Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Nov 24, 2013


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you than leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy, duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all his hard work proofreading and editing for me, without them I would be in more trouble than I am now lol.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I want to apologize to all my readers for the mistakes in the last chapter, I'm sorry I goofed and will be watching to make sure I don't pull anymore. Thanks to all that pointed it out, I appreciate all your comments and emails.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and I will try to get another chapter out before I'm buried in the kitchen this week.

=============== End of Part 8

" It was no problem Sean. I am glad she liked them. "

Sean walked over and kissed Jerry. " I will be back as quick as I can. "

" I will be waiting for you babe. "

===== Part 9

When they left Jerry started thinking about what Sean said earlier. That he was uncomfortable being around all the guards and people he did not know.

How in the world could I get rid of all of them and still be able to do my job? Can Sean adjust quickly to this new life? Can I get Kyle to pull all his teams back to make them less visible to Sean? This will take a lot of planning to pull off, but I was willing to do it for Sean's happiness. I laid there thinking about the options I could come up with on new security measures. I was really going to have to get Kyle involved, but would he be open to the idea of being pushed farther away from me? Damn, why did this have to happen right now? This could have gone more smoothly if it had not been for this accident. I was going to have to talk with Mary and see what ideas she had about Sean handling this situation. I pushed the plans to the back of my mind for now, hoping after getting back home that a more controlled environment would calm Sean's fears.

There was a knock on the door, " Lunch is here Mike. " Kyle announced as he walked in carrying the meals.

" That smells great Kyle! Would you call Sean and let him know that lunch is here? And did you get the extra I ordered? "

" I sure did Mike, it's right here. " Kyle handed me a to go box with a nice piece of cheesecake nestled in it. I set it aside so Sean would not see it when he came back in the room.

Kyle called Sean and then began setting the food out so we could eat as soon as he came in.

" I think I am going to call Dr. Chase when we are done eating and see if he can get me released tonight so I can finish recuperating at home. "

" I think that would be a great idea Jerry, security would be a lot tighter at the house than I can make it here in the hospital. "

" Well, I was thinking about that Kyle. I think we might have to scale back on the teams for a short time, at least till I have healed and am ready to start moving about again. "

" Jerry, I'm not sure that is such a good idea right now. What has changed for you to want to scale back on security? "

" I am a little concerned about Sean. I don't think he is handling the situation too well, Kyle. Coming from the area he did and no one keeping a close eye on him in years, I think he is a little conscious of all the team members being around 24/7. "

" I can see that Jerry, but I think the problem might be more you than the security teams. "

" What do you mean by that Kyle? "

Kyle sat down in the chair next to Jerry's bed, " Jerry, I think he was more upset this morning about your mom and dad being at the house than he has told you. I know he was not upset that they were there, I think he was more upset that you did not tell him last night. If you want him to be open and truthful with you, then you owe him the same. "

As Jerry sat there thinking about what Kyle said, he hung his head when he realized that Kyle was right. " Oh, what a dumb ass I am Kyle. Why the hell didn't I think about that? "

" Because you were worried about Master Jack and thinking about what was best to protect him. I can understand why you did it Jerry, but this is all new to Sean and it is going to take some time and lots of explaining for him to see the reasons why we do some things the way we do. "

" Kyle, please promise me the next time I pull a stupid stunt like that again, you'll let me know before I get myself in trouble again. Damn, I can not believe I did something so stupid. Going around him like that and for the care of someone he is the the sole care taker of in the future. I should have just attacked a mother lion with a toothpick, I think I would have stood a better chance of coming out unscathed. "

" Relax Jerry, just sit him down and talk with him. I think Sean will see you were only thinking about the protection of Master Jack. When you pulled him out of their house and had him moved to yours, we did not even know who had attacked Mary. For all we knew that person was still on the loose. "

" I know Kyle, but I should have thought about that and discussed it with Sean. I do not want him to think I would interfere with the way they are raising Jack. "

" You need to tell him that Jerry. With what he has seen so far I'm sure he is worried that with your money, you might try and take Master Jack from him if and when something happens to Mary. "

" Kyle, I'm going to have to pull way back on this. I don't have the mind set on how to deal with a family model like this. My own family would understand because we were raised together and with all the love Mom could shower on us. Mary and Sean have only had each other for so long now that they have closed off to the rest of the world, and the love between a brother and sister is not the love that builds and holds a family together. "

" You will have to use your own rule # 1 Jerry, think and think again before saying anything that can not be taken back or taken the wrong way. Until Sean begins to see what a complete family is like. "

" You're right my friend, I will talk to Sean after lunch and try and set things right. I'll have to rethink my plans and set up new ones with all that in mind. "

Sean walked in the room as we finished talking, " Mmmm, it smells good in here. What's for lunch? "

" Always thinking with that stomach Sean? "

" Only when it's talking to me, Jerry and empty." Sean smiled and walked over to the table Kyle had set up.

Sean came over and helped me out of bed and the three of us sat and had a nice lunch. When we were finished Kyle excused himself to go do rounds and check on the teams.

" Sean, we need to talk, but first I have something for you. Can you get that box on the table next to my bed? "

" Sure Jerry, I hope it isn't something bad. I want this to be a good Sunday. "

" It will be Sean, I just need to set somethings straight and apologize to you. "

Sean handed me the box from the bed table and I opened it and looked up at him, " You know I would not forget this. "

" I was hoping that you had not forgotten that, Jerry. " Sean grinned as he took the dessert and a fork and started eating.

