Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 17, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark. for all his hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

Part 7:

Kyle had me to Jerry's room in just a few minutes. This whole week I have never seen more than 1 or 2 guards near Jerry. The floor was full of them, seems like they were ever 10 feet down the hallway. We got to Jerry's door and Kyle knocked and slowly opened the door.

As Sean walked in he stopped and gasped then went running across the room, " Mike, Oh my God are you alright? "


Part 8:

" I'm fine Sean. " Jerry reached out for his hand and held on to it tightly. "How are you doing Sean? "

" Besides not knowing what day it is and forgetting all about my nephew, I'm good. "

" What do you mean, you forgot about Jack? "

" I was down talking with Mary and she mentioned Jack and I realized that I forgot about him and had not talked about getting out to your house to see him. It's been hours since we talked to him on the plane. "

" Kyle, what is going on with Jack? "

" He's fine Mike, there is a full team at the house and one of them brought his mother out to help look after Jack until I can get Sean there. "

" I will be outside, give you two some time alone. " Kyle said as he walked out the door.

Sean leaned over the bed and kissed Jerry, " I was so worried about you Jerry, I just couldn't think about losing you. I've not been able to think about anything except you, since Kyle pulled me into Mary's room and they took you away. "

" I have thought of nothing but you since I saw Kyle pull you away, Sean. I've been so worried about you with all the stress that you had to be going through and all the information Kyle had to be throwing your way. "

" Kyle has been so good to me Jerry, I don't think I would have made it without his help. "

" He is very good at his job Sean, if you ever need anything and I am not around, just talk with Kyle. He can either handle it or can get a hold of me. "

" I have seen that today Jerry and I was impressed. " Sean replied as he kissed my head and slowly stroked my hair tenderly.

" That feels so good Sean, I wish I could hold you and never let you go. As soon as my shoulder is better I will hold you for at least a week. "

" I'll be waiting Jerry, I want you to hold me tight. I need some time alone with you again, like we had in Vegas. "

" We'll have plenty of time together and alone soon, Sean. " Jerry reached for Sean's hand and gently placed a kiss on it and pulled it up to his face, holding it against his cheek, reveling in Sean's warmth.

" Is there anything I can do for you tonight Jerry? "

" I think I have everything I need right here in my arms, Sean. "

" You are too sweet babe. You make it hard to ever leave your side. "

" Sean, you are the sweet one and I never want you to change. I love the care you have for everyone and that is a quality you need to hold onto forever.

" You got it, Jerry and I'm sure with you beside me I can hold onto it and you until the universe ends."

Sean stayed there and held Jerry tightly for 20 minutes until Kyle knocked on the door and came back in. " I think we need to get Sean to the house for the night, Mike. I can arrange to have him back here tomorrow after we make arrangements for Jack. "

" I have an idea about that Kyle. Can you hand me my phone? "

" I have it right here, Mike. I didn't want it to get lost in the commotion earlier. "

" You are sure on top of your game today Kyle, thanks."

" Sean, let Kyle get you out to the house and you take care of Jack. He will show you a room you can settle him in for the night and if I am not being too forward, you can sleep in my room. "

Sean blushed and looked back at Jerry with love, " That's not too forward at all Mike. "

" I will have someone there tomorrow to take care of Jack so Kyle can bring you back in to the hospital tomorrow. "

" Thank you Mike, I know you will find someone you trust so I'll trust them also. "

" (her name) is the best at taking care of children Sean, she has raised three boys of her own. "

" Mike, I had the tank brought in from the house, I'll take Sean back there and I will be back as soon as I can. Mitchell and Josh are here on the grounds and have communications setup. " Kyle handed Jerry his communication access device and placing it to make sure it was accessible to him at all times.

" Thank you, Kyle, I'll be ok. I think you should stay at the house and ensure that Sean and Jack are settled for the night and bring them back in the morning. That way you are rested as well. "

" That is not necessary Mike, I'm fine and able to continue with my job until we are cleared to leave and take you and Mary home. "

" Please Kyle, I know what you are capable of and I want and need you rested. I have my phone and my communicator, if I need anything you will be the first person I call. "

" As you wish Mike, I'll inform Mitchell and Josh in person so it does not go out over the air. I will be back in the morning as soon as Sean is ready and your sitter is there and comfortable with Jack."

" Thank you Kyle. Now this is an order, I want you to get some sleep tonight, I don't want you up and working until you come back tomorrow. "

" Yes sir. I will do as ordered. " Kyle turned and walked out of the room while I said my goodbyes.

