear me.

" Nothing that you need to worry about, so sit down and leave Sean alone. " Brent growled out with hatred in his voice.

I was about to give it to Brent with both barrels when Sean stopped me dead in my tracks. " Brent, I think you need to leave. Jerry has all the right in the world to worry about me. " I could see the worry in Sean's eyes as he knew that Brent was not going to take this well.

" And why the hell is that, Sean? " Brent was getting red now.

I needed to end this before it got out of hand, " This is not the time of place for this gentlemen, you can have a discussion when we get back to Sean's house. "

Sean and Brent both nodded their heads and turned and focused their attention on Father O'Neil. Brent sat there listening to the Father, but kept glancing back at me. It was during one stare down I saw what it was that was upsetting Brent, this was not going to be easy on Sean. Brent kept himself quiet through the rest of the Father's prayers and words, but anyone who looked at him knew it was taking everything he had to do it.

" Does anyone have anything they would like to say about Mary? " Father O'Neil asked. The room sat quiet, as Sean looked around waiting for someone to be kind enough to step up and say a word about his sister. Sean started fidgeting more as his hopes started to drift away for someone to speak.

I stood up and walked to the front of the room, I smiled over at Sean. " Ladies and Gentlemen, I would first like to thank each and everyone of you for coming out today and helping us remember the life of Mary Austin. I did not know Mary for long, we had only met recently in Las Vegas. From the moment I met her she was charming and friendly, and her thoughts were always about others. She worried for the safety and happiness of Jack and Sean, even as she knew the end was near, they were her concern. We sat and talked the last few nights she was with us, she had an insight to life that many do not have. She talked about her mother and father and the struggles that her and Sean had to endure. Even through all the hard times the the Austins had to go through, Mary came out of it with a smile on her face and a warmth in her heart for anyone that crossed her path. She was direct with her questions, but being a mother and ill, she had little time to 'beat

around the bush'. I have known many a strong person on this world, have met leaders of nations and corporations that could have learned some valuable lessons from Mary. I include myself in those, in the few close days we had together she taught me to remember the love of a family. A family no matter how it is made up, blood relative or not, as long as the love they share is shared unconditional. I will miss the chance to know Mary better and for her to have the time to see her son grow to be the man she hoped he becomes, and her brother to find his calling in life and fulfill those dreams. I want to close by reminding each and everyone of you to cherish those you love, make each day with them a moment that you will always remember. "

When I finished, I headed towards my seat as Father O'Neil led us in a final prayer and asked everyone to pay their final respects. Brent had once again put his arm around Sean's shoulder as the tears started falling from his eyes. The crowd made their way up for a final viewing and then exited the room, in time leaving just Brent, Sean and I in the room. I walked up to the casket and placed my hands on Mary's. " Please watch over us Mary, we will need your strength even now. " I kissed her forehead and moved away for Sean to step up. Brent stood behind him as he leaned down and whispered something to Mary, he kissed her forehead and stood and looked at me. Sean fell into my arms and I wrapped them around him as he broke down and cried. I stroked his hair and just held him tight.

" She is here with us Sean, I think she wanted to make sure you were alright. You know, being big Sis. " I kissed his cheek as I pulled back to wipe the tears from his eyes.

" I know she is Jerry, I have felt her since we walked in the door. I think she is having as hard a time as me letting go. "

" Let's get out to the car Sean, we don't want to keep them waiting too long. " In the sorrow of the moment, I lost myself and leaned in and kissed Sean.

" What the hell are you doing to him, you damn fairy? " Brent rushed at me and pushed me away from Sean, knocking me on the floor.

I heard footsteps rushing towards us and I yelled out. " No, Kyle. Leave him alone. "

Getting up off the floor, Sean stood there with his mouth open and Brent started on me again. " What's the matter, queer man need a bodyguard? "

Brent stood there laughing as I stepping up in front of him, " Brent, I have given you the benefit of the doubt because you are Sean's friend. If you have a problem with me, I expect you to talk them out like a man. I will not be used as your personal punching bag ever again. "

" You will be used for whatever I want Mr. Sissypants. I could care less what you want. Let's get out of here Sean. You need to get away from him before he corrupts you anymore. " Brent started to move towards the door.

