Big Lake Stories

By Robert Case

Published on Mar 27, 2022



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Pierce woke up around noon and rolled over to look outside. Another beautiful day at the lake. Since his mom and dad left a few weeks ago to go back to the City, they let him stay there until he wanted to come home. All he had to do was get the cottage ready for winter before he left.

The freedom was nice, but there wasn't really anyone around, and there wasn't much to do. He went to the Big Lake Tavern a couple times. All the summer kids that he knew were gone. Off to school, back to the city, or working. It was starting to get boring.

He took off his shirt and underwear and absently played with his dick while looking at a copy of Penthouse he'd seen a 1000 times. He looked at his cock. It was big. He smiled to himself. He had big full balls and a nice, full black bush. At 6'3" he didn't have any excess fat. He skied all summer and played tennis. Golf bored him, but he was good at it. His dad was good too, but he cheated. Pierce smiled to himself, remembering the last time they played golf together. He let his dad win. Part of the reason he got to stay at the lake cottage until he felt like going back down to the city.

He was tired of jacking off by himself. Pierce sighed. He needed something. He had an urge to fuck or get fucked.

He got up and wandered down to the kitchen. Took a swig of OJ from the carton and grabbed a Pop-Tart and went out to the new deck. From there he could see almost all the way down to the other end of Big Lake. He knew a few of the full time residents. He knew that Todd lived just down towards the end by the state campground. Todd was a hot little motherfucker. Nice dick, good kisser... he'll be a heartbreaker for sure Pierce thought. Right now he's probably bored as fuck sitting in high school, wishing someone was sucking his dick...

Pierce laughed out loud. "Fuck! I need to get laid!" There was something he wanted to check out. There was a public boat landing and picnic area not far from where the Waterjets performed. He checked out the toilet once and noticed a lot of suggestive graffiti. He made a mental note to explore it further sometime. Although he wasn't into anonymous sex per se, it wouldn't be too bad to get off once if there was someone hot, especially a sexy straight guy that just wanted to fuck and run. That's kind of what Pierce was in the mood for. Just a good fuck. He could walk there, actually. It wasn't that far to just follow the path along the shore, but he decided to take his Mustang instead.

He changed into a pair of cut-offs and an old tee shirt. He'd debated whether to shower or not and decided not to. He brushed his teeth, then washed his face. He looked in the mirror and decided he was pretty mother-fuckin' hot. His two day stubble and full black mustache contrasted with his light blue eyes. He smiled to himself. Fuck yeah! Even if there wasn't anybody there, maybe he'd still leave a load in the public toilet where someone would see it. Even that idea turned him on, thinking that some guy would come in and see his sperm on the wall or the floor and know what had happened there. Pierce grabbed the keys to the car off the counter and drove the ½ mile or so to the boat landing. He parked under a birch tree, turned off the engine and looked around. There was one other vehicle there, and Pierce recognized it. It was a rusty old Mazda truck. "Shit! No fucking way!" Pierce said to himself. That was Jimmy's truck. Jimmy was a carpenter with his father. He lived in town with about a dozen brothers and sisters. Anytime anyone in the area needed some carpentry work done, they'd call up old Henry. Jimmy was his full time assistant and had been since he was old enough to pick up a hammer. Whereas the father was always jolly and whistling or singing, Jimmy was mostly silent and only spoke when spoken to. Pierce was 23, and he figured that Jimmy was maybe a few years younger than him... maybe 20?

Jimmy wasn't tall. But he was built. The natural muscles that only real hard work can produce, not like hopping around playing tennis. Jimmy had dark blond hair that parted in the middle, dark blue eyes, and a sparse blond mustache, each individual hair with its own slight curl. Pierce's dad had hired Henry to build the deck by the lake. That was the first time he'd really seen Jimmy; earlier in the summer. Henry and Jimmy worked fast and efficiently, finishing the deck in only two days.

Jimmy sat in his truck smoking, listening to his transistor radio.

Pierce got out of his car and went to the small stockade style pit toilet, on the other end of the parking area. Built by the CCC boys some 40 years earlier, it had seen better days. The door made a loud creaking sound. The stink was overpowering. It was grim and dark inside. A huge fly buzzed on the rusty screen high above. A single plywood door for a toilet, and a trough for a urinal, long enough for two guys to piss at the same time. The graffitti was everywhere. Some with crudely drawn body parts, one drawing was amazing and professional of a girl with her legs spread in graphic detail. Pierce admired the artistry and irony of someone with that much talent that wasted it on a toilet wall. Promises of a good time, a blow job, meet here, with dates from years gone by. As Pierce's eyes adjusted he saw a newer one. It said simply `suck my dick' with a date two days away. Hmmm... Pierce filed it away for consideration and took out his dick and started to pee and waited to see what might happen.

