Bewitched Bothered and Between

By william michael

Published on Jan 30, 2023


Bewitched, Bothered and Between

Thomas Sullivan carefully made his way into the school library. He was less concerned with making noise that might disturb the students at various tables than he was about tripping over the spindly crutches he was still compelled to use. He looked around the large room and quickly found what he was looking for.

At a table half way across he saw the familiar head of coppery red hair cut to neck length. He slowly hobbled his way along until he was standing across the table from her. She looked up at him and smiled, a smile that reached to her pale blue eyes.

"Hey there, big guy, how're you doing?"

"Okay. Um, Patty, can we go someplace where we can talk?"

She raised her eyebrows but there was no question of her refusing. Perhaps a bit of background would be useful here. Tom and Patty were both starting their senior year. They had known each other since the beginning of six grade, but there was more than two years difference in their age. This is the result of Patty's prodigious intellect. She had skipped both second and fifth grades and since hitting high school she had racked up more than a few college credits through AP classes.

Their association wasn't based on academics, well, not much. While no genius, Tom was more than an average student but his real forte was on the playing field, or pitch. He was one of the most highly rated soccer players in the state. As a kid he was also excelled on the basketball court and baseball field, but by the time he hit high school he had decided to specialize. Now however, that was all hanging in the balance after the accident

Two days after the end of the previous school year he was riding shot gun with his mother when they were hit on the passenger side by a texter who ran a stop sign and hit the passenger door at an angle. His right leg was wrecked. All three long bones were fractured and his knee had multiple ligament and cartilage tears.

He had enough steel pins, screws and plates in his leg to stock the hardware aisle of a box store. The bones had knitted but the knee was still an issue, hence the full knee brace and crutches. Patty had been a real rock throughout the summer, visiting in the early days to just keep him company and then when he was able to get up and move about, she was there to jolly him along, while remaining close enough to catch him should he falter. And the entire time she never let it show that her heart was breaking.

So without a word she gathered her books and papers and then led him carefully through the maze of tables and bookshelves until they came to the study rooms. At this early hour no one was making use of any of them so she grabbed the first one and held the door for him. Once inside she pulled out a chair and turned it sideways so the boy, or young man, could lower himself into it, the right leg outstretched. She then took the next one and sat facing him

"Okay, Thomas, what's up?" It was always Thomas, never Tom, and most assuredly, never Tommy.

He took a breath and with his plain brown eyes fixed on those pale blue beauties began.

"You're the smartest person I'll probably ever know. So, do you know if it's possible that when I was in the hospital, they might have missed something, you know, up here," he said, tapping his head.

Slightly alarmed she shifted forward in the chair and asked,

"Is something wrong? Do you have headaches or other pains?"

"No, nothing like that. But do you think they could have missed anything?"

"No, Thomas, I don't think so. From what your mom told me they tested you from top to bottom and front to back. So, now that I've had a moment to swallow my heart, what's going on? Why would you ask that?"

"I'm sorry, kiddo. It's just that something strange has been happening," he said and then after another deep breath he plunged on. "Do you remember that movie about the math genius, beautiful something?"

"Beautiful Mind, yes, I know it well."

"Remember the problem he had, seeing people who weren't real?"

"Yes, the man suffered from delusions. Wait, are you saying you're seeing things, people?" she asked, a little agitation breaking through.

He nodded a bit and said, "Just one."

She looked at his face and saw no hint of a smile or anything that suggested this was some sort of gag. In the six years she had known him, she had studied him closely, as she had all things that were important to her. She believed she knew his moods and right now he was showing signs of concern and confusion. So she settled back in her seat and said,

"Okay, from the beginning, tell me everything."

It began shortly after he was able to come home from the hospital. The leg was a constant source of pain ranging from a dull ache always in the background up to the stabbing pains that felt like bolts of lightning. This was exacerbated by his fear of the pain killers he had been sent home with. With all the news about the opioid crisis the thought of getting addicted scared the daylights out of him.

Several days after getting home was a particularly bad one so when he first saw the figure standing in the back yard, he wasn't sure if there was really someone there. He had been set outside on a lounge chair with his battered leg propped up with multiple pillows. At first the figure was indistinct, standing in the shadows cast by the oak tree near the back corner of the yard and the thick hedges that ran along the property line that adjoined the large overgrown lot next door. Squinting with the pain, he tried to figure out if someone was really there.

"Um, hello?"

"Hello, Tom."

The voice that replied was low pitched, melodious and female. It plucked vaguely at his memory. The figure took several steps forward and what he could see was an outline that was tallish but nearly entirely covered by a cape or cloak with a deep hood.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am an old friend, Tom. That is all you need to know for now. I'm here to help you. I know about the pain and your fears. I've brought you something."

A large bottle appeared from under the cloak, the hand holding it long fingered with brightly polished nails.

"An ounce of this once each morning will make the pain bearable and you will not have to fear the poison they've been giving you," the voice instructed.


"The drugs that separate your mind from your body. This will ease the burden of pain and promote healing. You know I would not do anything to harm you."

"Wait, wait a minute," Patty interrupted. "A perfect stranger offers you a bottle of something and you didn't find that alarming?"

"I wasn't in the best shape, you know that, kiddo. Plus, it was weird, I didn't feel like there was anything to worry about once I heard the voice. So I tried it. And it worked. I never took the pain meds the doctor prescribed again."

"I didn't know that," she said. "Was that it, the only time you saw her?"

"No, at least once a week, maybe twice she'd be there in those shadows, stepping out to talk to me and a couple of times bringing more of the potion or whatever."

"Hang on a second," Patty said. "Don't you see it? This person can't be a delusion. Otherwise you wouldn't have that pain medicine of hers. Do you still have the bottles?"

"Um, no. I've looked."

"Hmm, no physical evidence then. What about the meds from the doctor?"

"Flushed `em."

Patty blew out a breath.

"That doesn't help. The argument could be made that you just imagined it all, while using the prescription drugs. I can see why you've been thinking about the delusions."

He gave a helpless shrug and asked, "What do you think I should do?"

"The times that she's been there, is there any pattern?"

"Every Saturday morning as long as the weather was good enough for me to be outside, which was almost all of them. A few weeks after I got home from the hospital I was able to convince Mom and Dad to go back to their routines, you know, golf, tennis, all that. So I'm by myself when she would come," he said emphasizing the she.

"Okay, I'll be there this Saturday and we'll see what's what."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course, you did enough things for me, plus I'm really curious. And I'm worried that maybe someone is trying to take advantage of you somehow. I'm not letting that happen."

The slightly fierce look on her cute but serious face made him smile a little in return. As so it was that just after his parents left for their pursuits that Patty rolled up on her bicycle and hurried toward the backyard. She found Tom sitting in a padded folding chair with a table next to it, covered with books and a small cooler.

On the other side of the table was another chair set up and when Patty hurried around the corner of the house he gestured with his hand. She chose to stop beside his chair and give him a squeeze on the shoulder and looking down at him asking,

"So, how are you doing this morning?"

"Nervous. If she doesn't show up I'm gonna look pretty stupid."

She plopped down in the chair and said,

"No you won't. First of all, I'm the only one you've told, right?"


"I can't think of anything you'd do or say that would make you look stupid to me. Besides, this is like an experiment. If it doesn't work we'll try something else."

So they settled in and waited, saying little and keeping a sharp eye on the deep shadows in the corner of the yard under the old oak tree. And then she was there, another shadow, a different shade that the eye wasn't sure was there. It was not until they heard the voice that they were sure.

"Good morning, Tom, and you, Patty," came the low, throaty voice.

Patty's eyebrows rose at the sound of her name, looking over at Tom, who shook his head a bit. The woman stepped forward and they could now plainly see the tallish figure covered in a ground length cloak with a deeply cowled hood that left only a vague impression of a face within.

"Ask the question, Tom," she said in a slightly amused tone.

Tom blinked and then looked at Patty.

"Are you seeing her?"

"Of course I am. Tall, dressed in a hooded cloak, yes?"

Tom nodded and blew out a large breath. One issue resolved and a new one to be considered.

"Who are you?" he asked, feeling a little frustrated now that the initial fears were gone.

The hood dipped once indicating a nod and she took several steps forward, the cloak making it look like she was floating. She came to stand next to a chair that Tom didn't remember being put out. A pair of arms appeared from openings in the side of the garment and raised up to slip the cowl back.

Both Tom and Patty couldn't help but gasp a bit. The young woman was, in a word, stunning. Her hair was shiny black and flowed down to disappear down the back of the cloak. Her skin was fair and flawless, accented with high cheekbones, a perfectly formed nose, full lips but what drew their attention were a pair of slightly overlarge eyes, with a slight angularity and a color that seemed to be green, gold and hazel, all at the same time.

It wouldn't have surprised either of them if her ears were swept back and pointed but with the long hair pushed back behind them it was plain to see they were ordinary ears, if perfectly formed and unadorned. She then undid a hidden clasp at her neck and the cloak opened and she swirled it off and folded it over the back of the chair.

What was revealed did nothing to diminish the sense of awe the two friends felt. Her outfit looked like something from Game of Thrones or maybe some role playing video game. The top was similar to what a server in a beer hall during Oktoberfest would wear, with some sort of leather vest that tied up in the front. Neither could hide that she was a well-endowed woman.

Her pants were black, leather and tight. Finishing off the outfit was a pair of low boots, apparently of soft leather with only a slight heel. The only adornment was a pendant neckless, the chain made of small black links with a blue green tear drop stone suspended just above her exposed cleavage.

She gave them a small smile and then seated herself in the chair, a move that was graceful yet economical, with no wasted motion. She crossed one leg over the other knee and rested both hand on the leg. Her head was held at a slight angle.

"As to that, Tom, my name is Alisande, as you well know."

"How can I know that? You never told me that before."

"Oh, but I have. In fact, the very first time we met."

"Hang on a second," Patty cut in, shaking off the feeling of awe. "you met him only a couple of months ago."

Alisande turned toward the younger girl and flashed a brief but brilliant smile. Patty couldn't help but blink and think the fleeting thought of just how beautiful this young woman was.

"Truth be told, and now is the time, Tom and I first met nearly ten years ago," Alisande said.

"That's impossible. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered meeting you, even if I was only seven," Tom said. "Especially you."

The smile she gave him was softer and warmer, something Patty couldn't help but notice.

"Tom, ten years ago you were a charming boy of seven, that is true, but I was only nine myself."

