Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 6, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

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Part 4:

" We will see her tomorrow, and I am excited about seeing your home and meeting Jack."

That put a smile on Sean's face, the thought of seeing Jack put him in a better mood. I held his hand as the plane started to taxi out of the hanger and onto the runway. We stood there watching as the plane made its way out and start down the runway, engines coming to full power as they started their climb into the blue skies. I motioned for Sean to follow me as we headed back to the limousine, once inside I asked Sean, " Would you like to stop and have lunch on the way back to the hotel? "

==================================================== Part 5

" I think I could go for something to eat. " Sean looked over at me and I could see by the smile on his face it was not food he was talking about.

" How about a nice Jerry sandwich till we get to the restaurant? " I laughed and took Sean in my arms and started licking his neck.

" Mmmm that sounds like a menu I would order off of. "

I asked the driver to take us to The Steak House, where Sean and I had dinner the first night. I put the window up between the driver and the back seat so Sean and I could continue our exploration of each other. I pulled his shirt up and started running my hand over his abs, the smooth skin was so hot. I leaned down and started kissing his stomach as I pushed his shirt farther up I worked my way up to his nipples. I kissed them and pulled on them gently with my teeth and the moans coming from Sean encouraged me to go farther. I scooted down onto the floor of the limousine and between Sean's legs, I looked up and into his eyes and saw the lust, the passion, the caring burning the light beaming from him as bright as ever. I unbuttoned his jeans and started to pull them down as Sean lifted that perfect ass off the seat to help me bring them down. There stood that cock of his, hard as a steel pole, yet smooth and soft as velvet, just waiting for the attention I was about to bring. I pulled him down and ran my hand up and down the length and leaned in and put my nose over his balls and breathed in deep and let my tongue start taking in his taste and listening to his breathing increase and the moans and growls start. Sean pulled his right foot up and started rubbing my dick through my pants and I had to pull back and let out a deep moan, the sensation was incredible almost pushing me to an orgasm. I grabbed his cock and pulled it down and deep throated him in one swift motion and Sean's legs stiffened straight out in front of him and he said, " Oh my God Jerry, that is so amazing, keep me there in your throat. Ohh yes, that's the way make me feel good. "

I sat there with Sean's cock buried deep in my throat flexing my muscles as I pulled on his balls an rolled them in my hand. I gently ran a finger down across his perineum, Sean yelled out " Jesus that feels so good Jerry. "

I continued my decent till I was rubbing that sweet pink bud between Sean's rock hard cheeks and he started growling and thrashing in his seat, I thought he was going to jump right out the window and probably would have if it was open. I pulled up the length of his cock and swirled the head with my tongue putting it under the skin and running it around and listened to him moan in ecstasy. I started sliding him in and out of my mouth and slowly worked my finger into his tight warm hole. I soon had my finger in just past the first knuckle gently sliding it in and out a little more with each in and out motion. When I had my finger in as far as I could get I felt his joy button and I started stroking it and pushing down and Sean screamed.

" What the hell, Oh My GOD! "

I pushed myself down on his cock till I had him back down in my throat and flexed the muscles in my throat and I felt him tense up and become motionless as he erupted. I felt the cum start shooting out and down my throat and I moaned and started to pull up so I could taste the sweet nectar as it worked its way out of his cock. I got back to the top as his cock was still shooting and just sucked till I had milked all he had right out of him. I started cleaning him up making sure I did not miss a drop of his seed as Sean laid there looking like he had just ran a marathon, sweat running down his face and chest I just had to help with that. I ran my tongue up his torso and cleaned all up between his pecs I could find, and finally made it up to his face and I pulled him in for a long passionate kiss.

" Jerry I don't know what I have done to find you, but I love you. "

" Sean, you deserve the best in your life, I think you have paid your dues. Besides it is me that is the lucky one, if it had not been for you I would have lost my humanity this week. I have thanked God every minute of every day since I met you for bringing you into my life. "

Sean pulled me in and hugged me and I laid my head on his chest and just felt the love in his heart as he held me. After a few minutes I realized how close we were getting to the restaurant and told Sean, " We better get you dressed, I do not think they will let us have a table in the restaurant with you naked like this. "

" I suppose not, but I could just stay like this the rest of the day. Holding you and getting to know every inch of your body. "

" That is the best idea I have heard Sean. " I smiled at him and began helping him get dressed.

We had just finished getting his sandals back on when we pulled up in front of The Steak House. The driver pulled up and came around to open the door and I told him to park the car and join us for lunch.

" Are you sure about that Jerry? After what we just did in the limo. " Sean asked.

" Sean, you need to learn not to worry about what others think about you or what you are doing. This takes time away from what is important in your life, your family and friends. "

Sean stood there thinking about what I said and just shook his head agreeing and we walked inside and got a table for the three of us. The driver came back inside and was shown to our table.

" I would like to introduce myself, I am Jerry Martin and this is Sean Austin. Thank you for driving us today. "

" I am Alex King, It was my honor to be your driver today Mr. Martin. "

" Please it is Jerry, Mr. Martin is my father. "

" OK Jerry, and I want to thank you for inviting me in for lunch. I usually sit in the car just waiting for my passengers to finish. "

" I know Alex and I have never thought that was very kind or appropriate for passengers to do to a driver. "

" Well it is part of the job, you get used to it after awhile. "

" How long have you been here in Vegas and driving? "

" I grew up here in Vegas, I started driving about 2 years ago. I was lucky to get this job with the hotel. "

" Luck had nothing to do with it Alex, you do a professional job. I am sure it was your talent that got you this job. "

Sean sat there watching me talk with Alex, studying me interaction.

" What are you thinking Sean, I can see you are deep in thought. "

" I'm trying to figure you out Jerry, I have never met anyone like you before. All the executives I knew at the law office I worked at were nothing like you when dealing with people who they believed were beneath them. "

" Sean, look at Alex, what do you see? "

" I see a young man working for a living. "

" Is that all? "

" Besides how he looks that is all I see. "

" There is where you need to learn there is more than a young working man sitting there. Most importantly he is a human being, just like all of us. I believe that no one is better or more important than anyone else. If all we see between ourselves is the differences than we never see the similarities. "

Sean looked at me and his head slowly sank as he looked at the table, " I'm sorry Jerry, you are right. I never looked at it like that, I thought I had a handle on life. Even with all the troubles in my life I thought I figured that I understood the world. "

" Sean you are doing so well at it that I think all you need is someone to show you how to look at things a little differently. Every situation in life can be looked at from a different point of view. The trick is trying to get yourself to see them before you do or say something that locks you into one opinion. "

" That is so true Jerry, thank you for pointing that out. You are so smart I can't believe I never thought of it that way. " Sean smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

" I would not say smart Sean, but I have learned and sometimes the hard way it is easier to see all points of view before opening one's mouth. "

Alex saw Sean reach over and take my hand and I caught a look on his face that I was not so sure about. I hate to have to look at him and find out if it was jealousy or disgust.