He heard a car door slam. A moment later, Jimmy came in, a cigarette hanging from his mouth, and stood next to Pierce and pulled out his cock. Pierce subtly looked down and was impressed. He figured Jimmy would have a nice big one, because that was his fantasy, but he was pleased to see it really was substantial. Jimmy didn't say anything and didn't make eye contact. He held his dick in his right hand and rolled it around a bit before starting to piss, giving Pierce a nice show.

Pierce finished up. He took his time shaking off, but he couldn't tell if Jimmy looked at it or not. After a moment, he decided to zip up and go back outside. It was hard to tell if Jimmy was looking for something or not. Maybe he was at the boat landing to have some peace and quiet away from his father and huge family. Or maybe he wanted a blow job. It was just really hard to tell. Pierce walked down to a picnic table and sat down. He lit a cigarette and waited to see what Jimmy was going to do. A minute or so later, Jimmy came out of the toilet. Instead of going to his truck, Jimmy walked along a small path that went down to the lake, but Jimmy went into a dense grove of huge spruce trees. Pierce was amazed. It was like Jimmy disappeared.

Curious, Pierce got up and followed. The copse of trees had probably been planted next to the lake around the same time the toilet was built. The branches imposed a near impenetrable wall, but Pierce noticed you could get through by carefully lifting up a few boughs. In a moment he was in a space between the trees. Sunlight had been blocked for so long that nearly all the area on the inside between the trees was now an open space. It was cool and fragrant. Pierce looked ahead and saw Jimmy about 15 feet ahead with his back to him. As Pierce walked ahead a bit, a twig snapped and Jimmy turned his head and acknowledged him as their eyes met. Jimmy didn't move. Pierce thought he could possibly discern that Jimmy had his hand on the front of his pants. Moving forward, Pierce was now next to Jimmy.

Sure enough, Jimmy was just barely touching the front of his pants with one thumb hooked in his pocket. The zipper was almost all the way down.

Pierce swallowed hard. This pursuit was making him extremely horny, and his mouth was dry. He threw his cigarette down and carefully ground it out and covered it up with his toe.

Finally, Jimmy spoke. "What are you doing back here?" "I don't know. I wanted to see what was back here."

"Well, now you know," said Jimmy. His tone didn't seem angry.

"What do you do back in here?" asked Pierce. "This an' that. Whatever."

A minute or two ticked by.

"Mind if I stick around here with you for a while?" asked Pierce.

"Suit yourself." Pierce moved a bit so he was standing about three feet away from Jimmy facing him.

Jimmy took out another cigarette and tried to light it with a match, but the matches were fucked and it didn't work.

"Here." offered Pierce, as he brought out his Zippo. Pierce struck a flame and Jimmy cupped Pierce's hand as he bent down to light his smoke.

Pierce could smell Jimmy's natural scent.

Jimmy smoked and lightly caressed the front of his pants. Pierce could detect some movement and could see the coronal ridge through the faded fabric. He grabbed his own dick, and readjusted it, so the tip was slightly showing out of the top of his shorts. A bright smear of pre-cum shown on it.

Jimmy moved forward a step and stopped touching his front. He put his right hand down to the side and had the cigarette in his left.

Pierce gulped and reached ahead and touched Jimmy's crotch. He felt along the full length, and gently rubbed the head through Jimmy's pants. He looked at Jimmy's face, but there was still no acknowledgement of what was going on.

Pierce kneeled down and gently opened Jimmy's shorts. He could see a wet spot the size of a quarter on Jimmy's well used briefs. Carefully, he eased the elastic down, and Jimmy's full sized cock was exposed. A light brown bush of curly pubes topped the throbbing dick, with big balls hanging low underneath. Pierce admired this beauty, and caressed it softly up and down a few times; he couldn't resist taking the head into his mouth and swirling around, rewarded with a little burst of precum. Pierce pulled off and stuck his nose into the crevasse where the ball sack meets the dick and was overwhelmed with Jimmy's warm, funky man-smell. He took a big whiff, and stuck out his tongue and lightly licked the balls, then went back up to the pulsing cock. He gently let his mouth do the work. Not too fast, with just enough suction and pressure to try and replicate with his mouth the feeling of a nice warm, wet pussy.

Jimmy spread his legs out a bit, and Pierce kept up the work with his mouth, nice and gentle and slow, taking as much as he could without gagging. He looked up and noticed that Jimmy had his eyes closed, his head back.

Pierce wanted to try something. He turned himself on his knees and let his hand take over working Jimmy's wet cock, then put his head behind and got a good look at Jimmy's ass. It was perfect, and without trying to break the mood, he turned Jimmy just a bit so he could stick his tongue between the tight ass cheeks.

