Betty Bill and Richard

By Mark Stout

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Betty, Bill and Richard 32 (Jumping from June when we're 15 to May when we're 17) Teen bisex M-M-F July, 2020

My name is Richard. Betty and Bill are my friends.

We spent the summers of our fifteenth and sixteenth years learning most everything, with some exceptions, that two boys and a girl can do to each other sexually.

We were typically nude behind Bill's house, by his pool, every weekday from the time we were old enough to be left alone. It started with skinny-dipping. Bill and I started jerking each other off soon after we started getting erections. Betty watched us and played with her pussy. One day Bill came up with this plan where the three of us had to learn to kiss and make out, then we had to learn to get Betty off so she wouldn't have to take care of herself while watching us, and so on through this line of progression.

None of us knew it at the time, but it was nearly a year before we had "real" sex, with penetration, and over that time all of our parents found out, we ended up making our own dildos, and Bill and I started dressing differently.

Of course Bill and Betty had been my playmates since I could walk, so I loved them but early in all of this I fell madly in love with them, which is going to make leaving for college hurt.

By mid June when we were fifteen we'd done everything we planned and tried some kinky stuff from an old sex book. We tried four things we learned from the book. Three were hot and we'd repeat them every month or so. One was a gross disaster that we never repeated.

Our established summer routine was to start the day by the three of us stripping, making out and then moving on to some combination of masturbation, oral, vaginal and/or anal sex. Each of us had a dildo, Betty had a harness so she could "top" us boys.

Bill and I were on swim team, so at the end of June we started having less time togher behind Bill's house. We still spent the rest of the summer weekdays around the pool, but we generally didn't want to swim at Bill's while we were swimming for school.

When we turned sixteen, we started a new tradition: You get a sandwich job on your birthday.

On my Birthday, I fucked Betty's pussy while Bill fucked my ass.

On Bill's Birthday, he fucked Betty's pussy while I fucked his ass.

On Betty's Birthday, we asked her what she wanted and she had us bring her to orgasm with our hands and mouths first, because we all knew she wasn't going to climax from getting fucked. After she came, she had Bill fuck her butt while I fucked her pussy.

That's how we all turned sixteen, and a year later we did that when we turned seventeen.

During the school year, our style always got cramped, or compressed. As we turned from fourteen to fifteen this had been really frustrating because we were wanting to try so many new things.

By the time we were turning sixteen, and again seventeen, we were experienced and comfortable enough in our identities as "our" bisexuals that it was less furstrating.

Our private time was now about an hour and a half each weekday, after school but before our parents got home. As the weather got worse and dark came earlier, we would spend that time in one of our bedrooms, and it no longer mattered if we went to Bill's, Betty's or my house. Having an outdoor pool and sunshade doesn't matter during a cold rain.

The coolest thing we managed during the school year was to establish our birthday sex sandwich tradition.

We managed to be dressed and doing homework at a kitchen table when our parents got home, at whichever house we ended up at. It started to be just for show, but it paid off in terms of grades. Our parents might have dropped some rules if our grades had suffered from our sex play.

The routine for the school year we'd established when we were fourteen and turned fifteen continued during our junior and senior years. It's the last week of May now, and we are about to graduate, so I can say that with confidence.

The summer ahead of us will maintain the same routine that we had by the end of June when we were fifteen. That worked through the summer when we were sixteen, too, so we don't want to change it.

Change is coming, even without us wanting it. No swim team this summer, because we won't be in high school next fall.

We won't be together when we turn eighteen, so the sex sandwich is a "tradition" that only worked for two years.

Betty is going to a school of fine arts, probably to become a commercial illustrator. I'm going to a school with a strong accounting program. I expect to be a CPA by day and a writer by night (I already am a writer by night, aren't I?), and Bill is going to one of the five best engineering schools in the country, to become something I can't spell or pronounce.

By late June when we were fifteen, we'd learned most of what we were going to find out about sex. Our greatest discovery last summer, when we were sixteen, was a new way to get a leg cramp, so I won't detail that. I've written about each new experience and discovery, so there's no point in detailing blowjob #43 when you can already write about blowjob #1.