" I want to tell you how sorry I am Sean, I really messed up and I don't want you to hate me for it. "

" What did you do now Jerry? "

" It's not what I have done now, it is what I have done the last couple of days. I realized that I over stepped my bounds when I had Jack taken to my home and placed under security without talking it over with you and Mary first. "

" That is crazy Jerry, you were thinking about his safety. I don't blame you for that. "

" I know Sean, but that decision was Mary's and if not hers, it was yours and yours alone. I should have talked it over with you, I do not want you to think I am trying to take over your family. I should have seen that before I set off with all the plans. I should've also told you about my mom and dad. I'm dreadfully sorry I did not tell you Sean. I have asked you to be truthful with me and what do I do, I start off this weekend by not telling you the whole story. I've been such an ass. You may not see it right now Sean, but one day you will think back and I will look like such a bad guy. I don't ever want that to happen. I believe that is what has caused you so many concerns about the security team and all my contacts around me. You might not understand that right now Sean, but I can see it in your eyes. You just do not understand what to call it or how to say it, so I would understand. "

Sean sat down his half eaten cheesecake and looked down at the ground. " Jerry, I don't know how you do it, but I think you are right. I was thinking all day yesterday while I was sitting around waiting, and all I could think about after I knew Jack was safe was why didn't you ask us. I think I was worried you were going to try and take Jack away from us. I know that is stupid, I have seen the kindness you have Jerry, but for 3 years Jack is the only one I have protected and watched over every minute of the day. Then in one phone call, you took that all away from me and didn't even tell me. My fears took over and and with Mary injured I wanted to be there for Jack. "

" I'm sorry Sean, I have never been in this position before. I've never had children, or a spouse and I was in virgin territory. I grew up in an unbroken family, we were always there for each other. I did not grasp the concept of your family make-up even though I knew the story. "

" I know Jerry, your mother and father seemed like very loving people. You should have told me last night that you had called them and asked them to come and watch Jack. I felt so out of place this morning, like I was thrown in front of a bus. "

" Jesus, Sean I know. I can't forgive myself for doing that. I promise you from this moment on I will be truthful with you and tell you everything. No more hiding things nor telling you the whole story. "

" Don't be too hard on yourself Jerry, I know you were only doing what you thought was right for me, Mary and Jack. I just need time to adjust to how you handle things. I am not used to being able to just pick up the phone and handle anything, I've always had to work for days just to find help for a small job. "

" I can pull back Sean, I have forgotten my own rule and I'm ashamed of myself. Never say anything until you think it over and over, for once it is said you can not take back the damage once it is done. "

Sean walked over to me and pulled me in and hugged me, " Please Jerry, don't be too hard on yourself, I know this is new to you and it is new to me also. We will need each other to get through this. We just need to talk more and think about all the people involved before we make a decision. "

" I'm so lucky to have such a smart man in my life, Sean. I will not make another decision about any of us without talking it over with you first. "

" I'm not sure that will be possible Jerry, things will come up from time to time where a decision will have to be made on the spot. We just need to make sure we talk about if afterward so everyone is informed. "

" Can I ask your opinion on something, Sean? "

" Sure Jerry, you can always ask me anything, you know that. "

" I have a personal doctor, I was thinking of calling him in and seeing if I could get released tonight so I can recuperate at home. "

" Jerry, if you think you are strong enough and the doctor has no worries then I don't see why that would be a bad thing. "

Jerry reached up and kissed Sean and laid his head on his chest. " I love you Sean. Please do not ever let me get like this again. "

" I love you too Jerry, I'l try my best to keep up with that wonderful mind of yours and try and keep you out of trouble. "

" Can you reach over to the table and hand me my phone, I want to call Dr. Chase and get him in here to see me. "

Sean passed me the phone and I dialed the number. " Hello Doctor Chase, this is Jerry Martin. How are you this afternoon? "

" Jerry, I am good, thank you. How are you doing today? "

" Well, I am good but I need your help. I'm in the University Hospital and I need you to come in and examine me and see if you can get me released so I can recuperate at home. "

" I will be righ there Jerry, what floor are you on? "

" I'll have Kyle meet you in the lobby Dr. Chase, he can bring you up and that way you won't have any problems. "

" Ok Jerry, I will be there in about 30 minutes. "

" Great Dr. Chase I'll see you then. " " That is done, what shall we do for the next half hour Sean? Maybe I can get Kyle to take me downstairs to see Mary. I bet she is climbing the walls since yesterday. "

" I don't know if that's a good idea Jerry. Kyle might want to take the whole team out there with you. "

" I think we can talk him into doing it by himself Sean, but if you don't think it is a good idea we can stay here. "

" I don't know how things run with Kyle and I have no idea what a security team does Jerry, I was just worried it would be a major deployment for you to go down and see her. "

" Well, lets call Kyle and see what we can work out. " I picked up the phone and called Kyle and asked him to step back into the room.

" If it is just Kyle taking you down, I think it would be good to get you out of here for a little bit, Jerry. "

Kyle knocked on the door and slowly poked his head in, " You wanted to see me boss? "

" Come on in Kyle and drop the boss talk. " I chuckled.

" Ok, Jerry it is. What can I do for you? "

" I was wondering it you would mind escorting me downstairs to see Mary for a few minutes before Dr. Chase shows up. "

" If you allow me to send a guard ahead of us, I don't see a problem, Jerry. "

" I think that I can live with that, how about you Sean? "

" I think that would be good. "

Kyle stepped out of the room and grabbed a wheel chair and sent a guard to do a recon on the route we would take. Kyle and Sean got me into the chair and we headed out the door.