Sean was frozen where he stood, looking at me then at Brent. My eyes started to water as I waited for Sean to make a decision. Time seemed to stop as did my breathing when he started walking and just as he was about to pass by me and my heart was stopping, he did also.

" Brent, I think it's time you leave. I won't have you treating or talking to Jerry that way. " Sean calmly told Brent.

" You have got to be kidding me, Sean. " Brent stepped up in front of Sean. " What in God's name has this freak done to you? "

" I am asking you politely, one last time, Brent. Either apologize to Jerry, or leave now. "

" You don't mean that Sean, we have been friends forever. How can you just throw that all aside? "

I'm not Brent, I wanted to have this talk in private, but you seem to want to have it out in front of everyone. And at Mary's funeral, can you not show some respect for her? She loved you just as much as she did me and Jack. "

Brent looked at Sean as his eyes became wet, " Damn it Sean, you know I love you and loved her just as much. I can control myself, but when we are back home we have to talk. "

" That's all I ask Bro. " Sean added with a love for Brent that I saw shine through his smile.

Brent turned to me, with his back to Sean. " Jerry, I'm sorry about what I have said and done. This was no place to open my mouth and push you around like that. " His words were apologetic, but the look on his face was far from it.

" Thanks, Brent. I know that was not easy and I appreciate the fact, but my statement still goes. I will not ever be used for a punching bag by anyone. " I looked at Brent, but could not show the contempt I felt for him as Sean was looking at me.

" It won't happen again, Jerry. Now can you call off the bodyguard? And why the hell do you need a bodyguard anyways? " Brent asked, finally realizing that Kyle was just that, my bodyguard.

" That is a story for another time Brent, for right now we have other pressing matters. "

I moved around Brent and grabbed Sean's hand and led him out of the room and towards the front door. Kyle stayed behind at Mr. Hart's request, as Sean and I were on our way to the car. Once standing outside and as I opened the car door, Sean put his hand on my shoulder and turned to face Brent.

" Brent, I would like for you to ride with us to the cemetery. " Sean asked Brent, trying to smooth the road ahead of him, for when they had their talk later.

Brent looked at Sean in a bit of surprise. " If you are sure Sean, I would really like that. " " I'm sure Brent. " Sean entered the car as did Brent and I stood there waiting on Kyle to come out and join us.

Kyle came walking out, the sorrow showing on his face. He also had a file in his hand and I knew exactly what it was. " You're fast as always Kyle, but keep it with you for now, we have a guest with us. "

Kyle bent down and looked in the car and gave me a look of surprise, " Will do boss. " I got into the back of the limo, Brent was sitting next to Sean so I climbed into the front seat and sat facing them. Sean sat looking out the window, his gaze not focused on anything just looking out as he thought. Brent, on the other hand was staring at me, trying to figure out who I was and how I fit into Sean's life. I barely noticed the smirk come across his face, until I noticed that Sean had grabbed his hand. When I looked back up at Brent he had a smile on his face and he winked at me and opened his mouth to say something. I shook my head no at him and looked over at Sean, and noticed the tears running down his face.

I got down on my knees in front of him and placed my hands on his knees, " Sean, are you alright? "

Sean just shook his head no as he sat there looking out the window. He didn't even glance down at me once, he was worried about more than Mary. Sean finally turned and looked at me, " Look Jerry, see for yourself. "

I knew what he wanted me to do and I dropped my eyes, " No Sean, I won't. "

" Please Jerry, I need you to know. I can't bring myself to say it to you. " Sean was still staring at me, unwilling to take his eyes off me.

