Between Dan and Zac

By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on Aug 6, 2007


I want to start off by saying that this is a complete and total work of fiction. Sam, the main character, is fictional. I do not know Daniel Radcliffe or any of the other celebrities in this story. I do not know their sexuality either. Please send feedback to Feedback, whether good or bad, is greatly appreciated. Also, if you shouldn't be reading this...leave. I hope you enjoy! "..." = spoken (duh) (...) = thought ================================================= "Sam? Sam?! Will you please just say something?!" Zac shouted.

Who's Zac? Zac is my (very recent) ex-boyfriend. Zac Efron. He's very attractive, nice, and athletic, and just a good person in general. But at the moment, he was the worst person in the world.

"I have nothing to say to you Zac." I said, my voice a low whisper.

"Well you can't just brush this off!" Zac said.

"I'd rather brush it off! I didn't even give me a reason!" I shouted at him. (I know why. I want to hear you say it.)

Zac stood there, staring at me.

"Well?" I said, looking at him expectantly.

" just, it wasn't going so great between us."

"That's a load of bullshit Zac and you know it!" I said, not wanting to believe he was lying.

"Tell me why." I said after a few minutes of silence.

"I told you. It just wasn't going great." Zac asked.

"Stop lying Zac! It's not making anything better!" I yelled, feeling the first tear surface.

"I just don't think it's good for me right now. I can't have people find out. And we're too far away Sammy...we're on opposite sides of the country." he said, looking down.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Good luck Zac...with everything." I said, turning around and walking away. ========================================================= The sun came in through the window and landed right on my face. My eyes flickered open and for a split second, everything was perfect. And then awareness and realization crept back into my body. I put my head in my hands and breathed in deep. I repeated to myself that everything would turn out fine.

I heard my phone ringing, then the answering machine. My friend Cassidy's voice came on. She sounded worried.

"Hey Sam it's me. Um...I just wanted to see how you're feeling. Everyone in class was a little worried about you today. Just...uh, just call me back when you get this. Thanks."

I wasn't going to call her back. At least not now. I just wanted to lock myself in my apartment. It would be too hard talking to anyone about what happened. I'd put so much faith into us. So much of myself. Emotionally, just didn't seem worth it.

The phone rang again...followed by the machine.

"Sammy...hey it's Henry. Look I know you're there. Just pick up. Sam? Alright, well listen, you need to talk to some--"

"Hello?" I said, interrupting his message.

"Hey! Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yea. I'm, uh...I'm fine." I lied. (No I'm not. I'm the furthest thing from fine.)

"Well hey, listen, I got three tickets to the first screening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I already asked Cass and she said yes. How about you?"

"Uh, yea sure. When is it?" I asked, figuring I could use something like this.

"The eleventh. Three days from today. We'll pick you up." ============================================================ Three days from that day, I was waiting on my couch for my cell phone to ring. Sure enough, Henry called, telling me he was downstairs.

"Hey hon." Cassidy said when I sat in the car.

"Hey!" I said back, popping a stick of gum in my mouth.

Henry drove out of the parking lot. We made small talk on the way. Neither of them mentioned Zac, or anything related to Zac. I was happy that my friends were smart enough to avoid it. They were the only people I trusted enough to tell about me and Zac. After several minutes of driving, Henry announced that we had arrived.

" didn't say that there would be celebrities here." I said.

" is a premiere Sam." Cass said, getting out of the car.

"Are we walking the red carpet?" I asked, watching celebrities make their way down the carpet. (Say yes, say yes, say yes)

"Nope, we do however get to go to a lounge after the movie. We get to meet the stars." Henry announced, looking proud of himself.

"How did you manage to get this again?" Cass asked, flipping her hair back.

"My uncle has connections." Kyle said, his face dripping with pride.

"Where do we go?" I asked.

"Follow me." Kyle said, walking towards a door. =============================================================== The movie was great. All around me people laughed and responded to the movie. My thoughts were practically consumed with Zac though. And it only served to further piss me off at him. I found myself wanting to shove a wand down his throat and hope he choked slowly. My face was getting red and hot to the point where I excused myself to the restroom.

"Sorry guys, i'll be right back. Gotta pee." I said, stumbling over someone's legs.

I asked one of the ushers where the restroom was, getting an almost cold-hearted "There." accompanied by a pointed finger.

"Not very nice, is he?" someone behind me said.

"No...not really." I said, without looking up from the sink.

I could feel eyes on me. The eyes turned out to be Daniel Radcliffe's. Imagine that.

"Oh...uh...Harry Pot -- I mean Daniel Radcliffe." I stammered.

"Heh...nice to meet you...?" he said, laughing a little.

" name's Sam, nice to meet you." I said.

"Are you the one who's meeting us in the lounge?" he asked, motioning at the tag around my neck.