" We can't be gone long, Kyle. I need you to meet Dr. Chase in the lobby in about 30 minutes to bring him up to see me. "

" Will do Mike. We have 5 minutes in the room with Mary then it's back up to the room. "

Kyle made quick work of getting me down to Mary's room. I knocked on the door and Kyle pushed me in, " How are you doing, Mary? "

" Hi Jerry, I'm good thanks. How are you feeling hun? "

" I'm a little sore but doing well. You do look better today Mary, I bet you are as ready as me to get out of this place. "

" I think I could run out the door screaming about now, Jerry. I'm a little tired of staring at these 4 walls. "

" Well, I am glad I came down to see you before you went for a run, I don't think I could catch you, Mary. " I said with a laugh.

" I would have given you a run for the money, Jerry. I hate just laying around and not doing something, since Jack was born I have not been able to slow down like this. "

" Mary, I want to apologize for my actions this weekend. I should have talked to you and Sean before I had Jack picked up and taken away. I really overstepped my boundaries. "

" I appreciate that Jerry. I was worried about that, but I know you were doing what was best for Jack in the situation. "

" I know that Mary, but in all fairness it was not my decision to make. I have already apologized to Sean, but you being Jack's mother I really should have talked to you first. I will always consult you when it comes to Jack. "

" Can I talk to you in private for a minute, Jerry? "

" Sure Mary, Kyle and Sean can you step outside for a minute? "

While Kyle and Sean stepped out in the hall, I wheeled over next to Mary's bed.

Mary took my hand, " Jerry, I know that was not easy for you to say but I want to thank you. I know you did that without asking, but I was thrilled to know that Jack was safe and I did not have to lay here worrying about him after what happened. "

" That was my only true intent, Mary. I have just never been involved in a situation like this before and my normal business mind took over and before I realized what I had done and who I had hurt, it was done. "

" Well Jerry, I hate to say this, but soon you will be having this conversation with Sean. I didn't want to tell him, but this attack has aggravated my condition. Please do not say anything to Sean right now, but it looks like a matter of weeks for me now. You will have to be strong for Sean, he is going to be devastated. "

I sat there staring at Mary, tears started falling down my face. " Oh God Mary, not this soon. Are they sure? "

" Yes Jerry, they have run several tests and things are not looking too good. I'm trying to decide how to tell Sean, he'll blame himself again and I do not want him to plunge back into his old self. He has been so happy this week since he met you. "

" Mary, I think we need to tell Sean today. I just had a talk with him upstairs and I promised him I would not hide anything from him anymore. He was really upset when I didn't tell him about my mom and dad coming in last night. "

" I knew that there was something bothering him today, I just didn't get to the bottom of it earlier. I guess you are right Jerry, I don't have the time for him to be mad at me. I want the last we have together to be happy and worry free. "

" Would you like me to have my parents bring Jack in to see you before or after we talk to him? "

" I think before we talk to him. Maybe being with Jack will keep him focused on the good and not dwell on the bad so much. "

" I will call them when we get back upstairs and have them head down here. Mary, I don't want you to go either. I feel like I am just getting to know you and you're being taken away. "

" I know Jerry, but you know as well as I do that life is rarely fair. We still have some time, I want us to get to know all we can about each other. That way someone can tell Jack about me as he is growing up. "

I leaned over and pulled Mary to me and hugged her. I never wanted to let her go, I knew that Sean was going to be destroyed when she told him and I wanted to shield him from the news by just holding Mary and being between them. " I love you Mary, I will spend all my time with you and get to know everything I can about you. "

" I don't want to pull you away from your work and your life, Jerry. Your parents are in town and you have your work. "

" Mary, I can do my work from home and my parents are here because I called them and will be happy I'm at the house. I want to be here for you, Sean and Jack. "

" If I think you need to be away and you won't go, I'll have Kyle tie you up and haul you off, Jerry. " Mary looked and me with a stern look and I knew she meant what she was saying.

" I believe you would Mary. I think we better get them back in here, I have to be heading back upstairs. The doctor will be in to see me soon and I do not want to be MIA. "

I rolled over to the door and told Kyle and Sean to come back in. Sean was looking at Mary trying to see why she asked to speak to me alone. Mary kept looking elsewhere to avoid looking into Sean's eyes.

" I think I need to be headed back upstairs Kyle, the doctor will be here soon and I do not want to keep him waiting. You can stay with Mary if you like, Sean. "

Sean turned and looked at me, a bit of sadness in his face.

" If you want to come along with me you can Sean, it is up to you. " I wanted to brush that look off his face. I hated what it did to his mood.

" Do you mind Mary? I want to hear what the doctor has to say. "

" Go on Sean, I will be fine, little brother. "

" Hey, I'm not little. " Sean shot back at Mary and laughed.

I told Mary I would see her later and we headed back out of her room and upstairs to my room. Kyle left to meet Dr. Chase as soon as he had me back in bed.

" Jerry, what did you and Mary talk about? "

" She asked me to bring Jack in to see her. I think she is feeling a little underwhelmed, not looking after Jack and you. There is something she wants to talk to you about later, but she wanted to wait till after Jack came in to visit. Maybe we can have some good news for her after Dr. Chase visits. "

" What does she want to talk about, Jerry? "

" I told you I would not hold anything back from you Sean, but Mary wants to talk with you and I told her we would be there. As for the all of what she wants to talk about, I don't know. "

I lay there feeling terrible for not telling Sean the truth about Mary, but it was not my place to tell him that news. All I could hope for was Sean's forgiveness.

Sean came over and sat on the side of my bed, " Have I told you how much I love you lately? "

" Not for about an hour, I think that is a little too long. " I looked up and Sean and leaned forward. I planted a kiss on his lips and got lost in his eyes.