"Okay, but I think I still would have remembered meeting you."

"No, because I wouldn't let you. Not then. But now is the time," she said, standing up and approaching the boy.

Patty in particular followed her approach, amazed at how gracefully she moved, while at the same time, looking for any sign of trouble. When the tall girl came to stand at Tom's side she looked down and with that same soft smile reached out slender fingered hand and gently caressed the side of his head, stopping with her fingertips resting on his right temple. He was looking up at her, his eyes held by hers, until they started growing wider.

"Thomas, are you okay?" Patty said, half rising from her chair but stopping when Alisande raised her free hand.

When the older girl moved her hand from the boy's head, he blinked several times, shook his head and then said,

"You? You live in that house, up on the hill. The one everyone says in haunted. That's impossible. And all that time?"

"What is it, Thomas?"

"Memories, lots of them. Alisande and me, playing as kids, hanging together as we got older, exploring the property over there," he said, waving toward the tall, dense hedges. "We've been neighbors all this time? I remember us playing around that house."

"That's right, my dear friend," she said, her fingers caressing his hair once more before walking back to retake her seat. "Why don't you tell Patty how we met."

Patty looked at her friend, her eyebrows raised, "Yes, why don't you?"

Tom squinted a bit and then said,

"Like I said, I was seven or so, playing in the backyard, kicking a ball around."

Patty smiled a little at this, thinking, `wasn't he always'.

"I guess I kicked too hard once and the ball wound up stuck under the hedges, back by the tree. So I went over to get it and when I was pulling it out I heard a sound, like someone who was very upset. So I called over and the sound stopped. I tried to see through but I couldn't so I called again and heard some sniffling or something."

At this Patty looked over at Alisande who looked back with a little grin, almost shy.

"I called again and then I heard someone say, `I'm fine'. I looked around some more and if you walk back into those shadows, there's a space where the hedge ends and you can walk around into the property on the other side."

He looked over at the tall girl with a start and said,

"That's how you were able to look like you were appearing in the shadows. You just walked out from the end of the hedges."

"That's right. Most things are simple if you look closely enough," Alisande said. "And what he found on the other side of the hedges was me. A nine year old me. I was tangled up in a bush, a thorn bush but there were some flowers on it that we needed, but I wasn't careful enough. Thankfully, a very concerned and helpful boy came to my rescue," she said, turning a searchlight bright smile on him. "He was also a handsome fellow."

Tom turned a bright red and Patty couldn't help but smile at his discomfort, although she had to admit that the older girl was right. He had been a handsome boy and now he was an even more handsome young man.

"Don't be embarrassed, Tom. You did rescue me. I was hopelessly tangled up. And you are a handsome devil, isn't he, Patty?"

Tom cleared his throat and then asked, "But why didn't I remember any of that. Did you do something, like the pain medicine. What are you, some kind of witch?"

Patty's eyes went wide and she looked back and forth from her friend to the older girl and back. Alisande smiled again and it seemed that her eyes sparkled.

"Not some kind of witch, Tom, dear friend, a witch. As is my mother and her mother and so on back through many generations. And I was the reason you didn't remember those times until now."

"But why? Didn't you like me? Did I do something wrong?"

Alisande's expression turned very serious and she leaned forward in her chair.

"Just the opposite. I liked you very much, from the very start and you never did anything wrong. That's the reason I had to block those memories. Tom, what would have happened to you if you told your parents you were playing with the girl from that house and the things that we did together."

This last statement got Patty's attention and it showed.

"No, Patty, nothing like that. But I did so enjoy showing Tom all the different plants that grow on our property and what could be done with them. I also showed him a few little things I could do. A lonely young girl showing off for her one and only friend. But I also knew that if his parents or some other adult took notice there would be trouble, and my mother would have been enraged. So..." she shrugged.

Tom was sifting through that jumble of new/old memories and he saw some of what she was describing. Scrambling among the vast array of vegetation, listening to that almost hypnotic voice explaining what could be done with a bit of that and pinch of this. Or the times they stayed in his yard playing with a ball of some kind. Or sitting back under the old oak, talking about any old thing. And the day she proved to him the house wasn't haunted.

Or the first time she took hold of his hand, just to make contact while they talked. And then the night of anguished tears.

"Hey, you were at the hospital that first night, weren't you?"

Alisande's expression got pained and she clasped her hands together.

"Yes, the worst night of my life, I can assure you. Probably yours too, although I'm surprised you were able to tell I was there. And I thought your mother was going to fall to pieces when they wheeled her in to see you. I thought my heart would break, the cast, the tubes, it was dreadful. I'm sure Patty understands how I felt. I believe you were quite beside yourself after you saw him the next morning."

Tom looked over at his friend, who had always been so calm and together when she had visited. Patty looked chagrined but said,

"I don't know how she knew but yeah, I pretty much fell apart after your dad walked me into your room. You were such a mess."

Tom's expression got stony and he began to lever himself up out of his chair. Patty moved to help him but a hand gesture from Alisande warned her off. Taking one of the short crutches he moved over to the hedges, as if trying to see what lay beyond, looking for some confirmation. The two girls followed him with their eyes on his back until he stopped and then Patty looked over at the older girl.

"You're in love with him, aren't you?" she said, her voice pitched low.

"Very much so, and for some time now. Just as you are."

"Yeah, okay, so what now? We fight over him?" Patty asked.

"Of course not. There wouldn't be any winners in such a fight, we'd both wind up losing him."

"Then what? Wait for him to make a choice?"

"Why must he make a choice?" Alisande asked quietly.

"He can't have two girlfriends. This isn't Utah."

"No it's not, but nothing says he has to have one girlfriend. At this time of his life what he needs is people who care for him doing all they can to help him get through this very difficult time. He faces the very real possibility that he might never be able to play sports again and he knows that. The doubt gnaws at him. We need to give him all the support we can."

"I have to agree with you there. Are you going to..." she said, making a wiggly fingered gesture near her head.

"No, no more manipulation of his memory. He's old enough to be able to keep secrets. As I hope are you."

"Of course, I'd never do anything to hurt Thomas."

Alisande stood up with a smile and moved toward the boy who was still staring off into the hedges.

"Tom, I need to be leaving for now. I think I've said enough and given you some things to think about. What's most important is that I am your friend, I always have been and I'm here to help you in any way that I can. I'll visit more often and next time I'll bring something that will help with your knee. Don't use the pain potion unless you really need to."

With that she leaned in and her lips met his and it wasn't briefly. When she pulled back she looked at Patty and said,

"And I'm very glad to have finally met you. I had heard much but it's always better in person," and she drew the smaller girl into a hug, which after a moment, was returned.

Then she pulled back and with a practiced movement swirled the cloak over her shoulders and walked into the shadows, seemingly to disappear. Knowing how it was done didn't diminish the wonder of it. Patty looked back at Tom who, after a moment, returned the gaze.

"That was all real, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Thomas. I'm sure it's all pretty confusing for you, but be certain that it did happen. She was here. Now, as to all the rest, you have to tell me about the memories. Can you be sure it was all as she said, and you think you remember."

"Can you see if the end of the hedges is still there?"

Patty took a few steps until she was in the shadows under the oak tree.

"Yes, just like you said, the hedge ends and there's a space before the other bushes begin. It looks like there's a narrow dirt track. Looks like it's been used a lot. And we all know about that house. Or we thought we did."

She walked back out and came to stand in front of him, reaching out to take hold of his hand.

"I think you could use some sleep. But first, I want you to know that I'm your friend too, since that first day that we met," she said, emphasizing the `we'. "I am here for you anytime that you need me."

She looked at him a moment longer and then with a slight tug on his hand she pulled him down until she was able to press her lips to his, and again, not briefly. When she let him go his expression was one of surprise.

"Now, go get some sleep, if you can."

He could and he did, until his mother woke him for dinner. Then it was time to sit on the couch in the family room watching TV with the `rents, talking about this and that, mostly about the upcoming physical therapy which was going to start Monday after school and he was dreading it. Finally around ten he said good night and made his way to his room. He was fortunate that his room was on the first floor at the back of the house so there were no stairs to negotiate.

He popped a couple of NSAIDs and settled into bed, the right leg propped up on pillows. His mind was running wild with all kinds of thoughts based on the events of the day and the returned memories. He was amazed at the amount of time he had actually spent with Alisande. Even when he was heavily involved with various sports they always seemed to find time to hang out.

There were even the memories of the dreams he had started having as he entered puberty and his friend had already blossomed and his feelings about her were becoming more complicated. It would probably amaze him if he knew just how conflicted she was at that time about the feelings she was developing for her best friend. His train of thought was derailed by the sound of tapping at the window looking out on the back yard.

He was amazed when he saw a face at the window that was now very recognizable. Then the window started to raise up. He wasn't sure but he thought it was latched. Now fully opened, that gorgeous, exotic face was framed against a nearly black background. As an experienced athlete he was astounded at how easily and gracefully she managed to pull herself into his room.

When it looked like he was going to speak, she put a finger to her lips, a gesture that somehow reached right down his spine to his balls. Silently she pushed the window shut and then slipped of the much shorter cape that she was wearing, exposing a simple knee length skirt and loose fitting blouse. From a pocket in the skirt she removed a jar and walked to the side of the bed where she could sit and reach his damaged knee.

He was just wearing boxer shorts and a tee shirt and with a light weight brace for the knee. So it meant that even in the low light of the bedroom she could see the multitude of scars where all the surgery had been done to pin and screw his leg back together as well as the repairs to the knee. It was all she could do to keep from crying. This beautiful boy that she had known for more than half her life shouldn't have to bear such scars.

Getting a grip on herself she showed him the jar. She then gingerly undid the fastenings for the brace and laid it back on the mattress. She then unscrewed the lid. With two fingers she scooped out a small amount and began to lightly apply it. The effect was immediate as a tingling warmth spread throughout the joint. By the time she was finished the knee no longer felt as stiff and the pain was significantly less. He let out a sigh and smiled.

Barely above a whisper, he said,

"You should become a doctor."

"In some ways, I already am," she replied with a bright smile and those sparkling eyes. "Can you shift over this way a bit more," she added.

His bed was a queen size and he was lying dead center to lessen the possibility of rolling out. He wondered why but he did as she asked. She in turn stood up and came around the other side of the bed. Then as Tom watched she undid the skirt and let it drop to the floor, revealing long, slender, but muscular legs. Then she undid the blouse buttons, revealing a flat stomach, and a very well filled bare midriff strap top.