" I know it already Sean, but you will be the one that says it. You can't take the easy way out of this. Don't worry about it now Sean, you need to finish this day up and think about Little Man. Mary will be there to help you, just listen with your heart. " I pushed myself up and back into my seat and composed myself, as Brent sat there with an even larger smirk on his damn face. I was really beginning to hate him.

We had finally reached the cemetery and when we pulled up to the grave site Kyle got out and opened the door. Brent jumped out first as I slowly made my way out, I stood and waited on Sean to slide over and get out of the car. Sean sat there not moving, I could see the worry on his face in the reflection of the window.

" Come on Sean, it will work itself out. I know you can do this, just be the man that you are.....and the one I fell in love with. " I whispered. I didn't want to push Sean, I knew what he was battling with and I wanted him to reach this decision on his own.

We assembled at the graveside and Father O'Neil gave his speak and the final prayers. Sean stood and approached Mary's casket and pulled one rose and laid his hand on top of it. " I will miss you more than you know big sister. " He turned and started towards the car.

I turned and faced the crowd of friends. " If you would all be so kind, there will be a food and we would much enjoy for you to join us at the Austin's home. "

I started towards the car to catch up with Sean when Brent walked up next to me.

" I don't know what the hell you have on him, but I can tell you this, Mr. Thinks his shit don't stink, Sean is done with you. " Brent grabbed my arm to stop me from continuing on walking to the car.

I'm usually not a violent man, but I was quickly pushed to that point. " Mr. Stein, I do not know you and personally at this point in time don't care to, but if you ever touch me again, they will be taking you to the hospital in an ambulance. "

" You and who else? Your bodyguard? " Brent shot that damn smirk at me again.

" Brent, if you truly care for Sean, try and be a decent human being and don't start something today. He just buried his sister, his last remaining family member from his childhood. He needs all the support he can get right now, not some who is going to play with his emotions. " I headed for the car, I was done talking with this damn fool.

I was bent down to enter the car when I heard Kyle's voice. " That would not be a wise move Mr. Stein. " I turned and Kyle had Brent's arm held firmly in his hand.

" I guess I can see what kind of friend you really are Brent. You couldn't let this go for an hour until Sean could speak with you in private. "

" Well, if your wanna be cop here wouldn't have stopped me you wouldn't be seeing anything. " Brent snarled at me.

I ignored him and entered the back of the car, I was not going to allow him to drag me down to his level of stupidity. I had taken my seat facing the rear of the car so I could watch Brent and keep an eye on Sean, who seemed to have collapsed in on himself and was not aware of anything.

Brent finally entered the car and sat down next to Sean, but not as close as he had on the way to the cemetery. I was beginning to question what game he was playing, and how far he was willing to go. The thought of him playing with Sean's emotions right now was bringing me closer and closer to a physical confrontation with Brent.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I reluctantly turned to look at Kyle. " Everything is set and ready at the Austin's house, Jerry. "

" Thanks, Kyle. " I replied short and turned back to face Brent.

" You just think you are hot shit don't you Jerry? " Brent started again.

" Not at all Brent, I just like to keep on top of things in my life. " I shot an answer back without even looking his way keeping my attention on Sean.

" Here I thought you were a bottom. " Brent laughed to himself.

" Brent, I have put up with your disrespect and crass mouth out of respect for Sean. I am telling you now, one more insulting word from you and you can walk back home. " I was definitely pissed but never let my eyes leave Sean.

" Calm down Jerry, I thought you fags were suppose to be a happy people. " Brent threw his head back laughing.

" Kyle, Stop this damn car! Brent has decided he wants to walk the rest of the way. "

Brent looked up at me like I had lost my mind. " You have got to be kidding me! "

" I'm most definitely not, I told you one more disrespectful remark and you were walking. "

" Just what gives you the idea that you can throw me out of Sean's car? " Brent asked, confident in his question.