" Well then, I will tell you again. I love you so much Jerry. That will cover me for a couple hours in case I forget. "

" I just do not know how to tell you how much I love you Sean, it is like a whole new life has been opened for me. "

" We have a lifetime for you to tell me, Jerry. " Sean laid his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head.

" From your lips to God's ear, babe. "

We laid there waiting for Dr. Chase to arrive. I wanted to be released, to be back in my own home, to be there with Sean. There was a knock on the door, Sean walked over and opened the door. Kyle and Dr. Chase walked in, " Good Afternoon Dr. Chase, thanks for coming so quickly. "

" Hello Jerry, how are you feeling today? " Dr. Chase asked as he walked over to the bed and started reading the reports that Kyle had made sure stayed in the room so that they could not be leaked.

" I'm well Dr. Chase, but I'm ready to get out of here and get back to the house. I don't want to inconvenience the hospital any longer than necessary. "

" Well, lets have a look at the shoulder and see how you are doing, Jerry and maybe we can get you out of here and back home. "

Dr. Chase spend a long time examining the incision and the area around the wound. He looked over the X-rays and the blood work. He ordered one more blood test, " If this test comes back normal then I do not see any reason for you to have to stay here, Jerry. It should take about an hour to get the results back and if it's normal, I will get you discharged and on your way. "

" That's great Dr. Chase, I've not been to the house since I left last week. If I do not get home soon, I am going to go crazy. "

" Kyle, can you call my parents and ask them to bring Jack down to the hospital to see his mother? "

" Right away Jerry, I'll have them here as soon as I can. "

" Thanks Kyle. "

" Where are my manners today? Dr. Chase this Is Sean Austin, Sean, this is Dr. Chase. "

" It is a pleasure to meet you Dr. Chase. " Sean said as he shook Dr. Chase's hand.

" It's nice to meet you Mr. Austin. "

Dr. Chase went out to the nurses station to get the supplies to do the blood draw and came back to the room. " If anyone is queasy about blood, now is the time to turn their heads. "

Sean walked over and watched with great interest at everything that Dr. Chase was doing. When he was finished Dr. Chase asked Sean, " Do you have an interest in the medical field Mr. Austin? "

" I've never really thought about it Dr. Chase, but I have been around doctors and hospitals a lot lately and I've found the things they do very challenging. "

" There are times when it is just that Mr. Austin, very challenging. "

" Alright Jerry, I will get these to the lab and come back as soon as I have the results back. "

" Thank you Dr. Chase. If I am not here I'll be half way home. " I chuckled.

" I think I could still find you Jerry. " Dr. Chase replied back as he was walking out the door.

" Jack and my parents should be here soon Sean, do you want to go down to meet them in the lobby? "

" I think that would be a good thing Jerry, I don't want Jack walking into Mary's room without me. "

I called Kyle to come back in the room, " Kyle, would you take Sean down to the lobby and wait for Jack an my parents to arrive and then escort Jack and Sean to Mary's room before you bring mom and dad up here? "

" No problem Jerry, I'll be back with them as soon as I can. "

" If Dr. Chase comes back with the results before you come back up and releases me, I will see you down in Mary's room, Sean. "

" If the results come back and you have to stay, please call me so I can bring Jack up to meet you Sean. "

" I love you Sean. "

" Love you too Jerry. "

Kyle and Sean headed out the door and I laid back in the bed and started thinking about Sean and how he was going to handle this news. I drifted off to sleep, being really exhausted from the travel and the accident. Sean occupied my dreams, the pain he was feeling caused my dreams to wander into a dark place. The sight of Sean over another family grave, the anguish on his handsome face, the feeling of lost and desperation that he could not over come. I woke in a panic, sweat pouring down my face. Kyle knocked on the door and he came walking in the room.

" Jesus Jerry, what is wrong? You look like you have been interrogated for days. "

" It was just a nightmare Kyle, I'll be fine. Can you hand me a wet wash cloth please? "

Kyle got a washcloth and wetted it and handed it to me. I washed my face and pulled myself back together, just then there was a knock on the door.

" Hello Mom and Dad, how are you two doing today? "

Jane walked over to the bed and hugged Jerry, " We are fine Jerry. I would ask how you are but I can see that you're not so good at the moment. "

" Just a bad dream mom, I'll be fine. "

" Dear, I am your mother, don't try and sweet talk your way around that. Besides, what the hell happened to you? "

" I think you will know all about interrogation now, son. " Richard said with a smile from behind Jane.

" I guess I should start at the beginning so you know all the details. " I told Mom and Dad all that had happened in Vegas, from meeting Sean and Mary and their story to Brad and Mark and my doubts about myself. I had talked for 45 minutes without anyone stopping me or asking any questions. I finished off the story with the information that Mary had told me earlier. I looked at Mom and I could see the tears in her eyes. Dad was standing at the window looking out, I could not see his face but could tell by the way he was standing that the story had gotten to him.

" I have never told you how to run your life Jerry, but I must caution you to proceed carefully here. It is not only your life and happiness that is to be considered, but that of Sean and Jack. " Mom said.

