Big in Texas

By Michael

Published on Sep 14, 2017



Hey Guys Cole here, I told you I would tell my cocksucker origins story so here it is.

A little about myself for starters. Iam 18 5'2" 120lbs. dark shoulder length hair, brown eyes and a nice smile. I grew up in a very small west Texas town, but not for long off to college this fall and man I cannot wait. My friend Joe and myself are the only gays that I know of in the entire county, So as you might imagine we try to keep that a secret. We spend most of our free time hanging out lusting after all the hot redneck boys strutting thier shit around town. There are couple in particular that really catch my eye, Cody and Tyler who just happen to be best buds. First Cody: 22 5"10"ish dirty blond hair and the most mesmerizing blue eyes. Cody is probably what you would imagine if I told told you to visualize a hot Texas redneck. He wore nothing but 501s and boy did he fill them out nicely usually paired with tan boots, a tight white tank and topped off with a black stetson. DAMN he is HOT. Now for Tyler 21 bout 6' dark buzzed hair and the sexiest dark brown eyes. Tyler could usually be seen wearing khaki shorts a skin tight tee, Camo ball cap and what looked to be about a size 14 pair of flip flops. Individually these guys are hot, but together they are a fags dream for sure. I would fantasize about one on either end, usually Tyler feeding me his cock as I figured he might be the larger of the two and Cody hitting me from behind. I dont think either one has spoken more than a dozen words in my direction maybe that will change this summer.

Joe and his family were planned to be gone most of the summer so I would be rolling by myself. I thought I might try things a little different in an effort to attract so attention. I thought when in Rome, got myself some snug jeans a well fitted skoal tee and the boots I already had. Went to my moms rooms to give myself a look in her full length mirror and thought damn boy you look Texan. Topped it off with my fave Rangers cap I dont mind saying Ive matured into a sexy lil gay boy this past year or so. All the bike riding as a kid payed off with a pretty meaty ass that looked pretty fuckable in these tight jeans. It was about 10am on a warm Saturday morning when I though here goes nothing grabbed my fishing some gear and headed to town.

Cody and Tyler could usually be found in the park drinking beer on most Saturdays and this one would be no different. They were in thier usual spot, back of the park, bridge to the labyrinth of hiking paths. I figured nice day for a hike and I needed to run my new look by the boys hoping of course to catch thier eyes. I got to be honest when I close enough that I new they saw me I got a bit nervous. Much to my suprise I passed by them with just a " hey guys" and some quick eye contact as I heaed down the path I could hear them speaking. Cody said " isnt that Katys lil bro, Cole I think maybe" Tyler in response " yup Katys lil queer bro". " seemed like he was just a kid last time I saw him, He's all grown up, when did that fucking happen?". I knew there were some rocks just around the next corner where the path came back to the river. I also knew I could see the guys from that spot and there they were putting down beers and bullshiting. God even from half a mile away they were fucking smoking hot. Found a place to dig up a few worms baited my hook and tossed a line.

After realizing how hot it was thought maybe the cool water would feel great on my feet. I rolled up my jeans and lost the boots got in the water up to my knees, it felt as good as I hoped it would. Standing in the sun with this black tee-shirt was to much need to lose that too. I continued to fish like that was what I was there to do. I could still see the two studs on the bridge, but now they were looking in my direction having a more serious conversation. Then it happened BOOM had a fish on, distracted I reeled in and released the lil trout I had caught. When I looked back towards the bridge my gods were gone. Wondering where the fuck they went I could hear some talking coming down the path, reeled in my unbaited hook and turned to get out of the water and there they were in all thier hottness.

" Aren't you Katy's lil brother Cole?" Cody asked. I replied nervously " yup sure am" They were also feeling the heat and had removed thier shirts some where along the walk over. I tried hard to not get caught checking out the two underwear model bodies in front of me. I tried to make some conversation " Katys in Dallas for the summer, you guys got any summer plans?". Tyler:" nope just drinking beer, nothing still school in the fall bro". Cody:" how bout you dude..any plans?. Cole:" nada off to A&M in September, pretty excited bout that. Tyler:"dude thats were we go!! gonna be fucking seniors this year". I thought holy fucking shit lucky me!!!!! Tyler :" want a cold one?". I don't do a whole lot of drinking, But a cold beer sounded great. " Sure dude.. Id fucking love one" in response. Catching an aggresively tossed beer, I cracked it open and promptly put half of it down. Cody:" damn lil dude.. fucking thirsty?". I was fucking thirsty "yeah man". " fish biting" Tyler asked.I had been there an hour and only caught the one. "not really Im ready to call it quits". Cody:" we're gonna head to the hole..interested?". The hole is the best swimming spot on the river. I set my pole down " hell yeah..count me in". The three of us headed another mile or so down the path..