" Come here sexy. " I called to Sean. Sean walked over to my bed and he leaned over. He put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me then placed his lips on mine and kissed me with such passion. I think time stood still for an hour, the kiss was so warm and energizing. "I am going to miss you tonight. I hope you sleep well and dream of me all night. "

" I'll dream of nothing else but you, babe. I hope the nurses leave you alone so you can sleep and dream of me. "

" If they do not leave me alone I'll call Mitchell in here and he can keep them out. " I laughed and pulled Sean in for another kiss. " I will see you in the morning. I only ask one thing of you babe, please be nice to the lady, who is coming to watch over Jack in the morning. "

" I will Jerry, I know if you trust her she must be special. "

" She is very special Sean and I think you will really like her. "

" Love you lots Jerry. "

" Love you too babe. "

Sean left the room and found Kyle and they headed down to say goodnight to Mary. While Sean was talking with Mary, Kyle excused himself to go and talk with Mitchell and Josh before they left.

" He really looks good Mary, I was so relieved when I saw him. He made arrangements for me to stay at his house with Jack tonight and is calling in someone to watch Jack tomorrow. "

" I told you he's a wonderful man Sean. I'm so glad he is doing well and he has Jack's best interest in mind. "

" He does Mary, he said the woman coming to look after him tomorrow is a very special lady and she had raised three sons of her own. "

" Is there anyone that he doesn't know? " Mary chuckled.

" I'm beginning to think there isn't Mary. With everything that has happened, he seems to know just who to call. "

I finished talking with Mary and Kyle came back to get me and we headed out of the hospital. When we stepped out of the hospital it was getting dark, I had not realized the whole day had passed. The 'tank' as Kyle called it, pulled up and we got in the back seat. It was a huge black Humvee and was truly built like a tank.

" Do you know who Jerry is calling in to watch over Jack tomorrow, Kyle? "

" I don't know who Jerry is calling in, Sean. He did not say, but I can assure you that they'll be more than qualified to watch over Master Jack. "

" I really do trust him Kyle, I just worry more when it comes to Jack. "

" I understand Sean, family is very important and it's very hard to trust just anyone with their care. "

As we rode north out of the city towards Jerry's house, I started to lose my battle with my heavy eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I was resting comfortably in my hospital room; Mitchell and Josh had both stopped by to let me know that Kyle had stopped and talked to them and they would be on duty overnight and if I needed anything at all to contact them.

I picked up my phone to make the call I needed to make to arrange for Jack's care tomorrow. " Hello Mom, it's Jerry, how are you doing? "

" I am wonderful son, how are you doing? "

" Well Mom, to be honest I have been better. That's why I am calling, I wondered if you could do me a huge favor. "

" I would do anything for you Jerry, you know that. What do you need? "

" I'm in the hospital in Columbus right now Mom. Brad left me last week and I was in Vegas all week. "

" In the hospital, what in the world happened Sean? "

" I am fine Mom, I'll tell you tomorrow. Right now I need you to be ready to head to my house. I have someone that needs to be looked after tomorrow and you were the only one I thought could handle the job. "

" Who do you need me to watch Sean? You're just a bundle of riddles tonight son."

" I'm sorry Mom, it has been a long day. I will fill you in with some of the details now, I am hoping you can make it downtown tomorrow and I can fill in the rest. "

" I think that will be a good start son. Would you like me to get your father on the extension? "

" If you want Mom, I will only have to tell it once that way. "

" Hold on a minute while I get him on the phone. " I heard Mom yell at Dad to pick up the phone that I was on the line and was in the hospital.

" Jerry, what in God's name happened son? "

" Hi Dad, I'm fine. I will explain it all to you tomorrow. Tonight I need Mom and you, if you want to come, to be at the house to watch a very special little boy for me tomorrow. "

" We will be right down son, you know we would do anything for you. "

" I know Dad, but I told Mom I would give her some of the details tonight and fill in the rest when I see you tomorrow. "

" Alright then, I will hush and listen. "

I had to chuckle to myself as Dad was always so to the point. " Last Friday I came home to an empty house and a note from Brad. He left me and all I got was that damn stupid note. I was so pissed I went out to Vegas for the week to get away from the house and try and forget about Brad. I was so upset that I did not even play the tables! The first day I sat at the stupid slot machines just spinning and thinking. A very nice young couple sat down at the machine next to me and I struck up a conversation with them and got to know them this week. They are a brother and sister from here in Columbus. Mary is very ill and the doctors only give her a few more months to live and Sean, her brother, took her to Vegas; it was kind of like a last request trip. While there, Sean and I were walking back to the hotel Wednesday night when I ran into Brad on the strip. I came to find out that he was there in a plot with Mark from the office here in Columbus to steal

everything I had. I stopped them. I saw the plan weeks ago from Mark and had set it up to where they could not get anything. I was just hoping that Brad would not go through with it."

"Mary came home yesterday and was attacked in her home this afternoon, Sean and I flew back immediately and while here in the hospital the man who attacked her came to finish the job. Mary has a little three year old son named Jack and he is at my house under security because at the time we did not know who attacked her and if they were still on the loose. With Sean wanting to be here at the hospital with Mary, and me in here, I need you there to watch Jack until one or both of us gets released. "

" Jesus Sean, what the hell has been happening down there? " Dad asked with his point blank questioning.