"Huh? Oh...yeah, me and my friends Cassidy and Henry." I said, looking at the tag.

He went to a urinal and did his thing.

"Oh...well see you later." he said, smiling and walking out of the bathroom. ============================================================== "Hey...I just met Daniel Radcliffe in the restroom." I said, sitting back down next to Cass.

"Really? How was he?" she asked, her voice a whisper.

"Honestly? Kind of awkward." I whispered back, giving off a little chuckle.

"Well you seem to be doing better." she said, smiling at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Sammy...your hands were balled up into fists." she said, adding, "And you muttered something about a wand and choking slowly."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just smiled at her and turned back to the screen to watch the movie. My thoughts only flickered back to Zac once after that. Then my entire mind switched to thinking about the lounge after this. I would get to meet a lot of the people in this movie. Surreal. =============================================================== After the movie let out and the applause died down, Henry, Cassidy, and I were ushered into a room that was converted into a lounge. There couches and a table littered with junk food. We were told to wait in here for a little and the actors would be right in. Cassidy saw a bowl of Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans and dove for it.

"Cass...those are disgusting." Henry said, taking off his jacket and sitting down next to her.

"Shut up. They're great." she said, putting three in her mouth at once.

"So who do you think we'll meet?" I said, sitting on a chair.

"Well...obviously Daniel, Emma, and Rupert." Henry said.

"Yea thanks Henry. Always a help." I said, popping a bean into my mouth and gagging. "That tasted like ass."

"Well...they are called Every Flavor Beans." a familiar voice said, opening the door.

Cassidy and Henry looked at the door with big eyes.

"Oh! Hi...again." I said, getting up and shaking Dan's hand. Followed by Emma, Rupert, Evanna, and Bonnie.

"You've met before?" Emma asked, sitting down next to Cassidy.

"Yea actually. In the restroom." Dan said.

Rupert and Bonnie gave us questioning looks and then laughed.

"So, introductions?" Evanna asked in her dreamy voice.

"I'm Sam Maize." I said, shaking everyone's hands. My hand lingered in Dan's grip for a little while.

"Cassidy Klein." she said, giving girls hugs and guys handshakes.

"Henry Hunter." he said, shaking hands with everyone.

After those formal introductions, everyone let surprisingly loose. There weren't any awkward silences, and the conversation kept going. We were hitting it off amazingly. Amazingly enough that after about two hours, Emma was leaning her head on my shoulder and yawning. They told us that their time in the lounge was just about up.

"Ah, this was so great." Emma said, lifting her head off my shoulder and yawning.

"Yea, it was really fun." Evanna added, standing up and brushing her clothes off.

Then Dan "shocked' us all.

"Hey listen, where are you guys staying?" Dan asked.

" our apartments." I said, taken aback, "You?"

He told me which hotel they were staying at, which turned out to be close to my apartment.

"Maybe we can hang out sometime?" he asked.

"Yea, we'd love to." I said, smiling at him.

We traded phone numbers.

"Alright...well then, goodbye." Rupert said.

"Bye! Goodnight." Cass said.

We parted ways and the three of us got into Henry's car.

" weird was it Dan asking you where we live. And giving you his number?" Cassidy said, yawning in the backseat.

"Pretty weird. But pretty damn cool." I said, leaning against the headrest and closing my eyes. ================================================================ I closed the door behind me, dropped my keys into the bowl by the door, and went to the phone. I had two messages. I pressed the play button.

"Hello Mr. Maize. This is --"

I deleted it quickly.

"Hey Sammy. Uh, it's Zac. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I'm not doing so great. Maybe you could me back? Bye."

I went to the couch and sat down. My mouth opened and I let out a loud sigh of frustration. My dog came out to see what was wrong.

"Oh god. What am I supposed to do Tonks?" I asked, petting her head. (Yes. I named my dog after Tonks from Harry Potter.)

She jumped up onto the couch and put her head on my lap. ================================================================= I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said, looking at the clock. 12:43 p.m.

"Hey Sam. Uh, it's Dan." he said. He sounded nervous.

"Oh hey! How are you?" I asked, suddenly feeling great.

"I'm good. Uh listen, I was wondering if you wanted to go get some coffee?" he said.

"Yea of course. When and where?" I asked, standing up and stretching.

"The Starbucks down the street in like an hour?" he said.

"Hold on a second. Tonks! No...don't bite that! Drop it Tonks!" I yelled.

"Who's Tonks?" he asked.

"'s my dog." I said.

"You named your dog Tonks?" he said, getting a laugh from me. "Anyway. Starbucks, about two o'clock?"

"Yes. Sounds great! See you then." I said.

We said goodbye and hung up. I felt amazing. ============================================================ was part 1? Send feedback to

Next: Chapter 2

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