Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Jul 17, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

End of Part 26:

I turned to face Brent, " Let me ask you a question Mr. Stein. How do you intend to protect them? "

" Protect who? "

" Jack and Sean, they are still in danger and we both know that your track record of being there for children is non existent. How do you intend to keep anything from happening to them? I don't think you have any intentions of being there for Sean, I think you just wanted your buddy back, giving no thought to what his life now entails."

" Listen here freak, I may have just wanted Sean back to piss you off, but he knows I will always be here for him. "

I started to reply to Brent when Kyle came around the side of the house yelling. He ran for the porch as he continued his yelling. " Down, Jerry, get down NOW! "

Part 27

I could tell by the look on Kyle's face that this was serious, " Dad and Jack are in the kitchen, get them secure first Kyle. "

" You first Sir, now get down. " Kyle was continuing his course up on the porch.

" Dad and Jack first, Kyle. I will not move a muscle until they are safe. " I gave Kyle a look that I was serious and he turned to head to the back of the house to secure Dad and Jack. I started to turn and step into the house to find Sean when I heard the tires squeal at the end of the street. The biggest blackest SUV skidded around the corner, the weight of the monster the only thing keeping it on all four wheels. Even as the SUV sped down the street it looked as if things were going in slow motion, each and every twist the SUV made seemed a detail that could not be missed. After what seemed like hours the big black beast came to a stop in the yard, right in front of the porch. The door slowly opened and out step Mrs. Upton, her long hair strewn across her face, her eyes as red as tulips on a bright Spring day and clothes that seemed to have been on her for days. She stumbled as she walked away from the vehicle, almost as if she had just come from an all night drinking binge. She looked around, like she didn't know where she was, then looked up at the house and saw me standing there.

" There you are, you dirty bastard. I want it back and I want it now. " She slurred out.

" I held my head high and kept a strong voice. " What is it you want Mrs. Upton? " Trying to keep her calm, until Kyle had a team in place.

She pulled a silver plated 9mm out from behind her back and fired a shot, hitting the porch light just above my right shoulder. I did not move a muscle, she was either a good shot or damn lucky.

" My money you prick, I want it all back. If not, you are not going to take another breath. Then that bastard child of my husbands will be mine, and he will be spending his life paying for what my husband has done. "

" I will need a few minutes to get the codes entered and transfer it all back to your accounts, Mrs. Upton. " Where the hell was Kyle?

" Fine, but while you are doing that, bring that spawn of my ignorant husband out here. He can keep me company while you do your last useful act on this Earth. "

" He is not here Mrs. Upton, he went down the street to play with a friend. " Where was Kyle?

" Shall I start firing on each house till I find him? Or are you going to get him here, NOW! " She screamed.

As I was about to answer her Sean stepped out of the house. " There is no need to do that Mrs. Upton, I will go down the street and get him for you. "

Startled, Mrs. Upton pointed the gun at Sean. " Make it quick, or your boyfriend will be staying, until you paint over the blood spray on the house. "

I whispered to Sean, " What the hell are you doing? "

" Shhh, Kyle is behind the door. " Sean started down the steps.

" He is three doors down, I will be back in just a minute. " Sean walked past Mrs. Upton with his hands held up in the air, pacifying Mrs. Upton.

" While he is gone I want you to get that money moved back for me, Jerry. I want it all, not one penny less. " She turned her attention away from Sean and back to me.

" I need my phone and I will get it started Mrs. Upton. My phone is in my jacket pocket. " I slowly moved my hand inside my jacket and reached for my phone. I pulled it out and used the speed dial to call Scott, I needed the codes to bring the money back to their original accounts.

The phone started ringing and Scott and answered. " I need a favor and I need it quick Scott. I need the codes for the worm and I need all the money sent back to the Upton's accounts. "

" Are you alright Jerry? Is there a problem? " Scott started asking me in a flash of words.

" Everything is fine Scott, I just need it done now. I don't have time to waste right now and I'm not at home to do it myself. "

" I understand Jerry. Do you want it to look like the money is there or do you want it actually back in the accounts? "

" Yes Scott, that first option is correct. " I said as I moved a little to my right, hoping to give Kyle a clear shot.

" Okay Jerry, it is back. It might take a few minutes for the bank servers to show it in the balance. "

" Thanks Scott, I owe you again. If you are ready Kyle, you can end this now. "

" Who? It's Scott, not Kyle. What the hell is going on Jerry? "

I was about to answer Scott when the sudden quietness of the street was broken by sirens in the distance. I knew this had to end soon, the police would surely make a mess of it.