" Richard, do not talk like that. " Mom chastised Dad, making me laugh a little.

" I have several people looking into that for me now Dad and I was going to see Mark in person on Monday to find the out the whole story but ran into a little snag. "

" And just how little is this snag as you put it Sean? " Dad asked.

" I am fine Dad I promise. I will tell you the rest tomorrow when you get to the hospital. I do not want to talk about it over the phone. "

" We will be there Sean, soon as we get our bags packed. " Mom said with a little bit of concern in her voice.

" The limousine will be there in about 30 minutes to pick you up and take you to the house. I will call Kyle and let him know to have you a room ready and you can meet Sean and Jack in the morning. "

" Alright son, you rest and we will be there for Jack tomorrow. Then we will be at the hospital and we want the rest of the story. "

" Yes Dad, I will tell you everything when I see you. I love you and be safe. "

" We love you too son. "

I hung up from Mom and Dad and called Kyle.

" Kyle, this is a personal call, I am fine so do not panic. "

" That is good news Jerry, you scared the shit out of me. "

I laughed and told Kyle, " There are bathrooms all over the house, do not make a mess. I wanted to tell you that my Mom and Dad will be at the house later tonight. I just got off the phone with them and a car will be picking them up in about 30 minutes. They will be watching Jack tomorrow when you bring Sean back in to the hospital. Can you arrange a room for them in the house tonight? Ask Sean to take Jack to bed with him in my room, you take the back bedroom and give Mom and Dad the other front bedroom. That way everyone is comfortable. "

" I will get it handled Jerry, and will see you in the morning. "

" I also did not tell Mom and Dad why I was in here, please do not say anything to them until they come in to see me tomorrow. "

" I am not saying a word Jerry, your mother is already going to have my ass on a platter."

" I will protect you Kyle. " I laughed at his choice of words, " Now get some rest tonight and I will see you in the morning. "

I laid there thinking about the week's events and still could not believe my luck at finding Sean. Even with a gunshot wound I considered myself lucky. I would have given my life if it meant Sean was happy. I drifted off to sleep thinking about the man I loved and his sexy body. It was going to be a good dream tonight.

Back at the house Sean and Jack talked for an hour. Jack was excited to see Sean again and talked non stop about all the playing he had done all day. After they talked, Sean wrestled Jack upstairs to the master bedroom and finally got him to bed and asleep. As he laid next to Jack he admired the room, the luxury in the simplicity of the design and the quality of everything in the house. Sean slowly drifted off to sleep and dreamed the night away of him and Jerry.

Just after midnight the limousine pulled up in front of the house with Jerry's mother and father. Kyle was outside to greet them and help them with their luggage.

" Mr. and Mrs. Martin, it is nice to see you again. " Kyle spoke as the exited the limousine.

" Kyle, how are you doing young man? " Mrs. Martin asked as she approached him and kissed his cheek.

" I am fine Mrs. Martin, Thank you for coming so quickly. "

" It was no problem Kyle, we would do anything for Jerry. " Mr. Martin said as he walked over and shook Kyle's hand.

" Please come inside and we will get you two settled. "

" Where is this little Jack we are going to be watching tomorrow? " Mrs. Martin asked as they walked in the front door.

" He and Mr. Austin are upstairs and have already gone to sleep. I have set up the front bedroom for you and Mr. Martin. I will be in the back bedroom and will be available if there are any problems tonight. "

" Thank you Kyle. I think you need to get some rest though, you are looking rather exhausted. " Mrs. Martin told him.

" You are very welcome Mrs. Martin. It has been a long day. "

" Well go on then and get to bed, tomorrow is not going to be any easier. I will get Mr. Martin and myself settled and we will see you and Mr. Austin and Master Jack in the morning. "

" Good Night Mr. and Mrs. Martin, I will see you both in the morning. "

Mr. and Mrs. Martin made their way to the bedroom and Mrs. Martin unpacked and put everything away and they got ready for bed. " Why do you think Mr. Austin and Jack are upstairs in Jerry's bedroom Richard? "

" Probably because it makes sense since there aren't enough bedrooms for us all to have our own with Kyle staying the night. "

" Most likely Richard, but I sense something else. I guess we will find out tomorrow when we see Jerry. "

Richard and Jane got into bed and were quickly asleep, anxiously awaiting the events tomorrow would bring.

The alarm went off and brought Sean out of a deep sleep, the dream of being held by Jerry fresh in his mind. The feeling of his strong arms wrapped around him and the morning wood he had was making it difficult to get up without stroking himself to climax. He then remembered that Jack was in bed with him. He rolled over and Jack was still sound asleep, looking like a little angel. Sean reached over and slide his hand down the side of his head and rubbed his face. " Hey little man, it's time to get up and get this day started" Sean whispered to Jack.