"What are you doing?" Tom hissed.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and said,

"You didn't think I'd sleep in my clothes, did you?"


"I didn't go to all the trouble of sneaking in here just to turn around and leave. Don't worry, I always wake up at sunrise. I'll be gone before your folks wake up," she said with a smile but there was something else there. "Please, I've missed you so much."

Without hesitation he raised his arm, inviting her in. She gracefully swung herself up and pulling a light blanket up over them both, she snuggled in on his good side, his arm around her shoulders, her head resting on his upper chest and shoulder. She let out a long sigh and settled in a little tighter. She brought her hand up and let it rest on his chest. With all that hair so close to his face he couldn't help but smell the fragrance that filled his nostrils. It reminded him of something.

"This isn't the first time we've done this, you might recall," she said softly just below his ear.

He did recall, he was eleven, she thirteen. She was already showing strong indications of the woman she had become. He was at a crossroads, feeling strange things about his close friend, but not knowing why. The time she was referring to was a Saturday that had started early and by midday they were tired and having settled to sit at the base of a large tree on the far edge of her property.

With a little coaxing she had him lying on his back, and she was tucked up against his side. At that time she was five or six inches taller than he and those long legs were draped over his, and her head was resting against his cheek. Then, as now, he was filled with a strange elation. Only this time, he knew why. And was responding accordingly. He hope like hell that she didn't shift position with those legs of hers.

It wasn't her leg he needed to worry about. That beautiful hand with those slender fingers was making lazy motions over his torso and each time it seemed to go further and further down his stomach. Just below his navel her fingers encountered something. Although it was covered by the cotton material of his boxers, she could still feel the warmth and hardness. She left her hand where it was but the pinkie finger began to slowly caress the underside of the shaft just below the head, through the thin fabric. Whatever slack might have still been in the shaft quickly tightened up and the head pushed a little more against her hand.

At the same time she was moving her head against the side of his cheek, adding more fragrance to further stimulate him. Apparently he wasn't the only one getting stimulated. He could feel her hips starting to move, grinding against his uninjured thigh.

"Um, Alisande?" he gurgled.

"Yes, sweetheart?" came a low throaty reply.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Oh yes, immensely. And you?" she practically purred.

"Yes, but you know what will happen if you keep going, don't you."

"Of course, I do. I'm counting on it, but first..."

She raised herself up on one elbow and leaned in to bring her full lips to his suddenly dry ones. Her tongue ran over his lips, helping get them moist and then the grinding began. He wasn't sure but it felt like she was trying to swallow his face. His mouth was covered and her tongue was probing. And her busy hand got busier, going from soft caresses to a full grip and stroke. Then her mouth was gone from his and the blanket was off and he found her mouth again. Her lips were now gently kissing the tip of his exposed cock that she had fished out from his boxers.

"Oh, gawd," he mumbled as her lips parted and slid down to cover the head and bit of the shaft.

He brought his hand up to rub the bare skin of her lower back and it felt soft and warm and he didn't ever want to be without that feeling again. Then her lips began to slide down that hard thick shaft while her long fingered hands gently stroked the skin of his lower abdomen and upper thighs. Kneeling beside him with her legs tucked under she brought his hard cock up straight and she was able to look back up at him.

In his state of heightened sexual arousal he swore that her eyes were actually glowing and she managed to smile around the thick cock that was half covered by her mouth. She let a hand slide up under his tee shirt and a fingertip tickle a hard nipple.

In a perfect word, this first time encounter would have gone on and on, but we're talking about a seventeen year old boy who had been on edge for most of the day and the physics of sex would not be denied. His orgasm hit fast and hit hard and Alisande found herself suddenly dealing with hard thick spurts of cum hitting the back of her throat. As much got past her lips as went down her throat but once he was done cumming she went to work cleaning him up so not a drop was lost.

When she was done she sat back on her heels and looked down at her new lover and instead of a bright smile she fixed him with a smoldering gaze and in one smooth move had her top up and over her head. Her large firm breasts were prominent in the low light, showing significant amounts of pale skin and two hard extended pink nipples. Then it was the panties coming off and for the first time he was in the presence of a naked girl and miracle of miracles, she was hot for him. But he was worried about what she wanted. He knew his knee wasn't up to any form of vigorous exercise and he definitely didn't want to disappoint her, the first time out.

"Um, Alisande, I don't think my knee..."

She stopped him with a finger to her lips again and said,

"I know, dearest, but that's not what I want tonight. Don't worry."

With that she crawled up to the head of the bed and then gingerly lifted her leg up and over his chest. Now he knew what she wanted and this he could and would do for her as best he was able. As she got herself set he looked up to see a smoothly shaved pussy hover above his chin. He brought his hands up and placed them firmly on her hard, rounded ass cheeks and gently guided her down until he could get his tongue into action.

When she groaned and pushed her hips down he figured he was on the right track and he went to work with vigor. His tongue worked the damp lips aside and he began moving the tip up and down, getting a good taste and it seemed as exotic as the girl herself. Then she sifted and his tongue found the entrance to her pussy and he pushed his tongue in as deep as he could go. The reaction was electric as Alisande began to grind her pussy down on his mouth and he could hear her groan into her arm that braced her on the wall behind the bed.

He was squeezing her ass with his hands as he continued to tongue fuck her and then his nose came into contact with the nub of her clit and she suddenly went rigid and fluid began to flood his mouth and chin. This lasted for a few moments and then she began to melt and flow down onto the bed at his side. He moved his head to look over and she was lying there, not quite on her back, her head tilted toward him, her eyes fixed on his face, with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying, did I hurt you somehow?" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"No, sweetheart, these are tears of joy. I've dreamed of this and it was so much better than I thought. Don't you worry. If you can do that with your tongue, it won't matter how long it takes for your leg to get better."

She rested her head on a pillow, her head tilted so she could continue to look at him, a soft smile and those amazing eyes barely visible in the dim light. As Tom looked at her, his new/old memories were a little jumbled. A thought occurred and he asked,

"Alisande, you really are nineteen aren't you? You seem to know a lot more than any nineteen year old I've ever known."

"Tom, sweetheart, you have your memories back, can't you recall how young I was when we met, and you were able to see how we both grew up together."

"Yeah, but there was that stretch where you left me far behind."

Her laugh was low and throaty and she rolled toward him a bit, putting those large perfect breasts on display.

"That happens to lots of girls at that age, and underneath it all, I am human."

"I'm not so sure about that," he said softly.

Her eyes pulled tight and her smile faded.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, her voice a big edgy.

"I think you're an angel. My guardian angel."

Her smile was back and she said,

"An angel, hmm? I'd think I was a bit more devilish than angelic."

"Nothing wrong with that," he said, his voice thickening with sleep. "Come here, angel."

She rolled toward him, nearly looming over him, her eyes fixed on his.

"I know that you have many questions and this is all very confusing, but don't be concerned. It will work itself out. But know this, my darling beautiful boy. Now that I have you back, I will never let you go again. Now, let me get that shirt off of you," she demanded, taking hold of the bottom of his tee shirt.

With some very careful maneuvering the shirt came up and off, revealing a well-muscled, smooth skinned torso. She thought to leave the shorts alone out of fear for his knee but even half asleep he responded to the urges of a teen ager and he managed to lift his hips. Again, carefully she got his shorts down and the sight of his flaccid yet still sizeable cock brought a smile to her lips.

With both of them fully naked, she rolled herself into his outstretched arms, an arm draped over his chest, one leg over his good left one, that smooth pussy pressed against his upper thigh. She let out a long sigh and he thought he heard, or maybe it was a thought,

"While our bodies may be miles and miles apart, here we will always be together," and the sense of her patting his chest above his heart was there.

What followed was the most comfortable, restful night sleep he had had even before the accident. When he awoke the next morning he knew she was gone, but only just as `her side' of the bed was still warm. He was a little disappointed. He thought it would have been very interesting to have watched her getting dressed.

He had called her his guardian angel. She seemed pleased but he had to wonder if maybe that wasn't the right thing to say to a witch. But it felt that way, and it was a nice thing to feel. As it was Sunday he spent most of the day watching English soccer with his dad. Then he took a small nap before dinner. He didn't expect Alisande to return that night, but he was a little disappointed when he drifted off to sleep alone.

The following morning he entered the library and was glad to see Patty sitting at her usual spot but obviously not doing any studying, other than the door through which he just entered. She mouthed, `come with me' and got up and headed back to the study rooms. He hobbled along and found her already in the same room as last time. He entered and closed the door behind him.

"I'm glad you came here this morning. After Saturday, I wasn't sure you would. So before we continue," she said, then grabbed a double handful of his shirt, went up on her tiptoes and planted a full mouth kiss on his lips.

He was able to lean against the table for support and he knew she was saying something important with this kiss so he didn't stint in his response. He had both arms around the small of her back and he pulled in as tightly as he could, his own lips grinding on hers and his tongue beginning to dance with hers. He could hear her start to moan as she began to grind her hips against his and he was responding. He also knew that the longer this went on the greater the risk of getting caught.

Fortunately, she was the one to back off although it just meant she slid her lips off his and buried her face in his shouldered and sighed loudly.

"Oh, dear, oh dear," she said from below his ear. "that was so wonderful. I had so hoped but with everything, I wasn't sure."

"I'm not sure of a lot of things," he replied, "but it's the best unsure I can imagine."

"Don't you worry, sweetie, it'll all sort itself out. You just worry about getting that leg better. We'll take care of the rest."

She brought her face back to his and after another deep, grinding kiss let him go and they settled into two chairs facing each other. Despite the confident smile he wondered, so he asked.

"Um, Patty. You know, before all this happened, I had thought that you know, you and I..."

"You did? I'm so pleased to hear that. I've had similar thoughts myself. I still do," she replied beaming.

"But with Alisande and..."

"I said don't worry," she interrupted. "She and I will take care of that. You just concentrate on getting well, and we'll concentrate on helping you."

When it looked like he was going to object, she stood up, came to his side, hooked a finger under his chin and said,

"Don't worry, we'll handle it," and then she leaned down and planted another killer kiss on him.

His thought was not how would it all work out, it was `damn, this girl could kiss. I wonder where she learned it'. His mood was improved during the day, but the anxiety heightened as he neared the time of his first PT session. It was everything he feared. He was sure that his knee wasn't meant to bend that much, even when it was whole. And the muscle tone of all his leg muscles was essentially gone.