Yes Kyle I understand. I want this finished now. " I said into the phone again.

I heard the floorboard in the house creak and Kyle suddenly stepped out of the house and before I could turn to look back at Mrs. Upton, he had fired his gun. I stood like stone, unflinching when the sound broke the silence of the neighborhood. I knew that it was done, Kyle was not one to miss a target at any distance. I pulled Kyle to me and wrapped him in my arms.

" Thank you, Kyle. It's over, finally. "

Kyle pulled back and holstered his weapon, " I should be thanking you, Jerry. But damn it, can you ever listen to me the first time I say something? " Kyle smiled and started to laugh. He turned and looked at the porch light that Mrs. Upton had shot. " If she had hit you I would never have forgiven myself. "

" I'm sorry Kyle, but you know how I feel about Jack and Dad. I needed to know they were safe first. I was stalling her to give you time to get the team in place, I had no idea you were just inside the door. "

" You need to thank Sean, he came up with the idea to 'go get Jack' to keep her distracted. I hope in some small thought, on his part to get himself out of harms way. "

I looked at Kyle with a grin, " I doubt that thought ever crossed his mind, Kyle. I better call Kim and see if she can get here and help us once again push the paperwork through. "

" I have already called the police, they should be here any minute, till then head into the kitchen and check on your Dad and Jack. " Kyle grabbed my shoulder and headed me inside the house.

I stopped dead in my tracks as Kyle ran into my back. " In a minute, Kyle. I have to see someone else first. Please go in and check on Dad and Jack and keep them inside until this mess is over. "

I turned and started towards the steps. " Jerry, you know I have never commented or interfered in your personal life, but are you sure? " Kyle asked.

" I've never been more unsure of anything in my life, Kyle. " I continued on down the steps looking for Sean.

I started in the direction Sean was walking and just as I passed the Upton's SUV there was Sean sitting on the ground right behind the vehicle. He had his legs drawn up and his head buried between them with his arms wrapped around his head. I could hear him crying, and it hurt me to see him this way. I did not know how to make him see just how much I cared for him and Jack and that I wanted more than anything to be there for them.

Being with Brent for these few hours has pushed away all the progress he had made over the last weeks, since we had returned from Vegas. I would just have to keep showing Sean, that unless he betrayed me, I would be there for him with unquestioning love. I knelt down in front of Sean and gently placed my hands on his arms. " Are you alright, Sean? "

Sean sat still and just shook his head, but wouldn't talk or look up at me. I ran my hands up his arms and around the back of his head and pulled him forward towards me. Sean leaned into my chest and the tears continued as he put his arms around me. I ran my hand down the back of his head, " It's alright Sean, Jack and Dad are fine, and so are you. This whole mess is over and you don't have anything more to worry about. "

" And? " Sean asked, with a muffled voice.

" And what? " I asked, a little puzzled.

" Now that this is over, are we? " Sean stiffened as he awaited my answer.

I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. " I'm not over you Sean, you know where I stand on that. The question is, are you ready to move forward? Can you be comfortable with yourself and with others, loving me? "

Sean stayed tense as I finished my answer. " I thought I was, Jerry. Until Brent showed up today. " I could feel the nervousness in his voice and the tears starting to fall from his eyes again. " I do love you, Jerry. I just didn't know how to deal with Brent today. I guess I'm hoping that on any other day I would have come right out and told him the truth and accepted the consequences. I think that I'm just too stupid to know for sure that I would have done that. "

" Sean, you are a lot of things, and stupid is NOT one of them. Inexperienced maybe, but not stupid. You need to listen to that voice that tells you that you would have done it that way. You were under more than enough pressure with more important matters to delve into something that was not relevant. You owe no one an explanation of who you are, who you love or why you love them. If someone can't live without an explanation of your decisions, or your choice to keep your private life private, then they were never a friend to begin with. "

" Well, ain't that just a sick piece of limp-wristed advice. " Brent blurted out as he stood at the side of the SUV.

Sean jumped up off the ground, almost knocking me over as he did. He started to advance on Brent, but stopped and turned back towards me and held out his hand and helped me up. Sean pulled me close to him and placed his hands on my face and leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips. I was about to melt right there in the street when he said. " Thank you, Jerry. I love you and never want to go one day without feeling the love you have for me, or showing you how much I love you. "

I was about to grab Sean and throw him in the limo and head straight to the house and our bedroom. " I want to show you that love everyday, Sean. I need you to feel the love we have can make your life complete. "

Brent was in full meltdown as we stood there staring at each other.