" Aww uncle Sean, I wanna sleep. " Jack groaned at Sean.

" OK little man, I will go get a shower while you sleep a few more minutes. Then you have to get up and get a bath before we head down for breakfast. "

Jack mumbled to Sean and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Sean got up and went to his luggage and grabbed his clothes and head into the bathroom, after finding all the things he needed for his shower and to shave he stepped into the large shower. He was washing himself as he thought about Jerry, he started rubbing his cock thinking about all the fun they had in Vegas. He focused on the images and feelings of the night that he fucked Jerry, the erotic images brought Sean to release quickly. He shot load after load on the wall of the shower as his legs almost gave out on him. After finishing his jack off session and shower Sean got out and got himself shaved and dressed and walked back in the bedroom.

" Hey little man, it's time to get moving or you are going to stay in the bed all day. "

" No I won't Uncle Sean, Mrs. Hathaway will not let me do that. "

" I don't think that she will be here today little man. Jerry arranged for someone else to watch you today. "

" Uncle Sean, who is Jerry? "

" I told you last night little man, your Mom and I met him while we were in Vegas and we have become good friends. This is his home and he was the one who got us home so quickly so we could make sure you and your Mom were safe. He got hurt in the hospital trying to protect your Mom, that is why I have to go back today and we needed someone to watch you. Now lets get a move on it little man, I have to get downstairs and find something for you for breakfast. "

Sean took Jack into the bathroom and got him bathed and dressed and they headed downstairs. As they headed into the kitchen he heard voices, he knew the one was Kyle's, he figured the one had to be the lady Jerry had sent over to watch Jack today.

They walked into the kitchen, Sean holding Jack's hand and said, " Good Morning Kyle, any news from the hospital today? "

" Good morning Sean, I would like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Martin. " Kyle announced and walked towards the middle aged couple standing in the kitchen.

Sean stopped dead in his tracks, " Mr. and Mrs Martin? As in Jerry's mother and father? "

" Yes Sean, this is Jerry's mother and father. They are here to watch over Jack today while we are at the hospital. "

" It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Martin. " Sean said as he walked across the kitchen to shake their hands. " That son of yours is really full of surprises isn't he? "

" It is nice to meet you Mr. Austin, and I take it that this little guy is Jack? " Mrs. Martin said as she bent down and flashed Jack a big smile.

" I'm sorry, this is my nephew Jack Austin. " Sean said as he blushed a little, forgetting his manners.

" It is nice to meet you also Mr. Martin. " Sean shook Richards hand and then walked over to the coffee pot to pour himself a cup of coffee.

" So Kyle, now that I am in a state of shock. Have you had any word from the hospital this morning? "

" Yes Sean, Mary is doing fine, they have had her up and out of bed this morning and Jerry had an uneventful night and is driving everyone crazy this morning, so in other words he is fine. " Kyle laughed as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

" That is great Kyle, I'm crossing my fingers the day stays this wonderful. "

" Tell me a little about yourself Sean, Jerry did not tell us much last night. I think he was a little too tired and he wanted us on the road to be here this morning. "

Kyle leaned over as Mrs. Martin turned towards the stove and whispered, " Be careful young man. "

Sean looked at Kyle as he walked away to sit down at the table. " Well there is not much to tell that does not involve a lot of crying so I guess the abridged version is in order this morning, especially with little ears in the room. " Sean pointed towards Jack.

" Of course my dear, you do not have to say anything that will upset him. "

" I lost my father when I was eleven and had a hard time getting over that. My mother had a worse time, she took Dad's death really hard. She was in an auto accident when I was fifteen and killed. For three years after that it was just me and my sister Mary, then she had little man over there and for the last three years we have been the three musketeers. "

" Oh Lord Sean, I am sorry for all your pain. It must have been awful for you and your sister losing both your parents when you were that young. "

" It has taken years to get over the pain Mrs. Martin, and there are still times that I think about them and get lost in the memories and the what might have beens. This last week has been a roller coaster of good and bad. I thank God every morning for bringing your son into our lives. "

" Well Sean, he is a good man, and I do not just say that as a loving mother. "

" I know Mrs. Martin, I have seen this week how much caring he has within him. He seems to exude caring no matter what the situation is. "

" He gets that from his mother, she is the same way. She cares for anyone and everyone that she comes across. " Mr. Martin added in from the kitchen table.

" Hush Richard, before I tell what he got from you. " Mrs. Martin started laughing as she went on cooking.

" That smells wonderful Mrs. Martin. Do you need any help? "

" No dear, just have a seat at the table and I will have it ready in a few minutes. "

" Thanks Mrs. Martin, I was worried I was going to have to go hunting to put breakfast on the table this morning. "

" The team had the kitchen stocked yesterday after I called them in Sean. " Kyle told me as he sat watching me and drinking his coffee.