" Is something wrong Alex? "

" No Jerry, I was thinking about what you just said. I was just wondering how better our world would be if more people would act the way you just described. "

" Alex its not about how much better the world could be, think about how much better each person and their lives could be with more people acting that way. The world will always be here, it is what we do to help each other that matters. "

" I'm sorry Jerry, you are right. It is just getting those who can make a change to think that way. "

" Alex we can all make a change in this world. It is just making a conscious effort each day to look around us and see where that help is needed. Are you sure there is nothing else bothering you? "

Alex looked over at me and blushed, " No Jerry, that does not bother me at all, I might be a little jealous but that is all. "

" Just do not let that get in your way in life Alex, jealousy is a strong emotion that can distract you. It can become a barrier that keeps you from seeing true happiness. "

Sean squeezed my hand and shook his head, " I understand Alex, he is a handsome man. " Sean chuckled

Alex blushed again and looked away from me and glanced over at Sean, " That he is Sean, that he is. "

The waitress came over and we placed our order, I knew Sean was starving. When the food came he ate without saying another word. Alex and I continued talking and when we were finished Sean looked over at me,

" Yes Sean you can order dessert. " I said as I laughed.

Sean called the waitress over and him and Alex both ordered dessert. I ordered a coffee and as I watched the two eat their dessert I sat there letting my mind drift to the meetings I had that afternoon. Did I really want to talk to Kyle? I pondered that till Sean and Alex finished their desserts.

" What are you thinking about Jerry? " Sean asked breaking me out of my state of thought.

" Just about my meetings this afternoon Sean, I am trying to decide if I want to have one of them or not. " I smiled over at Sean.

" Don't over think it Jerry, if you need to do it, get it over with and move on. "

The waitress brought the bill and as I paid it I asked Alex to go get the car. " You are correct Sean, I will get them done and over with and then we will have all evening and tonight to ourselves. "

We walked out of the restaurant and got back into the limousine and headed back to the hotel. When Alex dropped us off at the front door I asked him to make sure that Sean's luggage was taken up to my room and I would see him tomorrow for our trip back out to the airport. I walked inside and talked with Mr. Richards and asked him to arrange to have Alex pick us up tomorrow and take us back to the airport. I asked Mr. Richards what time he was done this evening I needed to speak with him in private. We arranged a time later that evening and I headed on my way to find Sean. I called Kyle and asked him to meet me in the lobby, which took about 30 seconds and he was standing next to me.

" Kyle can you find out all you can about Mr. Richards there at the concierge desk and send that information to Mr. Smythe at homeland security and ask him to pull all he can on him? I have a meeting with him this evening and need it ASAP. "

" I will have it ready for you in the next hour Jerry. "

" Thank you Kyle, I will see you then and I guess we can have our meeting and get it out of the way. "

" That will be fine Jerry, I will see you then. " Kyle headed off to get the information I asked for and to complete his mission. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. " Hello, this is Jerry Martin. "

" Hello Mr. Martin this is Mr. Gregory, I was wondering if you had the time to meet for that drink? "

" It is Jerry please, and I just walked into the hotel, please give me five minutes and I will meet you in the lounge. "

" I will see you then, thank you Jerry. "

I went to find Sean and tell him I had a meeting with the CEO of the casino and I would not be gone long. I gave him the card to my casino account and told him to go have some fun at the tables and I would catch up with him when I was done. Sean hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and headed out towards the casino tables. I nodded toward one of the guards and he followed behind Sean as I headed to the high rollers lounge.

As I stepped in I could tell instantly who Mr. Gregory was, he was sitting in a hand tailored suit. I walked over to him and said, " Mr. Gregory? "

" Yes I am, are you Jerry? "

" Yes I am, it is a pleasure to meet you in person Mr. Gregory. " I said as I extended my hand for a firm shake from him.

" The pleasure is mine Jerry. I wanted to take this opportunity to say in person I am sorry for Mr. Oscar and how he treated you. I know personally he did not know who you were. "

" Mr. Gregory, I know he did not know who I was. I never use my position in life to exert pressure on others just to get my way. I just tried to show Mr. Oliver that there was another way to handle the matter that was beneficial to both him and the casino as well as me. "

" I understand Jerry, but I know who you are and I know what you could do to him and this casino and I wanted to make sure that you were completely satisfied with the way things were finally handled. "

" I am very satisfied Mr. Gregory, I just did not want to make Mr. Oscar an enemy. I think he was just too concerned about protecting the casino he was overlooking the simplest way out. "

" I have explained to him why you wanted this handled the way you did and I think he finally understands. I wish to thank you for the excellent opportunity for the promotional campaign also Jerry. " As a matter of fact Mr. Gregory pointed towards the front of the lounge and there headed towards us was Mr. Oliver. " I think he would like to apologize in person for his decisions. "

" Hello Mr. Oliver. " I said as I shook his hand.

" Mr. Martin, I wanted to personally take time to say how sorry I am for the way I handled this matter. I was too concerned about casino operations that I was completely overlooking the easy way to handle this matter. "

" It is Jerry and thank you Mr. Oliver. I just wanted my privacy protected, I value that more than anything I could ever win here at the casino. If you can keep my privacy as your number one priority than I will be back time and time again. "

" I can assure you Mr. Martin, opps Jerry, that I personally will make sure that your privacy is protected at all costs. "

" Thank you Mr. Oliver. I think I have spent more this week here in the hotel than I won anyways so you can brag to your boss. " I laughed as I pointed at Mr. Gregory.

" I am not so sure of that Jerry, I think you have gotten the better of us this visit. "

" Do not be so sure Mr. Oliver. I have 6 hotel rooms booked and paying for meals and games for 12 other people besides myself on this trip. "

Mr. Oliver's mouth fell open and he looked and Mr. Gregory and then back at me, " Jerry, you need not have all the security with you while you are here at the hotel and casino. I have more than enough security to protect all of my guests. "

" No offense Mr. Oliver, but when I am dealing all around the world my concerns go a lot further than this hotel and casino. I have not ever had any trouble but there have been time that I have been thankful that my team as close at hand. "

" Very well Jerry, but if you ever need to coordinate anything with my staff please do not hesitate to call me personally. "

" I will do that Mr. Oliver. "

We sat and talked for another thirty minutes before I excused myself and thanked them both for the attention to these matters and headed out to the casino floor to find Sean. Instead of walking all around the casino floor I pulled out my phone and called Kyle and asked him where Sean was located. He gave me the info and I thanked him and headed over to the table where Sean was sitting.

" How goes the winning Sean? " I asked as I took the seat next to him looking him in the eyes and not paying any attention to the table.