" This is the sickest shit I have ever seen, you can't mean what you're saying Sean. You were just telling me you were sending this freak on his fairy way and now you are standing here declaring you love him. I've got to get you away from him. " Brent grabbed Sean's arm and started to pull him away.

Sean didn't budge one inch as Brent pulled, and never took his eyes off of mine. I could see the walls that Sean had built to keep himself secure begin to break down with each beat of his heart.

" It's done Brent, but it's you that is leaving, not Jerry. " Sean smiled that charming smile I have loved since I saw him walking towards me in Vegas.

Brent was not about to give up his 'straight' childhood friend so easy. " Sean, this ends NOW! Don't force me to do something you will regret later. " Brent was more upset than I had seen him all day.

Sean's eyes dropped from mine for the first time since he helped me up. " The only thing I could regret is letting you force me into living a lie, Brent. There is nothing you can do but accept it or leave. " Sean held his breath for a second, waiting for Brent's next move.

" Bullshit, Sean. I know you better than you know yourself. This is not you, I don't know what he has done to you, but you would never have done this. Are you really ready to live this way? To be the target of hate and to put Jack in jeopardy because of it. I can't accept that and won't allow you to do that to Jack. "

Sean spun around and got right into Brent's face. " Allow me? It's not your decision to make, Brent. This is my decision and mine alone, and in case you have had your head up your ass the last few minutes. I think Jerry has proven just how much he cares for and loves, Jack. Now if you are done being so nearsighted that you can't understand, I think you need to leave. " Sean finished, red with anger and not backing down one bit from Brent.

" I'm leaving Sean, but this is not over. I can't believe that you would think Mary would be okay with this. " Brent eased back on his stance and was about to turn and leave.

" If you had not been such a self-centered ass the last couple of years you might have gotten to know the true Mary. She was more than okay with this, she was happy for me, happy that I found someone as caring and understanding as Jerry. Someone she knew would be there every minute of every day for me and Jack. In the short time Mary knew Jerry, she trusted him, as do I and as should you, Brent, if you could stop being so closed minded. " Sean was getting more upset, the more he talked. I stepped up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

" It's fine, Sean. I can understand where he is coming from, even if he can't see it or won't acknowledge the fact. He might someday, but until then I think his mind is made up. "

" That right there, Brent is why I love him. Even after all you have done to him today, all the filth you have spewed at him, Jerry can see your side and accept that you have a different view. He does not hold it against you, or hate you for having it, he accepts it and understands. "

The police cars and paramedics came around the corner with their sirens blaring before Brent could say anything. I turned around as the officers in the first car jumped out with their weapons pulled.

" Everything is under control officers. The perpetrator is laying in the yard by the drivers door. " I explained with my arms partially in the air.

The other officer walked towards Mrs. Upton's body on the side of the SUV for a moment and came back around next to the officer in front of me. " She is dead, single gunshot wound to the chest. " His only response, before waving off the paramedics.

The officer in front of me stepped towards me, " Who took the shot and where are they now? " He asked with a bit more attitude than I was prepared to accept.

" My chief of security, Kyle Watson, he is in the house with my father and nephew. " I did not need to go into detail about Jack at the moment and figured if he called me Uncle Jerry to anyone, there would be no more questions.

He turned back towards his partner, " Find him and arrest him now. " He ordered.

" I think not officer, until Chief Jacobs is on scene you will not approach him. " I stared at the officer.

" I will and if you interfere I will arrest you also. Mr.... " He left off waiting for me to answer.

" Jerry Martin, and if you try officer I'm sure Chief Jacobs will have you working traffic duty downtown for the rest of your short career. " I was getting upset the longer this pompous ass talked.

" When we arrive at a scene, with a corpse, everyone is cuffed until we are sure who has done what. " He stepped towards me and pulled his cuffs out of his belt.

" I understand your position officer, but just remember, I tried to warn you. " I nodded my head at him as I turned and put my hands behind my back.

" You're one smart ass person, Mr. Martin. " He replied with a little too much cockiness. I heard a commotion coming from the house and a few moments later the other officer came around the back of the vehicle with Kyle in cuffs.

" Relax Kyle, I'm fine. " I smiled at Kyle.