" They did an excellent job Kyle, there is just about everything a person would need in the pantry and fridge. " Mrs. Martin informed Kyle.

Mrs. Martin had breakfast done and served and the five of them sat at the table enjoying her cooking skills.

" This is the best breakfast I have ever had Mrs. Martin, you should be a chef at a restaurant with skills like this. " Sean smiled at her.

" Oh please dear, it is just a simple breakfast. " Mrs. Martin said trying to draw attention away from herself.

" He is right Mrs. Martin. I would eat at that restaurant every day for cooking like this. " Kyle told her.

" Alright now gentlemen, do not fill her head with ideas. It has taken me years to get her to cook just for me and I want it to stay that way. " Mr. Martin looked at Kyle and Sean and shook his head.

" Oh Richard, I cook for you all the time, let someone else enjoy my food. "

" Yes dear. " Mr. Martin sat back in his chair.

" How do you like my cooking Jack? " Mrs Martin asked leaning over to look him in the eyes.

" It is very good Mrs. Martin. You can cook for me anytime. " Jack told her, honest like any child his age.

" I might just take you up on that offer Jack. " Mrs. Martin told him as she rubbed the top of his head.

They all finished up their breakfast and Sean stood up and started gather the dishes and getting them ready for the dishwasher.

" Put that stuff down Sean, I will get this kitchen cleaned up. You need to be heading to the hospital and checking in on your sister. " Mrs. Martin told Sean as she shooed him out of the kitchen.

" I will clean the kitchen next time then Mrs. Martin. "

Sean walked over to Jack, " Now little man, I want you to listen to Mr. and Mrs. Martin today. You behave yourself and don't cause them any trouble. "

" I won't uncle Sean. " Jack said as he went back playing with his cars.

" He will be fine son, you two get headed out the door before Jerry starts calling" Mr. Martin walked Kyle and I out the door.

We got ourselves in the 'tank' and headed back into Columbus and the hospital. When we got on the interstate I turned towards Kyle," What did you mean by that back there Kyle? "

" I knew Jerry would not have told his parents much on the phone last night, he doesn't like to talk too much personal information on any phone. So I was guessing that Mrs. Martin was searching for information and I did not want you saying something before Jerry had a chance to talk with them in person. "

" I understand Kyle. " I wish he would have told me last night he was going to call his parents to come in to watch Jack. "

" Sean, I can tell you Jerry was thinking as best he could and with being stuck in the hospital and not able to do it properly the only people he trusted to be that close to Jack were his parents. They are really great people Sean, as you get to know them you will see just how special they are. "

" I know he is only looking out for us Kyle, Mary and I have not had that option to just call in our parents to help and it was kind of a shock when you introduced them. "

" I wanted you to know exactly who they were Sean. I did not want to cause an uncomfortable situation if you had said something about Jerry. "

" I would have never said anything about Jerry, no matter if he sent the President himself to watch Jack this morning. " Sean laughed and Kyle did too.

" I would not be surprised that idea went through his head last night Sean. " Kyle bent over laughing at the idea.

" You know Jerry pretty well Kyle. I want to do something nice for him when he comes home, what would you suggest? "

" I think seeing you and Mary and Jack safe is enough for him Sean. His birthday is coming up soon, maybe we should concentrate on a gift for that instead. I know how difficult he is to buy for. "

" I guess you are right Kyle, I just don't know how I could ever thank him enough for all he has done. "

" Just be there for him Sean. Never shut him out and always be truthful with him, even if it's hard to say to him, tell him what is on your mind and how you feel. "

" I will always be there for him Kyle. I can not imagine why anyone would not want to be as close to him as they could be. The caring that he shows everyone is so wonderful. "

" I have seen how he cares for people Sean, that is just the way he thinks. Always putting everyone before himself, so you need to be there to make sure he thinks of himself sometimes. "

Sean sat there looking out the window, how can someone make Jerry think about himself. The man has a mind set that only thinks of others, never thinking about what he is missing out on himself. Maybe that was it, make him see what he has and what it means to him to make him care about himself just as much as he does others.

" I am sorry Sean, I know that was a lot to put on your shoulders right now. I just can not handle Mr. Martin hurting right now. It is not my job to get involved in his personal life; unless it involves security matters. "

" That is fine Kyle, I appreciate your candor when it comes to Jerry. I do not want to know too much about his past life, but I want to be there for him in the present and future. "

" You will be Sean. " Kyle reached over and squeezed his hand.

