Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Feb 24, 2012


Big Time Rush Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, or Viacom. I'm not claiming anyone in this work is gay or etc. this is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under 18 or 21 (Check your local laws) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contain acts of homosexuality.

If you are offended by such subject material, the please leave now.

Note: I've been busy lately, but I'm trying to get these out when I can. I always want to make sure you guys get the best. Well read on and enjoy!

Time was ticking down, and the boys were feeling nervous about the show. It would be their first show together in a whole new outlook. They would have a whole new fan base and everything. It was like everything was falling into place.

For James it was the start of a whole new problem. He was standing in the mirror looking at himself. He had on his best form fitting jeans and a dark purple v-neck. James had his hair fixed just perfect. He looked amazing. He could see his bulge, and couldn't imagine seeing Kendall, Carlos, and Logan dressed like him. They would never do that, it just wasn't them.

Kendall walked into the room and grabbed James from behind. He wrapped his arms around James' waist and kissed him on the back of the neck.

"Looks like you have something on your mind." Kendall said.

James sighed. "Did you ever think maybe about, umm." He sighed again.

The couple looked at each other in the mirror still hugged. Kendall looked into James' beautiful eyes and he saw a tear come to James' eye.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Kendall's voice cracked as he chocked up. Did I hurt you last night?"

"No." James whispered. "I just have a lot on my mind, you know with the show coming up and everything. It feels so good to be in your arms. I feel whole, you know like we are meant to be like this."

"You're hiding something." Kendall let go of James. "You can tell me. What's on your mind? I'm your boyfriend, if you can't trust me, then who can you trust baby?"

James covered his face and sat on the edge of his bed trying not to cry but felt tears coming to his face. He had to tell Kendall the truth, but he was so worried Griffin would end Big Time Rush. He threatened to do it before on many occasions, but he was very serious about it. James wanted the fame, but more than that, he wanted his friends to be happy, and wanted what was best for them too. James knew he was conceded and fame hungry, but he would never want to betray his friends and now boyfriend Kendall either. He loved all three of them.

James looked to Kendall with a tear rolling down his right cheek. Kendall wiped the tears away with his thumbs looking into James' eyes. They just sat their until James looked down to his hands.

"Griffin wants us to get slutty so we might get more attention." James whimpered out.

"Oh hell no!" Kendall yelled. "That is complete bullshit. No that's not fair. He's picking on you, he wants to intimidate you. I'll take care of this one."

"No don't please. I shouldn't have said anything." James said.

"Hey, don't worry babe. I can get it taken care of trust me." Kendall said as he hugged James.

They kept on hugging until Carlos knocked on the door. "Hey Logan wanted to know if you two wanted to go out with us."

Kendall looked into James eyes and they both nodded.

"Cool. We're going out in town, you know just to unwind from everything with the show coming closer." Carlos said.

"That sounds like a great idea." Kendall said. "That could really help get our minds off of everything for just a little."

"Yeah that does sound like a great idea." James said. "I could really use that."

Carlos looked back and smiled as he nodded his head and walked out. Kendall looked back over at James an hugged him. He kissed him on the forehead and walked over to the living room. James took a deep breath and got up and started getting ready.

Carlos and Logan were sitting out in the living room snuggled up on the couch. They were watching TV sharing a good laugh.

"Hey what are you guys watching?" Kendall asked.

"Ernest goes to jail." Carlos said laughing at the TV. "This is great. I haven't seen this in like forever!"

Kendall sat down watching the movie with the others and started laughing with them. James walked out wearing his tightest clothes and it looked like he had a little eye liner on, but he looked hot. He had a light blue buttoned up shirt with his sleeves rolled to his elbows. The top three buttons were undone exposing a little of his chest. He was bulging in his tightest jeans. His hair was playfully combed to the side. Kendall was looking at him in amazement. Carlos couldn't help but look too. He couldn't stop looking at James' bulge and just overall how he looked.

Logan saw Carlos looking at James and nudged into him. Carlos looked back at Logan and smiled. He got up and headed to his room to get changed. He grabbed one of the other outfits James had bought him. He was putting on his jeans when Logan walked into the room.

Logan folded his arms looking right at Carlos. "So what was that all about?"

"What do you mean?" Carlos asked.

"I saw the way you were looking at James." Logan said pouting.

"Babe. Calm down. He just looked real good." Carlos said buttoning his jeans. "Damn these things are tight."