" Sean, go in the house and make sure Jack and Dad are fine, and keep them inside till this is over. " Sean turned and headed for the house, I wanted him gone before the lone ranger here decided to cuff him also.

I turned towards Kyle, " I guess we are in trouble now Kyle, I forgot to call Kim. "

Kyle looked at me shocked, " Well, they do allow you one phone call at the station Jerry, I suggest you use it well. " Kyle starting laughing.

" Laugh now, Kyle. I don't intend to make it down to the station. " I started thinking on how to get a hold of my phone.

I started fumbling around trying to reach my phone in my pocket as Kyle laughed his ass off at my antics. " Keep it up Kyle and you will be guarding the dog house. "

" I'm sorry, Jerry, But you are hilarious trying to get to your phone. Besides, we don't have a dog or a dog house. " Kyle said in between his chuckling.

" Soon as we get our asses home, you are building one and then you can guard it. Damn it, I can't reach it. " I was getting frustrated.

Kyle was about to fall to the ground laughing and as I stopped and realized how stupid I looked trying to reach something I was never going to get, I started laughing too.

" Now look what you have done, Kyle. You got me laughing. " I was laughing like mad now.

I was paying no attention to anything around us, but as I looked up trying to take a deep breath, there stood Kim in front of us.

" What the hell is so funny, Jerry? Can't I leave you alone for a minute? " Kim smiled at me.

" It was Kyle's fault Kim. Wait, how the hell did you get here? " I asked with a red face as I was still laughing.

" I have my sources, Jerry. " She looked over at Kyle and smiled like Cheshire cat.

" Alright Kyle, you better build that dog house well. You are going to be guarding it for the rest of your life. " I tried like hell to put a frown on my face but was not able to in the least.

" Chief Jacobs, would you happen to have any opening on the force at the moment? " Kyle asked with a straight face. Then smiled just like Kim had.

" For you Kyle, NO! If Jerry went without you for a moment he would be in more than handcuffs at the moment. " Kim answered.

" Speaking of which, can we get these damn things off? " I had stopped laughing and looked at Kim.

" I think we can make that happen, Jerry. " Kim looked over at the officer that had cuffed me to begin with. " I think you should do the pleasure, officer Derrick. " Kim nodded in our direction.

" Right away Chief Jacobs, " He replied, not happy about being put in his place.

" I also think that you might want to apologize to Mr. Martin while you are at it officer. I can only imagine that he told you what to expect when I arrived. "

Officer Derrick walked behind me and started taking the cuffs off my hands. " I am really sorry for cuffing you, Mr. Martin, I can assure you that I meant no disrespect. " Officer Derrick tried with a hollow voice.

" Listen Officer, I know why you thought you had to do it. Just in the future, pull back a little on the attitude, I know you need it to do your job, but you were about three steps over that line of what you needed. " I put my hand out to shake his for his apology, he turned and walked away from me.

" I'm sorry Kim, I shouldn't have talked to him that way. I know he was doing his job, but I can't help voicing my opinion. You of all people should know that. " I shot her a half cocked smile.

" Don't even worry about it for one minute, Jerry. This is not his first time being told those exact words. Maybe he thinks you've seen his personnel file and knew what to say. "

" I haven't seen it Kim, but even if I had, I would have said the same thing. He does carry that attitude a little too far. If he pulls it back just a bit, he would make a great officer and eventually a detective. "

" Damn, Jerry. You sure you haven't seen his file? That is about word for word what is in there. I think I need to add you to the force as a personnel director. " Kim started laughing.

' No thanks, Kim. You have way too many rules that I would have to follow, and you know how well I follow rules. " I looked over at Kyle, who rolled his eyes and turned away from me.

" Kyle, ignore him and follow me. Let's get this finished up and you can get him home and relax a bit. He has had a long weekend my friend. "

Kyle followed Kim as she took him back towards the police cars and a few detectives were waiting to take his statement and gun for testing to make sure the fatal shot came from his gun. I went into the house to find the family, and from the events outside I could finally believe that they would be my family for a long time. I walked through the living room as people sat around whispering to one another and made my way towards the kitchen.

I stepped in the kitchen, Dad and Sean were leaned against the counter talking and Jack was at the stove helping Miss Jackson with some food. I stood there admiring them, the people who I have become closest to over the last weeks. I got a tear in my eye, grateful to have them all as a part of my life. A life that has gotten brighter, even in the darkness of the weekend.