Rounding the final corner the clear blue water looked pretty inviting. " last one in's a cocksucker" Cody said. The two of them had thier clothes off so fast..splash and splash. Didnt occur to me that we'd be skinny dipping, but I can't back out now. I turned my backto the guys and stripped down to my undies. I could hear Tyler say to Cody said under his breath " look at that fucking ass". Now loud enough to make sure I heard. " come on dude water feels fucking awesome". Here goes nothing, I let my undies fall to my feet and stepped out of em. This time it was Cody to Tyler ." Fuck dude at that butt". I got my naked body in the water bout as fast as I could. " looks like your the cocksucker". Tyler says laughing.I thought to myself if this goes the way I hope I will be. haha.

After horsing around in the cool water for a few minutes. Cody:" I need a fucking beer..let's go T". I had already seen both these studs from the backside, waiting for a chance to peek at the only part of thier sexy bods I have'nt seen yet, I watched eagerly as they left the water . First to turn around was Tyler, beer in hand he turned " hey" I could'nt take my eyes off his almost hard 7" cock. I found myself wondering how big it might get. Tyler:" Cole you want a fucking beer or what?". I finally responded " nah Bro Im good ..thanx". I could'nt get out of the water at this point. I loved how they talked to each other like I could'nt hear. Tyler to Cody:" Dude told you he is a see the way he looke at my cock"..Cody:" yeah bro could not take his faggot eyes off it". Tyler:" wait till he gets an eye on your meat, Turn around and let the gay boy see it". Wearing only his black stetson Cody turned in my direction not sure, but I think my jaw Dropped. Had to be almost 9 fat inches hanging straight out. I was in love, I thought to myself boy I could'nt have been more wrong Cody was definately the bigger of the two, definately!! Tyler nudged Cody and said "see dude,told ya. look at the hunger in his queer eyes".They undoubtedly knew I was gay now, Overcome with fear I freaked out grabbed my clothes and took off back toward the park. Tyler says to Cody "man I think you scared him with your big cock". With one more quick look at Cody's perfect cock I was gone.

I got home in record time, could'nt get the image of that big cock out of my mind. I was also freaked that the guys were gonna tell the whole town I was a faggot. I realized it was probably just a matter of time anyway. I spent the rest of the weekend in my room. I was having some difficulty focusing on anything, that fucking huge dick occupied most of my thoughts. Cody knew my parents and actually dated my sister when they were in junior high, so for him to drop by the house would'nt be unusual. "knock..knock..knock". I took the steps three at a time hoping it was Cody, but never really expected it would be. I opened the door figuring it to ba a delivery of some sort. Holy shit there he was wearing just some swim trunks and flips. " Cole your parents told me to help myself to the pool anytime..are they around?". Cole:" no dude, they both just left work". Cody:" well they did tell me to help myself, you mind bro?". Not waiting long enough for me answer ." I didn't think so". He was through the house and out the back door before I could get a grasp of the situation. "SPLASH".. My mind was running wild.

"hey bro could you grab me a beer your dad keeps them in the garage fridge". Like a well trained dog grabbed a beer headed to back yard. " here you go dude". Cody:" thanks man, you up for a lil pool time?". I replied " sure let me get some trunks, be right back". Cody:" right on bro". I ran up the stairs and dug through my drawers looking for a particular pair of shots. They were white strech fabric and skin tight, I dont mind saying I looked hot in this little number. I swung by the garage on my way to the back yard " Dude I grabbed you another beer...ready?". Cody:" right on buddy..thanks". As I was handing him the can he pulled me into the pool, should have seen that coming..right?. Cody:" so, off to A&M next month, know what dorm your gonna be in?". " have'nt been assigned one yet". Cody:"Tyler and I share a room in building G, you try to get one in our building we couls look after you". "I will absolutely try to do that, for sure". Being a bit self concious thought that may have sounded a bit gay. Cody snickering confirmed my notion. Cody:" so man, you have fun at the river Saturday?". " yeah man had a great time, you?'. Cody:" me too, can't stop thinking about it". I got out of the pool keeping my backside to Cody for two reasons, did'nt want him to see my little woody and I liked the idea of him checking out my hot bubble butt. Cody:" Im pretty sure you heard me the other day, but you do have an incredible ass". Without even thinking it through I gave my butt a slap and said thanks man. Cody:" did you see anything you liked Saturday?". Feeling a bit randy I rsponded " I did see one thing that caught my eye in a big way". Cody:" yeah I thought so, the girls love my big dick".Before I realized what I was going to say the words fell out of my mouth " I bet they do" Cody:" have'nt found one yet who can get it down though". I was laying on towel with my ass directed toward Cody's location."what a pity, how big is it anyway?...sorry Im being nosy are'nt I?". Cody :" no dude your good, its almost 10" and thick". " holy shit dude..I was guessing around 8 or 9 inches", but 10" jesus no wonder the chicks can't get down" as I was spitting out words I could'nt believe I was saying Cody's wet suit hit me in the back. Cody:" hey Cole you think I could get another look at that hot lil ass?". Without answering I rolled my tight shorts down far enough to reveal my meaty butt and raised it into the air slightly". Cody:" damn dude that's the hottest ass I have ever set eyes on, Slap it again please". with my butt still in the air I reached back and gave it a proper whack. Cody:" now you've done it, you got me all hard..thanks". I could hear Cody getting out of the pool so I looked back to get a look at his big dick. Once again the words just fell out "holy shit dude..its fucking beatiful". Cody:" you know Cole after Saturday I was wondering if you really were a fag, now I don't think there's any doubt..oh and my face is up here by the way". with a hand wrapped around his fat cock pointing it towards me. " top of the stairs second door on the left?..if I remember correctly". I responded " that's my bedroom".. Cody:" exactly". and with that he was off.