" Holy smokes Jerry, I have been on a winning streak. "

I looked down at the table and saw that Sean was up about Twenty thousand. " Well it looks like I know who the good luck charm is here in Vegas. "

Sean blushed and went back to his cards as I sat there just watching him, I reached over and put my hand on the top of his leg and began running my hand up and down. I do believe that I was taking Sean's concentration away from the game. I stood up and kissed his cheek and said, " Sorry, I will let you get to your game and I will go finish my meetings than it is just you and me tonight. "

" I didn't mind Jerry, I thought it was great, took the pressure off my game. " He winked at me as I headed off to the lobby and up to the room.

I called Kyle and asked him to meet me there so we could finish off the meeting. I reached my room and Kyle was standing there with a couple files in his hands. I started regretting my decision to have this meeting but pushed forward so I could have it over with and I could forget it.

" Please come in Kyle, I want to get one of these discussions over with and never want it brought up again. " I motioned Kyle into the room. " Can I get you something to drink Kyle? " I asked as I walked over to the bar.

" No thanks Jerry, I will finish this as quickly as we can and then I will have it buried. "

" Kyle can I ask you a question? "

" Of course you can sir. "

I let the sir comment go, I knew Kyle was in his business mode. " Do you think I was about to go too far with Brad the other night? "

" Well Jerry, I have a hard time answering that. I can see both sides of the situation, if you did not do anything he would have not gotten the point and if you would have went farther..."

Kyle trailed off and I said, " I would have been no better than him? "

" Well I would not go that far, but along those lines Jerry. "

" Please Kyle, we have worked together for 3 years now, I have come to depend on you and your input. Please do not hold back telling me how you feel about anything I ask of you and your team. "

" I think you should read this report first Jerry, than we can finish this and move on. " Kyle said as he handed me the one file he was holding in his hand.

I started reading through the papers in the file and my face turned white as I felt all the blood leave me head. I could not believe what I was reading, the lies, the deceit, the plans that Brad had developed all the time laying in the bed next to me.

" You have went through these Kyle? "

" Yes I have Jerry, I am sorry that we did not find this out sooner. I am ashamed of myself and my team. If you want to find another lead for your security I will understand. "

I laid my head back on the couch still not believing what I was reading. How could I have been so blind?

I jumped up off the couch, " No Kyle that will not be necessary, this was my fault. I should have seen it sooner than I did. "

" Jerry, I know what you had promised Brad and he took full advantage of that and used it against you. Under those circumstances it was my responsibility to keep you safe and I failed. " Kyle looked down at the floor and his shoulders slumped, the first time I have ever seen Kyle in a defeated pose since I have known him.

" Kyle, let us just say that we both failed and we will learn from this and move on. But I want to make sure that you do not go too far the next time, I do not want Sean to be your next target and to try and make up for what happened with Brad to cloud your decisions."

I finished reading the file and looked through the photos in the back of the file to see what Brad looked like when they were finished with him. " I want these destroyed Kyle, I never want to see him or them again. You can finish the plans I have for him back home, I never want him to be able to be in the position again to try and get back at me. "

Kyle took the pictures from the file and took the to the shredder and disposed of them, " I will make sure everything back home is in place and ready for him when he returns Jerry. I want to thank you for overlooking my short comings and I promise you it will not happen again or affect how I do my job from this point forward. As far as Mr. Austin is concerned I will leave you to make the determination as to how far you want to me and the team to go. That is your personal life and I will not interfere there unless I have to. "

" Thank you Kyle. I guess just to protect your curiosity and to keep your team moral high I want you to do a simple and top layer security inquiry on Sean. "

" I will have it ready for you in an hour Mr. Martin. " Kyle then walked out of the room and headed out to do his job.

I poured myself another drink and walked out onto the balcony, I wanted to forget what I had just saw. It was going to take all my concentration to keep it from staying in my mind. I then realized the other file Kyle had left on the coffee table and went inside to grab it and went back out on the balcony to read. I was impressed with all the details that were in the file on Mr. Richards, I think Kyle really wanted to make sure there were no surprises that could bite him in the end on this one. I trying to keep my mind on the details in the file, but my mind was drifting off and thinking about Brad. Should I have finished it here in Vegas? No, I could not do that. I could not become the very thing I was throwing away in Brad. I have done the right thing and had to move on. I then grabbed the memory of Sean from the shower this morning the passions washed over me just like the water had done in the shower. I was sitting there in a place of peace and

harmony when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and went to the front door and opened it.

" Come in Mr. Richards, thank you for making time in your busy schedule to come and meet with me. Would you like something to drink before we get started Mr. Richards? "

" It was my privilege Mr. Martin, I would like a whiskey neat please. "

" It is Jerry and coming right up. Do you mind if we take this out on the balcony? I was out there reading when you knocked. "

" That would be fine Jerry and thank you for the drink. "

" Mr. Richards, I have had a shake up in the company this week and I am looking for a department manager for my branch in Columbus, Ohio. I have been so impressed with your knowledge and abilities here this week I thought you would be a perfect fit for the job. I live just north of Columbus so you will have more direct contact with me than any of my other office managers. This will mean that a lot of times you will be coordinating more details between offices and making sure I have access to the information any time I ask. "

" That sounds like a lot of responsibility Jerry, are you sure you do not want to move someone from another office to Columbus to fill that position? "

" Either way I do that Mr. Richards I will be doing the same amount of training, whether it be you or one of my other office managers. "

" May I ask what it is that is coordinated thru the Columbus office? "

I went into great detail as to what was expected from my office in Columbus with Mr. Richards. Letting him know how much work it would be and how often I might be calling him and how soon I expected any information I requested. I told him of the contacts I had around the world and how that information was handled and stored and how he would have access to it at all times.

" It is a great responsibility to me Mr. Richards, I expect your complete devotion to work the Columbus office. I have your complete file here and have been reading it over, I have seen nothing that raises any questions about your ability to perform the job well. "

" May I ask what caused the sudden opening in the position you are trying to fill Jerry? "

" Well Mr. Richards, lets just say that the last manager just tried to do an end run around me with a former lover of mine and I found out and both of them will never be in any position to harm me again. "

" Would you mind if I gave this some thought over night Jerry? "

" That is fine Mr. Richards, it is a big decision to make and I would not expect anything less than you taking time to decide. I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon to return to Columbus, I would like an answer then and if you want to come to work for me I will allow you two weeks to give notice to the hotel and get your affairs in order here in Vegas. "

" I will have an answer for you first thing in the morning Jerry. Thank you again for considering me for this position. "

" I will be down for breakfast about 10, catch me in the lobby with your answer. "

I walked Mr. Richards back to the door and shook his hand as he left. I then called Kyle and asked for him to have a guard follow Mr. Richards until I had an answer from him in the morning. I headed back out to the balcony and just leaned back in my chair and went over the meeting I just had with Mr. Richards and I could not sense any deception in his mind or anything that gave me any concern. I finished my drink and went in the bedroom and laid down on the bed and stretched and thought about Sean. The feeling of his skin, the aroma if his smell, the kindness that poured out of his heart. I went over to the closet and check out my luggage and found what I was looking for and placed it in the night stand. I wanted to be ready for tonight I had plans for Sean and did not want to be distracted by details. I must have dozed off, the next thing I knew Sean was standing at the foot of the bed yelling my name. I did not understand why he was yelling and why was Brad standing next to him? How did he get back in the hotel and why did the guards let him in my room? Sean started laughing at me and saying that my fall from grace was not over with yet, as him and Brad looked down at me and laughed. No, no Sean how could you do this to me and with Brad of all people? Sean just put his arm on Brad's shoulder and the looked at each other and started kissing. I screamed and screamed and the next thing I knew Kyle was shaking me and yelling my name. How did Kyle get here?