He wasn't sure he was ever going to be able to walk without a brace, let alone run for ninety minutes on a pitch. As soon as he got home he took a dose of the potion and rubbed the salve into his knee. Within half an hour the pain was pretty much gone and he vowed that whatever Alisande asked of him in life, it would be worth it. It was a little after ten when he heard tapping on the window and then it began to slide upward. And there was that face. Once again she slid supplely through the opening and was standing in front of him, her beaming smile lighting up the darkish room.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" she asked as she let the short cape slide off her shoulders.

"Now? Not bad, before, it was really tough. Your potion and paste were lifesavers," he said, from his place on the bed.

"That might be overstating it a bit, but I appreciate the thought. And I'm so glad it's helping you. At least this way you won't be afraid to work hard, knowing you'll get that relief," she said, sitting in the chair next to the bed.

She reached out and let her hand rest gently on his knee. It tingled and he wasn't sure if it was from her abilities or his libido but it felt nice. Then her hand slid onto the surface of the mattress and she leaned in and gave him her version of a deep, heartfelt kiss. He returned it with equal fervor. When she backed away she sat on the edge of the bed, her hand back on his leg just above the knee.

"And how are you feeling here," she asked, holding her hand over her heart.

"I don't know if I should be the happiest guy alive, or be totally disgusted with myself."

"Why on earth would you say that?" she asked, a little shocked.

"In a bit over twelve hours, I've shared heart stopping, toe curling kisses with two beautiful, wonderful girls who seem to know and be okay with it. It just doesn't seem right. You each deserve someone all to yourselves."

With that she scooted forward on the bed until she was close enough to wrap her arms around him and hold him in a fierce hug. When she pulled back she fixed him with that penetrating gaze that seemed like it could look straight to the back of your skull or to the bottom of your soul.

"What is happening is exactly what should be happening, my dear fellow. It may not be what anyone of us ever intended but it is the right thing for all of us."

"How do you figure that?"

As a finger absently traced along some of the scars on his thigh, she spoke,

"Both Patty and I have the attention of the most wonderful boy either of us have ever met. This is something both of us have wanted very much for a quite some time. You get the attention of two, if I may say, very special girls and that is something you've wanted, if perhaps not in the same way as you got, and needed for a while as well. And as it turns out, we special girls have gotten each other's attention and that is something that will come to be very important to all of us as well."

With raised eyebrows, he said,

"You two girls?"

"You're probably going to get sick of hearing this, but don't concern yourself. That is for she and I to deal with. It will be to all our benefit, but will take a bit of time to sort out. For now, let's just enjoy our time together."

With that she swung herself up so that she was laying at his side, her lips finding his and a long, lingering kiss ensued. Just as he recognized the moment that morning with Sue, he felt the same way now so he held nothing back and didn't concern himself with anything else.

"Hmm, now that was so nice," she said as she pulled back, her eyes inches from his.

Then her slender fingers were working on his tee shirt, working it up over his head and then ever so slowly she slid his boxers down over his legs. This time she was rewarded with the sight of his fully hard, long, thick cock resting against his muscular abdomen. She let her finger nails run down along the underside of the shaft and over his nearly hairless balls. She smiled in delight as the shaft jerked a few times.

Then she got herself off the bed and came to stand at the end where she proceeded to divest herself of her blouse and skirt. Next came the plain but fully stuffed bra and lastly the panties. He wasn't sure why he thought this but it appeared that the girl was glowing in the dark as she stood, her hip cocked and her finger tips running lightly over her stomach.

Then she walked to the other side of the bed and climbed slowly on and got herself pressed up against his side, her free hand lightly caressing here and there, her lips gliding over his face and neck. Then her lips found his and the serious kissing resumed, his arms around her, her firm tits pressed to his chest and her leg slid up over his good one, allowing her to rub her smooth pussy against his firm thigh.

He wasn't sure but it sounded as if she was growling into his mouth as they writhed against each other, him doing his best despite his disability. She didn't seem to mind. Then she was sliding her mouth off his and began working it down his body. He knew what she had in mind, which was fine by him but he had something a little different in mind. As her head got down near his cock he took hold of her hips and pulled toward his head.

She must have gotten the idea because he heard a girlish giggle and she let him guide one leg over his chest so that her pussy and ass were over his face. With a strong hand to an ass cheek he pulled her down so that he could begin a slow, thorough licking of her pussy lips while his fingers squeezed and kneaded the firm muscles.

She in turn had taken hold of that fat cock and began to lick and kiss along the full length before she popped the head in her mouth. Her firm tits were pressed into his abdomen and as he licked her pussy her body began a rocking motion that was sending tingle through her nipples and right to her pussy. The girl was on fire. She had thought that their previous encounter, her first, had been incredible but she was realizing now there was so much more to be felt and the feelings much more intense. She pushed down a little with her ass and he responded by pushing harder into her pussy, his tongue running over her hard clit.

This was rewarded with a slow, steady descent of her mouth on his cock until, much to his surprise, she had the whole thing in her mouth. Then up she went until just the head was there and back she went. Despite his injury and the travails of the day, they were totally lost in each other and what they were doing. He pulled his tongue along her lips again and then pushed in and sunk it in as far as it could go up her wet tunnel.

She added extra attention to his balls with her hands as she continued to deep throat his cock. Saliva was dripping down the shaft and coating his balls. He was continuing to squeeze her ass and at one point a finger tip grazed her tight ass ring which caused her to jerk a bit, pressing harder on his face. Recognizing an opportunity, he dipped his finger passed his tongue a bit and once wet he used it to tickle her asshole. This got her grinding her hips and squealing around his cock.

Her head came up off his cock and she looked back at him and said in a low, throaty voice.

"You are a dirty, dirty boy and if you even think of stopping what you're doing, I will kill you."

She softened the last comment with a smile and a squeeze of his cock shaft. Then she was back on his dick and sucking like a vacuum cleaner. He in turn got his tongue back inside her and once more he wetted his finger and used the tip to tease her ass. On a whim, he pushed and actually got the tip in before she suddenly began bucking and jerking as she growled and grunted around his cock. She was also flooding his face with those tangy, delicious fluids.

When she settled down her body was laying on top of his and his cock was being pressed against the side of her face. After a moment, she began to work her leg back over to his side and as she knelt next to him, she seemed to be studying him for a moment and then next thing he knew she was straddling his hips and bracing herself with one hand on his chest, the other taking hold of his cock and holding the head up against the base of her pussy.

He watched in fascination as she slowly allowed her body to settle down on him, his cock disappearing up inside her. Her eyes were closed but the expression on her face was of that devilish angel she had referred to once. Her mouth was slightly parted and both hands were pressed on his chest. He had his hands on her hips but as she began to rise and fall, fucking herself on his rock hard cock, he brought his hands up to fondle and squeeze her full tits. He felt the hard nipples press into his palms.

"Oh, my love, this is so much better than I could have imagined," she practically growled. "You're filling me up, it's so, so good."

She was being careful not to come down too hard on his thighs, and at some point she folded forward until her tits were on his chest and her mouth was on his. As they kissed and ground and fucked, he had his arms around her back holding her tight. At some point, he felt her stiffen and then she bucked her way through her second orgasm of the night. This time her squeals of delight were muffled by his mouth and he kept his arms tight around her back. When she finally stopped, her full weight was on top of him, but he didn't mind in the least. She was tall but not particularly heavy and despite his injury he was still incredibly fit. His cock was still trapped inside her pussy and he was balanced on the edge of cumming.

Before he could think of what he might have to do, she was sliding down off his cock, her ass held high to clear his bad knee and then her mouth was on his wet cock and the suction began again. It didn't take long before his hips were pushing up off the mattress and his balls were pushing spurt after spurt of thick, heavy cum into her mouth. When his ass finally settled back into the mattress, she slid her lips up off his dick and made sure he saw that she was swallowing his load. Then she was back down to lick the shaft and head clean.

Finally, after licking her lips clean, she sat back on her heels, between his legs and she looked down at him, seeing his chest heaving. When his hands came up to invite her into an embrace she smiled slightly but inside her heart was soaring. She settled down, staying clear of his bad knee and cuddled up to her friend, lover and love.

"I thought you were going to wait on that? Not that I'm complaining."

"I just couldn't help myself. Everything felt so good and I wanted that last step. I didn't want to hold anything back from you. If that makes sense."

"Oh, yeah. I know I want this stupid knee to heal so I can give you everything I have. But that raises a question. I mean, you can get pregnant, right?"

"I can. If I allow it. But I need to tell you, right here and now. For the foreseeable future, I insist that you feed me your delicious loads. The taste is just too good to waste."

By the time she was saying this they were eye to eye and he waited a moment before he replied.

"I love you."

Her response was to snuggle her face into his neck and whispered her own pronouncements of love into his ear. After a few moments she lifted her head back up and said,

"Are you feeling sleepy, sweetheart?"

"Not really, but you're not looking for round two are you?"

"No," she said with a laugh, "but I would like to just talk for a little while."

"Sure, we just have to be quiet."

"Don't worry, our mouths and ears will be very close," she said, kissing the tip of his ear.

Then she pulled herself up so that she could rest her back against some piled up pillows. Then she had Tom sit up and then she pulled him back against her chest, her long arms wrapped around his chest. And she was right, her mouth was close by his ear.

"Alisande, can I asked you a question?"

"Yes, sweetheart, what is it?"

"The way things have changed so much since this summer. I thought your mother would have been against all this. Isn't that why you had to be so secretive?"

"Well, yes, it was a big part of it but she's gone now," she said softly.

"What? Your mom is dead?"

"No, sweetheart. But she was getting so vague, I couldn't leave the house very much."


"No, it's just that some of us, especially the strongest of us, aren't very strongly connected to this world. And it gets worse as they get older. So she's now with others of our community who can keep her safe and other's as well."

"What? She could..." he said, vaguely gesturing with his hand.

"Yes, love, the combination of strength and lack of focus can be very dangerous."

"Hang on a second," he said, looking over at her, those amazing eyes just inches away. "You're all alone in that house now, aren't you."

"Yes, I am."

His hands came up and took hold of hers and gave them a squeeze.

"Do you need anything? Any help with anything?"

"Right now all I need is being here with you, and you being you. Don't be so concerned, sweetheart. Living alone is an occupational hazard, I'd guess you'd say. I'll admit I don't like it very much. So don't be surprised when you see my face at your window."