Logan was going to say something back but couldn't speak looking at Carlos in the outfit. Logan looked at Carlos' bulge and his mouth started to water. Logan could not concentrate. He was fixated on Carlos who just looked amazing. Carlos walked up to Logan and wrapped hi arms around Logan's waist. He passionately kissed Logan and look directly into his eyes.

"Babe, I love you. Nothing in this world can change that at all. You are the only person who receives all of my love. I love you. You're my Logan." Carlos said with a huge smile on his face.

Logan wrapped his arms around Carlos and dug his nose into Carlos' neck. "I'm sorry baby. I know you love me. Ugh, I just get so jealous. I'm sorry."

Carlos smiled and kissed Logan's nose. "You're so cute when you get jealous."

Carlos broke free and smacked Logan on the ass and jumped up into the air. Logan felt his cheeks turn red and his mouth was just open with a shocked expression. He couldn't speak but he was so turned on when Carlos acted masculine. Logan couldn't help but look at Carlos' ass as he walked away. He just looked so sexy.

Logan started getting ready too. He got one of his good shirts on and changed his shoes. He checked his hair and sprayed on his cologne. Kendall was in the other room when James walked in behind him. Kendall just ran his fingers through his hair and changed his shirt. He was so simple, and James loved it for some reason. Something about Kendall's masculine characteristics turned him on.

James couldn't contain himself. He walked up to Kendall and started making out with him. Kendall couldn't fight him off. He lost control and couldn't get enough. James dropped to his knees and rubbed Kendall's thick cock. He started unbuttoning Kendall's jeans and kissed the hard dick through the boxers. James pulled down the boxers and held the huge fat cock in his hands. James licked the tip working the head.

Kendall was moaning loudly. James started working his hand over the delicious cock. James couldn't help but wonder about the taste of the man meat in his mouth. Kendall was in heaven an started thrusting his hips. James started sucking harder as he felt the massive dick slide in and out of his mouth. James started taking the cock like a pro. Kendall felt James' tongue swirl around his dick.

"Damn that feels good." Kendall grunted.

James kept on working his magic swirling his tongue on the head. Kendall grabbed James' head and started forcing it onto his hard dick. James relaxed himself and let Kendall dominate him. Carlos walked by and saw Kendall's huge dick sliding in and out of James' mouth. He was taken away by how big it was and how hard he was shoving it in. Carlos got turned on seeing them. The apartment was empty, and there were four horny guys.

Logan arrived to see what Carlos was looking at. His jaw almost hit the ground when he saw James and Kendall. Logan got turned on by the sight. He grabbed Carlos and brought him to their room.

By this time Kendall was fucking James with everything he had. He was taking slow and long thrusts. James was moaning loudly feeling the fat dick slide in and out. He wanted more and started begging for more. Kendall kept on pounding away releasing all of his tension and stress. He started pounding faster and harder as James got louder. They had the most aggressive sex ever. James was biting his lips enjoying Kendall inside of him. Kendall pulled out and started jacking off when James blurted out "no cum inside me."

Kendall didn't have to hear it twice. He rammed his massive cock into James again. James was moaning and groaning in so many sexy ways. James started feeling Kendall tense up. In a sudden movement, both of them came together. James felt the hot sticky cum shoot into his ass. He kissed Kendall one last time and the two sat there holding each other.

Meanwhile in the other room Carlos was getting head. His eyes were rolled back, and his head was moving around uncontrollably. Carlos grabbed Logan's head and slammed his mouth onto his cock like a jackhammer. Logan was sucking away with pure love in every movement taking his time. Carlos started moaning and speaking small words and phrases that made no sense. Logan started sucking the tip. Carlos' body flinched as Logan was playing with the uncut cock. Logan loved it thinking it was funny. He continued his pace until he felt Carlos bust his nut. Logan couldn't get enough cum as it shot out. Logan kept his lips around the cock until he didn't feel the shots anymore.

He moved up and kissed Carlos very passionately and smiled. Carlos got dressed up again and they got ready to head out. They all grouped up together and headed out into town. They walked into an Asian restaurant and they gathered around sharing laughs.

Carlos was at the center of attention talking about childhood memories. They all started laughing and Logan couldn't stop. His face was bright red and his sides started hurting. The boys enjoyed their night together, and it was at that exact moment they all remembered what it was like back home. For those few hours everything was calm. There weren't people running after them, there were no surprises, just a relaxing evening with each other.