" Jerry, wake up. Jerry are you alright? "

I sat up on the bed in a sweat looking around trying to figure out where I was. " Jerry, you had a dream, are you alright now? " Kyle asked as he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and went to get me a drink from the bar.

" Jesus Kyle, that was too real. I can not believe the details and the realism of that dream. "

" All is fine Mr. Martin, take a second to get your composure and I will be in the living room. "

I sat up on the side of the bed and put my head in my hands and just shook with confusion. Did that dream have any basis in reality or was it just a dream? I had been sitting there for about 10 minutes when Sean came rushing in the room,

" Are you alright Jerry? " Sean asked as he was kneeling on the floor in front of me.

I grabbed Sean and hugged him as if my life depended on it. I think I squeezed so hard he had a hard time breathing, but he just let me hold onto him not caring if I was hurting him.

" How did you know I needed you right now Sean? "

" I was sitting in the casino when I had this awful feeling that something was wrong. I called Mary and they were on approach to the Columbus airport so I rushed up here to see you. I was worried you were in trouble again, but Kyle stopped me in the living room and told me you woke up screaming. "

" I am sorry Sean, it was just a terrible dream. I do appreciate you coming up to check on me. "

" How about we get you in the shower then we can head out for dinner. It is getting late and as you know, I'm hungry. " Sean laughed when he said that.

" I think that can be arranged Sean, I will get washed up and you can go out and talk to Kyle and figure out where you want to go. "

I headed into the bathroom and took a nice hot shower, trying to shed the images that had invaded my mind in my dream. I was finishing up when Sean came back in and said, " Jerry, I really don't want to go out tonight. How about we get room service or find a McDonalds's for dinner. "

" It does not matter to me Sean, we can do whatever you would like to do. " I walked up behind him and put my arms around him and held onto him and just breathed in his scent.

Sean turned around and wrapped his arms around me and leaned down and planted a kiss on me, I opened my mouth and let our tongues get to know each others mouth. The warmth in Sean was incredible, I wanted to stay this way forever. I was melting into Sean trapped in his embrace ready to forget my life and live right there in that moment. It occurred to me that Sean had left the casino, I wondered how he had done.

" Sean, how did you do at the tables in the casino? "

" I do not know Jerry, when I talked to Mary I knew I had to get up here and check on you. I left the tables and forgot all about playing. "

" Not to worry Sean. " I walked to the bedroom door and opened it and asked Kyle, " Can you check on your team member that was on the casino floor with Sean and see if he is still there watching his seat. "

" I'm on it Jerry, I will contact him now. "

Kyle headed out the door and I walked back into the bedroom. Sean was in the bathroom so I laid down on the bed and waited for him to come back out. I started thinking about tomorrow, the trip back home and how we were going to handle being away from each other. Would Sean want to be away from Mary for too long? Would they be willing to allow me into their home? I pushed those thoughts out of my head and just concentrated on enjoying tonight. Sean came back out of the bathroom and saw me laying on the bed, he walked over and gracefully lowered himself on me and gave me a kiss and asked, " What are you thinking there sexy? "

" I was just thinking about enjoying our last night in Vegas. It is back home tomorrow and the unknown, and I am scared Sean. The first time in my life I am scared, I have never seen the future as an unknown. I have always been able to see where I was going and what was to happen. "

Sean held me tight, put his hand to my face. " As long as we have each other Jerry we can face the future and any unknown. "

" You are right Sean together we can overcome anything. I think we need to go get my big hunk something to eat, I do not need you passing out from hunger. " I laughed as I jumped up off the bed and left Sean staring at me.

" You are right about that Jerry, if I pass out you are going to play hell getting me off the floor. "

We went out to the living room and there was a knock on the door. I walked over and opened the door and Kyle was standing there, I invited him in and asked, " How did things go down stairs. "

" We need Sean to head back down to the casino Jerry, they will not release his winnings even to your house account until Sean comes back down to do it in person. "

" Sean, what the hell did you do down in the casino? " I asked laughing.

" I didn't do anything, well anything I know of. I just walked away when I got that feeling something was wrong. What's going on? "

" I sent Kyle back down to the casino to check on your seat at the table and to collect your winnings and for you. They will not release them to anyone but you, so you need to head back down. "

We got ready and headed down to the casino floor, I held Sean's hand all the way down. He did not even seem to notice or care that we walked through the casino that way. We walked up to the table that he had been playing at and the dealer and floorman were there.

" I'm sorry I rushed away from the table, but I needed to make sure that there was no problem upstairs in our room. " Sean stated as he talked to the floorman for the table he was playing.

" That is no problem Mr. Austin, we understand family is more important that playing. " The floorman replied. " We needed you to come back down for we have some paper work for you to fill out before we can process your winnings. "

" I was not even paying attention while I was playing, how much did I win? "

" I am happy to inform you Mr. Austin that you won " $32,500. Congratulations sir. "

I was standing behind Sean and he turned around and grabbed me up and spun me around hugging me. " Well done Sean, I am very proud of you. "

" I can't believe it Jerry, I had no idea I was that far ahead. " Sean turned back around to the floorman and asked, " What do I need to do now? "

" First we need a current identification so we can complete the paper work then we can credit your account or cut you a check, your choice. "

" I think a check, but can you make it out for $32,000 and give the other $500 to the dealer for me? " Sean asked the floorman.

" That can be arranged Mr. Austin. "

Sean turned to me and had a look of horror on his face, " Oh no Jerry, I didn't even ask you if that was alright, forgive me. I will sign the check over to you when they get it done. "

" Sean, those winnings are yours, please do with them what you want. I do appreciate that you thought about me. "

" Thanks Jerry, I really don't deserve you. " Sean told me as he leaned over and kissed me.