She said this with an extra squeeze around his chest and a playful nibble on his ear.

"If I could I'd have you move in here with me, but I don't think you could avoid notice for all that long."

"That's a lovely thought, but I have a lot that I have to do and I couldn't do that here, so we'll keep going the way we are for now and see what comes our way. And what about you, my love. What do you think the future has in store for you?"

She felt him tense a little and then settled back into her arms.

"I have no idea right now. It all depends on how well the leg heals. Or doesn't."

"And if it doesn't?" she prodded gently.

"I don't know. I wasn't really expecting to go pro, but I was hoping for a scholarship. Now, I don't know what we can afford. I know that Mom and Dad have been talking to a lawyer, but that could take a lot of time. So," he just shrugged.

She moved her arms so that she could cradle his head back against her shoulder, her cheek resting on the top of his head.

"You have time and you have love. The rest will sort itself out."

He was thinking he'd have to have that tattooed on his arm.

As her hands caressed his chest in soothing motions, the attention had revived that big teenaged cock. He wasn't going to say anything but he didn't have to. As her hands moved lower she once more made contact with the head, somewhere in the vicinity of his navel. This time she didn't hesitate. She took hold of the thick shaft and began to stroke it with a firm grip.

He, in turn, began to run his hand up and down one of her long, firmly muscled legs. With her lips next to his ear she was whispering soothing, loving words that eased his mind but kept the steel in his shaft. Her free hand continued to roam over his torso, feeling the hard muscles of his chest and abs. He would probably be surprised to hear that she was as captivated by his physique as he was with hers.

This went on for some time until he felt his balls begin to tighten and he tried to warn her.

"Alisande, I gonna cum if you keep that up."

So she did, squeezing a little harder but keeping the same tempo until his hips bucked once, then twice, and on the third he fired a hard stream of cum toward the ceiling, followed by a second and third, splashing down onto his stomach and chest, with the remainder oozing out over her hand and down the shaft of his cock.

"Oh, damn, that felt so amazing. But I think we wasted all that cum," he said hoarsely.

"Why would you say that?" she asked, as she began licking his still warm cum from her hand, and then began scooping it off of his torso, feeding herself.

When most was gone, she shimmied out from behind him and kneeling next to him she licked what remained off his smooth skin. He let his hand roam over her lower back and ass, which she wiggled in response. When done she stretched out alongside him, draping herself over his body, her head on the pillow, her lips at his ear.

"Hmmm, maybe I will try and work out a way to move in here with you. I could get used to this very easily. Now go to sleep. Perhaps the answer will come to us in our dreams."

His dreams were interesting but not particularly helpful. It seemed more a tangle of arms and legs, and two pairs of eyes, different yet similar holding him transfixed. The one segment where he was walking down Main Street with a beautiful girl on each arm was particularly interesting. But no solution to what wasn't really a problem, but more of a fantasy.

When he awoke the next morning she was gone as before, but he distinctly remembered the worlds love you' and see you later in the week'. Both phrases were enough to keep him smiling all through breakfast. His mother wondered but held her tongue. Once he was at school he headed straight for the library and Patty was there waiting for him. She gestured that he sit with her and as he settled into the seat she jerked her head a bit toward the librarian.

"She's on to us?" he said softly.

"Don't know but she's been watching since I got here, and not being very clever about it."

He smiled at her hushed tone, still dripping with scorn, so different than when she talked to him.

"How's the therapy going? Dreadful?"

"Mildly, but the potion and salve helped a lot. I had a restful night."

"I'll bet."

When he looked at her with raised eyebrows, she just smirked and shook her head.

"More today?" was all she said.

"No, every other day. But I have some exercises to do when I get home."

"Need any help?" she asked.

"What? You'd do that? I thought you had stuff to do after school."

"Nothing that can't wait. I'd like to help and I can't do magic so..." she shrugged and smiled.

So he agreed and sure enough at the end of the day she was waiting at his bus and hitched a ride to his stop and walked the slow block home with him.

"Do you think Alisande will come today?" she asked nonchalantly.

"Probably not. I saw her yesterday and she indicated she had things to do. Hey, did you know she was living in that house alone?"

"What happened to her mom? She didn't..."

"No," then he explained what Alisande had told him and she looked stricken.

"Oh, the poor thing, it must be so lonely."

"Yeah, I think that was one of the reasons she decided to let us know about her. She's resigned to it but doesn't like it much."

"Does she know that people kind of know about her?"

"I don't know. What are you talking about?"

"I'm surprised you never heard the rumors. A mysterious person seen on the outskirts of town. A walking shadow, the mystery lady in a cape. All kinds of things. Even bigfoot," she said with a snort.

"No, I never have. We should mention it to her."

By now they were at the house and he led her to his small makeshift gym that was in one bay of the two car garage. He handed her the papers that described what the therapist wanted him to do and in typical fashion she took charge and made sure he was positioned correctly and was doing things as described, while at the same time admonishing him to be careful and not overdo anything.

Between the grimacing and grunting he couldn't help smile at the serious set to her face as she watched him, and just how incredibly attractive she was.

"Hey, pay attention, what are you smiling about?" she demanded.

"You, if you must know."

"Why are you smiling at me?" she asked, her held tilted to the side.

"I was just thinking how really attractive you are, especially when you're being all serious."

"Is that so?" she asked, then took a handful of hair and bent his head back and planted a full mouth kiss on his lips.

In response he hooked an arm around the small of her back and pulled her as close to him as he could manage. Neither was in a particular hurry to end it but finally she pulled back and said,

"You keep doing that and I might have to consider being your therapy partner."

"If that's my reward for working hard, I'll take you up on that offer," he replied and again she was pulled tightly to him as the kiss resumed.

It continued until a spasm in his thigh just above his knee caused him to squeeze her harder and she pulled back.

"What was that?" she asked a bit hoarsely.

"Um, nothing, just a spasm."

"Okay, lover boy. Where's that cream Alisande gave you?"

"My room."

"Okay, let me help you up and let's go."

He knew arguing was useless so he let her help him up off the bench and they walked into the house and through to the back where his room was. She piled his pillows up against the headboard and then pointed.

"Get yourself up there."

He had to smile, but to himself. Here was this compact cutie pie bossing him around while the larger, more imposing Alisande always treated him softly and with great care. Once he was sitting on the bed with his back against the pillows and his legs stretched out she sat down with the jar in hand next to his bad leg.

With a finger she scooped out a dollop of the cream and began to lightly rub it into the skin all around the knee. Again, he had that feeling of tingling and warmth, so he figured it had to be the concoction, not something Alisande was doing. While Patty was applying the cream, he reached over and took hold of the bottle of potion and poured himself a half dose.

"Will that be enough?"

"Yeah, combined with that, it's all I need."

When she was done, she wiped her hand and then let the finger run along the scar that ran along his thigh. She sighed and gave him a pout, which to him looked very hot.

"That really ruined a beautiful leg."

"You think my legs were beautiful?" he asked, with a smirk.

"Yes, and I'm not the only one. You should have heard some of those silly girls. All about the body and not caring anything about what was going on in here or here," she said, tapping his chest and forehead.

"Thank you for that," he said, giving her bare knee a squeeze.

She turned red and in an attempt to change the subject said,

"So, are your parents going to sue?"

"I know they've talked to a lawyer so..."

"Good, I should, too. That moron ruined a lot of plans I had,"

This was said as her hand shifted to his left, unblemished thigh, her finger tips tracing the definition lines.

"What kind of plans?" he asked, knowing full well what plans of his were now on hold.

"Well, if you must know, at the end of last school year I had it all worked out. I was going to spend the summer wrapping you up in web of my feminine wiles, so by this time you and I would be planning going to the homecoming dance and the senior prom."

"Well, I suppose we could still make plans. I don't know what I'd be able to do on a dance floor but we could try it."

She sat there blinking at him, with one hand gripping his unblemished thigh while the other took hold of his hand.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, why not? I mean, it's obvious something is going on between us. Those kisses aren't just for fun, you know."

"Speak for yourself, I think they're fun as hell. I'm so thrilled you feel that way. Of course I'd want to try. There's something else I want to try."

Saying that she got off the bed, hurried around to the other side, got on his good side and wrapped him up as best she could before she began to feverishly kiss him. As their lips ground, as slowly as a glacier they managed to get themselves into more of a reclining position with her on top of his torso, her hips grinding against his left hip.

He had his arms around her back, one hand on the back of her head, the other resting just above the upper curve of her pert little ass. The one continuous grind of a kiss began to break up as she started throwing in little comments.

"Oh, god, I've waited so long for this. I've wanted you so much. Don't let go of me."

And so on. As her hip grinding began to intensify he let his hand slide down to grab a handful of her ass, pulling it tight. Her comments dissolved into murmurs and squeals. He was starting to feel some serious stress as his hard cock was trying to push past the waistband of his gym shorts. He was surprised when he felt a small but determined hand grab hold of his bulge from the outside as her tongue plunged deep into his mouth.

"Oh, please, baby, would you?" she asked, shifting her hips to the side exposing the front of her shorts.

Thinking he knew what she had in mind, he let his hand slide off he ass to come around the front and he carefully undid the button of her shorts. When she didn't object he knew he was right and then undid her zipper. Then his hand slid inside, feeling the satiny smoothness of the front of her panties. When his fingertips touched a damp spot he figured she was really ready so he pressed a little more firmly and she squirmed and squealed her approval.

So while the kissing went on, she squeezed and stroked his covered cock while he stimulated her overheated pussy, first from the outside, and then he slipped it inside and began to finger the wet lips and hard nub of her clit. It didn't take long before her hips bucked through her first orgasm of the afternoon.

When she settled back, he let the tip of his finger part the damp, swollen lips and he stroked up and down from her clit to the entrance of her tunnel and back again, pausing to tickle the clit and then a bit to probe at the hole. Remembering the previous encounter with Alisande, he even let the tip of his finger tickle the tight ring of her asshole, which got him a whoop, squeal and some serious hip movement.

So he tickled some more and in a few moments, she went rigid, squealing into his mouth. The grip on his cock was almost painful but she seemed determined not to let go. When her orgasm subsided, she slumped at his side, breathing heavily. Finally, he heard a soft voice,

"Oh my god, baby, that was incredible. I've never felt anything like that. I'm so glad we got to do this, and not in the back seat of some car. And you still need some attention," she said, squeezing and stroking his fat cock, still trapped in his shorts.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Just this," she replied, as her hand grabbed the waist band and pulled enough to free the fat shaft, the sight of which got another exclamation and then her hand was on the bare shaft and she was stroking again.