" I know Mom, I have thought of nothing but Sean and Jack since we left Vegas. I never thought that I would have to worry about a child in my life, this is new territory for me, mom. "

" Jerry, you must put those thoughts to the back of your mind for now. You need to concentrate on Sean and Mary and helping them deal with what is to come and how to handle all the details. "

Dad walked over to my bed, " Son, you are about to enter into a whirlwind of emotions, there are going to be days when you just want to say you are done. It is then that you will have to be the strongest for all three of you. Sean will have Jack to think about and there will be times when you will believe that is the only person he is thinking about. I know he has been through this with his parents, but with Mary he will be losing the last of his birth family and will focus all his attention on Jack. I want you to think about what you will be putting yourself through going forward with this relationship. "

I lay there looking at my father, his words ringing truth that my mind was not willing to consider. " Dad, I can't abandon them now. Do you know what I would feel about myself the rest of my life? I have never been one to rush in where love is concerned, but I think Sean was brought into my life for a reason. Would you have walked away from Mom just because things might have been complicated? "

" I can't answer that Jerry, we handled problems as they came along. There were not that kind of problems before us when we first met. I would like to think that no matter what problems there were, I would have fought to keep her in my life. "

I leaned my head back against the pillow and closed my eyes and thought, could I really help Sean and Jack through this? Could our relationship survive the hardship that was about to descend upon us? Would I be able to hold Sean forever like I told him I would? The thoughts and worries clouded my mind, making it difficult to see the path that I needed to follow. I had to talk to Sean in private after we talked to Mary, but would he talk to me then or would he turn away from me and hold me responsible.

" Mom and Dad, I can't turn my back on them now. I know it might end badly and I may never recover from it, but I know with all my heart that I must try. Can you understand that? Can you see that I am not going to go into this with my eyes closed and without thinking everything through like I have done my whole life? "

" Son, I never thought you would do anything less. I'm just trying to tell you that it is not going to be easy and even with your brilliant mind trying to work out all the different details, there are going to be times that even you can't see every possibility. " Dad said trying to be supportive but with a tone of hesitance in his voice.

" I know you can not turn your back on them right now Jerry, but you must be prepared that things may not be a happy ending for you and Sean. Your father and I will be there for you and help in any way we can, but I want you to always understand that there is no guarantee that you will be happy in the end. " Mom added.

" All I ask is that you give me the time and support to to deal with all the problems that will be soon thrust upon us. "

" We will always be there to support you son, and the rest of the family will also. There is nothing in the world that will stop all of us from loving you and helping you with anything. " Dad walked over and hugged me as he spoke.

Mom joined him and they both hugged me and made me feel better. I could really feel the love they had for me coming through their embrace. There was a knock on the door and Mom and Dad pulled back and composed themselves.

" Come in. " I called out.

Dr. Chase walked in with a file and walked over to the bed. " Jerry, all your tests came back normal. I think if you are ready we can get you out of here and back home to recover. We will have to discuss therapy by the end of the week. I don't want that shoulder to become tightened up and need another surgery. "

" I really appreciate that Dr. Chase. I think I'll be able to recover faster at home than I ever could here. I will have Kyle call you to schedule a time for you to come to the house and we can discuss the rest there. "

" I have to get some paperwork finished before I can get you released Jerry. If you want to check with Kyle about clothes I will be back in about 15 minutes. "

" Thank you Dr. Chase. I will be ready. "

I called Kyle on the phone and asked him to bring me a suit, as Dr Chase was finishing paperwork to discharge me. I then called Sean and told him the good news, he was excited about me being released. I told him that I would be down in about 30 minutes.

" Mom and Dad, when Dr. Chase is done and I leave, I will be going down to Mary's room and we are going to tell Sean about the news that the doctors gave Mary. Can you join me and if they ask, take Jack and head back to the house? "

" We would be honored to son, that little Jack is a special little boy. " Dad announced.

Kyle came in the room with my clothes and helped me to get dressed. " I'll need to make sure that Dr. Chase has left no paperwork behind before we leave Jerry. "

" I will leave that to you Kyle. "

" Mom and Dad, can you step out in the hall for a moment? I need to speak with Kyle. "

" Sure Jerry, we'll be right outside. "

As Mom and Dad walked out the door, I turned and Kyle had a questioning look on his face. " Kyle, we are in for a tough time is about 15 minutes. When I leave here I am going to Mary's room. She is going to tell Sean of the news the doctors told her and it is not good. Due to the injuries caused by the attack, she only has a couple weeks left to live. "

Kyle gasped, " I am sorry Jerry, this is going to be really hard on Sean. I will do everything I can to help you and the Austins. "

" I know you will Kyle, I just want you to know so you are not caught by surprise if me or Sean gets irritable with you and that we mean nothing by it. You are too valuable to me to lose and I want to make sure you are prepared for what is to come. "

" I have a little thicker skin than that Jerry, I would not get offended by you or Sean being short with me at a time like this. "

" I still do not know what I would do without you Kyle. I want to thank you now for all the hard work you have done and will do in the coming weeks. "

Dr. Chase came back in the room and gave me all the discharge instructions. Kyle asked him about any paperwork that he did while he had been in this afternoon, so there was nothing left that would even put me in the hospital. Dr. Chase assured Kyle that there were no copies and Jerry had all the originals in his hand.

" Thank you Dr. Chase. " Kyle said as he shook his hand.

Kyle finished gathering all my personal effects and arranging for the guards on this floor to regroup on the hospital grounds and be prepared for my departure when I was finished with my meeting. I stood looking out the window, gathering my thoughts and courage for the meeting downstairs.

" We're ready Jerry. I will accompany you downstairs and wait outside. I have the cars and guards at the ready outside for when you are ready to leave and head home. "

" I may be sending Mom and Dad home when we get downstairs, if Mary does not want him there when we speak with Sean. Can you have a car and guards ready? "

" They will be available if needed, Jerry. If there is anything else that I can help you with, please let me know. "

" I will Kyle, I'm just nervous right now. All the business meetings and all the deals I have done around the world and I am nervous. " I took a deep breath and nodded at Kyle that I was ready.

Kyle opened the door and we walked out, Mom and Dad joined me as we made our way down the hallway towards the elevator.