I turned and walked over to talk to Kyle while Sean was busy with the paperwork that the floorman had brought over for Sean to complete. " I would like you to do me a couple favors Kyle. "

" Anything Jerry. "

" First of all, I would like you to give each member of your team a $ 3,000 bonus for the week and next I would like you to have the yard and patio prepared for when we return. "

" I will have it done as soon as we get back home Jerry. "

" Thank you Kyle, I really do not know how I would get anything done without you. "

I walked back over to the table and Sean had just finished up the paperwork with the floorman and was ready to go find something to eat.

" Where are we off to Mr. High Roller? " I asked Sean chuckling at the joke.

" I don't know Jerry. I thought I didn't want to go out tonight, but now I kind of want to go out and celebrate. "

" The choice is yours Sean, I am willing to go out or stay in. "

" I'm thinking Italian tonight, How about we go out for a quick bite then back to the room for the night? "

" That sounds wonderful to me Sean. "

We headed back upstairs to change for dinner and I called down to the concierge's desk and talked to Mr. Richards about a nice quiet Italian restaurant. He gave me a name and told me he would have a car ready for us as soon as we got back down stairs. With the plans all ready we headed out for dinner.

The ride to the restaurant was short, we were there in less than 10 minutes. We were seated right away, I was thinking thanks to Mr. Richards. Sean studied the menu and finally made his decision, the waitress came over and took our orders and brought us a nice bottle of wine I had ordered. I poured us a glass and toasted Sean, " Here is to your success at the tables today Sean. May all your new ventures be as successful. "

Sean reached across the table as we clinked glasses.

" Jerry I owe it all to you, you are the first person to believe in me in so long I forgot what it was like. "

" I do not believe that Sean, I know Mary loves you and I will bet she believes in you also. "

" She does Jerry, but I have never had anyone besides Mary tell me they were proud of me. Not a teacher, friend or employer, it really makes a person feel so much better about themselves when someone tells you they are proud of you. "

" It does Sean, I had my parents behind me all the time no matter what I attempted. I guess I never knew how lucky I was to have them encouraging me along the way. Do you ever think you would have went to college if you would have had the support when you were younger Sean. "

" I think about that all the time, being so close to the OSU campus. Every time I go by I think about what I could done with my life if I would have had the chance. "

" It is not too late Sean, you are only 21. Going back to school is easy and between your win tonight and what Mary took home you should have the money to enroll and set your sights on a career. "

" That is true Jerry, but I have to consider Jack now. I don't know how I could go to school and take care of him also. Maybe in a couple years when he is ready to start school I could work something out. "

" It will be a challenge Sean, but you have to really look to the future for you and Jack. I think he would look to you more if he knew how hard you worked getting a college education while raising him. "

" I will have to look into what I might want to go to school for, I have never had to think about that before. Then see what I need to do to apply. "

The waitress brought our dinners out and we sat and ate our meals. Sean was quiet and thinking about the possibilities of going back to school. I was also making plans to get Sean enrolled at OSU. Which led me to the past and that damn Brad. I have got to get him out of my head, I will concentrate of that when I get back home. When we were almost done with our meals Sean got a phone call, it was Mary telling him that she had made it home and everything went so smooth.

" That is great Mary, I have something to tell you also. I was playing the tables today while Jerry had some meetings and I won! " Sean told Mary.

" Sean!!! That is wonderful. " I could hear Mary yell into the phone from across the table as Sean pulled the phone from his ear.

" Mary, now I am deaf you just broke my eardrum. " Sean laughed into the phone.

" Can I speak with Jerry for a moment please Sean. "

Sean handed me the phone and I wondered what Mary wanted and what kind of trouble I was going to be in now. " Hello Mary, did you enjoy your trip home? "

" Jerry it was the most fantastic time I have ever had, I never thought that traveling could be so much fun and comfortable. "

" I am glad you had a good time Mary. Did Charles and the limousine driver get you all settled back at the house? "

" They helped me out so much Jerry, stopped so I could get groceries for the house, brought everything inside for me and helped me put it all away. Then they walked me over to get Jack and bring him home. "

" That is wonderful Mary, do you need anything else before they return back to pick us up tomorrow? "

" Oh no Jerry they have done too much already, I wish to thank you again for all your help and generosity. "

" Think nothing of it Mary, I was happy to help you. Before I forget, Monday afternoon I will be leaving work early and will come over to help you set up an account with your check and I want to invite Jack,Sean and you to my house this weekend for a cook out. "

" Jerry, you do not have to do that, I am home and can handle all of that. "

" It is no problem Mary, I have got us an appointment with a financial advisor and he can help you set up a trust for the future and settle everything from the past. "

" OK Jerry, I will trust you on that. I would also be honored to come to your home this weekend. "

" Great Mary, I will let Sean know the details and we will see you tomorrow evening. "

I handed the phone back to Sean and him and Mary finished their conversation as I drank my coffee just watching how at ease Sean was with Mary, I wondered what it was like to have a sister, growing up all I had were my brothers to irritate me all the time.

" I think Mary is floating on cloud nine right now Jerry. I think you have spoiled her. " Sean chuckled as he set his phone down on the table.

" Well if one must be spoiled I think Mary and you deserve it. "

" I bet I know someone who is ready for dessert. " I looked over at Sean and smiled

" Come to think of it I would take that bet Jerry. " Sean laughed and looked around for the waitress.

" No need to find her Sean, I have already ordered it for you and she should be right out with it. "

" Hmmm and what did you order me Jerry? "

" It is an Italian dessert called Tiramisu. It is wonderful. "

The waitress came over and set the Tiramisu in front of Sean and he looked over at me, " This looks good Jerry. "

He started eating it and did not slow down at all once he started. I thought he was going to eat the plate the way he was eating. Sean finished devouring his dessert while I ordered another coffee and Sean asked for one also. We set there and casually chatted about Sean's big win and about what we had fun doing in Vegas. After we finished I paid the bill and we headed out to the car and headed back to the hotel.

" Would you like to do anything else this evening Sean? "

" I think I could do with heading back to the room and just relaxing on the balcony for the night Jerry. "

" That sounds good to me too Sean, I think I have had about enough excitement for the day. "

When the car returned to the hotel Sean and I headed for the elevators and Kyle came up behind me and told me he had that file ready for me to look over. We went up to the room and I told Sean to head in and pour us a drink and sit out on the balcony and I would be in as soon as I finished talking with Kyle.

Kyle and I walked back out into the hallway and he handed me the folder. I breathed deeply before opening it and closed my eyes to clear my head.