" Uncle Jerry! " Jack screamed and jumped out of his chair and ran over to me. I reached down and grabbed him and held him tight to me.

" How ya doing, Little Man? " I asked as I kissed his cheeks.

" I'm having a lot of fun, Jerry. Miss Jackson said I could be a chief someday. She says I can cook really good. " He was smiling like he had beaten an entire army off with a single shot.

" Is that so, but I think you mean a chef and I think you be one of the most amazing chefs there has ever been. " I smiled at him and gave him another hug.

That's it Uncle Jerry, chef. I wanna be one when I get bigger. Then I can cook for you and Uncle Sean everyday. " He smiled at me.

He had the cutest little smile, his eyes shining as he continued on talking about cooking. Sean and Dad came over and listened as he went on, smiling and laughing at his choice of words. I finally put him down and he ran back to Miss Jackson's side.

I pulled Sean into a hug, " I love that little guy. " I whispered in his ear.

" He has that effect on people Jerry. " Sean answered me as he hugged me back. Sean pulled back and noticed the tears in my eyes. " What's wrong, Jerry? " He had an enormous amount of concern in his eyes.

" Not a thing, Sean. I will explain later tonight. " I smiled a reassuring smile at him. I walked over to Dad and wrapped my arms around him and gave him a hug. " Thanks, Dad. "

Dad hugged me back. " What for, Son? " His only response.

" For everything. " I smiled and pulled back.

I stood there between Dad and Sean, " As soon as they are done, and everyone heads out, I suggest we head home for some quality relaxing time. " I looked at Dad then at Sean.

" I think that is a wonderful idea, Jerry. Before we finish up, I want to introduce you to all the neighbors. " Sean smiled and turned us towards the living room.

Sean took me through the living room, stopping and introducing me to all the neighbors he had grown up with. Several times Sean had stuttered as he introduced me, almost saying 'boyfriend' to some of the ladies. He would blush a wonderful color red and stammer to get the words out.

I pulled Sean aside for a minute, " You're handsome when you start stumbling like you have been, Sean. " I gave him a little smile.

" I don't know how you do it all the time, Jerry. Not to mention all around the world, how can you keep from slipping? "

" You are focusing on it too much, Sean. Relax and enjoy life, learn to separate your personal life from your public life. You don't ask every couple you see how their sex life is, do you? "

" No, but it always seems to be there, on my mind. I just want to scream it sometimes. That I have the most wonderful, caring, sexy boyfriend in the world. " Sean was about to bust from the joy.

" Small steps, Sean. You can work your way up to the screaming. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with now, and work from there. " I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

Jack came running out of the kitchen and grabbed Sean. " You gotta come now Uncle Sean and Uncle Jerry, I made you both something 'pecial. " Jack began pulling us back towards the kitchen.

Miss Jackson helped Jack frost and decorate two little cakes for Sean and me, Jack was all smiles and giggles as Sean ate his cake in one bite. " That was great Little Man, I think you should be our head baker. " Sean picked Jack up and spun him around.

I laughed as Sean spun Jack around, Jack squealing and laughing the whole time. We enjoyed our time in the kitchen as Miss Jackson and her crew were packing up and preparing to leave.

Miss Jackson picked Jack up, " Any time you wanna come work with me Honey, you just call me. " She kissed his cheek and handed him back to Sean.

Jack beamed with pride, as if he was the one who had cooked everything. His smile was infectious, as I stood there and one crept across my face for the rest of the day. The guests had started to depart and each one sought out Sean and Jack to give their sympathies, hugs and a kiss on their cheeks. I noticed Kyle at the front door, on duty again, his eyes always on the move. I gave him a questioning look and he just nodded and I said "Thank You' across the room.

After everyone had left, Sean started wandering around the house. It was if he was looking for something, or someone and not able to find it. I stopped Sean on his third trip through the house, " It's alright, Sean. " I pulled Sean into a hug and wrapped him in my arms. " This will always be your home, but I want you to come back to the house with me and make that house, our home. Help me fill it with love for family and friends, and raise Jack to be the man that Mary wanted him to be. "

Sean just held me tight and cried for a minute then pulled back from me and looked me in the eyes. " I love you, Jerry Martin, I'm ready to move on and move forward. I think it's time to go home. " Sean grabbed my hand and we headed for the front door. He turned at looked at the living room one more time and smiled, then we walked out on the front porch.