" I would like you and dad to come in to see Mary and I can introduce you. I think it might make her feel better to meet you since you have been caring for Jack today. "

" I'd like to meet her too, Jerry. I think it better now than after you two talk to Sean. "

" Thanks Mom. " I stopped in the hallway and gave her a big hug and kissed her on the cheek.

We were down in front of Mary's door and I just stood there, unable to knock or move forward. If I did not go through that door the news would not have to be delivered to Sean, but if I did I would be the one bring his world down on top on him. Dad put his hand on my shoulder, " You can do this son. "

I gently knocked on the door and waited, Mary called out for us to come in. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Sean and Jack sitting in a chair talking, the sight of the two of them made me smile.

" Hello Mary, I see you did not escape while I was gone. "

" Not for a lack of trying Jerry, but little brother was keeping too close of an eye on me. " Mary laughed.

" Mary, I would like to introduce you to my parents, this is Richard and Jane. Mom, Dad, this is Mary Austin. "

" It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs Martin, Jack has told me so many nice things about you. "

" The pleasure is ours Miss Austin, Jack is such a special child. I really enjoyed ourselves today. " Mom told Mary.

" Jack is a special young man Mary, you must be proud of him. " Dad added.

" I love him with all my heart Mr. and Mrs. Martin. I can't imagine my life without him. "

" I wanted them to stop by and meet you Mary, I thought you might like to meet them since the were watching Jack today. "

I walked over the edge of Mary's bed and gave her a hug and whispered to her, " Would you like them to take Jack home while we talk to Sean or do you want him to stay? "

" That is an excellent idea Jerry, they did an excellent job raising you I think they will be wonderful watching Jack. " Mary leaned over to my ear, " I think it would be better for him to go back to your house while we do this. "

I stood up and shook my head and turned towards Sean. " And this little man must be Jack, it is nice to finally meet you. " I walked over and leaned down and place my hand on his knee.

Sean looked at Jack, " This is the Mr. Martin I have been telling you about, Jack. "

" Please call me Jerry, with my Dad here there is already one too many Mr. Martins. " I told Jack as he looked at me puzzled.

" How do you like my house Jack? " I asked trying to engage him in a little talk.

" I think it's the best house I have ever seen Jerry. Specially the big tub in the bathroom!"

" That is a nice tub, Jack, I think what the house needs is a swimming pool. That would be bigger than a tub. " I smiled at Jack.

" That would be awesome. " Jack smiled back at me.

" Would you like to head back to the house with my Mom and Dad while your Mom and Uncle Sean and I talk? "

" I think that would be ok, it's more fun than this place. "

I smiled at Jack and rubbed the top of his head. I turned to Mom and Dad, " I'll call you and let you know when we will be home. "

I held out my hand to Jack and led him over to Mary's bed so she could kiss him goodbye.

" You be a good little man for me, Jack. I will be out of here soon and then I'll be with you all day. You listen to Mr. and Mrs. Martin and do not give them any trouble. "

Jack hugged his Mom and kissed her, " I'll be good Mom, Mrs. Martin makes great pancakes. "

Mary laughed and hugged Jack again. I then led him over to Mom and Dad and they said their goodbyes to Mary and Sean. Kyle ushered them out of the room and they headed for home.

When I turned around Sean was sitting there looking at me, I could see the concern on his face. He knew something was wrong but was afraid to ask. I walked over to Sean and hugged him with my one arm and whispered in his ear, " Sean, please remember something, I love you and will be here for you as much as you need. "

Sean pulled back from me and looked at me, the tears starting to form in his eyes. " What is wrong? "

Mary cleared her throat, " Little brother, we have to talk. Come sit here with me. " Mary patted the bed next to her.

Sean walked over and sat on Mary's bed but not looking at her. I could see that he did not want to hear what was coming and was trying to figure a way out of it.

" Sean, I want you to know that none of this is your fault. "

" What Mary, what isn't my fault? What are you trying to tell me? "

" Calm down Sean, I am going to tell you but I want you to understand that fact first. "

" I understand Mary. " Sean answered but again turned his gaze to the floor.

" Good. Now, I want you to always remember that. When the doctors reviewed my records after they stabilized me Friday, they ran some tests to check on my condition. Due to the injuries I suffered from that rotten ass good for nothing Clyde, my condition has progressed and they are only giving me a couple more weeks. I wanted to tell you yesterday but I couldn't find the courage while you were so worried about Jerry. "

Sean sat there looking at the floor, the tears running down his face and falling to the floor. Mary reached over and put her hand on Sean's shoulder, he turned and grabbed Mary in a hug and started crying. Mary sat and stroked his hair, trying to calm and console Sean.

" We have a lot of things to get handled this week Sean, I need you to be strong for yourself and Jack. I know we thought we had more time, but life never guarantees us time. "

" What will I do without you Mary, you can't leave me now. Not when my life was heading somewhere, I need you here with me. "

" I know Sean and you need to concentrate on that little brother, that will help you get through this. The love Jerry has for you will be your lifeboat, to help you travel these bad days. Please look to him and let him help you, promise me you will not shut him out and try to do this on your own. "

I walked over next to Sean and placed my hand on his shoulder, " Mary is right, Sean, I told you several times that I will be here for you. "

Sean looked up at me, the tears running down his face. " I can't ask this of you Jerry, to take on all the trouble this family has. We just met it, isn't fair to ask you to take on so much and get so little. "

" Sean, your love is not little, it is worth more to me than all the money I have. If you have troubles then so do I, for what is yours shall be mine and what is mine shall be yours. If we all looked for someone that was pure and trouble free no one would ever be together and happy. Trouble is part of building a relationship. I have my own troubles and you have seen them and have not run away from me, why should your troubles be any more of a burden on me than mine are on you? "