I looked over at Kyle and and told him, " I am having Captain Winslow bring the 650 back for the trip home tomorrow, you can have your team ready to travel back home with us tomorrow. "

" I will have the team ready and on the plane by the time we get to the airport Jerry, Thank you. "

I opened the file and started reading the files, everything that Kyle had found on the simple investigation was exactly what Mary and Sean had told me about themselves. Not one thing that sparked any interest for any further concerns or any reason to look any deeper. I handed the file back to Kyle and told him simple, " Destroy it. "

" Right away Mr. Martin. "

I turned and walked back inside the room and Sean was out on the balcony leaning over the rail and looking out over the city. I walked up behind him and grabbed him and just leaned up on his back and hugged him.

" That feels so nice Jerry, Is everything alright? "

" Everything is perfect Sean. "

I let Sean go and picked up my drink and walked over and stood next to Sean as we looked out over the city. It was so beautiful with all the lights shining, making the night into day.

" You would love Paris Sean, they have more lights than this. It is amazing seeing a city lit up like that every night. "

" Paris? You have been to Paris before Jerry? "

" I have been a few times Sean, I love the place, the people can be snobbish but the city itself is beautiful. "

" I bet that would be beautiful, Vegas and their lights are pretty, but too much neon if you ask me. "

I walked over and took a seat at the table and just sat their watching Sean watch out over the city. Seeing him take in the view with his eager eyes that have been hidden in the dark by his life. The first time wonders by someone who has never thought about the possibilities of life due to his low income life. I thought about what I could do to change that and added some more work to do when we returned home. Sean turned around and saw me watching him, he smiled and asked, " What are thinking about Jerry? "

" I was thinking what it must be like to look out over the city and the lights with eyes that have never saw it before. It has been a long time since I had first seen the city so I do not look at it the same way. I was trying to imagine the excitement you were feeling. "

" Jerry, you make me smile when you talk, you show me every time how to look at things in so many different ways. "

" Just remember that no matter what you face in life Sean, it will serve you well. There are billions of people on the Earth and each one has a different point of view. "

Sean walked over and stood in front of me and I reached up and put my arms around his waist and pulled him in and held onto him. Just resting in the warmth and love coming from him. Sean leaned over and put his glass on the table and pulled me up from my seat and lifted my head and planted a kiss on my lips. It was so warm and erotic I thought I was going to melt right into him. Sean took my hand and led me into the bedroom.

" I want this to be a special night for both of us Sean. " I slowly led him back and pushing him down on the bed. Then bent down and kissed his lips and made my way down to his neck just below his ears and started softly kissing and licking and sucking on his neck. I could feel the growls starting deep inside of Sean's chest and vibrating up into his throat. I laid Sean back on the bed and pulled up his foot and took of his shoe and sock and began to give him a tongue bath. I sucked his big toe in my mouth I heard Sean moan and then I ran my tongue up his the sole of his foot from the heal to just below his toes. I lowered his foot and grabbed the other and done the same to it. I crawled back up on the bed and undid his belt and button and pulled down his zipper. I went back to the foot of the bed and pulled on the cuffs of his pants and pulled them off. I stood and looked down at this amazing man laying there looking like angel that had just came down

from heaven. I went back up on the bed and worked my way up to his stomach and started pushing his shirt up licking around his belly button and savoring the smell of Sean as it invaded me. Sean started to unbutton his shirt while I continued to wash his abs with my tongue. The feel of their hard muscles with the soft smooth hair free skin was turning me on something fierce. As Sean got his shirt unbuttoned I moved up and started playing with his nipples, softly pulling and licking them trying to bring out all of Sean's sexual emotions. Sean was moaning in full volume and rubbing his hands over the back of my head, I pushed up and landed on his lips and let our tongues twist and play in each others mouth. I was going slow and wanting Sean to enjoy each and every sensation before moving onto the next one. I looked down into his eyes and said, " I love you Sean Austin. "

I started taking off my shirt as Sean helped me, I stood up and pulled my pants and shoes off and laid back down on top of Sean. The heat from his long muscular body melting away all my concerns and making me want him all the more. I worked my way back down his chest finding them soft and sensitive nipples as I sucked each one in my mouth and played with them for minutes. I skipped his stomach this time, I wanted my prize down below the waist, it was hard and twitching for attention. I pulled the skin back off the head and licked all the pre cum off and pulled the skin back up so my tongue could be enveloped in the taste of Sean as he moaned and told me to keep going. I kissed the head of his cock and moved down to his balls and began to give them the attention they deserved. Gently pulling each into my mouth and rolling them around, I pushed his legs open as far as I could get them. I pushed up on them as I lowered myself farther down so I was

looking right at the perfect pink pucker of his anus. I inhaled as deep as I could pulling in all the smell of Sean as I could get. I stuck out my tongue and started licking his anal ring, as Sean about jumped up off the bed I held his legs to keep him there and in position.

" Take it easy Sean, I am not going to do anything that you have not done before, not this time anyways. " I went back to savoring the taste of Sean and I started making small circles around his anus to get him use to the feeling, I gently pushed my tongue at his opening. He did not tense up or put up any resistance to my advance. I kept up the pressure and soon had my tongue up in him and wiggling it for all it was worth. Sean scream out, " Jesus Jerry that feels so fucking amazing. "

I sucked on one of my fingers as I was continuing to eat out Sean's ass and I gently pressed it to the tip of his ass and applied a little pressure. With the spit I had put down on his ass I glided in and started working my way in to find his live button, Sean was thrashing around on the bed as I was getting all kinds of curse words and moans and groans. I started working on his prostate Sean pushed down on my hand to try and get my finger deeper inside of him. I pulled down on his cock and took him between my lips and sucked and pulled until I had him deep in my throat and starting humming and Sean grabbed my head and started pushing up into my face trying to bury himself deep inside me. I slowly pulled my finger out of his ass, I did not want him to cum too soon and I knew all the attention between my mouth and finger would have pushed him right over the edge. I continued working his cock in and out of my mouth allowing him to cool down a little before

I moved this on to what I had in mind to finish us off. I slowly worked on him for a few more minutes then released him from my mouth and pulled myself up to his face.

" I want you to make love to me Sean. "

I rolled over to the night stand and grabbed the supplies I had placed in there earlier. I bent down and kissed Sean and let him taste himself on my tongue. I put some lube on my fingers and began slowly getting myself ready for Sean. When I was well lubed I opened a condom and moved down to unroll it on Sean's cock and lubed it so I knew that we would have no problems. I straddles Sean and leaned back and lined up his cock with my ass and gently sat down applying more and more pressure until I felt him break the muscles of my ass ring. I stopped and got used to the feeling of Sean's big head at the beginning of my ass and then slowly started lowering myself on him.