" Mostly because if I make a decision, Sean will support it and I think you have worn out your welcome in 'his' car. "

" Sean will not allow you to throw me out of this car, no matter what decision you made. So just sit back there and try not to crush your 'wings'. "

The car came to a stop and I looked over at Brent. " I think this is your stop, Brent. "

" Like hell it is Jerry. " Brent turned to Sean, " Hey Buddy, you gonna let Mr. queer over there throw me out of your car? " Brent asked Sean, almost pleading.

Sean sat there and never answered him, I don't think he heard a word that had been said since we got in the car. Brent reached over and grabbed Sean's arm. " Dude, did you hear me? " He started shaking Sean.

" What? I'm sorry Brent I was lost there. What did ya want? "

" I need you to tell the queer over there that he is not throwing me out of your car. " Brent said with a bit more confidence now that Sean was talking.

Sean looked over at me with a bit of a shocked look on his face, " Is that why we are stopped Jerry? "

I took a deep breath, hoping that Sean would listen to what I was going to say. " Yes it is Sean, I asked Brent to quit using inappropriate language towards me and he figures that he can continue. I know he is your friend and I have given him the benefit of the doubt, but I can only take so much and he crossed that line long ago. "

Sean stared at me for a moment then turned towards Brent. " Are you out of your mind, Brent? I told you that Jerry was my friend and asked you to respect him, and you can't do that for me? "

" Damn it Sean, just throw this puffer out and let's get home. You don't need him making decisions for you. "

Sean just looked at Brent, deciding on his next move. " I can't do that Brent, I just can't do that. "

" Why not Sean? I have never known you to need anyone, let alone someone like him. " Brent growled as he pointed at me.

" For one, this is his car Brent, not mine. " Sean stopped, not wanting to go any further, but I knew Brent was going to push this issue.

" What have you gotten yourself involved in Sean? Did he buy you or something? "

Sean's head snapped up and he looked at Brent, " I have gotten myself into something special Brent, and Jerry would never stoop to buying someone. "

" What are you trying to tell me, Sean? Don't even tell me that you are 'involved' with this queer. " Brent was getting more aggressive as he sat there.

" Can we not wait to have this talk Brent? I would at least like to get through the arrangements at the house. " Sean was trying his best to hold off this conversation with Brent.

" If you can promise me that we will talk Sean, I don't think I like the way things in your life are headed. " Brent glared at me, making his point that he thought I was corrupting Sean.

" I promise Brent, I just want to get home and thank all our friends for coming and see Little Man. I'm just hoping that he is doing alright. "

" Okay man, I can handle that, but can't you ask him to sit up front? " Brent nodded towards me.

" Damn it Brent, give it a rest. Jerry has give you a second chance, I think you better take it. " Sean was being pushed towards and ending he did not want, but one he was ready to accept.

" Dude, you seem to forget, I don't want a damn thing from him and will accept nothing. Well, maybe an invite to his funeral. "

Sean turned red and I could see the anger in his face. " That's it Brent, I'm done with you. Get the hell out of this car now. "

" What the hell are you doing Sean? "

" I'm sorry Brent, but I will not have you talking to Jerry that way anymore. I owe him more than you could ever know or understand and since you seem to resist having this conversation later we'll have it now. I love him Brent, he has done more for me in a few weeks than anyone has done for me my whole life. If it were not for him I truly believe that I would be dead and Jack would be taken from us. I will not and I can't stress this enough to you, Brent, have you speaking to him in any way but with respect. Now if you can't do that for me, then I think it is time for you to get the hell out and we can call it quits now. "

" I don't know what to say Sean, I can't believe you are telling me this now. How damn long have you been this way? "

" I'm not getting into this with you now Brent, but I want a sincere apology to Jerry and if not I am going to drag your ass out of this car and beat you till you do. "

" Okay Sean, chill. " Brent lowered his head, " Jerry, I really am sorry for the way I have been talking to you. If Sean says you're cool, I will accept that. " Brent finished without ever looking at me.