She shuffled around and got her face on a level with his dick and tentatively brought her tongue out to tickle the head. She did this for a few moments, while stroking the shaft. Then she turned her head so she could see his face and said,

"I might not get this right at first, so I may have to take my time. It'll probably take a lot of practice," the last ending with a grin.

"Maybe a lifetime worth," he replied with a bigger smile.

She blinked a bit but decided to file that away for another time. She returned her attention to that fat, beautiful cock. Nothing she had studied in AP biology looked anything as good as this. She gave it a few brief kisses and then opened up and took in the head. Her tongue flicked as her lips closed over and a little suction started.

It was as different technique than Alisande used, but why would he want it to be the same. He had been enjoying himself immensely the last few days, and his feelings for both girls were deep, and he was sure it was real, but how could it go on. He was afraid a big crash was coming, again. When Patty began to slide her lips down his shaft his train of thought went off the rails and the best he could do was begin to run his hand up and down her back. He regretted her blouse was still in place.

Unlike the older, taller girl, Patty could only get about three quarters of his cock in her mouth, but it was still a wonderful place to be, no matter how inexperienced. He knew he wasn't going to last long and he wondered what approach his brainy lover was going to take. He did groan a warning and her response was to pull off and rest her head on his stomach and continue to stroke his dick until his balls pulled tight and he began to shoot his load.

The first several shots were hard and heavy and headed for the ceiling, then falling back to land on his exposed stomach as well as the bottom of his tee shirt. There was one more small one then some oozing over her hand. She was giggling and squealing as she watched him unload his balls. When he was done, she rolled over onto her back, her chest heaving and her face lit up in a smile.

"Geez, that was so much fun. I think I'm going to assign myself as your permanent therapy assistant. Would that be alright?" the last being said while she was looking over at him.

"I think I'd like that very much," he replied, with a soft smile. "Although it might make me want to increase the amount of time it will take to recover."

She rolled over and planted a big kiss on his lips and then when she pulled back she said,

"Come on, we better get you cleaned up before your mom gets home. You made quite the lovely mess."

So they spent the next fifteen minutes changing his tee shirt, cleaning up his stomach and rinsing out the messy one. Then they sat in the kitchen talking while they had something to drink.

"Hey, are you going to be able to come over Saturday? I think Alisande will be here and we should probably have a talk."

"Mmm, yes, I think that's probably a very good idea. Oh, don't look like that. There is nothing bad going to happen. You worry too much."

It wasn't long after that Tom's mother walked into the kitchen. She was very pleased to see that Patty was there, having had some concerns about Tom doing his exercises alone. She considered the young girl to be very sensible and didn't have a moments concern about them being alone in the house together. Either that or she figured there was nothing you could do to stop teenagers from dong what nature intended and at least this girl was smart enough to be careful.

The rest of the week passed relatively quietly. Alisande did not pay a visit, to Tom's disappointment and he hoped that nothing had happened to the girl, how would he know? On Thursday Patty was there to help with his in home session but his mother came home early so they had to satisfy themselves with some kissing and hugging in the garage.

So on Saturday he was more than a little `tense'. Patty arrived within minutes of his parents leaving on their usual pursuits. They sat outside in the early autumn warmth waiting to see if Alisande would arrive. They sat for about twenty minutes, watching the dark corner of the yard and there she was, gliding out of the darkness like a living shadow.

She was again wearing the long cloak with the deeply cowled hood. When she tossed the hood back her face was alive with a bright smile and flashing eyes. Tom was surprised when Patty leaped up and ran toward the taller girl, throwing her arms around her and hugging her close. Alisande wrapped the younger girl in her long arms and rested her cheek on her head. It was obvious that Patty was saying something but he couldn't hear what it was.

After a few moments, Alisande lifted her head, tipped Patty's head back and brought their lips together in a tender, lingering kiss. Tom watched in bemused silence, but not surprise. It seemed to fit. When Alisande lifted her head, Patty rested hers on the older girls chest. Tom saw Alisande whisper something to which Patty nodded and the two separated so that Patty could return to her seat and Alisande take the third. But not before stopping to lean down and give Tom a short but deep kiss. As she sat she said,

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to visit earlier, Tom, dear. But I'm afraid I was away for most of the time. A task of mother's that required completing."

"Will you have to do more of that?" he asked.

"No, this was the last. From now on I will be concentrating on my own tasks, of which I may not speak just now," she said, forestalling any more questions of that nature. "What we should be talking about is us and how we proceed into the future."

"Good. I know both of you have told me not to worry about things, but I can't help wonder. I think I can see where it's all headed, but I can't figure out how it will work."

"That, sweetie pie," Patty began, "is because you're such a nice, unselfish boy that the idea of having two girls who adore you at your beck and call doesn't fit into your world view."

He simply sat and looked at her, blinking.

"Patty is correct, Tom, if a bit direct. It should be abundantly clear from events of this past week that both she and I are quite in love with you. And I don't think I'd be wrong to say that you have equally deep feelings for both of us, for all that it confuses you greatly. And as I think you just observed, Patty and I are exceedingly fond of each other, even if we've only just met."

Tom fixed his attention on those two amazing eyes that were riveted on his. As if it had been written on a whiteboard, like some diagram for a formation on the soccer pitch, all he could see was honesty, love and a deep, deep need. All he could manage was a nod.

"It makes sense in an odd way," she went on, smiling as she noticed Patty taking hold of one of Tom's hands. "We have all come to a crossroads of a sorts. Three of us arriving at the intersection from our own paths, meeting to journey down the remaining path together. You Tom are coming from a place of great pain, of uncertainty for the future. I from a place of loneliness, isolation and great responsibility, unlooked for but there nonetheless. And you, Patty, dearest. You who have had to behave like an adult far earlier than should be, thanks to your great intellect. But now your body is catching up with your mind and there are a great many questions, and desires. A dangerous path to travel alone, but now you have two that care for you deeply to travel that road with you. It seems we are well met."

"Sounds like you still have a tough time ahead of you. Patty and I can be like a regular couple and hang out and go on dates and all that. Why do I feel like you'll always have to be in the shadows? Isn't there anything about a normal relationship that you want for yourself? I mean, if you were to just put on some regular clothes you'd pass for a normal teenage girl. Well, a normal knock out of a teenage girl but you know what I mean," he argued. "And from what Patty has told me, it seems you have been out and about and been seen."

Alisande looked at him for a moment than shifted her gaze to Patty. The younger girl just nodded and said,

"See, you just can't help it. He's such a handsome hunk who could have anyone, yet he's more interested in how you're going to go on."

Alisande nodded.

"I've known that for a long time, Patty, dear. He was always so concerned that I was living in the wilderness as he called our property. `what do you mean you don't have TV, or go to movies', he was always sneaking me cookies or other treats. I think I was in love with him by the time I was ten," she said with a smile. "As to the rest, I am well aware of all the things that have been suggested. It goes back to the time of my great grandmother. And my grandmother was known as the Shadow Woman of Piney Knoll, which is what that area used to be called in those days."

Then she leaned forward in her chair and took hold of his free hand. He felt a kind of tingle that ran from hand to hand, right through his chest.

"What you say is true, and perhaps there will come a time and I will do that, and you can take me on that date, but for now, no, I must remain in the shadows as you say. Although some might say my path is clearer than most. You and Patty can and will be that normal couple, showing others what two kind, devoted and good hearted people can be like. I will know you are there for me to come to when events allow, drawing on the love you both have for me and I for you. Not a particularly terrible way to live, all things considered."

"Besides, Thomas, we still have almost a full school year to go. A lot can happen in that time and we should look to make the best of the situation we are in. Remember what I was telling you about my ruined plans. Now they are better than ever. I have not just you, but Alisande now as well. I know it sounds callous but your accident was a catalyst for amazing things. And you have the two of us to lean on and that's not so bad is it?"

By now she had reached across and taken Alisande's free hand, forming a triangle that seemed to envelope the three. Anyone watching them from the outside would have had a difficult time focusing on them and would have heard nothing. Tom looked from one to the other and said,

"And your both sure you're okay with this?"

Both nodded.

"Alright. But mostly because you're so sure and I trust you two more than anyone else. But I have one thing I have to insist on."

"What is that, love?" Alisande asked.

"Don't ever ask me to choose between you two. Even if it's to ask who looks better in some outfit. I'll just walk away."

Each girl smiled and laughed a bit and then squeezed in close to him and kissed his cheeks, then one each on the lips. Then they sat back, refusing to relinquish hands.

"I've never been happier than I am now and I can tell you that it will be a while before I may need to go off again. So I hope we will spend as much time as possible together. Tom, are your parents gone for the day?"

"Until late this afternoon, yeah."

"Wonderful. Patty, take an arm, would you, please?"

Patty bounced out of her chair and held her hands out to Tom who offered an arm. Alisande rose and with his other hand still held tightly, helped him up out of his chair. Together they made their way to the back door and then into the house and right to Tom's room. They got him settled on the bed and then stood at the end with an arm around each other's waist. He was pretty sure he knew what was coming and so he offered a suggestion.

"I think it would probably be better if I used the chair. You two might find a better use for this," he said, patting the mattress.

Patty turned red but Alisande nodded and smiled and said in a sing song voice,

"Every day, in every way, you give us more reasons to love you."

He laughed a bit because in his file of new/old memories were occasions when she would do something similar. So they helped him off the bed, although he probably could have managed it himself and into the cushy chair. Alisande took advantage of the situation by getting her arms around Patty from behind, hugging her back against her, and she seemed to be whispering in the younger girl's ear. Patty was nodding and Tom wasn't sure but he thought he saw what looked like a pair of hard nipples pushing through her tight top. He shifted his hips to settle deeper into the chair and just watched.

Alisande's long, slender fingers began to work on the buttons of Patty's blouse, then pulling it out of the top of her knee length shorts. She left the blouse on and went to work on the button and zipper of those shorts, letting them slide down to puddle on the floor. Then it was time to step back a bit and slide the blouse off the girls shoulders. Surprisingly, the bra and panties that were revealed were not what you might expect from a fifteen year old, no matter how adult seeming.