" Oh holy fuck Jerry, I never knew how this would feel. "

I continued to lower myself as I smiled at Sean's outburst. When I finally had bottomed out and had all of Sean's cock deep inside of me I sat there looking down at him, the look of erotic passion on his face was worth a picture. I smiled down at him as I slowly started lifting up off him and holding my position before lowering myself again. The moans were coming from down deep in Sean, almost becoming growls each time I lifted and lowered myself. I started to increase the speed of my motions and Sean's moans increased in speed and volume as well. I slowed down and started bottoming and putting pressure on the muscles in my ass on the up stroke, Sean almost screamed in passion. I carried this on for a few minutes and I sensed that Sean was getting too close so I sat down and let him come down from the edge of his climax. " I want you to take me Sean, I want to be on my back and I want to see you when you cum. " I lifted off of Sean and pulled him up from where he was laying. I laid down and pulled my legs up to my chest and Sean moved around and came up between my legs and placed the tip of his cock back at my ass. I smiled up at him as he gently pushed back inside of me, when he was all the way inside me again I clamped down on him to keep him still for a minute while I got adjusted to his size and this position. I started releasing the muscles in my ass and nodded up at Sean and told him to start of slowly. He started to pull back and I just moaned as he stop with just the head in my ass and started to push back in till he reached the bottom and then started back up again. I started to bear down as he was pulling out and loosening up for him to push back in. As we got our rhythm together I was feeling like I had never felt before. I screamed out, " Oh My God Sean, you feel like a steel beam. " Sean continued his motion pumping in and out of my ass as I laid there heaven, if I died right there I know I would have seen the face of God. Sean started to pick up his pace and was starting to growl deep in his throat as he was nearing his orgasm. I reached up and grabbed his nipple and pinched, he threw his head back and growled like a tiger staking its claim on its prize.

" Here I cum Jerry, Ohh shit you are so good my love. "

I reached down and stroked myself twice and I erupted like a volcano all over myself, shooting from my face all the way down my chest and stomach. When Sean felt me start my orgasm he was pushed over the edge and started yelling my name over and over his pistoning slowing down and almost coming to a halt. He slowly lowered himself on top of me and kissed me when he reached my face.

" That was the most erotic thing I have ever felt in my entire life Jerry. "

I wrapped my arms around Sean's back and held on to him so tight and whispered in his ear, " That was amazing Sean, I never want to leave this time right here. "

Sean started kissing my neck, " Neither do I Jerry, neither do I. "

We laid there in each others arms enjoying our post orgasmic glow and rubbing our hands over each other. I pulled back from Sean and looked in his eyes and kissed him like it was the last time I would see him and went to the bathroom to clean up a little. I came back out with a warm washcloth and walked over to the bed and sat down and cleaned Sean and lingered over every part of his body I touched. When I was done I got up and held out my hand and pulled Sean up and walked him out to the balcony. I sat down and Sean looked at me and said, " Jerry what are you doing? We are naked. "

" We are on the 18th floor and it is midnight, who is going to see us? "

Sean thought about that and sat down in the other seat, I reached my hand across the table and took his hand in mine. We sat there, I was looking up at the dark sky and thanking God for bringing Sean into my life. We sat there for about 20 minutes and I asked Sean, " Would you like something to drink? "

" Can you pour yourself into a glass? If so I will take a double. If not I can do a whiskey."

I smiled and kissed Sean as I walked by to go inside to the bar and poured a drink for both of us and headed back outside. I sat our glasses on the table and took Sean in my arms and hugged him and asked, " Are you alright Sean? "

" Alright? No I am not Jerry, I think I have died and gone to Heaven. I am beginning to feel jealous of Mary, cause if this is Heaven and I am dreaming I want trade places with her. "

I held on to Sean tighter, kissed the top of his head and said, " If it is a dream and we are in Heaven I want to go with you too baby. "

I felt Sean's grip on me tighten and he pulled me down to sit in his lap and kissed me and we let our tongues dance. He then pulled me into his chest as I wrapped my arms around his chest and settled in with my head laying there listening to the beating of his heart. I do not know how long we sat there on the balcony, the next thing I knew I was waking up in the bed and the phone ringing. I reached over and picked it up, " Hello this is Jerry Martin. "

" Mr. Martin this is your wake up call, it is 7am. "

" Thank you. " I said as I hung up the phone. I moved back over and pulled Sean's arm over me and pushed myself back into his embrace. I felt so warm and safe there.

About 20 minutes later I decided I better get up or I was going to spend the day in this bed and never leave Vegas. I lifted Sean's arm up and crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I had to piss like I had not gone in 3 days. Once done I shaved and went out to the living room. I called down and ordered coffee and juice for me and Sean. I picked up my cell phone and called Kyle. " Are we all set for the day Kyle? "

" Yes we are Jerry, I have all the reports from each office and there were no problems overnight. "

" Finally a day of rest, Thank you Kyle. We will be heading down for breakfast about 10. "

" You are very welcome Jerry, I will be ready and at your door. "

I stepped out on the balcony and watched the sun coming up over the quiet desert town of Vegas, I loved this time of the morning in a busy night time town like Vegas. The peace and quiet is like the serenity of an uninhabited pasture. I was almost lost in thought when I heard the knock on the door, I went inside and opened the door and let the waiter in with the tray with the coffee and juice on it. I signed the bill and added a tip and led the waiter back out the door. I poured myself a cup of coffee and headed back out on the balcony, but changed my mind, I walked into the bed room and satin the chair in the corner and watched Sean sleeping. This was an even more serene view than that of the city before all the people make it a busy metropolis. I studied the way Sean's hair laid across the top of his head, the curve of his lips, the contour of his nose, the color of his cheeks, the way his chest was rising and falling as he breathed. I started to

get deep in thought and the picture of what was to come for Sean took over my mind. The bad days to come for him were as plain as the rising sun I was just watching out on the balcony. The pain and the hurt he was going to go through, the anguish and sadness that were about to over take his current happiness. A tear formed in the corner of my eye as if fell down across my cheek, how was I going to be able to get him passed all this? The feeling of the pain took over and I lost myself of my surroundings, all I was focused on was Sean. I did not even notice that Sean had gotten out of bed and walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I jumped up out of the chair when he did and I grabbed him, tears running down my cheeks. Sean held me and ran his hand down the back of my head.

" What's the matter babe? "

I held on to him not wanting to answer, not wanting to say what I saw was ahead of him. " I was just sitting there watching you sleep and got lost in thought. I went too far and lost myself and the emotions took over. "

" It's ok Jerry. " Sean pulled me tighter into him.

" I know Sean, I am sorry you have seen me at my worst this week, I have never shown so much emotion in my life. "

Sean pulled back from me and looked at me like I was crazy, " I hate to ask this Jerry, but why haven't you shared your emotions with others before? "

I knew he meant Brad, but was afraid to say it. " No Sean, I never felt close enough to anyone to show them like I have with you this week. "

" Well Jerry, anytime you need to let them go I will be there for you. " Sean said and leaned down and kissed my forehead.