Sean studied my face, I was glancing at him with all the love I had within me. " So it doesn't bother you that I am an orphan and about to lose my sister and I will be an inconsolable mess for who knows how long? The fact that I will be responsible for not just myself but a child. "

I placed my hand on Sean's cheek, " Look at me Sean, I love you and love overcomes everything. It may be dark times for you but the light of my love will help shine the way for you until your light can once again show you the way. "

" Are you sure Jerry? I can't go this route if you aren't sure. I could not handle being tossed aside when I need someone the most. "

" I am very sure Sean. I want to be there for you, I would never toss you aside. "

" Mary, I will be there for you too. I will make arrangements tonight to be away from work for as long as you and Sean need me. I will hear no arguments about that, I'm able and willing to do that for you both. "

" Jerry, I could see the caring in your eyes the first time I saw you. My brother could not have found a more loving and caring person to share his life with. I'd be happy to call you my brother. "

" I would be honored to call you my sister Mary, and with Sean and your permission I'd like to ask if you would consider letting me move you out to the house instead of staying here in the hospital. "

" I don't know Jerry, that may be a little too much to take on for you and Sean and I don't know how Jack would handle that. "

" Mary, I think that Jack would like to spend as much time with his mother as he can. You don't have to tell him right away, but it would be easier to spend time with him away from the hospital. I can have one of the bedrooms set up with everything we need and have Dr. Chase on hand 24 hours a day. "

" That is a lot of responsibility Jerry, are you sure you want to go to all that trouble? "

" I wouldn't have offered if I was not sure Mary. I can not think of any better way to show you how much you mean to me. I want you to be as happy and comfortable during this time. "

" I think that would be wonderful Jerry, I could be closer to Jack, Sean and you until the time comes. "

" I'll have it all arranged tomorrow and have you to the house by tomorrow evening. Do you have any problems with this, Sean? "

" If Mary is happy with it, than I am too Jerry. I think you are doing too much but I understand why you want to. I know you care so much about her and it fills me with pride that you love her that much. "

" I'm going to step out and let you two talk for awhile. I need to call Mom and Dad and talk with Kyle, but I promise I will do nothing that we have not already discussed. "

Mary looked over at me, " Jerry, as far as I am concerned I trust you, if you think something needs done and you have not talked to me then go ahead and do it. You can tell me after just to keep me informed. "

" Thank you Mary, but I'll make sure I discuss things with the both of you before I do anything. These decisions are yours to be made and I want you to make them. "

I headed out the door and left Sean and Mary to spend some time alone. I hoped they were going to spend some time talking about plans for the next couple of weeks, but would understand if they did not. I found Kyle talking with a couple of his team members. " Kyle, we need to make some arrangements for the next couple weeks. Mary will be coming to the house and we need to make sure we have everything to make her comfortable. "

" I have started the planning Jerry, I think the first step is getting Dr. Chase to the house and talking with him about what will be needed and have him look through her medical records so he knows what to expect. "

" I'll call him now Kyle. I have to call Mom and Dad also and let them know that Mary will be moving out to the house. " I started to feel a little weak, I leaned against the wall, " Kyle, can you find me a chair please. "

Kyle went running up to the nurses station and pushed back a chair, " Sit down Jerry, you are going to have to pace yourself. You are healing yourself and can not be on the go 24 hours a day. "

" I know Kyle but there is a lot at stake here. I'll not get a second chance at this. " I looked at Kyle as a tear ran down my face.

Kyle pulled me up and walked me to the little room we had used Friday when we arrived before the accident. " I know this is a terrible time for the Austin's and for you Jerry. There will be more pain than you all can handle, but you must not do more than you can handle Jerry or you will be of no use to anyone. "

" I know you are looking out for me Kyle and I will try to not over burden myself with the details. "

" That's all I ask Jerry, you have a lot of people who will be more than willing to help you during these next few weeks. Just make sure you use the resources you have available, Jerry. "

" I will Kyle. Can you contact Michael and Dr. Chase and have them meet me at the house about 7 tonight? "

" I'm on it Jerry, now take a few minutes and compose yourself and then call your parents. "

" Thank you Kyle, I'll be back down to Mary's room in a few minutes. "

I called Mom and Dad and filled them in on the plans, Mom was supportive and Dad was still taking his cautious stance. I asked Mom to make sure that the other back bedroom was ready for tonight and I would call them when we were headed back to the house. I sat there for a few minutes thinking about all that lay ahead of us, I had to get the business details settled tonight so I could concentrate on Mary and Sean these next couple of weeks. I needed to contact the Stanley, my attorney in Columbus and have him meet us at the house as soon as Mary was there and settled. There would be a lot of paperwork that needs to be filed and I wanted to make sure there was nothing I was missing. I headed back to Mary's room, I knocked on the door and as I walked in Sean was laying with his head in Mary's lap.

" Are you two doing alright ? " I asked as I walked over so I could face Mary and Sean.

" I think he is handling things for now Jerry. " Mary said as she ran her hand over Sean's head. Sean was laying there sleeping.