I have a couple reasons for picking this up now.

One is that we'll be having to say goodbye and the three of us will have to go our seperate ways soon.

Another is that we started becoming aware of other people. I don't mean a wandering eye, but that maybe this special thing Betty, Bill and I have isn't so unique after all.

Health class for a senior isn't particularly exciting. They taught us how babies are made back in 5th grade. They taught us about STD's and condoms in middle school, and though the idea about discussing sex openly in school was exciting to my parents, for Betty, Bill and I it seemed like a good opportunity for a nap.

So in March, with graduation a few months away, I was nearly zoned out and not paying attention when the teacher wrote the word "Sexuality" on the board and gave us a very brief summary of the Kinzey report. I'd barely heard the name. The teacher then started saying things about us, which nearly woke us up. She said that this Kinsey guy had itentified six levels of sexuality, with a gay or lesbian person being at one end, a straight person being at the other, and most people being somewhere in between.

I was awake and brave enough to raise my hand. She nodded at me.

"So is somebody that's bi not on the chart at all?", I asked.

She pointed to the middle and said, "If someone is equally attacted to both genders, they're exactly in the middle. That's actually rare. Kinsey found out that most people gravitate towards the opposite sex or the same sex, but they can find a person of either gender attractive."

She wasn't done, but she seemed to have our attention. "Kinsey laid the groundwork, but that was over sixty years ago. Since then we know that people, even animals are more complex. I think Kinsey actually started with gnats before he asked quesions about humans."

The teacher paused. "Today, we see that a person might find the opposite sex physically attactive but prefer sexual activity with their own sex, and vice versa. There is also another layer of complexity. I person might have the dress and manner of a gay or lesbian person, but prefer sex with the opposite gender. All of this adds up to an infinite number of possible sexual identities."

This was all new to me, though I could see why the school didn't want to hit us with this material when we were eight or twelve years old. I realized that I was holding my breath while the teacher waited for this to sink in. I let myself breathe again, and I looked around the room and for the first time wondered how many of my classmates were gay, lesbian, bisexual or somewhere else on the scale.

A girl in the back, one that I thought was going to be a math professor someday, spoke without raising her hand. That seems to happen a lot in the last half of the senior year. "So if sexual identity, sexuality and physical attraction are each an edge of a cube, the cube is maybe as big as the world and each person is in a different place."

The teacher nodded. "You can think of it that way. If you could get everyone in the world to tell you where they were on those three measurements you could plot it, but there's eight billion people and maybe a tenth are honest to themselves about their own sexuality."

Then the bell rang.

That health class, which I should've slept through, had me asking myself how I felt about sex with Bill and Betty, how I was dressing and I wondered if I was using different words than I did when I was thirteen. Since I had a bigger vocabulary now, that was an absurd question.

In April one of the other guys we'd been on swim team with came to our table in the cafeteria, with his girlfriend following and holding his hand. Betty, Bill and I had been sitting together for lunch since middle school. Other kids we knew joined us sometimes, but they kind of came and went over time.

That day it was just us three, and we had just finished eating. The guy from swim team was named Monty, and he introduced Ann, who nodded and I noticed was blushing.

I'd seen them together for a little over a year.

Monty was nervous. "I've seen you guys together for years. Some people say that you three or doin' it, or that you guys are gay and Betty's your hag..."

"Hag?!", Betty said, not sounding happy.

"It's cool", Bill said. "A fag hag is a straight woman who'se friends are all gay men. It's kind of an honor."

Bill looked back at Monty and told him, "All three of us are bisexual and sexually active together."

Monty nodded. Ann turned a darker shade of red. "That's what I thought, and that's cool." Monty swallowed. He was getting even more nervous.

"Ann and I have been doin' it since last fall, and I wanted to talk to you guys." Monty stopped talking when Ann finally popped.

"Not here!", Ann told him.

Betty and I were enjoying this show. It was better than anything we could find on TV.

Bill said, "Ann's right. we should talk after school. Look, it's warm today. Meet us out in front after school; we'll be together by the flag pole. We can walk to my house and talk by my pool".

Ann and Monty agreed.

Next: Chapter 32

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