" Thanks Kyle, you really do care for him. "

Now it was Kyle's turn to look out the window and think about all Jerry has done for him over the years. The job, the respect, the trust. Kyle thought how his life might have turned out if it had not been for Jerry. " I do Sean, I am afraid to think how my life would have turned out if it had not been for Jerry. "

" You are preaching to the choir brother. I know where my life was headed and Jerry is like a guardian angel, come to save me from life. "

We finished the ride to the hospital in silence, both of us thinking about how Jerry had changed our lives. How could this man not have his own pair of wings as many people that have called him their guardian angel? We pulled up in front of the hospital and as we got out of the car Kyle pulled me aside, " I have to go do a security sweep and get the reports from everyone and get them ready for Jerry this morning. I will have a team member escort you up to Mary's room. When I finish my business I will come and get you and we will head up to see Jerry. "

" Thank you Kyle, I will be ready. "

I walked thru the hospital with the guard in tow. Can I raise Jack like this? Can I live surrounded all the time by guards? All these thoughts started running around in my head. I was going to have to have a talk with Jerry, but I guess it will have to wait till he is home and better. We arrived at Mary's room and the guards switched duties as I walked in the door.

" Mary, how are you this morning hun? "

" Sean! I am fine little brother. How is my little man and my big man today? "

" Well Sis, I am exhausted already. You will not believe who Jerry called to come watch Jack today. He called his Mom and Dad to come in and stay and watch Jack. "

" Well I guess that would be two people he could trust the most to watch our little man. "

" They are Mary, but when I came down this morning and Kyle introduced them I about fell on the floor. Then Kyle whispered to me in the kitchen to be careful of his mother when she asked me about myself. "

" Was she some kind of evil child eating witch? "

" No, she was wonderful and the breakfast she cooked us, oh God it was so good. "

" Well then what was the problem? "

" I asked Kyle that in the car on the way here. He told me that Jerry would not have told them anything on the phone last night and he did not want me saying anything to them until Jerry had the opportunity to talk with them in person today. "

" Then all is fine Sean, quit that worrying before you go gray. "

" I know Sis, but you know this is all new to me and I was worried all morning I was going to say something inappropriate. "

" That would not have been the first time and will not be the last Sean. " Mary laughed

" Hush Sis. Kyle is doing his job and getting things ready for Jerry this morning. When he is done he is coming in to get me and we are going up to see him. He said at the house that he was irritating everyone already this morning. "

" I imagine he is doing well then. "

" That is what Kyle said. Did he call you and give you the same answer? "

" Nope, laying in bed gives a person time to think and all I have been thinking about is this last week and Jerry plays a big part of that week. "

There was a knock at the door and a volunteer came in and pulled in a big cart full of flowers. There had to be 20 arrangements on the cart, big beautiful flowers. Colors of all varieties and shades. It looked like a field of flowers landed on Mary's room and covered everything.

" What in the world is all of this? " Mary asked. " These came in over night and this morning Miss Austin. " The volunteer replied.

Mary started reading the cards on them and almost collapsed on the floor. Sean ran over and grabbed her arm.

" Mary are you alright? " Sean asked.

" Look at these Sean, they are from all over the place. There is one from Wayne and one from Wolfgang, how in the world did they know I was in here?"

" I can give you a guess Sis. " Sean chuckles and started looking thru all the cards.

" They are beautiful Sean, I am so gonna give that man a hug and kiss. "

" Not before me Sis, so just get yourself back in that bed. " Sean laughed and helped Mary back in the bed.

" Are you really feeling better today Mary? I don't want you pushing yourself too hard. "

" I am fine Sean, really I am. It might be a few days but I will be back to normal soon. "

" Great Sis, I just want you to heal and get better and back home. "

" Do you think you can get Kyle to bring Jack to the hospital today? I miss him so much. "

" I think we can arrange that Sis. I will see if he can have Mr. and Mrs. Martin bring him down when they come to see Jerry later. I know he is missing you too Sis. "

There was a knock on the door and Kyle came in and asked Mary, " How are you doing today Miss Austin? "

" I'm good Kyle, thank you for asking. How are you today? "

" Everything is fine so I am doing well, thank you Mary. "

" Would you like a few more minutes or are you ready to head upstairs Sean? "

" I think I am ready, Sis is getting too bossy anyways. " Sean hugged Mary and laughed as she punched him in the arm.

" I will show you bossy little brother. "

" I will be back later to see you Sis, try and behave. Love you. "

Kyle and Sean walked out the door and head towards the elevators. " Do you think you can have Mr. and Mrs. Martin bring Jack down to the hospital later? Mary is really missing him. "

" Plans are already in the works Sean. They will be here this evening about 5. "

" Thank you Kyle. You sure are good. "

" I knew a mother would be missing her son as soon as she was strong enough to hold him. So I knew Mary would be wanting to see him. With Mr. and Mrs. Martin there it will make things easier. "

They were soon at Jerry's door and Kyle knocked and entered.

" Good Morning sir, How are you today? "

" Ready to get the hell out of here Kyle, and drop the sir. " Jerry laughed.