I hugged him tight again, " Thank you Sean, I do not know how I have lived all these years without you in my life. "

We stood there in the early morning sun just soaking up the love between us more than the sun coming in through the windows. I felt Sean's morning wood hard between us and I pulled back, " I think you better take care of that before it makes a mess all over the both of us." I pointed to his cock and laughed.

" I think your right. " Sean headed into the bathroom to finish his morning routine and I went out to the living room to get him a cup of coffee. I also brought his back a glass of orange juice in case he wanted something besides coffee. I walked into the bathroom as Sean was brushing his teeth.

" How did I get in the bed last night? " I asked as I stood there watching him.

" You fell asleep sitting on my lap last night on the balcony and I carried you in here and put you in the bed. "

" Thank you handsome. " I smacked his ass and walked back out into the bedroom and began laying out my clothes for the day and packing away everything else I did not need. Sean came out of the bathroom, " Thanks for the coffee and orange juice, I was a little dehydrated after last night. "

Sean started going through his luggage picking out what he was wearing for the day and packing away his dirty clothes. About 30 minutes later we were finished and we headed out onto the balcony to enjoy the rest of the coffee and the sun before heading downstairs for breakfast.

" I have to stop and talk with Mr. Richards on our way to breakfast this morning. It should only take me a minute or two at the most then we can head to the restaurant to eat. "

" Anything wrong this morning Jerry? "

" No not at all, a clean report this morning so I am happy. I talked to Mr. Richards yesterday about a job at my office in Columbus. He is suppose to give me an answer this morning so it will be a yes or a no should only take a minute. "

" I really like Mr. Richards, he seems very friendly whenever you talk with him. "

" He is a very resourceful individual, I know he has to be as a concierge, but there is something about his personality that makes me believe he can be that way no matter where he is at. "

" Well the city is starting to come to life, I guess we better head on down stairs and get something to eat and get this day started. " I stood up and kissed Sean as I passed him on my way back into the room. I got my shoes on and watched Sean finish putting his on and we headed to the front door. There stood Kyle waiting on us to head to breakfast. " Good Morning Kyle, How are you today? " I asked as we walked out of the room.

" I am well thanks Jerry, Good Morning Mr. Austin, how are you two this morning? "

" I am great Kyle, nothing in the reports and the sun is shining. It is going to be a good day. "

" Please call me Sean, and I am fine thanks for asking Kyle. "

We got in the elevator and headed downstairs and I asked Kyle to join us for breakfast and sent him and Sean on their way to the restaurant while I made my way to the lobby to talk to Mr. Richards.

" Good Morning Mr. Richards, and how are you doing on this wonderful day? " I asked as I walked up to the concierge desk.

" Good Morning Mr. Martin, I am doing well thank you. "

" It is Jerry, please. Have to come to a decision on the offer Mr. Richards? "

" I have thought of nothing but that since we talked yesterday Jerry. I would love the opportunity to come and work for you in Columbus. "

" Excellent Mr. Richards, I am pleased to hear that. If you give me your phone number and an email address I will have the details of your job and pay sent to you to look over."

" I have them here for you. " He handed me a business card with the information I requested.

" I am heading to breakfast, if you have any questions before I leave today just let me know Mr. Richards. Before I go are the plans for Alex to take us to the airport all set for this afternoon? "

" They are all set and he is anxious to take you today Jerry. I think you made a profound impression on him yesterday. "

" That is great Mr. Richards I will talk with you later. Can you also pass on my apologies to Mr. Oliver for taking you away from his team here at the hotel? "

" I will do that Jerry, I will see you later. "

I walked towards the restaurant happy that my plans were working out and I would be able to have Mr. Richards at my office back home. I stopped and talked to the hostess and gave her my name and she directed me to the table she had seated Sean and Kyle. As we walked through the restaurant I saw Sean and Kyle talking to one another at the table, I hoped they were getting along, I did not need that kind of drama in my life right now.

" I think today could not get any better. " I said as I took my seat at the table.

" I take it that your meeting with Mr. Richards went well Jerry? " Sean asked.

" It went wonderfully, he has decided to come to Columbus and manage my office there. "

" That is great Jerry, one less thing to have to worry about for you. "

" It is Sean, at last some peace back in the business. Until we get back home and I can get the loose ends finished there. "

Sean saw my mood darken as I talked about the ' loose ends ' and decided to change the subject.

" So Jerry, what are these details about a cookout next weekend that you were talking to Mary about? " Sean asked me.

" I thought after this next week back home and all the trouble I have to go through that a nice time in the country might be just what the doctor ordered for all of us. I would like you and Mary and Jack to come out and spend the weekend at the house. "

" That sounds like a nice weekend Jerry, but are you sure you want a 3 year old running around your house destroying it? "

" Well Sean, I do not think there is anything at the house that he can destroy that can not be replaced. "

Kyle started laughing because he knew that he house was kept very modest looking to stop people from thinking that anyone with great wealth lived there.

" And what is so funny Kyle? " I snickered as I asked.

" I guess Sean will see when they come over why I am laughing. " Kyle said to me.

" Kyle is not trying to make fun of you Sean, He is insinuating that my house does not need to be child proofed. There are not Ming Vases and expensive art work laying around. "

" Well then I guess my vision of your home is wrong. " Sean shot out.

" It is a home Sean, comfortable and sturdy, I do not need to live in a museum to be comfortable. "

Kyle's phone rang and he excused himself from the table to answer it, breaking up the track the conversation was taking.

" How about we head to the strip to find something to take home to Jack after we are finished with breakfast Sean? "

" That sounds like a good plan Jerry, I forgot about the little monster. "

" If uncle Sean comes home empty handed he is going to be one mad little monster. "

" I know what I was like when I was a kid and someone did not bring me something, the little green eyed monster took over and ran rampage over the country side. " I laughed.

" You have no idea Jerry, Jack would never let me forget if I didn't bring him something home."

" I am sure we can find him something that will keep uncle Sean in his good graces. "

Kyle came back to the table and I could see his mood had changed and the news on the phone could not have been good. I studied his face trying to decide if I should ask him about it. I shook it off and figured I would handle it after we had our breakfast. The waitress came over and took our orders and returned a moment later with coffee for all of us. Kyle bumped my foot under the table to get my attention. I looked over at him and he threw his head back to get me to follow him, I excused us from the table and followed Kyle out of the restaurant. When we were in the lobby Kyle stopped and turned around to look at me and I could tell something was terribly wrong.

" What is wrong Kyle? "

" Sir, I do not want to upset you today, but there is a problem in Columbus and we need to get home now. "

" What is it Kyle? What is so wrong that we need to leave now? "

" It is Miss. Austin, she has been taken to the hospital. "

end of chapter 5


Thanks to everyone reading and sending me comments, I really appreciate the feed back. Please do not forget to donate to nifty.

Thanks again, Bryan

Next: Chapter 6

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