When I got to my open bedroom door there was Cody on his back on my bed, arms folded behind his head, feet still on the floor and legs spread wide. I was in awe of how fucking hot this manly stud looked waiting to get his big cock sucked. Cody:" show me that hot ass again gay boy" I dropped my shorts got on all fours put my head on the carpet and gave quite him a show of my fag pussy, rubbing and slapping Cody:" Think I could get my big cock in that tight little hole gay boy, Ive been so preoccupied with that ass I feel like I may have negelected to tell how sexy your mouth is." It was true I had a nice set of full lips surrounding my big smile. Cody:" spin around and show me that cocksucker... oh yeah there it is". He spit on his finger and ran it all over my plump lips. Cody:" damn fag boy those are gonna feel got a lot experience sucking cock?". " no..infact this will be my first.. I hope I will do may have to talk me through it" I said. Cody:" Ive got a feeling with a mouth like that your gonna be a natural..oh and before your fag brain gets any ideas This isny anything more than you sucking my cock..get it gay boy?". " I understand Cody" I said in response. Cody layed back on the bed locked his fingers behind his head again. " alright faggot do your thing". I ran my hands up both his strong tanned legs joining them at the base of Cody gigantic dick. Cody white pipe was just inches from my face, up close it looked like an impossible task and I was worried I would'nt be able to get mouth around it. " quit playing with food gay boy" Cody says.I lowered my head and directed his monster towards my drooling mouth, opened as wide as I could and just before I head his swollen head in my mouth. " one more thing one and I mean no one finds out about this..keep your fucking mouthed closed till I tell you to open it?". I would have agreed to just about anything with his massive dick an inch from my hungry mouth. " alright then do what comes natural.. fucking queer". ah at last it was the moment i dreamed about. I opened up and finally got his perfect mushroom head in. Cody:" thats it gay up and down..slowly and watch those fucking teeth bitch". Cody was right nothing had ever felt more natural to me. Cody:" I want you to bob up and down 4 or 5 times taking more more cock with each plunge". alright here I go, got about 4 inches down. " that a boy faggot..again" Cody said. on my second pass think I managed to 5 inches maybe.Third almost 7 inches down. " there you gay boy..knew you'd be a natural..hell your gonna a pro in no time..more". trip number four all but and inch and half or so. Cody had the perfect cock for deep throating..hard long, but still flexible slide right down. Cody said " look at you bitch.. like you been sucking big cock your whole get off it and tongue the head and get some air before you pass out fag". Running my lips all over his fat cock head..licking up a available leaking gizz.." you Like the way I taste fag boy?" Cody asks. " fuck yeah..I want more!!!" I say. " oh there's more my hungry cocksucking let get back in that know the deal a few trips up and down than some head attention.. bet you can get all down fisrt shot". Cody seemed to know my abilities before I did. He was right.. boom right to the nuts. Than something I had'nt anticipated a camera flash. "click.. I didnt tell you to stop gay boy..time to give the head some special attention". there I was slobbering on his head and.."click".."click".." you gonna be a good lil bitch and swallow all my spunk?" Cody asks. "please feed me". "alright enough talking fag, get back to it". After a few minute of some aggresive cocksucking I could feel his cock swell a bit larger. " here comes your reward cocksucker..keep sucking bitch". The first blast hits my throat like a hot bullet, I tried my best not let any escape my mouth ,but Cody's juice ended up just about everywhere. " waste not want not..clean that shit up and clean off my meat with your queer throat..that a boy". After I cleaned up all Cody's delicious gizz, without thinking I said " Thank you".. Cody replied" your fucking welcome cocksucker, now get me another fucking beer bitch and find my shorts, Im done with you for now".

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

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