They paid the bill and headed out walking together. Both couples holding hands. Occasionally they heard the words "fags" and "fucking fairies" but the paid not attention. They had bigger things on their minds. The group gathered up near the hotel when the paparazzi flooded in. There was so much confusion. Cameras were flashing in every direction. It was chaotic trying to get through the thick crowds. The boys were looking around only to see Lady Gaga trying to make her way into the hotel.

All of a sudden the attention shifted to them as they were still holding hands. The boys darted off to get away from the cameras. They managed to break free.

They got back to the room and dat down trying to unwind. The turned on the TV and before they knew it, started dosing off.

Mrs. Knight walked into the room. "Boys. I need to talk to you."

The four woke up and looked at her.

"Well you boys are old enough to be on your own. Katie and I are going back home. We'll visit often, but things will be busy. I'm sure you boys can handle it." Mrs. Knight said.

"Oh and Carlos honey, your father wanted to talk to you. He tried calling your phone, but I guess you left it behind." Mrs. Knight said clearing here throat. "I'm gonna miss you guys. It has been a great time, but I'm not needed here anymore. Katie and I are leaving on Monday. We want to see your show before we leave. Also everyone's parents are going to be there. Well, goodnight boys."

"Goodnight." The boys replied.

They headed to their rooms and got ready to shower. About an hour passed by and Carlos was in the room while Logan was showering. He grabbed his phone and called his Dad.

"Hello son." The other side answered. "How are you?"

"I'm good dad. I don't think anything could be better for me." Carlos said. "I'm really happy here."

"So when we're you going to tell me you were gay?" Mr. Garcia asked.

Carlos paused. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to say it. Do you still love me?"

There was a brief silence. Mr. Garcia sighed. "Of course I still love you son. I just want you to be careful. There is a lot of nasty stuff out there."

"I'm ok Dad trust me. I have a boyfriend too." Carlos said.

"Madre mia." Mr. Garcia chuckled. "Let me take a guess, Logan?"

"How did you know?" Carlos asked.

Mr. Garcia started laughing heavily. "I've always known. Both your mother and I have known. We guessed Logan, and well to be truthful it's about time. It was starting to get kind of annoying."

"Why does everyone say that?" Carlos asked. "Was it really that obvious?"

"Yeah it was. I always figured you would be with Logan. Either way your mom an I are very happy for you. I wish the same could be said for your boyfriend." Mrs Garcia said sighing.

"What do you mean by that?" Carlos asked.

"Egh, well his mom isn't so shocked, but his dad, isn't very thrilled about it." Mr. Garcia said clearing his throat. "I just want you to know son, your mother and I are proud of you. We love you."

Carlos felt a year come to his eye. "Thanks papa. It means a lot. I love you and mom too. Thank you for understanding. So you'll be there at the show?"

"Yes we will be there. We promise it." Mr. Garcia chuckled. "I'll see you in two days champ. Have a great day. We miss you."

"I miss you all so much too." Carlos said wiping his tears away. "Bye dad. Take care. Tell mom I said hi."

The two hung up and Carlos rested on the bed. He had a huge smile on his face. Logan walked in with tears in his eyes. He had just gotten off the phone with his father. He sat on the bed trying to fight back his desire to cry. Carlos sat up and put his arms around Logan. He kissed Logan on continued to hold him. The both Kaye's down with Logan still. Ten minutes passed by and finally Logan had calmed down.

"My dad thinks there's something wrong with me. He thinks I'm sick. Like I don't know what's good for me." Logan said.

"But you're the smartest guy I know." Carlos said holding Logan in his arms. "I love you baby I do. I'm here for you, forever I promise."

"Thank you babe. I know but I wasn't expecting that. I know one thing. That is that I love you with all my heart. I don't want to let you go. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not going to give you up." Logan whispered.

Carlos tightened his hug and kept on comforting him. Logan ended up falling asleep and Carlos was still awake. He kissed Logan on the neck in the dark and just remained in the same spot not wanting to wake Logan up.

Carlos took a deep breath and started whispering. "I will never let anyone hurt you. I will always be here to defend you, and help you. You are my everything. I love you more than you know. I will never hurt you. I will never cheat on you, I will be yours and only yours. I promise as God as my witness, even of you don't here these words my love, this is what I promise."

Next: Chapter 12

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