" Here are all the reports that you might want to look through quickly, nothing that needs your immediate attention. "

" Thank you Kyle. How are Mom and Dad this morning? "

" Mrs. Martin cooked a wonderful breakfast and Mr. Martin was his usual jolly self. "

" That is good. "

" And you Sean! How are you this morning? Did Mom interrogate you too much? "

" I am great Mike and no, she was very nice. I wish you would have told me last night that you were going to call them and have them come in. I about fell over this morning when Kyle introduced them. "

" And ruin a good surprise like that? I think not Sean. " Jerry laid in bed laughing.

" You my friend have an ornery streak in you! "

" Friend my ass, come over here. " Jerry said,

Sean walked over and leaned down and Jerry kissed him and whispered, " I dreamed of you all night. I will be showing you ornery soon enough. "

" I will be waiting for the day. " Sean whispered back as he hugged Jerry.

" I will leave you two alone for awhile. I will get the teams switched out and I will be back later. " Kyle turned and walked out the door before I could answer him.

" Kyle has arranged for your Mom and Dad and Jack to come here this evening. Are you sure you are ready to see them all? "

" I sure am Sean, I do not have many secrets from my Mom and Dad. When it comes to my personal life anyways. They love me no matter what so I do not shut them out of my life. "

" That is great Jerry, I wish I had that. I really miss my Mom and Dad. "

Jerry reached over and pulled Sean into a hug and kissed his neck, " I am sorry Sean, I know it must be hard. Give them a chance and they will accept you just like a son. I know Mom and Dad and they will love you just as much as I do. " Jerry reached up and wiped the tear away from Sean's eye.

" I really do think they are wonderful people Jerry, I was just in shock this morning and I was on edge on how much to tell them about myself. "

" So what did you tell them? "

" The short version, Dad and Mom were dead and Mary had Jack and I was helping her raise him. "

" That was a very short version Sean. "

" I didn't want to say too much in front of Jack, Mary is still working on telling him she is sick. "

" I understand Sean, I have not met Jack yet but I imagine it is going to be hard on him. "

" I can tell you from experience that it is going to be hell on him. But lets talk about something else, I want this to be a good day. "

" That sounds good to me. Did you like the house? "

" It is amazing Jerry, I love all I have seen so far. Jack talked non stop the minute I walked in the door last night. So I didn't see much last night and this morning about all I saw was the bathroom and the kitchen. "

" Well then we will have to have the grand tour when I get home. There really is a lot see; it is not covered in gold but I think it is home. "

" I think it is a very nice home Jerry. It sure beats living close to downtown. If I were you I would never leave that area. "

" It took me ages to find it and I think I have loved it since the first time I saw the property. "

Sean pulled a chair up and sat next to the bed and held Jerry's hand. " Can we talk Jerry? I have some concerns and I want to be upfront and honest with you. "

Jerry sat up in the bed and looked at Sean, " Of course we can Sean. I want to know when anything is bothering you. "

" Well Jerry I can't say it is bother me, I guess it is me. I am not used to all this attention. "

" What is the problem Sean, maybe I can change things and make you feel a little more at ease. "

" It really isn't that Jerry, I have just never been around all these people before. The guards, the people working for you, the police, your parents. I just need to get adjusted to all the people around you. Sometimes I feel like we are never alone. "

" I understand Sean and I am sorry. You have been thrown into the deep end of my life and it is not fair to you. Had I not been injured yesterday you would never had seen all this activity. This is not my usual life, this is the exception to the rule I promise you. "

" I know Jerry and if all this happened and you were next to me I probably wouldn't have even seen it. But with you in here and me at the house it was all I could see and it scared me. "

" I never have this much security this close to me Sean, at the house you never even know they are around. When I am out of here and things are quiet again you will see a whole different world around me Sean. "

" I will try and put it out of my mind Jerry. I have been so overwhelmed and I just wanted to tell you, I don't want to keep anything from you. "

" I appreciate that Sean. It means a lot to me that you were willing to tell me what was on your mind. I should be out of here tomorrow and we can get back to normal and maybe we can start this whole meeting over again. I will show you the house and we can put all of this behind us, to be forgotten. "

" I think that is a great idea Jerry. " I leaned over and gave Jerry a kiss and whispered, " I also want to see you out of that gown soon too. "

" I think I can arrange that very quickly Sean. " Jerry said and winked at me. " Can you ask the guard outside the door to step in please? "

Sean walked over and opened the door and asked the guard to step in the room for a minute.

" I do not want to be disturbed, I have an important meeting. "

" Yes sir. " The guard replied and walked back out of the room.