I was about to reply to Brent when Sean spoke. " Thank you Brent, if you are honest about that apology and Jerry finds it in his heart to forgive you, you won't regret it. "

Sean and Brent sat looking at me, I was having a hard time deciding whether to accept Brent's apology or not. I knew what he was thinking, but trying to find a way to sound sincere and not give away anything with such a crude person like Brent was difficult.

" Brent, if Sean can forgive you, I trust his judgment and I guess I can accept your apology, Again. " I said a bit sarcastically. " I do not think there will be a third time. So please pick your words carefully when you talk with me is all I ask. "

" Thanks Jerry, I'm not really an ass. Just having a bit of trouble taking this all in, I've known Sean for so long that it's a bit of a shock. "

" I understand, Brent. Just realize that no matter what he has to say, he is still Sean. If you want to make it a change in who he is, that is your problem and not his. "

" I think I know what you are saying Jerry, Thanks. "

We sat quietly the rest of the ride back to Sean's house. I watched as Brent sat there, never changing his composure, which made my decision even that much more certain. Brent would not change or accept Sean, if Sean continued a relationship with me. I could see that this day, even with the heaviness of the sadness already hanging over it would not end well. It was weighing heavy on me, as I felt a tear roll down my face. Sean looked over at me with a questioning look on his face, I just shook my head at him and turned to face the front of the car, " Did you get what I asked for, Kyle? "

" Yes sir, did you want it now? " He asked with a deep concern in his voice.

" I'm sure Kyle. " I replied, even though I wasn't.

Kyle handed me the file and I sat there reading through all the pages, not surprised with what it contained. I knew what type of person that Brent was, just by the way he talked and held himself in a room. That which surprised me the most, he had 3 children, all with different women. That did not surprise me, but the fact he refused to acknowledge them or support them was a bit of a shock. Now I had to decide if I could let Sean head down the path I knew he was going to take. I did promise Mary to watch him and help him raise Jack. Damn it, why couldn't I just turn and walk away? Why did I have to do this to myself, I should have learned my lesson with Brad. I should have become the shut in and lived my life without the worry or hurt.

I handed the file back over the seat to Kyle, " Thanks, Kyle. Excellent work as always. I think we can go ahead with the plan I laid out earlier. "

Kyle stared at me a moment, " I will have the details sent out and implemented as soon as possible Sir. "

" Cut the Sir, crap Kyle. I don't think that Brent wants to hear it and could care less what you call me. " I nodded at Brent.

" No problem Jerry. " Kyle leaned back and whispered in my ear. " You alright, Jerry? "

I shook my head no and Kyle turned and left it at that. The car pulled up in front of Sean's house and Kyle jumped out and opened the door for us. Once outside the car we headed into the house, Brent grabbed Sean around the shoulder and walked in with him. I pulled Kyle back as Sean and Brent headed into the house. I briefed Kyle on what I wanted, he just stared at me. " Are you sure, Jerry? "

" Yes, Kyle. I don't want to, but it is headed that way, and I don't need a confrontation here today. " I walked into the house, feeling the defeat that I knew was coming. Even if no one else could see it on the horizon.

The house was filled with all of the people that Sean knew from the neighborhood, his coworkers from his job and others he has gathered through his life. I made my rounds through the house talking with each person and listened to stories about Sean and Mary that neighbors were telling. I laughed at most and stored many away for thought later. I had soon realized that Sean and Brent were not anywhere to be seen, I wondered if they had started their talk or they had make a retreat somewhere I did not what to think about.

I found Dad and Jack in the kitchen, working hard helping the caterers to keep the food flowing out to the guests.

I walked up and picked Jack up and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. " How ya doing Little Man? " I asked and had to stop myself after I spoke. Almost losing it right there in the kitchen.

" I had fun Uncle Jerry. Miss Jackson let me help her all day, she can really cook. "

" Did you learn how she made everything Jack? "

" I did, and she even let me help cook some of the food. " Jack was smiling so big, it was like you could be drawn inside his child like qualities and spend the day.