" I have started the preliminary steps Mary, I have Dr. Chase coming to the house tonight and my senior business manager. I think we can have most things settled and ready to implement them tomorrow. I need to ask you a question first. "

" Ask away Jerry, I have nothing to hide. "

" Would you mind if I had an attorney come to the house and talk with you and Sean about all the things that need to be handled? "

" I think that is a great idea Jerry. I know that there is work to be done and I have no idea where to begin. "

" I'll call him from home tonight and maybe schedule a time on Tuesday for him to come to the house and talk with you both. "

Sean started to stir, he stretched out and saw me standing there. He jumped up off the bed and grabbed me and hugged me, " I am glad you're back Jerry. "

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head, " I'm glad I am back also, Sean. "

It was after getting late and we needed to be headed back home, " I think we need to be heading home Sean and give Mary a chance to rest before all the activity that will be happening the next few days. "

" You're right Jerry. " Sean walked over to Mary and hugged her. " I will see you tomorrow sis, get some rest and try and not climb the wall. "

" I'll behave lil brother, you take care of my little man and I'll see you both tomorrow. "

I stepped over and hugged Mary, " I love you Mary, we'll see you in the morning. "

" Thanks Jerry, I love you too. "

Sean and I walked out the door and I had an idea, " Would you like to stop and have dinner before we head home, Sean? "

" That would be good idea Jerry, any ideas of where? "

" I was thinking seafood, but I know that is not your favorite. How about a steak house? I know of one on the north side of town. "

" I like the way you're thinking Jerry. "

" Kyle, can you call for reservations and to also call Mr. Anstine and see if he could forward Mary's records to Dr. Chase so he is up to date on her condition. "

" Will do Jerry. "

We walked to the elevator and made out way down to the lobby, " Kyle, can you keep one team here on the hospital grounds until we get Mary to the house tomorrow? "

" They already have their orders Jerry, I have moved half of team 1 down to Mary's floor and the other have are spread around the grounds. "

" Thank you Kyle. "

We made our way to the car and headed north towards the restaurant. I sat there holding Sean's hand looking out the window. Sean pulled on my hand, " What are you thinking about Jerry? "

I continued to stare out the window, " About how much I love you Sean, and how I can't stop the pain that you are about to face. "

Sean was looking at me, trying to figure out why I was so worried why I was taking this so hard. It was not like he had known Mary for long, how could he become so attached to her like this.

" Jerry, you can't focus on that right now, we'll deal with that when the time comes. Right now you need to think about all the good things that we have to look forward to. "

I turned to Sean, " When did you become so smart Sean? You are right, it is an old and bad habit that I have. Please remind me of that fact each day please. "

" Mary kept telling me the same thing and I guess she is right, but it's hard to keep the thoughts of the bad at bay in ones mind. "

" More difficult than you can imagine Sean, and I have been trying to do that for 20 years. There is something about the human mind that will not allow them to be shut out. "

Sean laid his head on my shoulder but since my other was in a sling I could not hold him, I wanted to wrap my arms around him and never let him go. I couldn't imagine losing a sibling, I started thinking about my brothers and how much my life would be destroyed if anything happened to either one of them. That dark side of love has pushed its way into my mind, taken a seat front and center and all my thoughts focused on it and any plans I tried forming had that darkness surrounding them.

" I really love you Sean, if you want to call it love at first sight you can. But the minute you sat down at that slot machine next to me I knew I would always love you. " I leaned my head over next to his.

" I have a confession to make Jerry, I only sat down at the machine because you were there. When we were walking down that aisle and I had seen you sitting there, I had to meet you. I was scared as hell and being with Mary I was worried you would think we were together. "

I pulled back from Sean, " Really Sean? I was only at the slots because I could not concentrate at the card tables. "

I leaned back over into Sean and we sat like that until we arrived at the restaurant. Kyle came and opened the door and helped me out. " Kyle, would you join us for dinner? "

" If Sean does not mind I would be honored, Jerry. "

" I would like that very much Kyle. " Sean put his arm around Kyle and pulled him in for a guy hug. Then he let go and put his arm around me and walked into the restaurant like that.

I spoke with the hostess and asked her to add another to our party and she seated us at a corner table. The waitress came over and handed us our menus and took a drink order. I knew Kyle would go with coffee since we were out and he was what he called "officially on duty" while Sean and I both ordered a whiskey. We sat and talked, Sean asking Kyle all kinds of questions. His interest in security was raising some issues with Kyle as his answers started becoming more and more general. I changed the subject when I saw Kyle start to fidget in his seat. I asked Sean what he thought about a career in the medical field. He sat and thought a few minutes and told us that he really like the medical field, but the time to complete the schooling and the time I would have to be away from Jack was turning him away from it. Our food arrived and we continued our casual conversation asking each other questions about our lives. Nothing too personal, but general pieces of

information that was helping the three of us become more comfortable with each other. Sean ordered dessert and Kyle and I had a coffee, when we were finished I paid the bill and then we were outside in the car and heading north to the house.

" Jerry, what was your childhood like? " Sean broke the silence.

I sat looking out the window, the thought of talking about it worried me. " I guess you could say it was just about the worst time of my life. "

Sean sat there staring at me as I looked out the window, I could feel that he wanted to ask more but was afraid of the way I answered his question. I turned in my seat to look at Sean. " Sean, the day will come when I will talk with you about that, but I do not think now is the time to worry you about that. "

" I was just curious Jerry, your Mom and Dad seem so nice I thought maybe your childhood was so much better than mine. "

" They're wonderful parents Sean, but even a parent can't keep their children from being hurt by the hate that some people have inside them. Mom and Dad had an even more difficult time with me because I could sense the worry inside of them. They were not prepared to raise a child who could look at them and see all their concerns, other's concerns and plans, all the emotions that are hidden deep inside children as they grow into adults. "

Sean pulled me to him and held me, my mind pulling up old memories bringing all that pain back to the front of my mind to join the pain that had already taken up residence there. I had to push it back, I couldn't let them move back into my daily thoughts. I have already handled these problems they did not deserve to come back and haunt me.

" I'm sorry Jerry, I didn't mean to upset you. "

Next: Chapter 10

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