Walking down the steps I noticed that Brent was standing on the porch at a house a few doors down. Sean paused and looked down the street at him, dropped his head and went straight to the car and got in the back. I decided to try and stop this now, before Brent wanted to try and take things any further and cause Sean any problems. I walked over to Brent's as he stood there in his forced stance, trying be to stoic but missing the mark completely in anyone's eyes.

" Can I talk with you a minute, Brent? " I asked trying to keep things on a calm level.

" I don't think there is much to say, Jerry. Sean has made his choice. " Brent tried a disapproving tone.

" I don't want to cause anymore pain between you two, Brent. I will leave you with something to think about, and I want you to give it some deep thought. Besides who Sean is sleeping with, what has changed since this morning? He is still the same caring, responsible, charming person he was, the only difference is who he enjoys his private life with. I don't think that Sean monitors your bedroom activities, so why should you care what goes on in his? You have grown up with him, you know the pain he has had in his life. Are you going to be a solution to his pain, or cause him more? If it is me personally that you have a problem with, then we can work around that, but if it anything else. " I trailed off to give Brent something to think about and not bring too many details into the picture. " If, after you have thought about things and decide you want to continue being his best friend then I know Sean would be happy to have you in his life. " I reached in my pocket and pulled out a business card, " In a few days if you want to contact Sean, give him a call. I know he is worried and I can't stand to see him this way. Just give it some thought and I'm sure you can reach a decision that will work for both of you. "

I handed the card to Brent and turned to head to the car. " Jerry, " Brent stopped me. I turned around and Brent was standing there with tears running down his face, " I don't want to lose him. "

" I understand, Brent. Give it some thought and get your head together and give him a call. He isn't going anywhere and I will bet he'll be thrilled to hear from you. We will be out of town this weekend, so if you don't call by Wednesday evening, you will have to wait till Monday. " I smiled at Brent and headed for the car, leaving him to decide if he wanted his friendship with Sean to end now, or remain intact.

I walked to the car and noticed Kyle standing next to the back door waiting for me to return. Before opening the door he looked at me with a smile on his face. " Pushing me again are we, Jerry? " Kyle shook his head and opened the door.

" I would not think of such a thing, Kyle. Besides, I saw you send someone around the back and you had your hand on your gun the entire time I was standing there. " I laughed as Kyle stood there with his mouth hanging open.

Kyle walked around the car to get in the front seat and shook his head the whole way, with that smirk on his lips that was always present when he had to deal with me.

" Do you always do that to him, Son? " Dad asked, I think with a little bit of sympathy for Kyle.

" Yes, Dad. How else am I going to keep him on top his game? I can't find the time to send him anywhere for training, so I just took over that job. " I looked over at Dad and Jack was fast asleep in his arms already.

Sean grabbed my hand, " How's he doing, Jerry? "

" He's fine Sean, just give him some time. He knows the right thing to do, but needs to figure it out in his head first. If it helps, he said he didn't want to lose you. I gave him the number to the house, when he calls and wants to continue your friendship, invite him out to the house. "

Sean leaned over and laid his head on my shoulder. " You are too good to be true, Mr. Martin. " I could actually feel Sen smiling as he said that.

" Thanks, Sean. " Dad said as he started laughing.

" Umm, I meant " Sean got out in a whisper.

Dad sat there for a split second, " I figured that, Son. But I couldn't resist. " Dad laughed.

I leaned down and kissed the top of Sean's head. " I'm not as nearly as good as you are Mr. Austin. " Then a small chuckle escaped me and this seemed to be the start of a chorus of laughter, a small release of the tension from the days events that we all needed.

Kyle turned in his seat, " Mr. Richards' plane landed on time, he and Mr. Justice are at the apartment downtown. "

" Thanks, Kyle. Remind me to call them later this evening. "

We sat in silence the rest of the way home, Sean leaned against my shoulder and Dad holding a worn out Jack.

I held Sean and rubbed my hand up and down his arm, then heard him snoring. I guess he was more tired than I thought, but not the time for the bib or a joke. I was worried about how he would handle these next steps in his life. Can he make his choices and stand by them, even with the pressure from his friends. Would Brent be helpful, or would he continue on his current course? Before my mind started down all the paths that lay before Sean, the car came to a stop. I looked up and we were at the house, Kyle jumped out of the front and opened the door for Dad, then took Jack from him and carried him in the house. Dad reached over and touched my hand, I nodded at him as he turned and pulled himself out of the car and slowly stepped into the house.