" Then I guess we know who will be cooking dinner for us from now on. " I tickled Jack.

" I not think so Uncle Jerry. I can't cook all by myself. Mom said to stay away from that stove. " Jack pointed towards the stove top and frowned.

" She is right Little Man, that can really hurt you. Always make sure an adult helps you around the stove. " I put Jack down and let him return to helping Miss Jackson.

I turned to head back out into the living room when Dad grabbed my shoulder. " What's wrong Son? "

" Nothing Dad, it's just been a long day and unfortunately it is not over. " I took a step to continue on and Dad did not release his grip.

" Would you like to tell me the truth now, Son? " Dad asked in his best fatherly tone.

I spun on my heels and looked at Dad, " Can you just drop it now Dad, we can discuss this later at the house. I'm not ready to talk right now. " I said it with a bit more anger than I intended, but out it came before I could stop myself.

" Okay, Jerry. If you're sure, just remember, I am here for you. " Dad let go of my shoulder and turned to step back in the kitchen with Jack.

Damn it, there I go hurting the one person who has always been there to help me. I stepped out on the front porch of the house, a chance to clear my head and get a breath of fresh air. Standing on the porch, I took in the charms of the neighborhood that Sean had grown up in, tough but friendly. Only charm that one could appreciate from growing up in the area, but fleeting from the casual observer. It really wasn't that much different from my own childhood neighborhood, children playing, friends gathering, homes full of love. While looking around I heard them coming down the upstairs steps inside the house, Brent's voice plainly heard above the voices of the others in the house. I steadied myself as the front door opened and they came out on the porch, and that which I did not want to face was there.

" Jerry, can I talk to you for a minute? " Sean asked in a timid voice.

Without turning around I answered Sean, " Sure Sean, what do you need? "

" Well,... " Sean was silent for a moment. " I don't know what to say Jerry, or how to say it. " Sean stopped again, I could feel he wanted me to take over the conversation.

" It's no problem Sean, it is handled. " Just then one of the cars from the house pulled up and Mitchell got out of the back seat and opened the trunk.

" How Jerry? How did you know? " Sean asked, barely loud enough for me to even hear.

Still not able to turn and look at Sean, " You forget Sean, this is not my first time around the block. I knew what Brent wanted and I knew you could not say no to him. Not today anyways, maybe if it was not today you could have, but you were too vulnerable today. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, I know that I should never have let you get so involved in my life. Until I had my own life settled, it is my fault and I'm really sorry for the pain I have caused you. "

" I will have Stanley contact you to finish up the details of the estate and to get everything else settled Sean. " I wanted to move this away from me and let Sean focus on other issues.

" You do not have to do that Jerry. I can not have you doing anything else for me, not after this, not when I ..." Sean stopped and became quiet.

" Damn it Sean, just tell him to get the hell out of here and never come back. What the hell is wrong with you? " Brent was showing his lack of patience for Sean's decision.

" I can't Brent, I just can't..." Sean's voice trailed off as he went back in the house.

Brent stood there, debating his next move. " I think you should just get out of here, and now would be a good time. "

I turned to face Brent, " Let me ask you a question Mr. Stein. How do you intend to protect them? "

" Protect who? "

" Jack and Sean, they are still in danger and we both know that your track record of being there for children is non existent. How do you intend to keep anything from happening to them? I don't think you have any intentions of being there for Sean, I think you just wanted your buddy back, giving no thought to what his life now entails."

" Listen here freak, I may have just wanted Sean back to piss you off, but he knows I will always be here for him. "

I started to reply to Brent when Kyle came around the side of the house yelling. He ran for the porch as he continued his yelling. " Down, Jerry, get down NOW! "


I want to thank everyone for their emails and kind words of encouragement, they have been very helpful over the last few months helping me to keep this story going. We are getting close to an ending and I hope I can make it a very memorable one that I will be able to maybe do a book 2 sometime in the near future.

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Next: Chapter 27

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