They were a matched set of pink satin and lace. The bra was providing a bit of lift, giving her a noticeable cleavage and the panties had a waist band less than half an inch wide. The girl's stomach looked flat and firm and her legs were trim. Patty did a pirouette so she was facing Alisande, letting Tom get a look at the firm, pert partially covered ass. His pants were definitely getting uncomfortable.

Patty's fingers were flying over Alisande's much looser blouse and soon had it open and off. Then the skirt came off next and he was able to see both `his' girls in their scantily covered glory. He could also see them running their hands over each other, planting little kisses on exposed skin, then wrapping their arms around each other and beginning a deep passionate kiss. It was pretty clear that both girls were giving vent to long held passions, perhaps not for each other specifically but for another girl in general. He felt fortunate to be the one to see it unfold.

When Alisande's hands took hold of the smaller girls ass cheeks, they almost disappeared but the reaction was a smothered yelp and some serious hip grinding. Tom was pretty sure that Patty had a similar grip on the taller girl as she was responding in kind. Then their mouths separated and two pairs of hands made quick work of bra clasps and then pushing panties down firm, naked legs.

Patty then turned to stand beside Alisande, allowing Tom to take in their naked glory. In a flash of incite he realized that each girl appeared perfectly proportioned for their height. While Patty's tits were smaller overall, they matched her shorter slender frame perfectly. Alisande, being taller and with a curvier figure had tits that sloped down and to the side and were begging to be played with. Surprisingly, Patty came towards him and standing at his side, took hold of his head and pulled it tightly to her bare boobs.

"Oh, sweetheart, I've wanted to do this with you for so long. This is just so right," she enthused, pausing to kiss the top of his head.

He took the opportunity to plant some kisses on exposed skin which had her gripping his head more tightly. Until both heard someone clearing her throat. Looking over they both saw Alisande looking back at them, her arms crossed under those magnificent breasts, her hip cocked to one side. Patty laughed, kissed his head again and then hurried back to be folded up against that incredible body. Then they stepped sideways a few steps to fall onto the empty bed.

Alisande took the initiative and began a loving assault on Patty's tits, licking, kissing and sucking on a pair of hard, pink nipples. Patty had her fingers buried in Alisande's long, thick hair, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open.

"Oh, god, that feels so nice. Oh, yes, don't stop."

The older girl responded by sucking and licking harder while her hand slid down over Patty's stomach to find a smooth, damp pussy. The resulting squeal told Alisande she was right on target so she continued the two pronged attack on Patty's libido. Patty's hips were moving in slow circles in response to all the stimulus. Then Alisande went in for the kill. She shifted her position so she was laying between Patty's outstretched legs, her face directly above those bare, wet lips.

In she went, flicking her tongue over the hard nub of Patty's clit, getting more squeals. When Alisande sent her tongue along the gap between the puffy lips, Patty's back arched and her hands, still full of hair, pushed down on Alisande's head. This was returned with a long, graceful tongue pushing up inside Patty's tunnel, giving the younger girl her first tongue fucking. Incidentally, this was also the first time Alisande had her mouth on another girls pussy and she was loving it. She knew how much she loved how it felt to have Tom doing this for her and she was pretty sure Patty was feeling something similar.

What Tom was seeing was beyond anything he could imagine. These two young woman who were now the center of his world, were giving and taking pleasure from each other and it had him harder than he thought possible. He had no choice but to pop the button on his shorts and let his cock loose from his boxers. But he kept his hands off.

By now, Alisande was working her tongue from deep plunging to lapping up the lips, flicking over the clit and then back down to tongue fuck some more. Patty's legs were now up over Alisande's shoulders, her ankles crossed behind her back. Alisande had snaked her arms under those legs so her hands could cup and fondle Patty's firm tits. Patty went into an orgasm that seemed to have no end. Her body was rigid, her back off the mattress, her head back and a weird gurgling noise emerging from her O shaped mouth.

Tom's cock was oozing precum as he watched, wondering if either would have anything left for him when they were done, but then feeling bad that he was being selfish. Finally, Patty collapsed and Alisande raised her head and the bottom of her face glistened with pussy fluids. She pulled herself up over the limp figure of the girl and placed a deep, open mouth kiss and then pulled her into a tight hug, which after a few moments was returned by a pair of rejuvenated arms.

The kissing and hugging continued for a few more moments and then Patty used her body weight to push Alisande over onto her back. They cuddled in that position for a bit and then Patty began to kiss her way down Alisande's neck until she reached those big tits where she stopped and began to explore with tongue, lips and fingers. Alisande had her hands on the back of Patty's head but only to hold it there, not putting any pressure on her.

Tom noticed that the older girl had her eyes fixed firmly on his, glittering in the low light coming in through the closed blinds. He wasn't sure what she was telling him but it was something important he was sure. He kept his attention on her face evening as Patty was sliding down to get her face where it would do the most good, right above Alisande's shaved pussy. The younger girl seemed as fascinated with the bare wet lips and clit as she did with Tom's fat cock. She used a fingertip to explore the puffy lips and hard nub, getting appreciative murmurs from Alisande.

She finally let her eyes close and her head rest back on the pillows while Patty began to increase her efforts to pleasure her new lover. Patty's head dipped down as tongue made contact with pussy and the fireworks really began. Alisande let her legs move further apart, inviting Patty in closer. The girl obliged, settling down onto her stomach, her firm tits pressed into the mattress, her face pressed into Alisande's pussy.

He could hear the sloppy sounds of Patty's energetic lapping at the puffy lips he so enjoyed. God, his cock hurt so much. Patty may have had no previous experience but she must have been hitting all the right buttons because Alisande's ass was grinding down into the mattress and her hands were massaging her own tits until her mouth parted and a low wail slipped from her mouth as her ass began bouncing on the bed. Then she went rigid with a grunt and then slumped back down onto the bed.

Now it was Patty's turn to crawl up over the limp body of her lover who still had a surprise left. Patty started running her tongue over Alisande's lips, who suddenly flung her arms and legs around Patty, pulling her down tight against her. Patty squealed and wriggled which gave Tom quite a show with all manner of body parts moving this way and that.

Finally, Alisande got her lips to Patty's ear and whispered something. Patty looked back over her shoulder at Tom, seemingly focusing on his swollen, drooling cock and then nodding enthusiastically. She crawled to the edge of the bed, her tits hanging down while Alisande slipped off the other side of the bed. The next thing he knew he was bracketed by a pair of exquisite naked female bodies, arms draped around his shoulders, lips pressed to his hair and cheeks and one small insistent hand squeezing and stroking his fat drooling cock.

"C'mon, lover, time to get you out of those clothes and on to your bed," Alisande said, her husky voice sounding particularly hoarse.

"Anywhere you two want to take me, I'm going."

His shirt was quickly over his head and then hands were undoing his shorts, pulling them gently off his legs, followed by his boxers. With his fat cock jutting up from his meaty balls they helped him over to the bed and had him lay flat out, his head only slightly raised by a single pillow. Alisande laid along his injured side, almost protectively, stroking his bare chest while she kissed his lips with lingering passion.

Patty, on his other side, picked up on her fascination for his swollen cock, holding it in her small, warm hand, her tongue lightly licking at the stream of precum that was running down the head and shaft. Then her lips fixed on the head and pushed down until it was all in her mouth, saliva starting to mix with the precum, soaking the shaft and leaking down to his balls. By any definition he was in heaven. As Patty began to work on his cock, Alisande offered him one of her hard nippled tits and he began to suck on it greedily. He switched back and forth on her nipples while her hips began to push against his hip. Finally she couldn't take it any more so she said something to Patty who hesitated a moment and then relinquished her hold on his cock.

She paused to kiss him before she shifted herself so that her pussy was over his face while she faced down towards Alisande and his cock. The tall girl had likewise gotten herself into position, holding Tom's cock so the head was right where it needed to be. As Patty watched in fascination, Alisande began to lower herself onto that thick, wet cock.

Patty squealed as she felt Tom's tongue swipe along her wet lips. Then his hands were on her hips and he was pulling her down, his tongue slipping up inside her well lubricated pussy tunnel. He felt Alisande get all of his cock inside her and then she was leaning forward, making sure as not to put weight on the bad leg while she thrilled to the feel of his cock pulsing inside her. Then his hips moved and pushed and pulled his cock within her pussy, sending more thrills through her.

For a relative novice with a bum leg, he was doing a pretty good job of pleasuring his pair of lady loves, who in turn were helping each other to another set of orgasms. Alisande was sucking on Patty's nipples and fingering her clit while Patty had her hands underneath Alisande, fondling her big tits. Tom slipped a hand down from Patty's hip and slid it between himself and Alisande to begin playing with her clit.

"Oh, lover, yes, do it. Don't stop. Yessssss," she said as her voice faded to a strangled gurgle.

Patty was grinding her pussy on his mouth as she watched Alisande bucking through her orgasm, finally sliding off his cock to lay on the bed next to him. Patty focused on his wet, bloated cock and swooped down on it in a moment. The shaft disappeared into her mouth and she began sucking on it voraciously. As they sixty-nined Alisande let her hand run up and down his bare leg, her finger tips tracing his muscles.

With some effort she moved herself around and then she waited. She didn't have to wait long. She heard Tom mumble something about cumming and she saw his hips twitch and Patty's head come up off his cock with a mouthful of cum. She lunged in and caught the next spurt in the face and then the third in her open mouth. The rest oozed from his shaft and covered Patty's hand and his cock.

Alisande didn't hesitate to begin licking up the cum that was covering Patty's hand. Then she cleaned up his shaft and balls. Finally, she used her finger to remove what had hit her face. Patty had swallowed her mouthful and she was licking her lips when Alisande brought her face up and Patty leaned in to lick her face clean. Tom just laid there, the gut wrenching orgasm had drained him. He had his eyes closed and he was breathing hard from between Patty's folded legs. Then they were gone and he felt a lot of shifting around and then Alisande was laying on his right side and Patty on his left. Two arms crossed his torso and one was hooked over his good leg.

The two pairs of lips were pressed against his ears and they were filling his head with words of love and appreciation and pledges of forever. The words were actually a lot less flowery and more carnal but it all made sense to him. He managed to get an arm around each of them and pulled them in tightly. He knew he was going to fall asleep but he trusted Alisande to wake them up in time. His trust was not misplaced.

"Tom, my love, time to wake up."

"Yeah, sleepyhead, we wouldn't want your parents to find us here like this would we?" Patty added.

"Hmmm, I dunno. Maybe they'd force us into a double shotgun wedding," he said with a sleepy smile.