I leaned down and kissed the top of Sean's head and breathed in his wonderful scent. That smell that was all Sean and made my heart beat faster, and other areas to grow. I suddenly realized that Sean had taken an even bigger place in my heart. It was going to be a lot of work to not allow my heart to rule my decisions.

" I am in love with you too, Jerry. " Sean said quietly, almost causing me to jump in my seat. " I know you love me, Jerry, I could hear your heart beating faster. "

" You caught me, Sean. I might be able to do more than most, but I can't control that. " My eyes began to water, every time those words came from Sean, brought so much joy to my heart. I could never grow tired of hearing him say those three magic words. Those three words that men can't wait to hear from the one they love, but terrifies them just as fast.

Leaning down on Sean's head, " I think we better be going, before I decide to have Mitchell take us straight to the airport. "

" Damn Jerry, you're making me make a tough choice here. " Sean didn't move, " Where would you take me? " He softly asked.

" You mean besides every room in the house? I asked with a laugh. " I was thinking Fiji, it should be beautiful this time of year. "

" Let's get in the house, Jerry. You ARE making this a tough choice. " Sean said as he turned into my chest and hugged me.

Mitchell opened the opened the door on my side of the car, not the side towards the house. " Time to get inside, Sir. "

I took a deep breath, I knew that something was wrong, beside the fact that Mitchell called me sir. There was a short harshness in his voice, meaning he was in security mode. " Come on big guy, let's get inside before Mitchell yells for Kyle to help him. " I leaned over and looked up at Mitchell and could tell by the look on his face it was trouble. For who I didn't know, but if my recent life was any indication it was trouble for me.

Kyle stood at the door and I could see that in fact the trouble was for me, and I think Sean could also, he almost stopped in his tracks when he saw Kyle.

As we walked past him into the house I asked quietly, " Is she at the gate? "

His only response was. " Yes. " As he followed us into the house.

I quickly pulled Sean into the den, " I have a favor to ask, Sean. "

" Ask away Jerry. " I could see him tense as he answered.

" My mother is at the front gate. I would rather you take Jack and head out to the ridge, but...." I took a deep breath to finish. " I wouldn't object if you wanted to stay. " I tried to hold my emotions back, the fact that I needed and wanted Sean there was speaking volumes to my mind.

" I don't want to be anywhere else, but by your side, Jerry. " It was Sean's turn to wrap me in a firm embrace, to help me feel safe.

" Thanks, Babe, but I want Jack out of this house. I don't want him to see her, ever again. I think it would just confuse him right now more than anything. Maybe Dad and Mitchell can take him out to the ridge on the four wheeler. "

" I don't want her anywhere near him either, Jerry. He is too young to understand what she is doing and I think Dad would have a good time with him out there. "

" I'm not telling Dad that she is here, so don't mention it. Damn, I hate lying to him like this, but I need to handle her myself. " Sean tightened his arms around me.

I pulled away from Sean and took his strong hand and led him into the kitchen. As we walked in I remembered that Jack was asleep when we got back, " Shit! " Slipped out of my mouth.

" What was that, Son? " Dad asked.

" Nothing, Dad. I just forgot something. "

I pulled Sean to me, " I forgot, Jack is asleep. He was zonked out by the time we got home. "

" Dad is going to flip out, Jerry. " Sean whispered.

Sean and I sat down at the table, " Dad, I need your help. " I calmly asked, trying to keep things from going wrong.

Without even looking up Dad said, " Sure, Son. What do you need? "

" I need you to stay here in the kitchen and keep and eye and ear on Jack. No matter what you hear, I need you to stay here in the kitchen. " My eyes pleading with Dad to understand.

Dad looked at me, studying my face. I could see it in his eyes the second he put it together. " She's here, isn't she, Jerry? "

I had to look down at the table, " Yes, Dad. This is between me and her, I don't want you involved. I need you to make sure that Jack does NOT see or hear her. I will not have her hurting him, in anyway, anymore than he has been today. "

Dad stood up from the table and walked to Jack's bedroom and just watched him sleep. He quietly closed the bedroom door. " Fine, Son, but promise me something. "

" Anything, Dad. " I was worried about what he was going to ask.

" Let her say what she has to say, then after you have given it some thought, some deep thought, you can deal with her. Promise me you will not make a quick decision, if you cut all contact with her I'll understand, just think it over before you do any more. " Dad gave me a sorrow filled look.