Jimmy let him go for it, and moved slightly forward a bit so that Pierce was rewarded with a good look at Jimmy's tight hole, surrounded with more light brown hair. Sweaty man-funk greeted Pierce as he spread the cheeks a bit so he could get his tongue in and taste the hole. The nastiness of it really turned on Pierce. With one hand he worked his zipper down and let out his leaking pole. He worked on eating Jimmy's hole like he liked to eat pussy, and it seemed to be really turning him on. Jimmy grunted, and mumbled `fuck!'

Pierce loved the hole, but he wanted some more of that big cock, so he turned around again, and started working seriously on that big cock with his hand and mouth.

Jimmy was starting to buck, a sure sign that he was getting close.

All of a sudden, Jimmy grabbed Pierce by the shoulders and pulled him up. In one strong movement, Jimmy turned him around, pushed down the back of Pierce's underwear, spit in his hand and wetted Pierce's hole. He spit in his hand again and slathered it on his big cock. With his other hand, he covered Pierce's mouth. He put him in a headlock so his lips were in Pierce's ear.

"You want my big fuckin' cock up your ass?"

Pierce could only nod while Jimmy probed for Pierce's dark hole. Pierce took a big breath and tried to push out as Jimmy pushed the big cock-head in. Pierce waited anxiously for Jimmy to ram it all the way in, but was surprised and relieved that Jimmy was taking his time, inching in slowly so that Pierce could get used to that giant anal invation. With a final short thrust, Pierce could tell the hole big cock was in as far as it could go. As the pain went away, a whole new feeling of extreme desire took over. "Fuck me. Please. Fuck me. Do it!" he whispered.

With his left arm, Jimmy held Pierce around the chest tightly, his other arm was in Pierce's pubes. He started extremely slowly, Pierce was taken with waves of pleasure and wanted to beg Jimmy to go faster. Instead, he stayed quiet and let Jimmy set his own pace.

Jimmy started going a little faster, his right hand now feeling around Pierce's balls. This was undoubtedly the most erotic sex Pierce had ever experienced with anyone up to this point, male or female. He tried to memorize every sense, every feeling so that he'd remember it forever.

"You like my cock in your ass?" Pierce nodded again. "Yes. Fuck me. Give me your cum." whispered Pierce. "You want me to cum?" Jimmy started fucking harder and faster. He grabbed Pierce's cock and started jerking him with the same tempo. Pierce knew he could not hold back from shooting much longer. Jimmy went faster for a minute, then froze. He started breathing hard in Pierce's ear, then grunted once and thrust hard a few more times, cumming deep into Pierce's hole. Jimmy held onto Pierce's cock and pumped slowly as he too started shooting. "Oh fuck, don't stop, keep going." A few more deep thrusts and Jimmy stopped. He pulled his hand off Pierce's dick and shook it hard to get rid of the cum on his hand. He pulled his cock out, and gasped as the sensitive knob exited Pierce's tight ring. Jimmy's cock was slick with cum and Pierce's ass juices. He took a well used hanky out of his back pocket and wiped it off, then threw the hanky at Pierce. Pierce wiped off the end of his cock and was going to hand it back. "Keep it. It's got my spooge all over it. By the way. You don't know me, got it? No funny looks, no tryin' to find me. None of that shit or I swear I will cut you. Got it?" Pierce nodded as he was sticking his dick back in his underwear and zipping up his cut-offs. "I only get the urge to do this once in a while. Consider yourself lucky. You're a good cock sucker and you got a nice tight ass. Plus I let you eat me out. Ain't nobody ever tried that shit before, you fuckin' pervert. I may let you do it again. Maybe. Do we understand each other?" "Yes. I won't say anything. Honest."

"Good. See that you don't. You got a smoke on you?" "Yeah, just a sec."

Pierce gave Jimmy a smoke and lit it, then lit one for himself as well.

"I'm only going to be here for a couple more weeks." blurted out Pierce. Shit. It sounded so fucking desperate. "I mean, I have to winterize the cottage before I go. If you want to come over and help, or... " he trailed off. "Maybe. You'll have to pay me if you want me to work though. I don't do that kind of shit for free, you know. I'll stop by. I don't know when. I gotta fly. See ya around. Maybe. Ain't promisin' nothing."

"Sure. See ya." Jimmy slid through the pine boughs and disappeared, leaving Pierce alone. Pierce exhaled loudly, and examined the handkerchief that Jimmy had given him. It was covered with fresh cum and ass juice, and lots of dried cum from Jimmy. Pierce took a big whiff and closed his eyes as he was overwhelmed with the scent of all the dried spooge.

A minute later he could hear Jimmy's truck roar to life and take off.

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