"Listen to him. Half asleep and he's still a charmer," Patty offered.

"It is a lovely thought though isn't it?" Alisande said, a bit dreamily.

"Yes it is, but this isn't helping us get cleaned up."

"The door across the hall is the bathroom," he said.

"I'll go first," Patty said as she slid off the bed and hurried naked from the room, her pert little ass flexing as she went.

"This was really amazing," he said, looking into those incredible eyes.

"To say the least. I had imagined what it might be like, but my imagination wasn't up to the task. Especially with Patty. She has so much energy and enthusiasm," she said with a smile and then she lowered her lips to his ear. "But you, my love, you are my other self. Our souls are joined and there will be no other. I don't say this to alarm you or create any discord. Patty will always be most special. I simply say this so that you understand your importance to me, and why I will always seek you out."

He was a little startled at the depth of the intensity of her expressed feelings but he didn't want her to feel she had upset him so he turned his head and found her lips and shared a long slow kiss. They had separated just before Patty returned and began searching for her clothes. Alisande slipped away to do her clean up. When they were alone, the partially clad Patty sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled as she looked at him.

"I can't say how much fun that was. Wow. I hope you don't mind how much attention Alisande and I lavished on each other. It was the first time for both of us. It was really special," she said, almost wistfully.

"Of course not. You shared something really special with me. You may be the smartest person I know, but you're also sexy as hell."

"Thank you, sweetheart. You're quite the hunk yourself. I want you to promise me something, though."

"What's that?"

Her hand went to his thigh and began to stroke it while she looked at him.

"I wasn't really ready for you to have this big beautiful cock inside me yet. But when your leg is healed and you're able, I want my first time to be your first time with a healthy leg. I want you on top of me, using all those wonderful muscles to make love to me. Please."

He looked at her face, looking so serious and pleading at the same time. What could he say?

"Of course. It'll be all the encouragement I'll need to get well faster."

"Hey, no you don't. You follow the doctor's orders and take the time you need. I'll be happy to wait. Especially with this kind of fun."

"She's right, you know, Tom," Alisande said from the door. "With today as an example, we can have plenty of fun while we wait for you to get whole again."

She stood in the doorway, gloriously naked. She stepped toward Patty and wrapped her in her arms, kissing he face.

"And you, my darling, will have your special day."

The three lovers managed to get themselves dressed despite the distractions of kisses, fondles and hugs. Tom, who was perfectly capable of getting dressed himself, had to endure two additional pairs of hands pulling on his shirt and pulling up his boxers and shorts. He didn't really mind so much. When Patty looked at his alarm clock she cursed a bit and said she had to be getting home.

Tom and Alisande escorted her to the front door and after hugs and kisses all around she was out the door and heading for her bicycle. They watched until she had pedaled her way down the street and then retreated back into the living room. Tom found himself pulled into a tight, warm hug which he returned but which seemed to have no end.

"You okay?" he asked from her shoulder.

"So much more than okay, sweetheart. It was an amazing day with the promise of more to come."

"Are you sure you're okay being in that house all by yourself?"

"It isn't what I'd prefer but it's acceptable. Knowing you are nearby and that I'm welcome to visit you makes the difference."

Before he could say anything else her mouth was on his and he was treated to a deep, lingering tongue kiss. When she finally pulled her mouth off of his she whispered,

"And now it's time for me to leave, love, before your parents get here and I have to pull a real disappearing act."

"You could do that?" he asked, his eyes wide.

She merely returned his gaze with just a hint of a smile and kiss on the tip of his nose. Then she took his hand and slowly led him to the back of the house and out into the yard. She released his hand but he continued to hobble along beside her until they were both in the shadows under the oak. Then she reached out a hand and brought them both to a halt.

"Were you going to walk me all the way home?" she asked with a single arched eyebrow.

"Can I?"

"No, dearest, not on that leg. When you are healed, you can come and help me with the harvest, like you used to."

Tom could recall trekking all over the property, helping Alisande pick leaves, flower petals, berries and other plant parts. It was hard work but he always enjoyed it because they were together.

"Deal," and with that said, he leaned over, kissed her again and then watched as she disappeared around the end of the hedge row.

He hobbled back to the house and stretched out on the couch in the family room, napping until his parents came home. Then it was dinner, TV and then bed. He was surprised when he heard the familiar tapping and then his window sliding up and a graceful shadow sliding into the room. Again, her long slender finger touched her lips to silence him. Then off came the cloak, the outer clothes, the underwear and then she was sliding her naked body under the covers with him.

"Hello, again, sweetheart," she whispered in his ear. "I'm not looking for more sex. I thought about what you were saying and I decided I didn't want to sleep alone tonight, considering how our day went. Is that alright with you?"

"Um, hell yeah," he whispered back.

"Get your clothes off, please."

He pulled his tee shirt off and she then lent a hand slipping off his boxers. Despite the close presence of her naked body, he wasn't very aroused, a testament to the play time they had earlier. Then they were laying back, with her curled up against his side, one arm over his chest, one leg over his good one and a pair of lips near his ear. It's called pillow talk for a reason.

"Can you tell me something?" he asked.

"If I can," she responded.

"Are there things that teenagers usually do that you haven't but would like to?"

"What? You mean other than being in love with the most wonderful boy in the world?" she teased.

"Yes, other than that. Like, going to the movies, or getting a pizza, shopping, whatever."

Her arm and leg tightened on him and she took in a big breath and let it out.

"That's hard to say, sweetheart, since I've never been exposed to such things. I admit, I think it would be nice to do something like that with you, but how would we explain me being with you. Especially if it becomes known that you and Patty are together."

He turned his head so that he could look into those bottomless eyes and said,

"If I can figure out a way to do it, would you? Do those things with me?"

She smiled and nodded,

"If it can be done without exposing me, yes, I would like that."

Then she leaned in and began kissing him, long and deep. When she pulled back she gave him a quizzical look and said,

"I think I've changed my mind."

Then she flipped back the covers, exposing his naked body and she immediately took hold of his hardening cock, swooping down to get the head and half the shaft into her eager mouth. He laid there for a bit, loving the feel of her wet lips and warm mouth wrapped around his cock. He let his hand run along the naked skin of her back and leg that was folded up under her. She let him caress her for a few moments, then lifted herself up and rearranged her position so that they were in a classic girl on top sixty nine.

He wrapped his arms around the small of her back and pulled her bare pussy down to his mouth while she directed her full attention to his now totally rigid dick. His tongue was busy swiping up and down the crease between her swollen lips, flicking her clit and pushing in to the entrance of her tunnel. While she was sucking and stroking, he brought his hands to her firm ass cheeks, squeezing and fondling the well-muscled glutes.

Her hips were grinding her pussy against his mouth so he assumed he was doing the job properly. To make sure, he let the tip of his finger graze her tight ass ring and her hips jerked a bit and then pushed back, so he dipped the fingertip into her flowing pussy fluids and then returned it to her pink pucker and rubbed a little harder.

He could feel her groaning around his cock and the vibrations felt wonderful. It also felt wonderful when he felt her mouth push further down until she had the whole fat shaft in her mouth. The head must have been near her throat because he felt a weird sensation as she swallowed, almost like a massage on his cock head.

So he figured what the hell and he pushed his finger harder and felt the ring yield and let him enter. She groaned some more around his cock and her hips rotated on his face, the fluid running over his mouth and chin. They continued like that for a little while, the previous events of the day helping to prolong matters. She was sucking and deepthroating his cock and playing with his balls, while he was worshipping her pussy with his tongue while slowly finger fucking her ass.

She was the first to succumb when her body went rigid, her pussy pressing down against his mouth and her mouth was clamping on his cock. He was also feeling her ass ring flexing around his finger. When she was done cumming, her body settled down atop his, her tits pressing against his stomach. She let her mouth slide up his well wetted cock shaft, taking hold and beginning to stroke while her tongue flicked over the captured head. This went on until he felt his balls tighten and he knew what she wanted so he just let go with the first heavy stream of cum, followed by a second and then a third, smaller spurt.

She gulped audibly as she made sure she captured everything he had to give her. When his balls were empty she licked the shaft to make sure she missed nothing. Then the head was rubbed across her face and lips until she felt him softening. Then her leg was up and over his head and she was once again laying alongside him, draped over his prone body.

"I think I am in a lot of trouble right now," she said quietly.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" he asked anxiously.

"How am I supposed to continue on the way I have, knowing you are so close by. You were so important to me before, but now, I can't stand the thought of being apart from you for even a day."

"Are we talking a kidnapping here?" he asked, a little surprised at her comment.

"Don't laugh. If I could have you with me every moment, I would. But with the things I have to do sometimes..." she said before he interrupted.

"Just what is it you have to do? Besides the potions and stuff. You make it sound like you're out roaming the world or something."

She raised herself up on her elbow, resting her head on her hand.

"I shouldn't tell you anything specific, and I won't. But as you said, besides the potions and stuff as you put it, myself and others like me have responsibilities that most people wouldn't believe. I think an English fantasy writer put it best. Among the characters in his books, are witches. And they do a lot of very mundane things, helping people who need it, but their big job is to watch the edges."

"Edges of what?"

"Well, in his stories, it's the edges of reality, other planes of existence, other worlds. Remember, he's writing fiction. For us, in our reality, there are other edges that need watching, more than a few things that go bump in the night."

"Sounds spooky, scary."

"It can be, my love. And for those not prepared, very dangerous. So don't ever think to ask me to include you in any way. If, for your sake, I had to, I would leave here and never return, to keep you safe."

"I'm kind of surprised you know about that English guy."

She smiled at him and said,

"It's true we don't avail ourselves to much of the modern world, we do make us of books, for a number of reasons. One of which is to stay aware of how the craft is viewed in contemporary times. It helps to avoid unpleasantness."

"Like Salem and that sort of thing?"


He looked into those eyes, seeing something there, not really sure what, and he nodded and said,

"Then in that case, I'll make sure I'm here for you in between those times you have to see to the edges."

"And knowing you are here, will make me make sure I come back from the edge. And I'm afraid you are in for some interesting times, my love. Because I believe I will be spending far more time with you like this than I ever imagined. I just hope your parents never find out."

With that said, she leaned in and began kissing him again, which went on for some minutes before she settled back down, her head on his chest, cradled in his arms, more content than she could remember, having this remarkable boy back in her life, willing to share her life as best he could.

Next: Chapter 2

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