" You do work quick Jerry. "

" Only when I really want something Sean, and right now I really want you. "

Sean walked back over to Jerry and helped him out of bed and then helped him take his hospital gown off and just stood there admiring his body. Sean eased Jerry back on the bed and leaned down over him and started kissing him, telling him how good he tasted and how good looking he was laying there in bed. Sean raised up and looked Jerry in the eyes, " I do love you. "

Sean started kissing down Jerry's neck taking in the smells and tasting each place on his neck below his ears. He started drifting down his chest, playing with his nipples, twisting one while sucking on the other. Making Jerry moan and twist in his bed, being careful of his injured shoulder. Sean sucked Jerry's nipples till they were sticking up from his chest looking like chocolate drops. Firm and sensitive. Jerry was losing himself in the pleasures that Jerry was giving him. He reached up with his one arm and grabbed the back of Sean's head and caressed the back of his head. Sean began running his tongue down over Jerry's stomach, tracing the smooth skin and running his tongue between the lines of his six pack abs. Stopping at his belly button licking it and playing with his nipples as Jerry started twisting in the bed.

" Jesus Sean, that is so good. "

Sean kept on moving down, grabbing Jerry's cock and running his hand up and down its length. Admiring the soft skin and the hard muscles, Sean played with the tip and spread the precum oozing out all over the head. Sean pulled the cock forward and leaned down and let Jerry slip into his mouth, feeling the heat from his member warm his tongue and tasting the essence of Jerry he spread around the head. Sean kept lowering his head taking more and more of Jerry into his mouth, as he reached the top of his throat Sean swallowed and let the head continue its glorious voyage down into the warmest part of Sean's throat. Jerry was moaning louder and louder. Sean was getting worried that someone might hear them and come running in the room. But Jerry continued running his hand through Kyle's hair, encouraging him to continue on with his oral pleasures. When Sean was all the way down on Jerry's cock and the hairs were tickling his nose he started to slide back up

the steel pole that was Jerry's cock. Licking with his tongue as he moved back to the head and swirled his tongue around causing Jerry to growl, " Oh My God Sean you are so great. "

Sean started slowly deepthroating Jerry and pulling all the way back up and playing with the head and then going back down again. He started picking up the pace and holding Jerry in his throat and pulling out. The moans were almost turning into screams, the passions getting red hot. Sean was going all out to bring Jerry off and taste the first of Jerry's cum. Sean started playing with Jerry's balls, pulling on them and rolling them in his hand. They were as smooth as his abs and just begging to be played with, Sean felt them start to pull up towards Jerry's body and knew that he was on the edge of his climax. Sean wet his finger with the spit that was forming around the base of Jerry's cock and placed it on his hole and slowly started pushing it in. Jerry growled and said, " Stick it in Sean. " Sean pushed firmly but easy and had his middle finger deep inside Jerry and playing with something hard and Jerry threw his head back, " That's it babe, play with

that love nut. " Sean rubbed that spot and sucked for all he was worth, Jerry let loose with a river of cum and Sean pulled up to taste all he could handle. The flow kept coming and did not seem like it would ever slow. Jerry was breathing so hard and calling Sean's name as he came down from his explosion of passion that had filled Sean as he tried his best to keep it from spilling from his lips. Sean slowly pulled his finger from Jerry's ass and cleaned up all that had leaked from his lips. Sean pulled off Jerry and laid back up over top of him and started kissing him.

" That was incredible Sean. I can not believe how wonderful that felt. I love you babe. "

" You taste so sweet Jerry, It is just like you, so caring and sweet it is a part of you. "

They laid there holding each other in their post orgasm, Jerry trying to catch his breath and Sean loving the taste of Jerry he now had inside of him. Before long the both drifted off to sleep forgetting they were in the hospital. There was a knock on the door and Sean began to stir.

" Oh shit Jerry, we fell asleep. Wake up babe, there is someone at the door. "

" Sean calm down, they are not going to throw us out or anything. We are adults. " Jerry started laughing. " Besides you're dressed I am the one laying around naked. "

" Jesus Jerry, I love you. " Sean kissed Jerry and took a deep breath.

Sean walked over and opened the door and Kyle was standing there with a smile on his face about to laugh his ass off.

" Come in Kyle, and wipe that smile off your face. " Sean said and turned around and walked back to his chair.

" They have your lunch tray at the nurses desk. The guard would not let them in and I was checking if maybe you were hungry Jerry. "

" You know what, I am hungry. Lets call and order from somewhere and have it brought up. How about calling Mitchell's and having some nice steaks sent over Kyle. "

" Right away Jerry. "

Jerry waved for Kyle to come over to the bed. " Have them send dessert too. " Jerry whispered to Kyle.

Kyle turned and went back out of the room and called and placed the order. Sean turned and looked at Jerry, " I am going to go down and check on Mary before lunch gets here Jerry. "

" Ok Sean, please tell her I said hello and I hope she is feeling well today. "

" She is Jerry and she was so excited with all the flowers she got this morning. It looked like a flower shop blew up in her room. "

" It was no problem Sean. I am glad she liked them. "

Sean walked over and kissed Jerry. " I will be back as quick as I can. "

" I will be waiting for you babe. "


I hope to have a couple chapters down this next week, with the up coming holiday my time is going to limited when it comes to writing. Please don't forge to send comments or suggestions, I enjoy all the emails and I'll answer them all.


Next: Chapter 9

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