I just stared at Dad, how can the people I love keep asking this of me? How did I become the person that people believed would become the harbinger of death at the drop of a hat? " Fine, Dad, but I have a question and this goes to everyone. When did I become such a feared despicable person to my family? You of all people, Dad, to think I could do that or would allow it to happen. " My anger was rising to level I hated.

" I've never thought that, Son. I know how much this has hurt you and I didn't want you to do anything that you would regret later or hurt yourself in the process. I know how strong and controlled you are, but in the heat of a family argument, even the strongest can break. " Dad smiled at me.

I took a deep breath, " I'm sorry, Dad. I want you both to know right here and now, I would never do anything to harm anyone in this family. I would give up everything I have, including my life to keep you all safe. "

I took Kyle to the office, leaving Dad and Sean at the table deep in their own thoughts. " How long has she been sitting and waiting on us to get back, Kyle? "

" I don't think she has been waiting, Sir. There have not been any sightings of her anywhere near the property. "

" Sir? What the hell else is going on, Kyle? "

Kyle focused on the wall behind me, " Both of your brothers are with her, Jerry. "

" Well, I'll be damned. She has come with both barrels loaded. I want them searched, then brought up to the house in a car. Her car can remain at the gate. "

" You know that is going to insult her, Jerry. "

" Of course I know that, but I can play her game also, Kyle. Wait, don't search Bill, just Mom and Mark. I think Billy is being used in this whole situation of Mom's. "

Kyle called the front gate with my instructions that had to be followed before allowing them on the property. I sat with my eyes closed, focusing on what I was going to say to my mother and decide what part my brothers were taking in her plan.

" They will be at the front door in four minutes, Jerry. " Kyle said in his most business voice, which brought a chuckle from me.

" Thanks, Kyle. " I walked out of the office and back in the kitchen. Dad and Sean were sitting at the table, both thinking deeply from the looks on their faces.

" If you're ready, Sean. " I help out my hand to him. " Dad, as I said, she is not to see or talk to him. "

" I understand, Son. No one is getting near him. " Dad puffed up his chest, and I knew he meant what he said. A look of determination on his face.

As we walked out of the kitchen and into the foyer I stopped Sean. " She has brought both of my brothers with her, Sean. "

" Is she coming bearing gifts, or winner take all? " Sean asked with a very worried look on his face.

" It doesn't matter, Sean. I will hear her out, then we are done. I think I have been more than patient with her, after what she has done to me and my family. Even if she doesn't seem to understand, or believe what she almost caused. Now, if at anytime you need to step out of the room, just go, don't worry about them. "

Sean surprised me as he leaned down and kissed me, even involving a little tongue. " I'm not going anywhere, Babe. They will just have to deal with me too. "

" Thanks, Sean. " I squeezed his hand as we walked to the door and stepped out on the porch.

We stood gazing into each others eyes and holding hands, without a care as to what kind of trouble was coming up the driveway. The limo pulled up in front of the house and stopped, Kyle slipped passed us and walked to the back door and opened it, as we stood there waiting for them to exit the car.

Mother stepped out first of course, she still had an image to keep. Sam and Bill followed, though Bill looked even more upset about being there than Mother did about being frisked at the front gate.

We stepped off the front porch and approached the unhappy looking group. " Hello. Mother. " I said in my most monotone voice.

I nodded at Sam, " Sam. " was all I could even get out.

I stepped up to Bill. " Hi Bill, how you doing, brother? " I threw my arms around him and hugged him. It had been far too long since I had seen him.

Bill actually hugged me back, " I'm good, little bro. " Then lowered his voice. " I didn't want to be here like this, Jer. "

" I know, big bro. " I whispered back to him.

I leaned back from Bill and pulled Sean closer. " Bill, this is Sean Austin. Sean, this is my big brother, Bill. "

Sean held out his hand, " It's great to meet you big brother Bill. " Sean smiled that smile that melts my heart.

Bill cracked a smile and grabbed Sean into a hug. " It's nice to meet you, Sean. "

Bill let go of Sean as mother cleared her throat, " I think that is enough, William. " Mother cocked an eyebrow at Bill.

Bill looked at me and winked, " Okay, Mother. "

" Please come in everyone. " I led them to the front door and directed them all into the den. " Let's talk in here. Would anyone like anything to drink? " I asked, trying to be polite.


Well, she is back. Will she be more trouble or will they reconcile? Hmmmm this could get interesting. Hope to have the next chapter out soon. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 28

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